首页 阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded)

阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded)


阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded)阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded) 阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded) The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded The role of enzymes i...

阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded)
阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded) 阐述酵素对人体的6大作用及功效(The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded) The 6 functions and effects of enzymes on human body are expounded The role of enzymes in the human body can be roughly classified into six: 1, the role of enzymes in sub health and efficacy Blood purification: enzyme can analysis and remove the blood because of improper diet, environmental pollution, environmental pollution, etc. caused phytotoxicity of toxins and harmful cholesterol, blood lipids, blood vessels, vascular elasticity restore circulation and promote blood circulation. High blood pressure, high cholesterol Rheumatism, gout, etc Menstrual pain or irregular menstruation I have a sore throat Often go to toilet, have nocturnal pee habit Often aching and weak. 2, the effect and effectiveness of enzymes on mental states Fatigued and often lacking in energy and strength Dizziness, nausea, backache, memory, hearing loss, chest tightness and arrhythmia Heavy mental labor Often stay up late A variety of candidates in tension and anxiety 3, the role of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and efficacy Analysis: analysis of the food aid digestion, absorption, and speed up the signs to maintain the life of nutrition and calories; other enzymes can fester and analyze dirt retention in the blood vessels, the body restores health status. Constipation and constipation Stomach ache, gastritis, gastric ulcer Flatulence and hiccups often occur in the stomach Diarrhea, enteritis, stomach pain Indigestion Promote metabolism: enzymes have the ability to promote metabolism, so that the body waste can be squeezed out, regulating metabolic process normalization, and maintain Kang Jian 4, the role of enzymes in skin care and efficacy Cell regeneration: promote the proliferation of normal cells and cell regeneration, so that the cells to restore Kang Jian, the skin is elastic. Lack of luster, dark spots, spots, and plaques Skin allergy, body allergy Rhinallergosis Dermatitis, eczema, itching of the skin 5, the role of enzymes in dietary habits and efficacy Unbalanced diet Long-term external eating Tastes heavier There is too little fruit and vegetable intake Loss of appetite, nutrition malabsorption 6, enzymes on the role of the people who want to improve the physique and efficacy Improve the physique: make the acid constitution turn into the weak alkaline of the health, strengthen the function of the cell, support the digestion, strengthen the resistance to the bacterium, etc., get the balance state by the effect of finishing in the body. Pay attention to body and skin care Anti-inflammatory effect: high enzyme can induce and strengthen the antibacterial effect of white blood cells, and eliminate the invasion of bacteria and purulent, so it has a considerable benefit to the inflammatory department. Poor immunity, susceptible to infection Cancer and patients who need radiotherapy and chemotherapy Women before and after birth Before and after operation Enzyme is a kind of natural fruits and vegetables from the natural fermentation of plant essence, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic acids, oligosaccharides and other nutrients, the human body and the role of the 6 main sources of enzymes in efficacy of selected Jilin Changbai Mountain area natural pollution-free, fresh and contains the vitality of fresh fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, algae and other 50 kinds of raw materials of natural fermentation and ripening for at least 180 days following small davkn give you detailed explain the high enzyme ingredients and nutrition composition and efficacy: Huangmo Huangmo, taste delicious, nutritious, containing protein, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, the amino acid content is abundant, and the high content of essential amino acids. Is a high nutrition, low calorie food, long-term consumption, has the function of lowering blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels, is an ideal health food for elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Agrocybe aegirit, with lower cholesterol, enhance immunity, anti-tumor, anti-aging health care function. The handle is crisp and delicious, mushrooms, wild edible medicinal fungi is excellent, has special medicinal value. Pleurotus eryngiibacterial, meat hypertrophy, crisp texture, especially dense and strong, white stipe, can be edible, also has the blood fat and cholesterol, promote gastrointestinal digestion, enhance immunity, prevent cardiovascular disease and other effects. Flammulina velutipes, Flammulina velutipes, scientific name, hair