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常见商务英语常见商务英语 转]职位职务英语翻译 生产/营运/工程 Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering 工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor 生产经理/车间主任 Produc...

常见商务英语 转]职位职务英语翻译 生产/营运/工程 Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering 工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor 生产经理/车间主任 Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor 生产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer 生产主管/督导/领班 Production Supervisor/Team Leader 技术/工艺设计经理/主管 Technical/Industrial Design Mgr./Spvr. 技术/工艺设计工程师 Technical/Industrial Design Engineer 实验室负责人/工程师 Lab Manager/Engineer 工程/设备经理 Engineering/Facility Manager 工程/设备主管 Engineering/Facility Supervisor 工程/设备工程师 Engineering/Facility Engineer 电气/电子工程师 Electrical/Electronics Engineer 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer 机电工程师 Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 维修工程师 Maintenance Engineer 质量经理 QA Manager 质量主管 QA Supervisor 质量工程师 QA Engineer 质量检验员/测试员 QA Inspector 认证工程师 Certification Engineer 安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师 Safety/Health/Environment Engineer 工程绘图员 Project Drafting Specialist 机械制图员 Drafting Specialist 化验员 Laboratory Technician 技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee 电工 Electrician 服装打样/制版 Clothing/Apparel Sample Production 行政/人事/后勤 Admin./HR/Support Services 行政/人事总监 Admin/Human Resources Director 人事经理 Human Resources Manager 人事主管 Human Resources Supervisor 人事专员 Human Resources Specialist 人事助理 Human Resources Assistant 招聘经理/主管 Recruiting Manager/Supervisor 薪资福利经理/主管 Compensation & Benefits Mgr./Supervisor 薪资福利专员/助理 Compensation & Benefits Specialist/Assistant 培训经理/主管 Training Manager/Supervisor 培训专员/助理 Training Specialist/Assistant 行政经理/主管/办公室主任 Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager 总裁办主任 Director of President Office 行政专员/助理 Admin Staff/Assistant 经理助理/秘 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf Executive Assistant/Secretary 前台接待/总机 Receptionist 后勤 Office Support 资料管理员 Information / Data Management Specialist 电脑操作员/打字员 Computer Operator/Typist 广交会使用频率最高的英语 What about the price? 对价格有何看法, What do you think of the payment terms? 对支付条件有何看法, How do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样, What about having a look at sample first? 先看一看产品吧, What about placing a trial order? 何不先试订货, The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in? 我们的产品质量与其他生产商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象他们的那样高。顺便问一下,你对哪个产 品感兴趣, You can rest assured. 你可以放心。 We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market. 我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。 This new product is to the taste of European market. 这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。 I think it will also find a good market in your market. 我认为它会在你国市场上畅销。 Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products. 优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。 While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further. 虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再减价了。 Reliability is our strong point. 可靠性正是我们产品的优点。 We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。 To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is. 在某种程度上,我们的价格就得看你们的定单有多大。 This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other countries. 这种产品现在需求量很大,我们手头上来自其他国家的很多询盘。 Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 谢谢你询价。 为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量, Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation. 这是我们的FOB价格单。单上所有价格以我方最后确认为准。 In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis. 通常我们的报价都是FOB价。 常用产品广告语中英翻译的总结 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the people's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the people; making life easier for the population 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment 顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) design; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are wel come. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods 让我们的商品走向世界 Let our commodities go to the world. 色彩鲜艳 bright in colour 色泽光润 bright luster 色泽艳丽 beautiful in colour 深受顾客欢迎 We have won praise from customers; to win warm praise from customers. 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉 to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad. 深受消费者的欢迎和好评 to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public 式样美观 aesthetic appearance; attractive fashion 式样新颖大方 modern and elegant in fashion 式样雅致 elegant in style 式样众多 in many styles 适合男女老幼四季穿着 suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons 外型大方 elegant shape 享有声誉 to win a high admiration 新品迭出 new varieties are introduced one after another 行销世界 to be distributed all over the world 以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外 to be renowned both at home and abroad for exquisite workmanship, skillful knitting and elegant design 以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称 famous for selected materials, novel designs, delightful colors and exquisite workmanship 以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称 famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety of designs and colours 誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 在国际市场上享有盛誉 to enjoy high reputation in the international market 造型美观 attractive appearance; handsome apprearance 质量第一,用户至上 quality first, consumers first 种类外贸交易习惯大揭秘 非洲 在非洲国家中,企业之间的交易习惯普遍是看货购买,一手交钱,一手交货,或赊货代销。订单通常 定量小,品种多,要货急 。由于非洲国家实行进出口商品装船前检验,经常在实际操作中增加了我方的费 用,延误了我方交货期,阻碍了贸易的正常开展。 南非 交易习惯:信用卡、支票使用普遍,习惯“先消费后付款” 。 注意事项:因国家资金有限,银行利率高(22% 左右),南非买家仍习惯于见货付款或分期付款,一般不开即期信用证。 摩洛哥 交易习惯:采取低报货值、差价现金支付 。 注意事项:摩洛哥进口关税水平普遍较高,外汇管理较严。D/P方式在对该国出口业务中存在较大的收汇风险。摩洛哥客户和银行勾结先给单提货、迟迟不付款,国内银行或出口企业必须反复催促才付款的事件时有发生。 欧洲 欧洲国家大都法律严谨,赋税较重。 丹麦 交易习惯:丹麦进口商在与一个国外出口商做第一笔生意时,一开始为小金额的订单(以样品寄售或试销性订单)一般愿意接受信用证这种支付方式。此后,经常使用凭单付现和30-90天远期付款交单或承兑交单。 关税方面:丹麦对从一些发展中国家、东欧国家以及地中海沿岸国家进口的商品给予最惠国待遇或者更为优惠的普惠制。但实际上,在钢铁和纺织方面却很少能得到关税优惠,拥有较大纺织品出口商的国家往往采取自行限额的政策。 注意事项:要求货样一样,很注重交货期,在一个新合同履行时,国外出口商应明确具体的交货期,并及时完成交货义务。任何违背交货期,导致延期交货的,都有可能被丹麦进口商取消合同。 西班牙 交易方式:以信用证缴付货款,赊货期一般为90日,大型连锁店约120至150日。订单量每次约200至1,000件。 注意事项:该国对其输入产品不收关税。供应商应缩短生产时间,注重品质及商誉。 东欧 东欧市场有其自身的特点。产品要求的档次不高,但要想求得长期发展,质量不佳的大路货是没有潜力的。 俄罗斯 俄国人做生意只要签约后,都以TT直接电汇较普遍,并要求准时出货,很少开L/C,但要寻求搭线不易,只能通过会展,或深入当地拜访。当地语言以俄语为主,英语使用很少,较难沟通,商贸洽谈一般都需要找翻译协助。 中东 交易习惯:商家通过代理商间接交易,对直接交易 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现冷淡。相对于日、欧、美等地而言对产品要求不是很高。比较重视颜色,偏好深色物品。利润小,量不大,不过订单固定。 注意事项:国内商家要特别小心代理商,避免被对方采取多方面形式压价。更应注意遵循“一诺千金”的原则。合同、协议一旦签字,就应履约尽责,哪怕是口头允诺的事也要尽力做。同时应重视客户的询价,保持良好态度,不要在几件样品或样本邮寄费上斤斤计较。 美洲 美国 交易习惯:交易少样多量,但订单大,而利润较低。 墨西哥 交易习惯:一般不接受L/C即期付款条件,但L/C远期付款条件可以接受,订货量较小,一般要求看样订货。 注意事项:交货期不宜太长。对该国采购须尽量满足其条件及有关规定;其次,需要提高产品质量和档次,使之符合国际标准。墨西哥政府规定,所有电子产品的进口都必须事先向墨西哥工商部申请质量标准证书(NOM),即符合美国UL标准,方允许进口。 联合国 联合国每年的采购量都很大,但是并没有引起中国企业足够的重视。 注意事项:中国企业必须首先申请成为其供应商,其次要主动应标,在建立起信誉的基础上争取进入短名单。短名单内是联合国通过长期与供应商接触,认可的一些优秀的供应商。联合国在进行一些金额较小的采购时就不进行大规模招标,而主动与短名单内的供应商联系,并立即拍板成交。 通常能进入短名单的一般是某种产品前十名的企业,企业进入短名单就相当于在比赛中直接进入了决赛,对中标非常有利。当然,这要靠企业本身的素质和产品的质量。 值得中国企业注意的是,对联合国的电函,无论竞标与否都必须有回答。联合国规定,3次不回复即取消供应商资格。因此,如企业的地址、电话、传真或电子信箱变更,应及时通知联合国。 联合国的采购与一般商业往来有所不同,它非常重视公开透明、平等廉洁,而且从来不还价。因此企业报价时一定要报实价,即最终价格。与联合国做生意,必须价廉物美,不能靠一次性暴利赚钱,而要通过建立信誉和长期采购关系获得利润。 外贸面谈禁忌 网商做外贸虽然大多是通过网络来洽谈交易,但是终归免不了会与外商见面,越来越多的网商开始走出国门做生意,如果因为一些细节上的差错而导致交易的失败 ,是相当遗憾的。所以了解一些小常识相当必要。 东南亚: 与东南亚商人洽谈商务时,严忌翘起二郎腿,乃至鞋底悬着颠来颠去。否则,必引起对方反感,交易会当即告吹。 中东:中东阿拉伯国家的商人,往往在咖啡馆里洽谈贸易。与他们会面时,宜喝咖啡、茶或清凉饮料,严忌饮酒、吸烟、谈女人、拍照,也不要谈论中东政局和国际石油政策。 俄罗斯:俄罗斯及东欧诸国,对西方商人的礼待是极其热情的。在同俄罗斯人洽谈贸易时,切忌称呼其为“俄国人”。 英国:与英国人洽谈贸易时,有三条忌讳:1.忌系有纹的领带(因为带纹的领带可能被认为是军队或学生校服领带的仿制品);2.忌以皇室的家事为谈话的笑料;3.不要把英国人称呼为“英国人”。 法国:和法国人洽谈贸易时,严忌过多地谈论个人私事。因为法国人不喜欢大谈家庭及个人生活的隐私。 南美:赴南美洲做生意的人,为了入境随俗,在洽谈交易的过程中,宜穿深色服装,谈话宜亲热并且距离靠近一些,忌穿浅色服装,忌谈当地政治问题。 德国:德国商人很注重工作效率。因此,同他们洽谈贸易时,严忌节外生枝地闲谈。德国北部地区的商人,均重视自己的头衔,当你同他们一次次热情握手,一次次称呼其头衔时,他必然格外高兴。 瑞士:若给瑞士的公司寄信,收信人应写公司的全称,严忌写公司工作人员的名字。因为,如果收信人不在,此信永远也不会被打开。瑞士人崇拜老字号的公司,如果你的公司建于是1895年之前,那么你应在工作证件上或名片上特别强调出来。 美国:与美国人洽谈交易时,不必过多地握手与客套,贸易谈判可直截了当地进入正题,甚至从吃早点时即可开始。 芬兰:与芬兰商人洽谈时,应重视行握手礼,应多呼其“经理”之类的职衔。谈判地点多在办事处,一般不在宴会上。谈判成功之后,芬兰商人往往邀请你赴家宴与洗蒸汽浴。这是一种很重要的礼节。如你应邀赴宴时,忌讳迟到,且不要忘记向女主人送上5朵或7朵(忌双数的)鲜花。在主人正式敬酒之前,客人不宜先行自饮。在畅谈时,应忌讳谈当地的政治问题。 包装上常见的警示标志[Care Mark/Caution Mark] 小心搬运 Handle with care 此面朝上 This side up 请勿抛掷 Don't throw down 易腐物品 Perishable goods 请勿平放 Not to be laid flat 请勿用钩 No hooks 保持冷藏 Keep cool, Keep in cool place 避免日光直射 Keep out of the direct son 有毒物品 Poison 危险 Dangerous 危险品 Dangerous goods 保持干燥 Keep dry 请勿堆积 Not to be stowed under other cargo 易燃物 Inflammable 禁止潮湿 Guard against damp 易碎 Fragile 玻璃器皿 Glassware 远离锅炉 Keep away from boiler 陶瓷,瓷器 Porcelain , China 置于甲板 On deck 填充物 padding, pad sure to put enough padding. 此物易碎,请务必装入足够的填充物。 如何看懂L/C 里得每一项! 电文信用证中常见项目表示方式 跟单信用证开证(MT700) 必选 20 DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NUMBER(信用证号码) 可选 23 REFERENCE TO PRE-ADVICE(预先通知号码) 如果信用证是采取预先通知的方式,该项目内应该填入"PREADV/",再加上预先通知的编号或日期。 必选 27 SEQUENCE OF TOTAL(电文页次) 可选 31C DATE OF ISSUE(开证日期) 如果这项没有填,则开证日期为电文的发送日期。 必选 31D DATE AND PLACE OF EXPIRY(信用证有效期和有效地点) 该日期为最后交单的日期。 必选 32B CURRENCY CODE, AMOUNT(信用证结算的货币和金额) 可选 39A PERCENTAGE CREDIT AMOUNT TOLERANCE(信用证金额上下浮动允许的最大范围) 该项目的表示方法较为特殊,数值表示百分比的数值,如:5/5,表示上下浮动最大为5%。39B与39A 不能同时出现。 可选 39B MAXIMUM CREDIT AMOUNT(信用证最大限制金额) 与39A不能同时出现。 可选 39C ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS COVERED(额外金额) 表示信用证所涉及的保险费、利息、运费等金额。 