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4级1-8织工马南.silas mraner3-5[整理版]


4级1-8织工马南.silas mraner3-5[整理版]4级1-8织工马南.silas mraner3-5[整理版] 4级1-8织工马南.Silas Mraner3-5 3 Where is Silas's gold, When Dunstan Cass left the cottage,Silas Marner was only a hundred metres away(He was walking home from the village, where he had gone to buy what he needed for his next day's...

4级1-8织工马南.silas mraner3-5[整理版]
4级1-8织工马南.silas mraner3-5[整理版] 4级1-8织工马南.Silas Mraner3-5 3 Where is Silas's gold, When Dunstan Cass left the cottage,Silas Marner was only a hundred metres away(He was walking home from the village, where he had gone to buy what he needed for his next day's work(His legs were tired,but he felt almost happy(He was looking forward to supper-time,when he would bring out his gold(Tonight he had an extra reason to hurry home(He was going to eat hot meat,which was unusual for him(And it would cost him nothing,because someone had giv-en him a piece of meat as a present(He had left it cooking over the fire(The door key was needed to hold it safely in place,but Silas was not at all worried about leaving his gold in the cot-tage with the door unlocked(He could not imagine that a thief would find his way through the mist,rain and darkness to the little cottage by the quarry( When he reached his cottage and opened the door,he did not notice that anything was different(He threw off his wet coat, and pushed the meat closer to the fire(As soon as he was warm again,he began to think about his gold(It seemed a long time to wait until after supper,when he usually brought out the coins to look at(So he decided to bring out his gold immediate, ly,while the meat was still cooking( But when he took up the floorboards near the loom,and saw the empty hole,he did not understand at once(His heart beat violently as his trembling hands felt all round the hole(There was nothing there~He put his hands to his head and tried to think(Had he put his gold in a different place,and forgotten about it,He searched every corner of his small cottage,until he could not pretend to himself any more(He had to accept the truth,his gold had been stolen~ He gave a wild,desperate scream,and stood still for a mo,ment(Then he turned towards his loom,and almost fell into the seat where he always worked(He touched the loom to make sure it,too,had not been stolen(Now he was beginning to think more clearly('A thief has been here~If I can find him,he'll have to give back my gold~But I was only away for a short time, and there's no sign of anyone entering the cottage('He wondered whether it was really a thief who had taken his money,or whether it was the same cruel God who had already destroyed his happiness once(But Silas preferred to suspect a thief,who would perhaps return the money(He began to think it must be Jem Rodney,a local poacher,who had known about Silas's money, and who sometimes visited the cottage(Silas felt stronger now that he thought he knew the thief('I must go and tell the Squire, and the police~'he said to himself('They'll make Jem give me back the money~'so he hurried out in the rain without a coat, and ran towards the Rainbow( He thought he would find the most important people in Rav ,eloe at the public house,but in fact most of them were at Mrs Osgood's birthday dance(There were,however,five villagers at the Rainbow,enjoying an interesting conversation about ghosts,while drinking their beer( 'I tell you,people have seen ghosts,'the butcher said('And I'll tell you where,too(Behind the church~' 'That's right,'agreed old Mr Macey('You young ones aren't old enough to remember,but people have seen ghosts near the church since I was a boy(Oh yes,it's true(' The farrier laughed