首页 [新版]商船最低标准合同(附英文)(1976-10-29)



[新版]商船最低标准合同(附英文)(1976-10-29)[新版]商船最低标准合同(附英文)(1976-10-29) 商船最低标准公约(附英文) 国际劳工组织全体大会,经国际劳工局理事会召集于1976年10月13日在日内瓦举行第62届会议,忆及《1958年海员就业(外国船舶) 建议书》和《1958年社会条件与安全(海员) 建议书》各条款,经议决采纳本届大会议程第5项所列关于低于标准船舶,尤其那些悬挂方便旗的低于标准船舶的若干提议,经决定这些提议应采取国际公约的方式,于1976年10月29日通过下述公约,此公约得称为《1976年航运(最低标准) 公约》。 第1条 1....

[新版]商船最低 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 合同(附英文)(1976-10-29) 商船最低标准公约(附英文) 国际劳工组织全体大会,经国际劳工局理事会召集于1976年10月13日在日内瓦举行第62届会议,忆及《1958年海员就业(外国船舶) 建议书》和《1958年社会条件与安全(海员) 建议书》各条款,经议决采纳本届大会议程第5项所列关于低于标准船舶,尤其那些悬挂方便旗的低于标准船舶的若干提议,经决定这些提议应采取国际公约的方式,于1976年10月29日通过下述公约,此公约得称为《1976年航运(最低标准) 公约》。 第1条 1. 除本条另有规定外,本公约适用于从事货物或旅客运输或其他任何商业目的的、不论公有或私有的一切海船。 2. 国家法律或条例应决定何时船舶将被视为本公约而言的海船。 3. 本公约适用于海上拖轮。 4. 本公约不适用于: (a) 主要由帆推动的船舶,不论其是否配备辅机; (b) 从事捕鱼或捕鲸或类似作业的船舶; (c) 小船和诸如非从事航行的油井设备和钻井平台之类的船舶,至于本项包括哪些船舶,应由每个国家的主管当局与最有代表性的船东和海员组织协商后决定。 5. 本公约任何规定都不应被视为扩展本公约附录中各公约及其规定的适用范围。 第2条 批准本公约的各会员国承诺: (a) 制定法律或条例,为在其领土上登记的船舶规定: (i) 安全标准,其中包括资格、工作时间和配员标准,以确保船上人命安全; (ii) 适当的社会保障措施; (iii) 船上工作条件和船上居住安排,只要该会员国认为集体协议没有包括或主管法院没有以对有关船东和海员有同等约束力的方式规定这些条件和安排;就 没有义务实施有关公约的会员国而言,应证实这种法律或条例的规定实际上等同于本公约附录中各公约及其条款; (b) 对在其领土上登记的船舶,就下述方面行使有效管辖权或控制: (i) 国家法律或条例规定的安全标准,其中包括资格、工作时间和配员标准; (ii) 国家法律或条例规定的社会保障措施; (iii) 国家法律或条例规定的或主管法院以对有关船东和海员有同等约束力的方式规定的船上工作条件和船上居住安排; (c) 证实当其无有效管辖权时,关于有效控制其他船上工作条件和居住安排的措施,已在船东或其组织和海员组织之间达成协议,这些组织是根据《1948年自由结社和保护组织权利公约》和《1949年组织权利和集体协议公约》实质性规定设立的; (d) 确保: (i) 为在其领土上登记的船舶雇用海员和调查由此产生的控告制定足够的程序;但这些程序,在主管当局和适当的船东和海员代表性组织三方协商后,由主管当局进行全面监督; (ii) 有足够的程序(在主管当局和适当的船东和海员代表性组织三方协商后,受主管当局全面监督) ,供调查与外国领土上登记的船舶在其领土上雇用其本国海员有关的和(如可能) 在这种雇用时产生的任何控告;这种控告和与外国领土上登记的船舶在其领土上雇用外国海员有关的和(如可能) 在这种雇用时产生的任何控告,由其主管当局及时 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 船舶登记国主管当局并抄报国际劳工局局长; (e) 确保在其领土上登记的船舶上受雇的海员受过严格训练,能胜任其工作,并适当注意《1970年职业 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 (海员) 建议书》; (f) 通过检查和其他手段证实在其领土上登记的船舶遵守其已经批准的生效的可适用的国际劳工公约、本条(a) 项要求的法律和条例和按照国家法律可行时,遵守可适用的集体协议; (g) 对涉及在其领土上登记的船舶的任何严重海上事故,尤其那些涉及人身 伤亡的事故进行正式调查,这种调查的最终报告在正常情况下应予公开发表。 第3条 已批准本公约的任何会员国,应尽可能通知其国民有关在未批准本公约的会员国登记的船舶上受雇用可能发生的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,直到它相信相等于本公约确定的那些标准被执行为止。批准会员国在这方面采取的措施不应与两个有关会员国均为缔约方的条约里规定的工人自由运动的原则相抵触。 第4条 1. 在本公约生效后,如果已批准本公约的并且某船舶在正常营运期间或因业务理由在其港口停靠的会员国收到或得到该船舶不符合本公约标准的控告或证据,它可以向该船舶登记国政府提交一份报告并抄报国际劳工局局长;同时采取必要措施,以改变船上对安全或健康有明显危害的任何环境。 2. 在采取这种措施时,该会员国应立即通知该船旗国的最近的海事、领事或外交代表,并在可能时让这种代表参加。它不应无理扣留或延误该船舶。 3. 就本条而言,“控告”系指某一船员、专业机构、协会、工会或通常关心该船舶安全(包括对其船员的安全或健康危害) 的任何人员提交的资料。 第5条 1. 本公约开放供已是下述公约缔约方或已执行(c) 项所述规则的会员国批准: (a) 《1960年国际海上人命安全公约》或《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》或后来修正这 些公约的任何公约;和 (b) 《1966年国际船舶载重线公约》或后来修正这一公约的任何公约;和 (c) 《1960年海上避碰规则》或《1972年国际海上避碰规则公约》或后来修正这些国际文 件的任何公约。 2. 本公约进一步开放供任一会员国批准,只要该会员国在批准时承诺履行本条第1款规定但尚未履行。 3. 本公约的正式批准书应送请国际劳工局局长登记。 第6条 1. 本公约应仅对其批准书已经登记的国际劳工组织会员国具有约束力。 2. 本公约应自其吨位之和占世界船舶总吨位25,的至少10个会员国的批准书已经局长登记之日起12个月后生效。 3. 此后,对于任何会员国,本公约应自其批准书已经登记之日起10个月后生效。 第7条 1. 凡已批准本公约的会员国,自本公约初次生效之日起满10年后,可向国际劳工局局长通知解约,并请其登记。此项解约通知书自登记之日起满1年后始得生效。 2. 凡已批准本公约的会员国,如在前款所述10年期满后的1年内,如未行使本条所规定的解约权利,即须再遵守10年。此后每当10年期满,可依本条的规定通知解约。 第8条 1. 国际劳工局局长应将国际劳工组织各会员国所送达的所有批准书和解约通知书的登记情况通知本组织所有会员国。 2. 当上述第6条第2款规定的条件得到满足时,局长应提醒本组织各会员国注意本公约开始生效的日期。 第9条 国际劳工局局长应按照联合国宪章第102条,将其按照上述各条规定所登记的一切批准书和解约通知书的详细情况,送请联合国秘书长登记。 第10条 国际劳工局理事会在其认为必要时,应将本公约的实施情况向大会提出报 告,并审查是否将本公约的全部或局部修正问题列入大会议程。 第11条 1. 如大会通过一项对本公约作全部或局部修正的新公约,除该新公约另有规定外,则: (a) 在新修正公约生效时,尽管有上述第7条规定,会员国对于新修正公约的批准,依法 应为对本公约的立即解除; (b) 自新修正公约生效之日起,本公约应即停止接受会员国的批准。 2. 对于已批准本公约而未批准新修正公约的会员国,本公约现有的形式及内容,在任何情况下,仍应有效。 第12条 本公约的英文本与法文本同等为准。 附 录 1973年最低年龄公约(第138号) ,或 1936年最低年龄(海上) 公约(修正本) (第58号) ,或 1920年最低年龄(海上) 公约(第7号) ;1936年船东 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 (患病和受伤海员) 公约(第55 号) ,或 1936年疾病保险(海上) 公约(第56号) ,或 1969年医疗和疾病津贴公约(第130号) ;1946年体格检查(海员) 公约(第73号) ;1970 年防止事故(海员) 公约(第134号) (第4和第7条) ; 1949年船员起居舱室公约(修正本) (第92号) ; 1946年食品和膳食(船员) 公约(第68号) (第5条) ; 1936年高级船员资格证书公约(第53号) (第3和第4条) ; 1926年海员协议条款公约(第22号) ; 1926年海员遣返公约(第23号) ; 1948年结社自由和组织权利保护公约(第87号) ; 1949年组织权利和集体谈判公约(第98号) 。 [*1 如果因严格执行《1936年高级船员资格证书公约》有关标准而使某国既 定的发执照制度或发证体制受到损害;应 采用大致等效的原则,以使其与该国既定的发证安排无冲突。] CONVENTION No. 147 Convention concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships [Date of coming into force: 28 November 1981.] The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office and having met in its Sixty-second Session on 13 October 1976, and Recalling the provisions of the Seafarers' Engagement (Foreign Vessels) Recommendation, 1958, and of the Social Conditions and Safety (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1958, and Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to substandard vessels, particularly those registered under flags of convenience, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, adopts this twenty-ninth day of October of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six the following Convention, which may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976: Article 1 1. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, this Convention applies to every sea-going ship, whether publicly or privately owned, which is engaged in the transport of cargo or passengers for the purpose of trade or is employed for any other commercial purpose. 2. National laws or regulations shall determine when ships are to be regarded as sea-going ships for the purpose of this Convention. 3. This Convention applies to sea-going tugs. 4. This Convention does not apply to (a) ships primarily propelled by sail, whether or not they are fitted with auxiliary engines; (b) ships engaged in fishing or in whaling or in similar pursuits; small vessels and vessels such as oil rigs and drilling platforms when not engaged in navigation, the decision as to which vessels are covered by this subparagraph to be taken by the competent authority in each country in consultation with the most representative organizations of shipowners and seafarers. 5. Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to extend the scope of the Conventions referred to in the Appendix to this Convention or of the provisions contained therein. Article 2 Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes (a) to have laws or regulations laying down, for ships registered in its territory (i) safety standards, including standards of competency, hours of work and manning, so as to ensure the safety of life on board ship; (ii) appropriate social security measures; and (iii) shipboard conditions of employment and shipboard living arrangements, in so far as these, in the opinion of the Member, are not covered by collective agreements or laid down by competent courts in a manner equally binding on the shipowners and seafarers concerned; and to satisfy itself that the provisions of such laws and regulations are substantially equivalent to the Conventions or Articles of Conventions referred to in the Appendix to this Convention, in so far as the Member is not otherwise bound to give effect to the Conventions in question; (b) to exercise effective jurisdiction or control over ships which are registered in its territory in respect of (i) safety standards, including standards of competency, hours of work and manning, prescribed by national laws or regulations; (ii) social security measures prescribed by national laws or regulations; (iii) shipboard conditions of employment and shipboard living arrangements prescribed by national laws or regulations, or laid down by competent courts in a manner equally binding on the shipowners and seafarers concerned; (c) to satisfy itself that measures for the effective control of other shipboard conditions of employment and living arrangements, where it has no effective jurisdiction, are agreed between shipowners or their organizations and seafarers' organizations constituted in accordance with the substantive provisions