首页 吴县市农药厂污染治理方案3



吴县市农药厂污染治理方案3吴县市农药厂污染治理方案3 原吴县市农药厂(木渎镇东郊) 污染场地土壤处理与修复方案 ——基于生物表面活性剂萃取-化学氧化法 修复高浓度有机物污染土壤的应用技术 项目主持单位:苏州春晖土壤修复有限公司 项目合作单位:中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京大学环境学院 苏州科技学院化学与生物工程学院 苏州市环境科学研究所 2012年5月3日 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit...

吴县市农药厂污染治理方案3 原吴县市农药厂(木渎镇东郊) 污染场地土壤处理与修复方案 ——基于生物表面活性剂萃取-化学氧化法 修复高浓度有机物污染土壤的应用技术 项目主持单位:苏州春晖土壤修复有限公司 项目合作单位:中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京大学环境学院 苏州科技学院化学与生物工程学院 苏州市环境科学研究所 2012年5月3日 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 一、目的意义 污染土壤的修复技术可分为异位修复和原位修复。由于异位修复的土方工程量巨大,消耗大量资金,因此难以推广应用。原位修复可分为化学修复和生物修复。生物修复又可分为微生物修复和植物修复。但是,由于微生物在深层土壤中不宜扩散,因此较少使用。而植物修复仅仅对表层土壤有效,对深层土壤收效甚微。化学原位修复技术(in situ chemical oxidation ISCO)包括KMnO氧化法、O43 2-氧化法、二氧化氯(ClO )氧化法、过硫酸盐(SO)氧化法和Fenton氧化法。Fenton228 试剂能产生强氧化性的羟基自由基(?OH), 其 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 电极电势是2.86V,几乎可以氧化所有的有机污染物。中国科学院南京土壤研究所用Fenton氧化法对多氯联苯污染的土壤进行了修复,国外学者Gan对Fenton氧化多环芳烃进行了评述和总结。理论上,这些强氧化剂可以将土壤中的有机污染物完全氧化而净化土壤。但是,重污染场地难以实现有效的降解和净化。其中的主要原因是:这些有机污染物在水中的溶解度很小,难溶于水(例如,苯、甲苯、六氯粉事实上是不溶于水的,那些可溶于水的有机物污染物随着雨水的淋洗早已流入地下水了。所以,为了防止有机毒物的扩散,场地污染的治理宜早不宜迟,甚至是刻不容缓),不易与氧化剂接触。因此,即使加入了大量的氧化剂也难以降解这些包埋在土壤中的有机污染物。 为了解决上述问题,人们开始尝试使用表面活性剂以增加有机污染物在水相中的溶解度。国外的很多专家学者如Gan, Paria和Tansel分别对此作了评述。Murena则开展了溶剂萃取多氯芳烃的研究,Biscaia Jr.使用十二烷基硫酸钠表面活性剂开展了修复沙土的实验研究, Nogueira用表面活性剂淋洗被污染的土壤,然后进行Fenton氧化,有效地降解了土壤中的多氯农药DDT、DDE。 但是,人工合成的表面活性剂不易降解,有些人工合成的表面活性剂比如含磷表面活性剂自身也会对环境产生污染。因此,使用可降解的生物表面活性剂是既可避免二次污染,也可实现萃取有机污染物的目标。应该说,生物表面活性剂的应用是本领域科技发展的趋势。Sabatini, Lu和Montoneri分别开展了鼠李糖脂修复有机污染土壤的研究,并取得了较好的结果。国内生物表面活性剂在土壤修复方面的报道,仅仅只是专题知识方面的综述文章,鲜见实验研究及实际应用方面的报道。 针对原吴县市农药厂的污染情况,我们认为用可降解的生物表面活性剂鼠李layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 糖脂萃取土壤中的难溶有机污染物,在表面活性剂的作用下难溶有机物进入流动相,然后通过流动淋洗法洗脱土壤中的难溶有机污染物,最后采用氧化剂将其氧化,实现土壤的修复净化。 由于我们江苏省是一个化工企业大省,随着我省经济社会的发展和人们环保意识的提高。一些化工企业开始迁出主城区。据苏州市有关部门统计,到2011年年底,仅苏州市就有1000多家化工企业迁出市区;全省就有4000多家化工企业先后进行了搬迁。因此,“生物表面活性剂萃取-化学氧化法修复高浓度有机物污染土壤的应用技术研究”课题的立项及实施,该项目所开发的修复工艺将具有广阔的应用前景。能够将原吴县市农药厂的污染场地进行治理和改良,是具有示范作用的重大环境保护工程,对将来我省乃至全国土地资源的合理利用,提高周边居民的生活质量将具有十分重要的意义。 二、组织单位 该项目的主持单位苏州市春晖土壤修复有限公司;项目合作单位是吴中区环境科学学会;项目主管部门是吴中区环保局;项目审批单位是吴中区木渎镇人民政府。