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安康高新中学寒假作业答案安康高新中学寒假作业答案 安康高新中学寒假作业答案篇一:高一年级寒假作业答案汇总_5 高一年级寒假作业答案汇总 数学寒假作业 湖滨高级中学高一数学寒假作业(9)答案 1、 1125125 (5e1?3e2) 2、2b?a 3、3个 4、?5、(,)或(?,?) 213131313 6、1037、120? 8、解:????(1,k)?(2,3)?(?1,k?3) ??C为RT??????0?(1,k)?(?1,k?3)?0 ??1?k2?3k?0?k? 9、?3? 2 ???2e1?e2?e1...

安康高新中学寒假作业 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 安康高新中学寒假作业答案篇一:高 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 寒假作业答案汇总_5 高一年级寒假作业答案汇总 数学寒假作业 湖滨高级中学高一数学寒假作业(9)答案 1、 1125125 (5e1?3e2) 2、2b?a 3、3个 4、?5、(,)或(?,?) 213131313 6、1037、120? 8、解:????(1,k)?(2,3)?(?1,k?3) ??C为RT??????0?(1,k)?(?1,k?3)?0 ??1?k2?3k?0?k? 9、?3? 2 ???2e1?e2?e1?3e2?e1?4e2 ? 若A,B,D三点共线,则共线, ?设?? 即2e1 ?ke2??e1?4?e2 由于e1e2可得:e1??e1e2??4?e2 故??2,k??8 10、?若c?d 得k? 9 5 29 ?若?得k?? 14 英语寒假作业答案 第十三天 一、BAACB AABAA DDDBC 二、1.Introduction 2.regularly3.harm4.trust/take5.waste6.like 7.expensive8.serious 9.scientific10.balannce 第十四天 一、ADCCB ACABC AADBB 二、DACBA DCCDB ACBAD DCCBA 第十五天 一、BDABA DADAD CCDCC 二、CDCB 历史寒假作业答案 一、单项 选择题 地理常识选择题100题及答案唐诗宋词文学常识选择题静女选择题及答案宝葫芦的秘密选择题万圣节选择题和答案 (30题,共计90分) 二、判断题(5小题共15分) 31-35:B A A A B 三、材料解析题(本大题共3小题,每题15分,共45分) 36. (1)秦实行君主专制,雅典则是民主政治。(2分)主要因素是雅典贸易经济发达,小国寡民;中国是以小农经济为主要特征的自然经济。(4分) (2)《1787年美国宪法》。(1分)权力的制约与平衡;(2分) (3)1954年;第一届全国人民代表大会召开。(4分) (4)随着社会发展与进步,政治民主化是历史发展的必然趋势;民主的范围越来越广泛,民主化程度越来越高;人类各阶级、各阶段民主能相互吸收、借鉴。(2分)(以上答案任答1点即可) (A类)37. (1)内容:主权在民;三权分立;责任内阁。(6分) 意义:第一部资产阶级性质的宪法,具有反对封建专制制度的进步意义。(3分) (2)不同:规定新中国的性质;规定了实现民族平等的原则和方法;规定了国家经济的构成和发展方向。(4分) (3)启示:根据时代的变化而制定和修改宪法内容;民主化进一步发展;经济建设日益成为国家工作中心;经济发展方针对经济发展的推动作用日益显著;我国在20世纪民主政治生活经历了巨大变化。(任答1点即得2分) (B类)37. (1)鸦片战争;中国新民主主义革命的胜利。(2分) (2)辛亥革命。(1分) 功绩:1 2 3(6分)局限:1 2 (4分) (3)体现了以经济建设为中心;思想进一步解放;近代史研究取得进展;对外文化交流扩大;吸收外国史学研究成果。(2分,任答1条) 38. (1)民族危机加深;号召国民抵御外侮;抨击清政府的腐败;藉以唤醒国人的民族意识。(6分,任答三点) (2)和平共处五 项原则(2分)。万隆会议。(2分) (3)是20世纪世界外交史上的重大事件; 为国际社会以和平方式解决争端和历史遗留问题提供了新的范例;是“一国两制”理论在外交领域的成功运作,等等(4分) (4)从被列强瓜分到收回国家主权,国际地位日益提高。(2分) 政治寒假作业答案 政治寒假作业五 2010—2011学年度第一学期高一期末答案 41. 二、文字题 43.(1)漫画反映了该公司存在着收入分配不公的现象(学生若答出劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重偏低亦可以)(2分)。收入 分配不公会挫伤劳动者积极性,影响经济发展和社会稳定和谐。(3分) (2)?坚持和完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度;(如答坚持按劳分配的原则亦可得分)(2分)?提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重,维护劳动者利益;(2分) 42.?希望表姐树立正确的择业观,树立竞争就业观,职业平等观。(4分) ?建议表姐先解决就业问题,等有了从业经验后再做挑选;也可建议表姐多种方式就业,积极自主创业。(2分) (2)?要转变经营战略,面对服装出口受阻,转为积极开拓国内市场。(2分) ?要提高自主创新力,培育自己的服装品牌。(2分) ?要依靠技术进步、科学管理等手段,提高劳动生产率,降低生产成本,形成自己的竞争优势。 地理寒假作业答案 一、单选 1,5 B C B B B6,10 B B D B C 二、判断 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.A 15 B 三. 综合题 16( (1)略 (2)冬至?