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英语6级短语及单词复习英语6级短语及单词复习 1. We must discount half of what he says. 我们对他所说的话必须打对折。 2.The shop has a special discount for newlyweds. 商店对新婚夫妇实行特别优惠。 3.Do you have a hotel discount card? 你有酒店的优惠卡吗, It had been dull and somber enough. 那是十分愁闷的,十分忧郁的。 All work and no play m...

英语6级短语及单词复习 1. We must discount half of what he says. 我们对他所说的话必须打对折。 2.The shop has a special discount for newlyweds. 商店对新婚夫妇实行特别优惠。 3.Do you have a hotel discount card? 你有酒店的优惠卡吗, It had been dull and somber enough. 那是十分愁闷的,十分忧郁的。 All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 一直做事,不能玩耍,使杰克变成一个呆板的孩子。 Spirit is not vacuous and matter is not dull; 精神不空,物质不枯; Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. 明天是未知的,因为它可以是愉快的或者无趣的。 Now that lasers are found in everything from telephone cables to DVD players to the humble laser pointer, they have become almost prosaic (commonplace or dull). 从通讯电缆到激光播放机,再到微型激光笔,到处都 有激光,人们已经习以为常。 As industry and banking shed jobs, dull old farming acquires fresh appeal. 工业企业和银行纷纷裁员之际,落后陈旧的农业却在 渴求新鲜面孔。 Counterfeit portraits often look dull or one-dimensional . 假冒的画像看上去常常显得呆滞或缺乏立体感。 There is nothing to awaken fancy in that land of dull realities. 到处是单调的现实,没有什么可使人浮想联翩。 The travelogue of his meetings with jokesters across the Eastern block is fun at first but then becomes dull. 他的旅行见闻讲座,描述了他与来自东欧各个共产主 义国家的笑话提供者会面的场景,一开始引人发噱, 之后却变得无聊。 A dull book lacks interest. 枯燥的书味同嚼蜡。 I'm not intrest in Games, but I watched the warcraft live right now when I was in dull. 一向对游戏不太感冒,这次在无聊的时候,看了会魔 兽比赛的录播。 Restorers have so far removed more than two thirds of the dull patina which had been obscuring the statue. 到目前为止,修复工作者们已经清除了超过三分之二 的暗灰色铜锈,这些铜锈使雕像失去了光泽。 He had dull his craving for verbal truth. 他对于口头上的真话的渴求已经淡漠。 Sometimes, I may look dull. 我有时看起来挺木讷。 Dell remained grey, dull and reachable via the web and a toll-free number. 戴尔电脑依旧是外观灰暗、笨重,通过网络或免费电 话订购。 He's so dull, it makes me nod off. 他是那么的呆板乏味,让我犯困。 No matter be living in high, beautiful mountain or in the dull dell , when you lift up your head you can find , Jesus has already equipped for us . 无论是住在美丽的高山,还是在阴暗的幽谷,当你抬 起头你就会发现,主已为你我而预备。 It's a dull sort of pain. 它是一种隐约的痛。 Diligence can fill the dull is a good model, one pains one abilities. 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才; When you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food. 当你吃不饱,受到剥削、感到无聊和痛苦时,你就不 想吃没有新意的健康食品了。 However, LIANG Yuanwei finished every piece through the manner of experience (work/endurance), even actively reinforcing and extending this experience by broadening the canvas. The beautiful vision accompanied by the dull production mode and the gradually reduced chroma on the canvas looking like the sun's reflection against the wall, the romantic representation is indeed a "punch-card machine". 但梁远苇却是以一种体验(工作/忍耐)的方式完成每 一幅作品,甚至以扩大画幅的方式在主动地强化与延 长这种体验,美好的视觉伴随着枯燥的生产方式,而 画布上逐条弱化的色度,看上去像阳光照射在墙面上 的反光,浪漫的表象实则是一台―打卡机‖。 They are crunchy and dull, like carrots. 他们像胡萝卜一样脆而难吃。 The style is difficult and dull. 文笔艰涩无味。 Her stepfather was dull and weak. 她的 继父 愚蠢而且懦弱。 Dull roots with spring rain. 春雨翻搅着枯根。 The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。 You sound a litter dull. 你听起来有一点没精神。 During the 1920s and 1930s, a vigorous Weimar culture, with the dull and crisis-ridden politics of the Reich, overwhelmed the European countries. 本世纪二三十年代,生气勃勃的魏玛文化在共和国贫 乏苍白而又充满危机的政治背景下睥睨欧陆。 Over the west hung the wasting moon, now dull and greenish-yellow, like tarnished brass. 