首页 安妮公主创业计划书



安妮公主创业计划书安妮公主创业计划书 目 录 一、项目描述............................................2 (一)创业团队宗旨.......................................2 (二)创业团队主要业务...................................2 (三)创业团队发展战略目标...............................2 二、公司简介.............................................

安妮公主创业 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 书 目 录 一、项目描述............................................2 (一)创业团队宗旨.......................................2 (二)创业团队主要业务...................................2 (三)创业团队发展战略目标...............................2 二、公司简介.............................................2 三、市场 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 .............................................3 (一)冰淇淋市场供求分析...................................3 1、国内冰淇淋市场供求情况............................4 2、成都冰淇淋市场供求情况............................4 (二)竞争对手分析.........................................5 (三)安妮公主冰淇淋S W O T分析...........................5 (四)冰淇淋行业发展趋势分析...............................6 1.冰淇淋行业市场分析 ................................6 2.安妮公主冰淇淋行业产品市场发展趋势.................6 四(资金需要.............................................7 五(利润预测(...........................................8 六、附录.................................................8 (一)问卷调查表 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 一、项目描述 (一)创业团队宗旨 创业团队的宗旨为每一个学生提供瞬间即成,绿色时尚,色、香、味俱佳的冰淇淋,满足广大青年朋友时尚、美味、休闲的消费心理。同时运用全新的营销模式,全方位多品种加之优美的环境,使消费者在消费的同时得到享受,争取给大家带来不同的四季味觉享受。 (二)创业团队主要业务 “安妮公主”意大利风味冰淇淋店的业务主要是向四川旅游学院学生提供各种各样的冰淇淋的零售服务,以及在销售特色冰淇淋的同时把产品服务逐步发展多元化,比如各种风味小吃,手握卷筒比萨、特色至尊比萨、港式甜品、台湾小吃、爆奶吧、冷热饮料、咖啡甜点等,还有意大利面、意式牛扒、浓汤、沙拉、焗饭、芝士火锅在做大做强的基础上,争取使自己的主打产品更加专业,吸引更多顾客。 (三)创业团队发展战略目 “安妮公主”意大利风味冰淇淋店第一年的战略目标是依托四川旅游学院综合优势创业,实现盈利,奠定好团队创业的良好基础;第二、三年拓宽业务经营范围,逐步壮大自身综合实力,并在龙泉桃花仙子,以及四川师范成龙校区附近力设立两家分店,同时争取有较好的投资回报,并在所在地区建立良好的公司形象和品牌。 二(简介 安妮公主意大利风味冰淇淋隶属于食尚风情国际餐饮管理(北京)有限公司,“安妮公主”是国家商标局注册商标,商务部首批特许经营to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 备案企业,2014年,安妮公主巨资签约具有超高人气的著名娱乐主持人李湘、奥运人气女孩、中国顶级童星林妙可,两位家喻户晓的当红明星双剑合璧,安妮公主受到极致追捧~深度吸引冰淇淋的主流消费人群,将小朋友与年轻人一网打尽,安妮公主品牌影响力直线飙升,生意瞬间爆棚~安妮公主冰淇淋全部采用三元专供冰淇淋粉,以其馨香醇厚的味道,细腻爽滑的口感,娇艳欲滴的形态,新鲜惹目的色调,让尝者折服,食者迷恋,观者惊叹! 安妮公主冰淇淋整合国内外最强势的产业资源,与北京三元乳业集团(国内A股上市公司)、意大利FABBRI法布瑞集团(成立于1905年的全球最知名的冰淇淋酱料企业)、东贝集团(国内最大的制冷企业,B股上市公司)、意大利BARILLA百味来集团(成立于1877年意大利最大的比萨酱、意粉酱生产商,全球最大的意面制造商)深度合作,形成冰淇淋产业梦幻组合,打通产业链条,共同掘金中国冰淇淋市场。 