首页 SolidWorks242个使用技巧【中英文版】



SolidWorks242个使用技巧【中英文版】SolidWorks242个使用技巧【中英文版】 1 您可以使用CTRL+TAB 键循环进入在SolidWorks 中打开的文件。 1 you can use CTRL+the TAB key circularly gets into the document that opens in SolidWorks. 2 使用方向键可以旋转模型。 2 usage direction the key can revolve model. 按CTRL 键加上方向键可以移动模型。 Pressing the CTR...

SolidWorks242个使用技巧【中英文版】 1 您可以使用CTRL+TAB 键循环进入在SolidWorks 中打开的文件。 1 you can use CTRL+the TAB key circularly gets into the document that opens in SolidWorks. 2 使用方向键可以旋转模型。 2 usage direction the key can revolve model. 按CTRL 键加上方向键可以移动模型。 Pressing the CTRL keying to plus direction key can move model. 按ALT 键加上方向键可以将模型沿顺时针或逆时针方向旋转。 Pressing the ALT keying to plus direction key can follow model agreeable hour hand or negative the hour hand direction revolve. 3 您可以钉住视图定向的对话框,使它可以使用在所有的操作时间内。 3 you can nail the dialog box of seeing the diagram definite direction and make it able to use in all operation time inside. 4 使用z 来缩小模型或使用SHIFT + z 来放大模型。 4 use z to narrow model or usage SHIFT+ z to put mock-up. 5 您可以使用工作窗口底边和侧边的窗口分隔条,同时观看两个或多个同一个模型的不同视角。 5 you can use the window way of the work window way base and flank to box off and watch 2 or the different angle of view of many same models in the meantime. 6 单击工具栏中的"显示/删除几何关系"的图标找出草图中过定义或悬空的几何关系。 The diagram mark of 6 single shot tool"show/ delete several what relate to" within columns finds out in the grass diagram lead definition or hang several empties relation. 当对话框出现时,单击准则并从其下拉清单上选择过定义或悬空。 When the dialog box appears, single shot standard also pulled detailed list select to once choose definition or hang to get empty from its bottom. 7 您可以在FeatureManager 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 树上拖动零件或装配体的图标,将其放置到 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 图纸上自动生成 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 三视图。 7 you can design a treetop to drag along the diagram mark of moving the spare parts or assemble body in FeatureManager and place it to the engineering diagram automatically born up the paper standard three see diagram. 8 您可以用绘制一条中心线并且选择镜向图标然后生成一条"镜向线"。 8 you can use to draw a center line and choose a mirror toward the diagram mark then born"the mirror is to the line". 9 您可以按住CTRL 键并且拖动一个参考基准面来快速地复制出一个等距基准面,然后在此基准面上双击鼠标以精确地 指定距离尺寸。 9 you can press down CTRL key and drag along to move a reference base level to quickly make duplicate an etc. to be apart from base level, then double click a mouse with the by the square appointed distance size on this base level. 10 您可以在FeatureManager设计树上以拖动放置方式来改变特征的顺序。 10 you can design a treetop with the sequence that drags along to move to place a way to change a characteristic in FeatureManager. 11 当打开一个工程图或装配体时,您可以借助使用打开文件对话框中的参考文件按钮来改变被参考的零件。 11 be to open an engineering diagram or assemble body, you can ask for help of an usage to open the reference document button in the document dialog box to change is made reference to of spare parts. 12 如果隐藏线视图模式的显示不够精准,可以使用工具/选项/文件属性/图象品质/线架图品质,以调整显示品质。 12 if conceal line and see diagram mode's showing not enough precise, can use the tool/options/document attribute/portrait quality/line diagram quality, show quality by adjustment. 13 您可以用拖动FeatureManager设计树上的退回控制棒来退回其零件中的特征。 13 you can use to drag along to move FeatureManager to design a sending back of treetop a control stick to send back the characteristic in its spare parts. 14 使用选择过滤器工具栏,您可以方便地选择实体。 14 usages choose a filter tool column, you can expediently choose entity. 15 按住CTRL 键并从FeatureManager设计树上拖动特征图标到您想要修改的边线或面上,您可以在许多边线和面上生成圆角、倒角、以及孔的复制。 