scornfully('Ghosts~People imagine they see things on a dark night~You can't make me believe in ghosts~It's a question of fact~There are no ghosts~' 'Now,now,'began the lanalord,who always tried to keep the peace,'in some ways you're all wrong,and in some ways you're all right,that's my opinion(There are ghosts,and there aren't, well,that's what people say(And„' Just then Silas's white face appeared suddenly in the door ,way(He had run all the way from his cottage,so he could not speak for a moment(He stared silently at the men with his strange staring eyes,looking exactly like a ghost(For a few minutes nobody said anything,while Silas tried to control his breathing(Then the landlord spoke( 'What do you want,Master Marner,Come,tell us(' 'Robbed~'cried Silas,suddenly able to speak('I've been robbed~I want the police,and the Squire~'He waved his arms wildly as he spoke( 'Hold him,Jem,'said the landlord to the poacher,who was sitting near the door('I think he's gone mad(' But Jem moved quickly away('Not me~'he replied('I don't want anything to do with a ghost~' 'Jem Rodney~'cried Silas,turning and staring at the man he suspected( 'Yes,Master Marner,'answered Jem,trembling a little( 'If it was you who stole my money,'said Silas,going close to Jem,'just give it back to me,and I won't tell the police(Please—just give it back(' 'Stole your money~'cried Jem angrily('I'll throw this glass at you if you accuse me of stealing your money~' 'Come now,Master Matner,'said the landlord firmly,tak ,ing Silas by the arm('You must explain what you mean if you want us to believe you(And sit down by the fire to dry your clothes(You're very wet(' 'That's right,'said the farrier('No more staring like a madman(That's what I thought you were at first—not a ghost, of course(' The weaver sat down,in the centre of the little group of men,and told his story(It felt strange but pleasant to him, to talk to his neighbours and tell them his problems(The men re,alized at once that Silas was telling the truth(They had sus,pected him of working for the devil,but they knew now that the devil was no longer taking care of him( 'Well,Master Marner,'said the landlord in the end,'you mustn't accuse poor Jem(He sometimes steals a chicken,we all know that,but he's been sitting here drinking with us all evening(So he's not the thief(' 'That's right,'said old Mr Macey('You can't accuse someone who hasn't done anything wrong,Master Marner(' These words brought the past back to Silas,and he remem ,bered standing in front of his accusers in the Light Street chapel(He went up to Jem( 'I was wrong,'he said miserably('I'm sorry,Jem(I had no reason to accuse you(But—where can my gold be,' 'Perhaps some stranger came to your cottage while you were out,'said the farrier('But we must report the robbery to the police and the Squire immediately(' Next morning,when the whole village heard about the stolen gold,they all discussed it excitedly(A few people still did not trust Silas or believe his story(Most people,however, were suspicious of the pedlar who had visited Raveloe the month be,fore(Perhaps he had returned to hide near the quarry, and steal the money when Silas left his cottage(Several villagers thought they remembered his evil-looking face,and felt sure he was not honest( Silas himself remembered that the pedlar had come to his cottage door recently(He hoped the pedlar was indeed the thief,because the police could catch him and make him give back the money(His home seemed very empty to him without his gold,and he desperately wanted to get it back( 3 西拉斯的金子哪儿去了, 邓斯坦?凯斯离开的时候,西拉斯仅仅在100米之外,他从村里买了第二天干活用的东西,正往家里走。西拉斯的腿很累,但他心里很高兴。他期待着晚饭时间的到来,那时他又可以拿出金子来了。今晚他匆匆回家还有个特别的理由,他今天要吃一块热热的烤肉,平时他很少吃肉。