of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948, and the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949; (d) to ensure that (i) adequate procedures-subject to over-all supervision by the competent authority, after tripartite consultation amongst that authority and the representative organizations of shipowners and seafarers where appropriate-exist for the engagement of seafarers on ships registered in its territory and for the investigation of complaints arising in that connection; (ii) adequate procedures-subject to over-all supervision by the competent authority, after tripartite consultation amongst that authority and the representative organizations of shipowners and seafarers where appropriate-exist for the investigation of any complaint made in connection with and, if possible, at the time of the engagement in its territory of seafarers of its own nationality on ships registered in a foreign country, and that such complaint as well as any complaint made in connection with and, if possible, at the time of the engagement in its territory of foreign seafarers on ships registered in a foreign country, is promptly reported by its competent authority to the competent authority of the country in which the ship is registered, with a copy to the Director General of the International Labour Office. (e) to ensure that seafarers employed on ships registered in its territory are properly qualified or trained for the duties for which they are engaged, due regard being had to the Vocational Training (Seafarers) Recommendation, 1970; (f) to verify by inspection or other appropriate means that ships registered in its territory comply with applicable international labour Conventions in force which it has ratified, with the laws and regulations required by subparagraph (a) of this Article and, as may be appropriate under national law, with applicable collective agreements; (g) to hold an official inquiry into any serious marine casualty involving ships registered in its territory, particularly those involving injury and/or loss of life, the final report of such inquiry normally to be made public. Article 3 Any Member which has ratified this Convention shall, in so far a practicable, advise its nationals on the possible problems of signing on a ship registered in a State which has not ratified the Convention, until it is satisfied that standards equivalent to those fixed by this Convention are being applied. Measures taken by the ratifying State to this effect shall not be in contradiction with the principle of free movement of workers stipulated by the treaties to which the two States concerned may be parties. Article 4 1. If a Member which has ratified this Convention and in whose port a ship calls in the normal course of its business or for operational reasons receives a complaint or obtains evidence that the ship does not conform to the standards of this Convention, after it has come into force, it may prepare a report addressed to the government of the country in which the ship is registered, with a copy to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, and may take measures necessary to rectify any conditions on board which are clearly hazardous to safety or health. 2. In taking such measures, the Member shall forthwith notify the nearest maritime, consular or diplomatic representative of the flag State and shall, if possible, have such representative present. It shall not unreasonably detain or delay the ship. 3. For the purpose of this Article, "complaint" means information submitted by a member of the crew, a professional body, an association, a trade union or, generally, any person with an interest in the safety of the ship, including an interest in safety or health hazards to its crew. Article 5 1. This Convention is open to the ratification of Members which (a) are parties to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, or the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, or any Convention subsequently revising these Conventions; and (b) are parties to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, or any Convention subsequently revising that Convention; and are parties to, or have implemented the provisions of, the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea of 1960, or the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, or any Convention subsequently revising these international instruments. 