handle, money fungus, is a kind of fungus, algae, lichens. The content of amino acid of the mushroom is very rich, higher than the mushrooms, especially the particularly high content of lysine, lysine can promote children's intelligence development function. It can inhibit the rise of blood fat, lower cholesterol, prevent and cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and resist fatigue, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. White mushroom, known as the "descendants of royal families in edible fungi" Crab mushroom, crab mushroom mycelium growth, rapid growth of bacteria, strong resistance to miscellaneous bacteria. Rich in vitamins and 17 kinds of amino acids, help adolescents puzzle higher, anti-cancer, lower cholesterol. Can promote the formation of antibodies, antioxidants, anti-aging, beauty and so on. More to prevent constipation, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, improve immunity, prevent aging and prolong life of the unique effect. Algae: Kelp The iodine content of kelp, vegetables and high nutritional value of high algae. Eat kelp can prevent and cure the disease, It also protects against hardening of the arteries and lowers cholesterol and fat accumulation. Kelp alginate salts with the prevention of leukemia and bone pain disease; also hemostatic effect of arterial bleeding, oral administration can reduce the radioactive strontium -90 in intestinal absorption, is effective for the treatment of acute renal function decline, cerebral edema, B encephalitis, acute glaucoma. Jujube, contains carbohydrates, vitamin rich C and cyclic adenosine monophosphate, can alleviate the damage of various chemical drugs on the liver, and can promote the synthesis of protein in liver, increase serum albumin content, adjust the ratio of albumin and globulin, reduce serum alanine aminotransferase levels, and fructose and vitamin C, is the secret of jujube help hangover. Kiwi fruit, sweet and sour, cold, fever, body function of adjusting the lower gas, thirst diuresis, nourishing the physical. It contains proteolytic enzymes and superoxide dismutase of thiol protease, which has the functions of beautifying the face, improving immunity, resisting cancer, anti-aging, softening blood vessels and anti swelling and anti-inflammatory. Carrots, carrots are rich in vitamin A, can promote the normal growth and reproduction, maintaining epithelial tissue, prevent respiratory tract infection, maintain normal vision, night blindness and the treatment of ophthalmoxerosis. Eating women can reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer. Contains potassium succinate, which helps prevent hardening of the arteries, lowers cholesterol, and prevents high blood pressure. Carotene can clear up the aging free radicals, B vitamins and vitamin C and other nutrients also have moisturizing skin, anti-aging effect. Cucumber, sweet, sweet, cold, bitter, non-toxic, into the spleen, stomach, large intestine; cucumber contains a vitamin C decomposition enzyme, with heat removal, Water diuresis, detoxification effect; primary polydipsia, sore throat, eyes of fire, the fire burns. It is said to have weight loss. The real name is onion, onion containing prostaglandin A can decrease peripheral vascular resistance, reduce blood viscosity, can be used to reduce blood pressure, refreshing, relieve stress and prevent colds. In addition, the onion can also remove the oxygen free radicals in the body, enhance metabolic capacity, anti-aging, prevention of osteoporosis, is suitable for middle-aged and elderly health food. Green pepper can enhance people's physical strength and relieve fatigue caused by work and life pressure. Its unique taste and contains pepper, known as stimulating saliva and gastric juice secretion, can increase appetite, help digestion, promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation. It also can prevent scurvy, bleeding gums, anemia, vascular fragility with adjuvant therapy. The lotus root is rich in starch, protein, vitamin B, vitamin C, fat, carbohydrates and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, succulent and tender, white rounded taste sweet and crisp. Chinese medicine believes that the lotus is a health food, the tonic of both edible and medicinal. Raw food can cooling loose silt, food can fill the heart and kidney, can fill the five internal organs strong bones and muscles, nourishing yin and blood deficiency. At the same time, it can relieve constipation and help excrete waste and toxins. Endive, high iron content, cold. Bitter taste, non-toxic. Have anti-inflammatory role of detoxification. Suitable for appendicitis, enteritis, cervicitis, mastitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute icteric hepatitis, bacillary dysentery and other diseases. Prevention and treatment of cancer, liver protection, anti gastric ulcer gallbladder. The treatment can be used outside the boil, It is good for wound healing and relieving pain. It has certain curative effect on liver disease. