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小学英语校本教材教案全册小学英语校本教材教案全册 如何开发小学英语课程源 ——实验小学三年级 彭文玲 英语高效课堂的突出的特点之一就是要在较大程度上发挥教师和学生的能动性、创造性和自主性,把师生从过于死板和机械的课程资源设置中解放出来。可是,长期以来,我们对英语课程的理解相对来说比较狭隘,基本上局限于“教学大纲” “教学计划”和“教科书”,教师的教学行为也往往只是遵循“教学大纲”,执行“教学计划”,教授“教科书”。 现在看来,这种观念不能适应英语教育改革和发展,也不能适应社会发展对学生英语素质的要求和学生对英语学习广泛而丰富多样的...

小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 英语校本教材 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 全册 如何开发小学英语课程源 ——实验小学三年级 彭文玲 英语高效课堂的突出的特点之一就是要在较大程度上发挥教师和学生的能动性、创造性和自主性,把师生从过于死板和机械的课程资源设置中解放出来。可是,长期以来,我们对英语课程的理解相对来说比较狭隘,基本上局限于“教学 大纲 专科护士培训大纲语法等级大纲网络小说大纲模版专职安全员生产检查释经讲道讲章大纲 ” “教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”和“教科书”,教师的教学行为也往往只是遵循“教学大纲”,执行“教学计划”,教授“教科书”。 现在看来,这种观念不能适应英语教育改革和发展,也不能适应社会发展对学生英语素质的要求和学生对英语学习广泛而丰富多样的需要。新课程背景下,要想全面提高学生英语能力和综合素质,开发利用英语课内课外课程资源,必将成为不容忽视的重要举措。 怎样开发和利用英语课程资源呢, 英语教学的特点之一就是要使学生尽可能多地从不同渠道、以不同形式接触和学习英语。亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言运用。开发英语课程资源是教师与学生的主体性行为,是教学回归生活、回归社会、回归自然的过程。 1、教材资源的开发。英语教材是英语课程资源的核心部分,是学校英语教学的核心资料。我们现行使用的闽教版的教材,除了学生用书之外,还有配套录音带、教学参考书、活动手册、CD、教学课件、 单元测试 部编版二年级下册第二单元测试题部编版二年级下册第二单元测试卷部编版二年级下册第二单元测试部编版二年级下册语文第二单元测试卷人教版七年级下册英语单元测试卷 卷、教学VCD、教学卡片、教学挂图等。我所实习的小学---杨村四小,就是充分应用了这个方法。三年级以上的年纪所学习的教Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 材是人民教育出版社出版的;而一、二年纪所学习的是《剑桥少儿英语》这套儿童英语教材里的内容,以此来补充和丰富课堂教学。多种教材资源的开发和利用,体现了英语教学的开放性和灵活性,开阔了学生的视野。还可以适当选用国外的教学资料,以补充和丰富课堂教学内容。 2、网络资源的开发。网络资源浩如烟海,但真正与课本配套以及内容完全符合儿童特点的资源并不多。因此,教师根据自己的教学需要,开发了一些英语网络资源。比如可以建立“教案库”、“课件库”、“习题库”、“教学录像库”、“教学素材库”,专门存放教师的教案、课件、试卷、公开课、示范课、观摩课的录像、上网查找的资料等等。 3、学校资源的开发。要充分利用学校的广播、图书馆、语音室和多媒体设备,全方位、多渠道的为学生提供英语学习的机会。利用课外活动的时间,向学生播放一些经典的、有趣的、有教育意义的外国电影、歌曲、录像、教学片等,作为课堂教学的补充。通过播放《你和我阶梯快乐儿童英语》、《音乐之声》、《狮子王》、《风中奇缘》等影片和英文儿歌,开展“海外剧场”、“歌曲欣赏”等活动,增加学生的真实语言输入。还在校园的公共场所贴上英语名言、警句的标牌,在教学楼的长廊和墙壁上贴上图文并茂的英语故事,积累语言知识。 2, new nursery wood ... ... MU.Acres ther greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ...estation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and olined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" affor-ccording to the "Garden City, roads, trees, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. Aroblemr's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these ptal risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this yeapoint source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmen-ion's water quality is not stable, and rural nonroblems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river sectany pmade in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced m ironmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements wereMillion. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial env 4、教室资源的开发。在教室里,可以建立“英语角”、“英语图书角”。“英语角”用来张贴学生制作的英文小报、单词图片、卡片等。“英语角”增加了学生接触英语、识记英语的机会。“英语图书角”则设在书柜里。在书柜里专门辟出一层用来摆放儿童英语书和英语工具书。英语书包括不同版本的小学英语教科书、英语图画书、英语童话书等。 5、社会资源的开发。例如,广告、家用电器使用指南、药品说明书、路标、计算机程序等都有英语。英语社会资源开发,就是要求学生注意收集、积累校外接触到的英语资源,如电视、杂志上的英语广告词、商品的英语说明书和英语格言等。学生接触到这些英语可以利用“英语图书角”里的词典自查,也可以咨询老师。学生对商品说明“MADE IN CHINA”、公共标志No smoking!以及计算机语言copy, window, edit等句子和词语耳熟能详,从而扩充了知识面 6、教师资源的开发。 作为英语课程资源的开发和利用的主体——教师本身就是一个可以充分挖掘的课程资源。教师的服饰、生日、家庭、爱好、身体语言、语音语调、人品学识、文化修养等都是宝贵的课程资源。可以将自身的某个方面作为课程资源,用来作为导入新课的素材。在我实习的学校,指导我的教师是位非常优秀的老师,她能够充分利用身边的一切有利资源来调动孩子的课堂积极性,让孩子们始终跟着老师的思路走。例如,她在教授skirth和T-shirt这两个单词时,就会指着 3. ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU.and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain .. plement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmlandlined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively im-een. According to the "Garden City, roads, treeood grhese problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real gis year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve tsevere, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If thpoint source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from -r section's water quality is not stable, and rural nonf rivefaced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging os were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still pecial bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievementMillion. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office s 自己的衣服来说,让孩子们对这两个单词有了更加立体和形象的感知。她再带领孩子们背诵课文的时候,也会加上各种肢体动作,来加深和加强孩子们的记忆。 7、学生资源的开发。根据多元智力理论,学生各具个性、各有特长,他们是课程资源开发的宝贵财富。有的孩子擅长表演,就应该调动他们表演的积极性,把课文编成小短剧的形式在全班展示,这样经过老师的表扬和同学们的鼓掌,这些爱表演的孩子们就更加背诵课文的积极性,同时也学到了知识。 8、家长资源的开发。学生家长是教学资源中不可或缺的一部分。只要开发合理,可以大大增加学生运用英语的机会和途径。学生每上完一节英语课,学会一些新的英语单词、交际用语、英文歌曲等,要求他们向家长展示,或让学生教家长学英语。通过向家长展示,学生不但运用和巩固了所学的英语,而且家长看到孩子在英语方面的发展,会不断支持和鼓励他们学习英语,学生的兴趣不断的得到激发和强化。 9、开展英语课外活动,拓展课程资源 丰富多彩的英语课外活动,对学生来说具有无穷的吸引力。开展真实的,形式多样的课外活动,学生能接触到更贴近学习实际,贴近生活,贴近时代的英语资源,获得更多的语言实践机会。 4, new nursery wood ... ... MU.Acres ther greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ...estation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and olined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" affor-ccording to the "Garden City, roads, trees, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. Aroblemr's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these ptal risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this yeapoint source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmen-ion's water quality is not stable, and rural nonroblems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river sectany pmade in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced m ironmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements wereMillion. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial env 总之,英语课程资源的开发和利用对于转变课程功能和学习方式具有重要意义。不仅可以超越狭隘的教育内容,让师生的生活和经验进入教学教程,让教学\"活\"起来;而且可以改变学生在教学中的地位,从被动的知识接受者转变成为知识的共同建构者,从而激发学生的学习积极性和主动性。同时,还可以开阔教师的教育视野,转变教师的教育观念,从而更好地激发教师的创造性智慧。 参考书目: 1、《小学英语课程标准》 2、《小学教学研究》 5. ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU.and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain .. plement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmlandlined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively im-een. According to the "Garden City, roads, treeood grhese problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real gis year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve tsevere, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If thpoint source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from -r section's water quality is not stable, and rural nonf rivefaced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging os were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still pecial bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievementMillion. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office s
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