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英语教师聘用合同英语教师聘用合同 English Teacher Employment Contract 招聘方:太原洋话连篇语言培训学校 Employer: Taiyuan Modern English school 受聘方: 为全职外籍英语教师 Employee: full time native English teacher 一、聘用期限: Term of Contract: 聘用期限为 12个月 ,从 2009 年 月 日 起至 2010 年 月 日 。 The term of employment i...

英语教师聘用 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 English Teacher Employment Contract 招聘方:太原洋话连篇语言 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 学校 Employer: Taiyuan Modern English school 受聘方: 为全职外籍英语教师 Employee: full time native English teacher 一、聘用期限: Term of Contract: 聘用期限为 12个月 ,从 2009 年 月 日 起至 2010 年 月 日 。 The term of employment is valid for a period of 12 months, beginning , 2009 ending , 2010. 二、聘用报酬 Payment for the employment 1( 招聘方支付受聘方的工资标准为 6000 元/月。受聘方每周工作时间为 20 课时(或办公时间)。工作 时间超过20课时以上,每加班一课时,支付60元人民币,但每周工作时间不超过40小时。 Net salary will be 6000 RMB per month for the working time of 20 classes(or office work) a week. Classes above 20 are to be paid at a rate of 60 RMB per class. And the working hours per week shall not exceed 40 hours. 2. 招聘方于每月18号及下月3号支付受聘方薪水,如遇节假日顺延至下一工作日。 thrdThe Employee will be paid on the 18,and the 3 of the next month. And the employee will be paid on the first work-day after the day-off if the pay-day is the day-off for the financial department. 三、招聘方将向受聘方提供以下条件: Description of services provided by the Employer。 1( 招聘方应该在受聘方突然入院治疗时提供紧急协助。 The Employer will provide emergency assistance to teachers in the event of a critical hospital visit. 2(受聘方应在所有合法节假日带薪,包括圣诞节、元旦、春节、清明节、五一、国庆节、中秋节和端午节。 Teachers will be paid for all the legal Chinese holidays. Inc. The Christmas Day (one day),The Chinese Spring Festival(three days), The National Day (three days), the May Day (one days),the tomb sweeping day (one day),the moon festival(one day), the dragon boat festival(one day). 3. 招聘方提供受聘方每月500元人民币的住房补助。 The employer will provide 500RMB per month for housing. 4. 招聘方提供每月200元的暖气费、水费、煤气费、电费以及市内电话补助。 The emplo9yer will provide 200RMB/month for heat, water, gas, electricity and local phone bill. 5. 招聘方将为受聘方办理医疗保险和意外伤害保险。 The employer will provide medical insurance and emergency insurance to the employee. 6. 招聘方将为受聘方办理可以合法在洋话连篇工作的签证。 The employer will provide a visa that the employee can legally work at Modern English. 四、受聘方应提供的服务 Description of services provided by the Employee: 1( 受聘方有义务按照洋话连篇的各项规章制度开展教学。 The Employee is responsible for conducting Modern English classes according to the principles and guidelines set forth by Modern English. 1) 主要目标是给学员注入英语交流的自信心和能力,以便学员能够以标准的北美国家英语进行日常对 话。 The key goal is to instill in students the confidence and ability to drive a conversation according to North American norms of conversation. 2) 受聘方应当尽一切努力使教学活动与洋话连篇电视节目有机地结合起来。其中应包含以下几点: The teacher will make every attempt to bridge classroom activities with the Modern English TV 1 show. This might include: , 互动的角色扮演 Interactive role-playing , 以幽默形式与形体语言来体现想法、观念与情绪。 Humor & body language to emphasize idea, concept, emotion , 矫正说话的遣词用句和语音、语调。 Correcting for usage, pronunciation, intonation and modulation in speech. , 关键的是要让学员能够交谈并且尽可能多地说英语。 Ultimately, the key focus is to have students converse and speak as much as possible. 3) 受聘方应当穿戴整洁。禁止穿破烂的牛仔服、开口的体恤衫及其他不适宜的服装。 The Employee will have a neat appearance. Tattered jeans, torn t-shirts, inappropriately branded clothing, are not allowed. 4) 受聘方应遵守招聘方制定的各项规章制度,严格考勤。受聘方不得迟到早退,如每月迟到早退三次 以上或旷工两次以上,学校有权将其除名,并且不能享受年终奖(6000人民币),年累计请假不得 超过7次,累计不得超过15天,否则同样不能享受年终奖. The Employee shall observe the various rules and regulations made by the employer, The employee will never be allowed to be late for work and to leave in the middle of work. The school will determinate the contract and the employee will not get the contract completion(,6000) if the employee is late for work three times in a month or the employee is absent from work without a notice twice in a month. The total sick leave will not exceed 7 times (15 days) or the employee will not get the contract completion. 