15 press down CTRL key and the design treetop drag along to move characteristic diagram to mark from FeatureManager you want to modify of side line or noodles up, you can on many side lines and the noodleses born circle Cape, pour the replication of Cape, and bore. 16 在右键的下拉菜单上选择"选择其他"的选项可以在该光标所在位置上做穿越实体的循环选择操作。 16 in the right key of can do to cross the circulation choice of the entity an operation on the cursor place's position under pulling the options that the menu select chooses "choosing is other". 17 单击菜单上的工具/选项/文件属性/颜色,然后从清单上选择一个特征类型,接着单击编辑来选择颜色,您可以对选择的特征类型指定颜色。 The tool/options/document attribute/color of 17 single shot menus, then chose a characteristic type from the detailed list select, the immediately after single shot was edited to choose a color, you can be to the characteristic type appointed color of choice. 18 在绘制草图时您可以经常使用Esc 键将光标恢复到选择模式下。 18 you can usually use Esc key to recover the cursor to the choice mode while drawing grass diagram under. 19 当对话框打开时您可以使用视图工具栏上的图标工具来调整模型的视角方位。 19 be a dialog box to open you can use to see diagram tool the diagram on the column mark tool to adjust the angle of view directions of model. 20 您可以将光标移至工程剖面视图的剖面线上,单击右键并选择其属性选项来改变剖面线。 20 you can move the cursor to the engineering section and see the section of the diagram on-line, the single shot right key also chooses its attribute options to change section line. 21 您可以在零件上生成特征的阵列,以及阵列的阵列。 21 you can on the spare parts the array of born characteristic, and the array of array. 在装配体中,您可以生成零部件的阵列以及装配体层特征的阵列。 In the middle of assembling a body, you can born zero array of the partses and the array of the assemble body layer characteristic. 22 如要确认工具栏按钮的功能,可以将光标移到工具栏上的图标按钮上停留一会儿,工具提示即会显示按钮的功能,并且在状态栏上会出现此工具按钮的功能描述。 22 if want to confirm the function of tool column button, can move to cursor the diagram on the tool column mark a button up and stop over in a short while, the tool hints to show the function of button, and will appear the function description of this tool button on the appearance column. 23 完全定义的草图将会以黑色显示所有的实体,若有欠定义的实体则以蓝色显示。 The grass diagram of 23 complete definitions will show all entities by black, if have the entity to owe definition then is shown with blue. 24 装配体中所放入的第一个零部件会默认成固定。 24 assemble a body in put go into of the first zero partseses will recognize tacitly fix. 若要移动它,在该零部件上单击左键,并选择浮动选项。 If want to move it, on those zero partses the single shot left key, and choose to float an options. 25 在使用零件族 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格时,将尺寸名称复制和粘贴到表格中会是一个较好的方式,这样能够确保尺寸名称相吻合。 25 at use a spare parts clan form, size name replication and glue to stick a form, the meeting is a better way, can ensure that the size name mutually fits together like this. 26 剖切线可以包括圆弧。 26 Pou tangents can include arc. 当您能生成此剖面视图时,通过将适当视图的段落旋转到投影平面的方式来展开剖面视图。 When you ability born this section see diagram, passing will see the paragraph of diagram to revolve to cast shadow flat surface appropriately of way to launch a section to see diagram. 27 在装配体体中您可以按住CTRL 键,并且在FeatureManager设计树中拖动一个装配体中的零部件到绘图窗口内,如此可以在装配体上生成该零部件的另外一个实例。 27 in the middle of assembling a body body you can press down CTRL key, and design to drag along to move a zero partses in the assemble body to get to painting window way in the tree in FeatureManager inside, thus can in assembling a body born moreover a solid example of those zero partses. 28 可到e-works的solidworks专区查询最新的SolidWorks 新闻信息。 28 can arrive the solidworks specialty area of e-works to search the latest SolidWorks news information. 29 您可以在工程视图上显示视图箭头和名称。 29 you can see diagram in the engineering up show to see diagram arrowhead and name. 请在工程视图上单击右键,选择属性,单击"显示视图箭头",并且根据需要指定一个名称〔一个或两个字符〕。Please see the single shot right key of diagram in the engineering, choice attribute, single shot"show to see diagram arrowhead", and according to needing to specify a name[1 or two character lists]. 