此时,西方的天空挂着一勾残月,它黯然无光,黄中 透绿,象是一块蒙了 锈的 黄铜。 The rise of bill financing may increase systemic risks in the future because banks tend to be less careful when they discount these bills due to their transferability. 但票据融资的增长可能会推高未来的系统性风险,原 因是银行可能会因为票据融资可转让而在贴现时不够 谨慎。 The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount. 大银行同意按适当的折算率把小银行的贷款全买过 来。 Analysts say volatility in Russia explains why Carlsberg's stock trades at a discount to peers. 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 师表示,在俄罗斯动荡不定的表现,解释了嘉士 伯股价为何会低于同行。 We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for this quantity. 对此数量,我们希望贵方对现汇报价能给予最大折扣 为盼、谢谢。 The discount on heavier crudes has risen to record levels. 重油的减产额度达到了历史新高。 The government-funded interest discount and tax tools are designed to encourage the restructuring, merger and reorganization of enterprises. 运用财政贴息、税收等手段,引导企业调整结构,兼 并重组。 You may get a 5% discount if your order is on a regular basis. 如果你方定期给我方下定单,你方便可得到5% 的折 扣。 Import bill discount is a type of short term financing frequently used in international trade. 进口押汇是国际贸易中经常使用的短期融资方式。 Everbright's debut was also boosted by the decision to price its shares at a discount to its listed peers. 同时,光大银行发行定价低于其他上市银行,也提振 了该股上市首日的表现。 We give a discount for cash. 现金交易可打折扣。 Recognized one year's amortization of discount on 40-year bonds payable. 确认40年期的应付债券当年摊销的折价。 The new shares were sold for SFr13 each, a discount of about 12 per cent to Wednesday's close. 本次配股的价格为13瑞士法郎,较周三收盘价约有 12%的折让。 As a rule, we do not grant any discount for small orders. 一般来说,对于小批量订货我们不给折扣。 It has been trading at a 68 per cent discount to its net asset value per share. 相比于其每股净资产,公司股价有68%的折让。 If you order in large quantity I think a discount would be possible. 如果定货量较大的话,我公司可以适当让利。 This loss of interest is covered by the discount changes. 贴息就是用来弥补利息损失的。 We can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order. 按照订购数量的大小,我们可提供累进的折扣。 Is there any discount? 有打折扣吗, You can get a 5% discount if you order on a regular basis. 如果你方定期给我方下定单,你方便可得到5% 的折 扣。 When the boss recognized me, he immediately gave me a huge VIP discount. I happily autographed the wall for that boss, ecstatically thinking that my face is worthy more than a VIP card. 老板一看是我,便立刻给了我一个比VIP还便宜的折 扣,我开心地帮老板在墙上签名,心里暗自窃喜:―原 来我这张脸比贵宾卡还好用~ A. To check how many items we can negotiate PPP with the suppliers and how much discount we can get. 核查我们有多少单品可以和供应商谈判促销进价,能 谈多少进价折扣。 It has high efficiency processing capability, highly reliable security strategy and flexible system configuration, realized functional modules for the billing account processing, discount calculation, account settlement, arrearage management, customer information management, credit level management, query and statistical report. 该系统具有高效率的处理性能、高度可靠的安全策略、 灵活方便的系统配置,实现了计费帐务领域的话单数 据采集和加载、数据预处理、计费处理、帐务处理、 优惠计算、收费销帐、欠费管理、客户资料管理、信 用度管理、统计报表等功能模块。 The cumulation-consuming amount had been allowed a discount could not used for a second member card. 在店铺消费时已使用会员卡打折或累积的消费金额, 不能用以再次申办会员卡。 They pay out at the IPO when investors acquire stock at a chunky discount. 当发行人最终IPO上市时,这种证券的投资者以较低 折扣购入股票,从而获得回报。 Only in america can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it. and the 67-year-old discount king sam moore walton still travels these windy back roads in his 1979 ford pickup, red and white, bird dogs by his side, and, come shooting season, waits in line like everyone else to buy shells at the local wal-mart. 