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DEDE tags, DEDE tags


DEDE tags, DEDE tagsDEDE tags, DEDE tags Key description call tag: Template path call tag: {dede: field name = 'templeturl' /} Website title: {dede: global name = 'cfg_webname' /} TAB: homepage {dede: channel type = 'top' row = '8' currentstyle = 's class' 's class' > ...

DEDE tags, DEDE tags
DEDE tags, DEDE tags Key description call tag: < meta name = "keywords" content = "{dede: field name = 'keywords' /}" > < meta name = "description" content = "{dede: field name = 'description' function = 'html2text (@me)' /}" > Template path call tag: {dede: field name = 'templeturl' /} Website title: {dede: global name = 'cfg_webname' /} TAB: < a href = "/" > homepage < / a > < / > {dede: channel type = 'top' row = '8' currentstyle = 's class' 's class' > < / a/a > < / a > < / ' [field: typelink /] 'target = "_blank," [field: typename /] < / a > < / a > {/ dede: channel} Specify the call TAB: {dede: onetype typeid = 'ID'} [field: typename /] {/ dede: onetype} The channel call tag: {dede: channel type = 'self'}, 'li > < a href =' (field: typelink /] '> [field: typename /] < / a > < / a > {/ dede: channel} Friendship link call tag: {dede: flink row = '24' linktype = 2 /} Website copyright calling tag: {dede: global name = 'cfg_powerby' /} Website record call: {dede: global name = 'cfg_beian' /} The current column name tag: {dede: field name = 'typename' /} The current location call tag: {dede: field name = 'position' /} List article call tag: {dede: list pagesize = '8'} {/ dede: list} [field: typelink function = 'str_replace (' a', 'a class = ulink', @me) '/] Author link call tag: [field: writer /] List click the call TAB: [field: click /] The list comment call tag: [field: postnum /] Refer to the full text call tag: < a href = "[field: arcurl /]" < / a > The list time invocation tag: [field: pubdate function = "GetDateTimeMK (@me)" /] List page call tags: {dede: pagelist listsize = '4' listitem = 'index pre pageno next end' /} The title of the article calls the label: {dede: field name = "title" /} Article source call tag: {dede: field name = 'source' /} The article author calls the label: {dede: field name = 'writer' /} The article time call tag: {dede: field name = 'pubdate' function = 'GetDateMk (@me)' /} Article Tag call Tag: {dede: Tag type = 'current' /} Click call tag: < script SRC = "{dede: the field name = 'phpurl' /} / count. PHP? Aid = {dede: the field name = 'ID' /} & mid = {dede: the field name = 'memberid' /} & view = yes" language = "javascript" > < / script > Article content invocation tag: {dede: field name = 'body' /} Page paging: {dede: pagebreak /} [< a href = "{dede: field name = 'phpurl' /} / stow.php? ArcID = {dede: field name = ID /}" > collection < / a >] [< a href = "{dede: field name = 'phpurl' /} / x.php? ArcID = {dede: field name = ID /}" > recommendation < / a >] [< a href = "{dede: field name = 'phpurl' /} / feedback. [< a href = "#" onClick = "window.print ();" > printing < / a >] [< a href = "#" onClick = "window.close ();" > closes < / a >] The number of top guest times tags: {dede: field name = 'digg' /} < a href = "javascript: digg (' digg ', {dede: field name = 'id' /}); > to the top The next label: {dede: prenext get = 'pre' /} {dede: prenext get = 'next' /} Headline recommendation: {dede: arclist row = 1 titlelen = 24 orderby = pubdate att = 2} < dt > [field: textlink /] < span > [field: description /]... < / span > < / dt > {/ dede: arclist} The latest article calls the label: {dede: arclist row = 8 titlelen = 24 orderby = pubdate} < li > [field: textlink /] < / li > {/ dede: arclist} Hot key words: {dede: hotwords num = '5' subday = '30' /} The latest text call tags: {dede: arclist row = 4 titlelen = 20 orderby = pubdate type = 'image.' imgwidth = '152' imgheight = '98'} < dd > < a href = "[field: arcurl /]" > < img SRC = "/ field: picname/" Alt =" [field: title /] "> < / a > < span > < a title =" [field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@ me)' /] "href =" [field: arcurl /] "> [field: title /] < / a > < / span > < / dd > {dede: arclist} Recommend a document called tag: {dede: arclist type = 'commend' titlelen = '40' row = '10'} < li > < a title = "[field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@ me)' /]" href = "[field: arcurl /]" > [field: title /] < / a > < / li > {dede: arclist} Random recommend a call tag: {dede: arclist type = 'commend' titlelen = '26' orderby = 'rand' row = '10'} < li > < a title = "[field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@ me)' /]" href = "[field: arcurl /]" > [field: title /] < / a > < / li > {dede: arclist} Hot document call tags: {dede: arclist orderby = 'click' titlelen = '40' row = '10'} < li > < a title = "[field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@ me)' /]" href = "[field: arcurl /]" > [field: title /] < / a > < / li > {dede: arclist} Related document call tags: {dede: likeart titlelen = '24' row = '10'} < li > < a title = "[field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@ me)' /]" href = "[field: arcurl /]" > [field: title /] < / a > < / li > {dede: likeart} Call the image link tag: < a href = "[field: arcurl /]" > "[field: picname /]" Alt = "[field: title /]" "" > < / a >. A href = "[field: arcurl /]" [field: image /] < / a >] Call the text link tag: < a href = "[field: aucurl /]" title = "[field: title /]" > [field: title /] < / a > "A title =" [field: title function = 'htmlspecialchars (@me)' /] "[field: arcurl /]" [field: title /] < / a >] Control word description tag: [field: description function = "cn_substr (@me, 100) /]... Invoke the article tags: {dede: tag type = 'current' /} Key words and descriptions: {dede: field name = 'keywords' /} {dede: field name = 'description' function = 'html2text (@me)' /} {dede: field name = 'description' function = 'html2text (@me)' /} Call the external HTM file: {dede: include file = 'head. HTM' ismake = 'yes' /} The search article calls the label: {dede: global name = 'keyword' /} Search results - {dede: global name = 'cfg_webname' /} {dede: global name = 'keyword' /} < / span > & quot; The results of the Increment serial number: [field: global name = autoindex /] Listing 5 rows plus a line: {dede: list pagesize = '50'} < field: "title =" [field: title = 'htmlspecialchars (@me]' /]" Target = _blank > [field: title function = "cn_substr (@me, 48)" /] < / a > [field: pubdate runphp = 'yes'] A = "< font color = red >".strftime. $b = strftime (' % m - % d ', @me); $ntime = time (); Day3 = 3,600 * 24; If ($ntime-@me) ($day3) Else: else @me = $b; [/ field: pubdate] < br > [field: global name = autoindex runphp = "yes"] If (@me % 5 = = 0) @me = "< hr / >"; "Else @me ="; [/ field: global] {} / dede: list "DIV class =" line2 m1 m3 "> < / li> The latest list of articles is "alternate colors" {dede: arclist orderby = pubdate titlelen = '26' row = '10'} [field: global runphp = 'yes' name = autoindex] $a = "< div id = 'a' >"; $b = "< div id = 'b' >"; If ((@me % 2) = = 0) The else @ me = $b; [/ field: global] The < ul > < li > [field: title /] < / li > < / ul > < / div > {/ dede: arclist} The updated article time in 24 hours is red: [field: pubdate runphp = 'yes'] A = "< font color = red >".strftime. $b = strftime (' % m - % d ', @me); $ntime = time (); Day3 = 3,600 * 24; If ($ntime-@me) ($day3) Else: else @me = $b; [/ field: for its pubdate] COPY the content of the page, which automatically adds information to the site, which is good for SEO < script type = "text/javascript" > Document. Body. Oncopy = function () {setTimeout (function () {var text = clipboardData. GetData (" text "); the if (text) {text = text + "\ r \ n this article derives from the WWW. Address. COM links: the original" + location. The href; clipboardData. SetData (" text ", text);}}, 100)} < / script > Click the article list to click on the TAB: As always: {dede: arclist row = '24' titlelen = 24 orderby = click} Press: {dede: arclist row = '24' titlelen = 8 orderby = click subday = 30} Week: {dede: arclist row = '24' titlelen = 8 orderby = click subday = 7} Call the sub-column of a section on the front page {dede: channel type = 'sun' typeid = 'column ID'} "A href =" [field: typelink /] "> [field: typename /] < / a > {/ dede: channel} or {dede: global name = 'maplist' /} The search form call tag: < form action = "{dede: global name = 'cfg_phpurl '/} / search. PHP" name = "formsearch" > < input type = "hidden" name = "kwtype" value = "1" / > The "input name =" keyword "id =" keyword "type =" text "class =" searchtxt "/ > < select name = "searchtype" id = "searchtype" > "Option value =" titlekeyword "selected > intelligent fuzzy search < / option > < option value = "title" > only searches for the title < / option > < / select > < input type = "image" SRC = "{dede: field name = 'templeturl' /} / images/topsearch_submit.gif" / > < / form > Implement "article title - level 2 column - level 1 column - - Internet stop name" form {dede: field name = 'title' /} - {dede: field name = 'position' runphp = 'yes'} $tc = "-" / / delimiter $tw = $GLOBALS [' cfg_list_symbol '] / / call the location separator @me = html2text (@me); / / remove HTML tags $tf = split ($tw, @me); / / decompose into arrays For $ta = (count ($tf) -2); $ta > = 1; $ta -) {/ / loop assignment to $tk $tk = trim ($tf). } $tk = substr ($tk, 0, -1); @ me = $tk; / / assignment to @me {dede: field} - {dede: global name = 'cfg_webname' /} Call thumbnails: "img SRC = {dede: field name =" litpic "/}" >. Publish articles that show red dates or new or new pictures Post a red date or a new word or new small image for nearly three days (or the day). It's all about pubdate, writing extensions. The problem with the second and third is: "< img SRC = 'new.gif' / > can't be in double quotation marks, otherwise it won't work. If you want to add 3,600 * 24 * 3 to 3,600 * 24. 1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = [field: pubdate runphp = 'yes'] A = "< font color = red >".strftime. $b = strftime (' % m - % d ', @me); $ntime = time (); $day3 = 3,600 * 24 * 3; If ($ntime-@me) ($day3) Else: else @me = $b; [/ field: for its pubdate] 2, = = = = (= = = = (= = = = (= = = = (= = = = (= = = =) [field: pubdate runphp = 'yes'] $aa = strftime (' % m - % d ', @me); $ntime = time (); $tagtime = @me; $day3 = 3,600 * 24 * 3; If ($tagtime > $ntime - $day3) @me = "< font color = 'red' > (new) < / font >"; Else @me = $aa; [/ field: for its pubdate] 3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [field: pubdate runphp = 'yes'] $aa = strftime (' % m - % d ', @me); $ntime = time (); $tagtime = @me; $day3 = 3,600 * 24 * 3; If ($tagtime > $ntime - $day3) @me = "< img SRC = 'new.gif' / >". Else @me = $aa; [/ field: for its pubdate] Time effect [field: pubdate runphp = "yes"] If (time () -@me) (() -@me) (60 * 60 * 24)) {@me = "< font color =" < font color = "< font color = # ff6600" > = # ff6600 ". } Else {@me = strftime (" % m - % d "); } [/ field: for its pubdate] DEDE seo tips add a baidu search for this article 【 < a href = "javascript:" onclick = "window. The open (" {dede: the field name =" title "/} & q2 = & q3 & q4 = & rn 10 & lm = = 0 & ct = 1 & ft = & q5 = & amp; q6 = your url") "target =" _top "title =" in baidu search "{dede: the field name =" title "/}" relevant content "> < font color = red > in the baidu search more traditional characters < / font > < / a >. Change the url, no HTTP The < a href = "javascript:" onclick = "window. The open (" {dede: the field name =" title "/}") "target =" _top "title =" baidu search "{dede: field name =" title "/}" related content Call tag: {dede: field name = 'keywords' runphp =' yes'} If (! Empty (@me)) {... $KWS = explode (", @me); @me = "; Foreach ($KWS as $k) { @me。= " < a href = ' / tag.php吗?/ $ k / > $ k < / >”; } @me = str_replace(' + ',' ',修剪(@me)); } { /黛德:字段}
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