30 不需要相应的特征复制,您也可以在装配体内生成零部件的复制。 30 don't need a homologous characteristic replication, you can be also assembling a born replication of zero partses inside the body. 31 将文件由资源管理器拖动和放置到SolidWorks 的窗口中,如此您可以同时打开多个SolidWorks 的文件。 31 is dragged along by the resources management machine the document to move and place SolidWorks window way, such you can open several documents of SolidWorkses in the meantime. 32 在FeatureManager设计树中选择设置,您可以将某零件上特定的设置拖动放置到一个装配体中。 32 design a tree to win election to choose a constitution in FeatureManager, you can drag along to move to place to one to assemble a body on particular constitution of some spare parts in. 33 选择菜单上的工具/自定义/命令,您可以增加或消除工具栏的图标按钮。 33 choose menu of tool/from definition/order, you can increase or get rid of the diagram mark of tool column a button. 34 您可以选择菜单上的工具/干涉检查来确保装配体中的零部件之间不发生交叉干涉。 34 you can choose the tool on the menu/interference check to ensure an assemble body in of the of zero partses don't take place to cross an interference. 35 在菜单中的工具/选项/文件属性/颜色上,选择上色然后单击高级按钮您能够使零件生成透明度的效果。 35 on the tool/options/document attribute/color in the menu, choose to apply color then the single shot high class presses button the effect that you can make the spare parts born clarity. 36 若要改变特征名称可以在特征名称上慢按鼠标两次,并且键入新的名称。 36 if want to change characteristic name can slowly press the mouse on the characteristic name two, and key-in new name. 37 您可以使用菜单上的视图来切换基准面、基准轴以及原点的显示或关闭。 37 you can use depending on diagram of menu to cut over base level, basis stalk and ordered at first of showed or closed. 38 选择菜单上的工具/自定义中的键盘设定,您可以建立最常用命令的快捷件。 The tool of 38 choice menus/from define in of keyboard enactment, you can build up the fast piece of the inest common use order. 39 选择菜单上的工具/草图绘制工具/修改选项,或在草图关系工具栏上选择相符的工具栏按钮,您可以移动、旋转、或缩放整个草图。 The tool/grass diagram of 39 choice menus draws tool/modification options, or relate to a tool column in the grass diagram the select chooses to agree with of tool column button, you can move, revolve or zoom the whole grass diagram. 40 使用菜单上的视图/显示/剖面视图,您可以在模型上生成一个剖面视图。 40 use seeing of menu diagram/show/the section see diagram, you can a born section see diagram on the model. 41 您可以生成一个自定义工程图模板,并且使用菜单上的文件/保存模板命令将它保存起来。 41 you can be a born from the definition engineering diagram template, and use the document of menu/keep template the order keep it. 42 使用菜单上的工具/草图绘制工具/尺寸随拖动修改,您可以在拖动草图实体的时候修改其尺寸值。 42 use the tool/grass diagram of menu draws tool/size with drag along to move a modification, you can modify its size value while dragging along to move grass diagram entity. 您可设定工具/选项/系统选项/草图的选项之后,使之成为默认行为。 You can after setting the options of the tool/options/system options/grass diagram make it becoming and recognizing tacitly behavior. 43 您可以按住Shift 键在FeatureManager设计树上选择多个特征。 43 you can press down Shift key to design a treetop choice in FeatureManager several characteristics. 44 您可以对许多工程图项目指定不同的线条型式,包括局部视图的图框。 44 you can be to many engineering diagram item appointed different lines patterns, including the diagram frame that the part sees diagram. 请选择菜单上的工具/选项/文件属性/线型,来指定您的选择。 Please choose the tool/options/document attribute/line on menu type, specify your choice. 45 如果草图为欠定义,在FeatureManager设计树上的草图名称前面会出现一个负号,如果草图为过定义,则草图名称前面会出现一个正号。 45 if in order to owe definition, the grass diagram designs the grass of treetop to strive for fame to call in FeatureManager the front will appear a minus sign, if in order to lead definition, grass diagram then the grass strive for fame to call before will appear a positive number.
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