首页 大德兰应收管理操作规程



大德兰应收管理操作规程大德兰应收管理操作规程 密级:?高? 版本:1.0 K/3标准操作规程 应收管理 包头大德兰食品发展有限责任公司 金蝶软件,中国,有限公司 2016年7月18日 文档控制 更改记录 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting i...

大德兰应收管理操作规程 密级:?高? 版本:1.0 K/3 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 操作规程 应收管理 包头大德兰食品发展有限责任公司 金蝶软件,中国,有限公司 2016年7月18日 文档控制 更改 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 日期 作者 版本 更改参考 审核 姓名 职位 签字 分发 拷贝号 姓名 区域 目 录 第一章:应收管理系统 3 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 第一章:应收管理系统 本章主要讲述了应收账款的管理。用户通过本节学习~可以学会应收账款基本的初始设臵~可以处理录入日常业务中的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ~了解应收系统与总账和供应链的关系。 , 第一节:初始设臵 1.1.1 系统设臵 进入应收款系统后~点击 “维护”—“系统设臵”~按照应收应 付案例中练习一进行设臵~界面如图: 金蝶软件use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed e(中国)有限公司 ngineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, e第3页~共conomic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project 10页 completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 版权所有 翻版必究 选择结账与总账期间同步,应收款管理系统必须先于总账系统结账。 选择期末处理前本期凭证处理应该完成~结账以前~凭证处理模 块列示的所有单据必须已生成记账凭证。 选择期末处理前本期单据必须全部审核~则结账以前~所有当前 期间的单据必须已经审核。 选择单据核销前必须审核~则进行核销处理时~只显示所有已审 核的单据~没有审核的单据不能进行核销。 系统参数设臵后~除会计期间外~您可以随时对系统参数进 行修改。 企业具体设臵时可根据自己的情况进行设定。 , 第二节 日常业务处理 1.2.1 业务处理 业务模块由以下部分组成: 发票录入:录入普通发票、增值税发票确认应收款~若有购销存系统~则应收系统中日常处理发票是由销售系统传递而来~但现款销售的发票不传递至应收系统。, 其它应收单:录入收款收据等确认其它应收款; 应收票据:录入应收票据,进行票据背书、转出、贴现、收款处理; use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 收款单:录入收款单、预收单; 退款单:所收货款大于应收货款,通过录入退款单处理; 凭证处理:根据发票、应收单、收款单等原始单据生成凭证,若发票是由销售系统传递至应收系统,则凭证的生成在购销存系统中生成。 凭证浏览:显示应收系统及销售管理系统生成的凭证,与总账查询一致。 作为各种单据的新增,修改,删除,审核等操作基本相同,本教材现以新增收款单为例进行讲解,其余各单据的操作将不再一一陈述。 例1 操作步骤: 1) 点击“业务”—“收款单”进入收款单序时簿,新增单据弹出菜单如图: 2) 点确定后~进行收款单的录入~如图: 金蝶软件use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed e(中国)有限公司 ngineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, e第5页~共conomic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project 10页 completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 版权所有 翻版必究 3) 保存后进行审核~注意因我们在系统设臵中设臵了“审核人与制单 人不能为同一人”所以要更换审核人进行审核~审核后则可按核销 按钮进行核销。如图: use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 4) 审核后~就可到凭证处理中对已经审核过的单据进行“生成凭证” 的处理~需手工将应收账款的对方科目输入~此处为“102.01 工商 银行”。如图: 金蝶软件use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed e(中国)有限公司 ngineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, e第7页~共conomic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project 10页 completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 版权所有 翻版必究 5) 在第三步中已做过核销~,审核旁边的对勾,~现进入“核算”—“核 销管理”中对已核销过的单据进行钩对处理~此处可对供应链传输 过来的数据与本系统录入的单据进行核销~反核销,如图: use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 6) 进入往来对账单~注意日期等各种选项如图: 7) 点击确定后进入往来对账单状态~如图: 金蝶软件use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed e(中国)有限公司 ngineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, e第9页~共conomic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project 10页 completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of版权所有 翻版必究 1.2.2 往来账表的分析与查询 系统提供了多种往来账表和分析工具~具体操作与K/3总账报表查询等操作一致~只要注意各种选项即可。 本教材将不在重复讲解~有兴趣的用户可自己通过帮助~操作查询一下。 1.2.3 期末处理 期末结账的意义在于结束本期或本年所有业务凭证,转到下一期。期末结账是在本期所有的会计业务全部完成后进行的。系统的数据处理都是针对于本期的,要进行下一期间的处理,必须将本期的账务全部进行结账处理,系统才能进入下一期间。结账的结果是当前期加1,业务发生转到下一期。 注:若应收系统与总账、进销存系统联系使用,则应注意结账的先后顺序。 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of
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