必选 40A FORM OF DOCUMENTARY CREDIT(跟单信用证形式) 跟单信用证有六种形式: (不可撤销跟单信用证) (可撤销跟单信用证) (不可撤销可转让跟单信用证) (可撤销可转让跟单信用证) (不可撤销备用信用证) (可撤销备用信用证) 必选 41a AVAILABLE WITH...BY...(指定的有关银行及信用证兑付的方式) (1) 指定银行作为付款、承兑、议付。 (2) 兑付的方式有5种:BY PAYMENT(即期付款);BY ACCEPTANCE(远期承兑);BY NEGOTIATION (议付);BY DEF PAYMENT(迟期付款);BY MIXED PAYMENT(混合付款)。 (3) 如果是自由议付信用证,对该信用证的议付地点不做限制,该项目代号为:41D,内容为:ANY BANK IN... 可选 42a DRAWEE(汇票付款人) 必须与42C同时出现。 可选 42C DRAFTS AT...(汇票付款日期) 必须与42a同时出现。 可选 42M MIXED PAYMENT DETAILS(混合付款条款) 可选 42P DEFERRED PAYMENT DETAILS(迟期付款条款) 可选 43P PARTIAL SHIPMENTS(分装条款) 表示该信用证的货物是否可以分批装运。 可选 43T TRANSSHIPMENT(转运条款) 表示该信用证是直接到达,还是通过转运到达。 可选 44A LOADING ON BOARD/DISPATCH/TAKING IN CHARGE AT/FORM(装船、发运和接收监管 的地点) 可选 44B FOR TRANSPORTATION TO...(货物发运的最终地) 可选 44C LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT(最后装船期) 装船的最迟的日期。44C与44D不能同时出现。 可选 44D SHIPMENT PERIOD(船期) 与44D不能同时出现。 可选 45A DESCRIPTION OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES(货物描述) 货物的情况、价格条款。 可选 46A DOCUMENTS REQUIRED(单据要求) 各种单据的要求 可选 47A ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS(特别条款) 可选 48 PERIOD FOR PRESENTATION(交单期限) 表明开立运输单据后多少天内交单。 必选 49 CONFIRMATION INSTRUCTIONS(保兑指示) 其中, CONFIRM :要求保兑行保兑该信用证 :收报行可以对该信用证加具保兑。 :不要求收报行保兑该信用证。 必选 50 APPLICANT(信用证开证申请人) 一般为进口商。 可选 51a APPLICANT BANK(信用证开证的银行) 可选 53A REIMBURSEMENT BANK(偿付行) 可选 57a "ADVISE THROUGH" BANK(通知行) 必选 59 BENEFICIARY(信用证的受益人) 一般为出口商。 可选 71B CHARGES(费用情况) 表明费用是否有受益人(出口商)出,如果没有这一条,表示除了议付费、转让费以外,其他各种费 用由开出信用证的申请人(进口商)出。 可选 72 SENDER TO RECEIVER INFORMATION(附言) 可选 78 INSTRUCTION TO THE PAYING/ACCEPTING/NEGOTIATING BANK (给付款行、承兑行、议付行的指示) 信用证修改(MT707) 必选 20 SENDER'S REFERENCE(信用证号码) 必选 21 RECEIVER'S REFERENCE(收报行编号) 发电文的银行不知道收报行的编号,填写"NONREF"。 可选 23 ISSUING BANK'S REFERENCE(开证行的号码) 可选 26E NUMBER OF AMENDMENT(修改次数) 该信用证修改的次数,要求按顺序排列。 可选 30 DATE OF AMENDMENT(修改日期) 如果信用证修改没填这项,修改日期就是发报日期。 可选 31C DATE OF ISSUE(开证日期) 如果这项没有填,则开证日期为电文的发送日期。 可选 31E NEW DATE OF EXPIRY(信用证新的有效期) 信用证修改的有效期。 可选 32B INCREASE OF DOCUMENTARY CREDIT AMOUNT(信用证金额的增加) 可选 33B DECREASE OF DOCUMENTARY CREDIT AMOUNT(信用证金额的减少) 可选 34B NEW DOCUMENTARY CREDIT AMOUNT AFTER AMENDMENT(信用证修改后的金额) 可选 39A PERCENTAGE CREDIT AMOUNT TOLERANCE(信用证金额上下浮动允许的最大范围的修 改) 该项目的表示方法较为特殊,数值表示百分比的数值,如:5/5,表示上下浮动最大 为5%。39B与39A不能同时出现。 可选 39B MAXIMUM CREDIT AMOUNT(信用证最大限制金额的修改) 与39A不能同时出现。 可选 39C ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS COVERED(额外金额的修改) 表示信用证所涉及的保险费、利息、运费等金额的修改。 可选 44A LOADING ON BOARD/DISPATCH/TAKING IN CHARGE AT/FORM(装船、发运和接收监管 的地点的修改) 可选 44B FOR TRANSPORTATION TO...(货物发运的最终地的修改) 可选 44C LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT(最后装船期的修改) 修改装船的最迟的日期。44C与44D不能同时出现。 可选 44D SHIPMENT PERIOD(装船期的修改) 与44D不能同时出现。 可选 52a APPLICANT BANK(信用证开证的银行) 必选 59 BENEFICIARY(BEFORE THIS AMENDMENT)(信用证的受益人) 该项目为原信用证的受益人,如果要修改信用证的受益人,则需要在79 NARRATIVE修改详述)中写 明。 可选 72 SENDER TO RECEIVER INFORMATION(附言) :要求收报行通知发报行受益人是否接受该信用证的修改。 :请电话通知受益人(列出受益人的电话号码)。 :用快捷有效的电讯方式通知受益人。 可选 78 NARRATIVE(修改详述)详细的修改内容。 自己翻译的一些合同条款 1. The MOQ is not under 60,000/pcs for every item of the first product. 2. A tolerance of 5% more or less in every production is accetable. 3. The vendor, who once signs this contact, will act as the agent for the region,1,000,000 per year, and should pay the earnest money,says 10,000 in advance. 4. The currently exchange rate is subkect to 7.72. The excat rate will be look as the rate by that time when you make order. 5. The charge for insert card mould decided by the vendor.This charge will be on buyer's account. It will be about USD2,000. 6. 30% desposit should be paid before production with other every time, and the balance will be paid after the inspetion and before shipment by the buyer.This shipment will be effected upon the receipt of full amount. 7. If any delay for inspection after the production is finished on schedule,buyer should pay the late fee of 3% of the total amount. 8. To place an order within one month when the first product be done. If not, the contact will be cancel at once. This contact is valid for 1 year from the date agreement is made effective by buyer and vonder. 作赢外贸单证必会的18步 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 (客户询盘: 一般在客户下perchase Order之前,都会有相关的Order Inquiry给业务部,做一些细节 上的了解。 2(报价: 业务部及时回复客人查询,确定货物品名,型号,生产厂家,数量,交货期,付款方式,包装规格及柜型等,peroforma Invoice 给客户做正式报价。 3(得到订单: 经过洽谈,收到客户正式的订单perchase Order。 4(下生产订单: 得到客人的订单确认后,给工厂下订单,安排生产计划。 5(业务审批: 业务部收到订单后,首先做出业务审核表。按“出口合同审核表”的项目如实填写,尽可能将各种预计费用都列明。合同审批需附上客人订单传真件,与工厂的收购合同。审核表要由业务员签名,部门经理审批,再交管理部人员审核后才能执行。如金额较大的,或有预付款和佣金等条款的,要经公司总经理审批才行。合同审批之后,制成销售订单,交给部门进程员跟进。 6(下达生产通知: 业务部在确定交货期后,满足下列情况可下达生产通知, 通知工厂按时生产: 6.1:如果是L/C付款的客户,通常是在交货期前1个月确认L/C已经收到,收到L/C后应业务员和单证员分别审查信用证,检查是否存在错误,交货期能否保障,及其他可能的问题,如有问题应立即请客人改证。 6.2:如果是T/T付款的客户,要确认定金已经到账。 6.3:如果是放帐客户,或通过银行D/A等方式收汇等,需经理确认。 7( 验货: 7.1:在交货期前一周,要通知公司验货员验货。 7.2:如果客人要自己或指定验货人员来验货的,要在交货期一周前,约客户查货并将查货日期告知计划部。 7.3:如果客人指定由第三方验货公司或公正行等验货的,要在交货期两周前与验货公司联系,预约验货时间,确保在交货期前安排好时间。确定后将验货时间通知工厂。 8(制备基本文件: 工厂提供的装箱资料,制作出口合同,出口商业发票,装箱单等文件(应由业务跟单员制作,交给单证员)。 9(商检: 如果是国家法定商检产品,在给工厂下订单时要说明商检要求,并提供出口合同,发票等商检所需资料。而且要告诉工厂将来产品的出口口岸,便于工厂办理商检。应在发货一周之前拿到商检换证凭单/条。 10( 租船订仓: 10.1(如果跟客人签定的合同是FOB CHINA条款,通常客人会指定运输代理公司或船公司。应尽早与货代联系,告知发货意向,了解将要安排的出口口岸,船期等情况,Q确认工厂的交货能否早于开船期至少一周以前,以及船期能否达到客人要求的交货期。应在交货期两周之前向货运公司发出书面定仓通知(ING ORDER),通常在开船一周前可拿到定仓纸。 10.2(如果是由卖方支付运费,应尽早向货运公司或船公司咨询船期,运价,开船口岸等。经比较,选择价格优惠,信誉好,船期合适的船公司,并告诉业务员通告给客人。如客人不同意时要另选客人 认可的船公司。开船前两周书面定仓,程序同上。 10.3(如果货物不够一个小柜,需走散货时,向货代公司定散货仓位。拿到入仓纸时,还要了解截关时间,入仓报关要求,等内容。 10.4(向运输公司定仓时,一定要传真书面定仓纸,注明所定船期,柜型及数量,目的港等内容,以避免差错。 11( 安排拖柜: 11.1(货物做好并验货通过后,委托拖车公司提柜,装柜。拖车公司应选择安全可 靠,价格合理的公司签定协议长期合作,以确保安全及准时。要给拖车公司传真以下资料:定仓确认书/放柜纸,船公司,定仓号,拖柜委托书,注明装柜时间,柜型及数量,装柜地址,报关行,及装船口岸等。如果有验货公司看装柜,要专门声明,不能晚到。并要求回传一份上柜资料,列明柜号、车牌号、司机及联系电话等 11.2(传真一份装车资料给工厂,列明上柜时间、柜型、订仓号、订单号、车牌号以及司机联系电话。 11.3(要求工厂在货柜离开工厂后尽快传真一份装货通知给业务部,列明货柜离厂时间、实际装货数量等,并记装箱号码和封条号码作为提单的资料。要求工厂装柜后一定要记住上封条。 12(委托报关: 在拖柜同时将报关所需资料交给合作报关行,委托出口报关及做商检通关换单。通常要给报关留出两天时间(船截关前)。委托报关时,应提供一份装柜资料,内容包括所装货物及数量,口岸,船公司,定仓号,柜号,船开截关时间,拖车公司,柜型及数量,本公司的联系人和电话等。 13( 获得运输文件: 13.1( 最迟在开船后两天内,要将提单补料内容传真给船运公司或货运代理。补料要按找L/C或客人的要求来做,并给出正确的货物数量,以及一些特殊要求等,包括要求船公司随同提单出的船证明等。 13.2( 督促船公司尽快出提单样板及运费帐单。仔细核对样本无误后,向船公司书面确认提单内容。如果提单需客人确认的,要先传真提单样板给客人,得到确认后再要求船公司出正本。 13.3( 及时支付运杂费,付款后通知船公司及时取得提单等运输文件。支付运费应做登记。 14( 准备其他文件: 14.1(商业发票:L/C 要求提供的文件中,对商业发票要求最严格。发票的日期要确定在开证日之后,交货期之前。发票中的货物描述要与L/C上的完全相同,小写和大写金额都要正确无误。L/C上对发票的条款应显示出来,要显示唛头。如果发票需办理对方大使馆认证,一般要提前20天办理。 14.2(FORMA原产地证书:FORM A 原产地证要在发货之前到检验检疫局申办。需注意的是运输日期要在L/C 的交货期和开船日之前,在发票日期之后。未能在发货之前办理的,要办理后发证书,需提供报关单,提单等文件。经香港转运的货物,FORM A证书通常要到香港的中国商检公司办理加签,证明未在港对货物进行再加工。 14.3(一般原产地证:一般原产地证可在中国贸易促进会办理,要求低一些。可在发货之后不太长的时间内补办。如果原产地证书要办理大使馆加签,也和发票一样要提前20天办理。 14.4(装运通知:一般是要求在开船后几天之内,要通知客人发货的细节,包括船名,航班次,开船日,预计抵港日,货物及数量,金额,包装件数,唛头,目的港代理人等。有时L/C要求提供发送证明,如传真 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 书,发函底单等,注意按客人要求的时间内办理。 14.5(装箱单:装箱单应清楚地表明货物装箱情况。要显示每箱内装的数量,每箱的毛重,净重,外箱尺寸。按外箱尺寸计算出来的总体积要与标明的总体积相符。要显示唛头和箱号,以便于客人查找。装箱单的重量,体积要于提单相符。 15(交单: 15.1(采用L/C收汇的,应在规定的交单时间内,备齐全部单证,并严格审单,确保没有错误,才交银行议付。 15.2(采用T/T收汇的,在取得提单后马上传真提单给客人付款,确认受到余款后再将提单正本及其他文件寄给客人。 15.3(如果T/T收汇的,要求收全款才能做柜的,要等收款后再安排拖柜。拿到提单后可立即寄正本提单给客人。 16(业务登记: 每单出口业务在完成后要及时做登记,包括电脑登记及书面登记,便于以后查询,统计等。 17(文件存档: 所有的文件、L/C和议付文件必须留存一整套以备查用。 18(单证员平时应注意收集运价变动,船期,航线等信息,为业务员报价提供帮助。 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origin Receive Charges) 本地收货费用(通常为141/20,269/40’) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(RMB370(45)/20’,RMB560(68)/40’) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(通常为基本海运费的?%) (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费 (适用美洲,美国东西岸收费不同) (8)PSS (Peak Season Surcharges) 旺季附加费 (船公司的变相加价) (9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC (Document charges) 文件费 (11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费 (12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单 (13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据 (15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 (16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证 (17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同 (18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书 (19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) (20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) (21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 (22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场 (23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货 (24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货) (25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站 (26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少) (27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式) (28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运 输方式) (29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人 transport document 运输单据 Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据 shipping documents 装船单据 Bill of lading (B/L) 提单 On board B/L 已装船提单 Shipped B/L 已装船提单 received for Shipment B/L 备运提单 Direct B/L 直达提单 transhipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单 Clean B/L 清洁提单 Unclean B/L 或 Foul B/L 不清洁提单 Straight B/L 记名提单 Open B/L 不记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Long Form B/L 全式提单 Short Form B/L 简式提单 On Deck B/L 舱面提单 Stale B/L 过期提单 Ante Dated B/L 倒签提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单 Freight at Destination B/L 运费到付提单 Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单 30、SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区) 31、YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用) 32、GRI 综合费率上涨附加费 