只有在美国,一个亿万富翁才能像普通百姓一样,安 稳地过着普普通通的日子。 67岁的廉价店大王萨姆• 穆尔•沃尔顿仍然开着他那辆红白两色的1979年出厂 的福特牌轻型货车穿行在弯弯曲曲的乡间小道上,身 边坐着他的捕禽猎犬。 当狩猎季节来临时,他跟别人 一样在当地的沃尔玛商店排队购买猎枪子弹。 Article 19 An enterprise should not discount any deferred income tax asset or deferred income tax liability. 第十九条企业不应当对递延所得税资产和递延所得税 负债进行折现。 I found the work monotonous . 我发现这个工作枯燥无味。 To pass or act in a monotonous way. 做一些无聊的或是价值不高的事。 But to-day the enemy's manoeuvring was more monotonous. 不过今天敌人的调遣比较单调。 There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. 那儿似乎什么都没有,只有那死气沉沉的单调的煤烟。 At this moment, I am in the comprehensive English course, which is reckoned as a monotonous one at least by me. 此时此刻,我正在上那个至少被我认为是无聊的综合 英语课。 Nevertheless it is fatiguing or monotonous or, at a minimum, a source of no particular pleasure. 不过这是令人疲惫的、单调的、或者(在最低限度上) 是不开心的源泉。 Monotonous palate, murky spectrum, grimly unlimited. 单调的味道,昏暗的色调,无限的冷酷。 I didn't know how to while away my tedium. 我不知道怎么度过这种烦闷的生活。 The word itself used to be a byword for tarmac tedium. 其品牌名称在过去是一句有关tarmac tedium的谚语。 It was a narrow, humdrum place. 那是个狭窄、枯燥的地方。 Amy: You're right, he's a festival of humdrum chitchat. 艾米:你说得对,他果然在进行无聊的饭前寒暄。 BYD's dreams are crashing into a humdrum reality. 比亚迪(BYD)的梦想撞上了乏味的现实。 platitude ['plætitju:d] n. 1. 老生常谈,陈词滥调,平凡话 2. 平凡(尤指陈腐无味);单调 But this is just a reassuring platitude. 但这不过是用来安慰人的陈词滥调。 The talk is no more than a platitude. 这番话无非是老生常谈。 It's no more than a platitude. 无非是老生常谈。 Get a massage, pedicure, or haircut. 获得一次按摩、足疗或理发。 I'd like an aromatherapy massage. 我想要做芳香疗法按摩。 You're a tit man. Do you want massage? 你真像个小女人 要按摩吗, We offer various kinds of services, including massage, bodybuilding and yoga. 我们提供多种服务。包括按摩。美体。还有瑜伽。 Facial treatment includes cleansing, peeling, ozone steam, pore cleansing, high frequency, massage with treatment ampoule, face lifting , facial mask and shoulder massage. 面部护理包括洁肤、死皮、氧喷雾、洁毛孔、频电疗、 华素按面、波电脑拉皮滑肤、膜及肩膊按摩。 The reflexology doctor gave my feet a vigorous and painful massage! 那个脚底反射治疗师在我的脚上做了很有力又很痛的 按摩~ Many people in Taiwan get a therapeutic massage every week. 许多在台湾的人每星期都让人推拿按摩。 Gavin is lying on the massage table. A masseuse, Anne, is talking with him. 盖文躺在按摩床上。一位女按摩师安在和他聊天。 Massage your self to an erection. 按摩自己到勃起。 To seek ideal methods to treat vertebral arterial type of cervical spondylopathy, acupoint pressure and" Yang-Supplementing and Half-Recovering Decoction" were used to treat60 cases, and another57 cases were treated with conventional massage as control. 为寻求治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的理想 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,采用点穴配 合补阳还五汤治疗椎动脉型颈椎病60例,并与传统推 拿手法治疗57例比较。 Welcome ! Housen Sanitary Ware Was Specialized Manufacturer Bathroom Cabinets, Glass Counter Basin, Shower room , Bath Screen , Sauna Room, Massage Bathtub, Shower Panel, and so on . 欢迎访问中国广东。佛山市昊森卫浴,我们的产品包 括浴室柜、玻璃台盆、淋浴房、淋浴屏风(趟门)、蒸 汽房、按摩缸、淋浴屏等多个系列。 This is eleven kind of aroma massage oil, you may smell and choose the one which you like. 这是我们的十一种香薰按摩油,您可以闻一下然后选 出您喜欢的。 As for non-drug therapy, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, cupping. 非药物治疗包括针灸,按摩, 拔火罐等。 Our products include: bathroom furniture (washing and dressing table), shower bathroom, toilet, faucet, massage bathtub and steam room. 涉及制造的产品包括:浴室家私(洗脸化妆台)、淋浴 房、坐便器、龙头、按摩浴缸及蒸汽房。 Would you like a scalp massage? 您想做头皮按摩吗, I need a massage. 我需要按摩。 Automatically scanning the massage point of the upper body and shoulder. 上半身及肩部按摩点自动检测功能。 