首页 简析英语新闻标题的翻译效应策略毕业论文



简析英语新闻标题的翻译效应策略毕业论文简析英语新闻标题的翻译效应策略毕业论文 A Thesis for Classification Number: Bachelor’s Degree Restricted Circulation A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Specialization: English Field of Research...

简析英语新闻标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的翻译效应策略 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 A Thesis for Classification Number: Bachelor’s Degree Restricted Circulation A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Specialization: English Field of Research: Literature Name of Author: Registration Number: Name of Supervisor: Title of Supervisor: Foreign Languages Department May 20, 2014 昌吉学院 论文( 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 )分类号: 本科毕业论文(设计) 密 级:无 简析英语新闻标题的翻译效应策略 系 院: 外语系 学科门类: 文 学 专 业: 英 语 学 号: 1025804057 姓 名: 冉 倩 指导教师: 刘瑞强 教师职称: 副教授 二〇一四年五月二十日 毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果或作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 年 月 日 毕业论文版权使用授权书 本毕业论文作者完全了解学院有关保存、使用毕业论文的 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ,同意学院保留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权本学院及以上级别优秀毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库以资检索,可以采用复印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。 声明人签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) 摘 要 随着社会和经济的快速发展,中国与世界各国的交流也日益频繁,而新闻则是其进行交流的重要渠道之一。新闻传播对于中国乃至世界都产生着重大的影响。新闻标题是新闻的重要组成部分,是吸引读者的关键,因此如何做到英语新闻标题翻译的简洁、准确、抢眼则显得尤为重要。 目前,对于英语新闻标题的翻译有许多研究,但对于翻译效应论这方面的研究还是较少的,因此,本文以刘瑞强副教授的翻译效应论作为切入点来探讨英语新闻标题的翻译。翻译效应论从传播学、接受美学、文体学、比较文化学及译学新论等角度论述翻译效应论的性质、过程、目的、原则、准则、方法、正负效应及最佳翻译方法,以及语言转换和文化传递对译入语社会、文化、思想意识,行为方式及价值观念等全方位的影响。 全文共分为四部分。第一部分是引言部分包括本项研究的背景,意义及目的;第二部分是国内外研究状况,同时也对翻译效应论的研究过程做一个简单的介绍,分为宏观效应和微观效应,然后是翻译效应论的原则;第三部分是研究方法,将其分为积极影响和消极影响,其次是翻译效应论的功能;第四部分是案例 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。第五部分是影响英语新闻标题的因素。第六部分是全文总结。 英语新闻标题;翻译策略;翻译效应论;简析 关键词: I A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Abstract With the rapid development of the society and economy, the communication between China and the world is getting more frequent and the news become one of the important channels of communication. News spreading has a major impact on China and the world. News headline as an important component of news is the key to attract readers. So how to make the translation of English news headline concise, accurate and is pretty important. At present, there are many studies on the translation of English news headline, but using the Translafectology to study translation is not much. For the reason mentioned, the author tries to find out some proper strategies from the perspective of associate professor of Liu Ruiqiang?s translafectology. Translafectology from the perspective of communication, aesthetics reception, stylistics, comparative and culturology to discuss its property, process, objective, principal, criterion method, positive and negative effect and the best way of translation. The first part is introduction of English news headline which contain the definition, function and characteristic. Also, it involves the English news headline research both at home and board. The second part is literature review and a brief introduction of translafectology, which concludes two aspects, namely microtranslafectology and macrotranslafectology. The third part is about research methodology, it is divided into three aspects; they are research subjects, research questions and instruments. The fourth parts are cases analysis. The fifth part is the translation study from the language, culture and communication effect three aspects to analyze Translafectology?s influence of English news headlines. The sixth part is conclusion. Key words: English news headline; translation strategies; Translafectology; analysis II 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) Contents 摘 要 ..................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ......................................................................................................................................II Chapter One Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 The background of the research .................................................................................... 1 1.2 The significance of the research .................................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose of the research ................................................................................................. 2 Chapter Two Literature Review .............................................................................................. 3 2.1 The Research at Abroad ................................................................................................ 3 he Research at Home .................................................................................................. 4 2.2 T 2.3 The Origin of Translafectology and its Development. .................................................. 5 2.4 The Concepts of Translafectology. ................................................................................ 6 2.4.1 Microtranslafectology ......................................................................................... 6 2.4.2 Macrotranslafectology......................................................................................... 6 2.5 Strategies of Translafectology ....................................................................................... 6 2.5.1 Syntactic Linearity .............................................................................................. 7 2.5.2 Inverse Translation .............................................................................................. 8 2.5.3 Combination ........................................................................................................ 8 2.5.4 Division ............................................................................................................... 9 2.6 The Definition of News Headline ............................................................................... 10 2.6.1 Characteristics of News Headline ..................................................................... 10 Chapter Three Research Methodology.................................................................................. 12 3.1 Research Subjects........................................................................................................ 12 3.2 Research questions ...................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Instruments .................................................................................................................. 13 Chapter Four Cases Analysis in terms of Translafectology .................................................. 14 4.1 Cases with Excellent Effect......................................................................................... 14 4.2 Cases with Good Effect ............................................................................................... 15 Chapter Five Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation......................................... 16 5.1 Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation..................................................... 