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基槽开挖技术交底基槽开挖技术交底 土 方 开 挖 施 工 方 案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 泰华建筑工程有限公司 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water...

基槽开挖技术交底 土 方 开 挖 施 工 方 案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 泰华建筑工程有限公司 seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft 目 录 1(编制依据 .................................................1 2(工程概况 .................................错误~未定义书签。 3(施工部署 .................................................3 4(施工准备 .................................................4 5(土方工程施工 .............................错误~未定义书签。 6(质量保证措施 .............................................5 7(环境保证措施 ............................................13 8(安全文明措施 ............................................13 9(管理人员安排 .............................错误~未定义书签。 ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te2en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv 一、编制依据 1、《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》GB50202—2002 2、《建筑基坑支护技术规程》JGJ120-99 3、衡水丽景华苑住宅小区岩土工程勘察报告(HF2011-139) 4、丽景华苑1#~13#、14#、15#楼及地下车库施工图纸 二、工程概况 2.1现场概况 拟建“丽景华苑地下车库”工程位于衡水市中华北大街和永安路交叉口。地下车库为框架结构,筏板混凝土基础。 2.2 工程地质 根据岩土工程勘察报告,场区地层主要为粉质土、粘土 2.3水文条件 浅层地下水埋藏浅,地下水类型为孔隙潜水—微承压水,其主要补给来源为大气降水和工业、民用弃水入渗回归。由于区内地形平坦,坡降小,侧向径流微弱。地下水位主要受大气降水因素影响,地下水位埋深约4.10—5.20米年,高于基地埋深6.5米。高水位多出现在汛期的8—9月份或稍滞后些时间,低水位多出现在5—6月份。年水位变幅约2—3米。 丽景华苑工程共计14栋住宅楼,我施工单位派驻四个项目部进行施工。 3(施工部署 3.1 施工总体部署 根据工程特点,本工程为地下工程,采用大开挖施工,基础在潜水层以下,因此需进行降水施工,降水方式为管井降水,具体布置详见《丽景华苑项目部井点布置图》。 3.1施工总体流程 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 3页 施工准备(人员、材料、机具等,临水、临电及临设等)?测量、放线、定位?基坑土方挖运(分步进行)?清槽底施工?后续工程施工。 3.1.1基本原则:将开挖现场分成四个区域从里往外,分两层进行开挖。开挖深度从自然地坪(绝对标高+20.000米)计算总计5.6米,挖土方量总计21.4万立方米,回填9.67万立方米。首先用220型挖掘机将现场的建筑垃圾及红砂(深度1米)进行清除,再进行第二层开挖。待地下水位降至基坑底50cm以下后进行第二层开挖深度3.82米(绝对标高14.880米),最后用55型挖掘机进行桩间土的开挖,开挖深度0.5米,预留0.3米厚的浮土进行人工开挖与清理。 3.1.2施工单位土方开挖进行分段,按照分区顺序进行开挖。详见附图:(根据现场主楼打桩顺序及土方运输方向进行土方开挖;土方运输第二、十四项目部由南向北进行运输,第八项目部由北向南运输,第十八项目部由东向西运输。 4(施工准备 4.1技术工作准备 4.1.1 组织施工管理人员认真学习施工图纸和设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,掌握施工特点。 4.1.2 认真学习监理规程,积极配合监理单位工作,保证各项工作顺利进行。 4.1.3 基础开挖灰线内所有地上原有建筑物拆除清理完毕。 4.1.4 施工方案得以确认,并对所有参加施工的人员进行工程情况交底,施工方法交底,安全技术交底及安全教育。 