首页 模板:技术开发委托合同



模板:技术开发委托合同模板:技术开发委托合同 CONFIDENTIAL 技术开发(委托)合同 合同编号:BOOM-JSKF-(11)008 本合同由以下双方于2011年 月 日在上海市签订: 委托方(甲方):上海华魏光纤传感技术有限公司 法定代表人:席刚 地址: 邮编: 200233 电话: 受托方(乙方): 法定代表人: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 本合同甲方委托乙方研究开发 项目(以下简称“本项目”),并支付研究开发经费和报酬,乙方接受委托并进行此项研究开发工作。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿...

模板:技术开发委托 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 CONFIDENTIAL 技术开发(委托)合同 合同编号:BOOM-JSKF-(11)008 本合同由以下双方于2011年 月 日在上海市签订: 委托方(甲方):上海华魏光纤传感技术有限公司 法定代表人:席刚 地址: 邮编: 200233 电话: 受托方(乙方): 法定代表人: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 本合同甲方委托乙方研究开发 项目(以下简称“本项目”),并支付研究开发经费和报酬,乙方接受委托并进行此项研究开发工作。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规的规定,达成如下 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,以资共同遵守。 1 声明与保证 甲乙双方互相向对方声明、陈述和保证如下: 1.1 其是合法设立并有效存续的独立法人; 1.2 其有资质从事本合同项下之合作,而该合作符合其经营范围之规定; 1.3 其授权代表已获得充分授权可代表其签署本合同; 1.4 其有能力履行其于本合同项下之义务,并且该等履行义务的行为不违反任何对其有约束 力的适用法律的限制,也不会侵犯任何第三方之合法权益; 1.5 任何一方违反了上述声明、陈述和保证即被视为违反了本合同的约定,应按本合同的约 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, re第 1 页 共 7 页 search centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 定承担违约 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 。 2 开发项目 2.1 项目要求 2.1.1 技术目标: 2.1.2 技术内容: 2.1.3 技术方法和路线: 2.2 项目开发计划及进度 2.2.1 乙方应在本合同生效后 日内向甲方提交研究开发计划。研究开发计划应包括以 下主要内容: a) ; b) ; c) ; d) 。 2.2.2 乙方应按下列进度完成研究开发工作: a) ; b) ; c) ; d) 。 2.3 甲方应向乙方提供的技术资料及协作事项如下: 2.3.1 技术资料清单(另附); 2.3.2 提供时间和方式: 本合同履行完毕后,乙方必须立刻删除或应甲方要求返还甲方提供的所有资料,并不得以 任何方式拷贝、留存或传播该等资料。 2.4 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将本项目的部分或全部研究开发工作转让第三人承担。但乙方 可以组织不同领域、行业的成员组成研发团队(该等研发团队的组成人员需要经过甲方 书面认可),共同承担部分或全部项目的研究开发工作。 3 研究开发经费和报酬 3.1 研究开发经费和报酬总额为:人民币 元整。 3.2 研究开发经费和报酬由甲方按以下方式和进度支付给乙方: stment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yehants, so ... ... InveTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merc-Tianjin-ent focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingvelopmhen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial dest and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengtow cogood use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only l ls, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can makechanneport from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding supsuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the set restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asa cluearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as 2 CONFIDENTIAL a) ; b) ; c) ; d) 。 3.3 在乙方收到甲方支付的每笔款项后的 个工作日内,应向甲方提供相应款项的合法税 务发票,未提供发票的,甲方有权暂缓支付下一笔款项。 3.4 乙方银行帐户信息为: 户名: 开户银行: 账号: 如乙方账号变更或发生不可用等情况时,应及时书面通知甲方,否则,由此造成的一切 损失由乙方自行承担。 4 项目开发风险 4.1 在本合同履行中,因出现在现有技术水平和条件下难以克服的技术困难(下称“技术风 险”),导致研究开发失败或部分失败,并造成一方或双方损失的,双方按如下约定承担 风险损失: 本合同项目的技术风险按由乙方提出、并在开发前与甲方共同商讨获得甲方认可的方式 认定。