16 5.1.1 Linguistic Factor................................................................................................ 16 5.1.2 Culture Factor.................................................................................................... 17 Chapter Six Interpretation and Conclusion ........................................................................... 19 6.1 Major Findings ............................................................................................................ 19 6.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................. 19 6.3 Future Research ........................................................................................................... 20 References ................................................................................................................................ 21 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................... 22 III 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) Chapter One Introduction 1.1 The background of the research Since 20th century is the news dissemination enterprise rapid development. With the continuous development of science and technology, the news media has become diverges, news dissemination enterprise of world politics, ecology, culture, the impact of communication is becoming more and more important. The contact and interaction with outside world is increasing frequently. China needs to learn more about the world, the world needs a better understanding of China in the meantime. There is much information to pass through the news. News headline is the most important and direct way for readers to know the main ideal of the news. There is no doubt that English news headline translation course become an important channel to communicate with one. At the same time, news headline as the soul of news, its translation is always has the great significance. In the process of news translation, the translator should pay special attention to news headline. Because time is so precious in modern society that people can not be patient enough to go over all news details. In order to attract readers, news editors adopt many tactics to make their news headlines much more attractive. With regard to the translation of the headlines of translation. In China, there are many scholars have been studied its features. Pioneers in this field, for example, Liu Miqing(刘宓 123庆),Xu Mingwu(许明武),Zhang Jian(张健) etc., have contributed a lot to the research. Even though people have a good understanding of the importance of news headlines translation, the translation of news headlines are not easy. In order to catch the reader?s eyes, news translators may adopt many translation strategies and methods to make their news headlines much concise and perfect. 1.2 The significance of the research As an important part of news headlines, after long-term development, news headlines has gradually emerged in many families and formed a unique style, it is different with traditional translation in phrasing, breaks the rules in grammar. Indispensable position, the position of the headline and the translation of news headlines have great significance. Then in the perspective translation of news headlines can enhance people?s perceptions of the two kinds of culture using flexible translation strategies in order to achieve the significance of translation studies. 1刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1986. 2许明武.新闻英语与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003. 2张健.新闻英语文体与范文评析[M].上海外语教育出版社,1994. 1 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Although foreign countries collect materials and write a story directly to report what is on to the readers, it is far from enough to meet the readers? growing need for the information about the world?s happening to major news media in China recently. In addition to this, Chinese local media have to transmit information for overseas readers to improve China?s international image by means of news reporting. With the fast and efficient translating of global news into several languages, it is easy that readers, who speaking different languages can through the barrier of time and space; enjoy the updated information nearly synchronically in the world. As all essential elements of a news report, a headline?s intention is to tell the readers and share information about what is happening in the world, remind the readers? imagination and make the readers pay more attention to read the following news with the absolute goal to improve understanding for each other. So news headlines translation provides a communication in politics, economy, cultures and ideas effectively among different countries. Besides, it helps readers with different languages to learn more from each other. 1.3 Purpose of the research Headlines are the basic elements of any news, they show up which in an condensed way to arouse readers? interest. The linguistic features of the headlines are different from other genres of news. Therefore, news headlines are usually treated as a special kind of form. Lots of scholars have been involved in the study of the news headlines for long time, and many scholars? studies prove to be useful in this filed. At present, some translators have set about some related researches results. To translate English news headlines into Chinese basically for offer the information to Chinese readers, in order to broaden mutual understanding, and improve cultural communication between nations. This thesis applies translafetology to translate news headlines from a special perspective. It aims to make the best advantage of this theory to translate news headlines. Specifically speaking, it mainly research some translation strategies based on the news headlines of English readers, so as to broaden mutual understanding, and improve intercultural communication between nations. With the guidance of this purpose, the translators should adopt proper ways to make a functional translated text by selecting certain information from the source text and create the information under the Translafectology to achieve a great positive influence. 2 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 The Research at Abroad In an early time, when some overseas scholars realized that the style of news headlines are distinct from the styles of the common sentences, they advocated news headlines translation study, and inspected the disciplines of news headlines translation from many different. 