首页 食品安全法质量技术监督部门监管职责



食品安全法质量技术监督部门监管职责食品安全法质量技术监督部门监管职责 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, respons...

食品安全法质量技术监督部门监管职责 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 质量技术监督部门食品安全监管职责 根据食品安全法的规定~质量监督部门在食品安全监督管理中承担着重要责任~其职责主要包括对食品、食品添加剂和食品相关产品的生产进行监管、对食品进出口进行监管、对食品检验机构进行资质认定管理等~包括: (一)负责食品生产许可的颁发 县级以上质量监督部门应当依照行政许可法的规定~按照食品安全法第二十七条第一项至第四项规定的要求~对拟从事食品生产的申请人的条件进行审查~包括:一是是否具有与拟生产的食品品种、数量相适应的食品原料处理和食品加工、包装、储存等场所~并与有毒、有害场所以及其他污染源保持规定的距离,二是是否具有与拟生产的食品品种、数量相适应的生产设备或者设施~有相应的消毒、更衣、盥洗、采光、照明、通风、防腐、防尘、防蝇、防鼠、防虫、洗涤以及处理废水、存放垃圾和废弃物的设备或者设施,三是是否有食品安全专业技术人员、管理人员和保证食品安全的规章制度,四是是否具有合理的设备布局和工艺流程~防止待加工食品与直接入口食品、原料与成品交叉污染~避免食品接触有毒物、不洁物。除了进行书面审查外~必要时应当对申请人的生产场所进行现场核查,对符合上述四项条件的~决定准予许可,对不符合四项条件中的任何一项条件的~决定不予许可并书面说明理由。 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all (二)负责对食品生产活动进行监督管理 对于已经获得食品生产许可的食品生产者~质量监督部门应当加强监督管理~包括: 1(定期或者不定期地进入生产场所实施现场检查~不得实施免检。在检查中需要对食品进行抽样检验的~应当购买抽取的样品~送食品检验机构检验。进行抽样检验~不得收取检验费和其他任何费用。 2(查阅、复制有关 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 、票据、账簿以及其他有关资料。 3(查封、扣押有证据证明不符合食品安全 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的食品~违法使用的食品原料、食品添加剂、食品相关产品以及用于违法生产或者被污染的工具、设备。 4(查封违法从事食品生产活动的场所。 5(进行日常的监督检查时~应当 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 监督检查的情况和处理结果。监督检查记录经监督检查人员和食品生产者签字后归档。 6(建立食品生产者食品安全信用档案~记录许可颁发、日常监督检查结果、违法行为查处等情况,根据食品安全信用档案的记录~对有不良信用记录的食品生产者增加监督检查频次。 7(接到咨询、投诉、举报~对属于本部门职责的~应当受理~并及时进行核实、处理、答复,对不属于本部门职责的~应当书面通知并移交有权处理的部门处理。 8(依据职责公布食品安全日常监督管理信息。 9(获知食品安全法规定的需要统一公布的信息~应当向上ancial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andd finradiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, an ndent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, andindepeial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale parther do society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the cto set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and ot of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure goalsit is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development wth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency,t gro-h ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the currenMillion, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reac capita GDP to reach ... ...-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-ity, and build a wellto-he provinces build wellwith ts: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized ition, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following pointo you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the posthe parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated t 2 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 级主管部门报告~由上级主管部门立即报告国务院卫生行政部门,必要时~可以直接向国务院卫生行政部门报告。 10(向卫生行政、农业行政、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门相互通报获得的食品安全信息。 关于食品生产加工小作坊的管理~食品安全法(草案)按照现行的管理模式~规定食品生产者生产在本乡镇销售的食品~不需要获得食品生产的许可。对此~在征求 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 的过程中~一些意见提出~县级以下城镇和农村的小企业、小作坊是食品安全问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的多发地~食品监管相对薄弱~既不能都实施许可~也不能放任不管~建议一方面由食品安全法对食品生产加工小作坊的管理提出一些原则性要求~另一方面授权地方人大根据食品安全法的规定~并结合本地实际情况制定对食品生产加工小作坊的管理办法。立法机关经过认真研究~采纳了这一意见~规定食品生产加工小作坊从事食品生产经营活动应当符合本法规定的与其生产经营规模、条件相适应的食品安全要求~保证所生产的食品卫生、无毒、无害~有关部门应当对其加强监督管理~具体管理办法由省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会依照本法制定。同时~食品安全法还规定~县级以上地方人民政府采取措施~鼓励食品生产加工小作坊改进生产条件~提高食品质量。总的来说~食品安全法对食品加工小作坊的规定~体现了两个原则~一是要严格管理~确保食品安全,二是给予适当的帮扶~使现有的这些小作坊能够在政府的帮助下~不断提高生产条件和产品质量~最终发展the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all ntinueName, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to cotion of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Coopera-s to cityy funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, acceso promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research bviews: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using cit up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three-to follow these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention-main task is to 2016ment, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts tCounty, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the y the mrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall developforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Co 3 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 成为具备一定规模的生产企业。