Additional, to give aid to town retires the soldier seeks a profession oneself, be engaged in to its individual manage, except industry of bldg. , entertainment and advertising, sauna, massage, Internet bar, oxygen outside, the sun that registers card from Wu of the duty that get rises, can enjoy inside 3 years avoid the privilege that imposes individual income tax. 另外,为扶持城镇退役士兵自谋职业,对其从事个体 经营,除建筑业、娱乐业以及广告业、桑拿、按摩、 网吧、氧吧外的,自领取税务登记证之日起,3年内可 享受免征个人所得税的优惠。 Id like an aromatherapy massage. 我想做芳香疗法按摩。 Additional, fu of bag of lining of bamboo charcoal mattess has high temperature firing charcoal grain, can promote body blood circulation, and permeability is strong, it is harmful gas, OK still to can be absorbed massage naturally to body generation, have special curative effect to suffering from disease of Zhou Yan of arthritis, shoulder, lumbar, bedsore to wait. 另外,竹炭床垫内层包覆有高温烧成炭颗粒,能促进 身体血液循环,且透气性强,能吸收有害气体、还可 以对身体产生自然按摩,对患关节炎、肩周炎、腰椎 症、褥疮等有非凡的疗效。 This program deals with the pathogeny, clinical manifestation, and the massage treatment of peroneal nerve paralysis. 本节目主要讲解腓神经麻痹的病因病机、临床表现和 推拿调理方法。 Massage chairs are popular gifts for Father's Day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。 I will activate the air( Qi) around my pectoral muscle by doing77 push-ups in one hand before massage, I use my big and elastic pectoral muscle to massage the acupoint of customer's foot with Qigong for beauty, dispelling worries, refreshing or slimming. 理疗时我先用左右手各单手做77个俯卧撑进行运气, 并分别将气发到我的左右胸肌上,再用硕大强健且富 有弹性的胸肌 点穴 按摩被疗者足部的有关穴位,从 而达到美容、闷、烦、神、肥及健身的作用。 We offer various kinds of services, including massage, bodybuild… 我们提供多种服务。包括按摩。美体。还有瑜伽。 Usage : After washing face, apply sufficient amount on cotton ball, then spread it over face and massage in. 用法:取适量化妆水倒于按摩化妆棉,而后轻轻按摩 肌肤即可。 Usage: Evenly apply adequate amount to the feet and crus and then gently massage until absorption. 用法:取适量均匀涂抹在足部及小腿,轻轻按摩至吸 收。 It's also a really comfortable salon with a massage chair. So if you are looking for a new stylist then maybe you can give UNEEK a try! 他的剪头发的地方感觉很舒服, 洗头发的地方还有按 摩椅,常常洗头发都会洗到睡著。 如果你再找好发型 师或舒服的地方弄头发,可以去那边试试看喔~ We gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage. 我们对他进行了口对口复苏救治和心脏按摩。 You may use the fitting room, swimming pool and sauna, and the massage parlour in this hotel. 设施包括一个大型室内泳池、按摩浴缸和桑拿房。 Large swimming pools, water park, massage pools and a water purification filter works. 大型泳池,水上乐园,按摩池及水景工程的净化过滤 沙缸。 The surprise petrified her an instant. 这个意外的事使她呆了一刻。 He'll telephone me the instant he knows. 他一俟知悉, 会即刻电告我的。 Simultaneous means "at the same instant." 同时的意思是在同一瞬间。 The extract may finally be subjected to an additional filtration, preferably microfiltration. Also an instant cold-water soluble tea powder or granulate is claimed. 最后,将所得萃取物再进行一次过滤,宁愿是微过滤。 一种速溶的、可溶于冷水的茶粉或茶颗粒正 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 其专 利权。 This costly and vitamin-packed elixir was mixed before our eyes with liquid nitrogen, creating an instant sorbet with explosive effects on the tongue. 这昂贵和富含维生素的灵丹妙药,在端上来之前加入 液氮混合,迅速形成果汁冰糕,在舌头上产生爆炸效 应。 The machine suitable for popular commodity like the toy, stationery, drugs, candy, electronic parts, hardware and etc. , instant envelop. 本机适于一般大众化的商品,诸如玩具、文具、药品、 糖果、电子零件、小五金等之瞬间密封包装。 Listen to your instant gut reaction. 倾听你―感觉‖做出立即的反应。 The Mickey Mouse watches were an instant success. 米老鼠手表一投放市场就获得了成功。 "This gives Glaxo instant gratification, " he said. ―这给葛兰素带来即时的满足感,‖他表示。 A bit of shimmer is an instant outfit upgrade. 加一点点闪光的效果便可轻松的让你的服装增彩。 