不过他并没有花钱,因为这块肉是别人送给他的礼物。他出来时已经把它烤在了火上,肉是用大门钥匙串起来的,西拉斯一点儿也不担心不锁门而把金币留在小屋里,他不信会有贼能在这样的大雾、大雨里摸黑找到他在采石场边上的小草屋。 他回到家,打开门,没有发现任何异常。他脱下湿衣服,把肉向火上推了推,一暖和过来,他马上开始想他的金子。他不能像平时那样等到吃完晚饭再把金子拿出来,那要等太久了,他决定趁肉还在烤着,马上拿出金子来。 当他扒开织机旁的地板,看到洞里空空的什么也没有时,并没有 马上明白过来。他的心剧烈地跳着,用颤抖的手把洞摸了个遍,什么也没有~他用手抱着头,想好好想一想。是不是自己把金子放在了别处又忘了,他找遍了草屋的每一个角落,但终于一无所获,他不能再欺骗自己了。他不得不接受这一事实——他的金子被偷走了~ 他发出一声绝望的惨叫,呆呆地站了一会儿,猛地转向织机,险些跌倒在每天干活的座位上。西拉斯摸着织布机以确定他的织布机还没有被偷走。这时他的思想清楚了一些。“一定是有贼来过~如果我能找出这个人,他就得把金子还给我~可我只离开了一会儿,也看不出有人进过屋呀~”他不明白是真的有贼偷走了他的钱,还是那个曾经毁坏过他幸福生活的残忍的上帝又在惩治他。不过西拉斯宁愿怀疑是贼干的,因为贼还可能把钱还回来。他开始猜想贼一定是本地的偷猎者杰姆?罗德尼,因为他知道西拉斯有钱,而且以前来过小屋。西拉斯以为自己知道贼是谁了,就感到自己强大了点儿。“我必须去告诉乡绅和警察~”他对自己说,“他们会让杰姆还我钱。”于是他来不及披外衣就冲进雨里,向彩虹酒馆跑去。 西拉斯本以为一定能在酒馆见到瑞福洛最重要的人们,可实际上大部分人都去参加奥斯古德太太的生日舞会了。然而还是有5个村民在酒馆中一边喝着啤酒,一边闲谈着有关鬼怪的事。 “告诉你们,有人真的见过鬼,”屠户说,“而且我告诉你们在哪儿,就在教堂后面~” “没错,”麦西老先生附和着,“你们太小了,不记得,从我小时候起人们就在教堂附近看见过鬼。没错,是真的。” 马掌匠嘲讽地大笑起来。“鬼~人们总幻想着在黑夜里看到什么~你别想让我相信~这是个事实问题~世界上根本没有鬼~” “行了,行了,”酒馆主人发话了,他总想维持和平,“我觉得你们都不对,又都对,人们总说有鬼没鬼,但„„” 这时西拉斯苍白的脸突然出现在过道里。他从草屋一路跑来,所以一时说不出话来,只是不声不响地用那双奇怪的、直瞪着的眼睛盯着人们,确实有点儿像一个鬼。半晌没有人说话,而西拉斯则在努力地使自己呼吸平稳下来。然后酒馆主人打破了沉默。 “怎么了,马南师傅,来,告诉我们。” “贼~”西拉斯喊道,他忽然能说话了。“我被贼偷了~我要找警察,还有乡绅~”他边说边疯狂地挥着手。 “按住他,杰姆,”酒馆主人对坐在门边的偷猎者说,“我想他疯了?”~ 可杰姆马上躲到了一边。“别让我按他,”他答道,“我可不想和魔鬼打交道~” “杰姆?罗德尼~”西拉斯转脸盯着这个他怀疑的人喊道。 “怎么啦,马南师傅,”杰姆有点儿发抖。 “如果是你偷了我的钱,”西拉斯走近了说,“还给我,我不会去 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 警察。请你还给我~” “偷你的钱~”杰姆生气地喊道,“如果你再诬陷我偷你的钱,我就用杯子砸你~” “来,马南师傅,”酒馆主人拉住西拉斯坚决地说,“如果想让我们相信你,你必须向我们讲清楚。来,坐下烤烤你的衣服,你都湿透了。” “对,”马掌匠说,“别再像疯子似地瞪着眼了,我一开始就认为你不是个魔鬼而是个疯子。” 西拉斯坐下来,在一小群人中间讲起自己的故事。和邻居讲话并告诉他们自己的问题,这种感觉让西拉斯感到很奇特,可也很愉快。人们马上意识到西拉斯讲的是实话,他们确实怀疑过西拉斯为魔鬼工作,可他们相信现在魔鬼不再照料他了。 “好了,马南师傅,”酒馆主人最后说,“你千万别再为难可怜的杰姆了,我们都知道他有时会偷只鸡什么的,可今晚他一直在这儿和我们一起喝酒,所以他不会是贼。” “没错,”麦西老先生说,“你不能难为没有做错事的人,马南师傅。” 这些话使西拉斯想起了过去的事,想起了许多年前在日光街教堂里他站在指责他的人面前。他走到杰姆面前。 “我错了,”他痛心地说,“对不起,杰姆,我不该难为你,可是——我的金子哪儿去了,” “可能有陌生人在你不在的时候闯进了你的小屋,”马掌匠说,“但不管怎样我们必须马上向警察和乡绅报案。” 第二天,全村人都听说了丢金子的事,大家都在兴奋地议论,一小部分人仍然不相信西拉斯和他的故事,而大多数人都怀疑上个月来 过瑞福洛的小贩,没准儿他溜回来藏在了采石场附近,然后趁西拉斯 出门的时候偷了钱。有几个村民更是想起来他们早就从小贩那张罪恶 的脸上看出他不是好人。 西拉斯自己也想起小贩不久前到过自己的小屋。他希望小贩真的 是贼,那样警察就能抓住他让他还钱了。没有了金子,小屋显得空空 荡荡,西拉斯不顾一切地想找回金子。 4 Godfrey is in trouble Godfrey was not very surprised to find that Dunstan had not come home after his day's hunting(Perhaps he was staying the night at a public house(But when Dunstan did not return home the next day,Godfrey began to worry about Wild-fire(He did not trust his brother,and wondered if Dunstan had gone away to spend the money on gambling(So he decided to go to look for him(On the road near Raveloe he met his neigh-bour,John Bryce, who had arranged to buy Wildfire from Dun,stan( 'Well,Godfrey,'said Bryce,'did your brother tell you about the horse,' 'What do you mean,John,'replied Godfrey quickly('No, he hasn't been home yet(What's happened to my horse,' 'Ah,so he was yours,was he,Dunstan told me you'd giv-en him Wildfire(I was going to buy him,you know(' 'What's Dunstan done,Is Wildfire hurt,'asked Godfrey crossly( 'Worse than that,'answered Bryce('I'm afraid your horse is dead( We've only just found him(Your brother rode him to the hunt and the horse fell at a gate and broke his back(So you haven't seen Dunstan since yesterday,' 'No,and he'd better not come home now~'replied Godfrey angrily('How stupid I was to trust him with my horse~' 'But where can Dunstan be,I suppose he wasn't hurt,be ,cause we didn't find him near the horse(' 'Him,'said Godfrey bitterly('Oh,he'll be all right(He'll never be hurt—he only ever hurts other people~We'll hear of him soon enough,don't worry( ' Bryce said goodbye and rode away(Godfrey rode slowly back into Raveloe,thinking about what he would very soon have to do(There was no longer any escape(He must confess the whole truth to his father(For the rest of the day he planned