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暑期实践调查报告暑期实践调查报告 ——关于“绿色低碳”生活的调查 文章关键词:绿色低碳、白色污染、塑料袋、无偿供应 组长:杨艳 组员:陶思远、陶强 一、调查原因: 上海世博“城市,让生活更美好”的主题让人们越来越关注自己生活的精神层面,也让我们对生活中有害的物质更加排斥。然而,“白色污染”却依旧是我们面临的一大问题,人们似乎对其涵盖的范围仍旧不够明确,为了生活的方便,人们还是更主要的使用塑料制品,尤其是塑料袋,也便因此,白色污染得不到有效地控制。因此,在暑假来临之际,我们小组决定针对人们生活是否“绿色低碳”展开实践调查。 ...

暑期实践调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ——关于“绿色低碳”生活的调查 文章关键词:绿色低碳、白色污染、塑料袋、无偿供应 组长:杨艳 组员:陶思远、陶强 一、调查原因: 上海世博“城市,让生活更美好”的主题让人们越来越关注自己生活的精神层面,也让我们对生活中有害的物质更加排斥。然而,“白色污染”却依旧是我们面临的一大问题,人们似乎对其涵盖的范围仍旧不够明确,为了生活的方便,人们还是更主要的使用塑料制品,尤其是塑料袋,也便因此,白色污染得不到有效地控制。因此,在暑假来临之际,我们小组决定针对人们生活是否“绿色低碳”展开实践调查。 二、组员分工: 撰写与资料收集:杨艳 照相及问卷调查:陶思远、陶强 三、报告正文: 随着上海世博会在中国的宣讲与推广,人们的生活方式也在不断地发生着变化,现在的我们不再只是局限于物质的世界,但求丰衣足食,而是更多的关心着自己的精神层面,人们的生活需求日益提高,为了满足这一切,人们需要在生活中充分利用时间获取最大的利益,于是城市的生活节奏也得到了相应的加快,不可避免,相应的矛盾也 便产生了。各式的环境问题不断地出现在生活中,“固体污染”、“水污染”、“大气污染”、“噪声污染”并列为当今四大污染,其中,尤以“固体污染”中的“白色污染”最为严重。 所谓"白色污染"是指由农用薄膜、包装用塑料膜、塑料袋和一次性塑料餐具(以下统称塑料包装物)的丢弃所造成的环境污染。由于废旧塑料包装物大多呈白色,因此称之为"白色污染"。 我们知道,每天的生活都离不开购物,人们往往是在去工作的途中或是偶尔的间歇去匆匆买菜,于是,塑料袋的使用总是得不到有效控制,这便是我们生活中不够“绿色”的重要体现。于是,在大家的一致决定下我们开始了“绿色低碳生活,你做到了吗”暑期实践调查,针对芜湖是闻名的小吃城市,塑料袋的使用供不应求且白色污染日益严重,我们最终将调查重心放在了日常生活中人们对于无偿塑料袋的使用情况以及各营业摊点是否坚持了塑料袋有偿提供的方针。 我们知道,如今的白色污染正面临着以下状况: 第一、侵略土地过多。塑料类垃圾在自然界停留的时间也很长,一般可达100—200年; 第二、污染空气。塑料、纸屑和粉尘随风飞扬; 第三、污染水体。河、海水面上漂着的塑料瓶和饭盒,水面上方树枝上挂着的塑料袋、面包纸等,不仅造成环境污染;而且如果动物误食了白色垃圾会伤及健康,甚至会因其绞在消化道中无法消化而活活饿死; 第四、火灾隐患。白色垃圾几乎都是可燃物,在天然堆放过程中ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 会产生甲烷等可燃气,遇明火或自燃易引起的火灾事故不断发生,时常造成重大损失; 第五、白色垃圾可能成为有害生物的巢穴,它们能为老鼠、鸟类及蚊蝇提供食物、栖息和繁殖的场所,而其中的残留物也常常是传染疾病的根源; 第六、废旧塑料包装物进入环境后,由于其很难降解,造成长期的、深层次的生态环境问题。首先,废旧塑料包装物混在土壤中,影响农作物吸收养分和水分,将导致农作物减产。 这种种的危害无不提醒着我们要加快控制白色污染的蔓延速度,也坚定我们此项调查,希望可以用事实告诉人们,我们必须积极响应国家的号召,争用竹篮购物,减少塑料袋的使用。 在接下来的时间里我们便将此付诸于行动,展开了相应的调查。调查主要分为两个部分,分别是问卷调查和实地观察。我们主要将实地观察的地点设置在市集 门口。结果发现在人们最主 要用到塑料袋的买菜过程 中只有10%不到的人使用 竹篮,不到20%的人自带 编织袋,这其中大部分人是 年过半百的老人,青年人几 乎都是在摊点直接使用小 贩提供的一次性塑料袋。