33、IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用 34、PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用 35、EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般 是非洲航线、 中南美航线使用 36、CY(集装箱堆场):CONTAINER YARD 37、CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION 38、NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER 39、P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAID 40、C(C((运费到付):COLLECT 41、ETA(预计到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL 42、ETD(预计开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY 43、ETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING (为报关截关日期,海关放行条必须在此规定 时间交给FEEDER公司或船公司) 44、FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD 45、LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD 46、T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSIT 47、C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT 48、CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT 49、FOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARD 50、S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDER(一般船公司都有自己的固定格式) 51、HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING(为货代公司出的提单,对直接客户) 52、OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING (顺便提及AWB(空运提单):AIR WAYBILL) 53、SEAL NO. (铅封号) 54、CNTR NO. (柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER 55、VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次) 广交会常用英语 Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们 的总经理,李先生。 It’s an honor to meet. 很荣幸认识你。 Nice to meet you . I’ve heard a lot about you. 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。 How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读, How do I address you? 如何称呼您, It’s going to be the pride of our company. 这将是本公司的荣幸。 What line of business are you in? 你做那一行, Keep in touch. 保持联系。 Thank you for coming. 谢谢你的光临。 Don’t mention it. 别客气 Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰你。 I’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起打扰你一下。 Excuse me a moment. 对不起,失陪一下。 Excuse me. I’ll be right back. 对不起,我马上回来 What about the price? 对价格有何看法, What do you think of the payment terms? 对支付条件有何看法, How do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样, What about having a look at sample first? 先看一看产品吧, What about placing a trial order? 何不先试订货, The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in?我们的产品质量与其他生产商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象他们的那样高。哎,你对哪个产品感兴趣, You can rest assured. 你可以放心。 We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。 This new product is to the taste of European market. 这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。 I think it will also find a good market in your market.我认为它会在你国市场上畅销。 Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。 While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further.虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再减价了。 Reliability is our strong point. 可靠性正是我们产品的优点。 We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。 To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is.在某种程度上,我们的价 格就得看你们的定单有多大。 This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other countries.这种产品现在需求量很大,我们手头上来自其他国家的很多询盘。 Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量, Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation. 这是我们的FOB价格单。单上所有价格以我方最后确认为准。 In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis. 通常我们的报价都是FOB价 Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. You’ ll see that from our price sheet. The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.我们 的价格比其他制造商开价优惠得多。这一点你可以从我们的价格单看到,所有价格当然要经我方确认后方 有效。 We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。 Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。 This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in. 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品, Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look. 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗,这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。 I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements. I’m sure the prices we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合你的要求,我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的 Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 大量询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。 We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。 My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 Moreover, we’ve kept the price close to the costs of production.再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you’ll choose? 能否告知你们将采用那种付款方式, Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货 贸易基础:常用贸易文件 进口国的文件要求 1、产地来源证 (Certificate of Origin);2、产地来源证表格甲 (Certificate of Origin Form A);3、未再加工证明 (Certificate of Non-Manipulation);4、植物检疫证 (Phytosanitary Certificate / Plant Health Certificate);5、检验报告书 (Report of Findings);6、临时免税进口证 (ATA Carnet) 进出口贸易常用各类检验证明书 检验证明书是出口国或进口国监管机构签发的文件,用于证明货品已经过查验,无论品质和数量均符合既定的标准。检验证明书可以由政府机关、认可实验室、检验机构或出口商自行签发。以下列出各项常用的检验证明书及在港的签发机构。 说明 * 合格证明书 Certificate of Conformity 此证明书用于证明产品已经过检查和核实,确证符合进口国规定的技术标准,并与预先订明的定义一 致。 合格证明书由认可的标准检定机构签发。 * 自由销售证明书 Certificate of Free Sale 此证明书用于证明产品在其原产地可以自由营销。若产品是食品或药物,进口国监管当局亦会根据此自由销售证明书,批准该产品在进口国销售。此证明书通常由卫生署签发,经进口国在港的领事馆批署后,方成为合法文件。 * 品质及数量证明书 Certificate of Quality and Quantity 此证明书证明付运的货品无论是数量和品质均符合出口销售合约的规定。 此证明书由出口商或受聘的检验机构签发。 * 熏蒸检验证明书 Fumigation Inspection Certificate 此证明书证明进口的新鲜园艺产品或装运用的实木包装材料已经过检疫处理,没有受活虫蛀蚀。 此证明书由受聘的检验机构签发并须经渔农处签署核证。 * 卫生证明书,卫生检验证明书 Health Certificate / Sanitary Inspection Certificate 此证明书证明含有动物、蛋类产品、添加剂、可容许除害剂残渣等成份的食品在装运时状况良好,适宜食用。 此证明书由渔农处签发。 * 植物检疫证 Phytosantiary (Plant Health) Certificate 此证明书证明付运的食品如水果、蔬菜、园艺产品等已经过查验,确证没有沾染害虫或植物疾病。 此证明书由渔农处签发。 * 重量证明书 Weight Certificate 此证明书证明付运的货品与提单,发票,保险证明书上注明的重量一 致。付运散装货物时通常要随附 此证明书。 避免外贸纠纷,你必须要做什么, 外贸双方在贸易过程中所发生的争议,常常是由外贸合同中的品质条款规定不太明确所致。 我们不妨通过一个案例,来了解有关法律知识。 本文所说的贸易主要是对外贸易,即一方当事人为中国的公司,另一方当事人为国外的公司之间的贸易活动。 从外贸的实际工作中所反映出来的问题之一,就是外贸双方在贸易过程中所发生的争议,主要是在外贸合同中的品质条款规定不太明确所致。 甲公司和乙公司发生纠纷 比如,甲公司(中国上海某公司)与乙公司(日本东京某株式会社)双方就服装的买卖进行贸易,由于甲公司按照装船出运到乙公司指定的目的港后,乙公司也如数收到甲公司所提供的货物,根据有关外贸合同规定,乙公司应当以T/T的方式付款,但是,乙公司却没有及时支付有关的款项,甲公司几次发传真给乙公司,要求乙公司付款,乙公司保持沉默,既不付款,也不说明任何理由,在此前提下,甲公司再次发传真给乙公司,并明确表示,如果到10天还不付款,甲公司将根据外贸合同的有关条款,追究乙公司的赔偿责任。此时,乙公司才作出反应,讲述不付款的理由是由于甲公司所提供的货物品质不符合要求,现在乙公司的下家提供了该批货物品质存在严重质量问题,并要求乙公司承担赔偿责任等等。同时,乙公司表示,如果乙公司的下家通过法律手段要求乙公司承担赔偿责任,那么,该部分的赔款由甲公司来承担等等。 我们这里不对甲公司与乙公司谁是谁非问题进行评判,而主要就该纠纷所发生的环节,货物的品质问题进行分析。不论如何,由于发生争议必然会影响交易双方的根本利益,其中有故意者,也有不少对于外贸合同中品质条款的表述不明确的情况。为此,就外贸合同中有关的品质条款规定以及具体的规定样式分别表述如下,以便让有关的从事外贸企业的管理者和经营者作为参考。 外贸合同中应该注意的 应当说,品质条款是外贸合同中最重要的条款,货物的品质将决定货物的具体价格,同时,也是外贸合同的基础,因此,在外贸合同中,必须明确约定商品的品质、决定商品品质的时间和地点,以及品质出现问题时的主要处理方式等。 相关阅读:控制坏帐的10招 招招狠 外贸企业出口运输业务操作指南 一、商品品质的一般表示方式主要有以下几种: 质量以卖方样品为准。Quality as per seller's sample. 质量以买方样品为准。Quality as per buyer's sample. 凭规格、等级或标准买卖。Sales by specification, grade or standard. 良好平均品质。Fair average quality, (F. A. Q.). 上好可销品质。Good merch-antable quality, (G. M. Q.). 凭商标或牌号买卖。Sales by trademark or brand. 凭说明书买卖。Sales by specification. 二、商品品质的实例参考表述: 以**在装运港出具的品质证书为最后依据。 ertificate by _______at loading port to be taken as final 以制造者工厂检验为准。Make-r's inspection in the factory to be final 以独立公正行装运时的检验质量为准。 。 卖方凭样品售货,必须保证货到时的质量同样品完全一致。 装运地装货时的平均中等品质,以伦敦谷物贸易协会官方平均中等品质为准。 upon the basis of London Corn Trade Association's official 's F. A. Q. standard. 质量完全以卖方**日提供的样品为准。 卖方必须保证交货质量同其他所提供的样品一样。 ntee all shipments to conform to samples submitted with regard to quality. 广交会:最常用的30个句子 1、Would anyone like something to drink bdfore we begin? (在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧,) 一旦开始,当然就是“正式的了,这是中国人的习惯用语,翻译的时候别让它把你给卡住了。 2、We are ready. 我们准备好了 3、I know I can count on you. 我知道我可以相信你 4、Tust me. 请相信我 5、We are here to solve problems. 我们是来解决问题的 6、We’ll come out from this meeting as winners. 这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢 7、Ihope this meeting is productive. 我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈 8、I need more information. 我需要更多的信自 9、Not in the long run. 从长远来说并不是这样。 很有诱惑力的一句话,也可以显示你的“高瞻远瞩” 10、Let me explain to you why . 让我给你一个解释一下原因 很好的转折,又可磨炼自己的耐心 11、That’s the basic problem. 这是最基本的问题。 12、Let’s compromise. 让我们还是各退一步吧。 嘴里这么说,心里可千万别放松。追求利润最大化是一种专业精神。 13、It depends on what you want. 那要视贵方的需要而定。 没那么正规的场合下说:那要看你到底想要什么。 14、The longer we wait ,the less likely we will come up with anything. 时间拖得越久,我们成功的机会就越少。 15、Are you negotiable? 你还有商量的余地吗, 16、I’m sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定还有商量的余地。 17、We have another plan. 我们还有一个计划。 准备多么充分~胜利一定会属于这样的人~ 18、Let’s negotiate the price. 让我们来讨论一下价格吧。 19、We could add it to the agenda. 我们可以把它也列入议程。 20、Thanks for reminding us. 谢谢你的提醒。 21、Our position on the issue is very simple. 我们的意见很简单。 22、We can not be sure what you want unless you tell us. 希望你能告诉我们,要不然我们无法确定你想要的是什么。 23、We have done a lot. 我们已经取得了不少的进展。 24、We can work out the details next time. 我们可以下次再来解决细节问题。 25、I suggest that we take a break. 建议休息一下。 26、Let’s dismiss and return in an hour. 咱们休会,一个钟头后再回来。 27、We need a break. 我们需要暂停一下。 28、May I suggest that we continue tomorrow. 我建议明天再继续,好吗, 少提这种建议,中国人一定要学会如何在谈判桌“熬得住“,很多时候不是“技术战”而是“神经战” 29、We can postpone our meeting until tomorrow. 我们可以把会议延迟到明天。 30、That will eat up a lot of time. 那会耗费很多时间。 