(3)0? (4)D 从南回归线向南北两侧递减 (5)C 物理寒假作业答案 综合检测 1(B [物体的大小、形状对所研究问题的影响可以忽略不计时,可视物体为质点(如地球够大的,但地球绕太阳公转时,地球的大小就变成次要因素,我们完全可以把地球当作质点看待(当然,在研究地球的自转时,就不能把地球看成质点了(同样(准备接对手发出的旋转球时就不能把旋转的乒乓球看成质点(又如看一个同学的运动速度时,可以把人看成质点,但对他的起跑动作进行指导时,就不能看成质点(] 2(CD 3.A 4(B [小球自由下落时是一段匀加速直线运动,落入淤泥是一个匀减速的过程,落入淤泥底时速度恰好为零(] 5(AC 6.C 7.ABC 8.AB 9.AD 10(C [由μ,tan θ条件可知μmgcos θ,mgsin θ,即滑动 摩擦力等于重力沿斜面向下的分力,在沿斜面向上的拉力作用下滑块匀速上滑,滑块沿斜面方向合力为零,即拉力F拉,mgsin θ,μmgcos θ,2mgsin θ当在沿斜面向下的拉力作用下滑块均速下滑时,滑块沿斜面方向合力为零,即F拉,mgsin θ,μmgcos θ,所以F拉,0.] 11((1)中还应记下两细绳套的方向 (2)中根据F1和F2的大小及方向 (3)中用一个弹簧测力计通过细绳套拉橡皮筋,使它的结点也到O点( 2 x23,x1 12(x1/2T g, 9.72?0.02 阻力 8x2T13(16 m/s 解析 设飞船在离地面1.6 m的速度为v,由v2,2ax得v2ax2×80×1.6 m/s,16 m/s. 14((1)10 N (2)6 N 解析 (1) 取小球为研究对象,其受力分析如图(当车匀速行驶时,合力为零( mg cos θ, FA mg 则FA,10 N, cos θ 由牛顿第三定律得,小球对绳AB的拉力为10 N. F(2)tan θ,则 FC,mgtan θ,6 N, mg 由牛顿第三定律得,小球对绳BC的拉力为6 N. 15((1)0.4 (2)4.5 N 解析 (1)由题图乙可知,木块所受的滑动摩擦力 Ff,3.12 N F3.12 N 由Ff,μFN,μmg得,μ,,0.4 mg0.78×10 N (2)物体受重力mg、支持力FN、摩擦力Ff和拉力F作用(如右图所示( 将F沿水平和竖直两个方向分解(根据牛顿第二定律得 Fcos θ,Ff,ma FN,Fsin θ,mg 又Ff,μFN 联立各式解得F,4.5 N 16((1)1.5 m/s (2)10 N 解析 (1) 撤去外力后,小木块做匀减速直线运动从B运动到C,受力分析如右图所示,根据牛顿第二定律得 Ff,mgsin 30?,ma FN,mgcos 30?,0 又Ff,μFN 解得:a,gsin 30?,μgcos 30?,7.5 m/s2 2 由运动学公式得v2C,vB,,2ax 代入数据解得 vB2ax2×7.5×0.15 m/s,1.5 m/s. (2)设外加恒力为F,受力分析如下图所示,由牛顿第二定律得 F,mgsin 30?,μFN,ma1 FN,mgcos 30? 则刚开始从A运动到B的加速度 F 为a1,,(gsin 30?,μgcos 30?) m 刚开始是匀加速直线运动,故有v2B,2a1x1 代入数据可求得F,10 N. 化学寒假作业答案 一、BDDBADDCDC 二,,(1)FeCl2KCl (2)4Fe(OH)2,O2,2H2O,4Fe(OH)3(3)Fe ,SCN,Fe(SCN) 2Fe,Fe,3Fe 3, , 2, 3, 2, ,,(1)钠浮在水面上融化成小球,小球迅速游动,发出“嘶嘶”声,最后消失,有红褐色沉淀生成。 (2)2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2 ?,FeCl3+3NaOH=Fe(OH)3?+3NaCl 安康高新中学寒假作业答案篇二:寒假作业答案 2012-2013第一学期寒假作业答案 Unit1答案: I. 短语答案 1.talk about 2.talk to sb. = talk with sb. 3. a lot 4. too„to5. not „at all 6. be / get excited about sth. = be / get excited about doing sth. == be excited to do sth. 7. ? end up doing sth 8. ? end up with sth. 9.. make mistakes 10. laugh at sb. 11. take notes 12. enjoy doing sth .13.enjoy oneself 14. native speaker15. make up 16. one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词复数形式 ?17. It’s +形 容词+(for sb. ) to do sth. 18. practice doing 19. decide to do sth. 20. deal with 21. worry about sb./ sth. 22. be angry with sb. 23. go by 24. see sb. / sth. doing/ do 25. each other 26. regard„ as „27. change? into? 28. with the help of sb. == with one’s help 29. compare „ to „ 30. too many 许多 修饰可数名词 如:too many girls; too much 许多 修饰不可数名词 如:too much milk ;much too 太 修饰形容 词如:much too beautiful 31. instead 代替 用在句末,副词(字面上常不译出来) instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,动词 II. 翻译: 1. The students often talk about movie after class. 2. I eat a lot. 3. I’m too tired to say anything .4. I like milk very much. I don’t like coffee at all. 5.. I am / get excited about going to Beijing.===I am excited to go to Beijing. 6. The party ended up singing.7.The party ended up with her singing. 8. I often make mistakes. 9.I have made a mistake. 10. Don’t laugh at me! 11. She is one of the most popular teachers.12. She enjoys playing football. 