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学校后勤管理经验交流[1]学校后勤管理经验交流[1] 精细管理 保障发展 学校后勤工作是学校整体工作的一个重要方面。后勤工作的好坏,直接影响着学校教育教学工作的顺利进行。近年来,市三小在后勤管理工作中,打破常规,改变以往陈旧的管理模式,立足于精细化管理,学校的管理水平、办学水平得到了大大提升。 学校后勤管理精细化具体体现“细”“实”“精”。 总体来讲,可以概括为三句话:措施求“细”,督查求“实”,成效求“精”。 何谓精细化管理,精细化管理就是落实管理责任,变一人操心为大家操心,将管理责任具体化,明确化。它要求每一个人都要第一次就把工...

学校后勤管理经验交流[1] 精细管理 保障发展 学校后勤工作是学校整体工作的一个重要方面。后勤工作的好坏,直接影响着学校教育教学工作的顺利进行。近年来,市三小在后勤管理工作中,打破常规,改变以往陈旧的管理模式,立足于精细化管理,学校的管理水平、办学水平得到了大大提升。 学校后勤管理精细化具体体现“细”“实”“精”。 总体来讲,可以概括为三句话:措施求“细”,督查求“实”,成效求“精”。 何谓精细化管理,精细化管理就是落实管理责任,变一人操心为大家操心,将管理责任具体化,明确化。它要求每一个人都要第一次就把工作做到位,对工作负责,对岗位负责,人人都管理,处处有管理,事事见管理。精细化管理要求层层完善、系统健康,权力层层有,任务个个担,责任人人负。在日常管理中,它要求每一个步骤都要精心,每一个环节都要精细,每一项工作都是精品,树立精心是态度,精细是过程,精品是成绩的服务态度。 精细化管理必须有制度,有过程,有监管,有反馈,有整改,最核心的是落实。它要求后勤工作人人有事做,事事有人做,要用心去做好每件细枝末节的事情。要将平凡事情做好,将简单事情做精,将小事做实。 精细化管理就是人要在“勤”字上多下功夫,下硬功夫,下实功夫。确定目标,分解任务,责任到人。不管是领导还是从业人员应该transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 在校园特别是容易被忽略的地方多走走,在自己每天工作记录本上多记记,在大会小会上多讲讲,对全校教职工特别是后勤人员多交流,好的经验要多宣传,反面教训要作案例多分析,让大家引以为戒。 对如何实施后勤精细化管理,关键要在“细化”“务实”“精致”三个方面下功夫,精细化管理体现在“细”字上,落实在“实”字上,成效在“精”字上。 一、精细管理体现在“细”字上. 为教育教学、科研及师生的生活服务,是学校后勤的根本任务。这是由学校后勤管理工作的服务性特点所决定的。如何服务呢?为保证学校各项工作的正常运转,首先必须为学校教育、教学、科研提供基础设施、物质条件和相应的管理,同时还必须为全体师生员工提供良好的生活条件,以保证员工的正常生活。就其内容来说,学校后勤工作的服务包括资产管理服务、校舍管理服务、基本建设服务以及财务管理服务等诸多方面。这就要求后勤管理者对人、财、物进行计划、组织、监督、指挥、评估,使之最大限度地满足教育、教学、科研和师生员工的生活需要,为培养人才创造条件,为教育教学、科研及师生员工等提供优质的服务。要达到这样要求,后勤服务就必须做到主动、热情、周到、细致。要善于抓小事、抓细节。重视细节、善于抓住带有倾向性的小事和细节,这实质是提倡一种认真的态度和科学的精神。在学校的后勤工作中没有一件事情小到不值得去做,也没有一个细节应该被忽略或忽视,后勤管理工作尤为突出的:环境布置、卫生打扫、水电维修、校舍维护,桌椅门窗维修、食品安全、校园安全、transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 车辆安全、物品采购及供应、绿化养护等等。件件都是不起眼的琐碎小事,而这些繁杂小事如不认真对待或不及时处理,小到影响教学环境或某一方面、某些人或某个人,大到影响正常的教学秩序,甚至还会造成大的事故或隐患。所以必须认真细致地对待每个细节,在细字上下功夫。通过对在精细化管理方面的讨论,本组统一了认识,明确了责任。达成了以下共识。 “细”必须健全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。做任何事都必须行之有据,按章办事,有规可依,后勤服务作为一项基础性和保障性的工作是学校工作中不可缺少的重要组成部分。要做好、做细这方面的工作必须健全操作性强的规章制度,制度本身就是管理的一个重要部分,俗话说“不怕做不到就怕想不到。”只有想得细、想得全,才能做得到位。 学校后勤部门修订制订了各方面的规章制度,有各工种岗位的岗位职责,内容涵盖了学校后勤管理的全过程,涉及到校产、校舍管理制度、财务制度、食堂管理制度、校园安全及门卫管理制度、校园环境卫生制度、维修制度等。总务后勤管理规章已成为学校总务后勤工作的行为准则。为学校后勤工作的规范化、制度化、科学化提供了坚实的保障。 “细”是衡量管理水平的标志。管理工作不但要注重工作的结果,更要注重工作的过程和细节。管理者既要对全局了然于心,又必须对细节做到心中有数,这样才能掌握主动权,求得工作效益的最大化。要做到这一点就要求管理者必须经常亲自深入到第一线,检查并指导工作中的细节问题。尽管分管校长的后勤管理工作头绪多,要有效提transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 高工作效率就必须在精细化上做文章。坚持每天必须巡视校园和各场所。及时发现问题,及时解决问题。在抓实抓细的过程中也不能整天陷在具体繁杂的事务中,而是要有计划有组织地抓落实抓安排,充分调动相关人员的工作积极性,共同做好后勤服务工作。 二、精细管理落实在“实”字上 “实”是对管理者以严格要求。