what he would say(He would explain that he had lent Fowler's money to Dunstan,because Dunstan knew his secret(That would be the right moment to tell the Squire about his secret marriage to Molly('But he'll be very angry~'thought Godfrey('And when he's angry with people,he just wants to punish them~He won't listen or calm down~But perhaps he'll keep my se-cret—he's so proud of the family name~And if he disinherited me,everyone would talk about it(' When he went to bed that night, Godfrey thought he had decided what to say(But when he woke up in the morning,he could not see any reason to confess to the marriage(Why should he lose the chance of marrying Nancy, Why should he tell the whole truth now, when perhaps it was not necessary,No,it would be better to go on in the same way as before(Per haps Dunstan would stay away for a while,and then there would be no need to tell his father about Molly('But today I'll tell the Squire about the money,'he thought('He'll have to know about that(' Godfrey was already in the dining-room when his father ar-rived for breakfast(The Squire sat down at the head of the table and ordered the servant to bring him some beer( 'Haven't you had breakfast yet,Godfrey,'he asked( 'Yes,I have,sir,'replied Godfrey,'but I was waiting to speak to you(' 'Well,you young people have plenty of time,'answered the Squire('We older ones have to do all the work(' Godfrey looked straight at his father('Sir,'he said bravely,'I must tell you,something very unfortunate has happened to Wildfire(' 'What~Has he broken a leg,I thought you could ride bet-ter than that~Well,you can't expect me to pay for a new horse(I'm very short of money at the moment(And I'm angry with Fowler,he still hasn't paid me what he owes me(If he doesn't pay today,he'll go to prison~'the Squire's face was red, and he banged angrily on the table as he spoke( 'It's worse than breaking a leg,'continued Godfrey miser-ably('Wildfire's dead(But I don't want you to buy me anoth-er horse(I just feel sorry I can't pay you,you see, sir,the truth is,I'm very sorry,Fowler did pay the money(He gave it to me,and I was stupid enough to let Dunstan have it(And he was going to sell Wildfire and then I was going to repay you the money(' The Squire's face was purple now,and for a moment he could not speak('You—you let Dunstan have my money,Why did you give it to him, And why did he want it,Where's Dunstan now,He'll answer my questions, or leave this house~Go and fetch him at once~' 'Dunstan hasn't come home,sir(The horse was found dead, and nobody knows where Dunstan is(''Well,why did you let him have my money, Answer me~'said the Squire,staring angrily at Godfrey( 'Well,sir,I don't know,'replied Godfrey,hesitating(He was not good at lying,and was not prepared for his father's questions( 'You don't know,'the Squire repeated scornfully('Well, I know why( I think you've done something wrong, and you've bribed Dunstan to keep it a secret~That's it,isn't it,' The Squire had made a very clever guess,and Godfrey's heart banged in sudden alarm(He was not ready to confess ev,erything yet('Well,sir,'he said,trying to speak carelessly,'it was just a little business between Dunstan and me( You wouldn't be interested in it,you know(' 'How old are you now,Twenty,six,'asked the Squire an,grily('Old enough to look after your money and mine too~ I've been much too generous to you boys, but I'm going to be harder on you all from now on( You've got a weak character, Godfrey, like your poor mother( I think you need a wife who knows what she wants, because you can't decide anything by yourself~When you were thinking of marrying Nancy Lammeter, I agreed, didn't I,Have you asked her or not,She hasn't