首页 波讯科技小区无线网络解决方案



波讯科技小区无线网络解决方案波讯科技小区无线网络解决方案 波迅WBS无线网络 Wi-Fi通信系统 住宅小区 无线接入网络解决方案 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" require...

波讯科技小区无线网络解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 波迅WBS无线网络 Wi-Fi通信系统 住宅小区 无线接入网络解决方案 repercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelve-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-General of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other aspects 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 目 录 第一章 概述 ......................................................................................................... - 2 - 1.1 住宅小区无线接入的发展 ................................................................................ - 2 - 1.2 厂商介绍 ........................................................................................................ - 2 - 第二章 项目需求及设备选型............................................................................. - 4 - 2.1 项目需求分析 ................................................................................................. - 4 - 2.2 设计原则 ........................................................................................................ - 4 - 2.3 设备选型 ........................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.4 波迅WBS无线网络产品优势 .......................................................................... - 6 - 第三章 无线网络方案设计................................................................................. - 8 - 3.1 无线网络方案设计 .......................................................................................... - 8 - 3.2 方案配置说明 ................................................................................................. - 9 - 3.3 方案设计依据 ............................................................................................... - 11 - 第四章 工程实施配套要求............................................................................... - 14 - 4.1 设备安装方式 ............................................................................................... - 14 - 4.2 接地 ............................................................................................................. - 15 - 4.3 系统防雷设计 ............................................................................................... - 16 - 4.4 效果示意图 ................................................................................................... - 17 - 第五章 产品规格和性能................................................................................... - 18 - 5.1 波迅WBS无线网络产品介绍 ........................................................................ - 18 - 5.2 WBS-2400 无线基站 ..................................................................................... - 22 - 5.3 波迅高级服务功能 ........................................................................................ - 24 - -Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor- 1 - 第一章 概述 1.1 住宅小区无线接入的发展 在小区日益精品化的趋势下,宽带入区已成为衡量小区档次的重要 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。我们可以清楚的想象到大型公寓,小区周边地况,至多一公里就是马路,可以说这是小区和外界的沟通桥梁,但是由于它的地下结构复杂,各种管道密布,规划性很差,掘地三尺,可以看见水管,气管,电管,甚至还有军用电缆。试想在这种情况下架设宽带成本将有多高。现有的有线宽带,如:DSL和cable modem都存在传输距离过长而导致信号衰减的问题,住户申请ISP服务,成本相对较高,经济性较差,住宅楼逐个单元布线是花费较高,需要一定的人力物力。对于正在开发的楼盘,这些都将成为问题;对于已经交付使用的楼盘,重新布线更为不易。因此,无线网络接入方式已逐渐成为运营商、开发商和小区住户的重要选择。 2000年,以色列波迅公司成立,凭借独有的空间自适应波速赋形专利技术,推出了具有超强覆盖和接入能力的,免许可证频段宽带无线接入的完美解决方案。如今,波迅的强大无线产品已进入中国。在住宅接入方面,波迅致力于为运营商、开发商、物业等提供优越的、实用而经济的无线解决方案。以自身的独特优势、产品的广泛适应性和优秀品质,帮助各种类型的网络提供商建立适合自己需要、满足自身发展的无线局域网络。 1.2 厂商介绍 1.2.1 以色列波迅(Wavion)公司介绍 以色列波迅无线网络凭借独有的自适应波束赋形专利技术,在免许可宽带无线接入市场提供全面高效解决方案。 波迅的端到端解决方案产品包括2.4G/5.8G,全向/扇区基站,可以提供包括接入,骨干回传,客户端,网络管理,服务定制和计费管理一系列完成的解决方案。 凭借超强的覆盖和接入能力,波迅的完美解决方案可以帮助运营商,集成商和政府在城市和农村应用中提供高品质服务,并能减少50%以上的投资。 波迅成立于2000年,总部在以色列,并在全球超过50个国家有分支机构,包括美国, aspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)s- 2 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 巴西,阿根廷,俄罗斯和印度等。 1.2.2 BHU公司介绍 北京华信联创科技有限公司成立于2003年,总部在北京,专注于中国无线网络市场,主要从事军用、民用无线通信产品的开发、生产、销售和工程服务等业务。 BHU SYSTEM事业部自主开发的BHU SYSTEM非视距音视频/IP链路/E1通道动中通无线网络系统,立足于军工需求,以其强大的技术性能和优异的可靠性,在野外作战、部队演习、应急指挥、边防保障、海事巡逻等任务中发挥了突出的作用,获得了部队首长和政府领导的一致好评。 基础应用产品事业部作为以色列波迅(Wavion)室外无线覆盖系统以及HyperLink无线配件产品中国区独家授权总代理,涵盖无线各个领域,可以提供一揽子的统一解决方案,集分销代理、解决方案提供、技术服务于一体,是全球众多知名品牌无线产品及技术在中国区核心合作伙伴。 公司已通过ISO9001国际质量认证体系,拥有经验丰富的技术服务团队,凭借强大的技术背景以及先进的技术优势,我们将为广大客户提供最好最全面的解决方案。 我们的目标是: 为每一个客户提供最好的产品以及最佳的服务~ -depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N- 3 - 第二章 项目需求及设备选型 2.1 项目需求分析 2.1.1 客户环境分析 2.1.2 项目需求分析 根据客户要求,首先保证19栋别墅楼的全部覆盖,兼顾其他中高层、高层住宅楼的覆盖效果。同时在高级方案设计中,要求实现整体小区的全部覆盖。 经过详细分析,住宅小区无线网络系统应具备如下特点: , 便捷性:只要选取地面或楼顶合适的位置就可架设,采用组合全向天线的模式,不需 要调整任何角度,信号以无线电波的方式传输。 , 稳定性:具备电信级的稳定,保证良好的网络通信质量,保证无线网络系统的长期稳 定运行。 , 安全性:支持WEP、WPA、WPA2、802.1x、RADIUS等丰富的加密方式,保证网 络通信的安全,保证用户安全性。 , 高品质:采用高品质无线产品,保证室内的传输质量,具有很强的抗干扰能力,保证 用户的网络带宽,满足用户的各种网络应用。 , 维护性:在网络上任何节点可进行远管理维护,配置和软件升级。 , 经济性:无线网络系统可通过尽量少的Wi-Fi蜂窝基站,而取得最让用户满意的网络 接入效果,有较高的经济型。 2.2 设计原则 随着网络技术和软件技术的飞速发展,特别是Internet/Intranet的出现及其相关技术的迅速发展,信息革命带来了全球范围市场竞争的日益加剧,对传统的教育教学方式产生了巨大冲击。为提高无线网络系统的先进性、一体化、自动化水平,提供便捷灵活、安全稳定、功能先进的网络接入系统,要求以科学、先进的手段建立住宅小区的无线网络接入系统。 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 4 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 本建议方案的最终目的是,为用户提供一个安全的、高效的、先进的、适用的、经济的、信息交换网络,保证用户在信息管理系统的基础上健康、高速、有效、稳步地向前发展。 根据用户的具体情况,在网络设计中应遵循下列原则: 2.2.1 先进性原则 采用先进的设计思想,选用先进的网络设备,使网络在今后一定时期内保持技术上的先进性。 2.2.2 开放性原则 网络设计及网络设备选型遵从国际标准及工业标准,使网络具有高度的开放性和所提供设备在技术上的兼容性。 2.2.3 可伸展性原则 网络设计在充分考虑当前情况的同时,必须考虑到今后较长时期内业务发展的需要,留有充分的升级和扩充的可能性。充分利用现有通讯微波资源,为以后扩充到更高速率提供充分的余地。另一方面,还必须为网络规模的扩展留有充分的余地。 2.2.4 安全性原则 网络系统的设计必须贯彻安全性原则,以防止来自网络内部和外部的各种破坏。贯彻安全性原则体现在以下方面: 1. 设备采用的是扩频技术; 2. 提供了射频信道的加密; 3. 用户可以通过设置自己的网桥或另加独立加密设备实现更高的安全性; 4. 网络内部对资源访问的授权、认证、控制以及审计等安全措施:防止网络内部的用 户对网络资源的非法访问和破坏。 2.2.5 可靠性原则 网络系统的设计必须贯彻可靠性原则,使网络系统具有很高的可用性。可靠性原则体现在以下方面: 1. 选用技术先进、成熟高可靠性的网络设备; ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la- 5 - 2. 系统增益储备高; 3. 链路的可维护性好; 2.2.6 可管理性原则 网络系统应具有良好的可管理性,使得网络管理人员能方便及时地掌握诸如网络拓扑结构、网络性能统计、网络故障等信息,能简便地对网络进行配置和调整,确保网络工作在良好状态。 2.3 设备选型 经过详细分析和充分考虑,我们采用波迅(Wavion) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站来实现住宅小区的无线网络接入。Wavion WBS-2400 WiFi蜂窝基站,2.4GHz免许可频段的技术领先型WiFi无线宽带蜂窝基站。 基于6根天线组成的智能天线阵列以及6套射频发射装置,以Wavion专利的BeamForming(空间自适应波束赋形)技术为手段,WBS-2400 WiFi蜂窝基站可以工作在LOS(视距)或者NLOS(非视距)环境下,并提供更大的覆盖范围以及更稳定的无线连接。 除此之外,Wavion独有的领先技术SDMA(空分多址)技术可以使802.11b/g的带宽容量成倍增加。对于运营商、政府以及企业客户等来说,这些在无线业内最领先的技术特点使得我们在使用很少数量WBS-2400 WiFi蜂窝基站的情况下就能够提供高质量的WiFi服务,这不仅能够节省设备的投资费用,其所带来的管理上的便利性是具有深远意义的。 基于Wavion独有的业内最先进的BeamForming(空间自适应波束赋形)技术和兼容当前市场所有在售客户端WiFi Card的能力,WBS-2400 WiFi蜂窝基站将在提升WiFi覆盖范围、带宽容量、室内穿透力以及强干扰环境下工作等关键性能点上具有显著的效能。 Wavion Base Station 2400这将使运营商可以提供低成本投资的高质量服务,可以避免陷入因为投资成本过大而降低服务质量的恶性循环。 2.4 波迅WBS无线网络产品优势 ? 更远的距离 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 6 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 相比普通WiFi AP接入点,WBS-2400可以覆盖其3倍的距离,9倍的面积。 。不 同环境 相同的无盲点覆盖能力 WBS-2400的Beamforming(空间自适应波束赋形)具 有优秀的非视距覆盖能力,从而使每个基站在任何环境都可以具有更大的无盲点覆盖范 围。 ? 优秀的室内穿透性以及深度非视距能力 超强的链路增益储备以及信号发射接收的多路径智能合并,使得WBS-2400具备优 秀的室内穿透特性和深度非视距能力。 ? 更高的带宽 超强的链路增益储备使得WBS-2400大大提高了带宽的容量,而且,SDMA(空分 多址)技术的应用使得带宽容量成倍增加。 ? 优秀的抗干扰能力 Beamforming(空间自适应波束赋形)技术固有的空间过滤功能以及独有的动态干 扰处理能力使得WBS-2400工作在强干扰环境成为可能。 ? 