“实”是好的管理者起码的工作作风,没有踏实的作风和踏实工作是不能做好学校后勤服务工作的。怎样才能体现管理者踏实的工作作风呢?首先是时间保证,管理者要有足够的时间和精力来抓好工作、检查工作。其次是行动,管理者应身体力行,做好表率,要经常深入第一线,掌握第一手资料。再就是周密的 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ,管理者应制订好详实可行的计划,分阶段实施计划。更重要的还应经常反思自己的工作,不断总结自己的工作,只有这样才能算得上是一名工作作风踏实的管理者。 “实”是管理工作的评价,是检查考核的过程。各项具体服务工作的情况如何必须通过管理者对其的考核来完成。考核工作情况的依据来源于管理者细致和踏实的工作。各项工作的好坏评价最终通过奖惩机制体现。如执行奖惩机制时,如果不能做出正确的考核那就无法进行奖惩,那就不能发挥奖惩机制的作用。甚至适得其反。所以实也是对管理者工作的评价,是检查考核的过程。 “实”是对实施者工作成绩的记录。总务后勤工作的服务性和保障性很强,各部门在工作职责的基础上还必须进一步落实相应的流程和细则。如对校产管理员的工作流程要求,对卫生保洁的流程和细节transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 要求、食堂食品卫生把关的各个环节和流程、维修人员的工作流程、采购人员的工作流程、水、电工的工作流程等等。工作的细致通过工作流程得以体现。同时也给督促、检查和评价提供了依据和 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。所以说实是对实施者的成绩的实录。 三、精细管理成效在“精”字上 “精”是要向管理工作要成效。加强学校后勤管理工作,提高管理效益,充分有效地利用设施、设备、场地、物资,提高资金周转率,这是提高办学效益,降低人才培养成本的非常重要的一环。要多办事、办好事,这就要求后勤管理要讲究运行效益。精细的后勤管理能产生很好的社会效益和经济效益。周到的服务能促进教育、教学、科研的发展,能调动师生员工的学习和工作的积极性,从根本上保证办学效益的提高。细致的管理能减少浪费,提高和延长物品使用年限,能提高有限经费的使用效率。 “精”是促进管理不断创新的动力。只有更好没有最好,这是大家都很熟悉的一句话。在学校后勤管理工作中必须坚持与时俱进,不断创新,以新的更高的要求不断自我鞭策,才能适应教育不断发展的需要。要实现这一要求,必须精通后勤管理,精通各个重要环节。从而在精的前提下不断完善。 “精”要体现人文关怀。在总务后勤管理工作中,对各岗位的工作人员明确责任,严格要求是必须的,同时也要提倡爱岗敬业、乐于奉献的精神。更要激发他们为教育教学、科研服务和服务育人的热情。克服和消除在学校中低人一等的现象。管理者应切实认真关心他们的transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 学习、工作和待遇。在学校中往往对总务后勤人员不够重视,待遇低下。各级各类的教学活动给教师提供了展示才华的舞台;每年的职称评定让教师的教育教学水平得到认可,教坛新秀、中青年骨干、学科带头人、特级教师、劳动模范等等称号的授予让教师的职业生涯充满追求并体现人生价值,而总务后勤工作繁杂琐碎,或不为人知,或不为人愿为,其价值、其绩效难以显现,或滞后显现,或要在其他部门以及其他教师、学生身上显现,往往“举起的是别人,奉献的是自己”,“放飞的是希望、守巢的总是你。”让人感觉总务后勤工作既崇高、伟大,又不乏悲壮色彩。因此,总务后勤管理首先是对后勤员工的人心管理,通过人心管理来激发人的潜能。对员工的管理应该在感情上尊重他们,信任他们和理解他们。在此基础上实施目标激励、岗位激励、信任激励、荣誉激励和情感激励,以此来激发其工作热情,发挥其潜能,促进专业成长,提高工作效率。 四、强化全员安全意识,构筑安全钢铁长城。 (一)建立健全食品卫生制度,改善环境,确保师生健康安全。 我校高度重视校园安全工作,树立“学校安全无小事”、“安全责任重于泰山”的责任意识,制定各类安全应急预案,建立健全各类检查措施,层层签订了安全责任书,将安全工作分解到人、责任到人,形成师生员工人人齐抓共管的局面。 学校在安全管理方面不敢有一丝懈怠,成立了安全工作领导小组,真正做到了“领导包挂,要求明确,各负其责,责任到人”。学校将安全工作纳入了学校日常管理中,校长为第一责任人,由总务处transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 具体负责。 (二)防患未然,狠抓安全,做好学校保卫工作。 学校会同石桥镇派出所、区工商局等部门,整治好校园及周边治安秩序,形成了学校安全防范体系。 1、学校拟订了特大事故处理预案,全体教职员工签订了安全责任书,并实施校园安全责任首问制。建立安全工作领导责任制。将学校安全工作列入教师考核内容,签订安全责任状,做到职责明确,责任到人。 2、学校高度重视学生安全教育和行为习惯养成教育。 我校充分利用国旗下讲话、广播、校报等形式向学生开展安全教育,组织全校学生开展紧急疏散演习,培养学生安全意识,形成了一定的自我防范、自救能力。利用班会课、晨会、学科渗透等途径,加强对学生开展安全预防教育,使学生接受比较系统的防溺水、防触电、防病、防食物中毒、防体育运动伤害、防火、防盗、防骗、防煤气中毒等安全知识和技能教育。学校要求学生熟记《小学生守则》、《小学生日常 行为规范 护士的素质和行为规范导医服务行为规范护士的素质和行为规范工作态度好的表现幼儿园教师行为规范 》,培养学生良好的生活习惯、学习习惯及文明行为习惯,让学生健康成长。