本项目是苏州市吴中区第一个对工业污染场地进行调查、研究的项目,也将为其他类似地区的调查和后续治理提供有力参考价值,并起到示范作用。 吴中区木渎镇是吴中区第一大镇,经济发达,人口众多,拥有多家大型工业企业,在苏州市也是知名的经济、旅游和历史名镇。在木渎镇人民政府的英明领导下,经济快速发展,人民安居乐业,是苏州市最适宜人居的城镇之一。 吴中区环保局是地方环境保护的主管部门,负责全区环境与发展综合决策,协同有关部门拟订与环境保护相关的经济、技术、资源配置和产业政策;组织对全区重大经济和技术政策、发展 规划 污水管网监理规划下载职业规划大学生职业规划个人职业规划职业规划论文 以及重大经济开发 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进行环境影响评价。 吴中区环境科学学会以团结和组织全区环保科技工作者为己任,大力开展环科领域的学术交流,宣传普及环科技术和环保知识,为构建和谐社会、保护生态环境、繁荣环保事业、促进全区经济与环境的协调发展作出新的贡献。 苏州市春晖土壤修复有限公司是专业从事工业污染场地土壤修复的科技型公司,公司成立至今已经取得了,项发明专利,参与过多项相关研究和项目。公司主要成员有海外教育工作背景,并且多人具有博士学位。具体情况如下: layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 已申请的专利包括: 1. 刘守清,冯连荣,磁性异相光芬顿催化剂的制备及其降解有机污染物的方法,中国专利,2011年,申请号:201110009690.3。 2. 刘守清,张娟,胡丰田,磁性光合细菌及其制备方法,中国专利,2011年,申请号:201110025940.2。 3. 刘守清,程实,普鲁土蓝光芬顿催化剂的制备及其降解有机污染物的方法,中国专利,2011年,申请号:201110256227.9。 4. 刘守清,冯连荣,异相芬顿催化剂的制备及可见光催化降解有机污染物的方法,中国专利,2011年,申请号:201110268912.3。 5. 刘守清,邵强,张毅,一种钢渣-草酸光芬顿处理有机污染物的方法,中国专利,2011年,申请号:201110273873.6。 近期从事同类研究或开发项目的名称及成果; 1)完成了“异相光-Fenton在降解有机废水中的应用研究”课题,项目( 来源:江苏省环境科学与工程重点实验室开放课题,于2011年4月结题。 (2)完成了“光触媒陶瓷的制备及其在降解有机污染水中的应用”课题,项目来源:国家住房与城乡建设部,于2010年10月结题。 (3)完成了“电化学技术在污水脱氮中的应用研究”课题,项目来源:苏州市环保局,于2010年10月结题。 (4)完成了“脱氧核糖核酸与非电活性有机药物分子作用的电 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 化学研究”课题,项目来源:江苏省高校自然科学基金课题,2009年12月结题。 (5) 参与完成了国家自然科学基金课题 “纳米电分析化学”和“生物功能分子电器件的基础与应用研究” (6)完成了“铁氰化合物和氧化锆无机薄膜化学修饰电极的制备与表征”科研课题,并通过了江苏省科技厅组织的技术鉴定,鉴定结论为“国内领先,部分成果国际先进”(苏科鉴字[2004]第786号)。该成果于2005年获得苏州市人民政府颁发的科技进步三等奖(证书号:3-85-1)。 管理团队成员简介: 总经理:施明强,1944年出生。1967年毕业于南京大学化学系高分子化学layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 专业,具有20多年的环境治理工作经验,曾在多家印染、化工企业担任高级管理,负责污水排放、污泥处理工作,熟悉活性污泥处理技术。 技术总监:刘守清,1962年出生。先后就读于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,并获理学硕士学位;南京大学化学化工学院,并获理学博士学位;博士毕业后在日本国家材料科学研究所环境净化实验室从事博士后研究。刘守清的科研领域是电化学和光Fenton降解有机污染物,所发表的SCI 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 得到了国际同行的广泛认可,被国际同行引用200多篇次。拥有多项环境修复方面的技术发明专利。同时刘守清也是SCI期刊《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Environmental Chemistry Letters》、《Bioelectrochemistry》的审稿人。 行政总监:朱青,1980年出生。