首页 幸福起点婚礼学院-主持人台词、主持人开场白



幸福起点婚礼学院-主持人台词、主持人开场白幸福起点婚礼学院-主持人台词、主持人开场白 1、主持人开场白 主持人的开场一定要和活动的主题相契合,精彩的文案只有扣住主题思想才能发挥出最大的魅力所在。 例如,您的主题是跨越,是征服,是挑战,展现的是雄心和霸气,那么您的开场白就要用气势磅礴的语言和辞藻去鼓舞大家心中澎湃的热血。豪迈与气势同存才能让您的员工慷慨激昂不畏前行。 那么主持人开场白可以写成: 跨越,分秒之内,或许颠覆一个世界。 勇恒,在每一个人的路上. 一棋,一天下,胜势在握。更在意从心所欲的姿态 自然的大地与天空之间,企及颠峰的心性无所不...

幸福起点婚礼学院-主持人台词、主持人开场白 1、主持人开场白 主持人的开场一定要和活动的主题相契合,精彩的文案只有扣住主题思想才能发挥出最大的魅力所在。 例如,您的主题是跨越,是征服,是挑战,展现的是雄心和霸气,那么您的开场白就要用气势磅礴的语言和辞藻去鼓舞大家心中澎湃的热血。豪迈与气势同存才能让您的员工慷慨激昂不畏前行。 那么主持人开场白可以写成: 跨越,分秒之内,或许颠覆一个世界。 勇恒,在每一个人的路上. 一棋,一天下,胜势在握。更在意从心所欲的姿态 自然的大地与天空之间,企及颠峰的心性无所不至。 奇迹-从来只在我们手中。 例如,您的主题是携手、团结,突出团队精神的一类主题,那么您的开场白就要动人,争取去触动人们心里某些柔软且温暖的回忆。一路有你、因为有你、携手同行……等等都是一些可以突出团队和个体关系的词语和字眼, 那么主持人开场白就可以写成: 走过往昔,奋斗的汗水刚刚拭去 回首旅途,胜利的笑容正在蔓延 携手今宵,高歌这一路荣耀感动 展望明朝,伙伴们,让我们携手同行 一曲歌唱出心中挚爱,一段舞跳出热血豪迈,一首诗谱写出果敢坚毅一路有你。 执着、梦想、追求、团结、我们共同燃心为香,巅峰领跃~梦想从不止步。 2、主持人台词、主持人串词、主持人台本 主持人台词有很多种称谓,但是归根结底就是贯穿在晚会整体的语言脉络,穿插在节目之间,可以承上启下,调节气氛,增加氛围,为您的活动或者晚会锦上添花。好的主持人台词或主持人串词仍然是与主题及中心思想环环相扣,并在节目的名称和内容上发挥出语言特有的渲染之势。可以让节目更加生动,活动更加完美。 在主持人台词及主持人串词的编写过程中,搜会网的专业人员建议您在无形中映射主题及开场中心思想。 例如:一个节目是武术 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演。武术所体现出的气息和关键字是:英武、强健、活力、热血澎湃,与企业及精神主旨相关联,我们自然就可以衍生出一个企业的斗志与活力,一个企业的separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 豪迈与英姿飒爽。 那么我们贯穿在这个节目之前的主持人台词就可以写成: 一心有一份大海的气魄、一生有一份苍穹的广阔。跨艰难而含笑,厉万险而傲然。一路走来,正是凭借着内心深处这份果敢和英武,让我们不畏惧困境、不畏惧坎坷,迎难而上,谱写出一路高歌。让我们一起来欣赏中华武术。 3、主持人收场,主持人结束语 一场活动的结束必须有精彩动人的主持人结束语才算画上完美的句号。因此与主持人的开场白遥相呼应是必要的,对整个晚会的精彩及肯定是必要的,对美好的今宵赞颂及充满灿烂的明朝渴望也是必要的。对于主办单位的祝愿也是必要的。感谢之余,说一些可人温婉的话语,拉近所有人的距离之外,也让人对整个活动留下深深的回味。 现在您是否了解到一套成功精彩的主持人开场白及主持人台词是如何编写并与节目良好的融合在一起了吧。