认定技术风险的基本内容应当包括技术风险的存在、范围、程度及损失大小等。 认定技术风险的基本条件是:本合同项目在现有技术水平条件下具有足够的难度;乙方 在主观上无过错且经有关第三方鉴定机构认定研究开发失败为合理的失败。 4.2 一方发现技术风险存在并有可能致使研究开发失败或部分失败的情形时,应当在 日内 通知另一方并采取适当措施减少损失。逾期未通知并未采取适当措施而致使损失扩大的, 该方应当就扩大的损失部分承担赔偿责任。 5 交付 5.1 研究开发成果交付的形式及数量: 5.2 研究开发成果交付的时间及地点: 5.3 双方确定,按以下 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 及方法对乙方完成的研究开发成果进行验收: such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, re第 3 页 共 7 页 search centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 5.4 乙方应当保证其交付给甲方的研究开发成果不侵犯任何第三人的合法权益。如发生第三 人指控甲方实施的技术侵权的,乙方应当通过科学研究的差异性、本合同项下项目研发、 工艺的特点以及完整的实验数据为依据应诉并承担甲方所受的全部损失。 5.5 双方确定,乙方应在向甲方交付研究开发成果后,根据甲方的请求,为甲方指定的人员 提供技术指导和 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,或提供与使用该研究开发成果相关的技术服务,直至甲方指定的 人员掌握该研究开发成果。 6 知识产权 6.1 双方确定,因履行本合同所产生的研究开发成果及其相关知识产权权利归甲方所有。具 体按以下约定处理: 6.1.1 就本合同项下的研究开发成果作为技术秘密予以保护,有关技术秘密以及相关权 益的所有权、使用权、转让权归属甲方; 6.1.2 就研究开发成果申请专利并享有专利权或软件著作权登记的权利归属甲方。 6.2 双方确定,甲方有权利用乙方按照本合同约定提供的研究开发成果,进行后续改进。由 此产生的具有实质性或创造性技术进步特征的新的技术成果及其权利归属,由甲方享有。 乙方有权在完成本合同约定的研究开发工作后,利用该项研究开发成果进行后续改进。 由此产生的具有实质性或创造性技术进步特征的新的技术成果,新的研究成果在甲方 对乙方的额外投入给予经济补偿(以乙方实际投入为限,不包含利润)后归属甲方, 具体方法双方另行约定。 7 合同生效、变更、终止 7.1 本合同自双方法定/授权代表签字并由双方加盖其公章或其他在公安部门备案的专用章 之日起生效。 7.2 在本合同履行中,因作为研究开发标的的技术已经由他人公开(包括以专利权方式公开), 一方应在十日内通知另一方解除合同。逾期未通知并致使另一方产生损失的,另一方有 权要求予以赔偿。双方应就乙方已经开展的研究开发工作进行评估,由甲方向乙方支付 合理的费用和开支(不包括乙方的利润)。 7.3 双方确定,出现下列情形之一,致使本合同的履行成为不必要或不可能的,一方可以通 知另一方解除本合同: 7.3.1 因发生不可抗力或技术风险; 7.3.2 任何一方解散或破产; 7.3.3 甲方因其经营需要,使本项目的研发不必要,提前 日通知乙方解除本合同(但 在该等情况下,甲方应对乙方已完成的工作进行评估,对于乙方的投入进行合理 补偿)。 7.4 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将本合同项目部分或全部研究开发工作转让第三人承担。乙方 set restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asa cluearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as stment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yehants, so ... ... InveTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merc-Tianjin-ent focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingvelopmhen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial dest and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengtow cogood use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only l ls, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can makechanneport from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding supsuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the 4 CONFIDENTIAL 不得在向甲方交付研究开发成果之前,自行将研究开发成果转让给第三人或许可第三人 使用。 8 违约责任 8.1 除本项目经 认定为合理的研究开发失败(此种情况下,应甲方要求,乙方应交付 所有已获得的研究成果)外,乙方未能在本合同约定的研究开发成果交付的时间交付符 合本合同约定的研究开发成果的,每延迟一日,乙方应向甲方支付违约金人民币 元, 前述违约金不足以弥补甲方的损失的,还应赔偿甲方的所有损失。 8.2 除本合同另有约定外,任何一方直接或间接违反本合同的任何条款,或不承担或不及时、 充分地承担本合同项下其应承担的义务即构成违约行为,守约方有权以书面通知要求违 约方纠正其违约行为并采取充分、有效、及时的措施消除违约后果,并赔偿守约方因违 约方之违约行为而遭致的损失。若违约方在收到守约方关于其违法行为的上述通知后7 日内未纠正其违约行为,守约方有权在做出书面通知情况下提前解除本合同。 8.3 除本合同另有约定外,在违约事实发生以后,经守约方的合理及客观的判断,该等违约 事实已造成守约方签署本合同的目的实现从根本上成为不可能,则守约方有权在做出书 面通知情况下提前解除本合同,违约方应赔偿守约方因违约方之违约行为而遭致的所有 直接损失。 