The design is the five-bag-instant-noodle packing machine. Its function is to make one team for every five bags of instant noodle. 所设计的是方便面五袋包装机械,其功能是将单袋方 便面每五袋分成一组,以便进行五袋包装。 Especially in a market saturation, it will be a vast future market for investing instant rice-flour noodle. 特别是在当前方便面市场饱和的情况下,投资即食米 粉生产,具有广阔的市场前景。 The "clever" camp retort that diplomacy is not about instant gratification. 明智者反驳道,外交政策不是为了些许的眼前利益。 When watching an instant replay, you can use the arrow keys to fwd/rew/pause/reverse the replay. 当观看一个即时回放时,你可以使用箭头记号键来使 录象往前快进/往后快退/暂停/倒退。 Some road haulage firms had been held to ransom by union demands, backed by threats of instant shutdown . 工会曾以立即停工相威胁,向一些陆运公司提出要求, 进行勒索。 When salt-coagulants: malt dextrin was 1:3, the quality of instant soybean curd was better. 盐类凝固剂:麦芽糊精为1:3时,所得的即食豆腐脑 产品较好。 "Maxwell House" instant coffee--- good to the last drop. ―麦氏‖速溶咖啡滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 The scene vanished in an instant. 那景色顷刻之间便消失了。 The tape became an instant bestseller. 录音带一出就马上成为畅销带。 The technology of instant concret steam boiler shelling is introduced. 介绍了蒸汽锅炉耐火混凝土炉墙现浇成型施工工艺。 The writer's deb ut novel was an instant Success. 这位作家的首部长篇小说很快就获得了巨大的成功。 The voice of Goldstein had become an actual sheep's bleat, and for an instant the face changed into that of a sheep. 戈德斯坦的声音真正变成了羊叫,一时间,他那张脸 孔也变成了羊脸。 The bedroom has a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee. 卧室里有茶壶、袋茶和速溶咖啡。 Prize chump in the case of Libya this past fortnight has been Newt Gingrich, the Republican presidential hopeful who demanded consistency, called for intervention and turned on a dime the instant Mr Obama answered. 过去两个星期利比亚问题的―笨蛋奖‖得主就是纽 特?金里奇。 他是共和党要求外交政策一致性的请愿 团主席,一直呼吁干涉利比亚,结果在敖奥巴马先生 作出回应以后就立即见风使舵,改变态度了。 When the entire company was in motion, one hundred and seventy- five furrows were made at the same instant. 全队行动起来,同时就可以开出一百七十五道畦。 When eating hotpot, mung bean sprouts can be instant boiled in the dish. 吃火锅的时候, 绿豆芽可以涮着吃。 Instant laments that a love of words. 瞬间的感叹,一个爱字。 Nestlé sells single servings of instant coffee and stock cubes; 雀巢出售单份装的速溶咖啡和汤块; This feels a world away from distracting myself with instant messaging. 看上去,这与在即时通讯工具上聊天分散注意力有天 壤之别。 Professor Johnson suspects a strong link between the rise of instant and casual communication online, online and an increasingincreasein writing mistakes. Johnson教授越来越多的网上闲聊和书写错误的增加 有很大的关系。 Success is not an event. It’s a journey. 成功不是一个结果,而是一个过程。 A bully is always a coward. 暴汉常是懦夫。 Why is a coward like a leaky faucet? 为什么说胆小鬼和漏水的笼头一样, A despicable coward; a wretch. 怯懦者卑劣的懦夫;可怜虫,坏东西。 Tom is no coward. 汤母绝不是懦夫。 The heat of rock coward. 摇滚狗熊的热力出发。 The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar, " every "supreme leader, " every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. 这一点囊括了我们所有的欢乐与苦难,数千种被置信 的宗教、意识形态和经济学说,猎人和强盗,英雄和 懦夫,文明的创造者和毁灭者,帝王将相,年轻爱侣, 父母子女,发明者和探索者,传道之师,腐败政客, 偶像明星,最高领袖,人类历史长河中的所有圣人与 罪人,他们统统都存在于这里——一颗悬浮于阳光之 中的尘埃。 目前无法连接服务器,请检查您的网络连接或者查 看 FAQ页面。 婚姻既能成全一个人,也能损害一个人。 Marriage makes or mars a man. 我可能成全你,也可能毁掉你。 I may make or break you. {一个人的成全,好过三个人的纠缠…}。 Ones accomplish is better than three of us entanglement. 报刊上那些恶意中伤的报道败坏了该社团全体成员的 名声。 The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society. 西蒙凭着谨慎, 热忱和勇敢,完成了他的全部任务。 Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion, elan, and pluck. 尽管造成围产儿死亡的原因存在争议,但荷兰的围产 儿死亡率是全欧洲最高的国家之一。 The Dutch perinatal mortality rate is one of the highest in Europe, though the cause is contested. 