4.2 劳务人员 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 及管理 如表1 表1 土方劳务人员计划表 序号 施工工种 人数(人) 职 责 备 注 1 施工班组长 4 负责土方挖运指挥、协调 专业人 4en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 员 负责土方开挖、装车及地持证上2 挖土机操作手 8 下障碍物破碎 岗 持证上3 运土车司机 16 负责土方外运 岗 负责标高控制及主控线技术人员 8 熟练工4 控制 清槽人员 40 人 清理槽低 劳务人员管理 安排综合素质好的施工队伍,本工程选用的施工人员均具有丰富的施工经验和较强的业务能力,并具有令行禁止、信守承诺、敢打硬仗、突击能力强的优良品质。本工程从管理层到施工层,全部实行 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化管理,以确保各项施工目标的顺利实现。 根据本工程施工质量要求高、工期紧的特点,选用参加过同类工程施工的劳务队伍,其中主要技术工种及特殊工种坚持先培训考核后持证上岗。 根据施工进度计划要求和工期安排,随时增加劳务人员,在人力资源上给与充分保证。 合理安排施工人员生活,按队组编制,组织上岗培训,主要有:操作技术、安全施工、规章制度和精神文明四个方面,进行施工动员。 4.3 施工机具管理 严格落实现场机械 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,落实机械管理人员岗位责任制。 所有机械必须由专职操作手操作和维修,机械操作手必须持证上岗,按规程操作和交接班,严禁非操作人员动用机械。 进场机械定期检查、保养和维修并做好记录,杜绝机械带故障施工。 保证机械防护设备齐全完好,用电设备漏电保护装置良好有效。 运输车辆出场前严格清扫、冲刷,不移撒污染路面,司机文明驾驶,安全行车。 4.4.管理人员安排 为确保丽景华苑土方开挖工作的顺利进行,并保质保量的按期完成。 工程部将做出以下人员安排,全体管理人员将遵守劳动纪律,尽心尽责做好本职工作:项目经理、生产经理、技术负责人、施工员、安全员、 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 5页 测量员、质检员、材料员、资料员、预算员。 第二项目部管理人员名单 序号 姓名 职务 备注 1 周明宝 项目经理 2 赵世辉 生产经理 3 刘鑫 技术负责人 4 季永志 施工员 5 倪国锋 安全员 6 马洪林 测量员 7 胡晓楠 质检员 8 周龙起 材料员 9 胡晓楠 资料员 10 刘鑫 预算员 第八项目部管理人员名单 6en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 序号 姓名 职务 备注 1 王东晓 项目经理 2 陈庭贞 生产经理 3 王健 技术负责人 4 梁金仓 施工员 5 刘森远 安全员 6 李洋 测量员 7 侯宏磊 质检员 第十四项目部管理人员名单 序号 姓名 职务 备注 1 于怀强 项目经理 2 张志峰 生产经理 3 程少泉 技术负责人 4 赵重九 施工员 5 刘继 安全员 6 王泽召 测量员 7 申阳 质检员 第十八项目部管理人员名单 documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; 7页 序号 姓名 职务 备注 1 张福盛 项目经理 2 方孟刚 生产经理 3 贾计召 技术负责人 4 耿二程 施工员 5 李杨 安全员 6 王世军 测量员 7 王世忠 质检员 5.各项目部具体土方施工安排 第二项目部承建2#、3#、7#、8#住宅楼 5.1土方开挖 5.1.1基本原则:从里往外,首先开挖1区地下车库、8#楼与7#楼,完成后对2区先进行主楼的土方开挖,试桩后进行剩余车库土方开挖,最后3区土方进行开挖,完成后进行试桩。 5.1.2我项目部土方开挖分段,按照分区顺序进行开挖。根据现场主楼打桩顺序及土方运输方向进行土方开挖;土方运输为由南向北由北门口进行运输。 1)在土方正式开挖后,塔吊安装、试桩进度: 8#塔吊安装为土方开挖后12天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 7#楼试桩时间为9天。 2#楼塔吊在土方开挖完后5天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 2#楼塔吊在土方开挖完后5天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 以上试桩开始时间以甲方提供桩具体龄期进行确定 2)各分区土方量: 一区:18600m?;二区:22000?; drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te8en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis 三区:15000m?; 5.1.3车库开挖采用两台220挖掘机开挖,并配置开挖速度等量的自卸车;主楼开挖上层配置一台220挖掘机与底层桩间配置两台60挖掘机,配合施工。 5.1.4挖掘机日开挖量为1700 m?/天;一区土方开挖需要11-13天;二区土方开挖需要13-15天,三区土方开挖需要9-11天, 5.2降水 5.2.1采用管井降水方法,布置20眼井进行降水,并每天进行水位观测。水位低于基槽底部50cm后方可进行土方开挖。 5.2.2护坡保护:临时边坡,采用阶梯放坡。 5.2.4工程长期边坡,采用阶梯放坡,并采用挂网喷浆,进行加固处理。 