5) 受聘方应当在课前预习教课计划及课文。 The Employees should preview lesson plan and textbook material in advance of the class. 6) 受聘方应无条件接受任何由洋话连篇学校安排的校内和校外教学工作包括灵活的工作安排 The Employees should accept all of the teaching work arranged by Modern English school (including the work arrangement at Modern English school and the work arrangement out side of Modern English school). 8) 受聘方在合同期一个月以后授课平均满意度(学生满意度、教学部主管满意度)不得低于60%。 The Employees should maintain an average teaching satisfaction of 60% (judged by the students and the academic director). 1) 受聘方有义务在学校组织下研发教材。 The Employees should be responsible for teaching material researching under the organization of the school. 2) 受聘方应在规定时间内完成所指派的工作任务。 The Employees should finish the assigned work on time. 2( 教学材料及课堂用其他资料 Classroom/Instructional materials: 1) 每个教学点都有为初级与中级水平的学员设置的标准化教学计划。每个教师都应该有一套主教科 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 受聘方在合同期满的时候应把教科书退还给应聘方,如有丢失照价赔偿。 Standardized lesson plans for beginner and intermediate levels are available at all teaching locations. Every teacher should have a set of the main textbooks. Employee should return all the textbooks to employer at the end of the contract. Losing of the books should be pay as the value of the compensation. 2) 受聘方应该酌情寻找课外材料,作为教课的补充。 The teacher will, at his or her discretion, source and use outside material as a supplement to the classroom material. 3( 受聘方不得在洋话连篇以外任何正式的语言培训中心、语言学校、大学/学院或其他任何机构擅自教课。 受聘方可以在假期期间进行一对一的授课,但要经过总经理审核并批准。受聘方应当尽最大努力做好本 职工作以及其他正在进行着的项目。在洋话连篇以外的工作在利益与时间上不能与洋话连篇的工作有任 何冲突,而且还要忠于公司,保守公司秘密。 Employee is not allowed to teach outside of Modern English at any formal language-training center, language school, college/university or any other institution. However, discretionary exceptions may be made for an Employee to conduct one-one training sessions during his/her off time. This is subject to review and approval by the General Manager. The Employee will try his best on his/her teaching hours plus any other discretionary projects that they are working on. The work of the employee outside the Modern English shall not have any conflicts of interest or schedule with Modern English. The 2 Employee shall act in good faith and confidence with Modern English. 4( 受聘方应该无条件参与洋话连篇举办的各类庆典活动,包括年中与年终的各类聚会以及其他临时性社会 活动。 From time-to-time, teachers will participate in the various celebration activities of Modern English under all occasions such as mid-year and end-of-year parties or other temporary social activities. 5( 受聘方应与中方合作教师及其他同事保持真诚、友好及团结合作的关系。 Teachers will be expected to maintain cordial, friendly and cooperative relationships with their Chinese co-teachers and other associates. 6( 受聘方有义务保留合理的工作纪录,一切相关单据应整理好并在发薪日前三天送交教学部主管。 Employees are responsible for keeping proper work records and all applicable receipts should be stthdocumented and given to the academic director on the 1 and the 16. 7( 受聘方如请事假,应至少要提前2周提出。如果因为患病,受聘方无法参与教课,应该尽提前至少6小 时通知招聘方。 Leave of absences should be requested at least 2 weeks in advance. If for reason of sickness, an Employee cannot administer a class, he or she should notify their supervisor of the Employer ASAP. 8. 损坏学校或是公寓财产应照价赔偿。 Any of the damage of the property of the school or the property of the apartment school provided should be paid the value of the compensation. 五、教师提供方专利权与版权的所有权: Ownership of patents and/or copyrights by the teacher providing party: 招聘方拥有过去、现在和将来所有东方友人信息有限公司制作的电视产品、印刷品以及其他媒体产品(材 料)的专利权与版权。 