首页 陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司物资编码规则



陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司物资编码规则陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司物资编码规则 陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司 物资编码规则 一、编码目的和原则 适应ERP系统识别,便于分类管理;严格分类,无分类补零原则。 二、编码规则 1、物资分类及标识码规定 1-原材料 2-原燃料 3-设备、备品、配件 4-合金 5-耐火材料 6-产品 2、编码长度规定 原材料六层十一位;设备、备品、备件六层十二位;原燃料六层十位; 合金四层七位;耐火材料五层八位;废钢四层七位;产品五层六位。 3、编码办法 3.1原材料 3.1.1层次结构如下: 顺序码 规格型号码...

陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司物资编码规则 陕钢集团汉中钢铁有限公司 物资编码规则 一、编码目的和原则 适应ERP系统识别,便于分类管理;严格分类,无分类补零原则。 二、编码规则 1、物资分类及标识码规定 1-原材料 2-原燃料 3-设备、备品、配件 4-合金 5-耐火材料 6-产品 2、编码长度规定 原材料六层十一位;设备、备品、备件六层十二位;原燃料六层十位; 合金四层七位;耐火材料五层八位;废钢四层七位;产品五层六位。 3、编码办法 3.1原材料 3.1.1层次结构如下: 顺序码 规格型号码 品名码 小类码 大类码 标识码 (1)大类码规定:01-劳保02-电器03-仪表04-电缆05-五金06-工具07-办公用品08-三材 09-管件10-阀门11-化验器具 12-化工document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 化验品 13-软管 (2)小类码指物资归类码,如,头部防护、钢管类、票据类、闸阀类、剧毒类、轴承类、安全/消防/设备/电力标识牌等。 (3)品名码指物资名称 (4)规格型号码指物资尺码或尺寸。 (5)顺序码指同型号不同 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 的类别:如不同颜色、不同测量范围、不同厂家、不同材质等要求。 举例:1、某单位需要检修用等边角钢,要求的规格型号为?50×50×5材质为Q235A和?50×50×6材质为Q235A 编码分别为:10301010101;10301010201 1(标识码)03(三材)01(角钢)01(等边角钢)01(?50× 50×5)01(Q235A) 举例:2、某单位需要检修用KG60轨道及道夹板PG60,材质分 别为Q235A,72MN。 编码分别为:10310010101;10310010201 1(标识码)03(三材)10(铁路用品)01(重轨)01(KG60) 01(Q235A) 3.1.2附件(原材料小类码规定) 3(2原燃料 (1)大类码规定:01-铁精粉02-粉矿03-块矿04-烧结矿05-球团矿06-焦炭(含焦沫、焦粒)07-煤08-灰 09-灰石10-其它 (2)小类码规定:1-国内 2-国外进口 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting (3)品名码:原燃料名称 (4)规格型号码:原燃料的品位、粒度等 (5)顺序码:厂家或供应商序列组合。 规格型号码 顺序码 品名码 小类码 大类码 标识码 3.3设备、备品、配件 3.3.1层次结构如下: (1)区域码规定:01-烧结专用 02-炼铁专用 03-炼钢专用 04-轧钢专用 05-其它专用 06-各单位通用 (2)设备系统码,指系统中的整机称谓。如烧结机 、带冷机、连铸机、综合泵站、变压器、风机、轧钢机等。 (3)品名码指设备系统设备配件的名称。 (4)规格型号码指物资尺码或尺寸。 (5)顺序码指同型号不同要求的类别:如不同等级要求、不同厂家、不同厚度、不同材质等要求。 3.3(2专用件:指备件或设备使用范围的唯一性,互换性差。 3.3.3通用件:公司通用设备需要的备件,互换行强。主要包括电机、减速机、水泵、联轴器、行车、密封、皮带系统等备件或设备,为确document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 保贵金属件的安全存储,通用件可将有色金属件归为通用备件。 顺序码 规格型号码 品名码 设备系统码 区域码 标识码 举例:1、某单位需要检修用T1250型,200T行车用卷筒 编码分别为:315010101001 3(标识码)15(通用)01(行车)01(卷筒)01(型号T1250) 001(200T天车用) 3.3.4编码手册(见附件2) 3.4合金 (1)品名码:合金的名称 (2)规格型号码:不同成分要求(含粒度要求) (3)顺序码:不同成分要求的序列组合。 规格型号码 顺序码 标识码 品名码 3.5耐火材料 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting (1)大类码:分散装和定型耐火材料两大类 (2)品名码:耐火材料的名称 (4)规格型号码:尺寸、材质 (5)顺序码:同名称不同尺寸、材质耐火材料的序列组合。 规格型号码 顺序码 品名码 标识码 大类码 3.6废钢 (1)品名码:优质废钢、重型废钢(重废)、中型废钢(统废)、小型废钢(轻薄料)、压块、块铁等六大类 (2)规格型号码:废钢尺寸要求:300×300×400,厚度要求:优质废钢?8MM,重型废钢为?5MM,中型废钢?3MM,小型废钢?3MM。材质:块铁S?0.07%,P?0.4%,S?,1.25%。 (3)顺序码:不同厂家供应的不同类型的废钢序列。 规格型号码 顺序码 标识码 品名码 3.7产品 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting (1)分类码规定:分成品、半成品、副产品三大类。 (2)品名码规定:即大类码分类的子分类,成品分:线材、螺纹钢、钢板等;半成品分:生铁、钢坯等;副产品:水渣、钢渣、 (3)规格型号码:指产品的规格、定尺长度、宽度等。 (4)顺序码:指产品材质、等级等序列组合。 顺序码 规格型号码 品名码 分类别码 标识码 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting
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