三、市场分析 (一)冰淇淋市场供求分析 1、国内冰淇淋市场供求情况 国内冰淇淋销售行业每年的市场空间为120亿元人民币左右,由于近年来发展速度很快,行业年增长率超过了100%,行业平均利润率则接近200%。冰淇淋销售领域从2005年开始成为了小本创业领域中的热门行业。近年来,冰淇淋的产量稳步增高。近三年,我国冰淇淋产量保持在120万吨左右,预计今年冰淇淋的产量可完成140万吨。to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 3 据国家商务部信息反馈,我国 2008 年的冰淇淋消费额已经超过了 800 亿元之多~今年1至4月,冰淇淋的生产比去年同期平均增长了30,以上,最高达50,,市场发展势头良好。中国冰淇淋消费已经从防暑降温开始转向不分季节的休闲享受。另外冰淇淋的消费量每年都在疯长,据统计,美国近年的人均冰淇淋消费已经达到 23 公斤。弹丸之地的日本,近年的人均冰淇淋消费也在 11 公斤左右,瑞典是 16 公斤、澳大利亚 7 公斤。投身中国冰淇淋市场,经济危机中彰显亮点。据零点公司对北京、上海、广州三市656户家庭的电话调查表明,在冬天里常吃和偶尔吃冰淇淋的家庭所占比例为55。6%,在16-20岁的受访者当中,冬天吃冰淇淋的比例高达78.3%,最难抵挡冰淇淋的诱惑的群体为女性。所以犹太人说:要想发财,就盯住女人,儿童和嘴~ 2、成都冰淇淋市场供求情况 冰淇淋店在国外早已遍地开花,但在中国却是方兴未艾,成都除了市区数量相对多一点外,其他的地区冰淇淋的数量并不是很多,比如春熙路这边虽然比较繁荣,但冰淇淋店并不是很多,只有寥寥几家,而在我们学校四川旅游学院周围的就没一家以冰淇淋为主打的实体店,最多就是超市会卖一些冰淇淋,并且它所经营的冰淇淋品种相对比较单少,其产品缺乏特色,所以对顾客的吸引力不够。所以说,面对四川旅游学院以及周围居民这样一个巨大的市场,我们组建”安妮公主”意大利风味冰淇淋店,将彻底改变传统冰淇淋花式少,口感差,品种单一,无新意,毫无卖点,创造出健康趣味冰淇淋,顾客吃冰淇to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 淋,情侣做冰淇淋,并给广大客户营造浪漫温馨的环境。 (二)竞争对手分析 在四川旅游学院附近,最主要的竞争对手就是超市里面卖的袋装和盒装冰淇淋,产品主要分为普通筒状冰淇淋和杯状冰淇淋,普通筒状品种十分单一,只有巧克力味和香草味,价格相对比较便宜,2元一个,便与顾客携带;杯状冰淇淋主要有各种各样的水果味,比如菠萝、草莓、苹果、樱桃冰淇淋、可乐香草、核桃冰淇淋、杏仁冰淇淋、暴风雪冰淇淋等十几个品种,但是造型普通,颜色单一。在产品方面,缺少品种和创意,没有抓住现今年轻人时尚以及最求时髦的个性特点。 三(安妮公主冰淇淋SWOT分析 1. 竞争优势: (1) 品牌优势:“安妮公主”冰淇淋品牌是国家商标局正式核准注册的品牌“中国第一童星”奥运女孩林妙可和著名主持人李湘倾情代言。 (2)公司规模和实力的优势:食尚风情国际餐饮管理有限公司2006年1月23日成立,至今有近七年的时间,是国家商务部首批备案企业,2012年,安妮公主冰淇淋被评为“全国冰淇淋行业质量放心、用户满意品牌”、“中国知名品牌”、“315诚信企业”。 (3)产品优势:安妮公主意大利冰淇淋一直以其馨香醇厚的味道,细腻爽滑的口感,娇艳欲滴的形态,新鲜惹目的色调,让尝者折服,食者迷恋,观者惊叹~且口味众多,品种丰富形态各异。 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 5 (4)设备优势:拥有六项国家专利,无需手柄,采用全自动真彩超大屏触屏控制,彻底淘汰落后的手动设备。智能控制冰淇淋大小,智能自动计数,可同时制作彩虹夹心、瀑布、丛林、面条、吉娃娃、雪绒花等12种不同造型的百款冰淇淋,还可同时制作樱花圣代杯、冰淇淋慕斯、冰淇淋蛋糕,让冰淇淋的制作像操作智能手机一样方便~ (5)原料优势:安妮公主冰淇淋全部采用三元专供冰淇淋粉,三元是唯一和麦当劳和安妮公主供应冰淇淋粉的。每一批冰淇淋粉都会有国家级的检验报告。 2.竞争劣势 (1)市面上已经有了很多种品牌的冰淇淋,竞争压力大 (2)众人对安妮公主冰淇淋的品牌认知度少 3.机会 (1)尽管市面上的冰淇淋品牌种类很多,但是并未占据主要市场 (2)现在市面上安妮公主的加盟店少,可占取先机 (3)情侣冰淇淋顺应现代的变化,可占取年轻情侣市场 (4)现在主打冰淇淋的店面很少,大多数冰淇淋的售卖只是辅助产品 4.威胁 (1)春秋冬季,人们对冰淇淋的需要求少 (2)男性对冰淇淋的需求相比女性较小 (四)冰淇淋行业的发展趋势分析 1.冰淇淋行业市场分析 to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 经我们对四川旅游学院学生进行市场问卷调查得出:校园内女生非常喜欢吃冰淇淋的占了56.6%,有70.5%的学生夏天会吃吃冷饮,其中一年四季都吃冰淇淋的女同学占到36%的比例。另外,有43.15%的人会选择低档的冰淇淋系列(价格在0-5元不等),有51.3%的人会选择中高档档的冰淇淋系列(价格在6-10元不等),9.1%的人会选择高档的冰淇淋系列(11,20元不等),在调查中有73%的人愿意跟自己的(男)女朋友一起购买冰淇淋。女生中有42.18%的女生会因为特色口味来购买冰淇淋。 经过调查我们初步发现四川旅游学院的冰淇淋市场是巨大的,值得我们去挖掘,我们大致对四川旅游学院冰淇淋市场进行估算一下市场预测走势情况:这两年冰淇淋的市场发展趋势很是走高,往后的几年的发展趋势仍然很好,价格方面受影响不是很大,所以说冰淇淋行业不错。 