秘书长G说他希望给伊拉克的安全计划能够成功,从 而支持伊拉克的稚嫩政府。 Secretary Gates said he is hopeful that the security plan for Iraq will succeed, thereby bolstering Iraq's fledging government. 而且,鉴于要通过这项提议需要对欧盟条约进行修改, 我们真能指望全部27个成员国会投票同意废除这种基 本权利吗, And since this would require a treaty change, do we really expect all 27 countries to vote for an abrogation of such fundamental rights? 这位前兄弟会成员认为自己给全球的善恶判断带来了 ―坚定的决心,清晰的视角和深刻的信念‖。 The former frat boy saw himself as bringing "firm resolve and clear vision and a deep faith" to a global struggle between good and evil. 该州成功应对当前的经济危机,失业率仅低于全国平 均水平两个百分点,并且房屋回收率也为全国最低。 It has coped well with the recession, with an unemployment rate two points below the national average and one of the lowest rates of housing repossession. 拥有大量情报人员的美国成了全球恐怖主义情报的主 要资源库。 America, with its vast resources, has become the main repository of information on global terrorism. 去年,俄罗斯联合中国,呼吁创立一种新的超国家货 币,以取代美元成为全球储备货币。 Last year, with China, Russia called for a new supra-national currency to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency. 四个二极管可以组合成一个全波式整流器。 Eg. four diodes can be assembled into a full-wave bridge rectifier. 许多基督教学者预言,到2050年,伊斯兰教将取代基 督教成为全世界最大的宗教。 Many Christian scholars predict that Islam will overtake Christianity as the world's largest religion by 2050. 新华社援引由丰田投资的该汽配厂的一名工人说,丰 田合成向工人承诺全勤奖为每月200元人民币(合30 美元)。 Xinhua quoted one worker at the Toyota-invested parts supplier as saying that the company had promised workers a Rmb200 ($30) monthly full-attendance bonus. 你自身的全面发展才是成功。 It is making the most of your total self. 一个剑桥大学考试管理委员会的报道希望英国大学考 虑申请者的中学毕业会考,―一个全面的16/20的结果 是一个稀奇和初中的成就‖,―14/20是首选‖。 A report by the University of Cambridge exam board warns British universities considering applicants with the bac that "an overall result of 16/20 is a rare and outstanding achievement" and "that 14/20 is attained only by the top flight candidates". 中国目前已超过德国,成为全球最大的出口国; It is now the world's largest exporter, surpassing Germany. 中国企业早已取代德国,成为全球机械制造业的市场 领头羊。 Chinese companies have long ago overtaken Germany as the global market leaders in the machinery industry. 在竞争日益激烈的汽车市场,安全正成为一个重要的 区分点。 Safety is becoming an important differentiator in the increasingly competitive automotive market. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一只名叫―史莱克‖的小袋 熊,由于成为孤儿后心理压力太大,导致全身毛发脱 落(见图)。― Shrek, a young wombat, has lost most of his hair from stress after being orphaned (see photo), the Daily Mail of London reported. 提出网络安全设计的目标、原则、组成部分及侧重点。 Introducing Intranet security resolvent 's goal, principia, constitutes and keystone. 现在已经完全发育成熟,体重也只有11磅。 Now fully grown, she weighs just 11 lb. 所有这些步骤就像拼图游戏中一块块拼板,它们要全 部拼在一起才能组成一幅图。 All those steps are like pieces of a puzzle. They all come together to form a picture. 全球发生庞大的军事冲突的危险已经成为过去。 Yet the risk of global conflagration is past. 这一结果既非完全的成功也未彻底的失败。 The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure. 每个发动机舱都将发动机和风扇完全密封,这样,在 发动机着火或爆炸事件中就可大大降低对航空器附近 的士兵造成伤害的可能性。 Each nacelle fully encloses the engines and fans, greatly reducing the possibility of injury to soldiers who might be near the vehicle in the event of an engine fire or explosion. 当珩意公司的人员终于进入大楼时,他们发现地下室 全是积水,原因是相邻的大楼偏偏要把这里当成排水 出路,而不愿接通市政污水系统。 When Unionway finally gained access to the building, they found the basement full of water because neighbours preferred to dump their runoff next door rather than connecting to the city's sewerage system. 该分支似乎不仅有当地部落的安全保护,还有来自也 1990年南北也门南部一些组织的政治上的支持方。 在 门统一,同时造成了这些要求国家重新区分的团体形 成。 