首页 白帆《新五环大教学课堂课程论》简介



白帆《新五环大教学课堂课程论》简介白帆《新五环大教学课堂课程论》简介 基础教育课程改革是一项系统工程,不仅仅是思想、认识、理念的转变,更应该是课堂课程内容、结构、进程的升级转型。《新五环大教学课堂课程论》就是研究素质教育在学校教学实践改革中的课堂课程现象和问题,探寻其共性和特征,揭示其客观规律的理论体系。对旧的课堂课程模式进行了全面性的结构改革,对新的课堂课程进行了系统性的理论设计,对当前推崇的一个课堂教学模式只解决、实现一个课程目标的现状进行了整合优化,为课堂课程设置了一条双向十车道的现代化教学高速路,即新五环大教学课堂课程理论体系范型。 素...

白帆《新五环大教学课堂课程论》简介 基础教育课程改革是一项系统工程,不仅仅是思想、认识、理念的转变,更应该是课堂课程内容、结构、进程的升级转型。《新五环大教学课堂课程论》就是研究素质教育在学校教学实践改革中的课堂课程现象和问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,探寻其共性和特征,揭示其客观规律的理论体系。对旧的课堂课程模式进行了全面性的结构改革,对新的课堂课程进行了系统性的理论设计,对当前推崇的一个课堂教学模式只解决、实现一个课程目标的现状进行了整合优化,为课堂课程设置了一条双向十车道的现代化教学高速路,即新五环大教学课堂课程理论体系范型。 素质教育的质量应该主要来源于课堂素质目标教学活动的质量,来自课堂三要素(教材、教师、学生)的基础课程在课堂课程教学中的有机构成与高效整合。《新五环大教学课堂课程论》全书涵盖了素质教育课堂课程中教与学的全部系统内容、过程、结构、方式、方法、评价、原则和策略,作为新的课堂课程系统理论体系,用于指导新的课堂教学实践,以实现新课程设计的愿景性整体教育目标。 《新五环课程大教学法理论与实践研究》是商洛市“十一五”至“十二五”重点连续教育科研主攻课题目标,也是陕西省“十二五”教育科学规划带动战略性课题。课题组在教育科研机构进行理论设计与论证时,全面借鉴和吸收了目前国内外的一些成功的课改经验和先进做法。并获得了比较系统、成功的教学案例,其科学性和先进性得到了进一步的实际应用验证。 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 一、项目简介 基础研究、应用基础研究类项目填写所属科学技术领域、主要研究内容、科学价值及同行引用评价情况。 基础教育在社会发展中具有全局性、基础性和先导性的重要战略地位。1999年,中共中央国务院颁发了《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》,明确提出建立新的基础教育课程体系要求。2001年全国基础教育工作会议召开,国务院批转了《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,启动了新中国成立以来最为广泛和深刻的新一轮基础教育课程改革,作为推进素质教育的切入点。 基础教育课程改革是一项系统工程,特别是进入学校中之后的课堂课程改革、升级和转型,缺乏顶层的系统理论设计与引导。新五环大教学课堂课程理论研究的主要对象是以推进和实现素质教育,实施新的课堂课程总体目标为背景,研究在实际的学校课堂教育中存在的课程现象和问题,探寻其课堂要素中教与学的活动共性特征,揭示其客观规律的系统理论。 我国是人口大国,学生数居世界之最,是世界上最大规模的教育。师资队伍庞大,专业基础又相对比较薄弱。如果没有系统、可供操作的理论设计与引导,仅凭一些零碎的思想理念,全面个性化势必造成全面盲目化与低效化。新的课堂课程论对旧的课堂课程模式进行了全面性的结构改革,对新的课堂教学活动进行了系统性的理论设计,对推崇的一个课堂教学模式只解决、实现一个课程目标的现状进行了整合优化,为课堂课程设置了一条双向十车道的现代化教学“高速should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 路”,即新五环大教学课堂课程理论体系范型。由陕西人民教育出版社出版发行,为正在准备进行课堂结构改革、升级转型、修炼和提升课堂教学实践创新艺术,寻求系统理论支持的学校领导和老师带去了启迪、借鉴、帮助和引领。 课题完成理论设计和实践论证之后,陕西省教育科学规划领导小组组成专家组,对课题课题进行了认真审查,给于高度评价,认为新五环大教学课堂课程理论研究方向正确,对深化课程教学改革,实现学校课堂课程升级转型,创新课堂教学艺术从理论到实践起到了推动和引领作用,研究成果水平较高,观点新颖,具有开拓性、独创性和实效性,基本达到本课题研究的预期目标,完成了研究任务。通过鉴定验收,准予结题。目前,洛南中学、柞水中学、商州区大荆中学、腰市中学、白杨店初中、张村中学、白杨店小学、金陵寺刘村小学、镇安城关小学正在进行基础教育全学段多学科课程操作试验验证和应用研究,已经并获得了比较系统、成功的教学案例,其科学性和先进性得到了进一步的实际验证。 二、立项背景 面对发达国家科学技术、人才优势的压力和建设和谐社会、创新型国家、民族复兴梦的挑战,我国教育发展方式仍然是粗放的,几亿人口的学生创新精神和实践能力没有得到彻底释放,沉重的人口负担尚未真正地转化为强大的人力资源。为此,教育必须尽快从规模发展迅速转移到质量提高上来,从教育教学的管理体制、机制创新转移到should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 课堂课程结构、内涵的创新上来,以实现中国教育发展的根本性跨越。