2. This Convention is further open to the ratification of any Member which, on ratification, undertakes to fulfill the requirements to which ratification is made subject by paragraph 1 of this Article and which are not yet satisfied. 3. The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director General of the International Labour Office for registration. Article 6 1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organization whose ratifications have been registered with the Director-General. 2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which there have been registered ratifications by at least ten Members with a total share in world shipping gross tonnage of 25 per cent. 3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered. Article 7 1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered. 2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article. Article 8 1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of the International Labour Organization of the registration of all ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organization. 2. When the conditions provided for in Article 6, paragraph 2, above have been fulfilled, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the Members of the Organization to the date upon which the Convention will come into force. Article 9 The Director - General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary - General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Articles. Article 10 At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part. Article 11 1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides (a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall have come into force; (b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members. 2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention. Article 12 The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally authoritative. APPENDIX Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), or Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936 (No. 58), or Minimum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920 (No. 7); Shipowners' Liability (Sick and Injured Seamen) Convention, 1936 (No. 55), or Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention, 1936 (No. 56), or Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130); Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 73); Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Convention, 1970 (No. 134) (Articles 4 and 7); Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 92); Food and Catering (Ships' Crews) Convention, 1946 (No. 68) (Article 5); Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936 (No. 53) (Articles 3 and 4)?; [ ? In cases where the established licensing system or certification structure of a State would be prejudiced by problems arising from strict adherence to the relevant standards of the Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936, the principle of substantial equivalence shall be applied so that there will be no conflict with that State's established arrangements for certification.] Seamen's Article of Agreement Convention, 1926 (No. 22); Repatriation of Seamen Convention, 1926 (No. 23) Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87);
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