首页 故宫中英文导游词3篇(完整版)



故宫中英文导游词3篇(完整版)故宫中英文导游词3篇(完整版) 故宫中英文导游词3篇 故宫中英文导游词3篇 故宫中英文导游词范文1: 大家好!欢迎游客们到故宫观光游览。今天,我将带领大家游览故宫, 希望游客们能喜欢我! 游客们!故宫博物院是在明、清两代皇宫 紫禁城的基础上建立的一 座集古代建筑群、宫廷收藏、历代文化艺术为一体的大型综合性博物 馆。紫禁城占地面积约100多万平方米,建筑面积约1万平米。故宫 里一共居住过24位皇帝,第一位是明代永乐皇帝朱棣,最后一位是 清代宣统皇帝溥仪,统治全国长达491年。所以说故宫的历史非常悠 久呢! ...

故宫中英文导游词3篇(完整版) 故宫中英文导游词3篇 故宫中英文导游词3篇 故宫中英文导游词 范文 销售月计划范文二年级看图写话和范文歌颂党的朗诵稿语文万能作文党代会闭幕式讲话 1: 大家好!欢迎游客们到故宫观光游览。今天,我将带领大家游览故宫, 希望游客们能喜欢我! 游客们!故宫博物院是在明、清两代皇宫 紫禁城的基础上建立的一 座集古代建筑群、宫廷收藏、历代文化艺术为一体的大型综合性博物 馆。紫禁城占地面积约100多万平方米,建筑面积约1万平米。故宫 里一共居住过24位皇帝,第一位是明代永乐皇帝朱棣,最后一位是 清代宣统皇帝溥仪,统治全国长达491年。所以说故宫的历史非常悠 久呢! 游客们,请往上看,这就是午门,在古代,杀什么人都要在午门前 杀呢!从午门进去,我们就可以看到内金水桥。从内金水桥过去,过 一个太和门,就可以看到宫廷原状陈列的太和殿、中和殿、保和殿, 是皇帝听政的地方,宏伟之极。从保和殿出来,过一个乾清门,就来 到乾清宫、交泰殿和坤宁宫,传说修故宫时,是为了能天下太平,才 修的这三个地方呢。过了坤宁门,就是御花园,御花园里景色秀美, 有许多奇形怪状的石头,遇到这些石头时,记住留影纪念喔! 再过了顺贞门和神武门,我们的故宫之游就结束了。回头看看这雄 伟的故宫,是不是有些舍不得呢? Everbod is good! Wele to the Palae Museum tourists sightseeing. Toda, I ill take ou visit the Forbidden Cit, in the hope that visitors an enjo me!!!!!!! The tourists! The Palae Museum is in the Ming and qing dnasties imperial palae, the Forbidden Cit built on the basis of a olletion of anient buildings, olletion, imperial palae ulture art as one of the large-sale prehensive museum. The Forbidden Cit overs an area of about more than 100 square meters, onstrution area of about 1 square meters. A total of 24 emperors lived in the Forbidden Cit, the first is the Ming dnast ongle emperor zhu di, the last one is the qing dnast xuantong emperor, pui, ruled the ountr for 491 ears. So the Palae Museum of histor is ver long! Visitors, please look up, this is the meridian gate, in anient times, hat kill people to kill in front of the meridian gate! From the meridian gate, e an see the jinshui bridge. From the jinshui bridge in the past, a gate, an see the Palae Museum of taihe palae, zhonghe palae and Baohe Palae, is the plae here the emperor emperor, ver grand. Out of Baohe Palae, a gate of heavenl purit, ame to the palae of heavenl purit, this temple and palae of earthl tranquilit, legend built the Forbidden Cit, is in order to orld peae, to take these three plaes? Kun ning door, is the imperial garden, the garden sener beautiful, there are a number of strange stone, e aross these stones, remember pitures to memorate! Before the gate is her virginit and reature door, our trip to the Forbidden Cit is over. Look at this magnifient palae, and some loathe to give up? 故宫中英文导游词范文2: 女士们、先生们: 今天,我带领大家去故宫参观游览。故宫又称紫禁城,在北京城中 心。占面积72万多平方米,宫殿有楼阁9900余间。是明、清两代皇 帝的住所。城四周各设一门,南面的正门是午门,北门叫神武门,东 门叫东华门,西门叫西华门。据说,造就故宫就召集了全国著名的工 匠23万人左右,民夫100万人,由此可以知道故宫多少大,有多少 壮观。故宫整个院落分为两大部分,即 前朝 和 后寝 。 前朝 是皇 帝举行盛大典礼的地方,以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿及东西两侧的文 华殿及武英殿为主。 后寝 是皇帝及后妃、未成年的子嗣们居住的地 方,主要以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫及东西六宫为主。 大家请看,这座建筑物就是午门,午门又称五凤楼。明代,每年正月十五,午门都要悬挂灯赐食百官。到了清代,这个活动就取消了,此外,国家凡有征战凯旋时,皇帝都要在此接受献俘典礼,皇帝亲征也从午门出驾。关于戏曲舞台上 推出午门斩首 的说法,实际上是明代朝廷命官犯罪在午门廷杖,好,我们再往前走。 现在我们已来到了太和殿广场。这是铜香炉,这里一共有18 个,代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 清朝18个省。东西两侧各有一只铜制的仙鹤和龟,是代表长寿的象征。看,现在展现在我们眼前的是太和殿,是整座紫禁城内级别最高的建筑,只有皇帝举行盛大典礼时才使用,象征皇权的至高无上,。太和殿俗称金銮殿,太和殿正面有12根大柱,东西约63米,高35米。整个大殿雕梁画栋,一条条巨龙蜿蜒盘旋在大红柱子上,这些龙姿态不一,刻画的栩栩如生。整个宫殿也非常豪华富贵。殿内有2米高的平台,上面雕刻着9条金龙的宝座。后面有金漆围屏,前面有御案。