首页 2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论

2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论


2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论 N单元 光学 电磁波 相对论 N1 光的传播 37(N1(2)[2012?山东卷] 如图所示,一玻璃球体的半径为R,O为球心,AB为直径(来自B点的光线BM在M点射出,出射光线平行于AB,另一光线BN恰好在N点发生全反射(已知?ABM,30?,求: ?玻璃的折射率( ?球心O到BN的距离( 37((2)[解析] 设光线BM在M点的入射角为i~折射角为r~由几何知识可知~i,30?~r,60?~根据折射定律得 sinrn,...

2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论
2012年高三物理最新高考试题、模拟新题分类汇编:专题14 光学 电磁波 相对论 N单元 光学 电磁波 相对论 N1 光的传播 37(N1(2)[2012?山东卷] 如图所示,一玻璃球体的半径为R,O为球心,AB为直径(来自B点的光线BM在M点射出,出射光线平行于AB,另一光线BN恰好在N点发生全反射(已知?ABM,30?,求: ?玻璃的折射率( ?球心O到BN的距离( 37((2)[解析] 设光线BM在M点的入射角为i~折射角为r~由几何知识可知~i,30?~r,60?~根据折射定律得 sinrn,? sini 代入数据得 n,3? 光线BN恰好在N点发生全反射~则?BNO为临界角C. 1sinC,? n 设球心到BN的距离为d~由几何知识可知 ,RsinC? d 联立???式得 3d,R? 3 14(N1 [2012?北京卷] 一束单色光经由空气射入玻璃,这束光的( ) A(速度变慢,波长变短 B(速度不变,波长变短 C(频率增高,波长变长 D(频率不变,波长变长 c14(A [解析] 光从一种介质进入另一种介质时~频率不变~C项错误,由n,可得~v速度变慢~B项错误,由v,λf得~波长变短~D项错误(所以本题的正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 为A项. N2 光的波动性 12(B.[2012?江苏卷] (1)N2如图所示,白炽灯的右侧依次平行放置偏振片P和Q,A点位于P、Q之间,B点位于Q右侧(旋转偏振片P, A、B两点光的强度变化情况是________( A(A、B均不变 B(A、B均有变化 C(A不变,B有变化 D(A有变化,B不变 图12 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 图13 (2)N2“测定玻璃的折射率”实验中,在玻璃砖的一侧竖直插两个大头针A、B,在另一侧再竖直插两个大头针C、D.在插入第四个大头针D时,要使它________(图是在白纸上留下的实验痕迹,其中直线a、a′是描在纸上的玻璃砖的两个边(根据该图可算得玻璃的折射率n,________.(计算结果保留两位有效数字) 12(B.[答案] (1)C (2)挡住C及A、B 的像 1.8(1.6,1.9 都算对) [解析] (1)旋转偏振片P~A处得到的是始终强度相同的偏振光~偏振光再经过偏振片~在B处的光强随着P转动而变化~当Q的透振方向与经过P的偏振光的振动方向垂直时~B处的光强为0. (2)插在D点的大头针必须挡住C及A、B的像~这样才保证沿A、B的光线经过C、D,作出光路图如图所示~以入射点O为圆心作圆~交入射光线与折射光线于E、F~从E、F EG siniEGEO作法线的垂线交法线于G、H~用刻度尺量出EG、FH的长~由 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 n,,,求出sinrFHFH FO折射率( N3 电磁场 电磁波 20(N3[2012?浙江卷] 为了测量储罐中不导电液体的高度,将与储罐外壳绝缘的两块平行金属板构成的电容器C置于储罐中,电容器可通过开关S与线圈L或电源相连,如图所示(当开关从a拨到b时,由L与C构成的回路中产生周期T,2πLC的振荡电流(当罐中的液面上升时( ) A(电容器的电容减小 B(电容器的电容增大 C(LC回路的振荡频率减小 D(LC回路的振荡频率增大 20(BC [解析] 由于罐中的液体是不导电的~介电常数比空气大(当液面上升时~金属板间的电介质的介电常数增加~因此~电容器的电容增大~选项A错误~选项B正确,the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com 根据振荡电路的周期公式可知~振荡周期增大~振荡频率减小~选项D错误~选项C正确( 16(L1N3 [2012?