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin C and carotene can prevent gastritis, spleen, liver, prevention of blindness, the skin becomes delicate, and neutralize carcinogens function. Yellow fruits and vegetables rich in two kinds of vitamin A and vitamin D; vitamin A can protect gastrointestinal mucosa, prevent gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases; vitamin D can promote the absorption of two kinds of mineral elements of calcium, phosphorus, and then received zhuangguqiangjin power, rickets in children, adolescent myopia, senile osteoporosis etc. common diseases have a certain preventive effect. Strawberry, sweet, cool, into the spleen, stomach, lung, lungs and fluid, spleen and stomach, diuresis, antipyretic Qushu power, suitable for lung heat cough, loss of appetite, urine deficient, heat polydipsia etc.. Rich in vitamin C in strawberry can prevent scurvy, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, have a positive role in prevention. Vegetables: celery, spinach, bean sprouts, eggplant, carrot, cucumber, onion, green pepper, lettuce, pumpkin, lotus root, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, alfalfa, honewort, ginger, lettuce, lettuce, rape, zucchini, chrysanthemum, purple sweet potato, lettuce, radish, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, onion, basil, dandelion. Celery, also known as celery, rich in protein, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and at the same time, with Pinggan Qingre Qufeng Lishi, Chufan detumescence, cooling blood to stop bleeding, detoxificationdeclare lung, Stomach blood, facilitate bowel, lungs and cough, reduce blood pressure, brain sedative effect. Often eat celery, especially celery leaves, to prevent high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and so on are very beneficial, and have auxiliary treatment effect. Spinach, can enrich the blood and stop bleeding, Lee five internal organs, through the stomach, regulating qi, live blood thirst, Runchang, astringing Yin Runzao Ziyin Pinggan, help digestion. Mung bean sprouts, cool and sweet, not only can clear heat, through the meridians, Xie Zhudu, can kidney, diuresis, detumescence, nourishing yin and Yang, regulating the five internal organs, beautiful skin, dampness and heat, can reduce blood lipids and soften blood vessels. Eggplant contains vitamin E, to prevent bleeding and anti-aging functions, also rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin P content is extremely rich, with Qingre Huoxue swelling and pain efficacy, daily use of steamed eggplant, come down for a long time, can be effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids bleeding, also have a certain ease for constipation. Garlic, sulfur-containing compounds with Qiqiang antibacterial and antiphlogistic effect, can promote the secretion of insulin increased tissue glucose uptake, improve human glucose tolerance, lower blood sugar levels rapidly, and can be killed due to infection induced diabetes, so as to effectively prevent and treat diabetes. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid and potassium, can improve human immunity, prevent colds, and protect the quality of life of cancer patients. Cabbage is ranked fifth in cancer resistant vegetables. Alfalfa contains a large number of iron and vitamins, can cure pernicious anemia; in addition, alfalfa also contains vitamin K with hemostatic effect, Folk commonly used to treat stomach trouble or hemorrhoids bleeding, and some prescription side with it to cure stomach or hemorrhoids, intestinal bleeding. Alfalfa also contains alfalfa and alfalfa and other substances, which has the effect of relieving cough and asthma, and has certain curative effect on bronchitis. Tomato, with bleeding, blood pressure, diuretic, stomachic, thirst, heat clearing and detoxicating, cooling blood and liver function. Due to the ratio of vitamin A and vitamin C in tomatoes, regular eating can enhance the function of small blood vessels and prevent the aging of blood vessels. The flavonoids in tomatoes can not only reduce the permeability of capillaries and prevent their rupture, but also prevent the hardening of blood vessels. They can prevent cervical cancer, bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer. Duck, celery, vitamin content is higher, iron content is very high. Honewort qsgclo rutilx, blood stasis, pain itching, treating bruises, skin pruritus; traditional Chinese medicine also believes that the honewort of physical weakness, and anuria disease such as swollen poison effect. Ginger, antioxidation, inhibition of tumor; spleen appetizer, promote appetite; heat, cooling and refreshing; sterilization detoxification, swelling and pain; prevent motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. Lettuce, rich in nutrients, is a high protein, low fat, low cholesterol, multi vitamin dishes, with liver, gallbladder, nourishing Yin, kidney, whitening skin, weight loss, bodybuilding role. Also have a certain therapeutic effect on red eyes and throat, cough, thirst, spleen and abdominal distension; mushroom contains easily absorbed by the human body is rich in protein, and with Spleen