殿顶形式为最高等级的重檐庑殿顶,就连大殿正脊上的吻兽也是我国目前最大的,总之处处显示 第一 。 看完了太和殿,我们再来看中和殿。大家请看!中和殿是皇帝在大典前等待吉时、稍事休息的地方。下面,请大家跟我来一起参观当时的国宴厅--保和殿。各位朋友,这座大殿是故宫前朝三大殿中的最后一座大殿,叫保和殿。这座大殿被称为清代的国宴厅及科举考场。 现在我们来到了乾清宫,这是皇帝在紫禁城中居住和处理日常政事的地方。乾清宫分为中殿、东暖阁及西暖阁三个部分。正殿是皇帝处理日常政务、临时按见大臣的地方,殿中设有皇帝宝座及御案,正中挂着一块 正大光明 匾,那是清朝皇帝的祖训,作为治国、修身、平天下的基本准则。东、西暖阁是皇帝晚上住宿的地方。 现在请各位随我去参观交泰殿。各位请看,这座四角攒尖顶的大殿叫交泰殿,这座建筑是明清两朝皇后过生日时举行寿庆活动的地方。在大殿后墙匾额上有 无为 二字,那里是康熙皇帝的御笔,意思是希望后代能够以德制国,施以仁政,以图国家长治久安。 各位朋友,现在我们来到了紫禁城的后花园--御花园,这里是帝后们的休闲娱乐的场所。大家可以在此拍照留念。 由于时间关系,我们就先讲到这里,下面给大家2小时自由参观的 时间,请大家不要在墙上乱涂乱画,保护文化遗产,希望大家玩的愉 快。 Ladies and gentlemen: Toda, I guide ou to visit the Forbidden Cit to visit. The Palae Museum, also knon as the Forbidden Cit, in the it enter. A astle in the total area of more than 7201X0 square meters, the palae has more than 9900 rooms. As the residene of the Ming and qing dnasties emperor. Around eah set one door, the front entrane to the south is the meridian gate, north gate alled reature gate, east gate alled DongHuaMen, Simon alled xihua gate. Is said to bring up the palae alled the national famous raftsmen around 230000, ivilian orker 1 million people, this an kno ho big the Palae Museum, ho man spetaular. The imperial palae the entire ourtard is divided into to parts, namel the poer and bed . Poer is the plae here the emperor held a grand eremon, in taihe palae, zhonghe palae and Baohe Palae and mandarin house on either side of the things and the hall of martial valor. After the bed emperors and empresses, underage hildren here the live, mainl b the palae of heavenl purit, this temple, palae of earthl tranquilit and natural things. You see, the building is the meridian gate, the meridian gate is also alled the five-phoenix toers. In the Ming dnast, the fifteenth da of the ear, meridian gate hanging lamp gives her food. This ativit is anelled in qing dnast, in addition, ever ountr in triumph, the emperor ill be offered in this aept aptive eremon, the emperor personal expedition also out of the meridian gate drive. About drama stage the launh of meridian gate beheaded , is atuall in the Ming dnast imperial ourt MingGuan rime in the meridian gate ourt beating, ell, let us go forard again. No e have arrived at the hall of supreme harmon square. This is opper inense burner, a total of here, on behalf of the qing dnast s provines. Things on both sides of eah have a bronze rane and turtle, represents a smbol of longevit. Look, no sho in front of us is the hall of supreme harmon, is the hole of the tallest buildings in the Forbidden Cit level, onl use the emperor held a grand eremon, a smbol of imperial poer, supreme. The hall of supreme harmon monl knon as during, the hall of supreme harmon ith 12 positive pillar of big, something about 63 meters, 35 meters high. The hall, ith a dragon inding on bright red post, these dragons have different attitude, depiting the lifelike. Whole palae is also ver luxurious rihes and honour. Inside is 2 meters high platform, on hih arved ith nine dragon throne. Folding sreen behind gold laquer, in front of roal. Temple top form as the highest level of double-hipped roof hip roof top, even the ridge of the hall are shibi is also the biggest in China, the overall displa first everhere. After reading the hall of supreme harmon, e look at zhonghe