节省投资 WBS-2400无论环境更大的覆盖范围、低廉通用的Client Card以及优秀的室内穿透 特性,都使得每条客户的线路成本降至最低。 ? 运营商级别可靠性 基于IP-67平台可靠耐用以及全室外设计,可以在极端气候环境下稳定工作。 x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, - 7 - 第三章 无线网络方案设计 3.1 无线网络方案设计 根据住宅小区无线网络接入的具体需求,经过详细分析,我们提供以下方案设计: 根据客户要求,主要保证对小区的完全覆盖;同时,要求提供对整个小区完全覆盖的解决方案。 设计中提出的标准无线接入方案(如:图1),主要目标是完成别墅区和中高层建筑的完全覆盖,以及高层建筑面朝小区的内侧部分区域的覆盖,实现别墅和中高层建筑内用户的良好信号和流畅上网,同时兼顾高层建筑面朝小区的内侧部分区域用户的稳定接入网络应用。 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 8 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 标准无线接入方案示意图(图1) 3.2 方案配置说明 根据下列无线网络方案设计和详细配置,可以满足住宅小区的无线网络接入的需求。设计标准覆盖方案共采用15台波迅WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站完成目标区域覆盖;设计全部覆盖方案共采用19台波迅WBS-2400蜂窝基站完成全部小区覆盖。通过无线接入网络建设,实现住宅小区的用户无线网络通信,提供便捷灵活、安全稳定的无线上网应用和功能,具体设计如下: 一、标准无线接入方案 1) 采用15台WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站,分别安装适当位置,可全面的覆盖十栋别墅及六 栋中高层住宅楼的所有用户,以及最外围高层住宅楼的内侧区域用户。WBS-2400 Wi-Fi 蜂窝基站采用业界最先进的BeamForming(空间自适应波束赋形)技术,以及独有的领 先的SDMA(空分多址)技术,通过6套智能天线阵列射频发射装置,提供显著高于普 通无线AP的更大覆盖范围,具有优秀的非视距传输能力和室内穿透力。本方案中,4台 WBS-2400-SCT可很好的覆盖外围中高层住宅楼的正、背面房间,同时兼顾覆盖最外围 高层建筑的内侧区域房间。4台基站相互配合、互为补充,实现目标范围的全面覆盖以及 高层住宅楼内侧区域的稳定覆盖。具体基站架设位置,可根据实地环境勘测后做一定程度 改动,以确保达到最优的无线网络覆盖效果。 2) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站得益于独有的领先的SDMA(空分多址)技术,以及强大的非 视距传输能力和优秀的室内穿透性,优秀的抗干扰能力等一系列独特的技术,能够为用户 提供数倍于传统无线AP的数据带宽。在覆盖大型建筑、住宅小区、校园等环境时,可使 用相对较低数量的WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站达到传统AP产品数十个甚至数百个才能达 到的覆盖效果,提供强大的带宽资源满足用户的需要,提高无线网络的整体利用率和效费 比。可完全满足住宅小区内用户的无线网络通信需求,可保证用户流畅上网通信、网络浏 览、网络共享、收发E-mail、游戏、软件等网络应用。 3) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站具有强大的自回传功能, WBS-2400可以灵活无线组网。无 需校对角度,WBS-2400可自动建立无线组网,除主基站(可人工设定)外,其它基站 ation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the batt- 9 - 可根据需要选择通过回传链路传递网络数据,不必接入有线网络。因此根据实际环境需要, 部分WBS-2400基站可以采用这种连接方式,极端环境中可以最少只将1台基站接入到 有线网络,而其它基站通过无线链路连接主基站来接入有线网络。这种方式可以有效减轻 网络基础施工量和工期,同时为基站的安装选址提供宽松的条件。 二、全部无线接入方案 1) 在全面覆盖别墅区的基础上,完成外围住宅楼的全部覆盖,需要在小区最外围、高层住宅楼的外沿,选择距高层住宅楼一定距离的合适位置安装WBS-2400无线蜂窝基站,以达到覆盖全部住宅楼,进而全部覆盖小区的目的。方案中,一共15台WBS-2400可很好的覆盖别墅区,中高层住宅楼,以及高层住宅楼的全部住户。4台基站可以形成更完善的覆盖点位分布、相互补充配合,实现小区内的全面覆盖、所有用户稳定接入。具体基站架设位置,可根据实地环境勘测后做一定程度改动,以确保达到最优的无线网络覆盖效果。 2) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站基于其领先的SDMA(空分多址)技术,以及多种领先技术,为用户提供更高的带宽容量。可充分保证整个住宅小区内用户的无线网络通信需求,可保证用户流畅上网通信、网络浏览、网络共享、收发E-mail、游戏、软件等网络应用 3) 基于WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站强大的自回传功能, 在WBS-2400中,若干台WBS-2400之间可以灵活无线组网,最多5台组成一组。