四川卷] 如图所示,在铁芯P上绕着两个线圈a和b,则( ) A(线圈a输入正弦交变电流,线圈b可输出恒定电流 B(线圈a输入恒定电流,穿过线圈b的磁通量一定为零 C(线圈b输出的交变电流不对线圈a的磁场造成影响 D(线圈a的磁场变化时,线圈b中一定有电场 16(D [解析] 当线圈a输入正弦交变电流时~线圈b输出同频率的正弦交变电流~A错误,当线圈a输入恒定电流时~线圈a产生稳定的磁场~通过线圈b的磁通量不变~但不是零~B错误,由于互感~每个线圈的交变电流都对另外一个线圈的磁场产生影响~C错误,根据麦克斯韦电磁场理论~变化的磁场一定产生电场~D正确( N4 相对论 N5 实验:测玻璃砖的折射率 21(N5[2012?浙江卷] 在“测定玻璃的折射率”实验中,某同学经正确操作插好了4枚大头针,如图甲所示( 甲 乙 (1)在图中画出完整的光路图; (2)对你画出的光路图进行测量和计算,求得该玻璃砖的折射率n,________(保留3位有效数字); (3)为了观测光在玻璃不同表面的折射现象,某同学做了两次实验,经正确操作插好了8枚大头针,如图乙所示(图中P和P是同一入射光线上的2枚大头针,其对应出射光线上12 的2枚大头针是P和________(填“A”或“B”)( 3 21([答案] (1)如图所示 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s第 3 页 共 8 页 ound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳教育版权所有 侵权必究 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com (2)1.51(1.48,1.54) (3)A [解析] (1)完整的光路图如图所示( sini(2)用量角器测出入射角i与折射角r~根据折射定律n,得出结果,或者利用坐标纸sinr 结合入射角和折射角画两个直角三角形~然后用刻度尺测出所对应的直角边和斜边的长度~进一步计算出正弦值~再代入折射定律公式即可( (3)由图可知~由于入射光线比较靠近玻璃砖的右边~经过上表面折射后~再经过右侧面折射出来~故应该通过A点( N6 实验:用双缝干涉实验测量光的波长 16(N6[2012?全国卷] 在双缝干涉实验中,某同学用黄光作为入射光(为了增大干涉条纹的间距,该同学可以采用的方法有( ) A(改用红光作为入射光 B(改用蓝光作为入射光 C(增大双缝到屏的距离 D(增大双缝之间的距离 L16(AC [解析] 双缝干涉的条纹间距Δx,λ~由黄光改为红光~波长λ变大~条纹间d 距Δx增大~所以A正确,蓝光波长小于黄光波长~条纹间距Δx减小~B错误,增大双缝到屏的距离L~条纹间距Δx增大~C正确~增大双缝之间的距离d~条纹间距Δx减小~D错误( 19((1)N6 [2012?福建卷] 在“用双缝干涉测光的波长”实验中:(实验装置如下图) ?下列说法哪一个是错误的______((填选项前的字母) A(调节光源高度使光束沿遮光筒轴线照在屏中心时,应放上单缝和双缝 B(测量某条干涉亮纹位置时,应使测微目镜分划板中心刻线与该亮纹的中心对齐 C(为了减小测量误差,可用测微目镜测出n条亮纹间的距离a,求出相邻两条亮纹间 a距Δx, n,1 ?测量某亮纹位置时,手轮上的示数如图,其示数为________mm. 19((1)[答案] ?A ?1.970 [解析] ?实验中应先使光源、遮光筒的轴线在同一水平线上~然后放上单缝和双缝再依次调节单缝和双缝的高度, ?手轮上的读数,固定尺的读数,可动尺的读数~即为1.5 mm,47.0×0.01 mm,1.970 mm. N7 光学综合 6(N7 [2012?天津卷] 半圆形玻璃砖横截面如图,AB为直径,O点为圆心(在该截面内有a、b两束单色可见光从空气垂直于AB射入玻璃砖,两入射点到O的距离相等(两束光在半圆边界上反射和折射的情况如图所示,则a、b两束光( ) the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com A(在同种均匀介质中传播,a光的传播速度较大 B(以相同的入射角从空气斜射入水中,b光的折射角大 C(若a光照射某金属表面能发生光电效应,b光也一定能 D(分别通过同一双缝干涉装置,a光的相邻亮条纹间距大 6(ACD [解析] 完成光路图~如图所示~其中OP、OQ分别为a、b两光线在玻璃砖内部传播时的法线(两单色光垂直AB射入玻璃砖的入射点到O的距离相等~由几何关系可知~两光线在半圆边界上的入射角相等~b光发生了全反射而a光没有发生全反射~说明b光的临界角较小~则b光具有折射率较大(以相同的入射角从空气斜射入水中~b光折射角小)、频率较大(若a光照射某金属表面能发生光电效应~b光也一定能)、波长较短(通过同一双缝干涉装置~b光的相邻亮条纹间距小)、在同种均匀介质中传播速度较小等特点( 18(N7 [2012?四川卷] a、b两种单色光组成的光束从介质进入空气时,其折射光束如图所示(用a、b两束光( ) A(先后照射双缝干涉实验装置,在缝后屏上都能出现干涉条纹,由此确定光是横波 B(先后照射某金属,a光照射时恰能逸出光电子,b光照射时也能逸出光电子 C(从同一介质以相同方向射向空气,其界面为平面,若b光不能进λ空气,则a光也不能进入空气 D(从同一介质以相同方向射向空气,其界面为平面,a光的反射角比b光的反射角大 18(C [解析] 横波和纵波都能发生干涉现象~A错误,由图知~a光的折射率较大~则a光的频率较大~所以若a光照射某金属恰能逸出光电子~则b光照射该金属一定不能逸出光电子~B错误,a光的折射率较大~则a光的临界角较小~以相同入射角从同一个介质射入空气时~若b光发生全反射~则a光一定发生全反射~C正确,根据光的反射定律~反射角等于入射角~D错误( 34(N7(2)[2012?