And it appears to have secured tribal protection as well as some political backing from groups in southern Yemen which demand a repartition of the country, which was formed from two chunks in 1990. 肥胖症也成为一个全球性问题。 Obesity became a global issue. It is often an ungainly, comic endeavour. 那往往是一种笨拙可笑的尝试。 It was a needless endeavour. 这一努力其实是没有必要的。 This was a gigantic endeavour. 这是一项宏大的努力。 A central tenet of most scientific endeavour is the notion of reductionism—the idea that things can best be understood by reducing them to their smallest components. 大多科学尝试的中心原则是简化法的概念,即把大的 物体分解为其最小的成份,从而对事物有最好的理解。 The final flight of Endeavour will be the penultimate planned space shuttle flight. 奋进号的最后一次航行也是本年度计划中的倒数第二 次太空飞行任务。 For a modest man, achievements serve as a vaulting-pole, with which he surmounts a new height in his future endeavour; 成绩是谦虚者的撑杆,促使他在新的努力中,跃进更 高的境界。 Where they live is only a small shed. 他们住的只是一个小车棚。 Flowers shed pit is exquisite, moist rocky. 花棚子坑的石质细腻、滋润。 Come to the shed and we'll welcome you. 到达车棚,而且我们将会欢迎你。 In a recession firms shed labour and mothball capital. 在衰退时期,公司削减劳动力,和备用资本。 Our research has shed light on factors predisposing patients to depression. 我们的研究着重在导致病患忧郁的因素上。 As industry and banking shed jobs, dull old farming acquires fresh appeal. 工业企业和银行纷纷裁员之际,落后陈旧的农业却在 渴求新鲜面孔。 The light shed by incandescent bulbs was bright, white and steady. 白炽灯发出的光,亮、白而稳定。 The children planted some snowdrops be neath the cherry tree, determined that Meg should never be forgotten. We all shed a few tears. 孩子们在那棵樱桃树下栽种了几棵雪花莲,算是对梅 格永远的怀念。我们都不禁潸然泪下。 Pills and teas purporting to "melt away body fat" and help shed unwanted pounds are sold widely across Hong Kong. 减肥药和减肥茶在香港售卖很普遍,声称可以―溶解体 内脂肪‖,帮助摆脱多余的重量。 Each year, molting or dead crustaceans, fungi, and insects shed billions of metric tons of chitin. 每年,蜕皮或死亡甲壳动物、真菌和昆虫产生数十亿 顿甲壳素。 The result is that usually the warp shed must be larger than that for a shuttle loom. 纬纱会弯曲,这就要求喷气织机的梭口应大于有梭织 机的梭口。 A few weeks later, she had shed her demure image. 几个星期后, 她抛弃了假正经的形象。 The wise minister went to the elephant shed. 这位知识渊博的大臣去了象棚。 And finally, i gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed. 最后我允许她们流泪。在任何需要的时候,这也是她 们当时特有的应对策略。 He spent a whole day building a shed int eh garden. 他花了一整天的时间在花园里修了个小棚。 The dragonfly shed sad tears. 蜻蜓流下了伤心的泪水。 It includes all of civil engineering, paper production workshops, pulp workshop, main house of power plant, Control building, chimneys, dry coal shed, water pump house, biological treatment, sewage treatment, roads and etc. 包括全部土建工程、造纸生产车间、制浆车间、电厂 主厂房、主控楼、烟囱、煤干棚、水泵房、生化处理、 污水处理、道路等。 Still more directors shed post-lunch drowsiness. 另外一些董事也摆脱了午餐后的昏沉睡意。 Where is the tool shed? 工具棚在哪儿, Hold on and don't shed a tear . 坚持住不要流一滴眼泪。 To shed or cast off exuviae; molt. 脱皮,蜕壳;脱毛。 To shed crocodile tears. 流鳄鱼的眼泪。猫哭耗子。 Soon there appeared in view an auburn pony with a girl on its back, ascending by the path leading past the cattle shed. 不久视野中便出现了一匹茶褐色的矮种马,一个姑娘 骑在马背上,顺着经过 牛栏 的小路往山上走来。 In the afternoon, on the way of back from morgue, sunshine shed on my body warmly. Two old ladys was talking there, and a little cute boy with them. 下午从单位资料室回寝室的路上,夕阳斜照,楼下一 对老妇人在聊天,旁边还有一个非常卡瓦伊的小男孩。 The shed was hot in stunner and cold in winter and when it rained, water dropped from the ceiling. 小屋夏热冬寒,一下雨,雨水便从屋顶上滴下来。 但 居里夫妇不顾这些困难,仍继续工作着。 All the blood we've shed before! 我们曾挥洒下的血汗~ In fact, Mayday's songs you sing so I was moved enough to forget to forget now, but that day the reason I did not let me shed tears. 