海洋运输英语专业术语 班轮运输liner transport 船期表sailing schedule 燃油附加费bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 超重附加费heavy lift additional 超长附加费 over length additional 洗舱费tank cleaning charge 选港附加费optional additional 港口附加费port additional 港口拥挤附加费port congestion surcharge 贬值附加费devaluation surcharge 班轮运价表liner's freight tariff 租船Charter 租船合同charter party 定程租船voyage charter;trip charter 单程航次single voyage charter 回程航次round voyage charter 连续单程航次consencutive single voyage charter 定期租船 time charter 每载重吨DWT-dead weight ton 运费freight 运费率rate of freight 装入量intake quantity 卸出量outturn quantity 滞期费demurrage 速谴费 despatch money 按晴天工作日weather working days 外贸英语函电范文 建立贸易关系的常用书信 Letters for Establishing Business Relations 1.Importer Writes to Exporter Dear Sirs, We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices. As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference. Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.commercial adj. 商业的,商务的 commercial counsellor 商务参赞 commercial counsellor's office 商务参赞处 commercial attache 商务专员 commercial articles 商品, (报上)商业新闻 commerce n. 商业 commerce department 商业部门 2.embassy n. 大使馆 the American Embassy in Beijing 美国驻北京大使馆 ambassador n. 大使,使节 3.dealer n. 商人 retail dealer (or:retailer) 零售商 wholesale dealer (or:wholesaler) 批发商 deal n. b. 贸易,成交,经营 make (or:do) a deal with... 与...做交易 deal on credit 信用交易,赊帐买卖 4.connected with... 与...有联系;与...有关系 5.light industrial product 轻工业产品 6.competitive adj. 有竞争力的 competitive price 竞争价格 competitive capacity 竞争能力 competitive power 竞争能力 competitive edge 竞争优势 eg.If your price is competitive, we will place an order with you. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。 Your products has no competitive capacity in our market. 你方产品在我市场上没有竞争力。 compete v. 竞争 ,with (or:against) sb. in sth. 在...方面与某人竞争 eg.We should compete with other enterprises in the quality of the products. 我们必须在产品的质量方面与其它企业竞争。 ,with (or:against) sb. for sth. 为...事情与某人竞争 eg.We must compete against other countries in trade for obtaining larger international market. 为了获取更大的国际市场我们必须与其他国家在贸易方面进行竞争。 competition n. 竞争 eg.To enable us to meet competition, you must quote the lowest possible price. 为了使我们能适应竞争, 你方必须报尽可能低的价格。 competitor n. 竞争者,竞争对手 eg.We trust that the superior quality, attractive design and reasonable price of our products will surely enable us to defeat the competitors. 我们相信我方产品的优良质量、诱人设计、合理价格定能使我方击败竞争对手。 7.standing 资信情况,信誉,固定的,永久的 standing cost 长期成本,固定成本 standing orders 长期订单 standing director 常务董事 有关“资信情况”的表达方法还有: credit standing 信誉情况 financial standing 财金情况 finances 财源,资金情况(常用复数) 8.We are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference. 我们已征得伦 敦的英国银行同意,把它们作为我们的咨询银行。 9.regarding prep. 关于,与 with regard to, in regard to, as regards 同义,一般可以换用。 eg.Regarding the terms of payment, we require confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit. 关于支付条件,我们要求保兑的、不可撤消的信用证。 评论人:水静也 2.Self Introduction by Exporter 出口商的自我介绍 Dear Sirs, We write to introduce ourselves as one of the largest exporters, from China, of a wide range of Machinery and Equipments. We enclose a copy of our latest catalog covering the details of all the items available at present, and hope some of these items will be of interest of you. It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our lowest quotations. Should, by chance, your corporation not deal with the import of the goods mentioned above, we would be most grateful if this letter could be forwarded to the correct import corporation. We are looking forward to your favourable and prompt reply. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.a wide range of... 大范围的..., 各类的... 2.enclose v. 封入 eg.We enclose a copy of our price list. 随函附上我方价目表一份。 过去分词enclosed可作名词用,前面加定冠词。 eg.We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. 我们相信你们对所附之件会感兴趣。 enclosure n. 附件(缩写:Encl. Enc.) 3.catalogue n. 目录(也可写作catalog)】 latest catalogue 最新目录 catalogue for the standardized parts 标准化零件目录 catalogue of material 材料目录 4.available adj. 可利用的,可得到的,可供应的(做定语时前置后置均可,后置较为常用。) commodities available for export 供出口的商品 not available 缺货 We will ship by the first steamer available (or:the first available steamer) next month. 货物将由下月第一条便船装运。 This is the only stock available (or:the only available stock). 这是唯一可供之货。 We are sending you under cover a catalog covering the goods available at present. 随函附 上一份我方目前可供之货的目录单。 5.inquiry n. 询价,询盘 (美国人常用,英国人有时使用enquiry) 6.quotation n. 报价,行情 quotation table (list) 价目表 exchange rate quotation 外汇行情 discount quotation 贴现行情 market quotation 市场行情 quote v.t. 开价 quote a price 报价 quote favourable terms 报优惠价 7.deal with 经营,处理 Our company deals with the import and export of chemical products. 我们公司经营化工产品的进出口业务。 表示“经营(某种或某类商品)”的说法很多,常见的有:handle, deal in, trade in, be in the line等。上面的例句可改写为: Our company handles (or:deals in, trades in, is in the line of) the import and export of chemical products. 8. forward v.t. 转交,传递 Your letter of November 8 addressed to our Head Office has been forwarded (or:transmitted, referred, passed on, handed over) to us for attention and reply. 你方11月8日致我总公司的函已转给我们办复。 9.care of=c/o 由...转交,信封上常用。 如: Mr. David Smith c/o world Trading Co. 由世界贸易公司转交史密斯*大卫先生。 10.favourable adj. 有利的,赞成的,有帮助的 表示赞同某事或表示对某人、某事有利,后接介词to: We are favourable to your terms and conditions of this transaction. 我们同意你方这个交易的条件。 The market has so changed as to be favourable to the sellers. 市场变为对买方有利。 如果表示对某种行为有利一般接介词for: The time is not favourable for the disposal of the goods. 现在不是卖货的有利时机。 favourable reply 合意的回答,类似good news, 相当于中文的“佳音”、“好消息”。 favourable price 优惠价格 评论人:水静也 3.Exporter Writes to Importer 出口商给进口商的信 (1)Dear Sirs, Your firm has been recommended to us by John Morris&Co., with whom we have done business for many years. We specialize in the exportation of Chinese Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. We enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you. We hope you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.specialize in 专门(从事),专门(经营) We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts. 我们专门经营工艺品的进出口。 2.chemicals n. 常用复数,化工产品、化学制品 (=chemical products) 3.pharmaceutical n. 药品,药剂,成药 4.enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉 类似的表达方法有: The goods are most popular with our customers. The goods have commanded a good market. The goods are selling fast (or enjoy fast sales). The goods are universally acknowledged. The goods are unanimously acclaimed by our customers. “畅销品”有如下表达法: ready seller;quick seller;quick-selling product. Judging from our experience in marketing our garden tools in Australia, we are rather confident that they will soon become quick-selling products in your market. 根据我们在澳大利 亚销售园林工具的经验,我们相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。 5.contact v.t. 与...联系;与...接触 For further details, please contact our local office. 详情请向我们当地的分支机构探询。 contact n. 联系;交往 We have been in contact with that firm for nearly two years. 我们与那家公司有近两年的交 往。 评论人:水静也 (2) Dear Sirs, Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freemen&Co., Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. We enclose a brochure and a pricelist to acquaint you with our commodities now available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. Your favourable reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.Through the courtesy of..., we come to know your name and address. 承蒙...使我们得知你 公司的名称和地址。 类似的表达方式还有: We owe your name and address to... We are indebted to... for your name and address. 2.fall within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围 类似的表达方法有 be within (lie within, come under) the scope of our trade activities; be within (lie within, fall within) our business scope (sphere)等。 3.brochure n. 小册子(法语), 相当于英语pamphlet 4.acquaint v.t. 使认识,使了解 acquaint sb. with (或 of;that) In order to acquaint you with our products, we airmailed you two samples this morning. 为使你方了解我方产品,我们今晨寄去两个样品。 5.appreciate v. 感谢,感激(可接动名词,不可接不定式);理解,体会 We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们十分感激你方的合作。 We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. 请你方对此事认真考虑为感。 We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and sample book by air immediately. 如能立即航寄一份说明书和一份样本,不胜感激。 We hope you will appreciate our position. 希望你们能理解我们的处境。 其他用法还有: It will be greatly appreciated if you will send us your samples immediately. 如能立即寄来你方样品, 我们将不胜感激。 Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. 如能尽快回复将不胜感激。 评论人:水静也 4.Self Introduction by Manufacturer 生产厂家的自我介绍 Dear Sirs, We have learned, from the China Daily, that you are a leading importer of household electric appliances, and at present you are in the market for Electric Fans. We, therefore, take pleasure in informing you that we are anenterprise manufacturing vatious electric fans and have recently produced a new model of gentle breeze electric fan entitled "Chang Feng" whose quality as well as functions has been proved by a scrupulous test, and the designs and colours have been clearly explained in our illustrated catalog enclosed. Considering the improvements it offers, we believe you will find our "Chang Feng" a very good seller in your market. If you have interest in dealing with us in "Chang Feng" or other types of the goods shown in our catalog, please inform us of your requirements together with your banker's name and address. For our credit standing, please refer to the following bank: The Bank of China, Xi'an Branch (address)... Your immediate reply would be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.leading improter 主要进口商 leading market 主要市场 leading stock 主要股份 2.be in the market for 想要购买 One of our customers is in the market for Chinese Black Tea.