首页 皇帝的新衣文稿



皇帝的新衣文稿皇帝的新衣文稿 旁白: Many years ago lived an emperor. He thought so much of new suits and he wants to wear every beautiful clothes. One day… Emperor(摔衣服):Look! Look, look! I’m the king of this country, but I have no beautiful clothes! Minister: Today two swindlers c...

皇帝的新衣文稿 旁白: Many years ago lived an emperor. He thought so much of new suits and he wants to wear every beautiful clothes. One day… Emperor(摔衣服):Look! Look, look! I’m the king of this country, but I have no beautiful clothes! Minister: Today two swindlers came to our city. They said they were the best swindlers in the world. Emperor:Yeah? That’s really great! Find them and ask them to make the suit for me. Minister: Yes, I will go out and do it now. (The Minister goes out) Swindler-A and B(单膝跪地,一手胸前,一手背后): Your majesty! Emperor: Are you swindlers? Swindler-A: Yes, we are. And we could produce the finest suit, but the stupid man can’t see it. It is wonderful but we need money! (做打响指的动作+猥琐地笑) Emperor(手一挥): That sounds so interesting. Give them money and silk! Let them make the clothes! 旁白:Several days later The emperor: I should know how they are getting on with the suit. The minister, let’s go and see it.(双手背后走出去) 旁白:The minister and the emperor (thought): Am I stupid? Can’t I see anything at all? Swindler-A(装作正在织布): Good morning! Your majesty, you can come near and see clearly. Swindler-B(曲臂): Did you see these finest pattern and beautiful colors? 旁白:The poor minister tried his best, but he could see nothing(此时大臣瞪眼). And the emperor can’t see it, either(皇帝面有难色). But the emperor thought, if I say that I can’t see it, then I’m stupid. Swindler-B: Now, have you got nothing to say? Emperor(不停点头): It is very pretty. What a beautiful pattern, what brilliant colors! Swindler-A and Swindler-B: We are pleased to hear that, it fits you so well.——a wise king.(大声+夸张) Minister: But… (看皇帝一眼,低下头,接着抬起头恶心地笑)Oh, it’s so pretty, pretty! And, you majesty, you can wear the new suit at a great procession which will soon take place. Emperor: A good idea!(竖拇指) 旁白:Three days later… It’s time to have a parade now. The swindlers held their arms up as if they held something in their hands. (骗子双手托举) B: They are all as light as a cobweb, and one must feel as if one had nothing at Swindler- all upon the body; but that is just the beauty of them. All the courtiers: Indeed! Swindler-A: Now please wear these suit.(开始一件一件地穿) 旁白:The emperor undressed, and the swindlers put on the suit for him, one piece after another; and the emperor looked at himself in the glass from every side. Minister: Oh, your majesty! How smart you are! How handsome you are! You are the greatest emperor over the world! (奉承地,越恶心越好) 旁白:The emperor marched in the procession.Everyone in the street and out of the windows shouts. Resident-A: Indeed, the emperor's new suit is incomparable! What a long train he has! How well it fits him! Resident-B: Yes, of course I saw it . it very wonderful. A little child :But he has nothing on at all. The father: Good heavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child. 旁白:And one whispered to the other what the child had said. Resident-A : But he has nothing on at all. Resident-B: But he has nothing on at all. 旁白:At last all the people cried. The emperor thought that they may be right, but he must finish the parade. And the ministers walked after him, as if they carried the train which did not exist. 皇帝的新衣英语课本剧 旁白:Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived an emperor who was very boasting.All he cared about in the world were his fine clothes, and all he thought about was how to get finer ones. 