首页 管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书

管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书


管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书 管家婆辉煌II系列操作流程 一、登录软件 1、双击打开桌面上管家婆试用版或单机版快捷图标 2、登录向导界面点击 3、在帐套选择的界面若已经有帐套,继续 4、登陆日期、操作员选择 5、现在就登录到了管家婆辉煌版的主界面 二、期初基本信息创建 1、基本信息—商品信息 在新打开的界面左下角:选择 一般大多数公司对于商品的成本算法选用,根据公司不同的需求,可适当更换成本算法。 商品信息中,商品名称、商品编号是必须要填写的,其中商品编号是唯一的,不可重复。 商品的...

管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书
管家婆辉煌ii操作指导 说明书 管家婆辉煌II系列操作流程 一、登录软件 1、双击打开桌面上管家婆试用版或单机版快捷图标 2、登录向导界面点击<下一步> 3、在帐套选择的界面若已经有帐套,继续<下一步> 4、登陆日期<下一步>、操作员选择<完成> 5、现在就登录到了管家婆辉煌版的主界面 二、期初基本信息创建 1、基本信息—商品信息 在新打开的界面左下角:选择<空白新增> 一般大多数公司对于商品的成本算法选用<移动加权平均>,根据公司不同的需求,可适当更换成本算法。 商品信息中,商品名称、商品编号是必须要填写的,其中商品编号是唯一的,不可重复。 商品的条码管理,根据具体需求可以添加进去 商品信息创建的越完善,在今后的做单过程中会更加的便利。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 信息填写完成后点击<确定>来保存。 如果需要对商品进行分类 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 2、单位信息的创建(跟商品信息差不多) 首先需要进行大的分类,一般区分供应商、客户、快递公司、房东等等一些大的类别,然后 在供应商里面创建具体的单位信息、客户里面创建具体的客户信息。客户信息尽量完善,比 如:打印的送货单中需要自动获取到客户的地址、电话、收货人等等一些信息。 ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 设置权限管理 点取菜单【系统维护】,选择【超级用户】,选择【权限管理】,在【权限配置】对话框内,点取【添加】,出现【内部职员选择框】,可以 从各部门人员中,选择合适的人员进行《管家婆》的不同级别和不同权限的操作。选定人员后,点取【密码】,在“密码输入框”内输入密码 ,选择【保存】,点取【权限】,出现“用户(XX)权限设置”对话框,共有19种权限设置供选择,以适应工作需要(略) 输入往来单位 点取菜单【基本信息】,选择【往来单位】,在【基本信息„向下分类】对话框内,输入全名:朋友;选择【保存】。 选择【添加】,在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框,输入全名:客户;选择【保存】 选择【添加】在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框内,输入全名:供应商;选择【保存】。 选择【添加】,在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框内,输入全名:分销商;选择【保存】。 把光标条移到“朋友”,选择【分类】,在【基本信息„向下分类】对话框内,输入全名:朋友A;选择【保存】。 选择【添加】,在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框,输入全名:朋友B;选择【保存】,选择【退出】。 把光标条移到“客户”,选择【分类】,在【基本信息„向下分类】对话框内,输入全名:证券公司A;简名:证券A;选择【保存】。 选择【添加】,在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框内,输入全名:证券公司B;简名:证券B;选择【保存】,选择【退出】。 把光标条移到“供应商”,输入供应商分类,长虹电视机厂、黄河机器厂等(方法步骤同上,略) 把光标条移到“分销商”,输入分销商如大通公司,协力商店等(方法步骤同上,略) 往来单位输入完毕。 选择【退出】,出现提示对话框,“是否确定退出,”,选择【是】,回到主菜单。 设置银行帐户 点取菜单【基本信息】,选择【银行帐户】,在【科目„分类信息】对话框内,选择【添加】,loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 在【基本信息„添加新项】对话框内,输入科目全名:工行城北分理处;选择【保存】。选择【退出】。出现提示对话框,“是否确定退出,”,选择【是】,回到主菜单。 第二次运行 现在您的公司刚开张,没有钱,没有货,也没有欠款。第一天就发生了以下几笔业务: (第一笔:进货)从【朋友A】处进货【长虹彩电】2台,单价5000元/台。货款总值10000元,暂时未付款。 点取【业务录入】按钮,在“选取业务单据”对话框中选择“进货”,在“进货单”中,依次输入日期、单据编号:001,在 “供货单位”栏右边,有一个标志有手指的按钮,表示该输入框有基本信息可供选择,点取按钮,选择后自动填写,在该笔业 务中,我们选择“朋友A”;经手人选择“公司办公室张一”,附加说明输入“未付款”;收货单位选择“主仓库”;摘要可以不填,系统会自动填写;商品编号栏是可以选择基本信息的,我们选择“家电/长虹彩电/进货数量2/进货单价5000元”。选择【退出】。选择【过帐】。