首页 象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案



象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案 象教安 〔2010〕 11 号 关于印发《象山教育局2010年平安创建工 作方案》的通知 各中小学,幼儿园,、直属学校,单位,、镇乡成人中等文化技术学校、社会力量办学单位: 为认真贯彻上级部门关于学校安全工作的一系列重要指示精神~落实综治委关于学校综治工作的有关要求~切实加强我县学校安全工作~有效地预防各种安全事故的发生~确保师生安全~校园安宁~特制定《象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案》~现印发给你们~请结合实际~按照方案要求~认真贯彻执行。 附:象山教育局201...

象山教育局2010年平安创建工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 象教安 〔2010〕 11 号 关于印发《象山教育局2010年平安创建工 作方案》的通知 各中小学,幼儿园,、直属学校,单位,、镇乡成人中等文化技术学校、社会力量办学单位: 为认真贯彻上级部门关于学校安全工作的一系列重要指示精神~落实综治委关于学校综治工作的有关要求~切实加强我县学校安全工作~有效地预防各种安全事故的发生~确保师生安全~校园安宁~特制定《象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案》~现印发给你们~请结合实际~按照方案要求~认真贯彻执行。 附:象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案 二?一?年九月二十八日 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 象山教育局2010年平安创建工作方案 一、平安创建工作指导思想与总体目标 象山学校平安创建工作以十七大精神为指导~坚持“安全第一~预防为主”的方针~从落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的高度~深入开展平安创建活动~全县中小学,幼儿园,年度“平安校园”创建巩固率达100%~争取80%以上的等级幼儿园达到“平安校园”评估认定标准。进一步加强领导~明确责任~狠抓落实~控制各类事故特别是重、特大事故的发生~加大学校及周边治安秩序的整治力度~全力维护学校及周边治安秩序~为广大师生创造一个安全、文明、和谐的环境~为各项教育教学工作的顺利进行奠定坚实基础~为创办人民满意教育提供安全保障。 二、平安创建工作主要措施 ,一,切实加强对平安创建工作的领导~加强平安创建队伍建设~严格落实工作责任。 1、按照安全工作“属地化管理”、“谁主管、谁负责”的原则~教育局和学校党政“一把手”是安全工作的第一责任人~对本单位的安全工作负全面责任。要牢固树立“安全第一”、“责任重于泰山”的思想~从实践“三个代表”重要思想的高度~认真学习贯彻国务院和教育部及省、市、县关于安全工作的一系列重要指示。要逐级落实安全工作责任制~层层签订责任状~做到目标明确~措施得力~责任到人。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 2、要组建一支组织严密、工作 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、成员广泛、服务互动的校园平安志愿者队伍~提高平安校园社会化动员水平和群防群治队伍组织化程度~进一步提升校园安全社会面防控能力~全力确保校园治安平稳、秩序良好。 3、要建立安全工作考核奖惩 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~在学校考核、评估、评优等活动中~实行学校安全工作“一票否决”制。 ,二,进一步加强对学校及周边治安综合治理工作的组织领导~建立和完善学校及周边治安综合治理工作机制。 1、提高认识~加强领导。学校要切实把学校及周边治安综合治理工作纳入重要工作日程~建立学校及周边治安综合治理领导小组并充分发挥作用。 2、明确责任~完善工作机制。要建立整治项目台帐制度~采取逐月销帐、年底总结的方式治理学校及周边治安环境。建立联席会议制度~定期召开联席会议~及时分析并通报学校及周边治安形势和整治工作情况~针对学校及周边治安中出现的新情况和新问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ~研究解决对策。建立限期治理承诺制度~将学校和广大师生及学生家长的满意度作为评估治理成效的重要标准。建立社会参与监督制度~充分发挥社会力量广泛参与监督~履行舆论监督职责~督促各项工作的落实。 ,三,认真排查影响学校安全的突出问题~加大三防投入~大力开展学校及周边环境整治工作。 1、采取措施~及时解决问题。