我方一位客户想要购买中国红茶。 3.scrupulous test 严格检验 4.illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录 5.refer to sb. for sth. 向某人打听(查询)某事 Please refer to the Bank of China, Xi'an Branch for our credit standing. 请向中国银行西 安分行查询我方资信情况。 上述句子也可以写成: For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Xi'an Branch. 关于我方的资信 情况,请向中国银行西安分行查询。 refer to 提到,谈判,谈及,涉及 We refer to your telex of May 15. 兹谈及你方5月15日电传。 评论人:水静也 5.Manufacturer Writes to Importer 厂家给进口商的信 Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo, who informed us that you are in the market for Personal Computers. We are one of the largest computer manufacturers in our country and have handled with various kinds of the products for about 10 years. We approach you today in the hope of establishing business relations with you and expect, by our joint effects, to enlarge our business scope. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our illustrated catalogue covering the main items suppliable at present. If you are interested in any of the items, please tell us by fax. We'll give you our lowest quotations and try our best to comply with your requirment. Our customers are always satisfied with our products and the service after sale. And we believe that you will be so too, after we do business together. Our bankers are the Bank of Tokyo, Japan. They can provide you information about our business and finances. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.the chamber of commerce 商会 In almost every town or city of the western countries, there is a chamber of commerce. It is an organization of businessmen. One of its tasks is to ge business information and to find new business opportunities for its members. 2.manufacturer n. 制造商,厂商 manufacture v. n. 制造(品),制造业 manufactured article 人工制品 manufactured goods 制成品 manufactured products 工业产品 of Chinese (home, foreign) manufacture 中国(本国,外国)制造的 Chinese manufactures=Chinese makes 中国制品 silk manufactures 丝制品 the textile manufacture 纺织业 manufactory n. 制造厂,工厂 a hardware manufactory 五金工厂 3.approach v.t. 与...接洽(和contact同义,但被动语态用approach较多) Please approach (contact) them again. 请再与他们联系。 We have been approached by several buyers for the supply of walnuts. 已有好几家买主向我 们联系核桃的供应。 4.joint effect 共同努力 5.covering the main items suppliable at present 包括我方目前能够供货的主要项目。 6.comply with 依照,符合 We hope you will be able to comply with our request. 希望你方能按我方要求办理。 in compliance with 依从...;按照... Please make us a firm offer in compliance with our request. 请按我们要求发实盘。 7.service after selling 售后服务 8.our bankers are...我方银行是... 评论人:水静也 The Letters of Enquiries and Replies 询价和回复的信函例文 1.General Enquiry and Reply 一般询价和回复 (Enquiry) Gentlemen: We learn from ABC & Co. Ltd, New York that you are a leading exporter in your country. We are, at present, very much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your sending us catalogues, sample books or even samples if possible. Please give us detailed information of CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts, and terms of payment. We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable bussiness relations. Truly yours, (Reply) Gentlemen: We welcome you for your enquiry of March 21 and thank you for your interest in our export commodities. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust that when you see them you will agree that our products appeal to the most selective buyer. We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. As to the terms of payment we usually require L/C payable by sight draft. Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured that it will receive our prompt and careful attention. Truly yours, Notes 1.CIF 价格术语“Cost, Insurance and Freight”,成本、保险加运费的缩写。通常称作“到岸价”。 2.discount n. 折扣,折价,贴现 allow (or:give, make, grant)...%discount off (on) the prices of goods 按货价给予...,的 折扣 If you order for 5,000 sets, we would grant you 10% discount. 如果你方能定购5000台,我 们将给予10,的折扣。 We give 10% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,我们予以九折优待。 at a discount 低于正常价格;打折扣;(货物无销路) The goods are selling at a discount. 该货正以低价销售。 3.terms of payment 支付条件,也可以说 payment terms 4.profitable adj. 有益的,有利的,可获利的 profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所 profit n. (常用复数)利润 net profits 净利润,纯利润 total profits 总利润 profit ratio (rate) 利润率 gross profits 总利润,毛利 sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利 5.craftsmanship n. (工匠的)技术,技艺 6.appeal (to) vi. 有吸引力,有感染力 appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主 7.L/C payable by sight draft 即期信用证,也可以说L/C available by sight draft 8.assure v. 向...保证,使确信,主要用于以下四种结构: (1) assure sb. of sth. We assure you of the reliability of the information. 我们可以向你方保证这信息的可靠性。 (2) assure sb. that We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment. 请确信我们将迅速装运。 (3) be (or: rest) assured of sth (rest 是系动词) Please (or: You may) be (or: rest) assured of our continued cooperation. 请确信我方仍将 继续合作。 (4) be (or:rest) assured that You may (Please) be (rest) assured that we will contact you as soon as our fresh supply comes in. 请确信一俟我方新供货到来,我方即与你方联系。 评论人:水静也 2.Specific Enquiry and Reply 具体询价和回复 (1) Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods 对中国棉织品的询价 Dear Sirs, We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire. At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.be desirous of 渴望,想要 We are desirous of entering into (to enter into) direct business relations with you. 我 们热切盼望与你方建立直接的贸易关系。 desire n. v. 期望,渴望,要求,请求(比wish强烈) What do you desire to buy at present? 你方目前想要买些什么, It is desired that the catalogues shall be airmailed to us within one week. 深盼在一周内 给我们航邮目录本。 2.coincide v. (意见等)一致;(时间上)相同 We are glad that our ideas coincide. 很高兴我们双方意见一致。 Your enquiry coincided with our offer. 你方询盘正好与我方报盘同时发出。 3.regarding prep. 关于,与with regard to, in regard to,as regards 同义,一般可以换用。 We have already written to you regarding this matter. 关于此事我们已给你方写过信。 Regarding the balance, we will advise you of the position in a few days. 关于剩余数量的 情况,将于日内告知。 4.quote v. 报价 作“报价”解,这个动词的基本结构是: quote sb. a price for sth. Please quote us your lowest price for walnots. 请向我方报核桃最低价。 有时可用:quote sb. for sth. Please quote us for walnuts. 请向我方报核桃价。 也可用:quote sb. a price Please quote us your lowest price. 请报你方最低价。 5.inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金 This offer (or:price) is inclusive of your 2% commission. =This offer (or: price) includes your 2% commission. 此报盘(或:价格)包括你方2,的佣金。 本课原句 Please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission. = Please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, including our 5% commission.请报你方 CIF温哥华最低价,包括我方5,佣金。 评论人:水静也 (2)Enquiry for Dyeing Machines 对印染机的询价 Gentlemen: We learn from your letter of July 2 that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile machines. As there is a demand here for high-quality dyeing machines, we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. Kindest regards. Yours truly, (Reply) Gentlemen: We warmly welcome your enquiry of July 15 and thank you for your interest in our dyeing machines. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and pricelist giving the details you ask for. As for the payment terms we usually require confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight. We have already sole some of those machines to China and are now represented there by The Engineering Export Ltd, Beijing. May we suggest that you contact the company directly? We think the firm may supply you with more details of our machines. We feel confident that you will find the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price. With best regards. Yours sincerely, Notes 1.Confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的, 凭即期汇票支付的信用证 2.be represented by...由...代理 representative n. 代理人 a legal representative 法定代理人 3.reasonable adj. 合理的 Our price is quite reasonable. 我方价格是相当合理的。 类似的表达法还有:realistic adj. 符合实际的,现实的;workable adj. 可行的;in the line with the present market 与现行价格相符,etc 评论人:水静也 (3) Enquiry for Textiles 对纺织品的询价 Dear Sir, It is a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves to you as a commission for Chinese Commodities. We've been engaged with this post for over 5 years now. We would be so much grateful if you send us catalogues and samples for the following items. (1)Towels, bed-sheets and blankets (2) Baby napkins and diapers (3) Garments for men, women and children (4) Underwear for men, women and children (5) Cotton piece goods and cotton fabrics (6) Sewing thread (7) Cotton Knitwear (8) Synthetic fabric (9) Any other item that you wish to offer We are awaiting your earliest reply. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.commission n. 委任,委托,代办(权),代理(权);委员会;佣金 commission house 委托商行;证券经济公司 commission sale 委托销售 commission agent 佣金商;代理商 commission broker 掮客,经纪人 commission of authority 授权书 commission for acceptance 承兑佣金 commission ticket 佣金票证 2.cotton fabrics 棉织品 3.synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织品 评论人:水静也 (4) Enquiry for Cosmetics 对化妆品的询价 Dear Sirs, Re: COSMETICS We are one of the leading importers of Daily Chemicals in this city and shall be please to establish business relations with your corporation. At present we are interested in your cosmetics, details as per our Enquiry Note No. 1345 attached, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place our order with you immediately. We look forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours, Encl. As stated Notes 1.cosmetics n. 