搜会网的几条建议只要您全部掌握就可以轻松写出一套完美的主持人台本哦。那么您就是一本主持人开场白,主持人台词、主持人串词的大全了。 2013年元旦晚会 主持词 小学红歌比赛主持词免费下载婚礼主持词初中期中考试表彰大会主持词村民选举委员会主持词三八妇女节活动主持词 (完整开场白): 先是一个开场舞蹈表演。 接下来是2013年央视元旦晚会开场白: 主持人男:北京时间,欢乐激情无限, 主持人女:美丽中国,拥抱精彩世界,所有现场和电视机前的观众朋友们,大家: 合:晚上好~ 主持人男:亲爱的朋友们,现在是北京时间***,您正在收看的是由有沱牌舍得酒业,全程独家冠林播出的:《启航2013 中央电视台元旦晚会》 主持人女:此时此刻,我们是在北京国际体育馆,通过中央电视台综合频道,综艺频道,中文国际频道:西班牙语,法语、俄语、阿拉伯语频道,面向全球,现场直播~ separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance (英文 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc ~) 主持人男:一年复试,万象更新,今晚,北京时间,独秒全球时刻。 主持人女:盛大起航,欢乐前行,今晚中国梦想绽放世纪的光芒。 主持人男;期盼辞旧迎新的时光变奏,而此刻2013的脚步已从零度经线,启程向着东方,快乐出发。 主持人女:年度最闪耀的明星,最华丽的声音,最震撼的现场,今晚都将汇集在这里:中国北京,中央电视台。 主持人男:全球最激情的跨年,最盛大的迎新,最最美好的祝福,今晚都将凝聚在这里:中国北京,中央电视台。 主持人女:而在今天晚上长达四个小时的直播时间里,每一个时段,我们都将与中央电视台在全球的海外全球记者站进行连线,让我们共同来感受全世界迈向2013的欢乐和期待~ 主持人男:今晚我们的元旦晚会还将通过中国网络电视台进行同步视频直播,您可以用您的手机登陆手机央视网收看更多精彩内容,同时还可以登陆央视网微博,随时参与我们的节目互动,表达您的新年祝愿,好,好,亲爱的朋友们,还等什么呢,赶快准备好您的热情,跟我们一起快乐启航。 主持人女:接下来请现场的朋友们做好准备,让我们现场火热起来~一起跟随百变女歌手黄领唱响,年度最红歌曲《hight》歌 学院元旦晚会主持词: 主要节目内容: 1.大合唱 《最初的梦想》 、12个人 2.歌曲 《Beautiful love》 单人 3.诗朗诵 《再别康桥》 8个人 4.歌曲 《当爱在靠近》 单人 5.大合唱 《当》 8个人 6.歌曲串烧 单人 7.舞蹈 《新贵妃醉酒》 古典舞蹈 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 8.舞蹈 《circus》 爵士舞蹈 9.大合唱 《朋友》 6个人 10.歌曲 《漫步人生路》 单人 11.大合唱 《小情歌》 四人 12.游戏 《谁是卧底》 四人 13.大合唱 《红蜻蜓》 9个人 14.歌曲 《唱的响亮》 一人 15.诗朗诵 《致橡树》 8个人 学院元旦晚会主持词开场白: 主持人男:各位老师 主持人女:各位同学们 合:大家元旦好~(同时鞠躬) 主持人男:很高兴今天能与大家在这里欢聚一堂。 主持人女:在这个温暖的大家庭里,我感觉到无比的温馨和幸福~ 主持人男:是啊,大学生活是多么的美好,有同窗陪伴我们走过,有兄弟姐妹和我们一起畅游在这知识的海洋里。 主持人女:在心中有无尽的感激和感谢~ 主持人男:感谢一路走来有你相伴,感谢是您给予了我们开阔的思维和受益一生的教导。 主持人女:千言万语,我们都记在心里~ 主持人男:千山万水,我们永远都会心连着心~ 主持人女:今晚,我们就在这里,敞开心扉,用歌声来表达~用爱变得更加温暖。 