再看早点店,其使用更是频繁,有时甚至是 一包食物便要提供两至三个方便袋,而行色匆匆的人们往往在食用后便会将塑料袋丢弃,亦或没有完全塞入垃圾桶中,从而在风吹下肆意飞舞。这些无不让我们为环境的担忧,为未来担忧。 有了初步的了解,我们针对论点设置了相应问卷题目,并将调查地点设置在小吃摊位和超市门口。 为了使得数据更加具有说服性,我们分别在大中小型超市门口调查,了解不同等级的超市对于人们生活的不同影响。结果数据直面显示出大型超市如世纪联华、沃尔玛超市均是提供有偿塑料方便袋,每个售价0.3元,同时顾客可以选择编织袋,单价2元。而中型超市如燕莎超市和万家超市则在最初实行过一段时间的塑料袋有偿便放弃了,只要顾客自身没有携带可装下所购物的东西,他们便会无偿提供;几乎所有的小型超市都是直接提供无偿塑料袋的。小吃摊点则情况堪忧:几乎所有的需要塑料袋的摊点都是直接供给的。 将问卷抽样调查,我们整理数据得出以下结果: ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 国家一直在强调绿色低碳很符合的基本符合不符合占不清楚占生活,你觉得自己现在的生占6% 占54% 12% 28% 活符合吗 居民:每次去市集买菜时你自备竹篮使用塑料视情况而 是自备竹篮还是用提供的占20% 袋占64% 定占16% 塑料袋 摊贩:卖菜时你们是提供有直接提供顾客要才有偿提供 偿塑料袋还是直接提供不占76% 给24% 占0% 收取费用, 是占30% 不是占去超市采购时提供的塑料只是有些是,偏小的超市 30% 袋是有偿的吗, 仍旧无偿占40% 可以占没什么用可以适当 你认为“禁塑令”对“白色 38% 占24% 阻止占 污染”的使用有很大的影响38% 吗, 您使用的时天然气还是仍天然气占液化气占煤炭占 旧是液化气,或是使用煤36% 50% 14% 碳, 对于减少使用“白色污染”采用收费国家出台加强宣传其他占你认为可采取以下哪种方的占26% 政策占力度占22% 法较好, 36% 16% 从上面不难看出人们对现在环境污染的态度。大家都或多或少知道我国的环境正面临着严峻的问题,但同时大家又觉得这一切并没有影响到切身利益,也便在知道的同时采取忽视的态度,为了生活的方便,人们甚至在其中助长了污染的蔓延。生活步伐的加快让我们一时的生活得到了改善,鼠目寸光亦或是自私的人便开始罔顾环境、罔顾子孙的利益而开始以破坏环境为代价获得高额利润的事业,满足自己的物质生活,以至于污染日趋严重„„ 我国是发展中国家,发展是我们的首要任务,然而我们却不可以盲目开采,挥霍资源。塑料袋的生产需要资源,使用后的它更是白色污染的首要天敌,这无不让我们警醒——我们必须严格控制塑料制品的使用,尤其是塑料袋、一次性方便盒等。因此,我们必须在发展的 同时肩负起保护的职责,为子孙后代谋福祉。我们必须贯彻落实科学发展观。 可持续发展是一种注重长远发展的经济增长模式,最初于1972年提出,指的就是既满足当代人的需求,又不损害后代人的满足其需求的能力。这也是我国未来经济发展将长期坚持的原则。 那么在大的经济发展原则下,我们又该做些什么来有效控制白色污染呢,经过商量与讨论,我们认为可以从以下三个方面加以努力: 一是技术方面:(1)采取以纸代塑。纸的主要成份是天然植物纤维素,废弃后容易被土壤中的微生物分解,因此可以解决前面所说的“潜在危害”,但也会带来新的环境问题:首先造纸需要大量的木材,而我国的森林资源并不富裕;其次造纸过程中会带来水污染。另外,在性能、成本等方面,纸制品尚不能与塑料制品抗衡。目前,我国也有以甘蔗秆、稻草为原料生产一次性餐具的做法,但尚处于试验阶段。 (2)采用可降解塑料。在塑料包装制品的生产过程中加入一定量的添加剂(如淀粉、改性淀粉或其它纤维素、光敏剂、生物降解剂等),使塑料包装物的稳定性下降,较容易在自然环境中降解。目前,北京地区已有19家研制或生产可降解塑料的单位。试验表明,大多数可降解塑料在一般环境中暴露3个月后开始变薄、失重、强度下降,逐渐裂成碎片。如果这些碎片被埋在垃圾或土壤里,则降解效果不明显。使用可降解塑料有四个不足:一是多消耗粮食;二是使用可降解塑料制品仍不能完全消除“视觉污染”;三是由于技术方面的原因,使用可降解塑料制品不能彻底解决对环境的“潜在危害”;四ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 是可降解塑料由于含有特殊的添加剂而难以回收利用。 二是思想方面:要统一思想认识,强化管理。