出现“警告对话框”,连续选择“是”。回到主菜单。 (第二笔:销售)立即销售【长虹彩电】一台给直接用户【证券公司A】,单价6000元/台,当场收款2000元现金,余款挂帐。 点取【业务录入】按钮,在“选取业务单据”对话框中选择“销售”,在“销售单”中,依次输入日期、单据编号:002,在“购买单位”栏右边,有一个标志有手指的按钮,表示该输入框有基本信息可供选择,选择后自动填写,在该笔业务中,我们选择“客户/证券公司A”;经手人选择“公司办公室张一”,附加说明输入“余款挂帐”;发货单位选择“主仓库”;摘要可以不填,系统会自动填写;商品编号栏又是可以选择基本信息,我们选择“家电/彩电电视机/长虹菜单2919/销货数量1/销售单价6000元”。选择【退出】。选择【过帐】。出现“警告对话框”,连续选择“是”。回到主菜单。 (第三笔:收款)【证券公司A】是关系户,一次打款20000元,存进银行帐号“工行城北分理处”。 点取【业务录入】按钮,在“选取业务单据”对话框中选择“钱流管理业务”,在“选择业务单据”中,选择“收款单”,在收款单中,依次输入日期、单据编号:003,在“付款单位”栏右边,有一个标志有手指的按钮,表示该输入框有基本信息可供选择,选择后自动填写,在该笔业务中,我们选择“客户/证券公司A”;经手人选择“公司办公室张一”,附加说明填写“关系户打款”,摘要可以不填,收款帐户编号选择“工行城北分理处”,金额填写“20000”,选择【退出】,选择【过帐】,选择【确定】。回到主菜单。 (第四笔:费用)请用户吃饭,用去现金200元。 点取【业务录入】按钮,在“选取业务单据”对话框中选择“钱流管理业务”,在“选择业务单据”中,选择“现金费用单”,在现金费用单中,依次输入日期、单据编号:004,在“经;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 手人”栏右边,有一个标志有手指的按钮,表示该输入框有基本信息可供选择,选择后自动填写,在该笔业务中,我们选择“公司办公室张一”,摘要填写“请客户吃饭”,费用项目编号选择“其他„”,金额填写“200”,选择【退出】,选择【过帐】,选择【确定】。回到主菜单。 第三次运行 通过以上四笔业务,您已经对《管家婆》有了认识,现在可以使用【查帐】功能看到您公司当前的全部财务状况。 选取菜单【查帐】,下拉菜单包含4个模块,一、{库存商品、现金银行、应收应付、借欠商品}。二、{销售统计、业务统计、单据统计}。三、{经营情况表、树型 资产负债表 空白资产负债表下载资产负债表及利润表资产负债表损益表格式资产负债表的一般结构一般企业资产负债表 、平衡资产负债表}。四、{往来对帐}。您可以随意查询。 现在您已经入门了,离开本教材,您可以根据实际经营情况进行操作,您想到的和没有想到的《管家婆》都为您想到了。练习中,可能有时不顺手,不如意,您可以选择【系统维护】中的【系统重建】功能重新开始。在每一个输入对话框中,请您留意那些按钮,尝试使用一下它们的作用;另外,操作中也请尝试使用鼠标和键盘配合,比如ENTER键、ESC键、INSERT键和方向键等。您会很方便进行操作,比如在《管家婆》主菜单状态,按INSERT键直接进入“选择业务单据”对话框,会给您业务录入带来方便快捷。 正式使用 经过入门练习之后,实际上您已经可以用版《管家婆》来为公司管帐了。正式使用前,请参阅【系统维护】中的【期初建帐】项目,对您的公 司进行人工盘点,对公司基本信息进行详细科学的分级分类整理,(我们强烈建议您,对您公司的基本信息进行尽可能详细的分级分类),然 后输入,开始使用《管家婆》进行电脑管帐。祝您顺利~ 辉煌版、服装版培训手册 (基础篇) 一、管家婆辉煌ii的市场定位 辉煌版是管家婆系列产品中最早推出,应用最广泛的产品,至今已经拥有超过10万用户。她是集进销存与财务一体化、傻瓜化多功能的、适用于中小型物流企业的优秀管理软件,是物流、钱流、信息流无缝连接的杰出代表,业已成为中小企业管理软件的代名词。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 1. 1适用客户群 家电、服装、灯具、电脑、电子、五金、通讯、化妆品、酒类、食品、文具、汽配、图书等流通型、贸易增值型中小企业。 1. 2适用对象 仓库管理员、财务出纳人员、业务管理员及老板本人。 二、期初科目的准备 辉煌版用户把手工帐转为电脑帐时应该预先把手工帐的期末值作为电脑帐的期初值,主要有以下几个方面: 2. 1基本信息分类 这是电脑管帐最重要也是最难的准备工作。基本信息中打红勾的“库存商品”、“往来单位”、“内部职员”、“存货仓库”要特别注意。 往来单位建议分进货商和销售商两类,下面再分地区。 内部职员分类一定要明确,如:销售部、采购部、储运部、财务部等,不同部门的员工操作权限及业绩考核职员分类是关键。 存货仓库既可按地点分(类似分店),也可按存货类型分为成品库、返修库等,按照用户的实际情况分类。 2.2现金、银行帐结存、固定资产 是资产负债表的重要计算前提。 2.3库存商品结存、借进借出商品记录 ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 是进销存的重要记录前提。 2.4应收应付、待摊费用 别人欠你的,你欠别人的都要记录清楚。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: ;id=40331062309loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrower s: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 邪恶动态图 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:
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