组网时无需校对角度,自动建立无线组网。组网后可保证一些不能连接有线网络的WBS-2400通过无线的方式连接本地LAN,接入到运营商网络。 三、网络基础和高级功能 4) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站在网络连接上通过5类网线连接交换机,并连接光纤出口就可 以接入运营商网络了。无线局域网系统施工周期短,网络节点少,安装简单,同时便于维 护和管理。 5) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站的具体安装位置需要视现场环境而定。原则上,建议基站采用 安装在低层建筑和中高层建筑楼顶的方式,要求高于建筑物楼顶2米,水平方向距离安 装塔架1米以上,从而达到良好的覆盖效果。覆盖高层建筑应采用在地面或一二层楼顶 安装的方式,要求高于地面或安装楼顶2米,水平方向距离安装塔架1米以上,这样可 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 10 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 以取得高层建筑覆盖的良好效果。WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站通过专用卡具固定,天线垂 直向上,并需做好避雷防护。 6) WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站具有优秀的工业级无线覆盖基站的稳定性和可靠性,采用IP-67 的平台耐用等级和全室外设计,保证系统的长期稳定运行。WBS-2400 Wi-Fi蜂窝基站通 过POE方式馈电,对基站设备的连接只需一根网线(10/100Mbps)。 7) 可以根据用户实际需要,选择波迅Service-Pro服务管理解决方案,实现客户端接入管理 、计费等功能。波迅Service-Pro是一个综合的OSS/BSS服务管理解决方案,为无线宽 带提供商提供服务,共分成三个部分:Radius服务器,计费管理模块和接入控制器。 Service-Pro套装提供广泛的服务,包括用户端管理,带宽管理,计费,服务 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和强制 网络认证等。 3.3 方案设计依据 波迅(Wavion)WBS-2400的多项先进专利技术决定了其超强的技术性能。与传统的高端AP相比具有以下优势: ? 超强覆盖能力,提供至少x 3倍的距离;x 9倍的面积;x 6倍的容量 ? 超高接收灵敏度(-105.5dBm),目前市场上其他较好的设备最多能达到-94dBm, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, - 11 - WBS-2400超过其11.5dBm,通常6dB代表着传输距离增加一倍。 ? 发射功率仅为19dBm(不足100mw),带来最高42dBm的等效输出功率 ? 超强抗干扰能力,智能天线阵列可有效控制对干扰信号的接收以及有效控制发射信号对 其他设备的干扰,因此在终端非常密集的极端情况下,同一点或者同一方向可以放置多 台设备来扩容巨大的客户数量而不会产生干扰。 3.3.1 Beamforming智能天线功能优势 ? 根据终端位置以及信号传输路径确定通信地址 ? 产生多路径高增益定向点波束(指向终端所在位置) ? 发射和接收时均智能自动合并多路径信号 ? 智能高增益波束的多路径发射接收带来优秀的深度非视距功能 ? 区别于普通全向天线,智能天线产生的定向点波束自动避开经过干扰信号的路径 3.3.2 SDMA空分多址技术优势 ? 同频点并发与众多客户真正同时通信(区别于TDMA) ? 同频点多信道并发,极大提高频点利用率,SDMA技术使带宽容量成倍增长 ? 自适应波束赋形技术可以提供峰值带宽所需的增益 通过实际的测试,可以发现一块普通笔记本内置无线网卡经测试可以通过4栋宿舍楼的 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 12 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 遮挡仍然稳定高带宽通信,无论任何复杂遮挡干扰环境,均可至少有效覆盖500米,采用室 外型CPE最远可达15KM以上。 and reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, la- 13 - 第四章 工程实施配套要求 4.1 设备安装方式 4.1.1 安装角度可采用两种方式: 1)可以采用垂直抱杆的安装方式,如下图: 2)或者采用水平抱杆的安装方式,如下图: 4.1.2 安装时应注意: 1) 基站距离地面或房顶垂直至少2米 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 14 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 2) 基站距离铁塔或建筑物水平至少1米 4.1.3 安装时应注意: 1)WBS-2400 天线发射和接收都是全向的,无需方向校准,保持垂直向上。 2)在安装时,使用波迅(Wavion)的自动频率选择(ACS)工具来找到最干净的频点,这项功能可以大大改善网络信号的覆盖效果。