我项目部地下车库分区东侧为止水幕,先下挖一米厚,采取1:0.5放坡分层开挖,土方开挖前,先做好前期准备工作,将施工场地清理平整,铺好临时道路,建筑物位置的轴线、水平控制桩必须经过测量员核实无误后方能开挖。 开挖前应根据建设提供控制点进行测量放线。基坑预留30cm的余土作为人工清理,以防地基土受到扰动。余土清理随机械开挖进行,在清理的过程中钎探、验槽随后进行,为垫层施工提供条件,并根据天气预报,避开雨天晾槽、垫层及时封闭, 5.2 土方运输 根据甲方提供的施工道路,施工土方运输方便。 5.3土方清槽 (1)在土方开挖至设计标高以上300mm高后,将由人工进行基底清槽。 (2)测量员要多点控制标高,以保证垫层混凝土的厚度清除余土的过程中要避免造成对天然土体的扰动,严禁大型机械设备在天然地基上操作 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 9页 运行。 (3)在垫层施工前要进行承载试验,并请地勘院、设计院、监理验收。 第八项目部承建11#、12#、13#、15#住宅楼 1、施工区范围:单位工程楼四栋(11#、12#、13#、15#),车库分四个施工段(1、2、3、4段)见图。 施工顺序方案:根据现场施工条件,为了缩短工期。采用两台挖掘机同时开挖分段分区施工。11#、13#楼为一段施工的同时开挖完毕后。车库15#楼为二段同时依次开挖完毕;12#与车库2区、3区 为三段;待11#、12#、13#、15#楼塔吊安装完成,试桩完毕后,开挖车库1区,运土道路口设在15#楼西侧车库位置。 土方开挖: 挖掘机施工见计划开挖顺序图,分区、分段施工; 槽底标高-7 m,基槽深度约5.3m,采取分二步开挖,挖至桩顶处采用小型挖掘机配合作业,人工随后及时清理,防止超挖,基底土受扰动。 挖土过程中对基槽的上下口边线用经纬仪、标杆及时控制 。下口留出工作面不小于1m,同时边坡达到要求。边坡控制在1:0.65。 10en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 槽底标高控制:挖土清槽接近槽底时用水准仪测设3m*3m标高控制网,并撇上白灰点,以示标记,安排人员边清边测。 基槽底周边设排水盲沟和集水井,以备基槽出水或下雨集水做辅助排水; 基槽上口周边1.5m处设挡水。 第十四项目部承建1#、4#、5#、6#住宅楼 1、基本原则:从里往外,首先开挖1区地下车库、6#楼与5#楼,留4#与6#车库部分为试桩区和塔吊安装区,完成后对2区进行土方开挖,最后3去土方进行开挖。 2、我项目部土方开挖分段,按照分区顺序进行开挖。如下图:(根据现场主楼打桩顺序及土方运输方向进行土方开挖;土方运输为由东向西进行运输。 3.开挖土方必须保证5#、6#试桩、塔吊安装能正常进行的基础下对1区2区3区土方最大限度的开挖以保证施工进度。 1)在土方正式开挖后,塔吊安装、试桩进度: 6#塔吊安装为土方开挖后12天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 5#楼试桩时间为土方9天。 1#楼塔吊在土方开挖完后5天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 4#楼塔吊在土方开挖完后5天塔吊基础浇筑完毕,试桩为7天。 2)各分区土方量: 一区:19500m?;二区:18500 m?; 三区:13500 m?; 4.车库开挖采用两台220挖掘机开挖,并配置开挖速度等量的翻斗车;主楼开挖上层配置一台220挖掘机与底层桩间配置两台60挖掘机,配合施工。 5.挖掘机日开挖量为2000 m?/天;一区土方开挖需要10-12天;二区土方开 documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; 11页 挖需要8-11天,三区土方开挖需要6-8天,五区土方开挖需要10-13天。根据打桩进度,各分区土方开挖可进行交叉开挖。 第十八项目部承建9#、10#、14#住宅楼 1、基本原则:开挖顺序先从拟建建筑14#楼最南侧的东南角、10#楼西北角由东向西开挖;再由14#楼最南侧西南角向北开挖,最后自9#楼西北角退出。9#楼、10#楼以北车库待验完桩后再开挖。挖掘机配备4辆自卸汽车。需45天挖完。开挖以主楼先开,主楼完成后进行试桩,同时进行塔吊基础施工以此类推。 挖深约5.7米,开挖方量56598m?。 6(质量保证措施 6.1严格施工组织设计与技术方案的审批工作 工程开工前项目经理部编制施工组织设计经公司审批后报监理同意实施。对重点分项工程,编制详细的施工方案,实施中优化总结,保证施组及方案对工程的指导作用。 6.2严格技术交底制度 施工过程中,包括技术交底、施工组织设计交底、各分项工程技术交底,做到先交底后施工,保证工程质量。工程现场根据工程质量的运行状态,及时总结质量工作,制定奖罚制度,明确责任人的行为标准,调动现场管理人员落实各项制度的积极性。 6.3严格执行自检、专检、交接检制度 在过程施工中严格执行自检、专检、交接检制度。分项工程完成后,由质量负责人组织验收,加强对测量、验线、护坡、土方开挖的验收工作。 6.4严格控制施工材料 进场材料、物资严格按照公司体系文件要求进行控制。材料经验收合 12en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 格后进场,进场材料要分类码放,并做好标识,以便追溯。 6.5特殊人员上岗培训 特殊工种人员持证上岗。