根据食品安全法的授权~各省级人大常委会可以在其地方性法规中~根据本地的实际情况规定对食品生产加工小作坊实施生产许可~也可以不规定实施生产许可。 (三)负责对食品添加剂的生产实施许可和监管 食品添加剂是指为改善食品品质和色、香、味~以及为防腐、保鲜和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的人工合成或者天然物质。根据《食品添加剂使用卫生标准(GB2760)》的规定~我国允许使用的食品添加剂共分22类~837种~包括甜味剂、膨松剂、着色剂、香料、增味剂等。食品生产离不开食品添加剂的使用~为了保证食品安全~必须对食品添加剂的生产进行严格的监督管理。为此~食品安全法明确规定~国家对食品添加剂的生产实行许可制度。申请食品添加剂生产许可的条件、程序~依照国家有关工业产品生产许可证管理的规定执行。根据《工业产品生产许可证管理条例》的规定~质量监督部门是工业产品生产许可证的主管部门~负责颁发许可并进行监管~因此~有关食品添加剂的生产也是由质量监督部门负责监督管理。 (四)负责对食品相关产品进行监管 食品相关产品是指用于食品的包装材料、容器、洗涤剂、消毒剂和用于食品生产经营的工具、设备。质量监督部门对食品相关产品进行日常的监督检查~确保食品相关产品的生产按照食品安全国家标准进行~符合有关食品相关产品中的重金属、污染物质以及其他危害人体健康物质的限量规定。 ancial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andd finradiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, an ndent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, andindepeial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale parther -to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and ot of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure goalsit is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development wth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency,t grotoh ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the currenMillion, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reac capita GDP to reach ... ...-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-ity, and build a welldo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the c-he provinces build wellwith ts: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized ition, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following pointo you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the posthe parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated t 4 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all (五)配合卫生行政部门对食品安全事故进行处置 食品安全事故如果发生在生产环节~质量监督部门有责任配合卫生行政部门对食品安全事故进行处臵。 (六)对食品进出口进行监管 加强食品进出口的监管~对于保障国内公众的身体健康和对外树立我国食品安全的国际形象具有十分重要的意义。多年来~我国进出口食品的质量总体平稳。2004年、2005年、2006年和2007年上半年~进口食品口岸检验检疫合格率分别为99(29,、99(46,、99(11,和 99(29,~而我国出口食品的口岸检验检疫合格率一直保持在99%以上。 对食品进出口的监管~在国家一级的主管部门是国家质检总局~而在地方的主管部门是出入境检验检疫机构。目前地方的质量监督与总局设在各地的检验检疫机构没有合并~仍然是两个机构~所以在食品安全法“食品进出口”一章中对主管部门的表述~没有用“质量监督部门”~而是用了这样两种表述~一是“国家出入境检验检疫部门”~指的是国家质检总局(从上下级部门表述相一致的角度考虑~将“国家质检总局”称为国家出入境检验检疫部门),二是出人境检验检疫机构~指的是地方出入境检验检疫机构。二者的具体职责包括: 1(出人境检验检疫机构对进口的食品、食品添加剂和食品相关产品~按照我国食品安全国家标准进行检验。 2(境外发生的食品安全事件可能对我国境内造成影响~或-the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all ntinueName, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to cotion of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Coopera-s to cityy funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, accesto followviews: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using cit up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention-main task is to 2016County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the y the o promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research bment, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts tmrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall developforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Co 5 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 者在进口食品中发现严重食品安全问题的~国家出入境检验检疫部门应当及时采取风险预警或者控制措施~并向国务院卫生行政、工商行政管理和国家食品药品监督管理部门通报。 3(国家出入境检验检疫部门负责向我国境内出口食品的出口商或者代理商的备案~以及向我国境内出口食品的境外食品生产企业的注册~并定期公布已经备案的出口商、代理商和已经注册的境外食品生产企业名单。 4(出入境检验检疫机构对出口的食品进行监督、抽检, 5(国家出入境检验检疫部门负责出口食品生产企业和出口食品原料种植、养殖场的备案。这里应当指出的是~多年来~我国对出口食品原料种植、养殖基地实行检验检疫备案制度~目前获准备案的养殖场 6031个~种植基地38万公顷,对生产企业实行的是卫生注册制度。在立法的过程中考虑到~对出口食品的生产企业实行卫生注册制度~有利于对出口食品加强监管~具有积极意义。食品安全法将现行的对出口食品的生产企业实行的卫生注册制度~改为了备案制度~这样有利于为出口食品的生产企业从管理上提供方便~提高企业的生产效率。 6(国家出入境检验检疫部门负责收集、汇总进出口食品安全信息~并及时通报相关部门、机构和企业。 7(国家出入境检验检疫部门应当建立进出口食品的进口商、出口商和出口食品生产企业的信誉记录~并予以公布。 