按照“以宣传教育为先导,以强化管理为核心,以回收利用为主要手段,以替代产品为补充措施”的防治原则,一是加强对“白色污染”危害性的宣传,引导和教育市民自觉防治“白色污染”;二是对大量产生废旧塑料包装物的行业(如铁路、水运、民航、旅游、饭店、餐饮、零售等),要通过强化管理,改变无人负责、无序堆放、随意抛弃的现象;三是采取强制措施,从回收集中产生的废旧塑料包装物(如一次性泡沫餐盒)入手,逐步提高废旧塑料包装物回收利用率;四是加强替代包装产品的开发、研究,努力减少废旧塑料包装物的产生量等。 三是认为方面:从法律上进行 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 。通过相关法律,从2008年6月1日开始,到超市购物将不再免费提供塑料袋,要自己单独付费,这算是希望人们减少塑料袋的使用吧。然而随着时间的发展这一点也有待加强,调查结果就是很好地说明。 作为大学生的我们,可以做的是相应党的号召,积极配合国家的政策。我们应当大力宣传环保的重要性,了解白色污染对我们生活的危害,然后从身边的小事做起: 1.广大消费者要自觉爱护环境,珍视健康,对塑料袋能不用就不用,能少用就少用,使用后归类存放,集中回收。 2.大家要增强环保意识,不仅自己不使用,还要向我们的家人、邻居进行宣传。上街购物尽量带布袋子,不使用一次性塑料袋。 3.不焚烧一次性塑料制品,以免产生有害气体,污染环境。 4.各商场、经营业户从现在起要尽量少提供或不提供塑料购物袋,各生产批发户要逐步减少塑料购物袋的制造和销售,尽到自已的社会义务。 5.积极参与社会的环保活动与监督,创造一个良好的环境,拒绝白色污染,养成良好习惯,精心呵护我们的健康生活。 再者,我们应当努力学习,积极探索,说不定下一个对环境完全无害的塑料品就是来自我们努力的结果。让我们一起加油,用知识,用能力,用人才来拯救未来,来发展中国。 “绿色”生活调查问卷 1.国家一直在强调绿色低碳生活,你觉得自己现在的生活符合吗, A.很符合 B.基本符合 C.不符合 D.我也不清楚 2. (1)居民:在生活中,每次去市集买菜时你是自备竹篮还是用提供 的塑料袋, A.自备竹篮 B.塑料袋 C.看情况 (2)摊贩:在卖菜时你们一般是提供有偿塑料袋还是直接提供不收 取费用, A.直接提供 B.顾客要才给 C.有偿提供 3.去超级市场采购时提供的塑料袋是有偿的吗, A.是 B.不是 C.只是有些是,偏小的超市仍ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • L-1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L-1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both quantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • L-1-1 mol • L-1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following points: ? determination of calibration should be parallel 3-4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. ? in order to reduce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of L-1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" concept 旧无偿 4. 你认为“禁塑令”对“白色污染”的使用有很大的影响吗, A.可以 B.好像没什么用 C.可以适当阻止 5.您使用的时天然气还是仍旧是液化气,或是使用煤碳, A.天然气 B.液化气 C.煤炭 6.对于减少使用“白色污染”你认为可采取以下哪种方法较好,( ) A.采用收费 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 B.国家出台政策——各快餐店禁用“不可讲解物料” C.加强各方面的宣传力度 D.其他 7.您认为要达到低碳绿色生活我们还需要做什么,
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