首页 人大代表主要职责



人大代表主要职责人大代表主要职责 一、认真学习宪法和法律法规、党和国家的路线、方针和政策、上级人大的决议决定~以及人大工作的理论知识~努力提高自身素质。 二、模范地遵守宪法、法律和法规~在自己参加的生产、工作和社会活动中~协助宪法和法律法规及人大决议决定的贯彻实施。 三、按时出席人民代表大会会议~认真审议列入大会议程的各项议案、报告并发表意见~提出议案和建议、批评和意见等~努力行使好大会期间的各项职权。 四、积极参加闭会期间人大组织的培训学习、视察、专题调研、执法检查、评议“一府两院”工作、代表向选民述职等各项活动,积极参...

人大代表主要 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 一、认真学习宪法和法律法规、党和国家的路线、方针和政策、上级人大的决议决定~以及人大工作的理论知识~努力提高自身素质。 二、模范地遵守宪法、法律和法规~在自己参加的生产、工作和社会活动中~协助宪法和法律法规及人大决议决定的贯彻实施。 三、按时出席人民代表大会会议~认真审议列入大会议程的各项议案、报告并发表意见~提出议案和建议、批评和意见等~努力行使好大会期间的各项职权。 四、积极参加闭会期间人大组织的 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 学习、视察、专题调研、执法检查、评议“一府两院”工作、代表向选民述职等各项活动,积极参加代表团,组,的各项活动。 五、保持同选民的密切联系~通过走访、座谈、接待等多种形式~认真听取和反映选民的意见和要求~努力为人民服务。 六、在自己参加的生产、工作和社会活动中~发挥模范带头作用~协助政府推进工作。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 人大代表向选民述职 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 一、市、镇人大代表述职按选区进行~每位代表在一届任期内都要向原选区的选民述职一次。 二、代表的述职活动由市人大常委会及镇区人大组织。 三、代表述职的主要内容: 1学习宣传和贯彻执行宪法、法律、法规~以及人大决议决定的情况, 2参加人代会期间审议议案和各项工作报告~以及提出代表议案与建议、批评和意见等情况, 3参加闭会期间各项代表活动的情况, 4联系选民、听取和反映选民意见和要求~为群众办实事的情况等。 四、述职代表应当按照述职内容的要求~认真总结履职情况~撰写好述职报告。 五、代表述职会议由原选区选民代表参加~人数一般不少于50人。 六、代表在述职会议上应口头向选民述职~述职后由选民代表对其进行评议~提出意见和建议~并进行测评~测评结果应当当场公布。 七、选民评议意见和测评结果应汇总后书面反馈代表本人。 八、代表的述职报告~以及汇总后的选民评议意见和测评结果等 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 应报市级人大常委会及镇区人大留存。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 人大代表接待选民日制度 一、为了进一步密切人大代表与选民的联系~确定每月10日为代表接待选民日,如遇双休日~则顺延至第一个工作日关 二、代表接待选民日活动的地点一般安排在人大代表之家~也可以根据具体情况确定其他地点。 三、每月的代表接待选民日活动~由人大代表之家内的人大代表轮流参加接待。 四、在每月的代表接待选民日前五天~分别在各社区发布代表接待选民日公告~告知具体的接待时间、地点和代表名单。 五、代表在接待选民时要出示代表证,在接待过程中~要认真听取选民反映的问题和意见~并作好记录~但不道接处理问题。 六、代表在接待选民过程中~对于选民反映的问题和意见~需要进行解释和说明的~应当耐心细致地做好说服工作。 七、代表在接待选民后~对于选民反映的问题和意见~需要由有关部门或单位办理的~要认真进行归纳整理~并交由代表团负责人进行处理。 八、对于接待中选民反映的问题和意见是属于人大职权范围内的事项或者具有普遍性的问题~代表可以以提出代表议案或建议等形式~并交由代表团负责人~报送县人大常委会。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 人大代表学习制度 一、学习的主要内容:宪法和法律、法规,党的路线、方针、政策,人民代表大会制度和社会主义民主法制理论,代表的权利和应尽义务,与代表工作有关的专业知识等。 二、学习的主要形式:集中学习讨论,专题讲座,交流学习体会,个人自学等。 三、根据代表团,组,开展的视察、调研~以及参加的执法检查等活动内容~在开展活动之前组织代表学习相关的法律、法规和业务知识。 四、学习活动由代表召集人主持~每次活动要安排人员做好记录。 五、代表要按时参加学习~认真做好笔记,要联系自己的履职实际积极思考、参与讨论,要注意抽出时间安排好自学~不断提高自己的履职能力和水平。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 人大代表的权利与义务 地方各级人民代表大会代表是地方各级国家权力机关组成人 员~代表人民的利益和意志~依照宪法和法律赋予的各项职权~ 参加行使国家权力。 代表的权利主要有: 1(出席本级人民代表大会会议~应邀列席有关会议 2(审议大会各项议案和报告~表决各项决议和决定 3(提出议案、建议、批评和意见 4(提出询问和质询 5(选举或者罢免上一级人大代表和同级国家机关领导人员或 组成人员 6(成立代表小组开展闭会期间的代表活动 7(对本级或者下级国家机关和有关单位的工作进行视察 8(约见本级或者下级有关国家机关负责人 9(提出组织和参加关于特定问题调查委员会 10(依法提议临时召集人民代表大会会议 代表的义务主要有: 1(模范地遵守宪法和法律~协助宪法和法律的实施 2(协助本级人民政府推行工作~为人民群众办实事 3(出席人民代表大会会议~依法行使职权 4(积极参加闭会期间的代表活动~充分发挥代表作用 5(与选民或者原选举单位保持密切联系~听取和反映他们的 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 意见和要求~接受他们的监督 6(保守国家秘密 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 人大代表团(组)活动制度 一、代表团,组,年初制定年度活动 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~对全年的代表小组活动进行安排。每年的代表团,组,活动不少于4次。 二、代表团,组,活动的主要内容为: 1学习宣传宪法、法律、法规~党和国家方针、政策~上级人大决议、决定~并对其执行情况进行视察、调研, 2开展联系和接待选民活动~听取选民意见, 3听取有关部门工作情况汇报~反映群众的意见和要求~协助本级人民政府推行工作, 4交流代表活动经验~提出加强和改进人大工作的建议。 三、代表团,组,活动由团长或副团长召集。召集人要在开展活动的前3天将活动的有关事项通知本团,组,全体代表。每位代表要准时参加活动~因特殊情况不能参加活动的~应当向召集人请假。 四、代表团,组,开展视察、调研等活动时~代表可以向有关单位提出建议、批评和意见~但不道接处理问题。 五、每次代表团,组,的活动情况~应及时向县人大常委会报告。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac
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