1R.M.K Sinha (2006) from India contribute to the news headline translation from English to Hindi by writing an article Translating News Headings from English to Hindi, he come up with some strategies to solve the questions of translating news headlines from English to Hindi. The strategy divided news headlines into a lot of classes and provides some criterions for translators. So the translator should concern the tense transformation and other issues when they translate the English news headlines into the India ones. After the translator know the main meaning of the text, news headlines make full use of intertextual reference. Ennis has its special point of view. He studied translation from English to Spanish and tried to find out the possible modulations for translator. Some scholars concentrated on the news headline translation from the angle of machine 2translation. The most famous are Takehiko Yoshimi and Ichiko Sata wrote an article about the news headlines between Japanese and English. They tried to solve this problem by put forward a solution to add to “an existing system a pre-editing module which rewrites the headlines to ordinary expressions.” (Takehiko ,Ichiko,1999:496). This article is talking about the verb “be”?s place in the news headlines. It is difficult to implement machine translation successfully. Because news headlines are often intermittent and short of coherent in information, they use acronyms and abbreviations of proper names frequently. Diganta Saha and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay (2005) show an example to translate news headlines from English to Bengali on the basis of machine translation. The input headlines are liable in the Generalized label Example Base and Direct Example Base. Mostly the input headlines are sought in the Direct Example Base. If it can not be looked out, the input headlines are labeled and the labeled headlines are found in the Generalized Labeled Example Base. In the same way, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay (2001) wrote An Example Based MT System in News Bems Domain from English to Indian Languages to present a research programmed on a“Knowledge Driven Generalized Example-Based Machine Translation System From English 1 R.M.K Sinha.Translating News Headlines from English to Hindi [J]. 2006. 2 Takehiko,Yoshimi&Ichiko,Sata."Improvement of Translation Quality of English News Headlines by Automatic Preediting"[J].Machine Translation,1999(7):496-500 3 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology to Indian Languages” on the basis of a prototype of a similar system, which the translation between English and Bengali has been developed. Bandyopadhyay suggested the machine translation in the news field, Knowledge bases and Example structures are used to the news headlines translation. 2.2 The Research at Home Only few domestic scholars and researchers put forward a few strategies to the news headline. So domestic scholars pay inadequate attention in this field. It can be said that the inclination has been obtained from two mains trend. For one thing, some scholars start the studies from the angle of translating requirement in journalism; for another, some linguistic scholars search the subject from the angle of translation studies and cross-cultural communication. It can be said that the impulse has been include two main aspects. On the one hand, some scholars start the researches from the perspective in journalism, on the other hand, some linguistic scholars from the perspective of translation studies and cross-cultural communication. As far as the previous scholars, Gao Shukai studies the news headline translation from the perspective of journalism. At first, he analyzes three vital functions of news headlines; they are summarizing the news, attracting readers and beautifying newspaper. When the translators are translating the news, they must take these factors into consideration. After the investigation from the journalistic angle, the author explores the principles for translating news headlines, and put forward the concise and exquisite translation. Xu Ju (1999) studies the strategies for the translators to keep the beauty-appreciation function and information function of news headlines together. Other domestic scholars do research mainly from the triangle of language, linguistic and culture has been become an important factor in the source news headline. Chen Haodong and Wang Ying (2002) researches studies English translation into Chinese from the perspective of culturel. Shen Zhihe discuss English news headline?s characteristics by anglicizing seven aspects, they are acronyms, participles expeegesis, infinitives, modifiers, punctuation and proposes some translating methods for every category. Tu Xiaojin(2003), Lin Lin(2004) and Liu Yi(2006) make a expand analysis of all kinds of rhetorical devices in news headlines. Zeng Wenhua, Liu Ping and Zhu Zhengzheng (2004) study the features of rhetorical devices, ellipsis and the lexicon of news headlines. They also propose the translating strategies for untranslatable items in translating the news headlines. They find out the differences both in the linguistic and extra-linguistic are between the two cultures, and look for the solution to some untranslatable items. 4 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) And still some other scholars study news headline translation. For instance, Li Yong studies the news headline translation from English to Chinese through refer to communicative translation and semantic theory translation have put forward by Peter Newmark to study the news headlines translation from English to Chinese. His aim is in search of useful ways to exactly convey information while keeping the creating and cultural features of original headlines as much as possible from the angle of communicative translation and semantic translation. The news headlines play a role of generalizing and summarizing of the news. A news headline as a title compared with other usual sentences in the news has some distinctive features. In the readers? position, news headlines conduct as a sign to tell the news by the headline itself. Although the news headlines translation play a great important in press translation, it seems that the study of news headlines translation is not enough and need a extra exploring both at home and abroad. 2.3 The Origin of Translafectology and its Development. Translafectology, which is combined by two words---translation and “effectology” which is also a new coined one, obviously comes from “effect”. Thus, a new concept comes into being. The purpose the author puts forward “Translafectology” is to endeavor to integrate various translation theories which always contradict with each other. From the angle of philosophical explanation, Effect means a kind of social and cultural phenomenon, namely, an individual occurrence leads to certain social or cultural impact in certain place and at certain time. At present, the concept of the word “Effect” is widely used in many subjects as well as daily life, and its meaning has been extended to “certain reflections aroused by certain persons? words and deeds or certain occurrences.” such as “Greenhouse Effect”, “Social Effect”, “Advertisement Effect”, and “Psychological Effect”, etc. The philosophical explanation of Effect: It means a kind of social and cultural phenomenon; namely, an individual occurrence leads to certain social or cultural impact in certain place and at certain time. At present, the concept of the word “Effect” is widely used in many subjects as well as daily life, and its meaning has been extended to “certain reflections aroused by certain persons? words and deeds or certain occurrences.” such as “Greenhouse Effect”, “Social