Qi, Runzao phlegm and strong nourishing effect, and collocation of edible lettuce, Have a certain therapeutic effect on heat cough, phlegm, chest pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Lettuce contains lettuce, bitter, high temperature, dry, bitter, strong, can increase gastric juice, stimulate digestion, increase appetite, and have analgesic and hypnotic effect. Rape contains a variety of nutrients, rich in vitamin C, can invigorate the circulation of blood, detoxification, swelling, broad bowel laxative effect, and strengthen the body. Attending swimming in erysipelas, foot boils, mastitis, habitual constipation, the elderly and other diseases. West gourd contains more vitamin C, glucose and other nutrients, especially calcium content is extremely high. Has diuresis, Chufan thirst, lungs and cough, detumescence function. Can be used to assist in the treatment of edema, bloating, polydipsia, sores, nephritis, cirrhosis, ascites and so on. Chrysanthemum, with spleen stomach, Buck Bunao with equivalent. Eat the chrysanthemum, cough and phlegm, spleen and stomach, memory loss, habitual constipation have a good effect. Purple sweet potato is rich in protein, starch, pectin, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in selenium and anthocyanin. Purple sweet potato is rich in nutrition and has special health care function. The protein and amino acid in it are easily digested and absorbed by human body. Which is rich in vitamin A can improve eyesight and skin epithelial cells, vitamin C can make normal collagen protein synthesis, prevention of scurvy, natural anthocyanin is a potent free radical scavenger. Lettuce, contains a lot of vitamins and calcium, iron, a lot of protein, fat, vitamin A, VB1, VB2 and other nutrients, The utility model has the functions of lowering cholesterol, treating neurasthenia, clearing dryness, moistening lung, resolving phlegm, relieving cough, etc., and is a vegetable with low calorie and high nutrition. White radish, gold, lung, sexual gamping Essien, lung spleen, with gas and digestion, the disease among the lungs, detoxification and fluid, diuretic and laxative effect. Treating atrophic lung disease, lung heat, constipation, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, dyspepsia, sputum, urine is not smooth, it is suitable for white radish boiled with water, drinking water radish, put some sugar, can be used as a drink, have a good effect on digestion and stomach. Broccoli is rich in nutrition, including protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and carotenoids, can effectively reduce the incidence of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, heart disease and stroke rate, and effect of sterilization and prevent infection. Chinese cabbage, which contains minerals and vitamins, contains minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which can promote bone development, accelerate metabolism, and enhance the hematopoietic function of the body. It is also rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and so on, can ease mental tension, eating more cabbage before the exam will help to maintain a calm state of mind. Chinese cabbage also contains anti allergic vitamins, which help the hives fade. Chives, contain pectin, can significantly reduce the incidence of colon cancer, anticancer effect, allicin in onions can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Chinese cabbage, which is rich in crude fiber, has a preventive component of cancer. Perilla frutescens has the characteristics of low sugar, high fiber, high carotene and high mineral elements. It is used for qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach, chest tightness and vomiting. Dandelion is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, They also contain iron, calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid, and copper. Mushrooms: letinous edodes, Huangmo, Agrocybe, mushroom, mushroom, white mushrooms, beech mushrooms. Letinous edodes, also known as mushrooms, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, thick thin mushroom, shiitake mushroom, is an edible fungus. It is a fungus food with high protein, low fat, polysaccharide, various amino acids and many vitamins. Its water extract has a scavenging effect on hydrogen peroxide and has a certain effect on the elimination of hydrogen peroxide in vivo. The cap portion contains double stranded RNA structure, into the human body, will produce an anti-cancer effect of interferon. Fruit: apple, banana, pineapple, orange, hawthorn, apple, pear, jujube, kiwi Shaguo, grape, strawberry. Apple is a low calorie food, every 100 grams of only 60 thousand calories; soluble nutrients in Apple big, easily absorbed by the body, so the living water ", is conducive to dissolve sulfur, make the skin smooth and soft. Apple also contains copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium and other elements, such as the lack of these elements, the skin will dry, easy to crack, itching. Banana is a high calorie fruit, containing a variety of trace elements and vitamins. Vitamin A can promote