palae. You see! Zhonghe palae is the emperor before the eremon aiting ji, take a break. Belo, please e ith me to visit the state banquet hall, Baohe Palae. M dear friends, this temple is the imperial palae imperial three the last in the main hall of the temple, alled Baohe Palae. The hall is alled the state banquet hall and the imperial examination in qing dnast. No e ame to the palae of heavenl purit, it is the emperor in the Forbidden Cit to live and handle dail politis. In the palae of heavenl purit is divided into the temple, east est NuanGe NuanGe and three parts. Main hall is the emperor to handle dail affairs, temporar aording to see the minister, the temple ith emperor to the throne and imperial, hanging in the middle of a legitimate plaque, it is qing dnast emperors ZuXun, as a rule, the basi priniples of ultivate one s moralit, flat orld. East, est NuanGe is the plae here the emperor night amodation. No please follo me to visit this temple. You look at the four orners to save peaked hall alled tai temple, the building is the Ming and qing dnasties birthdas events held the queen s birthda. On the horizontal board in the bak all of the hall there are doing nothing 2 ords, there is the emperor kangxi YuBi, means hope hildren an be good for the sstem, the benevolent governane, to national seurit. M dear friends, no e ame to the garden of the Forbidden Cit, imperial garden, here is a plae for after the emperor s rereation. You an be in the pitures. Due to time relationship, e first talked about here, the folloing 2 hours of free time to visit to ou, please don t graffito of the sribble on the all, the protetion of ultural heritage, e hope ou enjo. 故宫中英文导游词范文3: 各位游客,大家好。希望我能带给大家最好的服务。 现在请跟我一起去故宫中最大的宫殿太和殿看看!这里是明、清皇帝 召见百官、发号施令、举行庆典的地方。全殿面阔11间,进深5间, 外有廊柱,殿内外共立72根大柱。殿高35米,殿内净空高达14米, 宽63米,面积2377平方米,为全国最大的木构大殿。 我再给大家介绍介绍其它的宫殿吧! 现在我们来到了中和殿。中和殿是为帝王去太和殿途中的演习礼仪 之地。保和殿,是皇帝宴请外藩王公贵族和京中文武大臣之处。我们 再来看看文华殿。它是明代皇太子读书处。乾清门是故宫中外朝和内 廷的分界处,由此向北便是内廷。乾清宫是明、清皇帝居住和处理政 务的地方。慈宁宫就是皇上住的地方。 现在大家可以自由参观,可是我要提醒大家一定要注意保持故宫环 境。 Dear visitors, everbod is good. Hope I an bring ou the best servie. No please follo me to the imperial palae the biggest palae in the taihe temple to see see! Here is the Ming and qing emperor summoned, alling the shots, offiials held a elebration. Whole house surfae idth of 11, 5, deep outside orridor olumn, outside the house, a total of 72 big pillars. Temple of 35 meters high, inside headroom 14 meters high, 63 meters ide, overs an area of 2377 square meters, is the nation s largest ooden hall. I ll give ou introdue other palae! No e ame to the house and. Zhonghe palae for emperors en route to the hall of supreme harmon exerise manners. Baohe Palae, is the emperor entertains WaiFan nobilit and enu minister in Beijing. We take a look at the mandarin house. It is the ron prine of Ming dnast DouShuChu. Gate of heavenl purit as the palae at at home and abroad, the parting of the imperial palae, the north is the imperial palae. Palae of heavenl purit is the Ming and qing emperors lived and dealing ith affairs. CiNing palae is the plae here the emperor lived. We an visit freel no, but I ant to remind everone must pa attention to keep the palae environment. 看过故宫中英文导游词。
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