化妆品 2.as per 按照,根据 as per list price 按照表上价格 as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据 3.Enquiry Note No. 1345 1345号询价单 4.attach v.t. 附加 order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单 aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助 5.quotation n. 报价(单),行情(表) lowest quotation 最低报价 discount quotatuon 贴现行情 exchange rate quotation 外汇行情 quotation table 价目表 quote v.t. 报价,开价 quote favourable price 报优惠价格 6.delivery date 交货期 也可以用下列方式表示: date of delivery; time of delivery; delivery time; date of shipment; time of shipment; shipment time (date) etc. 评论人:水静也 5) Enquiry for Personal Computer 对计算机的询价 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to learn from your letter of 1st August that, as a manufacturer of computers, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This is just our desire, too. We have studied your catalogue and are interested in your IBM CPU 80586 personal computer. Please quote us your lowest price, CIF Guangzhou, inclusive of our 2% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitve and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. Please give us your reply as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Notes 1.be desirous of sth. 想要某物 be desirous of doing sth. 渴望做某事 be desirous to do sth. 渴望做某某事 desire n. 渴望,愿意 2.commission n. 佣金 commission 作佣金讲时一些习惯用法如下: (1)百分之几佣金:a commission of ...% 或 ..., commission (2)你方/我方百分之几佣金: your/our commission of ...% 或 your/our ...% commission (3)两笔或几笔佣金: two or several items of commission (4)一切佣金或各项佣金: all commissions draw (receive) a commission of 5% on each sale 在每笔生意中抽取(收取)5,的佣金 The above price includes your 2% commission. 以上所开价格包括你方2,的佣金。 3.Place a large order with you 向你方大量订货 order n. 订单 名词order常与动词make,send,place等连用,如果表示订购某项货物,后接介词“for”,也可接 “on”或“of”,但“for”最为普遍。 If your price is in line, we will send you an order for 5,000 sets. 如果你方价格与市价相 符,我们将定购5000台。 order v.t. 订购,订(货) If you allow us 10% discount, we will oder 10,000 dozen. 如果你方给予10,的折扣,我们将 订购10000打。 评论人:水静也 Quotation and Reply 报价及回复 (Quotation) Dear Sirs, We thank you for your enquiry of August 22 and are pleased to send you our quotation for the goods you required as follows: Commodity: "White Rabbit" Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket No.33. Size:74*84in Weight:4lbs Colour:yellow, brown, green assortment Quantity:1,000pcs. Price:US$40.00 per piece CIF Montreal Shipment:October You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer. We are anticipating a large order from the United States, and that will cause a sharp rise in price. We look forward to receiving your order. Yours faithfully, (Reply) Dear Sirs, "White Rabbit" Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket Thank you for your quotation of August 24 for 1,000 pieces of the captioned goods. We immediately contacted our customers and they showed great interest because there is a growing demand for woolen blankets. The prices you quoted, however, are found too much on the high side. ABC Company, one of our customers, told us that they would possibly order 2,000 pieces of the goods, provided that you can reduce your price to US$38.00 per piece. ABC is one of the leading importers in our country, so there is a good chance of finalizing and order with them if the present price can be lowered to meet their requirement. We hope you will take advantage of this chance so that you will benefit from the expanding market. We are most anxious that you will do your utmost to reduce the price and we await your reply with great interest. Yours faithfully, Notes 1. woolen mixed blanket 混纺毛毯 2. pcs. 是pieces的缩写;piece的缩写为pc. 3. We are anticipating a large order from the United States, ... 我们预计美国方面将有一个大的订单到来,... anticipate v.t. 盼望、期望,后接名词、动名词或that引导的从句。 We anticipate your acceptance. 盼望你方接受。 We anticipate receiving your early reply. 盼你方早日回复。 We anticipate that fresh supplies will arrive next month. 我们预计新货将于下月来到。 anticipate与expect的区别: 这两个动词都表示预期某事将发生,但有所不同。在意思上,anticipate所预期的一般都指可喜的 事,expect则不一定。 We anticipate (or:expect) our products will be a quick seller in your market. The firm expects heavy losses this year. (一般不用anticipate) 在结构上,除两个动词都可以用名词及that从句为宾语外,anticipate后面可接动名词, 不可接 不定式,expect则可接不定式,不可接动名词。 We anticipate shipping the goods next week=We expect to ship the goods next week.我们期 望下周装货。 expect还可接:名词或代词+不定式“构成的复合宾语,anticipate则不可。 正:We expect the shipment to arrive in a few days. 我们预期装运的货物将于日内到达。 误:We anticipate the shipment to arrive in a few days. 4. a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨 5. the captioned goods 标题项下的货物(这里指“White Rabbit”Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket) 类似的表达法还有: the subject article (goods) the goods (article) mentioned in the subject lined 6. growing demand 增长的需求 a large demand 大的需求 a great demand 很大的需求 latent demend 潜伏需求 overfull demand 过多需求 demand and supply 供与求;供求 7. on the high side (指价格)偏高 We regret to say that we cannot accept your offer, as your price is found (to be) on the high side.谦告由于你方价格偏高,我们不能接受你方报盘。 类似的表达方式有: Your price is a bit high. 你方价格有点高。 Your price is too high.你方价格太高。 Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。 Your price is excessive. 你方价格过高。 注意:out of line with the market (与市价不一致),unreasonable (不合理), unworkable (不 可行), impracticable (行不通), infeasible (行不通), unrealistic (不现实)等如果出自 买方之口,往往指价格偏高, 如果出自卖方之口,则往往指价格偏低(on the low side)。 8. provided conj. 假若;倘使;假如;以......为条件(与that连用) We will send you an order for 5,000 metric tons, provided that you can ship in May. 如果 你方能在5月份装船,我们将订购5000吨。 9. finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单 评论人:水静也 Sending a Quotation 寄送报价 Dear Sirs, We thank you for your Enquiry List No. 303 and enclose our Quotation No. 104 for the captioned goods. We have sent you our latest illustrated catalogue today by parcel post. Their attractive designs and the resonable prices at which we offer them will, we hope, convince you that our toys are really good value. Provided we receive your order by 15 May, we make you a firm offer for delivery by the end of June at the prices quoted. On orders for 500 pieces or more we allow a special discount of 4% and look forwrd to receiving your order. Yours faithfully, Enc. Quotation No. 104 评论人:水静也 简单的商务英语让你与买家沟通 一、商务: what time would be convenient for you? 你看什么时间比较方便, I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation. 我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。 Here is to our next project! 为我们下一个项目干杯~ would you please tell me when you are free? 请问你什么时候有空, gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。 很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。 what I care about is the quality of the goods. 我关心的是货物的质量。 please have a look at those samples. 请给我看一下那些样品。 I'd like to know any business connections abroad. 我想多了解一些你们公司。 I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you. 我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。 can I have your price list? 你能给我价格单吗, will you give us an indication of prices? 你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗, I am in charge of export business. 我负责出口生意。 I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods. 我正考虑向你们订货。 what about the prices? 那价格方面怎么样, Let's call it a deal. 好,成交~ our product is the best seller. 我们的产品最畅销。 our product is really competitive in the word market. 我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. 我们的产品行销海外许多地区。 It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise. "重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。 I wish you success in your business transaction. 祝你生意兴隆。 I want to out your product. 我想了解一下你们的产品。 this is our latest devlopment. 这是我们的新产品。 we have a wide selection of colors and designs. 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。 the quality must be instrict conformity with that of sample. 质量必须与样品一样。 评论人:水静也 二、价格 I think we can strike a bargain with you if your pries are competitive. 我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。 Is that your quoted prices? 这是你方的价格吗, It would be very difficult to come down with the price. 我们很难再降价了。 our prices are the most reasonable. 我们的价格是最合理的。 can you cut down the price for me? 你们可以降低价格吗, we can offer you discount terms. 我们可以向你提供折扣。 Do you quote CIG or FOB? 你们报的是到岸价还是离岸价, I can assure you our price is very favourable. 我可以保证我们的价格是优惠的。 Please give us your best price. 请给我们报最低价。 All the prices are on the FOB shanghai basis. 所有的价格都是上海港船上交货价。 Your prices are much too high for us to accept. 你的价格太高,我们不能接受。 I can't allow the price you ask for. 我不能同意你们要求的价格。 we can't cover our production cost at this price. 这个价格我们不能保本。 Are the price on the list firm offers? 报价单上的价格是实价吗, This is the lowest possible price. 这是最低价了。 thank you for your inquiry. 感谢贵方询价。 How about the prices? 价格如何, When quoting ,please state terms of payment and time of delivery. 贵方报价时,请说明付款条件和交货时间。 Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit. 我们的价格是很实际的,是根据合理的利润提出的。 If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample. 如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。 评论人:水静也 三、谈判与合同 Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit. 我们的价格是很实际的,是根据合理的利润提出的。 If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample. 如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。 I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion. 