growth, enhance resistance to disease, is necessary to maintain normal fertility and vision; thiamine resistant beriberi, promote appetite and help digestion, protect the nervous system; riboflavin can promote the body's normal growth and development. In addition to stabilizing serotonin and melatonin, bananas also contain magnesium that has muscle relaxing effects, and friends who are often stressed out can eat more. Orange can be described as the whole body is treasure, its flesh, skin, core and network can be used as medicine. Pineapple, flat, sweet, slightly acidic, astringent, slightly cold, with Qingshu thirst, Xiaoshi diarrhea, tonifying spleen and stomach, Qi and blood, Qi solid digestion, dampness, beauty slimming effect. Hawthorn, with lipid, blood pressure, cardiac function, arrhythmia, etc., at the same time, hawthorn is also Jianpi appetizers Xiaoshi of stagnation, blood and phlegm medicine. Have a good effect on the chest and diaphragm hernia, blood stasis, spleen, amenorrhea and other symptoms. Flavonoids in Hawthorn Vitex, is a drug with strong anti-cancer effects of hawthorn extract on cancer cells in vivo, growth, proliferation and metastasis had certain inhibition. Apple pear, rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, nutrition is rich, has the effect of moistening lung, phlegm, cough, fire, heart, diuretic, can increase appetite, help digestion, the body deficiency, body fluid deficiency is beneficial. Shaguo, organic acid, vitamin content Shengjinzhike Shaguo is very rich, eat a Shengjinzhike, Xiaoshi Chufan and the role of jizhi. Grapes, sugar content as high as 10% to 30%, mainly glucose. Grape in a large amount of fruit acid to help digestion, appropriate to eat more grapes, spleen and stomach. Grapes contain mineral calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, glucose, fructose, protein, tartaric acid and a variety of vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, P, also contains many essential amino acids, often feed grapes on neurasthenia, excessive fatigue, in addition it also contains a variety of be of great advantage, with the physiological function of the material. After making grapes into raisins, Sugar and iron content will be relatively high, is women, children and frail anemia tonic jiapin. 1, the role of enzymes in sub health and efficacy Blood purification: enzyme can analysis and remove the blood because of improper diet, environmental pollution, environmental pollution, etc. caused phytotoxicity of toxins and harmful cholesterol, blood lipids, blood vessels, vascular elasticity restore circulation and promote blood circulation. High blood pressure, high cholesterol Rheumatism, gout, etc Menstrual pain or irregular menstruation I have a sore throat Often go to toilet, have nocturnal pee habit Often aching and weak. 2, the effect and effectiveness of enzymes on mental states Fatigued and often lacking in energy and strength Dizziness, nausea, backache, memory, hearing loss, chest tightness and arrhythmia Heavy mental labor Often stay up late A variety of candidates in tension and anxiety 3, the role of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and efficacy Analysis: analysis of the food aid digestion, absorption, and speed up the signs to maintain the life of nutrition and calories; other enzymes can fester and analyze dirt retention in the blood vessels, the body restores health status. Constipation and constipation Stomach ache, gastritis, gastric ulcer Flatulence and hiccups often occur in the stomach Diarrhea, enteritis, stomach pain Indigestion Promote metabolism: enzymes have the ability to promote metabolism, so that the body waste can be squeezed out, regulating metabolic process normalization, and maintain Kang Jian 4, the role of enzymes in skin care and efficacy Cell regeneration: promote the proliferation of normal cells and cell regeneration, so that the cells to restore Kang Jian, the skin is elastic. Lack of luster, dark spots, spots, and plaques Skin allergy, body allergy Rhinallergosis Dermatitis, eczema, itching of the skin 5, the role of enzymes in dietary habits and efficacy Unbalanced diet Long-term external eating Tastes heavier There is too little fruit and vegetable intake Loss of appetite, nutrition malabsorption 6, enzymes on the role of the people who want to improve the physique and efficacy Improve the physique: make the acid constitution turn into the weak alkaline of the health, strengthen the function of the cell, support the digestion, strengthen the resistance to the bacterium, etc., get the balance state by the effect of finishing in the body. Pay attention to body and skin care Anti-inflammatory effect: high enzyme can induce and strengthen the antibacterial effect of white blood cells, and eliminate the invasion of bacteria and purulent, so it has a considerable benefit to the inflammatory department. Poor immunity, susceptible to infection Cancer and patients who need radiotherapy and chemotherapy Women before and after birth Before and after operation
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