8(对有不良记录的进口商、出口商和出口食品生产企业~ancial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andd finradiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, an ndent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, andindepeial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale parther -to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and ot of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure goalsit is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development wth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency,t grotoh ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the currenMillion, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reac capita GDP to reach ... ...-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-ity, and build a welldo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the c-he provinces build wellwith ts: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized ition, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following pointo you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the posthe parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated t 6 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 出入境检验检疫机构应当加强对其进口、出口食品的检验检疫。 (七)对食品检验机构进行资质认定管理 为了加强对食品检验机构的管理~食品安全法规定~食品检验机构按照国家有关认证认可的规定取得资质认定后~方可从事食品检验活动。按照国务院制定的《认证认可条例》的规定~由国务院认证认可监督管理部门确定的认证认可机构对食品检验机构进行资质认定~取得资质的方可从事食品检验活动。 国务院认证认可监督管理部门~即国家认证认可监督管理委员会~隶属于国家质检总局~因此对食品检验机构进行资质认证方面的管理也属于国家质检总局的职责范围。关于食品检验机构的资质认定~这里应当说明三点: 一是对食品安全法施行前经国务院有关主管部门批准设立或者经依法认定的食品检验机构~可以依照本法继续从事食品检验活动。目前经卫生、质监、农业、食品药品监督等国家有关部门批准设立的食品检验机构共有5800多个~其中卫生系统共有2560个食品检验机构~设在各级疾病预防控制中心,质检系统约有2900个食品检验机构~其中有48个国家级食品检验中心~47个副省级以上城市的食品质量检验所~360多个市级、2400多个县级食品检验机构,农业系统共有317个食用农产品质量安全检验检测机构~其中有134个国家级、部级的食用农产品质量安全检验检测中心,药监系统共有105个药品检验所取得了食品检验机构的资质认证。对这些食品检验机构~在食品安全法施行后~the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all ntinueName, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to cotion of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... -wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Coopera-s to cityy funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, accesviews: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using cit up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three-to followmain task is to 2016 these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attentionCounty, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the y the o promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research bment, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts tmrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall developforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Co 7 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 不需要经过资质认定~即可继续从事食品检验工作。法律作这一规定~主要是为了保持食品检验工作的连续性。食品检验工作一天都不能停止~如果要求这现有的5800多家食品检验机构都去作资质认定后~才可以开展工作~不仅不现实~而且会造成一段时间内食品检验工作的停顿~给食品安全工作造成负面影响。 二是食品安全法施行后~再设立新的食品检验机构~都要依法经资质认定后方可从事食品检验工作~但是法律另有规定的除外。 三是食品生产企业自己设立的食品检验机构~对本企业所生产的食品进行检验的~不必经过资质认定~但如果该企业的食品检验机构对外承担食品检验工作~就要依法经资质认定~方可从事对外业务。 (八)负责对违法行为的处罚 对食品、食品添加剂和食品相关产品的生产者有关、食品检验机构违反食品安全法的行为~以及违反进出口食品管理的行为~依照食品安全法“法律责任”一章的规定进行处罚。 ancial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andd finradiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, an ndent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, andindepeial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale parther he provinces build wellto set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and ot of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure goalsit is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development wth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency,t growith th ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the currenMillion, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reac capita GDP to reach ... ...-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-ity, and build a welldo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the c-s: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized to-ition, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following pointo you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the posthe parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated t 8
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