主持人男:下面我宣布: 合:***班201*年“暖情”元旦晚会正式开始~ 主持人女:首先,让我们来倾听大伙儿最初的梦想。 主持人男:大合唱《最初的梦想》,掌声有请 主持人女:是梦想让我们腾飞,是梦想让我们看到希望,也许正是梦想,让我们开始懵懂了~有请**带来英文歌曲《Beautiful love》 主持人男:我们有自己的理想,我们热爱这片让我成长的土地,但是,我们需要肩负起责任,我会怀念你——我的母校,我的老师,还有,我最可爱的同学们,我会永远地,去把您们铭记....有请***等人带来心灵的独白《再别康桥》 主持人女:诗,让我们触动了内心的情感,爱,让我们彼此靠的更近,下面有请***带来的柔情歌曲《当爱在靠近》,掌声有请~ separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 主持人男:听完了这小女孩的柔美声音,我感觉好想有份爱情哦~下面我们是否来倾听我们男人们的真心表白呢,有请***等男人带来《当》 主持人女:都是在听歌,也需下面的这首歌,您可以听出一些门道来,大伙儿可要竖起耳朵来听好了哈,听听这首歌中有多少歌名组成,有丰富大奖等着你哦~有请著名歌手***带来《歌曲串烧》 主持人男:当中国古典元素相遇流行时尚曲风时,一个华丽而又不失风味的歌曲便诞生了,我们不禁为之感叹,完美的声音配上动听的旋律,加加上我们的表演,竟然是那么的完美无缺。下面就让我们一起来欣赏***带来的古典舞蹈《新贵妃醉酒 》掌声有请~ 主持人女:今晚的节目,真是一个比一个精彩呀,我们**班可是真正的人才辈出,欣赏完古典风韵,下面我们就带大家瞧瞧具有民族特色的舞蹈《circus》爵士舞,表演者*** 主持人男:这首歌是我们永远都难易忘怀的,也表达了我们最真挚的情感,下面有请***等人带来大合唱《朋友》 主持人女:人生总是这样的,有分就有合,有聚就有散,下面让我们一起来感受下这人生的道路,有请***带来歌曲《漫步人生路》 主持人男:今晚的节目真是此起彼伏,带入高潮,走向低谷,时而宁远,时而欢快,这不,看看下面的妹子多么快乐,有请***带来合唱《小情歌》 主持人女:今晚赶紧有点不对劲~好像有人总在窥看我~难道是我长得太漂亮了吗,表演的人接过话,直接上场 主持人男:今晚,是一个家庭式的夜晚,今晚是一个让人陶醉的夜晚,今晚更是出了很多集体性的节目,不信,您看《红蜻蜓》来了,演唱者***等人 主持人女:我们是富有理想的知识青年,我们要唱就要唱的响亮,掌声有请**带来歌曲《唱的响亮》 主持人男:也许,今晚我们有说不完的话语。 主持人女:也许,我们有表演不完的节目。 主持人男:也许,在未来我们还有无数个相聚的日子。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 主持人女:但是,此刻,有些话我们一定要对大家说~ 主持人男:我想,这就我们***班永远的声音~ 合:有请,***等人带来的声音《致橡树》 主持人女:非常感谢大家,感谢有这么多的兄弟姐妹们陪伴着我们一起成长。 主持人男:相信,明天我们的路会更好,我们的心会永远凝聚在一起~ 合:***班201*年“暖情”元旦晚会 到此结束~ 合:谢谢大家~ 2012中秋国庆“双节”主持人开场白: 主持人女:各位同事,各位嘉宾。 主持人男:现场的所有朋友们。 合;大家晚上好~ 主持人女:中秋月圆,阖家团圆, 主持人男:国庆盛典,举国同庆。 主持人女:今天是9月28号,农历八月十三日。 