13. He enjoyed himself.14. It’s difficult (for me ) to study English. 15. She often practice speaking English.16. LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 17. You will fail unless you work hard.. 18. I won’t write unless he writes first. 19. I dealt with a lot of problem. 20. Mother worried about his son just now. 21.I was angry with her.22.Twoyears went by.23. She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 24. The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 25. The magician changed the pen into a book. 26. with the help of LiLei == with LiLei’s help,I made great progress in English 27. Last summer I went to Beijing. This year I’m going to Shanghai instead. 28. I will go instead of you.29. He stayed at home instead of going swimming. III. 1---5 CACAC6—10 BBBBB11—15 BBDCD IV. 1. don't, either 2. How, do, study 3 Why does, find 4. didn't study5. Have, kept V. 1—5 CACBA 6—10 BDCBC VI 1—5 CABAA6—10 ADACD VII. One possible version: Learn it, love it! Many friends often ask me, How to learn English well?I always tell them, Try your best to like it first!As everyone knows, nothing is difficult if you like to do it. In fact, learning English is really interesting. Singing English songs is a good way to remember words. It can make you believe yourself. Keeping a diary in English is also a good way. Trying to use what you have learned to express your ideas is really great. And talking with others in English is interesting, too. Come on, my friends. 九年级Unit 1 单元 初级会计实务单元训练题天津单元检测卷六年级下册数学单元教学设计框架单元教学设计的基本步骤主题单元教学设计 测试卷 英语 I. 1. vocabularies2. learner3. difference 4. frustrated/ frustrating5. quickly 6. unfair7. solution8. unimportant9. disagreement10. pronunciation II. 1. end up 2. make a mistake/make mistakes3. later on 4. take notes 5. look up 6. make up7. be angry with 8. try to do sth. /do one's best to do sth. /try one's best to do sth.9. break off 10. too„ to „11. read aloud 12. write down 13. learning tools 14. make sure15. deal with 16. complain about17. at first18. with one's help/with the help of 19. have trouble doing sth. 20. ask the teacher for help III. 1---5 CACAC6—10 BBBBB11—15 BBDCD IV. A: 1. less, than2. isn't good at3. don't you join 4. how to5. twice 6. Getting much7. no trouble finding8. was hard/ difficult 9. improves10. is angry 11. something wrong with 12. about meeting 13. Reading, is 14. pay for/ spend on 15. too, to B: 16. don't, either 17. How, do, study 18. Why does, find 19. didn't study 20. Have, kept V. 1. to study 2. reading3. coming 4. Using5. playing 6. to learn 7. watching 8. to work out 9. Thinking 10. doing VI . 1—5 CACBA 6—10 BDCBCVII. 