首页 二年级下册数学第一单元应用题



二年级下册数学第一单元应用题二年级下册数学第一单元应用题 1.爸爸、妈妈和我分别掰了9个玉米,小弟弟掰了6个。 问我们全家一共掰了多少个玉米, 2.小兔种了5行萝卜,每行9个。送给邻居兔奶奶15个,还剩多少个, 3.王师傅做了80个面包,第一次卖了17个,第二次卖了25个,还剩多少个, 4.妈妈买了15个苹果,买的橘子比苹果少6个,问一共买了多少个水果, 5.动物园有熊猫4只,有猴子是熊猫的3倍。问一共有熊猫和猴子多少只, 6.图书馆有90本书。一年级借走20本,二年级借走17本。问图书馆还有多少本书, 7.二.一班有女生15人...

二年级下册 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 第一单元应用题 1.爸爸、妈妈和我分别掰了9个玉米,小弟弟掰了6个。 问我们全家一共掰了多少个玉米, 2.小兔种了5行萝卜,每行9个。送给邻居兔奶奶15个,还剩多少个, 3.王师傅做了80个面包,第一次卖了17个,第二次卖了25个,还剩多少个, 4.妈妈买了15个苹果,买的橘子比苹果少6个,问一共买了多少个水果, 5.动物园有熊猫4只,有猴子是熊猫的3倍。问一共有熊猫和猴子多少只, 6.图书馆有90本书。一年级借走20本,二年级借走17本。问图书馆还有多少本书, 7.二.一班有女生15人,男生比女生多11人,问二.一班有学生多少人, 8.小汽车每辆能坐4人,大客车能坐25人,有3辆小汽车和1辆大客车。问一共能坐多人, 9.商店里有4盒皮球,每盒6个,卖出20个,还剩多少个, 10.小明有6套画片,每套3张,有买来4张,问现在有多少张, 11.学校买回3盒乒乓球,每盒8个,平均发给二年级4个班,每个班分得几个乒乓球, 12.小熊捡了9个玉米,小猴检的是小熊的4倍,他们一共捡了多少个玉米, pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 13.食品店有85听可乐,上午卖了46听,下午卖了30听,还剩多少听, 14.操场上原有16个同学,又来了14个。这些同学每5个一组做游戏,可以分成多少组, 15.小明买了3个笔记本,用去12元。小云也买了同样的6个笔记本,算一算小云用了多少钱, 16.体育室有60副羽毛球拍。小明借走了15副,小亮借走了26副,现在还剩多少副, 17.一小桶牛奶5元钱,一大桶牛奶是一小桶的4倍,买一大一小两桶牛奶共需要多少钱, 18.一本故事书,小明每天看5页,看了9天,还剩28页,这本书共有多少页, 19.王老师在文具店买了5张绿卡纸,15张红卡纸。红卡纸是绿卡纸的多少倍, 20.二年级一班有20名男生,22名女生,平均分成6个小组,每组有几名同学, 21、一辆空调车上有42人,中途下车8人,又上来16人,现在车上有多少人? 22、面包房一共做了54个面包,第一队小朋友买了8个,第二队小pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 朋友买了22个,现在剩下多少个? 23、3个组一共收集了94个易拉罐,其中第一组收集了34个易拉罐,第二组收集了29个易拉罐。那第三小组收集了多少个易拉罐? 24,新型电脑公司有87台电脑,上午卖出19台,下午卖出26台,还剩下多少台?,用两种方法解答, 25,班级里有22张腊光纸,又买来27张。开联欢会时用去38张,还剩下多少张? 26,少年宫新购小提琴52把,中提琴比小提琴少20把,两种琴一共有多少把? 27,一辆公共汽车里有36位乘客,到福州路下去8位,又上来12位,这时车上有多少位? 28、甲数是20,乙数比甲数多5,乙数是多少, 29、有25个苹果,梨比苹果少7个,有多少个梨, 30、小青有28张画片,照片比画片多16张。小青有多少张照片, 31、男生有35人,男生比女生多2人,女生有多少人, 32、男生有35人,男生比女生少2人,女生有多少人, 33、动物园有20只黑熊,黑熊比白熊多8只,白熊有多少只, 34、动物园有20只黑熊,白熊比黑熊多8只,白熊有多少只, pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic3 35、红领巾养鸡场有公鸡44只,母鸡比公鸡多16只。母鸡有多少只, 36、红领巾养鸡场有母鸡60只,母鸡比公鸡多14只,公鸡有多少只, 37、红领巾养鸡场有母鸡60只,公鸡比母鸡少14只,公鸡有多少只, 38、红领巾养鸡场有公鸡44只,公鸡比母鸡少16只。母鸡有多少只, 39、上手工课,一班节约了15张纸,二班比一班多节约了8张纸。二班节约了多少张纸, 40、上手工课,一班节约了15张纸,比二班多节约了8张。二班节约了多少张纸, 41、书架上的故事书比连环画少15本,书架上有杂志8本,有故事书32本。连环画有多少本,故事书和连环画一共有多少本, 42、小明的妈妈买回来一根16米长的绳子,截去一些做跳绳,还剩6米,做跳绳用去多少米, 43、二年级的男同学有35人,女同学有37人,一共有多少人,其中有50人参加了今年暑假的“红色之旅”活动,有多少人没有参加“红色之旅”活动, 44、停车场上有65辆小汽车,开走了31辆,还剩下多少辆,又开来6辆。现在停车场上有小汽车多少辆, 45、一本应用题练习册,有应用题50道,红红每天做5道,几天做完, 46、学校买了6本科技书和36本故事书,故事书的本数是科技书的pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 几倍, 47、书店第一天卖出6箱书,第二天卖出18箱书,第二天卖的是第一天的几倍,两天共卖出几箱, 48、小明家的鸡圈里原来有45只小鸡,妈妈上个星期卖掉了12只,这个星期又卖掉了15只,现在鸡圈里还剩下几只小鸡, 49、二年级一班有5组同学,平均每组有5个,“六?一“节有21人参加合唱队。没参加合唱队的有多少人, 50、小华和爸爸、妈妈比赛做计算,小华一分钟算对了6道计算题,爸爸的是小华的4倍,妈妈比爸爸少做对了5道。妈妈一分钟做对多少道, 51、二年级一班有5个红皮球,黄皮球的个数是红皮球的3倍,黄皮球比红皮球多几个, 52、妈妈买来12只苹果和16只梨,如果要把它们全部装在袋子里,每只袋子只能装4只水果,需要几只袋子, 53、超市里买4袋饼干要付8元,买8袋饼干要付多少元, 54、老师有8袋乒乓球,每袋6个,借给同学15个,还剩多少个?55、老师拿70元去买书,买了7套故事书,每套9元,还剩多少元? 56、绿化带种有9棵柳树,松树的棵树是柳树的3倍,柳树的棵树是杨树的3倍,绿化带中有松树几棵,有杨树几棵, 57、数学课上小朋友做游戏,每5人一组,分了6组,一共有多少个小朋友 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic5
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