8.4 双方确定:任何一方违反本合同约定,造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或失败的,应当赔 偿另一方所受的全部损失。 9 争议解决与适用法律 9.1 双方在本合同的履行过程中如发生争议,应通过友好协商的方式予以解决。若双方在进 行协商后未能解决争议,任何一方均可将争议提交甲方所在地的人民法院解决。 9.2 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。 10 保密 10.1 未经对方书面许可,任何一方不得向第三方(有关法律、法规、政府部门、证券交易所 或其它监管机构要求和甲乙双方的法律、会计、商业及其它顾问、授权雇员除外)泄露 本合同的条款的任何内容以及本合同的签订及履行情况,以及通过签订和履行本合同而 获知的对方及对方关联公司的任何信息。 10.2 本合同项下的保密义务为永久,除非经有关政府部门或司法机构强制要求或授权其顾问 使用或该等保密信息经信息所有方宣布解密。 11 不可抗力 11.1 “不可抗力”是指甲乙双方不能合理控制、不可预见或即使预见亦无法避免的事件,该 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, re第 5 页 共 7 页 search centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 事件妨碍、影响或延误任何一方根据本合同履行其全部或部分义务。该事件包括但不限 于政府行为、自然灾害、战争或任何其它类似事件。 11.2 出现不可抗力事件时,受影响方应及时、充分地以书面形式通知对方,并告知对方该类 事件对本合同可能产生的影响,并应当在合理期限(不可抗力事件发生后 30 日)内提 供该等事件的详细信息及由有关组织出具的解释受影响方因此无法履行全部或部分本合 同项下义务的相关证明。 11.3 由于以上所述不可抗力事件致使合同的部分或全部不能履行或延迟履行,则甲乙双方于 彼此间不承担任何违约责任。 12 通知和送达 12.1 本合同的一方发给另一方的任何通知文件或申请均应以书面形式通过挂号邮寄、特快专 递、传真或亲自送交的形式发出。 12.2 如果以传真方式发出的,则在收到清晰可读的格式时视为送达;如果以挂号邮寄的方式, 则在投邮后第5日视为送达;如果以特快专递的方式,则在投邮后第3日视为送达;如 果以亲自送交的方式,则在收件方的工作人员签收后,即视为送达。 12.3 根据本合同发出的上述通知、文件或申请应按照下列联系方式或本合同双方书面变更的 其它联系方式送达: 甲方: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 传真: 联系人: 乙方: 地址: 邮编: 电话: 传真: 联系人: 13 合同修改 本合同生效后,除非另有规定,任何一方不得单方面对其进行修改。对本合同的任何修改均应以书面形式作出,并经双方授权代表签字并加盖双方公章或其他在公安部门备案的专用章后方可生效。如果对本合同的任何条款由双方一致同意修改后而与其他条款或附件的任何规定产生冲突、歧义或不一致,应以双方一致同意修改后的条款或附件为准。 set restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asa cluearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as stment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yehants, so ... ... InveTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merc-Tianjin-ent focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingvelopmhen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial dest and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengtow cogood use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only l ls, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can makechanneport from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding supsuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the 6 CONFIDENTIAL 14 其它条款 14.1 本合同的所有附件是本合同不可分割的一部分,本合同及其附件构成双方就本合同规定 的标的达成的完整协议,并取代双方先前与该标的有关的一切口头和书面的洽谈、谈判、 通知、备忘录、文件、协议、合同和通讯。 14.2 无论因何种原因(包括但不限于违反适用的法律法规)导致本合同任何条款完全或部分 无效或不具有执行力,不影响本合同任何其他条款的效力、合法和可执行性。 14.3 本合同以中文写成和签订。 14.4 未经一方事先书面同意,本合同另一方不得转让其在本合同项下的权利(无论是全部或 部分),或转让其在本合同项下的义务(无论是全部或部分)。 14.5 本合同正本一式 份,双方各执 份,具有同等法律效力。 14.6 本合同未尽事宜由双方另行协商解决。 (以下无正文) 甲方:上海华魏光纤传感技术有限公司(章) 乙方: (章) 法定/授权代表签字: 法定/授权代表签字: 签署日期: 年 月 日 签署日期: 年 月 日 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, re第 7 页 共 7 页 search centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise
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