1—5 CABAA6—10 ADACD IX. One possible version: Learn it, love it! Many friends often ask me, How to learn English well?I always tell them, Try your best to like it first!As everyone knows, nothing is difficult if you like to do it. In fact, learning English is really interesting. Singing English songs is a good way to remember words. It can make you believe yourself. Keeping a diary in English is also a good way. Trying to use what you have learned to express your ideas is really great. And talking with others in English is interesting, too. Come on, my friends. 九年级第2单元目标检测答案: I.短语翻译: 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 否定形式: didn’t use to do sth. / used not to do sth. 2. play the piano 弹钢琴3. ?be interested in sth. 对?感兴趣? be interested in doing sth. 对做?感兴趣4. 害怕? be terrified of sth. /be terrified of doing sth.5.spend 动词,表示“花费金钱、时 间” ?spend?on sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间)/ ?spend?doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事 如:6. Pay for 花费7. take动 词 有“花费”的意思 常用的结构有:take sb. „ to do sth./take ? to do sth. 如:It takes me a day to read the book. 8. chat with sb. 与某人闲聊 9. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/ 某事 10. be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/某事 11. all the time 一 直、始终 12. take sb. to + 地方 送/带某人去某个地方 13. in the last few years. 在过去的几年内 常与完成时连用 14. be different from 与?不同 15. it seems that +从句 看起来好像?? 如:16. help sb. with sth. 帮某人某事 help sb. (to ) do sth. 帮某人做某事 17. fifteen-year-old 作形容 词15岁的 / fifteen-year-olds 作名词指15岁的人/ fifteen years old 指年龄 15岁 如: 18. as + 形容词./副词,as sb. could/can 尽某人的?能力 如: 19. get into trouble with 遇到麻烦 20. in the end 最后21. make a decision 下决定 下决心 22. to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶 如: 23. take pride in sth. 以?而自豪 如: 24. pay attention to sth. 对?注意,留心 如: 25. be able to do sth. 能做某事 26. give up doing sth. 放弃做某 事 27.不再 ?no more == no longer ?not ?any more == not ?any longer 28. go to sleep 入睡29.支付不起? can’t /couldn’t afford to do sth. 30. 反意疑问句:?肯定陈述句,否定提问 如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she??否定陈述句,肯定提问 如: She doesn’t come from China, does she?You haven’t finished homework, have you? ?提问部分用代词而不用名词 Lily is a student, isn’t she? ?陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。 He knows little English, does he? 他一点也不懂英语,不是吗, They hardly understood it, did they?他们几乎不明白,不是吗, II.翻译句子: 1. He used to play football after school. 2.He didn’t use to smoke. 3.He is interested in math, but he isn’t interested in speaking English. 4.He spends too much time on clothes. 5.He spend 3 months building the bridge. 6. I pay 10 yuan for the book. 7. I like to chat with him. 8. Don’ t worry about him. 9. Mother is worried about her son. 10. A person took him to the hospital. 11. Lui took me home. 12. I have lived in China in the last few years. 13. It seems that he has changed a lot. 14. She helped me with English. She helped me (to) study English。 