皇帝: now, what’s this called again? 大臣: a zoot suit, your majesty. 皇帝 there, how does it look? 大臣: perfect, your majesty. 旁白although the emperor always wore fine clothes,he was never satisfied with anything. 大臣: your jacket has arrived, your majesty. 皇帝:Great, help me on with it. (穿衣服)well, what do you think of me? 大臣(拿镜子照): it looks good, your majesty. 旁白one day two strangers presented themselves at the palace. 大臣:Mr. snip and stitch, your majesty. master tailors. (大臣摇铃,骗子A骗子B作僵尸状) 骗子A:push me, push me.(撞在一起,醒来) 骗子A: snip 骗子B: and stitch at your service, your majesty. 骗子A: we are the best tailors in the world, your majesty, so, of course, we wanted to make perfect clothes for the emperor. 皇帝:that's great. 骗子B: we would like to create a suit of clothes the world has never seen for your majesty. a suit made from a special fabric that we alone know how to make. 骗子A: this cloth is made of diamonds-- 骗子B: and gold— 骗子A: rubies, pearls— 骗子B: and gold— 骗子A :emeralds, amethysts, opals— 骗子B: and gold— 骗子A: and, of course, gold. 骗子B: of course. 皇帝:oh, of course. 骗子A: but the most unusual thing of this cloth is that it cannot be seen by fools or people who are unfit for the office they hold. 皇帝:oh, really? That’s great! i must have this suit. you must make it for me. money is no problem. 大臣:sure, your majesty. 骗子A(量三围):1000 1000 1000 骗子B:Oh,too thin! 骗子B: inseam: 10 骗子A:that’s too high! 皇帝:Can you begin? 骗子A骗子B:Oh, ok! 旁白:the tailors took over a room in the palace and began to work at once. (骗子A骗子B在聊天) 大臣(偷听,打开门):I want to see the new clothes. 骗子A骗子B(害怕,商量):…Oh, a good idea! 骗子A骗子B(做拖衣服装):Look, it’s so wonderful, it couldn’t be better. 大臣(面向观众):Oh! I can’t see anything, I’m foolish? No, I’m so smart! (面向骗子)Oh! Great! 骗子A骗子B:but the money….. 大臣:money is no problem. 骗子A骗子B(握手):thank you! thank you! 背面T大臣一脚,离开) ( 皇帝:Did you finish it? 骗子A骗子B(做拖衣服装):yes,look, it’s so beautiful! 皇帝:I can’t see it, no ,oh! So great! help me on with it! (脱下衣服摔,后做穿衣服状) 皇帝:how do i look? 大臣:very handsome, your majesty. 骗子AB:oh! It’s really good. 皇帝:let’s go out (大摇大摆的游行) 皇帝:Oh, today I’m so happy, I want to sing a song, special love to special you…(群众做呕装) 小孩:look, mom, the emperor has no clothes on! 妈妈:oh! No!what did you say?the clothes is so good, so beautiful… 皇帝:(紧张的大叫) guards! away with that girl! 警卫:Yes, your majesty! Oh, what a bad girl! go away!(推下台) 皇帝:hmmm. seems a little cold. 大臣: cold. yes, your majesty. very cold(完) 皇帝的新衣文稿 旁白:Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had so many clothes. He just changed his clothes from time to time. (陆春雨) 第一场 The majesty is coming! (郁佳欣) 国王出场 (沈金屹) 随从两人,手举蒲扇。,音乐(大进行曲), 国王:My clothes are the nicest in the world. Ha Ha Ha (大笑) ,音乐播放Nobody,,(随从放下蒲扇,跳舞) 第二场 旁白:News spread (传播)to other kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two shady (不可靠)characters. (陆春雨) 骗子甲:Could we ? Could we fool the Emperor ? (张仁兵) 旁白:They asked themselves。 (陆春雨) 骗子乙:Let's try, (黄昊煜) ,音乐(穷开心 ) , 旁 白:They left their homes and traveled to the Emperor's city (背上背包离开家乡) Here comes the officers! (郁佳欣) 骗子丙:Dear chancellor .We have something very special to show the Emperor。 (施家乐) 大 臣:That's what everyone says。 (吴煜峰) 骗子乙:Ah, but this is magical。We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret material. (黄昊煜) 第三场 The majesty is coming! (郁佳欣) 大臣进屋告诉皇帝(耳语)。 (吴煜峰) 国王:Something magical? (在镜子前试衣服) (沈金屹) (施凯杰手拿镜子,单膝跪地) Oh, I love new things, Show the two tailors(裁缝) in. Here comes the tailors! (郁佳欣) 大臣出屋:Come in. (吴煜峰出去,陈煜跟随) 国王:why do you say your clothes are magical? (沈金屹) 骗子甲:Oh, your majesty! It is made of gold, silver and it has the color of rainbow. (张仁兵) 骗子乙:It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool。 (黄昊煜) 骗子丙: It is as light as air, the most wonderful. (施家乐) 国王:There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks’ time, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time? (沈金屹) 骗子甲:Oh yes, your Majesty! But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make. (张仁兵) 国王:No matter, (挥挥手) (沈金屹) Money is no problem. I must have an outfit. Make it in the palace. 骗子窃喜,,音乐播放 (菠萝菠萝蜜), 大臣:Please come here . (陈煜) 三个大臣把骗子领到织布机旁,骗子作出织衣的样子 第四场: 旁白:Several days passed. The officers are coming! (郁佳欣) 国王:Chamberlain,(大臣) Go to the tailors and see how the clothes are processing. The parade is going to start in a week. (沈金屹) 大臣:Yes . (三个大臣齐答) 陈煜做敲门动作,其余在外面等了一下 骗子甲:Come in, please! (非常兴奋) (张仁兵) 大臣:The Emperor has sent me to check on the progress of the clothes, (很奇怪的盯着织布机) (吴煜峰) 骗子甲:Is it not beautiful? See the style, feel the softness! (张仁兵) 骗子乙:Oh wise Chamberlain ,Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever can see the cloth. (黄昊煜) 骗子丙:Most people would see an empty loom(织布机), but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth. (施家乐) 大臣:Mm,(不知道该说什么)oh, my god !Am I foolish? I would not let others know it! (自言自语) (走远一些) (吴煜峰) 骗子甲:Are you satisfied? (张仁兵) 大臣:Of course,(不想让别人看出来) It is really perfect. Look at it carefully. (拉着其他两位大臣一起看) 大臣:Those colors, that shimmer(闪烁) of the gold and silver threads(银线), perfect! (陈煜) 大臣:En, wonderful! So wonderful! (施凯杰) 骗子甲:Oh, you are so wise. (张仁兵) 第五场: 旁白:The Emperor was very impatient and couldn't wait for the Chamberlain to return. After ten minutes of pacing up and down(踱步), he went to the tailors ' room, followed by half of his court.(国王焦虑地 走来走去,很不耐烦,随后随从与国王一起走进织布室) The majesty is coming! (郁佳欣) 皇帝:(先推开门)Why?(惊奇) (沈金屹) 大臣:Your Majesty~A wise man such as you can surely see the colors and sheen(光泽) of this magical cloth. (吴煜峰) 皇帝:oh, my god ! Am I foolish? I would not let others know it! (自言自 语) Of course I can, It's beautiful. Simply fantastic. When can my outfit be made? (沈金屹) 骗子乙:Your Majesty, We would be happy to make your outfit for you. There is no need to trouble your hard-working tailor. (黄昊煜) 骗子丙:It is such a difficult job to cut and sew. We will make the suit. (施家乐) 国王:Ha Ha Ha , Very well, First fitting tomorrow. (沈金屹) 骗子甲:Is it not beautiful? Of course, only the wise and clever can see the beauty of the cloth. (对官员讲) Look at it . (张仁兵,做个引导的动作) 大臣:Of course~ (齐答) 旁白:They muttered and discussed at the Emperor's fittings, cutting there until at last the suit was made. the following day was the day of the parade. ,音乐(color song), 第六场: 国王:Am I not the most handsome man in my perfect suit?(高兴地对 大臣和官员门讲) (沈金屹) 大臣:Undoubtedly(不容置疑), sir,There is no outfit on Earth to equal this one. (齐答) 旁白:The Emperor was dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of his amazing outfit had reached the people of the town and all wanted to see him. ,音乐(模范棒棒堂), 大臣:The parade now begins! (施凯杰) 观众1:It’s said that only the truly clever can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man will see the wonderful cloth. (卫佳敏) 观众2:Oh, really? What a suit~ (赵甜甜) 观众3:Oh, really? (戴茅灵) 小孩:What suit? The Emperor has no clothes on at all! (陆周燕南) 观众:It's true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked! (齐答) 皇帝:Am I? Am I? oh ,no!(审视自己,害羞的跑下场了) (沈金屹) 结束音乐 :英文歌曲 (圣诞快乐)
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