首页 招待费用管理办法大公司



招待费用管理办法大公司招待费用管理办法大公司 招待费管理办法 1(目的 为进一步加强对公司招待费用的管理,降低成本,减少消耗,使企业不断处于可持续发展的良性状态,特制定本标准。 2(招待的事由 2.1、有关职能部门前来视察、调研、检查、指导、接洽工作等; 2.2外地有关单位的访问、参观、联系工作等; 2.3客户前来访问、参观、接洽工作; 2.4公司集体娱乐活动或晚会; 2.5主要领导决定的其他事由。 3. 招待的内容 招待的内容包括用餐、住宿、水果等。 4. 招待的标准 4.1(餐费及陪客人员数标准 餐费标准含菜...

招待费用 管理办法 关于高温津贴发放的管理办法稽核管理办法下载并购贷款管理办法下载商业信用卡管理办法下载处方管理办法word下载 大公司 招待费管理办法 1(目的 为进一步加强对公司招待费用的管理,降低成本,减少消耗,使企业不断处于可持续发展的良性状态,特制定本标准。 2(招待的事由 2.1、有关职能部门前来视察、调研、检查、指导、接洽工作等; 2.2外地有关单位的访问、参观、联系工作等; 2.3客户前来访问、参观、接洽工作; 2.4公司集体娱乐活动或晚会; 2.5主要领导决定的其他事由。 3. 招待的内容 招待的内容包括用餐、住宿、水果等。 4. 招待的标准 4.1(餐费及陪客人员数标准 餐费标准含菜、酒、饭等发生在用餐时的所有费用。陪客人员的餐费标准按相应招待对象计算。原则上陪餐人员数一般控制在2-3人,应为接洽工作的部门负责人及具体办事人员,必要时由公司总经理或项目部副总出面,但陪餐人员最多不超过4人。 4.1.1省级领导或人员,用餐费用控制在*元/人。*人以上另增加*元/人标准计算。原则上至少有副总以上级别人员陪同。 4.1.2地市级领导或人员,用餐费用控制在*元/人以内。*人以上另增加*元/人标准计算。 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 4.1.3县市级领导或人员*人内,用餐费用控制再 *元/人以内。*人以上另增加*元/人标准计算。 4.1.4一般领导或人员*人内,用餐费用控制在*元/人以内,*人以上另增加*元/人标准计算。 4.1.5本地接待,职能部门的招待标准由陪同的主要领导酌定。其他用餐费用控制在*元/人以内,*人以上另增加*元/人标准计算。 4.1.6公司集体娱乐活动或晚会,晚餐标准控制在*元/人以内。 4.2.住宿及接待标准 根据来访人员的级别不同,可按以下标准安排接待。 4.2.1普通级别:适合一般业务类考察人员、非公司邀请技术人员等;住宿标准按对方人员要求代为预订,公司不负担住宿费用;接待陪同人员:办公室人员、业务员或区域经理;接待车辆:公司一般车辆;原则上不予安排娱乐活动。 4.2.2中级别:适合各地市县等局人员等。住宿标准按对方人员要求代为预订,公司不负担住宿费用;接待陪同人员:办公室、主管副总、相关业务人员;接待车辆:公司高级车辆;感情接待:此类人员,公司高层干部可安排做一次或两次接待,接待人员陪同,以增加彼此间的感情;(视双方合作情况而定) set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet其他接待项目:公司安排带客户到本地主要景点游玩或晚上娱乐,费用控制在*元以下,必要时,可于客户临行时赠送纪念品;(视双方合作情况而定)以上标准是以二名客户为基准,如超过二名客户,则娱乐另加*元/人标准计算。 4.2.3高级别:主要省地市**局领导人员、主要**人员、公司特邀领导、其他特邀人员等。住宿标准几星酒店,房价控制在*元/间,公司负担全程费用;接待陪同人员:总经理、副总经理或公司指定人员;接待车辆:公司高级商务车或租用高级用车;其他接待项目:公司安排带客户到本地主要景点游玩或晚上娱乐,费用控制在*元以下;必要时,可于客户临行时赠送纪念品。(视双方合作情况而定)以上标准是以二名客户为基准,如超过二名客户,娱乐另加*元/人标准计算。 5.招待的管理 5.1.用餐招待实行办公室统一负责管理。申报时首先由申报人到办公室填写招待申请单(一式两份),一份交接行政部存档,一份交财务部作为费用报销附件。 5.2.招待申请单各项目必须真实、全面、正确填写,项目不全的不予批准。 5.3.招待申请单填写后,交办公室进行审批,有总经理签字。由申报set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 人先到财务部门借款作为招待费用。 5.4.带领招待人员到指定地点就餐,结账时必须索取发票,并附有饭店服务员书写的菜单。发票和菜单必需同时带回公司,否则不论有无招待申请单,公司总经理不予以签字报销(总经理用餐招待除外)。 附 招待申请单 6.本 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 自发布之日起施行。 招待申请单 请部门 申请人 招待对象 招待人数 招待事由 作陪人数 工作餐 宴会 卡拉OK 其他 招待内容与 数量 款项预算 总经理审批 财务审批 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 第六条 业务招待费: 1.本制度所称的业务招待费,是指因工作需要需招待客户和有关部门人员而发生的费用。 2.除部门经理(含)以上级别人员外,其余人员未经(子公司由副总或总经理)批准,不得报销业务招待费用。 3.公司各部门人员因公在公司接待外单位人员,建议在公司食堂安排工作餐,特殊情况需要到外面宴请的,须事先报请子公司副总(或总经理)批准,报销时须附上批准的《业务招待费申请 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 》作为报销附件,否则不予报销。 4.业务招待费中除餐费以外的招待费一律不予报销。餐费报销标准原则上应控制在以下标准: 子公司副总(含)以上级别人员700元/餐以内,部门经理300元/餐以内。 5(报销业务招待费时需在发票上(或报销单上)注明招待时间、地点、人员、事由等事项,否则不予报销。 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet
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