尤其是在“双基双高”攻坚完成之后,我们面临的首要任务就是推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展,改革认知、记忆、考试型高效课堂课程向自主、思考、创新型高效课堂课程教育模式的转变,提高教育质量,实现素质教育的课改目标。 基础教育课程改革是一项系统工程,不仅仅是思想、认识、理念的转变,更应该是课堂课程内容、结构、进程的升级转型。在课程系统中,基础教育课程计划设计出了中小学课堂教育理想的新的远景培养目标,即基础教育新课程标准;新教材依照课标设计出了课堂上学科教学的培养内容,即有了基础教育的学科课程或文本课程(多年来已反复多次更改);教案则要按照学科教材课程设计出课堂具体的教学内容、过程和方法,即为实际课堂准备的教案课程或理解课程(多年来也只提出一个课案个性化的理念);真实的课堂教学活动,课程运作的过程,才直接影响和作用学生,即课堂课程或课程实施,这是课程系统中的核心环节。在实施新课程的过程中,却普遍地只提出改善课堂中师生的关系,提出一个以学定教或教无定法的思想理念,实践探索中推荐出几个单一模式实现单一目标的课型,因而学生普遍实际获得的经验课程(知识技能)、心理组织结构图式与新设计的理想课程总体目标自然相差甚远。 在此背景下,商洛市教育学会、教研室,03年以来就把真实的课堂课程作为商洛市的重点课题立项,进行探索研究,并 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 到陕西省基础教育课程改革课题带动战略课题,课题编号:SGH11361。新五环should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 大教学课堂课程理论研究,历经了多年的实践探索和理论研究,现已完成省级课题结题验收及理论研究专著。 2、详细科学技术内容: 《课堂课程论》基础绪论部分 《课堂课程论》的详细科学技术部分:全书全书30万字,共设置十二章六十五节,一至七章是学校课堂教育教学活动的基础课程,八至十章是课堂要素中教师的素质、教案设计、教学艺术的修炼成长课程,即教师的育人基础经验课程。十一章至十二章是课堂要素中学生的学习动力基础课程和学生心理基础课程。涵盖了素质教育课堂课程中教与学的全部系统内容、过程、结构、方式、方法、评价、原则和策略,作为新的课堂课程系统理论体系,用于引领和指导新的课堂教学实践,以实现新课程设计的愿景性整体教育目标。 三、发现、发明及创新点 课题研究的新开拓性,是把课堂课程单独作为一个研究对象,生成一个系统的课堂课程理论在目前教育界的教育科学领域尚属创新。其中有许多概念、原理、观点都具有独创性:象课程的新概念及原理内涵与外延的拓展、新的课堂课程设计及原理创新、课堂课程的实践操作模式创建、新课堂大教学原则的确立、学生成熟度的六级化分与教育转化,学生心理动机成长规律与教育促进,休闲思维的概念与养成,新的课堂课程评价与管理模式转型,教师育人艺术的成长修炼课程,培养学生学习的基础动力课程,学业考试成绩归因与引导,科学调适铺设学生心理基础健康课程,特殊窥镜儿童学生的心里及教育等should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 都填补和繁荣了教育科学,破解了教育实践的难题,富有有哲理性;吸收、借鉴、蕴涵着哲学、政治经济学、辩证唯物主义、教育学和心理学等多个学科的基本理论和科学原理。属教育科学领域的基础交叉学科。 四、与当前国内外同类研究、同类技术的综合比较 关于课程、课程与教学的基础理论当前国内外同类研究比较多见,像马云鹏主编的《课程与教学论》中央广电大学出版社;(美)泰勒著,罗康、张阅译《课程与教学的基本原理》中国轻工业出版社;钟启泉,作译,《课程与教概论》华东师范大学出版社出版;张华编,《经验课程论》等研究都反映这个领域研究的最高水平。但单独把课堂课程、操作课程作为研究对象,并形成基础理论尚属首次,具有开拓性和独创性,应该说《课堂课程论》是教育界第一部关于课堂课程的教育科学系统理论专著。 把延伸了课程概念的内涵和外延,都作了新的解释和定论,丰富了课程的内容,使课程理论更加系统化;通过实践探索改造、设计出了新的课堂课程,其内容、结构、进程更加优化高效,使旧的课堂课程转型升级,把认知、记忆、考试型课程转型升级为自主、思考、实践型课堂课程,把素质教育的整体目标分解到课堂课程的各个环节去落实,原理更加科学,课程更具操作化、形成了新的课堂课程实践操作模式文化范型;对课堂教法学法进行优化与组合,创建了一条现代化的双向十车道教和学的高速路,改变了以往的双向一条路课堂教should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 学模式;吸收借鉴了优秀的教育教学科学,对课堂教学评价与管理进 行了改革和完善,形成了系统的评价与管理模式与文化;给教师设置 了成长修炼课程:教师素质、 教学设计 散步教学设计免费下载洗衣歌教学设计免费下载汽车材料教学设计下载爱护水资源教学设计下载一师一优课教学设计下载 、教学艺术;给学生设置铺设 了学习基础动力课程和心理基础健康课程。这些研究成果与同类基础 教育教学技术相比都有了新的生长和新的拓展,填补教育科学领域内 的一点空白,为课堂课程改革奠定了理论引领基础。 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete
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