15. a fifteen-year-old boy 16. Fifteen-year-olds like to sing. 17. I am fifteen years old . 27. I can’t/couldn’t afford to buy the car. I can’t/couldn’t afford the car. 18. Zhou run as fast as her could/can. 19. His father always take pride in him. 20. You must pay attention to your friend. 21. She is able to do it. 22. My father has given up smoking. 23. I play tennis no more/ longer. I don’t play tennis any more/longer. . III. 1.bought 2.thinking 3.were playing 4.haven’t finished have just begun 5.has changed IV、1-5 ACDAD 6-10 ABDCBV、1-5BACBD 6-10AABBD VI . Yesterday my classmates and I went to have a picnic. According to our plan we would climb the West Mountain.Early in the morning all of us gathered at the gate of our school, we started of at seven, soon it began to have a little rain. We kept on riding for an hour till we reached the foot of the mountain. The little rain stopped then. We began to climb. Soon we reached the top of the mountain. How beautiful it was when we looked at the view from the top. We ran. sang, jump, played chess, and had the pictures taken on the top of the mountain. and had lunch on the rocks. How happy we were! After the lunch we went down the mountain. We got home at four, all of us almost gave out. 九年级第3单元目标检测 I.短语翻译答案: 1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)2.get/ have sth. done 3. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停止下来去做某 事 4. 看起来好像„sb. seem to do sth. =it seems that +从句 5. stay up 熬夜 6. clean up 打扫 整理 7. care about sb. 关心某 人 8. go shopping(去购物), go fishing(去钓鱼), go swimming(去游泳), go boating(去划船), go hiking(去登山), go trekking(去徒步) 9. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 10.take the test 参加考试/pass the test 通过考试/fail a test 考 试失败 11. the other day 前几天12. both„and„+动词复数形式 13. learn (sth.) from sb. 向谁学习(什么) 14.. have an opportunity to do sth. 有机会做某事/ have a chance of doing sth. 有机会做某事 15. at present 目前 16. at least 最少 at most 最多17. have + 时间段+off 放假,休息 18. reply to 答复某人 19.. agree with sth. 同意某事/ agree to sb. 同意某人的意见 20.对„ 热衷, 对„兴趣 be serious about doing/be serious about sth. 21. practice doing 练习做某事 II.句子翻译: 1. Mother allows me to watch TV every night. 2.LiLy is allowed to go to Qinzhou. 3. I get my car made. == I have my car made.4. Please stop speaking 5. Please stop to speak. 6.He seems to feel very sad./It seems that he feels very sad. 7.I often stay up until 12:00pm.8.I have cleaned up the bedroom. 9.Mother is strict with her son.10.Jim learnt English from his English teacher. 11.I have an opportunity to go to Beijing. I have a chance of going to Beijing. 12.have 2 days off 13.I often think about/ of that day. 14.At last, he thought of a good idea. 15.We are thinking about going Qinzhou. 16.She often practice speaking English.17. Mother often care about her son. 18. I am also a student. / I am a student too. 19.I am not a student either. 