通过“礼仪习惯”教育,使学生逐步养成尊敬师长、礼貌待人的优秀品质,提高分清是非、美丑、善恶、真假的能力;通过“生活习惯”教育,使学生养成讲秩序、讲效率、讲公德、有理智的好习惯,提高学生的生活能力;通过“学习习惯”教育,教会学生科学的学习方法,提高学习效率,促进学生文化素质的提高;通过“节俭习惯”教育,培养学生在节俭意识的前提下,较好地发挥transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more 人力物力效能,使学生养成艰苦朴素的良好习惯。 五、存在不足和整改措施: 1、学校要进一步完善后勤管理,提高管理水平,后勤检查力度略显不足,以后要加强。 2、加强后勤 档案管理 财务及档案管理制度档案管理制度培训安全生产档案管理制度人事档案管理制度人事档案管理制度范本 ,注意材料的收集和归档。 3、进一步加强安全检查,时刻把安全放在首位,以后要更加严格食堂管理,确保万无一失。 总之,在学校后勤管理工作中坚持以“细化”“务实”“精致”为基本原则。对学校后勤工作的方方面面进行全面梳理,将各项工作的细节进行认认真真地排列,想得周到,管得到位,在精细化上做好文章。始终坚持以人为本,做到精心管理、贴心服务、用心育人,不断提高管理水平,优化服务质量,后勤管理与服务逐步走上规范化、高效能的轨道,为打造学校的办学品牌,办好人民满意学校,提高办学水平和育人质量做好强有力的后勤保障 transformation of government functions, increasing ethnic, religious and other United Front work. Party armed, national defense reserve forces work was strengthened. While affirming the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see that my town there are still some problems to solve economic and social development of the difficulties and problems, mainly in: one is the dominant industry is strong, but not excellent, featured industry lagging behind, still does not fully meet the requirements of industrial development, agricultural industrialization management responsibilities; Second, weak infrastructure, especially transportation construction is still lagging behind; Third country serious shortage of financial resources, heavy debt burden of history, still plenty of pressure of work and debt; Four is the cadres and masses of environmental awareness is not strong, more and more junk, harmless treatment more difficult, "environment-friendly and resource-saving" society still needs long-term efforts; Five is the increase in social instability, bind the interview visit, skipping appeal, reflux petition unabated, social stability and stress; Six is one of the few cadres and the pioneering and innovative spirit is not strong, and work style to false, the service level is not high, not adapted to the currently optimized to speed up the development of the situation. We attach great importance to these problems and adopt practical and effective measures, and efforts to solve them. Second, this year's objectives and main ideas this is the key to rural development year, facing many rare opportunities for development, we must firmly establish a sense of opportunity, riskMachine consciousness and the sense of responsibility and sense of innovation, centering on "party building among reform, development and stability," four-in-one work to implement and pay more
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