首页 铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案(修改1)-郭跃进



铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案(修改1)-郭跃进铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案(修改1)-郭跃进 山西煤炭运销集团 铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案 按照集团公司2010年工作会议确定的“12345”发展战略和“135”战略步聚~以及“大销售、大物流、大通道、大市场”的总体部署~以集团效益最大化为导向~以转型发展为动力~以提升煤炭销售集中度、强化内部管控为主线~以信息化技术为平台~整合集团公司铁路事业部、晋中南、晋东南公司~组建铁路煤炭销售总公司~发挥各级公司在地方煤炭的主渠道作用~为打造亿吨级煤炭大集团提供坚实的物流经销服务保障体系。 一、组织机构及职责 ,一...

铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案(修改1)-郭跃进 山西煤炭运销集团 铁路煤炭销售总公司组建方案 按照集团公司2010年工作会议确定的“12345”发展战略和“135”战略步聚~以及“大销售、大物流、大通道、大市场”的总体部署~以集团效益最大化为导向~以转型发展为动力~以提升煤炭销售集中度、强化内部管控为主线~以信息化技术为平台~整合集团公司铁路事业部、晋中南、晋东南公司~组建铁路煤炭销售总公司~发挥各级公司在地方煤炭的主渠道作用~为打造亿吨级煤炭大集团提供坚实的物流经销服务保障体系。 一、组织机构及职责 ,一,铁路销售总公司主要职能 铁路销售总公司作为集团铁路煤炭销售的唯一主体~负责全系统铁路煤炭销售的市场营销、 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 、计划、调运、行业服务等业务的管理,对各子公司销售的煤炭质量、数量、价格及货款结算进行监管,对各市子公司铁路煤炭各项销售任务指标进行分解和考核。 ,二,组织机构设置 铁路煤炭销售公司设综合部、合同部、计划部、财务结算部、发煤站管理部、调度信息中心,个职能部门及市场公司、港口公司两个对外部门。 ,三,公司部门职责 1、合同部 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and ,1,贯彻落实国家、省市煤炭产业政策以及相关的法律法规~制定和完善公司铁路煤炭购销合同管理办法。 ,2,负责合同文本的制定及合同条款的修改,负责合同的录入、审核、签章、分解、下达~合同的履行、变更、中止等工作。 ,3,负责年、月度铁路煤炭销售合同价格的确定和价格调整。 ,4,负责合同台帐管理及合同的整理和归档工作 ,5,协助处理销售中出现的商务纠纷。 ,6,负责合同专用章的管理。 ,7,完成领导交办的其它工作。 2、计划部 ,1,掌握国家及省有关煤炭政策法规~铁路运输政策及动态~制订铁路煤炭运输计划管理办法。 ,2,负责与各铁路局的运力衔接~依据煤炭销售合同和资源情况~结合铁路流向及省有关部门的要求~制定并下达年、月度铁路运输计划方案。 ,3,负责月度计划及日常计划的管理,审核各公司提报的货物服务订单。 ,4,负责铁路月度计划和日常计划审批,协调交易中心及铁路部门~及时处理计划核准中出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 ,5,负责月度铁路核准计划的分解下达~并通报相关部门和市场公司、港口公司。 ,6,建立计划管理台帐~及时对铁路运输计划的执行情况 drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and uctionmments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to constrnotice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept cor the s for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Ohe nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basining tabout personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without sigull consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for fcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-logies approved system. Sotechnod put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the ipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff shoulrials, equEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 2 - 进行分析~根据资源、运力、市场动态、各单位发运情况实施动态管理~及时解决在计划执行中出现的问题。 ,7,负责铁路煤炭可持续发展基金和销售票的查验工作。 ,8,负责铁路煤炭运输信息的收集、整理和分析~为公司营销工作提供依据。 ,9,负责铁路运输计划专用章的管理和年、月度计划整理、归档等工作。 ,10,完成领导交办的其它工作。 3、调度信息中心 ,1,依据铁路月度核准计划及日常计划~结合资源组织、用户接卸及铁路流向、货款结算等情况~制定月、旬、日调运方案。 ,2,负责与铁路局日常衔接~及时协调解决铁路运输中出现的问题。 ,3,负责各铁路局日请车计划的审批和落实~保证月度销售任务的完成。 ,4,掌握各发煤站上站煤数量、质量、价格、库存、装车等情况~科学合理地组织发运。 ,5,掌握铁路、港口运输动态~用户接卸能力、付款等情况~及时调整调运方案。 ,6,建立上站煤台帐和调运台帐~负责日、周、月、季度数据统计分析工作。 ,7,负责日调度例会的组织。 ,8,负责收集汇总分析各部门、各级公司、基层单位信息~ uction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, andconstrept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to r the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accnges Oa basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design chaning the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as t signits about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Withoufor full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction u ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shangcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-technologies approved system. Sothe should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement s, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staffrialEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 3 - 编制周、月《铁路运销信息》。 ,9,负责协调处理突发事件。 ,10,负责编制日、周、月分析报告。 ,11,完成领导交办的其它工作。 总度室下设北京、郑州调运办公室。 郑州调运办公室 ,1,掌握郑州铁路局运输信息。 ,2,负责郑州铁路局的运力衔接~协助计划部办理郑州铁路局月度计划及日常计划的审批。 ,3,负责郑州铁路局日请车计划的审批~协调各发煤站的装车和日装车计划的落实~保证计划的兑现。 ,4,掌握郑州铁路局管辖范围内各发煤单位资源及用户情况~建立调运台帐~根据各单位发运情况及铁路运输动态~及时提出调整建议。 ,5,及时向有关单位和部门反馈郑州铁路局运输信息。 ,6,完成领导交办的各项工作。 北京调运办公室 ,1,负责收集掌握国家有关部委、行业协会、北京铁路局相关信息。 ,2,负责与北京铁路局进行衔接~协助计划部门办理郑州铁路局月度计划及日常计划的审批。 ,3,负责北京铁路局日请车计划的审批~协调各发煤站的装车和日装车计划的落实~保证计划的兑现。 ,4,掌握北京铁路局管辖范围内各发煤单位资源及用户情 drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and uctionmments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to constrnotice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept cor the s for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Ohe nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basining tabout personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without sigull consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for fcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-logies approved system. Sotechnod put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the ipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff shoulrials, equEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 4 - 况~建立调运台帐~根据各单位发运情况及铁路运输动态~及时提出调整建议。 ,5,及时向有关单位和部门反馈国家各部委、行业协会、北京铁路局信息。 ,6,完成领导交办的各项工作。 4、财务结算部 ,1,掌握相关的财务政策、税务法规~根据集团财务 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 及统一结算办法~建立健全销售总公司内部财务管理体制及全系统结算网络监管体系~规范结算程序和财务管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~为公司正常运行提供保障。 ,2,负责对各市铁路销售公司、集团直属煤矿、集团全资,控股,公司的经销量、销售收入、经营利润进行考核。 ,3,根据集团公司确定的费用标准~制定公司费管理办法。 ,4,负责公司本部、市场公司、港口公司费用预算审批及考核~汇总分析费用使用情况~严格费用支出审批制度。 ,5,制定货款结算考核办法~根据合同约定的煤炭价格、结算方式等条款及集团规定~对各铁路销售公司货款结算工作进行指导及监管。 ,6,根据用户付款及资信情况~对年度销售方案、月度正式,补充,计划及调运方案提出建议~对欠款较大或资信差或无预付款、信誉较差的市场用户有权提出停止发运。 ,7,督促各子公司与用户及时对帐、清理拖欠货款,牵头组织对大额拖欠货款及呆死帐款的清理。 ,8,及时对各销售公司销售的煤炭价格、结算期限、欠款、 constrept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to r the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accnges Oa basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design chaning the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as t signits about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Withoufor full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction u ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shangcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-technologies approved system. Sothe should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement s, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staffrialEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate-uction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 5 - 上站煤成本等情况进行分析~完成周、月、季度铁路煤炭经营情况报告。 ,9,负责对代理结算单位资格进行审批。 ,10,完成领导交办的其它工作。 5、站务管理部 ,1,掌握国家及省、市煤炭产业政策、法规~分析判断政策的变化对集团公司铁路煤炭销售各个环节可能产生的影响~为领导的决策提供依据。 ,2,负责计划纳入集团统一管理的铁路煤炭经营单位经营资格证的初审、年检、换证、存档等管理及铁路煤炭发运立户、变更等服务工作。 ,3,掌握铁路通道建设信息及资源整合信息~负责集团公司发煤站布局、布点规划。 ,4,按照发煤站规模的大小、产权关系~及铁路发展要求~对集团所有单位及发煤站进行分类管理~提出集团公司发煤站建设规划及整合方案,参与新建,改扩建,发煤站可行性报告、投资主体资格的审查及验收。 ,5,制订发煤站管理办法~负责发煤站管理及发煤站标准化建设、站长资格认证、培训考核等工作。 ,6,督促各子公司、发煤站完善计量、质量查验设施和各项管理制度~组织化验人员培训和资格认证。 ,7,完成领导交办的其他工作。 6、综合部 ,1,负责制定内部管理制度~并监督执行。 drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and uctionmments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to constrnotice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept cor the s for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Ohe nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basining tabout personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without sigull consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for fcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-logies approved system. Sotechnod put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the ipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff shoulrials, equEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 6 - ,2,制订公司本部及各铁路销售公司的考核办法~并负责考核。 ,3,负责公司公文的起草工、收发、督办、归档等工作。 ,4,根据工作安排~督促、跟踪工作任务执行情况,协助领导及有关部门处理重大突发事件。 ,5,负责会议的准备、组织、经费预算、会议纪要等工作。 ,6,负责后勤保障、车辆管理及办公用品等内勤工作。 ,7,负责公司印章管理。 ,8,负责组织有关专题调查及建议收集~传达上级部门和公司政策精神~反映基层情况。 ,9,负责日常接待和费用审批。 ,10,完成领导交办的各项工作。 7、市场公司 ,1,根据集团公司经营目标及市场情况~制定公司营销战略及年、月度营销方案。 ,2,负责煤炭市场开发、整合及用户衔接~协助合同部完成合同签订工作~并根据市场、用户情况~提出调整建议。 ,3,负责区域市场的开拓和管理~以及客户服务体系建设~战略合作伙伴和大客户群的培育。 ,4,负责市场信息的收集、整理、分析、反馈工作。 ,5,协助结算部门催收、清欠煤款~配合有关部门处理商务纠纷。 ,6,负责区域市场公司、驻厂员、营销员的管理和业务培训。 -uction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, andconstrept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to r the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accnges Oa basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design chaning the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as t signits about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Withoufor full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction u ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shangcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-technologies approved system. Sothe should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement s, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staffrialEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate 7 - ,7,负责区域煤炭集散地的建设及管理。 ,8,完成领导交办的其它工作。 铁路销售总公司根据市场分布~设若干区域市场公司。 区域市场公司职责 ,1,负责本区域内市场的开发~业务洽谈~签订购销意向,发展战略合作伙伴。 ,2,掌握本区域内相关行业的产业政策、发展规划业及市场动态。 ,3,掌握本区域内各行业生产状况及煤炭生产、需求、调入信息。 ,4,掌握本区域内各用户的日常运行情况,发电负荷、月度需求、日耗煤量、煤炭库存、进货渠道、到厂价格等,~煤炭的需求、价格变化情况。 ,5,负责到厂煤炭的验收~质量、数量的核对及售后服务等工作。 ,6,协助有关部门及单位处理日常商务纠纷。 ,7,协助各销售公司~传递结算票据、催收货款。 ,8,负责本区域内驻厂员的管理和考核工作。 8、港口公司 ,1,负责集团公司所有到港煤炭及其他到港经营煤炭的装卸、质检、中转、结算等服务工作。 ,,,根据用户需求~做好到港煤炭的储配、加工工作~拓展市场空间~实现销售阵地前移~通过煤炭的二次增值销售~提高公司经济效益。 drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and uctionmments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to constrnotice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept cor the s for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Ohe nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basining tabout personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without sigull consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for fcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-logies approved system. Sotechnod put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the ipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff shoulrials, equEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 8 - ,3,负责港口煤用户的开发~建立稳定的销售渠道。 ,4,负责港口及市场信息的收集反馈工作。 ,5,负责港口日、周、月装运情况的分析上报工作。 ,6,负责路、港、矿,厂,衔接~签订港杂费用 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ~以及港杂费用的审核、结算等工作~按月与各矿,厂,、港口对账~确保数量准确无误。 ,7,完成领导交办的各项工作。 二、各市铁路销售公司 各市子公司整合各市铁路事业部,成立铁路销售公司,公司经理由各子公司提名,由集团公司人力资源部、铁路销售总公司共同考察~报集团公司批准任命,其他班子成员由各市子公司提名报铁路销售总公司批复后任命,。 铁路销售公司职责 1、根据铁路销售总公司下达的任务指标~负责本区域内的铁路销售工作。 2、按照销售总公司的管理规定~设置相应的对口管理部门。 3、负责区域内上站煤采购品种、数量、质量、价格的衔接。 4、负责本区域内上站煤、商品煤数量、质量的监管~建立上站煤、站存煤台帐。 5、负责本区域煤炭政策、生产、价格等信息的收集与反馈。 6、根据各发煤站任务完成情况及资源、预收款情况~提出月度及日常计划、调运方案调整建议。 7、按照总公司调运方案~负责协调铁路站段~协同发煤站做好请车、装车工作。 uction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, andconstrept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to r the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accnges Oa basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design chaning the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as t signits about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Withoufor full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction u ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shangcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-technologies approved system. Sothe should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement s, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staffrialEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare mate- 9 - 8、按照集团结算管理办法~负责区域内铁路煤炭的统一结算工作。 9、负责货款回收、支付、清欠、商务纠纷的处理。 10、负责监督发煤站装车煤炭数量、质量等信息的录入和上报。 11、负责对发煤站的经销量、销售收入、经营利润、上站煤成本的考核。 12、负责对本区域内发煤站的整合建设、规划提出建议~负责标准化发煤站的建设及行业管理工作。 12、负责对本区域日、周、月、季度铁路销售运行情况的分析及上报工作。 13、负责各发煤站驻站员的派驻与管理。 14、完成领导交办的各项工作。 三、业务流程 ,一,销售总公司组织框架及业务流程图,附件一, ,二,市场营销流程图,附件二, ,三,计划调运流程图,附件三, ,四,营销方案编制流程,附件四, ,五,销售合同签订流程图,附件五, ,六,铁路运输计划编制流程,附件六, ,七,铁路煤炭运输日常计划编制流程,附件七, ,八,煤炭调运管理流程图,附件八, ,九,商务纠纷处理流程图,附件九, ,十,办理铁路立户及变更企业名称和发站流程图,附件十, uctionmments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to constrnotice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept cor the s for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Ohe nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basining tabout personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without sigull consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units ang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for fcalled technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Sh-logies approved system. Sotechnod put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the ipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff shoulrials, equEngineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare matedrawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and- 10 -
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