其实你唱五月天的歌就足够让我感动到现在忘也忘不 了了,可是那一天我的理性让我没有流下眼泪。 No country, of course, is bound to repeat history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology. 当然,没有哪个国家一定要重复历史,并且中国也已 摆脱了数个世 纪的闭关自守,而向外国投资、贸易和 技术展开了怀抱。 The swallow twitt'ring from the straw-built shed. 燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃。 Not too many tears should be shed for the pair, who last year earned more than euro100m between them. 对于这对去年薪水超过1亿欧元的难兄难弟,我们其实 不必太过伤心。 大规模的公司裁员和工资缩水还未出现。 Big job or wage cuts have yet to materialise. 在一些行业,裁员趋势有所减慢。 Job cuts have slowed in some industries. 可是我听说公司在裁员。 But I heard the company is slashing jobs . 他的第一个任务就是裁掉大约15%的员工,这引发了 很多争议。 His first big task was a contentious cull of around 15% of the staff. 各公司并没有草率的进行裁员,否则的话他们可能还 要花更大的成本去返聘这些人。 Firms are not panicked into laying off workers they might otherwise have to hire back again at great cost. 很显然各处的银行都在裁员。 Banks everywhere are ditching staff, after all. 该公司总裁加里科恩将扮演企业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 委员会负责人的 额外角色。 Gary Cohn, the firm's president, will take on an extra role as head of the business-standards committee. 员工繁冗的公共部门将大幅裁员。 The overstaffed public sector will be severely pruned. 已有广告公司开始裁员。 There have been lay-offs. 裁判员宣告他出界。 The umpire gave him out. 这些附带的下注行为就会使得那些为图金钱、心怀鬼 胎的运动员或裁判在那些幕后操纵者的指使下做出一 些不正当的行为,而这些行为就算局外人有所怀疑也 无法明知究竟。 Such side-bets can allow a crooked player or referee to cash in by pleasing a match-rigger in a way that is all but invisible even to a suspicious outsider. 工业企业和银行纷纷裁员之际,落后陈旧的农业却在 渴求新鲜面孔。 As industry and banking shed jobs, dull old farming acquires fresh appeal. 该行业是否完全不会裁员呢, Is it entirely layoff proof? 裁判人员包括一名主裁判,副裁判, 记分员和四名司 线员。 Officials include a referee, an umpire, a scorer, and four lines men. 裁判员的裁决总是不可改变的。 The umpire ' s decision is always final. 由于初审中陪审员裁决 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 不一致,所以需要复审。 A retrial was necessary after the original trial ended with a hung jury. 选举委员会裁定选举程序很光明磊落。 The Electoral Commission has ruled that the procedure was aboveboard. 在第一次发布收入预警几个星期之后的2月20日,英特 。 好评(0) 尔公司就警告说要裁员 On Feb. 20, several weeks after it had made its first earnings warning during the quarter, intel warned it would cut its work force. 在仲裁过程中,可将争端裁决委员会的决定作为一项 证据。 Any decision of the DAB shall be admissible in evidence in the arbitration. 当你裁员,它的意思是你解雇很多的雇员。 When you downsize it means you lay off many employees. 一些伊朗官员,不满意总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德的独裁编 制,认为这个国家可能会为其岫浓缩的冒险以获得核 权力的举动付出过高的代价。 Some Iranian officials, disgruntled with the boisterous leadership of the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, periodically venture that the country may be paying too high a price for its claimed "right" to enrich uranium. 裁判员判罚球。 The referee awarded a penalty. 裁判员裁定罚一个任意球。 The referee awarded a free kick. 。 思科发布盈余警讯,计划裁员 Cisco issues a profit warning, plans layoffs. 审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉 法裁判行为的。 The judge is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case. 我们不到迫不得已,绝不会裁员。 And we were going to keep funding. 该仲裁委员会的裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。 Arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party. 她负责裁判学员队之间的魁地奇比赛。 She referees the Quidditch matches between the house teams. 但是你可以做我的蓝裁员绒面鞋。 You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes. 裁判员的裁决有争议。 The referee's decision was disputable .
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