Effect”, “Advertisement Effect”, and “Psychological Effect”, etc. This kind of impact or result may continue for a short or long period of time, presenting clear or vague, positive or negative, gray or bright. In this perspective, Translafectology is used to explore the law of matters? occurrence, development and changes. The first paper on Translafectology in 1988 “A Discussion on the Introduction of Foreign 5 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Culture to China and Their Influence over Chinese Culture: Views from the angle of the History of Translation.” “Culture Effect of Translation” was fires put forward in the Graduation Thesis for Institution of Chinese Culture: An exploratory study on the science of Translation Effect” in 2001. And a university research topic “A series of Researches on the Science of Translation Effect” in 2003 and was highly praised “a research topic of original value” by expert in 2006 when it came to a conclusion. “Studies on the science of Translation Effect” was recommended a question for discussion in 2005 by Xinjiang social science programming office. The ideal of “The science of Translation Effect” was paid much attention by experts for thits novelty when “The 12 Seminar of National Scientific Translation” was held in Urumqi in July, 2006. Taking in charge of “Studies on the Science of Translation Effect,” a research subject of humanities approved by Ministry of Education in December 2008 and “A Comparative Study on Chinese and Western Culture: Views from the Translation Effect,” a research topic approved by Changji University in June, 2008. Up to now more than 10 papers have been published, two of which were awarded the third prize. Translafectology has two major concepts: Translafectology in narrow sense or microtranslafectology, translafectology in broad sense or macrotranslafectology. 2.4 The Concepts of Translafectology. 2.4.1 Microtranslafectology Translafectology in narrow sense or microtranslafectology. It is the ontology of translation studies, and belongs to internal research. It has three meanings, namely, ? research on the history of translation, mainly, China and the West; ?reaearch on translation criticism, namely, checking the quality of the translation from the translation course, the result and the angle of target language?s readers; ? research on translation strategy, namely, adopting different translation strategies according to different readers, background of times, reading purposes and fields of translation. .2 Macrotranslafectology 2.4 Translafectology in broad sense or macrotranslafectology. It is the application and impact of translation, mainly exploring the all-angle influences of translated texts over the target language countries and their readers from the perspectives of culture, society and politics. It is the macroscopic research of translation, and also belongs to external research of translation. 2.5 Strategies of Translafectology 6 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) 2.5.1 Syntactic Linearity The so called Syntactic Linearity is a basic according to the sequence of sentences in the original will be form the subject of English sentence containing it translated into Chinese without the main clause. 1The following several conditions can use Syntactic Linearity: 1. When there have multiple representations tied coherent action verb, English and Chinese actions occur often arrange the words as the sequence of action happens. 2. Adverbial clauses in English in order to emphasize first and prepositional phrase in the sentence, adverb phrases, participle phrase, consisting of “gerund+ preposition” prioritize the structure, According to the two rules, there are some examples: [1]. She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early, had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cooler air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. 她一夜无眠,早早起身,披上毯子,迎着拂面的凉风,凭窗眺望黎明。 Both Chinese and English have same order when there have multiple coherent action parallel, use the Syntactic Linearity. [2]. So, as well as being overworked, a detective has to be out all hours of the day and night interviewing his witnesses and persuading them, usually against their own best interest, to help them. 所以除了过度操劳外,警探还需没日没夜地整天在外面找证人谈话,劝住他们往往 是要说服他们违背自身地利益来帮助他办案。 In this sentence, main section is “a detective has to be out all hours of the day and night”, there is participle phrase and preposition phrase. [3]. This is nonsense but with it organs of the popular Press played upon the emotions of their readers so successfully that many candidates for Parliament were afraid to support abolition for fear of losing votes and the result was the muddle-headed Homicide Act of 1957 which made murder with robbery a capital crime and allowed the prisoner to escape the gallows. 这是无稽之谈,但是对他来说,流行新闻出版机构如此成功地利用他们读者的情绪, 以至于很多议会的候选人不敢支持这种废除,因为他们害怕失去选票。结果是1957年 的这项糊涂的法案将盗窃犯判为死刑,而使投毒者免于死刑。 In this sentence, according to the original order of primitive to be translated into the target language and if it is necessary, we can add some coherent words, such as “and”. 1刘瑞强.贺继宗.翻译效应学的范畴[J].新疆师范大学学报,2005 7 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology 2.5.2 Inverse Translation Inverse translation is not in accordance with the original world order for translation methods. Chinese narrative action when action is generally in the order of development, arranged, and English in the narrative action, in the most situations, uses all kinds of grammatical means to disrupt the sequence of actions. In the translation of such sentences should be the target language in accordance with the habit of re-integration sequence of actions. Inverse translation methods are commonly used to translate “Syria” after discussion first sentence. [1]. It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 我原打算一月份访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我深感失望。 [2]. Both plants and animals of many sorts show remarkable changes in form, structure, growth habits, and even mode of different climatic environment, types of foods supply, or mode of living. 在这逐渐适应不同气候环境、养料来源或生活方式的过程中,许多种类的动植物在 外形、构造、生活习性甚至繁殖方式方面都发生了显著地变化。 [3] I feel that every book opens me a window through which I see an unthinkably new world when the book tells me about never- heard- of and never-seen characters, sentiment, ideas and attitudes. 我觉得,这本书给我讲到闻所未闻、见所未见的人物、感情、思想和态度时,似乎 是每一本书都在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到了一个不可思议的新世界。 In these three examples are translated word by word, but they are all disturbed their order, and add some grammars. Unlike the traditional translation rules. 2.5.3 Combination The so-called combination refers to the text in two or more words together translated into one world, two or more simple sentences combination of a sentence, or a compound sentence using one in doubt single sentence to express. Generally speaking, the English sentence is longer than Chinese sentence. From English to Chinese, segmentation uses more, but some oral sentences are short, too. Sometimes from English to Chinese also use combination. [1].The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet. 