我很高兴我们的谈判获得圆满成功。 When shall we come to sign the contract, 我们什么时候签订合同, Do you think it'stime to sign the ontract? 我想该签合同了吧, Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement. 在正式签约之前,我们要重申一下协议的重点。 As some points concerning the contrac have not yet been settled negotiation has to be continued before the contract is signed. 由于合同某些问题尚未解决,所以在合同签署前仍需继续协商。 There are a few points which I'd like to ring up concerning the contract. 关于合同我想提出几点看法。 The seller should try to carry out the contract in time if not the buyer has the righe to cancel the contact. 卖方应努力按规定履行合同,否则买方有权撤消合同。 No party who has signed the contract has the rught to break if. 签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。 Once a contract is signed,it has legal effect. 合同一旦签署即具有法律效力。 We can get the contract finalized now. 现在我们可以签订合同了。 Have you any questions in regards to the contract? 关于合同你还有什么问题要问吗, 评论人:水静也 四、订货 When can we expect your confirmation of the order? 你什么时候能确定订单, We want to order this article from you. 我们想订这种做。 What's the minimum quantity of an order for your goods? 你们订货的最低量是多少, May I see your list? 我可以看一下你的货单吗, We postponed an order. 我们要推迟订货。 Generally speaking,we can supply all kinds of goods. 一般来说,我们可以提供所有种类的货。 We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods st the prices named. 已收到你方目录和价格表,现按所示价格购下列货物。 We find both quslity and prices of your products satisfactory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply. 我们对你方产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄去试订单,请供应现货。 We are pleased to receive your order and confirm acceptance of it. 很高兴接到你方订单,并确认予以接受。 As the goods you ordered afe now in stock,we will ship them without fail as early as possible. 因为贵方订货的商品尚有存货,本公司将一定尽快发运。 I wonder if you could supply us with your latest products for regular orders. 我想知道你们是否能为我们的定期订单供应你们的最新产品。 Our prices depend on the quantity of your order. 我们的价格取决于你们订单的数量。 We could reduce our price by 5% if you palce a substantial reder with us. 如果你们订货量大的话,我们可以减价5%。 We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order. 我们坚决要求立即发货,否则我方将被迫取消订单。 We would prefer to confirm our order with your firm as soon as possinle. 我们想尽快向你们公司落实订单。 There is a change we have to make in the order. 订单中有一处需要修改。 评论人:水静也 五、运输 We require that transshipment be allowed. 我们要求允许转船。 When can you make shipment carefully? 你们什么时候装船, We'll get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time. 我们将按规定的时间发货。 When can you make the balace shipment? 你们何时可以发余下的货呢, I wonder if you could ship the order as soon as possible, 不知道能否尽快装运订货, Let's disscuss about the mode of transportation. 我们讨论一下运输方式吧。 What mode of transportation do you suggest we use? 你建议我们用什么运输方式呢, What sort of delivery periods did you have in mind? 你所打算的是哪一种发货期, Please ensure that we'll get tight shipping documents before the arrival of the goods. 请确保在货物到达前我方可拿到正确的装船单据。 When can we collect the goods? 我们什么时候可以提货, We can't advance the time of delivery. 我们无法将交货时间提前。 I'm very sorry for delay in delivery. 十分抱歉,交货拖延了。 How long does it take you to make delivery? 你们需要多长时间发货, 六、付款 Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C pauable by sight draft against presentaion of shipping documents. 我们的支付方式是不可撤消的信用证支付,凭装运单据见票。 Can you tell it on an installment basis? 你们这里可以分期付款吗, Do you accept payment by installments? 你同意分期付款吗, How would you like paymentbe made? 你们采取什么付款方式, We expect payment in advance on first orders. 我们希望第一次订货要求预付货款。 What are your terms of payment? 你们的付款条件是什么, We can't accept D/P or D/A. we insist on payment by L/C. 我们不接收付款交单或承兑交单,我们只收信用证。 Do you accept D/P payment terms. 你们接受付款交单这种方式吗, What is the period of validity of this L/C? 这张信用证的有效期是多久, 评论人:水静也 七、投诉与索赔 The shipment i stuck in customs. 出货在海关受阻。 If you fail to make the shipment soon, we'll cancel the order. 如果你们不能近期发货,我们将取消订单。 I'd like to complain of the damaged goods. 我方由于货物被损向你方投诉。 We're sorry to say that we are dissatisfied with the state of the goods. 很遗憾,我们对商品状况不满。 Upon examination,we found the goods are not up to the standard of the sample. 经检验,我们发现货物达不到样品的标准。 The goods sent are inferior compared to the original sample. 所发送的货比原样品差。 How many are you short? 你们缺了多少, Could you pleased send them back to us at our expense? 你能将受损的货品送还我们吗,运费由我方承担。 Who'll bear the freight? 运费由谁来承担? We have a complaint about quality. 我们要起诉质量问题。 We have to file a ckaim on you. 我们不得不向贵方提出赔偿。 The goods you sent are not up to the standard. 你们发运来的货物不符合标准。 I don't think the responsibility should rest with us. 我认为责任不在我方。 We can only take on so much. 我们只能承受这么多。 八、税收 Paying tax is the duty of every citzen. 纳税是每个公民的义务。 Howmany types are taxes divided into? 税收可分为多少税种, Income tax can be divided into personal incone tax and corporation income tax. 所得税可分为个人所得税和公司所得税。 The tax rate China is not very high. 中国的税收率不是很高。 What's the personal income tax rate? 个人所得税是多少, Tax evasion is also a crime. 偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。 To avoid writing a receipt is a tax dodge. 不开发票是一种偷税行为。 Those who evade tax will be punished by the law. 偷税漏税者将受到法律制裁。 Shall savings interest be taxed? 存款利息要纳税吗, 商务合同英译中容易混淆的词语 英译商务合同时,常常由于选同不当而寻致词不达意或者意思模棱两可,有时甚至表达的是完全不同的含义。因此了解与掌握极易混淆的词语的区别是极为重要的,是提高英译质量的关键因素之一,现把常用且易混淆的七对词语,用典型实例论述如下: shipping advice 与 shipping instructions shipping advice 是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主)发给进口商(买主)的。 然而 shipping instructions 则是“装运须知”,是进口商(买主)发给出口商(卖主)的。另外要注意区分 vendor(卖主)与 vendee(买主),consignor(发货人)与 consignee(收货人)。上述这三对词语在英译时、极易发生笔误。 abide by 与 comply with abide by 与 comply with 都有“遵守”的意思(但是当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用 abide by。当主语是非人称时,则用 comply with 。 例 3:双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。 Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations. change A to B 与 change A into B 英译“把 A 改为 B”用change A to B,英译“把 A 折合成/兑换成 B”用change A into B,两者不可混淆。 例 4:交货期改为 8 月并将美元折合成人民币。 Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and change US dollar into Renminbi. ex 与 per 源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船“运来”的货物时用 ex,由某 轮船“运走”的货物用 per,而由某轮船“承运”用 by。 例 5:由“维多利亚”货轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于 10 月 1 日抵达伦敦。 The last batch per/ex/by S.S. "Victoria" will arrive at London on October (S.S. = Steamship) in 与 after 当英译“多少天之后”的时间时,往往是指“多少天之后”的确切的一天,所以必须用介词 in, 而不能用 after,因为介词 after 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一天。 例 6:该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出,140 天后抵达鹿特丹港。 The good shall be shipped per M.V. "Dong Feng" on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rottedaml in 140 days. (M.V.= motor vessel) on/upon 与 after 当英译“„„到后,就„„”时,用介词 on/upon,而不用 after,因为 after 表示“之后”的 时间不明确。 评论人:水静也 进出口实用英语!! 进出口实用英语—文件 Document 1. 给予特别付款条件, 但仅此一次 We adopt usually a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C as payment terms. However in this instance we will specially accept a draft at 30 d/s under D/A. This concession is exceptional only for this trade. Please note the trade from the next time on will be accepted on ordinary trade terms. 2. 请求寄给必要的文件 The air waybill is the document that assures the delivery of our air freight and if you attach it to all of the shipping documents together with a sight draft, we will honor it. 3. 通知对方装运完成, 文件寄出 We are pleased to confirm our fax shipping advice for today, and inform you that we have shipped you 5,000 tons of iron scrap per M/S Pacific leaving here on May 20. The relative shipping documents have been forwarded to you through our bankers and will soon be in your hands. 4. 请求延长信用证期限 We will make an effort to deliver the shipping documents through our bankers by May 31. However we ask you to make the validity of L/C to June 15 so its negotiation will not be refused by them. Concerning the shipment, please rest assured as we are arranging for it and will execute it by the date stipulated. 5. 通知对方工作进度, 并保证履行契约 Concerning the contract on CIF basis, we are arranging to forward your goods in time for the date stipulated attaching the freight paid B/L and insurance policy together with other necessary shipping documents. We will make up all the shipping documents stated in your L/C. 6. 通知对方文件的交付地点, 并希望取得现金 As this trade is on payment against shipping documents terms, unless otherwise stated, the delivery of documents shall be made at your overseas office. We would like to have your ready cash on presentation of the documents. 7. 通知对方押汇银行 As to the affairs on negotiation of draft, we would like to have them performed at the Bank of China. The bankers will pay the amount of your sale if they are presented the shipping documents and draft. If you have any objection to our proposal, please let us know at once. 8. 要求对方确实在装船文件上背书 When you negotiate the shipping documents and draft through your bankers, please be sure to endorse them. If endorsement is not made, our bankers will refuse to accept them. Therefore we request your endorsement on them without fail. 