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主持词 开场语 结束语主持词 开场语 结束语 开场语: 甲:今天,秋色分外妖娆 乙:今天,秋色格外皎洁 甲:今天,秋风分外清爽 乙:今天,秋情格外浓烈 合:各位同学,大家晚上好~ 甲:首先请允许我们为大家作个自我介绍,我叫XX 来自XXX班 乙:我叫XX 来自XXXX班 甲:非常荣幸能由我们二人为大家担任今天的联谊晚会主持 乙:更高兴的是能够让大家找到属于自己的那么一点点一点点的幸福与快乐,但愿今天能让我们共同度过一个难忘的时光。 甲:今夜,我们相聚在一起,参加“四协一部”联谊晚会,在此,我们感谢您的到来 乙:今夜...

主持词   开场语  结束语
主持词 开场语 结束语 开场语: 甲:今天,秋色分外妖娆 乙:今天,秋色格外皎洁 甲:今天,秋风分外清爽 乙:今天,秋情格外浓烈 合:各位同学,大家晚上好~ 甲:首先请允许我们为大家作个自我介绍,我叫XX 来自XXX班 乙:我叫XX 来自XXXX班 甲:非常荣幸能由我们二人为大家担任今天的联谊晚会主持 乙:更高兴的是能够让大家找到属于自己的那么一点点一点点的幸福与快乐,但愿今天能让我们共同度过一个难忘的时光。 甲:今夜,我们相聚在一起,参加“四协一部”联谊晚会,在此,我们感谢您的到来 乙:今夜星光灿烂,今夜笑语欢歌,今夜我们相聚在这里,愿我们共享这欢乐时光。一起度过一个温馨而浪漫的夜晚, 甲:现在,我宣布“四协一部”联谊晚会 合:现在开始~ 甲:首先由我们学生会主席XX为我们这次活动致辞。 结束语: 甲:多么动人的夜晚,多么难忘的时光,虽然我们无法阻挡时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情。 乙:今天的晚会更加体现了我们是一个充满活力面向未来的集体 甲:在这里散发这青春的脉搏 乙:在这里有我们对生活的激情,更有我们对未来的渴望 甲:时光飞逝,不知不觉中一幅幅流光溢彩的画页,一篇篇跳跃着激情音符的乐章,在我们的掌声中渐渐远去。 乙:在歌声中,我们放松了自己,放纵了自己,放开了自己,放飞了自己。 甲:今夜激烈的、炽烈的歌声一定会撒满我们的梦境,我们一定会含笑入眠。 乙:今夜星光灿烂,明天一定会艳阳满天。 合:同学们,晚安~ center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 吹面粉 道具:面粉适量,乒乓波一个,勺子一个 玩法:先找出两个被玩者(如之前游戏的输者或赢家,告诉他们赢了这个 游戏便不用受罚,有奖),面对面站在一张桌子两边。 把乒乓球放在匙更上,放在二人中间,要他们蒙着眼向乒乓球吹,若 能把球吹到对面便为之赢。 待他们蒙好眼后,便迅速把乒乓球换成面粉,一二三,吹((( 寻宝大行动 道具:“宝物”(一般为字条) 参加人员:集体 游戏规则:先准备好“宝物”(即字条上可以写“表演节目、获得奖品等), 然后把宝物分布在各各隐蔽的地方,接着,各寻宝者开始找寻“宝物”, 找到“宝物”的寻宝者不得随意打开“宝物”,由主持人对奖。主持人根 据“宝物”的内容给“宝物”的主人对奖。比如:宝物里写着“学猫叫三 声,奖励苹果两个”那么“宝物”的主人就得按“宝物”的内容去做,然 后,主持人给予相应的奖励 。 天地花开 场地中放置汽球若干(红、黄、蓝数量均等),天花板悬挂18个大汽球(红、蓝、黄各六个),每组抽三人参加比赛,红队踩红色的汽球,黄队踩黄色的汽球,蓝队踩蓝色的汽球,踩完地上所有的汽球后,谁先用头扎完天花板上自己队的汽球为胜。(每个队员戴可扎破汽球的发夹一个)(9人)(三队同时进行) ,,汽球内装入彩屑若干,现场效果十分出色。 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 第一个女生组 《爵士舞》 第二个 歌曲《我很快乐》 第三个 歌曲串烧 第四个 小品《面试》 第五个 科技部 《作品展》 第六个 互动环节 第七个 歌曲 《海阔天空》、第八个 歌曲 《坏女孩》 第九个 歌舞 《棉花糖》第十个《音乐秀 自由舞步》第十一个 女子合唱 阳光总在风雨后 甲:非常感谢XX主席,不知道大家知道不知道,有一种舞蹈,它主要是追求愉快,活泼,有生气的一种舞蹈。