项目经理部对试验员、资料员等岗位的业务技术人员进行培训,保证施工的顺利展开。 6.6加强资料信息管理 加强各种软件的应用以及做好硬件维护的工作。项目经理部设专职资料员负责施工技术资料的收集、管理,严格办理各种报验手续并执行洛阳市城建档案馆的有关规定。 7(环境保证措施 (1)施工期间做好现场及周边环境保护工作,设专人定期清扫; (2)施工现场及时洒水降尘,目测无扬尘,保持空气清新; (3)施工现场废弃物应分类封闭存放、外运,不得乱扔、乱弃废弃物; (4)土方车出场时必须由专人进行清理、冲刷,保证车容良好,不遗撒、不携土,避免污染道路;大风天、雨雪天尽量不运土; (5)设置清扫小组,沿车辆行走道路进行检查、清扫,确保道路遗撒及时清理,保证环境卫生。 8(安全文明措施 现场认真贯彻落实“安全第一、预防为主”的安全生产方针。 根据建设部、市建委制定的文件和规定建立健全各项现场安全管理制度,并将各项制度落实到人,实行安全生产奖罚制度。 现场成立安全文明施工领导小组,由本工程项目经理任组长,设专职安全员,根据施工现场安全文明施工规章制度,落实安全管理人员岗位责任制。 施工过程中严格遵守“先防护、后施工”的规定,严禁在没有任何防护的情况下违章作业。 -1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha13页 布置任务时要进行详细的安全交底,签字齐全。施工中严格执行安全操作规程,严禁各种违规操作。 定期对施工现场进行安全文明施工检查,定期召开安全文明施工会议,及时发现并排除安全隐患,纠正不文明施工行为。 施工安全防护用品质量应合格,质量保证文件齐全;进入现场必须戴好安全帽,系好帽带。 施工现场禁止吸烟、饮酒、吵架、打闹及其他不文明的施工行为;施工人员不得赤膊、穿拖鞋。 遇到危及职人员生命安全的危险情况应立即停止施工,并分析原因,采取措施排除险情后方可施工。 各项专业施工应严格遵守其安全文明操作规程;严格遵守安全、文明施工的其他相关规定。 14en shaftfor measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driv ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basisdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-rrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3and coion shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage n: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatllatioDN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps instaion of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of nnectriser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp co Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts,ness more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tight struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, note height 500 mm the conseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te lled. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technicalinstaealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, s pipes the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainagerength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for st ?ion, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviatseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that 第.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1ft protruding partsdrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3nts; documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requireme 15页
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