门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆的坐了下来,极度的衰弱使他几乎无力挪动她那红肿 的双脚。 [2]. I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wide apart at first. But this struck 8 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) me as being irreverent and too familiar. So a put my keens together and let my hands rest loosely on them. 我把椅子挪过去坐下,开始两脚分开,但我突然觉得这样显得不太尊重,不太拘礼 节,便把两膝合拢,把双手随便的放在膝盖上。(四句合一) [3]. Some played soccer, and others played basketball. 踢足球的,踢足球去了,打篮球的,打篮球去了。 In these three examples, they all combine two similar words into one word and combine two simple sentence to one sentence. After use the combination, to make the headlines more clearly and orderliness. 2.5.4 Division If we follow the original sentence structure in translation, we may find it hard to reproduce the original thought. Besides other ways to deal with these cases, we may divide such a sentence into two or more parts by picking out those words, phrases, or clauses which are “hard nuts to crack” and making them into Chinese word-groups, clauses or sentences, coordinate or subordinate. In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predication of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion. [1].It was Tim?s 1995 report, on Aprile Pazzo?s discovery of a strange little mammal called the hotheaded naked ice borer that became the most celebrated hoax at Discovery. 1995年蒂姆报道,称爱普利尔.帕左发现一种名为热裸体钻冰虫的奇怪小哺乳动物, 这成为《探索》杂志最著名的恶作剧。 Emphasis is a seemingly simple sentence, but the emphasis on more complexes, guided with the preposition on prepositional phrase, and called the back of the attributive clause. If we adopt the method of literal translation, then report the modifier too much to miscellaneous, so we can take points and methods of translation, short and long. [2]CIC? s approach to property investment, for instance, has been to ally itself with experienced partners, through Canary Wharf Group, on long-term projects in the continent?s most developed market. 例如,在欧洲大陆最繁荣的市场里,CIC对一些房地产长期工程进行投资,采用的 方法是联合一些像金丝雀房地产商等有经验的合作伙伴。 The long and complicated long sentences short split into a number of relatively simple sentence, and the integration of appropriate adjustment, of a sentence translation of the sentence that use this method, the logical structure is clear, the habit of conform to Chinese readers. 9 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology 2.6 The Definition of News Headline Quite a few scholars and books have defined the definition of a news headline. For 1instance, according to Joshua Habersham in his A prolegomenon for a theory of News. “News is about events, not states-of-affairs. News aims at current rather than past or future events. News is the report of an event, not the experience of an event.” (Habersham,1992:11). And W. Lance Bennett claimed, “News is usually defined as information that is timely, relevant to the concerns of its audience, and presented in a form that is easy to grasp.” (Bennett, 1983:125). The definition of news commonly agreed on by Chinese press circle is the one given by Dinghy. Lu gave the definition of news as “the report of newly happened facts.” Xu Mingwu developed the definition of news by including the facts going to happen and completed “news is the most timely report on facts that have happened are happening or will happen.” According to Longman Dictionary of the English language, “Headline is a head of a newspaper story or article usually printed in large type and devised to summarize the story of article that follows.” As mentioned above, we realized that news headlines are definite in the light of their functions and characteristics. So to make sure we can better understand the definition of news headlines, we should know the functions of the news headlines in the following part. 2.6.1 Characteristics of News Headline News headlines as a great important position in news heave some characteristics, such as omission, minor terms, acronyms, news words and present tense, etc. Omission To concise proment and can articulate information, news headlines tend to omit some less important components, such as articles, pronouns, verbs, auxiliary verbs, etc. Here are some examples. [1].It?s no longer „me, me , me?: selfish outlook vanishes when we turn 33. 人在33岁后开始变得无私。 In this sentence, „me, me, me? used to emphasize selfish people in the source text. But it is so repetitive if it translated into“我,我,我”, so the translator use a suitable method to abundant it. [2].France to impose fat tax on sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola and Fanta. 法国将向含糖软饮征“肥胖税”。 Coca-Cola and Fanta are common drinks, so people is familiar with them, there is 1 Joshua, Habersham.A prolegomenon for a theory of News [M].1992:11 10 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) unnecessary translate them into“可乐和芬达. Minor Terms Minor Terms refer to those who always appear in the headlines with a short syllable verb or a noun, it is to make readers easier to understand the effect of news headlines. At this point, the translator should be to find correspond to these words of Chinese. Here are some examples. [1].Reporter Backs. Methadone for Addicts. (The New York Times, 1998). 报道支持吸毒者使用美沙酮镇定剂。 Here, the verb “back” is shorter than synonym “support”, so the English News Headlines choose the fewer letters instead of the longer vocabulary. [2].Borderline Insanity. 国境线上的疯狂。 In this sentence, “Borderline Insanity” means “something insane took place in border line”, but the former sentence is shorter than later one. Acronyms English headlines commonly used acronyms can narrow space and can attract the attention of readers. Abbreviations in the headlines are divided into two kinds, one of is the acronyms, because attach great importance to the news writing is concise, phrase should be as short as possible, the news staff through a large number of deleted to create short terms. The result there is a lot of acronyms. Here are some examples. [1].UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. 联合国教科文组织。 [2].IMF: International Monetary Fund. 国际货币基金组织。 [3].WHO: World Health Organization. 世界卫生组织。 New Words. With the continuously rapid development of science and technology, the exchange of world is deepened, more and more new news words are created in the world. In order to keep close with the life, size the pulse of the time and attract the reader?s attention, news reporter need to creative a lot of words to adapt new social affairs, social phenomena, social thought and social popular custom. Here are some examples; Internets, com, e-commerce, bio-chips, techno-millionaire, etc. 11 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research Subjects 1R.M.K Sinha (2006) from India contribute to the news headline translation from English to Hindi by writing an article Translating News Headings from English to Hindi, he come up with some strategies to solve the questions of translating news headlines from English to Hindi. The strategy divided news headlines into a lot of classes and provides some criterions for translators. So the translator should concern the tense transformation and other issues when they translate the English news headlines into the India ones. After the translator know the main meaning of the text, news headlines make full use of intertextual reference. Ennis has its special point of view. He studied translation from English to Spanish and tried to find out the possible modulations for translator. Some scholars concentrated on the news headline translation from the angle of machine 2translation. The most famous are Takehiko Yoshimi and Ichiko Sata wrote an article about the news headlines between Japanese and English. They tried to solve this problem by put forward a solution to add to “an existing system a pre-editing module which rewrites the headlines to ordinary expressions.” (Takehiko ,Ichiko,1999:496). This article is talking about the verb “be”?s place in the news headlines. It is difficult to implement machine translation successfully. Because news headlines are often intermittent and short of coherent in information, they use acronyms and abbreviations of proper names frequently. 