The Employer will own all past, present and future patents and/or copyrights for any television material, print material and other media material produced by Beijing Eastern Friend Economic Info Consultant Co. Ltd (EES). 如果在教室摄影或者拍摄电视节目,招聘方不向受聘方提供任何补偿。 If film or TV footage is taken during the class, the Employer does not offer any compensation to the Employee. 六、受聘方终止合同 Employee’s Termination of Contract: 1( 受聘方至少应提前一个月书面向教师提供方及招聘方说明终止合同的原因。 The Employee shall explain to Modern English and the Employer the reasons of the contract termination in written form at least one month ahead of time. 七、续签合同 Employer’s Renewal of Contract: 1( 由于家庭破裂或者其他的突发事件导致的合同突然中止,招聘方保留续签合同的权利。 The Employer reserves the right and option to renew the contract in event of sudden cessation of services due to family bereavement or related emergencies. 2( 由于严重的家庭突发事件如受聘方的直系家庭成员患病、死亡或者受重伤等等,招聘方应当尽一切可能 的努力为其提供方便,并且为其保留职位。 In the event of a serious family emergency involving sickness, death or critical injury to a family member, the Employer will make all reasonable attempts to facilitate leave of absence and safe passage for the teacher concerned and reserve the position for the Employee. 八、招聘方终止合同 Employer’s termination of the Employee: 由于以下几种情况导致合同的终止: The conditions below provide grounds for the revocation of the agreement: 1) 受聘方因为严重的疾病和受伤而无法继续教课。 Employee cannot continue teaching due to serious illness or injury. 2) 受聘方有酗酒、吸毒行为;或者参与刑事犯罪活动与违反公共道德行为。 Employee has an alcohol or drug addiction; or is involved in criminal activity/corruption of public morals. 3 3) 受聘方故意中伤或者损害洋话连篇公共形象,应受纪律处分/或终止合同。 Any Employee who willfully and with deliberate calculation slanders or damages the public image of Modern English will be subject to disciplinary punishment action and/or termination. 4) 受聘方病事假、缺勤情况严重,严重影响招聘方正常教学日程安排。 The employee has serious sick leave or too much absence and which seriously affects the normal teaching arrangement of the employer. 5) 如果受聘方经过评估不能够达到最低的教学标准要求,招聘方将给予受聘方接受额外培训机会,但 是在三星期内必须有进步,如果没有明显的进步,招聘方有权终止合同。 If the Employee fails to meet minimum expectations of instruction, based upon evaluations, the Employee will be given the opportunity to have additional training, and must show improvement within 3 weeks. If there is no discernable improvement, the Employer has the discretion to terminate the contract. 6) 如果受聘方的整体言行举止对于周围良好的工作环境有损害。 If the Employee’s overall performance and behavior is detrimental to the positive atmosphere of the workplace. 九、争议解决途径 Settlement of disputes: 太原洋话连篇语言培训学校的规章制度,及如有必要,则相应的市及中华人民共和国法律将适用于管辖、 仲裁、调解与解决争议。 The rules and regulations of Taiyuan Modern English school, and if necessary, the appropriate municipal and national laws of the People’s Republic of China, will come into play to administer, arbitrate, mediate and resolve the dispute at hand. 十、信任机制 Good Faith: 招聘方与受聘方应当互相信任。招聘方没有合理的原因不能解雇受聘方,受聘方应当尽力圆满地履行自 己的义务,并且符合洋话连篇定立的标准。 The Employer and the Employee will act in good faith toward each other. The Employer will not dismiss the Employee without the reasonable cause, and the Employee will do his/her utmost to satisfactorily fulfill all the responsibilities and meet all the conditions as set forth by Modern English. 洋话连篇的宗旨是:在享受教学并把洋话连篇品牌推向更高点的同时,为学员创造一次完美的、难以忘怀的 学习经历。 THE OVERALL MISSION IS TO GENERATE A GREAT & MEMORABLE LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR STUDENTS, WHILE ENJOYING YOUR TEACHING AND DRIVING THE MODERN ENGLISH BRAND EVEN HIGHER. 双方同意以上合同条款。 The undersigned parties agree to all the stipulated terms of the contract. 招聘方:太原洋话连篇语言培训学校 EMPLOYER: TAIYUAN MODERN ENGLISH SCHOOL 代表签字: 盖章: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: SEAL: 日期: DATE 受聘方: 日期: EMPLOYEE DATE 4
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