主持人男:再过两天就是我们中国最具传统特色的节日,中秋佳节~ 主持人女:是啊~记得小时候最喜欢过中秋节,因为有很多好吃的,还记得那甜丝丝的月饼,好甜美呀~ 主持人男:中秋是我们团圆的日子,中秋象征着丰收、团圆、美满和甜蜜~ 主持人女:今年的中秋刚好奉上国庆前夕,两个喜庆的日子,更加让我们感受到这浓浓的节separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 日氛围~ 主持人男:国庆、民庆,举国共庆,祖国大地一片祥和、美丽的景象! 主持人女:今天,我们**烟草局,为庆祝双节的到来,特在这里举办一场别开生面的: 合:”欢度中秋、喜迎国庆“大型文艺晚会~主持人女:下面让我们先来介绍,今天参加晚会的各位领导和嘉宾...... 中秋节晚会串词 中秋晚会单人报幕词: 《多娇》串词: 主持人1:江山如此多娇,还看我营销部女子分外妖娆,下面有请营销部***带来现代舞《多娇》 《但愿人长久》串词: 主持人2:营销部的舞蹈令人联想起中国古老的文化,再过一天就是我们的传统节日—中秋节,美好佳节总让人思绪万千,有句古诗颂的好“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”,下面就有请门市部的**带来歌舞《但愿人长久》,大家掌声有请~ 《春天在哪里》串词: 主持人1:今夜是一个歌舞升平的好时节,今晚歌舞不断,我们用舞蹈庆祝丰收和喜悦,我们用舞姿展现我们最美丽的一面,下面掌声有请财务部为我们带来舞蹈《春天在哪里》 《非烟勿扰》串词: 主持人2:干一行,爱一行,这个叫**岗敬业,在欢乐的时候,我们没有忘记与工作息息相关的东西,不信,看我们人劳法规带来的《非烟勿扰》 《因为爱情》串词: 主持人1:世间,因为有爱情,所以,才会刻骨铭心;世间,因为有爱情,所以,才会难分难舍,看,这么一对似恋人非恋人关系的对唱,您感动了吗,下面有请物流中心的情歌对唱《因为爱情》 《铅笔裤》串词: 主持人2:今晚的节目精彩纷呈,以舞蹈为中心,以欢乐半径,四散开来,映入我们的视觉器官,触动我们的听觉神经,让我们一起High起来,下面掌声有请专卖部为我们带来搞笑舞蹈《铅笔裤》 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 《怜人舞》串词: 主持人1:人们常说:中秋是一个载歌载舞的传统节日,人们为庆祝丰收的喜悦,而欢聚一堂,那优美的舞姿,让我们如痴如醉,下面掌声有请门市部的**为我们带来独舞《怜人舞》 《床前明月光》串词: 主持人2:中秋节都有吃月饼的习俗,月饼除了美味,还象征着团圆,据说这一天月亮也会格外的圆和明亮,下面就让大家一起开开眼界,看看是否有这么一番味道,下面有请办公室的***带来舞蹈《床前明月光》 《我的歌声里》串词: 主持人1:很多东西都能在歌声里表达,流露真情,表达感情,下面有请营销中心的***带来的独唱《我的歌声里》,大家掌声有请~ 《月饼的故事》串词: 主持人2:中秋佳节,我们不得不提起月饼,讲讲月饼的来历,吐露下月饼的真实想法,看看月饼都做了些什么等等,下面就有请办公室为我们带来的情景剧《月饼的故事》,掌声有请~ 《my love》串词: 主持人1:今晚舞蹈大PK,但是我想,好戏永远在后面,精彩不断,好戏连续,下面掌声有请:物流中心的帅小伙们为我们带来精彩爵士舞《my love》 《军魂》串词: 主持人2:一个企业的生存和发展要靠销售,一个公司的壮大同样也要靠销售,营销在这个社会里已经无处不在,它像灵魂一样支撑起各行各业,下面就让我们一起来检阅,我们营销人员的风采,请欣赏有专门部带来的舞蹈《军魂》 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance
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