refused to marry you, has she,' 'No,I haven't asked her,'said Godfrey,feeling very hot ad uncomfortable,'but I don't think she'll accept me(' 'Don't be stupid, Godfrey~'said the Sqiuire with a scornful laugh('Any woman would want to marry into our family~ Do you want to marry her,' 'There's no other woman I want to marry,'said Godfrey, avoiding his father's eyes( 'Well,then,let me speak to her father for you,since you aren't brave enough to do it yourself( She's a pretty girl, and intelligent(' 'No,sir,please don't say anything at the moment,'said Godfrey quickly('I must ask her myself(' 'Well,ask her then(When you marry her,you'll have to forget about horses and so on(It'll be good for you to do some serious work( You should get married soon(' 'Please don't try to hurry things,sir,'begged Godfrey( 'I'll do what I like,'said the Squire firmly('And if you don't do what I want,I'll disinherit you and you can leave the house(Now,if you know where Dunstan's hiding,I expect you do,tell him he needn't come home( He'll pay for his own food from now on(' 'I don't know where he is,sir(Anyway,it's you who should tell him to leave home(' 'Don't argue with me,Godfrey,'said the Squire,turning back to his breakfast('Just go and tell the servants to get my horse ready(' Godfrey left the room( He was relieved that his father had not discovered the whole truth However, he was a little wor,ried that the Squire would try to arrange his marriage with Nancy(While he was married to Molly,he could not marry Nancy,although it was his dearest wish(But as usual he was waiting and hoping for some unexpected change in his situation, which would save him from any unpleasantness( 4 戈弗雷有麻烦了 戈弗雷对于邓斯坦在狩猎的第二天没有回家来一点儿也不奇怪。他也许又在哪间酒馆呆了一夜。可第三天邓斯坦还没回来,戈弗雷开始有些为他的野火担心了。他信不过他的兄弟,怀疑邓斯坦是不是去把钱花在赌场上了。于是他决定去找邓斯坦,在离瑞福洛不远的路上他遇到了邻居约翰?布莱斯,那个想从邓斯坦那里买走野火的人。 “怎么样,戈弗雷,”布莱斯说,“你弟弟告诉你关于马的事儿了吗,” “什么意思,约翰,”戈弗雷马上问,“他还没回家。我的马怎么了,” “噢,那是你的马,是吗,邓斯坦告诉我你把野火给他了,你知道我曾经想买那马。” “邓斯坦干什么了,野火受伤了,”戈弗雷怒气冲冲地问。 “更糟,”布莱斯回答,“你的马死了,我们刚找到它。你兄弟骑它去狩猎,在跳一个篱笆门的时候马摔断了脊背。从昨天你一直没见你弟弟,” “没有,他最好别现在回家来~”戈弗雷气急败坏地说,“我太傻了,竟然把马交给他~” “可邓斯坦在哪儿,我想他没事,因为我们在马旁边没找到他。” “他,”戈弗雷苦涩地说,“他不会有事儿的。他永远不会受伤——他只会去伤别人~你放心,我们很快会听到他的消息。” 布莱斯告别后骑马走了,戈弗雷边骑马慢慢向村里走,边想下面怎么办。没法再逃了,他必须向父亲承认一切。这一天剩下的时间他都在想该向父亲说些什么。他要向父亲解释因为邓斯坦知道他的秘密,所以他不得不把福勒还来的钱借给了邓斯坦,正好趁此机会告诉父亲自己和莫丽的秘密婚姻。“但他会很生气~”戈弗雷想,“他一定会惩罚惹他生气的人~他不会听我说,也不会平静下来~但也许他会保守我的秘密——他是那么珍视家族的荣誉~如果他取消我的继承权,每个人都会议论这件事。” 晚上上床的时候,戈弗雷已经决定了怎么说,可早上起床时,他又怎么也找不到承认秘密婚姻的理由了。为什么要失去娶南茜的机会,真有必要现在就承认一切吗,不,像以前那样过更好。也许邓斯坦会在外面呆一段时间,那也就没必要对父亲讲莫丽的事了。“但今天我得对他讲钱的事,”他想,“他必须知道这件事。” 父亲来吃早饭时,戈弗雷已经在餐厅了。乡绅在桌子上首坐下,叫用人拿啤酒来。 “还没吃过早饭吗,戈弗雷,”他问。 “吃过了,先生,”戈弗雷回答,“我等您想说点儿事。” “你们年轻人总有空闲,”乡绅回答,“可我们老家伙什么活都得干。” 戈弗雷直视着他父亲。“先生,”他鼓足勇气说,“我必须告诉您——野火发生了不幸。” “什么~它的腿摔断了,我还以为你会骑马呢~别指望我再给你买一匹新马,我这一阵没钱,我正在为福勒生气——他还没有还欠我的钱。今天再不还,我会让他进监狱~”乡绅涨红了脸,生气地拍着桌子说。 “比腿断了更糟,”戈弗雷接着沮丧地说,“野火死了。不过我并不想让您给我买新马,我只是为不能还上您的钱而难过——您看,很抱歉,实际上福勒先生已经还了钱,他还给了我,而我太傻了,竟然把钱交给了邓斯坦,我必须再还给您,所以邓斯坦就去卖野火。” 乡绅的脸已经变成了紫色,气得一时说不上话来。“你——你把我的钱给了邓斯坦,为什么给他,他为什么要钱,邓斯坦现在在哪儿,他必须回答我的问题,否则就滚出这幢房子~马上去给我找他~” “邓斯坦还没回家来,先生,马被找到时已经死了,没人知道邓 斯坦在哪儿。” “那你为什么把我的钱给他,回答我~”乡绅愤怒地盯着戈弗雷。 “我也不知道,先生。”戈弗雷犹豫地回答,他不善于说谎,对父亲的提问也没有准备。 “你不知道,”乡绅藐视地重复道。“我知道了,一定是你做了错事要邓斯坦为你保密~对不对,” 乡绅做了一个聪明的猜想,戈弗雷心里一惊。他还没有准备对父亲承认一切。“噢,先生,”他尽量轻描淡写地说,“这只是我和邓斯坦之间的一点儿小事儿,您不会感兴趣。” “你多大了, 26,”乡绅生气地问,“你已经足够大了,应该能照看你的钱和我的钱了~我以前对你们太宽容了,可从现在开始我会对你们严厉起来。你的性格太软弱了,戈弗雷,就像你那可怜的妈妈。我想你需要有个头脑清楚的老婆来帮帮你,你自己根本不会做任何决定~我不是同意你娶南茜?拉默特吗,有没有向她求婚,她没有拒绝你吧,” “我还没有问她,”戈弗雷感到一阵燥热,很不自在,“不过我认为她不会接受。” “别傻了,戈弗雷~”乡绅嘲笑他说,“所有女人都希望嫁到咱们家~你想不想娶她,” “除了她,我谁都不想娶,”戈弗雷不肯看父亲的眼睛。 “好吧,既然你没有勇气自己讲,那我替你对她父亲说。那是个漂亮姑娘,也很聪明。” “不,先生,请先别说,”戈弗雷赶紧说,“我必须自己对她说。” “那好,去对她说吧。娶了她以后,你必须忘了那些马什么的。做些正经事对你有好处。你应该赶快结婚。” “请您别急,先生。”戈弗雷请求父亲。 “我想怎样就怎样,”乡绅坚决地说,“如果你不按我想的去做,我将取消你的继承权,你可以离开这里。现在,如果你知道邓斯坦在哪儿——我想你知道——去告诉他,他不用再回来了。