2、安妮公主冰淇淋行业产品市场发展趋势 虽然冰淇淋有点带有季节性,但是我们走的就是产品多元化道路,在特色冰淇淋的基础上,还经营各种风味小吃、甜甜圈、巧克力、咖啡、甜品饮料、西式快餐等,从而不断扩大我们的顾客消费群。 四(资金需要 1、办理工商、税务登记等费用约1000元;业务拓展后视情况再改善;宣传广告及市场调查费用约1000元;资料费及销售费用2000元;其他开支500元。 2、购买安妮公主专用设备一整套23800元,半年原材料8640元、to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid 7 餐具、5张桌椅、杯子等费用大约500元,室内装修5000元,租金每半年30000元。 主要项目如下:(单位:元) 项目 第一年费用金额 办理工商、税务登记等费用 1000 店铺装修费 5000 租金 30000 设备等投入 23800 宣传广告及市场调查费用 1000 资料费及销售费用 2000 其他开支 500 总计 63300 五(利润预测 根据四川旅游学院女生在校人数大约在4600人,根据我们的问卷调查分析,56.6%的女生非常喜欢吃冰淇淋,也就是说有2603人会购买我们的冰淇淋,每天可能购买我们冰淇淋的女生占20 % ,每人人均消费在5元,每天我们的营业额是2603元,一个月的营业额在 78090元。 六(附录 1.问卷调查表(见下页) to produce white smoke, so twice, cold. Cold solution moves into the 50mL or 100mL in the bottle, washed nitrogen bottle wash solution into the volumetric flask, cool, such as water to the scale, and mix. Sizing 10mL 1g a solution of the specimen, sulfate 1mL. Get and digest the samples the same amount of nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate with sulfuric acid, by the same method of reagent blank. 12.1.2 vegetable, fruit, weighing 2500g or 50.00g wash in a homogenate samples placed in a 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottles, adding seed glass beads, 10mL~15mL, nitric acid a mixture of perchlorate, according to 12.1.1 "place for a moment ... ..." action according to law, but a constant volume of solution after each 10mL 5G sample, sulfate ... 12.1.4 containing alcohol sex beverage or containing carbon dioxide beverage: draw 10.00mL or 20.00mL sample, placed 250mL~500mL set nitrogen bottle in the, Addend grain glass beads, first with fire heating removed ethanol or carbon dioxide, again added 5mL~1OmL nitric acid-perchlorate mixed liquid, mixed uniform Hou, following by 12.1.1 since "placed moments......" up law operation, but set capacity Hou of solution each 10mL equivalent to 2mL sample. 12.1.5 foods high in sugar content: weighing 5.00g or 10.0g specimens placed in the 250mL~500mL nitrogen bottle, add a little water to wet, the augend seed glass beads, 5mL~10mL, nitric-perchloric acid after mixing, shake well. Slowly add 5mL or 10mL sulfate, after treating the ease stops foaming, low heat, slowly heating (sugar easy charring), continue along the wall added nitric-perchloric acid
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