评论人:水静也 外贸常用词语和术语 第一期:General Terms 1. establishing business relation-建立业务关系 2. inquiry-询盘 3. offer-报盘 4. counter offer-还盘 5. quantity-数量 6. packing-包装 7. time of shipment-装运期 8. price-价格 9. discount-折扣 10. terms of payment-支付条款 11. insurance-保险 12. commodity inspection-商品检验 13. acceptance-接受 14. signing a contract-签订合同 15. claim-索赔 16. agency-代理 17. commission-佣金 18. exclusive sales-包销 19. joint venture-合资企业 20. compensation trade-补偿贸易 21. processing and assembling trade-加工装配贸易 22. the terms of international trade-国际贸易术语 第二期:Establishing business relation 建立业务关系 1. recommendation 推荐、介绍 2. inform 通知 3. enter into business relations 建立业务关系 4. catalogue 目录 5. for your reference 供您参考 6. specific inquiry 具体询价 7. promptly 立即 8. representative 代表 9. chamber of commerce 商会 10. specialize in 专营 11. on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上 12. pamphlet 小册子 13. a range of 一套 14. make offers 报价 15. import and export corporation 进出口公司 16. silk 丝绸 17. cotton piece goods 棉布 18. blouse 女衬衫 19. be of the latest style 最新式样 20. financial position 财务状况 21. trade reputation 贸易声誉 22. on display 展出 23. woolen knitwear 毛织品 24. garment 服装 25. meet with great favor 受欢迎 26. credit standing 信用地位 27. state-operated 国营的 28. currency, Chinese currency, British currency 货币,中国货币,英国货币 29. investment 投资 30. a long-term investment 长期投资 31. a profitable investment 有利可得的投资 32. a safe and sure investment 安全可靠的投资 33. a heavy investment 巨额投资 34. investment intent 投资意向 35. investment partner 投资伙伴 36. direct investment 直接投资 37. investment environment 投资环境 38. investor 投资者 39. enterprise 企业 40. joint venture enterprise 合资企业 41. cooperative enterprise 合作企业 42. exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业 43. state-owned enterprise 国营企业 44. collectively-owned enterprise 集体企业 45. individually owned enterprise 个体企业 评论人:水静也 第三期: inquiry 询盘 1. general inquiry 一般询盘 2. specific inquiry 具体询盘 3. dealer 商人 4. quotation 报价 5. sales department 销售部 6. purchase 购买 7. enquiry 询价 8. quote 开价 9. sample 样品 10. a long-term contractt 长期合同 11. discount 折扣 12. grant 批准 13. to make an inquiry for sth 对某物询价 14. to keep the inquiry on file 把询价 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 在卷 15. to inquiry for sth 对某物询价 16. to inquiry about sth 询问某事 17. process 加工 18. guarantee, guarantor 保证, 保证人 19. delivery 交货 20. port of delivery 交货港 21. time of delivery 交货期 22. prompt delivery 即期交货 23. to effect delivery 办理交货 24. to make delivery 办理交货 25. to postpone delivery 推迟交货 26. to deliver sth to sb 把某物交付给某人 27. shipment 装船 28. to make shipment 装船 29. to receive shipment 接货 30. partial shipment 分批装船 31. prompt shipment 即期装运 32. time of shipment 装运期 33. offer 报盘报价 34. a firm offer 实盘 35. a counter offer 还盘 36. to accept an offer 接受报盘 37. to extend an offer 延长报盘 38. to renew an offer 更新报盘 39. to withdraw an offer 撤消报盘 40. the validity of an offer 报盘有效期 41. to make an offer 报价 42. to offer firm 报实盘 43. to offer subject to final confirmation 报盘以最后确认为准 44. specialize in 专门经营 第四期:Counter offer 还盘 1. counter offer 还盘 2. enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉 3. ready seller; quick seller; quick-selling product 畅销品 4. conclude business with sb. 与某人达成交易 5. close business, close a deal , close a transaction, close a bargain 达成交易 6. trade terms 贸易条件 7. trade agreement 贸易协定 8. trade fair 交易会 9. trade mark 商标 10. foreign trade对外贸易 11 trade in sth 经营某物 12. trade with sb.与某人交易 13. favourable price 优惠价格 14. favourable terms 优惠条件 15. quotation 行情 16. discount quotation 贴现行情 17. exchange rate quotation外汇行情 18. commission 佣金 19. a commission of....%; ....% commission.百分之几佣金 20. your ..% commission你的百分之几佣金 21. The above price includes your commission of 2%.上述价格包括你方2%佣金. 22. general practice 惯例 23. accept an order 接受订单 24. cancel an order 撤消订单 25. confirm an order 确认订单 26. execute an order 履行订单 27. a back order 尚未执行的订单 28. a fresh order 新订单 29. a repeat order 续订订单 评论人:水静也 第五期:Quantity 数量 1. weight 重量 2. metric ton 公吨 3. long ton 长吨 4. short ton 短吨 5. kilogram, kilo, kg 公斤 6. pound, lb 磅 7. ounce, oz 盎司 8. number 个数 9. piece 件 10. pair 双 11 dozen 打 12. ream 令 13. set 套 14. length 长度 15. area 面积 16. volume 体积 17. cubic meter 立方米 18. capacity 容积 19. litre 升 20. gallon 加仑 21. bushel 蒲式耳 22. metric system 公制 23. british system 英制 24. U.S.System 美制 25. gross weight 毛重 26. net weight 净重 27. shipping weight 装运重量 28. landed weight 卸货重量 29. theoretical weight 理论重量 第六期: Packing 包装 1. packaging 包装方法 2. blister packing 起泡包装 3. neutral packing 中性包装 4. skin packing 吸塑包装 5. hanging packing 挂式包装 6. catch sb's eye 引某人注目 7. mark 唛头 8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装 9. in bulk 散装 10. in loose packing 散装 11 nude packing 裸装 12. bulk pack 整批包装 13. consumer pack 零售包装 14. large packing 大包装 15. inner packing, external packing, end packing 小包装 16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装 17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装 18. gift-wrap 礼品包装 19. bag, sack 袋 20. jute bag 麻袋 21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋 22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋 23. zippered bag 拉链袋 24. case, chest 箱 25. box 盒 26. wooden case 木箱 27. carton 纸箱 28. container 集装箱 29. rate 板条箱 30. fibre board case 纤维板箱 评论人:水静也 第七期: Packing(二) 包装 1. packet 小包 2. bale 包 3. bundle 捆 4. tin , can 罐头 5. basket 篮,篓,筐 6. bamboo basket 竹篓 7. bottle 瓶 8. wooden keg 小木桶 9. hogshead 大桶 10. iron drum 铁桶 11 cylinder 铁桶 12. barrel 琵琶桶 13. drum 圆桶 14. waterproof paper 防水纸 15. cellophone 玻璃纸 16. kraftpaper 牛皮纸 17. canvas 帆布 18. fibreboard 纤维板 19. nylon strap 尼龙腰子 20. plastic strap 塑料腰子 21. adhesive tape 胶带 22. stuffing material 填料 23. nylon plastic 尼龙丝 24. fermented plastic 泡沫塑料 25. paper scrap 纸屑 26. saw dust 木屑 27. tar paper 沥青纸 28. wax paper 蜡纸 29. slushing compound 润滑油 30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布 第八期:Shipment 装运 1. backlog 积压而未交付的订货 2. terms of shipment 装运条件 3. prepare goods 备货 4. load 装货 5. unload 卸货 6. board 木板,板,船舷 7. on board 在船(或车、飞机)上 8. steamer 轮船 9. space of a steamer舱位 10. shipping department 运输部门 11 liner 班轮,班机 12. book up (票、车位、舱位等)订完 13. tranship 转运 14. transhipment 转载 15. Force Majeure 人力不可抗力 16. European Main Ports --EMPs 欧洲主要口岸 17. vessel 船;飞船;飞机 18. the first available vessel 第一艘可订到的船 19. call at 停泊 20. duly 按期地,按时的 第九期: Price 价格 1. Price terms 价格条件 2. bargain 讨价还价 3. currency 货币 4. on the low side 价格偏低 5. market price 市场价 6. current price 现行价 7. floor price 底价 8. make a bargain with sb 与某人成交 9. drive a hard bargain over sth. 为某事拼命讨价还价 10. a bargain sale 廉价出售 11. rock-bottom price 最低价 12. F.O.B 船上交货 13. C.I.F. 成本加保险费,运费价 14. CFR 成本加运费价 评论人:水静也 询盘用语 1)我们的条件是10日内付款为2%的折扣,30日内付款无折扣。 Our terms are 2% ten days, thirty days net. 2)我公司仅限于从发票开出之日起10日内付现金者给予折扣优待。 We only allow a cash discount on payments made within ten days of date of invoice. 3)顾客向我公司购货一律用现金支付。从发票开出之日起,30日内将货款付清。如当即支付现款, 我公司当按年利5%计付30日的利息。 Terms to approved buyers strictly net cash, payment within thirty days from invoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days interest, at the rate of 5% per annum. 4)条件: 即期发货。在货到我方工厂, 经过验讫重量品质后,立即以现金支付。 Terms: early delivery, and net cash payment after receipt of the material at our works, and verification of weight and quality. 5)现金支付折扣,仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。 Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit. 6)你将发现,我公司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。 You will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business. 7)每月一日以前提供的汇票,依我公司惯例应在25日全部结帐。 My habit is to settle on the 25th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month. 8)我公司付款条件为交货后3个月内支付现金。1个月内付清货款者,可打5%折扣。 Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month. 9)兹就贵方对该商品的询价回复如下: In answer to your inquiry fo rthe article, we reply you sd follows. 10)针对你方昨日的询盘,现寄上与你来函要求相似的墙纸样品一宗。 In reply to your enquiry of yesterdays date, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling to what you want. 11) 兹就该商品向贵方报价如下: We are pleased to quote you for the goods as following. 12)兹随函寄上该商品的现行价格表一份,请查收。 Enclosed we hand you a price-current for the goods. 13)上述报价,无疑将随市场变化而变动。 Of course these quotations are all subject to the fluctuations of the market. 14)上述价目单是以付现金拟订的,我们认为还可以打很多折扣。 We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted net cash. 15)对这批数量大,以现金支付的货,如你方能从价目表中,再给些折扣优待,当不胜感谢。 We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity. 16)我公司的支付条件:以现金支付。自发票开出之日起10天内付款者,打2%的折扣。 Our terms, as our invoice states, are 2% cash discount, only within ten days of date of invoice. 评论人:水静也 1.google搜索引擎里搜索 产品名称+importers 产品名称+distributors 产品名称+wholesaler 产品名称+buyer 等等... 还有产品名称+supplier也行,毕竟,有时候他们也要靠进口的,国外有的东西自己做的成本远远比他们去我们这里进口要贵多了 2.上面这样的方法在其它B2B上搜索也行,比如在ali的公司库里也可以这样搜索。(虽然搜索出来的结果有N多个是CHINA MAINLAND的,看来ALI这牛皮是吹大了:) ) 3.找专业卖进口名录的公司,进口名录的质量好坏主要看名录的更新时间 还有看名录公司里的联系资料是否齐全. 4.提供一个免费的给大家 发帖时间 - 2006-4-20 18:20:04 信息 回复 引用 编辑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中华人民共和国商务部提供的世界买家网 只要免费注册一个正式会员,就可以每月任意查询任何产品的进口商,,,个信息 还可以通过海关编码查找( 可以查找到不少展会的进口商的联系信息,特别是礼品方面的进口商比较多,现在注册还是免费,迟了就没了( 美国alibaba,这个网站和tradinglot.com是合作网站,里面不少美国参加展会的进口商名录,也是免费的( 八方资源: 国际供求信息多,而且注册会员也是免费的 美国进口名录集:#Anchor-ways-47857%20 美国进口商名录 评论人:水静也 介绍几个各国当地比较出名的搜索引挚 Australia: about-australia.com australia online sensis.com.au Brazil: achei.com.br aonde.com Canada bcwideweb.com canadaone.com canadaseek.com Denmark: add2me.dk ahot.dk France: caloga.com voita.fr Germany: accon.de findigo.de miko.de India: www.indiainfo.com www.indiaranking.com Ireland: www.Gasta.ie Italy: www.arianna.it www.wotbox.it Japan: www.infoseek.co.jp Malaysia: www.my-muslim.com Mexico: www.mixicoweb.com.mx www.timsn.com.mx Korea: ://www.daum.net/ ://www.empas.com/ Janpan: ://www.japanhomesearch.com/ ://www.japan-101.com/ Malaysia: Philippines: Singapore: ://www.asiaguide.com/ 荷兰当地的一些搜索引挚 >[/size]
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