从现在起,他得自己付饭钱了。” “我不知道他在哪儿,先生。不管怎样,只有您才可以对他说让他离开这个家。” “别跟我争论,戈弗雷,”乡绅的注意力转回他的早餐,“去让用人把我的马备好。” 戈弗雷离开餐厅,他为父亲没有发现全部实情长出一口气。可是,他有些担心父亲会为他安排和南茜的婚事。虽然娶南茜是他最热切的愿望,但他不可能既娶莫丽,又娶南茜。不过,像往常一样,他等待并希望着会发生一些意想不到的变化,把自己从所有这些麻烦中解脱出来。 5 Silas's neighbours In the weeks following the robbery,the police tried hard to find the pedlar,because so many people suspected him of being the thief(But there was no sign of him in any of the towns and villages round Raveloe( Nobody was surprised at Dunstan Cass's absence(Once be-fore he had stayed away for six weeks and then come back(No-body imagined he could have anything to do with the robbery(The villagers continued to discuss Silas and his lost gold,but they had no more explanations to offer( Silas himself still had his loom and his work,so he went on weaving But the only thing that had made his life worth living had gone,and now he had nothing to look forward to(A life ,time of empty evenings lay ahead of him( He did not enjoy thinking of the money he would earn,because it reminded him of the money he had lost(As he sat weaving,he sometimes used to moan quietly to himself(And in the evenings,as he sat alone in front of the fire,he used to put his head in his hands and moan again( But this disaster had one good result(Little by little, Silas's neighbours realized it was wrong to be suspicious of him( He was just a poor,simple,harmless man,who needed their help( They showed their new opinion of him in many different ways(Some of the women,who were baking cakes and preparing meat for Christmas,brought him presents of food(Some of the men,who had nothing to give him,stopped him in the village to ask about his health,or visited him to discuss the robbery(They often finished their conversation by saying cheerfully,'Now you're the same as the rest of us—we're poor too~Cheer up,Master Marner~If you get ill and can't work any more,the Squire'll give you food and your neigh,bours will take care of you('this did not make Silas feel better,but he realized it was meant kindly( Old Mr Macey,the church clerk,came to the cottage one day, to explain how his opinion of the weaver had changed( 'You see,Master Marner,'he said in his high old voice, 'I used to think you worked for the devil—you've always looked strange,you know(But now I'm sure you're not evil,just a lit-tle bit crazy(That's what I tell the neighbours(' He stopped to give Silas time to reply,but the weaver did not speak(He was sitting with his head in his hands as usual(He knew that the old man was trying to be kind,but he was too miserable to show any interest( 'Come,Master Marner, what's your answer to that,'asked Mr Macey, a little impatiently( 'Oh,'said Silas,slowly lifting his head,'thank you( Thank you for your kindness(' 'That's all right,'replied the old man,pleased( 'Now, you shouldn't sit here moaning,you know( Here's my advice to you(Ask Tookey in the village to make you a Sunday suit—I don't expect you've got one—and then you can come to church with your neighbours(It'll make you feel better(You're not an old man yet,although you look like one( How old were you when you came here first, Twenty-five,' 'I don't remember,'answered Silas,shaking his head( That evening,Mr Macey told a number of villagers at the Rainbow,'Poor Master doesn't know how old he is~And I don't suppose he knows what day of the week it is~He really is a bit crazy(' Another villager,Dolly Winthrop,was also worried about Silas's absence from church(She was a large,fresh-faced wom ,an with a sweet,patient smile,who was always busy from early morning until late at night,and who went to church herself ev,ery Sunday(She believed in helping her neighbours,and if someone in Raveloe was ill or dying,Dolly was