先后就读于南京大学城市与资源学系,获得理学硕士学位;美国宾西法尼亚州立大学作物与土壤学系,获得水文土壤学博士学位。此后在美国农业部牧场系统与流域管理实验室从事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向是水文土壤学、农业非点源污染控制及流域管理。参加过国家“973”计划,美国农业部创新研究基金及美国自然科学基金项目等多个项目,并发表了20多篇科研论文。 运营总监:许妍,1980年出生。先后就读于香港城市大学生物化学系,获理学硕士;美国卡耐基梅隆大学土木与环境工程系,工学博士。主要研究方向是有机污染物的微生物修复,有机及重金属污染物分析测定方法,污染风险评价和微生物农业污染源追踪以及污染控制研究。参加过美国国防部环境策略与发展项目,美国三河流域管理项目等,发表学术论文10余篇。 管控总监:吴绍华,1980年出生。先后就读于南京大学城市与资源学系,获理学硕士和博士学位。主要研究方向是土壤污染评估和鉴定,重金属污染土壤的分析和治理。参加过土壤环境与农业可持续发展重点实验室及中国青年科学基金项目组等多个项目,发表学术论文5篇。 市场总监:周国华,1967年出生。在加入春晖土壤公司之前,曾在苏州市固废处理行业从业近十年,拥有良好的市场运营和管理能力,具有敏锐的商业分析眼光和执着的市场开拓能力。目前在公司负责当地市场维护和新兴市场开拓的业务。 项目经理:曹福荣,1952年出生。拥有三十多年的现场施工管理经验,对layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 工程施工工序,施工人员管理,设备组织配套及相关的工程工作有丰富的经验。 项目经理:孙双木,1979年出生。拥有超过十年的现场施工管理经验,擅长施工技术,检测和审核。 公司战略顾问:薛为民,1945年出生。1968年毕业于南京大学化学系,曾任苏州市化工局技术处处长。现为南京大学苏州校友会副会长、苏州化学化工学会会长、苏州中级人民法院专家顾问。对于苏州的化工厂污染问题有较长时间的研究,对污染企业的情况有深入的了解。 三、 场地污染治理方案 (1)技术路线 配制一定浓度的生物表面活性剂,使其浓度大于CMC(临界胶束浓度),以便增加难溶有机物在流动相中的浓度,同时增加萃取率。通过水泵1将表面活性剂溶液从储罐打入到喷淋装置对污染土壤进行淋洗,洗液经过被污染的土层流向抽水井,然后再经过水泵2将洗液送入储罐,其工艺过程如图1所示。这样不断地循环,以达到淋洗萃取有机物的目的。 图1. 表面活性剂淋洗工艺示意图 (2)表面活性剂的回收利用 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 选择合适的有机溶剂比如甲醚等,实现表面活性剂与疏水性难溶有机物的分离。由于表面活性剂具有亲水性,有机难溶污染物具有疏水性,因此,甲醚可将有机难溶污染物萃取到有机相中,而表面活性剂留在水相中如图2所示。因此,表面活性剂溶液可以连续循环使用。这可大大降低操作成本。 图2. 表面活性剂的萃取回收 (3)有机污染物的氧化降解 难溶污染物被萃取到有机相后,将溶剂蒸发然后留下有机污染物,加入Fenton氧化剂、通入臭氧或者其它氧化剂,将其氧化成无毒的二氧化碳和水,实现彻底的净化。 2、可行性和风险分析 正如前面所述,重污染场地实际上是高浓度难溶性有机污染物包埋在土壤中。用表面活性剂所形成的胶束进行溶解和淋洗是完全可行的,而且这一技术在国际上已经有人进行了相关研究和应用。因此,本项目没有任何风险。潜在的风险,比如人工合成表面活性剂在应用时可能会残留,我们通过使用生物表面活性剂加以克服。鼠李糖脂生物表面活性剂有商业化的生产,并广泛应用于石油的开采,没有二次污染的问题。 四、预期成果 预期达到的目标是,主要有机物在土壤中的残留量达到民用建筑对土壤环境质量的要求。其参考标准(目前国家还没有民用建筑土壤环境质量标准,因此,layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 我们参考与之相关的国家标准)是,氯化苯低于30mg/kg, 多氯联苯含量低于 50mg/kg(国家标准《含多氯联苯废物污染控制标准GB 13015-91》)。土壤中其 它主要有机物的残留量低于《污染场地环境风险评价土壤质量指导值》,比如, 苯的含量低于1mg/kg, 甲苯酚低于10mg/kg, 苯酚低于800mg/kg等。 承担单位(苏州春晖土壤修复有限公司)意见 合作单位(吴中区环境科学学会)意见 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 主管部门(吴中区环保局)意见 审批单位(吴中区木渎镇人民政府)意见 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of
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