它是一种急促又富动感的节奏型舞蹈,是属于一种外放性的舞蹈,不像古典芭蕾舞或现代舞所表现的一种内敛性的舞蹈。它是一种自由而纯朴的表现,直接把内心的感受用身体的颠,抖,扭表达出来。对,它就是爵士舞。下面有情大家欣赏今天晚会的第一个节目,由女生组带来的《爵士舞》。 流行时尚对于正逐步迈向成熟的我们来说,是非常前卫的追求,我们欣赏流行歌曲给我们带来的快乐和美妙,让沉闷的心也跟着跳动起来,青春与活力是展现每个人个性的标志,就让我们,用澎湃的激情来追逐流行的身体。下面请欣赏可爱的女生们带来的《爵士舞》 乙:我们为生命描画了绚丽的色彩,一笔笔都是青春的诠释,我们为生命谱写了动听的旋律,一曲曲都那么委婉真挚。但不管怎么样。我很快乐~下面有请大家欣赏歌曲《我很快乐》 甲:青春的旋律是春风里最深情的涌动,青春的热情是生命中最动人的记忆。还记得哪些熟悉的歌谣吗,让我们一起聆听这些熟悉的旋律。一首歌曲串烧送给大家。下面有请大家欣赏歌曲串烧。 乙: 如今的我们都沉浸在欢乐中。以后的我们都也会有一个能展示自己的舞台。以后的道路上我们要学会很多。正象下面的节目一样。让我们看看在面试中的故事吧。 甲:刚才的节目好不好,再来一个要不要,呵呵,再来就算了。 校园是一片蔚蓝的天空,我们在这里憧憬未来。校园是一片碧绿的原野,我们在这里播种希望。校园更是一个使我们成长的地方。让我们能学会很多。下面是科技部的《作品展》,请大家欣赏。 甲:XX 你说,我们今天到现在为止,我们有歌、有舞、有小品。你说我们是不是还缺少点什么, 乙:嗯,缺点什么,缺点什么啊, 甲:互动啊~我们还缺少一点互动。 乙:嗯嗯。是这么回事。那要不接下来咱就来点互动的,你来介绍规则吧~ 甲:那好,活动规则是这样的„„. 乙:好了,好了,大家安静、安静。在这互动中我们知道,不管怎么样,我们都有输有赢,在这个过程中我们会经历许多,会明白许多。同样的,在生活中,我们多少次迎著冷眼与嘲笑 ,但从没有放弃过心中的理想,多少次的跌到 。但永远高唱我们心中的赞歌。这就是我们的青春。我们的希center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 望。就像哪一首《海阔天空》。下面有请大家欣赏歌曲。 甲:青涩的青春,朝阳的花季,雨季,男孩儿,女孩儿都像没有上色的一幅画。美好而又单纯。调皮而有叛逆。充满幻想。冲满希望。这是我们的青春。这是我们的舞台。一首《坏女孩》献给大家。 乙:青春的世界,充满一点点羞涩和甜蜜。青春的世界。也是哪样的纯洁和美丽。青春的自由,青春的动感。请大家欣赏青春歌舞《棉花糖》 甲:踏着青春的节拍,我们向春天走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语,万物在漫天风雪中欣然等待。 激扬着青春的风采,我们向春天走来就像歌声中那样。下面请欣赏《音乐秀 自由舞步》 乙:黑暗中曾经流下多少心酸的眼泪,蜷缩在无助的角落里,我们真正品味了什么是寂寞;可是阳光总会来临,冲破令人窒息的阴霾,新的一天我会再次踏上追逐的征程~希望,是妈妈轻柔的歌谣;希望,是你甜蜜的笑声;希望,是我坚定走过的昨天和充满斗志的未来„„渺小如我,也可以用自己的双手绘出生命中绚烂的风景。 下面请大家欣赏女子合唱《阳光总在风雨后》。 开始语: 没有松风的秋,雁去长空; 没有飞雪的冬,乍暖还寒。 一夜高风凋碧树,凋不了青春不灭的火焰; 满地余寒露凝香,凝不住你绝美的年华。 在这烛光与微笑构成的舞台, 在这笑声与歌声汇成的海洋, 在这永恒与温馨筑就的圣地, 我们欢聚在一起。 结束语: 1.青春是诗,今天的欢歌笑语,将成为我们记忆中最美丽的片段。 2.相聚是缘,在这里学习这段闪亮的日子里,是我们走向未来最雄壮的序曲。 1.舞动青春,我们伴着青春的节拍起舞。 2.唱响青春,我们纵情高歌,歌唱美好未来。 1.飞扬青春,我们紧紧抓住时代的脉搏。 2.燃烧青春,我们慢慢实现最初的梦想~~~ 1.快乐的时光总是过的那么快,我们的晚会也已经接近尾声,让我们以热烈的掌声感谢今天莅临晚会现场的嘉宾,及为了晚会默默工作的工作人员~ 2.今天的晚会到此结束,谢谢大家 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction
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