often asked to take care of the patient(This good,sensible woman decided that Silas needed her help(So one Sunday afternoon she took her son Aaron,a pretty little boy of seven, to visit the weaver(As they came closer to the cottage,they heard the sound of the loom( 'Oh dear~Working on a Sunday~That's bad~'said Mrs Winthrop sadly(She had to knock loudy on the door before Silas heard(He said nothing,but opened the door to let them in,and Dolly sat down in an armchair( 'I was baking yesterday,Master Marner,'she said, 'and I've brought you some of my cakes(Here they are(' 'Thank you,'replied Silas,taking the little bag of cakes Dolly was holding out to him(Aaron was hiding behind his mother's chair,in childish fear of the weaver( 'You didn't hear the church bells this morning,perhaps, Master Marner,'dolly asked gently('This cottage is a long way from the village(' 'Yes,I heard them,'answered Silas(For him Sunday bells did not mean anything(There had been no bells at the Light Street chapel( 'Oh~'said Dolly('But—but do you have to work on a Sun,day, You could make Sunday different from the other days, you know, by washing yourself,and cooking a little piece of meat,and going to church(And Master Marner,Christmas Day will be here soon~If you put on your best clothes and go to church and see the flowers and hear the singing,you'll feel much better~You'll know there is Someone you can trust~' Dolly did not usually talk so much,but the matter seemed extremely important to her( 'No,no,'silas replied('I don't know anything about church(I've never been to church(' 'Never been~'repeated Dolly('Were there no churches in the town you were born in,' 'Oh yes,'said Silas,'there were a lot of churches(It was a big town,you see(But I only ever went to chapel(' Dolly did not understand this word,but was afraid of asking any more questions,in case 'chapel'meant something evil(After considering carefully for a moment,she said,'Well,Master Marner,it's never too late to start going to church(It's very pleasant listening to the singing and the good words(If we go to church,rhen when trouble comes,Someone will take care of us(And if we do our best,then I believe Someone will help us when we need help(' Dolly's explanation of her simple religion did not seem at all clear to Silas,but he did understand that she was asking him to go to church(He did not want to agree to that(Just then young Aaron came out from behind his mother's chair,and Silas of-fered him one of Dolly's cakes( 'Oh Aaron~'said his mother('You're always eating~No, don't give him any more,Master Marner(But he can sing a song for you(I'm sure you'll like it(It's a beautiful Christmas carol(Come,Aaron,let's hear it(' Little Aaron stood up straight and sang his carol in a clear,sweet voice(Dolly listened with delight,hoping that the carol would help to persuade Silas to come to church( 'You see,Master Marner,'she said when Aaron had fin, ished,'that's Christmas music(The Christmas Day service is wonderful,with all the voices and the music(I hope you'll be there with us(And remember,if you feel ill,I'll be happy to come and cook or clean for you(But I beg you,please stop weaving on Sundays(It's bad for soul and body,I'm sure(We must go now(Goodbye,Master Marner(' 'Thank you,and goodbye,'said Silas,as he opened the door for them(He could not help feeling relieved when she had gone(Now he could weave and moan as much as he liked( Mr Macey and Dolly had tried hard to persuade Silas to go to church(But in the end he spent Christmas Day alone in his cot,tage,looking out at the cold grey sky(In the evening, snow be,gan to fall,and he felt more distant and separate from his neighbours than ever(He sat in his