20.I have enough money to go to Beijing. 21.She is old enough to go to school.22.We should keep our city clean. ?注意27.语态: ?英语有两种语态:主动语态和补动语态 主动语态表示是动作的执行者 被动语态表示主语是动作的承 受者 Cats eat fish. (主动语态)猫吃鱼。 Fish is eaten by cats. (被动语态)鱼被猫吃。 ?被动语态的构成 由“助动词be ,及物动词的过去分词” 构成 助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 与be 作为连 系动词时完全一样。 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的 执行者,或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。 ?28... 系动词不能独立作谓语,要和表语一起构成谓语。常用 的连系动词有:look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept等。连系动词除be 和become 等少数词可接名 词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。 如:They are very happy. He became a doctor two years ago. She felt very tired. ?29. 倒装句: 由so,助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词,主语 意为:„也是 一样 She is a student. So am I. 她是一个学生,我也是。 She went to school just now. So did I . 她刚才去学校了,我也是 She has finished the work. So have I . 她已经完成了工作,我也完 成了。 She will go to school. So will he. 她将去学校,他也是。 ?30. keep sb/ sth. ,形容词 使某人/某物保持„. 如: We should keep our city clean.我们应该保持我们的城市干净。 ?31. sth. take (sb.) time to do sth. It took (me) 10days to read the book. sth. cost (sb.) „„ The book cost (me) 100yuan. sb. spend „ on sth. She spent 10days on this book. sb.spend „doing sth.She spent 10days reading this book. sb. pay „ for sth. She paid 10yuan for this book. III、1-5ABBCA 6-10 BABCB IV、1-5 BAACA 6-10 DCDCD V.Yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos. Twenty of us thought that animals should be kept in zoos. Then we can see different kinds of animals there and all the animals will be taken good care of. Thirty students had a different opinion. They thought that animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos, because animals come from the nature and they love to live in a natural environment. If they are kept in the cages, they can’t move there and there. Keeping animals in cages is really bad for them.。 九年级第4单元目标检测答案 I、 1.were2.had known3.was/were would know 4.would leave 5. haven’t had II、1. pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 / pretend +从 句 假装?2. be late for 迟到 3.a few 一些(修饰可数名词)a little 一些 (修饰不可数名词 4. add sth. to sth. 添加?到? 5. in public 在公共场所 6. ask sb. to do 叫?做某事/ ask sb. not to do sth.叫?不要做某事; tell sb. to do 告诉?做某事 /tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉?不要做某事 7. start doing == start to do. 开始做某事 /8. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那里借来某物 9.wait for sb.等某人10. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 11. invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事 12. have dinner/ supper吃 晚饭have lunch/ breakfast 吃午餐、吃早餐13. plenty of 大量, 许多 14. 给某人某物 give sth. to sb. /give sb. sth. 15. get along with sb. 与?相处16. would rather do sth. than do sth. 