教育局将配合协调校园周to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 边整治工作领导小组成员单位与各学校幼儿园积极开展学校及周边地区治安矛盾、纠纷排查处理工作~以广大师生普遍关心的热点、难点问题为重点~加强经常性的检查~倾听师生的呼声~关注师生的意愿。对广大师生的正当要求要及时予以解决。建立盾纠纷排查调处工作机构和工作机制~充分发挥人民调解、司法调解、行政调解的作用~及时发现学校及周边可能引发群体性事件的苗头~切实维护学校周边地区的稳定。 2、教育行政部门将切实强化工作措施~大力加强对全县学校内部安全保卫工作的指导和管理~特别是将进一步推动人防、物防、技防网络建设~及时防控各类违法犯罪活动~确保校园“三防率”达100%~更好地为象山经济建设和社会安全服务。 3、突出重点~开展专项与集中整治。要严格排查校园及周边地区的治安重点和突出问题~本着“什么问题突出就整治什么问题~哪里突出就整治哪里~什么问题反复就整治什么问题~什么方式有效就采取什么方式”的原则~确立整治重点~制定整治方案~开展专项与集中整治。进一步强化工作力度~协调和推动“公安机关维护校园及周边治安秩序八条措施”的贯彻落实。积极配合公安、文化、工商、卫生、城管等部门坚决取缔和清理整顿校园及周边地区非法、违规经营的网吧、电子游戏厅、录像厅、歌舞厅等娱乐场所以及to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 音像书刊点、不洁饮食摊点和其他各类非法商业流动摊点~净化校园周边环境。 ,四,进一步加大日常及特殊时期平安宣传和安全教育工作力度~不断增强全体人员安全意识 。 1、各校要本着“预防为主~教育为先”的思想~把安全法制教育作为学校教育工作的主要内容~结合德育活动深入开展日常平安教育~使学生受教育面达到100%。 2、深入开展平安宣传和平安知识进万家活动~构建平安行动的长效运作机制。各学校要通过国旗下的讲话、班会课、厨窗、板报、安全法制教育课等多种形式进行平安宣传教育,要在学校醒目位置设立永久平安宣传栏,要配合相关部门开展手拉手浙江少年平安行动~要根据教学实际集中开展平安和法制教育周活动~加强对师生平安综治宣传教育~让学生掌握自救自护能力~提高广大师生自我防范意识。 3、学校要结合不同季节象山气候和当前学校安保工作特点认真做好防台、防汛、防火及校园安保等特殊时期的安全教育与防范工作:在防台、防汛、防火和防人身生命安全等时期要突出抓好师生的安全教育与自救自护教育~增强师生的安全意识,在夏季要加强学生游泳及野外出行安全教育和校舍安全情况排查,在外来入侵和暴力侵犯时刻要加强师生的应急避险能力,要结合不同年龄学生的认知能力~采取灵活多样、寓教于乐的安全教育方法~使交通安全教育、食品to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 卫生安全教育、自然灾害安全教育、预防触电、溺水等安全教育入脑入心~通过典型事例警示学生珍惜生命~强化安全意识,要加强与家长的联系~增强监护人做好日常教育的责任意识,组织开展专门的暑期安全常识教育等活动。通过全方位、多角度的安全教育工作~使全体人员的安全意识不断增强~防范事故的能力得以提升。 ,五,集中力量~突出重点~认真开展安全检查与整改。 各中小学校,幼儿园,要认真汲取国内重特大事故教训~结合本单位实际~集中力量开展安全检查与整改工作。特别是把学生宿舍、食堂、实验室、图书馆、楼梯间、消防疏散通道、安全出口、化学危险品、运送学生车辆等重点要害部位及人员集中场地作为检查的重点~对不符合消防及安全规定的要立即进行整改~坚决杜绝群死群伤重特大事故的发生。教育局将按“谁主管、谁负责”的要求~对各中小学校进行经常性安全大检查~对检查出的事故隐患逐一备案~并落实责任限期进行整改。 ,六,建立健全安全工作制度和措施~严防各类事故发生。 各校要按照严管、严防、严治的原则~建立并完善门卫值班、校园巡查等 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 规章制度~加强校内治安保卫组织建设~健全安全保卫制度~提高治安防范能力。建立健全应急处置工作机制~加强节假日和敏感时期的安全稳定工作~提高学校处置突发事件的能力。进一步强化和全面落实各项to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 安全工作措施~要重点加强教学楼、实验室、宿舍、食堂等部位的安全管理~严防各类事故发生,同时~要研究制定并上报学校突发事件应急处置预案~加强学校安全信息报送工作。各校要严格执行安全事故零报告制度~对发生各类事故后迟报、瞒报、漏报而延误事故处理、造成重大影响的~要严肃追究有关人员和领导者责任~对平安校园年度创建不达标的单位一把手将进行行政问责。 主题词:学校 平安创建 方案 通知 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis
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