课标全国卷]一玻璃立方体中心有一点状光源(今在立方体的部分表面镀上不透明薄膜,以致从光源发出的光线只经过一次折射不能透出立方体(已知该玻璃的折射率为2,求镀膜的面积与立方体表面积之比的最小值( 34((2)[解析] 如图~考虑从玻璃立方体中心O点发出的一条光线~假设它斜射到玻璃立方体上表面发生折射(根据折射定律有 nsinθ,sinα? the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s第 5 页 共 8 页 ound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳教育版权所有 侵权必究 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com 式中~n是玻璃的折射率~入射角等于θ~α是折射角( 现假设A点是上表面面积最小的不透明薄膜边缘上的一点(由题意~在A点刚好发生全反射~故 πα,? A2 设线段OA在立方体上表面的投影长为R~由几何关系有 ARAsinθ,? Aa22,,,RA,,2 式中a为玻璃立方体的边长( 由???式得 aR,? A22n,1 由题给数据得 aR,? A2 由题意~上表面所镀的面积最小的不透明薄膜应是半径为R的圆(所求的镀膜面积S′A 与玻璃立方体的表面积S之比为 2S′6πRA,? 2S6a 由??式得 S′π,? S4 1(2012?北京模拟下列关于光学现象的说法中正确的是( ) A(用光导纤维束传送图像信息,这是光的衍射的应用 B(太阳光通过三棱镜形成彩色光谱,这是光的干涉的结果 C(在照相机镜头前加装偏振滤光片拍摄日落时的景物,可使景象更清晰 D(透过平行于日光灯的窄缝观察正常发光的日光灯时能看到彩色条纹,这是光的色散现象 1(C [解析] 用光导纤维束传送图像信息,这是光的全反射的应用,选项A错误;太阳光通过三棱镜形成彩色光谱,这是光的色散现象,是光的折射的结果,选项B错误;在照相机镜头前加装偏振滤光片拍摄日落时的景物,可减弱反射光,从而使景象更清晰,选项C正确;透过平行于日光灯的窄缝观察正常发光的日光灯时能看到彩色条纹,这是光的衍射现象,选项D错误( 2(2012?忻州联考下列说法正确的是( ) A(光纤通信的工作原理是全反射,光纤通信具有容量大、抗干扰性强等优点 B(自然光斜射到玻璃、水面、木质桌面时,反射光和折射光都是偏振光 C(经过同一双缝所得干涉条纹,红光条纹宽度大于绿光条纹宽度 D(紫外线比红外线更容易发生衍射现象 2(ABC [解析] 显然,选项A、B正确;红光的波长比绿光的波长长,根据双缝干涉the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com l条纹间距公式Δx,λ可知,经过同一双缝所得的干涉条纹,红光条纹宽度大于绿光条纹宽d 度,选项C正确;衍射现象的明显程度与缝的宽度(或障碍物的尺寸)和光的波长有关,缝越窄(或障碍物的尺寸越小),波长越长,衍射现象越明显,与红外线相比,紫外线的波长更短,更不容易发生衍射现象,选项D错误( 3(2012?温州联考高速公路上的标牌常用“回光返照膜”制成,夜间行车时,它能将车灯照射出去的光逆向返回,使标志牌上的字特别醒目(这种“回光返照膜”是用球体反射元件制成的(如图所示,反光膜内均匀分布着直径10μm的细玻璃珠,所用玻璃的折射率为3,为使入射的车灯光线经玻璃的折射、反射、再折射后恰好和入射光线平行,那么第一次入射的入射角是( ) A(60? B(45? C(30? D(15? 3(A [解析] 设入射角为i,折射角为θ,作出光路图如图所示,因为入射光线恰好和 sin isin 2θ反射光线平行,所以i,2θ,根据折射定律,,3,所以θ,30?,i,2θ,60?.本sin θsin θ 题答案为A. 4(2012?浙江调研为了表演“隐形的大头针”节目,某同学在半径为r的圆形软木片中心垂直插入一枚大头针,并将其放入盛有水的碗中,如图X29,4所示(已知水的折射率为4,为了保证表演成功(在水面上看不到大头针),大头针末端离水面的最大距离h为( ) 3 74A.r B.r 33 337C.r D.r 47 4(A [解析] 只要从大头针末端发出的光线射到圆形软木片边缘界面处能够发生全反 r13射,就从水面上看不到大头针,如图所示,根据图中几何关系有sinC,,,,所22n4r,h 7以h,r.本题答案为A. 3 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s第 7 页 共 8 页 ound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 金太阳教育版权所有 侵权必究 金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote
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