表示愿做某事而不愿做某事17. in fact 事实上18. let sb. down 让某人失望19. come up with sth. 提出 想出 20.catch up with sb. 追上 赶上21. have experience doing 在做 某事有经验22. come out 出版,出来23. by accident 偶然地,无 意之中24. hurry to do 匆忙做?25. more than 超过 26. offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物 III. 1. I pretended to sleep just now. I pretended that I fell asleep. 2.I am late for work/ school/ class/ party. 3.He has a few friends. 4. There is a little sugar in the bottle. 5. I added some sugar to water. 6.Don’t smoke in public. 7.Teacher asked me not to clean the classroom. 8 .I borrowed a book from Lil(出自:WwW.HNNscy.Com 博 文学 习 网:安康高新中学寒假作业答案)y. 9. .I am waiting for him. 10. I introduced Lily to Anna. 11. Lily invited me to go to her home for supper. 安康高新中学寒假作业答案篇三:寒假作业答案 高二上学期寒假作业勘误 作业二:16((2)供选择的重物有„„ 改为 若供选择的重物有„„ 作业三:1(„„质量为3 000 kg向北行驶„„ 改为 „„质量为30 000 kg向北行驶„„ 作业五:13(图象纵坐标改为R/Ω 作业六:5(以某一初速度 改为 以某一初动能Ek 作业七:3(?变化了的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场 改为 变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生恒定的磁场 10(所有图纵坐标均为I;四幅图依次编上序号A、B、C、D。 高二上学期寒假作业一(必修1复习题) 1(ABC2(C3(A4(D5(D6(B7(B8(D9(B10(A11(A12(B13(C 14(AC15(11.25;216(20;017(10;15;45;12518(0.21;0.219(D20((1)5N;(2)2m/s2;竖直向上;(3)以10m/s的加速度向上加速或向下减速21((1)0.75;(2)1m22(OA拉力173N;OB拉力100N23((1)N竖直向上、f水平向左、mg竖直向下;(2)N?mg?masin?;f?macos?24((1)2N;(2)0.16m25((1)??30?;(2)F?23.3N( 2 高二上学期寒假作业二(必修2复习题) 1(AC2(C3(B4(B5(D6(C7(C8(D9(D10(D11(B12(D13(C 14(B15((1)不合适;(2)作出L?v2图象;(3)不会16((1)重物;(2)C;(3)左;(4)0.98;(5)0.49;0.48;(6)有摩擦等阻力做功导致机 械能损失17( 离开桌边速度/s; 落地速度/s18(12h19(1.91m20((1) 12 mgr;(2)3721( (2)mg(R?h)22((1)2m/s;(2)0.4m( ? 高二上学期寒假作业三(动量复习题) 1(A2(BC3(D4(B5(CD6(B7(D8(D9(C10(BC11(5:412(0.5v; ? 0.4v13(45?m/s14(-20;16;3615((1)0.5kg;(2) 2N?s16( M?2mM v017(0.4s 18(2.5J( 高二上学期寒假作业四(电场复习题) 1(B2(AD3(A4(B5(D6(C7(B8(B9(C10(AD11(C12(A13(A 14(AD15(B16(AB17(BD18(BD19(ACD20((1)200V/m;(2) -2V21 (E? mgdU g3g ? kqL 2 22((1)正电荷;q?25(4.5?10s( ?2 ; (2)l? 04g 2 23(E? mgq ;(2)U? mv2q 2 24((1)正电荷;(2)1.5?10m/s 4 高二上学期寒假作业五(稳恒电流复习题) 1(CD2(B3(AC4(ACD5(C6(ABD7(B8(A9(A10(C11(AD12((1) 500;(2)如图1所示;(3)大于13((1)保护电源防止被短路、提高测量精度;(2) 1I ;(3)如图2所示;(4)1.4; 1;(5)电流表存在内阻,要分压14((1)50.15;(2)4.700 (4.698~4.700,写4.70或4.7不给分);(3)A2;V1; 如图3所示;如图4所示15((1)如图5所示;(2) A;R1;(3)7.5 Ω 16((1)24W;(2)1800K;(3)4Ω17((1)6V;(2)1A;(3) 6Ω; (4)1.33W18((1)0.6W;(2) 54Ω( 图2 图5 图4 高二上学期寒假作业六(磁场复习题) 1(B2(B3(B4(A5(无答案ed )6(B7(B8(C9(BCD10(AC11(B 12(BD13(BC14(BD15(BD16(BD17(BD18(AC19((1)区 域一存在垂直纸面向里的磁场;区域二存在A 指向C的电场;(2) 3 10V/m;(3)(8,0)20((1) 4 mvqB 2 ;(2) 4π L9v ; (3)(2? L? 21((1)前金属板电势高;(2)Bdv;(3) ?SRS??d ;(4) ?SR(RS??d) 2 2 ( 高二上学期寒假作业七(电磁感应复习题) 1(A2(A3(C4(BD5(AD6(B7(BD8(BD9(B10(C11(C12((拆 去gh导线;甲;本实验仅为探究感应电流产生条件,不必判断感 应电流的方向13((1)40m/s;(2)8W14((1)1T;(2)10m/s; (3)12.5J15((1)0.4A;(2) 0.5J( nπB0r23Rt0 2 ;b到a;(2) 电量q? nπB0r2t1 3Rt0 2 ;热量Q? 2nπB0r2t1 9Rt0 2 2224 16((1)
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