3.2 Research questions Within the relevance theoretic framework, the good translation of news headline is one that helps the reader increase the maximal quantity of contextual effect for the minimal amount of processing efforts, that is to say, the smallest cognitive investment. News headline is a particular problem, with the guide of translafectology, according to its translation skills and translation rules and reference to Chinese news headlines, syntactic linearity, inverse translation, combination, division, and these translation methods can make the news headlines more concise. As a matter of fact, the source text is not the only standard in the news translation any more. Furthermore, there are many differences in customs, culture, social and the ways of thinking. Great contradictions exist between the source text and the target text. So to 1 R.M.K Sinha.Translating News Headlines from English to Hindi [J]. 2006. 2 Takehiko,Yoshimi&Ichiko,Sata."Improvement of Translation Quality of English News Headlines by Automatic Preediting"[J].Machine Translation,1999(7):496-500 12 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) overcome these difficulties are not easy. There are three questions about the topic discussed in this part: 1. How to apply the Translafectology to English news headlines? 2. The evaluation principles of excellent effect, good effect. 3. What the factors impact on English news headlines? 3.3 Instruments 1. Literature study method: Access to learn Translafectology broadly compared with the data analysis of loanwords translation, a large collection of instances of loanwords translation, and translation from the characteristics, principles, policies, etc. Detailed research forms the basic idea of this paper. 2. Qualitative analysis: on the basis of predecessors' experience and subjective judgment and analysis ability, deduce the nature of the translation theory of effect and development trend of the loanword translation new results in the influence of Translafectology, make the existing translation theories as a guide, to probe into the existing experience theory using the new methods, strategies, it is concluded new research results. 3. Case method: collecting English news headlines translation of different cases, from two aspects of news headlines extension and transverse comparison will make an analysis case in nature, and connecting with the effect of translation theory and translation of communication, acceptability, similarity and Meaning Transference strategies for research. Combining the above methods, put the Translafectology studies and translation three principles in the actual case analysis, the combination of theory and practice, will improve the objective reliability for the article. 13 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Chapter Four Cases Analysis in terms of Translafectology Headlines are unique components of news, so the headlines of translation will not make sense without the relevant knowledge on news translation. An up-close look at news translation will help the author?s subsequent researches. According to professor Huang Zhonglian said, “the so called „translation variation?, refer to the translator based on the specific conditions alternative means of special needs under the conditions of the use of certain readers increase, decrease, compile, narrate, shrink, combine, change and some other methods to get some translation activity about native work? s. So there are some translation skills, in different circumstance can adopt different translation skills. 4.1 Cases with Excellent Effect English news headline has four special language features, they are unique syntax(独特的 语法), the vocabulary of chic(别致的词汇),vivid rhetorical(生动的修辞) and therefore the allusions(精当的典故). English news headline special grammars mainly on the omission and tense [1] Victoria Beckham gives birth to girl 维多利亚产女 小贝喜得千金 [2011-07-11 15:40] The source text translated into “维多利亚产女 小贝喜得千金” is an antithesis. The translator takes the linguistic factor into consideration, and adopts a particular translation method. This news headline is very attractive when we look at it in the first sight, and it may leave a deep impression to the readers. [2] Murdoch faces calls for break-up of media empire 默多克四面楚歌 传媒帝国或遭瓦解 [2011-07-19 09:05] [3] Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder: Your other half's not as attractive as you think 研究证实“情人眼里出西施”有道理 [2011-08-09 08:33] China is a country which has 5000 years history, in Chinese history, “四面楚歌, 情人眼 里出西施” are idioms in China. The author based on the Chinese culture, and translated them 14 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) in a very perfect way. 4.2 Cases with Good Effect Good effect means in translation, especially on new headline translation without syntax(独特的语法), the vocabulary of chic(别致的词汇),vivid rhetorical(生动的修辞) and therefore the allusions(精当的典故) , it just has several rhetoric, such as contrast, metaphor. Although they are simple rhetoric, it can express the meaning of news headline exactly. There are some examples: (1)Saturated north,scorched south 北涝南旱 This article is about the weather conditions at that time, according to the national meteorological center reported that over the next two or three days, flooding in the northern will continue to rain, the south of the drought continued to high temperature. Headlines concise, head and tail rhyme word, the comparison is very sharp. (2)Abbas:Back me or sack me 阿巴斯称:要么支持我,要么解雇我 This title was the first prime minister Mahmoud Abbas strive to gain more rights from Arafat, to promote the United States supported the peace process with Israel on Palestine lawmakers say a word. The balance structure is used in the title back two verbs and sack, rhyming, not only mean and on the contrary, in stark contrast. (3) Old man guards king of trees 老人看守树中王 This news is reported an Chinese old man in Zhe Jiang province Tai Shun a 80 years old man how to nurse an old tree in the village. The headline use metaphor, compared the old man to Shu Wang, it means the tree is very tall and strong. 