robbed home,moaning mis,erably to himself,not noticing that his fire was no longer burn,ing and that he was getting cold( But in Raveloe the church bells were ringing and the church was fuller than all through the rest of the year(It was a special day for everybody,and after the service they all hurried home in the biting cold to eat and drink with their families( At the Red House nobody spoke of Dunstan's absence(The village doctor,Dr Kimble,and his wife were guests there for Christmas lunch,and the day passed happily( The servants,however,were already preparing for the New Year's Eve dance which Squire Cass gave every year(It was the best party of the year,and guests used to come from miles around(Godfrey was looking forward to this year's party more than usual(But he was still worried( 'What if Dunstan returns,'he thought('He'll tell the Squire about my secret marriage~And Molly's asking for more money~I'll have to sell something for cash(But on New Year's Eve,I can forget everything for an evening,and sit with Nancy, and look into her eyes,and dance with her„' 5 西拉斯的邻居们 失窃案后的几周里,因为那么多人都怀疑那个小贩是贼,警察就 费了很大劲查找他,但是在瑞福洛周围的村子和镇子里都找不到他的 踪影。 没有人对邓斯坦?凯斯的失踪表示奇怪,以前有一次他曾离家6 周以后才回来。没人想到他会和失窃案有关。村民们仍在谈论西拉斯 和他丢了的金子,可人们都找不到更新的解释。 至于西拉斯本人,他还有他的织布机和他的工作,所以他继续织 布。可是生活中唯一有价值的东西失去了,他不再有什么可期望的了。今后的一生将只有空虚的夜晚。他不再喜欢去想将要挣到的钱(那会使他想起丢失的钱。坐着干活的时候,他有时会对自己呻吟。晚上,一个人坐在炉火前,他也常会用手抱着头痛苦地呻吟。 不过他的灾难也有一个好的结果。慢慢地,邻居们认识到以前对西拉斯的怀疑是不对的。他只是一个穷困、简单、无恶意的人,需要他们的帮助。他们通过许多不同的方式表达对马南的新看法。有的妇女会在准备圣诞晚餐或者烤面包时送给他一些食物,那些没什么可给他的男人也会在村里叫住他问候他或者到小屋来看他,和他聊关于失窃案的事。谈话结束的时候他们通常会愉快地说:“现在你和我们这些人一样了——我们也是穷人~高兴起来,马南师傅~如果你病了,不能再工作了,乡绅会给你食物,邻居们会照顾你。”这些虽然不能 让西拉斯感觉好受些,但他知道这是好意。 有一天,执事老麦西先生到小屋来解释他对于织布匠看法的改变。 “你知道,马南师傅,”他用苍老的高音说,“我以前以为你为魔鬼工作——你知道你老是看起来怪怪的。可现在我肯定你不邪恶,只是有一点儿古怪,我就是这么对邻居们讲的。” 他停下来等西拉斯回答,可西拉斯没有出声,只是像平常一样用手抱着头坐着,他知道这个老人在试图表示友好,不过他实在是太沮丧了,没有兴趣。 “怎么样,马南师傅,你对我说的怎么看,”麦西先生有点儿不耐烦了。 “噢,”西拉斯慢慢抬起头,“谢谢你,谢谢你的好意。” “没什么,”老头儿高兴了,“我看你不应该再坐在这儿呻吟了。听听我的意见吧。去找村里的图齐给你做一件礼拜服——我想你一定没有礼拜服——然后和邻居一块儿到教堂来。这样你会好受些。你虽然看着像个老头,可实际上不老。你到这儿时多大, 25,” “我不记得了。”西拉斯摇着头回答。 这天晚上,麦西先生在酒馆对好多村民宣布:“可怜的马南师傅竟然不知道自己多大~我想他也不会知道今天星期几~他真是有点儿疯。” 温思罗普也在为西拉斯不去教堂而担心。这是 另一个村民多莉? 个气色很好的高大女人,有着温柔、耐心的笑容。她每天从清早忙到深夜,每周日必到教堂礼拜。她把帮助邻居当作自己的责任,村里有人生病或生命垂危,人们总是请她去看护病人。这位善良、聪明的女人觉得西拉斯需要她的帮助,于是,一个礼拜天的下午,多莉带着7岁的儿子阿荣,一个漂亮的小家伙,来看望织布匠。走近小屋,他们听到织布机的声音。 “天哪~礼拜日还工作~这可不好。”温思罗普太太难过地说。她使劲敲门,西拉斯才能听到。他默默地开门让客人进来,多莉坐到一把扶手椅里。 “我昨天烤了面包,马南师傅,”她说,“今天给你带了些来。喏。” “谢谢你~”西拉斯接过多莉递给他的袋子。阿荣躲在妈妈的椅子后面,他还有些害怕织布匠。 “你今天早晨或许没听到教堂的钟声,马南师傅,”多莉轻轻地问,“这个小屋离村里太远了。” “我听见了,”西拉斯回答,礼拜日的钟声对他没有任何含意,日光街小教堂没钟。 “噢~”多莉说,“可——可你一定要在礼拜日工作吗,你可以把礼拜日搞得和平时不同一些,你也知道,可以洗洗澡,烤块肉,然后上教堂去。而且马南师傅,马上要到圣诞节了~如果穿上最好的衣服到教堂去看看花,听听歌,你会感觉好多了~你会知道那里有你可以信赖的人~” 多莉平时话并不多,可这事对她很重要。 “不,不,”西拉斯回答,“我不懂教堂的事,我从没去过教堂。” “从没去过~”多莉重复道,“你出生的城镇没有教堂吗,” “有,”西拉斯回答,“有很多教堂,因为那是个大镇子,可我只去小教堂。” 多莉不懂这个词,可又不敢再多问,她生怕这个“小教堂”与魔鬼有关。仔细想了一会儿,她说:“马南师傅,什么时候开始上教堂都不算晚,听圣歌和赞美诗的感觉好极了。如果我们经常做礼拜,在有困难的时候,就会有人来帮助我们。只要我们尽力去做,我相信我们会在需要的时候得到帮助的。” 虽然听不太懂多莉对自己简单信仰的解释,可西拉斯知道她在劝 说自己去教堂。但他不想照着去做。正在这时阿荣从妈妈的椅子后面出来了,西拉斯给了他一块多莉做的蛋糕。 “嗨,阿荣~”他妈妈叫道,“你总在吃~不,马南师傅,别再给他了。不过他可以给你唱首歌,我想你会喜欢,这是一首圣诞颂歌。来,阿荣,唱给我们听听。” 小阿荣站直了,开始用清晰、甜美的声音唱他的颂歌。多莉高兴地听着,希望歌声能有助于劝说西拉斯去教堂。 “你看,马南师傅,”阿荣唱完她说,“这就是圣诞音乐,圣诞节的礼拜仪式棒极了,有各种声音和音乐。我希望你和我们一起在教堂。记住,如果你不舒服,我很乐意来替你做饭,打扫,但我请求你不要在礼拜日工作。我肯定这对灵魂和肉体都有害。我们得走了。再见,马南师傅。” “谢谢你,再见。”西拉斯为他们打开门。客人走后他不禁感到很轻松,因为他又可以织布,可以想怎么呻吟就怎么呻吟了。 麦西先生和多莉尽了很大努力想劝西拉斯去教堂,可圣诞日西拉斯还是一个人留在了小屋里,望着窗外冷冷的灰色天空。晚上,开始下雪了,他感到跟邻居们距离更远,更孤独了。他坐在被偷过的家里,对自己痛苦地呻吟着,没注意到火炉里的火已经熄了,自己也越来越冷。 此时,瑞福洛的教堂的钟声在响,教堂里比平时任何时候人都多。对每个人这都是特别的一天,仪式完毕人们都在刺骨的寒冷中匆匆赶回家和家人一起吃喝庆祝。 红屋里没人提起邓斯坦的缺席。乡村医生金布尔先生和他太太被 请来一起吃午饭,这一天过得很愉快。 用人们已经开始准备乡绅凯斯每年主办的新年夜舞会了。这是一年中最好的晚会,方圆几里地的客人都会来。戈弗雷比往年都更盼着新年晚会。可他也有一点儿担心。 “邓斯坦回来怎么办,”他想,“他会向父亲告发我的秘密婚姻~莫丽又在要更多的钱~我将不得不卖些东西换钱。不过新年之夜我可以暂时忘掉这一切,我要坐在南茜旁边,看着她的眼睛,和她跳舞„„”
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