15 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Chapter Five Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation With the fast development of world?s economy and society, the requirement of information become more and more important; we need to communicate with other countries. The most important important is relies on translation due to different people from different countries using different languages. In order to help China know more about other countries, news headline?s translation is one of the most effective ways. Since news headlines translation has been looked as unprecedented, many foreign and Chinese scholars have contributed them on this research; it is also helpful to make the quality of news headlines translation more concise. Because of the readers read the news more careful instead of skimming, the translation of news headlines becomes pretty important when the translator do some news translation. Because the news has its different features, and there are some linguistic differences, the translation of news has its own principles. Therefore, the author think that there must have some useful special ways used to sure an effective communication with the readers and audiences. The functional approach is appropriate to e the leading theory of the translation of this genre, because it is highlights the role of readers and audiences. Within the relevance theoretic framework, the good translation of news headline is one that helps the reader increase the maximal quantity of contextual effect for the minimal amount of processing efforts, that is to say, the smallest cognitive investment. News headline is a particular problem, with the guide of translafectology, according to its translation skills and translation rules and reference to Chinese news headlines, syntactic linearity, inverse translation, combination, division, and these translation methods can make the news headlines more concise. As a matter of fact, the source text is not the only standard in the news translation any more. Furthermore, there are many differences in customs, culture, social and the ways of thinking. Great contradictions exist between the source text and the target text. So to overcome these difficulties are not easy. 5.1 Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation. 5.1.1 Linguistic Factor. The Chinese language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family, while the English language belongs to the Indo-European family. Even though they have some common features, the differences between the pretense great difficulties in the exchange. All languages are influenced by their own history, culture background and humanity and so on. Therefore, 16 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) differences truly exist in language backgrounds, thinking patterns, expressing ways and structures between different languages and dialect especially in those from different language families. So that is why sometimes it is difficult, even impossible to translate one language into another. The differences between Chinese and English can be seen from form, meaning, and phonetics. Chinese is a boost of the languages, which is based on syllables with four tones. While English is an international one, which is based on stresses to form its rhythm, talking about the form, English words composed by any of the 26 letters, while Chinese words are formed by typescript. In its calligraphy, the Chinese character is a combination of sound, meaning and picture, which consists of such strokes as horizontal bars, vertical bars, slanting strokes, dots, squares and twists. Chinese characters? form and phonetics, and its own grammar and morphology make the translation of meaning complicated. The transference between Chinese and English involves more complicated work because of their belonging to the spelling language and the ideographic language respectively. English has a large vocabulary for it borrows many words from Latin, French, Greek, Hindi and Chinese, etc. Moreover, the native speakers always use substitutions or change the sentence structures. On the contrary, Chinese is relatively unchangeable for it has specific strokes and construction parts. In addition, the vocabulary is more limited with some deep-rooted idioms which derived from historical events. All these factors formed a linguistic barrier between Chinese and English, so the translators should pay serious consideration during the translation. 5.1.2 Culture Factor There is some connection between culture and soft news translation. How does it effect the soft news translation? Differing from the hard data from measurable issues, culture is slimy and soft. People can not really grasp culture in their hands and comprehend what they have got. Culture is an extremely complicate concept with tremendous subject. It includes almost everything in spiritual, material and the world. It contains all the products of manufacture, various systems and the theories that support them, such as kinship systems, educational systems, ritual systems, religious systems, social systems, and language, people?s mentality and behaviors, their thought patterns, conceptions of value, beliefs, etc. As a matter of fact, the translation of one language into another is far complicated than this definition. Most people assume that as long as the translator uses a good bilingual dictionary, words in one language can be precisely translated into another language. Unluckily, the translation of languages is not so direct and easy. Translation is a discipline that involves not only structural and technical transpositions from one language to another, but it is also tied to several other areas of human knowledge as intercultural communication. Translation?s domain is not only 17 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology regarded as universal study but it also dwells on the differences among different cultures. Differences let people apart, members of different cultures in the world look differently. Communication is complicated. After the cultural dimensions are added, communication becomes even more complicated. Though all cultures use symbols to share their realities, the specific realities and symbols employed are very different. In one culture, the animal “dog” is an adorable pet, but in another culture it may be a bad thing. However, sometimes people often treat all of them alike. This kind of subjective method can lead to big troubles. “What the translator handles is the individual word, while what he faces is two cultures” (Guo Jianzhong, 2000: 3). So translators must think of this fact when they are doing the translation of soft news. The use of language should never neglect the innate connections between language and culture when the translator does some translation work of the news. Translators should always pay serious attention to the cultural differences when they use the language for the translation of soft news. The propaganda of news is toward readers and audiences, so the translators should follow the appetite of them and treat them as the center. In order to do so, the translators should study the psychological status of target culture, target background, target readers or audiences, etc. 18 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) Chapter Six Interpretation and Conclusion 6.1 Major Findings There are many studies on the translation of English news headline, but using the Translafectology to study translation is not much. For the reason mentioned, the author tries to find out some proper strategies from the perspective of associate professor of Liu Ruiqiang?s translafectology. Translafectology from the perspective of communication, aesthetics reception, stylistics, comparative and culturology to discuss its property, process, objective, principal, criterion method, positive and negative effect and the best way of translation. After the research, the three questions about the topic discussed have been solution. Many English news headlines are suitable for Translatology and the author divides these examples into two effects, they are excellent effect and good effect. Of course, the evaluation principals of excellent effect and good effect from several aspects. For example, good effect means in translation, especially on new headline translation without syntax(独特的语法), the vocabulary of chic(别致的词汇),vivid rhetorical(生动的修辞) and therefore the allusions(精 当的典故) , it just has several rhetoric, such as contrast, metaphor. Although they are simple rhetoric, it can express the meaning of news headline exactly and excellent effect means English news headline has four special language features, they are unique syntax(独特的语 法), the vocabulary of chic(别致的词汇),vivid rhetorical(生动的修辞) and therefore the allusions(精当的典故). English news headline special grammars mainly on the omission and tense. At last, after research there are two mainly impacting factors, linguistic factor and culture factor. 6.2 Limitations Because the news has its different features, and there are some linguistic differences, the translation of news has its own principles. Therefore, the author think that there must have some useful special ways used to sure an effective communication with the readers and audiences. The functional approach is appropriate to e the leading theory of the translation of this genre, because it is highlights the role of readers and audiences. Within the relevance theoretic framework, the good translation of news headline is one that helps the reader increase the maximal quantity of contextual effect for the minimal amount of processing efforts, that is to say, the smallest cognitive investment. News headline is a particular problem, with the guide of translafectology, according to its translation skills and translation rules and reference to Chinese news headlines, syntactic linearity, inverse translation, combination, division, and these translation methods can make the news headlines 19 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology more concise. As a matter of fact, the source text is not the only standard in the news translation any more. Furthermore, there are many differences in customs, culture, social and the ways of thinking. Great contradictions exist between the source text and the target text. So to overcome these difficulties are not easy. 6.3 Future Research This topic research goal lies in through the translation effect theory under the perspective of English news headlines translation strategy analysis, can better and more accurate translation of the news headlines, faithful to the original text and the reader. At the same time through the theory of translation effect under the perspective of news headlines translation strategies, this paper makes the concept of translation effect theory, namely, respect the readers beyond the original, as good as it gets. A translator, is not only a rules-based, and able to clear the significance of the implementation of the translation, translation effect, whether the economic effect、cultural effect or social effect, should be able to achieve the purpose of translation, and the target language should be similarity in structure or grammar, the most important is that it can be accepted by people, this is really finished the translation. But in the process of translation can we found that due to the limitation of words, the limitation of the ability of the translator, translation can be just fine or bad, for this kind of situation, we must adopt certain standard to measure and evolution. Although some loanwords has been replaced by more accurate translations, but considering these replaced loanwords has been used habitually in the long history. 20 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) References [1]Joshua, Habersham.A prolegomenon for a theory of News [M].1992:11. [2]Munday,Jeremy.Introducing Translation Studies:Theories and Applications[M].London and New York:Rouledge,2001. [3]Mencher,Melvin,News Reporting and Writing[M].Browner,Benchmark Publishers,1994. [4]Nord,Christiane.Translating as a Purposeful Activity[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001. [5]R.M.K Sinha.Translating News Headlines from English to Hindi [J]. 2006. [6]Stone,Gernald ,Newswriting[M].New York:Harper Collins Publishers,1992. [7]Takehiko,Yoshimi&Ichiko,Sata."Improvement of Translation Quality of English News Headlines by Automatic Preediting"[J].Machine Translation,1999(7):496-500 [8]Van Dijk.T.A.News Analysis[M].New Jercey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1988. [9]Vermeer,H.J.Skopos and Translation Commission[M].Heidelberg:University,198 [10]刘瑞强.贺继宗.翻译效应学的范畴[J].新疆师范大学学报,2005. [11]陆国强.现代英语研究[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1997. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1986. [12]刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M]. [13]许明武.新闻英语与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003. [14]周学艺.美英报刊文章[J].北京:北京大学出版社,1997,(1). [15]张健.新闻英语文体与范文评析[M].上海外语教育出版社,1994. [16]张全义.实用新闻英语[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2005. [17]曾屹君.论英汉新闻标题翻译从关联理论的视角[D].河南大学,2009. 21 A Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of Translafectology Acknowledgments I extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to many people who made this master?s thesis possible. This thesis owes its existence to the associate professor of Liu Ruiqiang, from whose lectures, advice and supports I have great benefited. His invaluable spiritual and academic advice has laid the profound foundation for me to compose this thesis and will be of great significance for my on-going researches and studies. I am greatly indebted that he provided a motivating, enthusiastic, and critical atmosphere during the many discussions we had and a subtle direction of my efforts throughout the preparation of this thesis. It is a great pleasure for me to conduct this thesis under his supervision. Many people have given their assistance to encourage and support me in the whole process of composing this thesis, especially when I was in the low mood. Finally, I would also like to extend my gratitude to my classmates. Their love and patience guided and helped me overcome various difficulties and make all my academic progress. 22 昌吉学院2014届本科毕业论文(设计) 23
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