(非常重要) 4.2 接地 在基站安装点需要提供良好的防雷保护地,以便基站设备外壳、避雷装置、安装抱杆能 ation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the batt- 15 - 够就近接地,接地线使用线径1mm?的18AWG以上单芯或多芯电线。 现场接地条件不满足时需要另外加装防雷接地装置,即通过安装接地体(如接地钉)和引下线提供良好的接地。 4.3 系统防雷设计 ? 避雷针 在各基站安装点,如果楼顶还没有设置防雷网络,需要在基站上方加装避雷针,以防止基站遭雷击破坏。 ? 电源防雷 电源防雷系统主要是防止雷电波通过电源线路对设备造成危害。为避免高电压经过避雷器对地泄放后的残压过大或因更大的雷电流在击毁避雷器后继续毁坏后续设备,以及防止线缆遭受二次感应,依照GB50057-94《建筑物防雷设计规范》(2000年版)和GB50343-2004《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》,应采取分级保护、逐级泄流的原则。一是在向设备供电的大楼的电源总进线处安装放电电流较大的首级电源避雷器,二是在重要楼层或重要设备电源的进线处加装次级或末级电源避雷器。 对于本监控系统,电源的一级和二级防雷应该在安装点的大楼电源总进线处已经考虑。本设计在802.11g基站的电源馈电线上配备了专用的室外型避雷器。 ? 信号线防雷 由于雷电波在线路上能感应出较高的瞬时冲击能量,电子设备在雷电波冲击下遭受过电压而损坏的现象越来越多,其后果是可能造成整个系统的运行中断,因此必须在网络通信口处加装必要的防雷保护装置以确保网络通信系统的安全运行。 本系统中我们在基站的100M以太网接口采用了专用的室外型避雷器。在基站5.8GHz无线Mesh组网模块射频信号接口处也设计了室外型同轴避雷器。 aspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)s- 16 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 ? 接地 接地就是让已经内入防雷系统的闪电电流顺利地流入大地,而不能让雷电能量集中在防雷系统的某处对被保护物体产生破坏作用,良好的接地才能有效地泄放雷电能量,降低引下线上的电压,避免发生反击。防雷接地是防雷系统中最基础的环节,接地不好,所有防雷措施的防雷效果都不能发挥出来。 根据GB50057—94《建筑物防雷设计规范》、JGJ/T16—92《民用建筑电气设计规范》的有关规定,对控制室内所有设备的接地极和设备金属外壳进行接地处理。接地的具体处理方法是:从共同接地体的接地干线上引一条支干线到中心机房,在机房安装汇流铜排,电源接地、防静电接地、防雷接地和设备外壳接地各单独引接地导线到接地铜排,牢固连接,以保证电气设备和人身的安全。 如上面所述,在各基站安装点需通过引下线和接地体提供良好接地。 4.4 效果示意图 波迅WBS-2400覆盖安装示意图如下: depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-- 17 - 第五章 产品规格和性能 5.1 波迅WBS无线网络产品介绍 波迅——空间自适应波束赋形专利技术 波迅-空间自适应波束赋形 Self-Backhaul自回传功能 波迅(Wavion)的空间自适应波束赋形技术在波迅的空间自适应波束赋形技术可以用来每个数据包的基础上,能够汇聚并增强基站和生成很强的自回传链路,并且表现出色,即无线用户端之间发送和接收的能量。 便是在深度非视距的环境里也能发挥出色。 这个过程极大程度上增强了链路增益,并增强 了基站的抗干扰性。 波迅的空间自适应波束赋形技术可以提供而且,传统的Wi-Fi技术在多径传播时由于增很高的带宽,并且不会对系统的性能产生影益损耗、信号合并能力差、干扰等原因会产生响。 很差的效果,但是波迅的空间自适应波束赋形 技术却很好得利用多径反射提高了性能,把通 过不同反射路径给客户端的收发信号智能的结 合起来。 波迅自回传图例 与普通的接入点相比波迅的技术使得覆盖距离 技术优势 至少增大3倍、面积增大9倍、带宽容量增大 , 增强接入能力 6倍、速率增大2倍,最大程度上提升了客户 单节点上更多用户数,并且在每个用户端增的体验效果。 强了带宽; 波迅的技术可以兼容任何现有的、标准的Wi-Fi , 覆盖距离超强 客户端以及经过认证的第三方网桥产品。 至少是普通AP解决方案的3倍覆盖半径; , 全区域覆盖 更少的盲区和在深度非视距情况下更好的 室内外覆盖; -depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati- 18 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 , 超级室内穿透力 室外安装的基站可以为远距离室内用户提 供稳定的连接; , 增强抗干扰能力 空间自适应波束赋形技术形成的定向高增深度非视距情况下波迅的表现图例 益点波束和连续的动态干扰干预功能可以波迅-SDMA(空分多址) 最大化优化空中链路; 波迅的SDMA技术可以向多个不同的用户同, 开放平台 时发送相同的数据流(区别于TDMA),从而兼容市场上任何标准的2.4G和5.8G Wi-Fi使得基站的下载带宽成倍增长。 客户端; , 减少延时和抖动值 由于性能指标的提升,采用较少的跳数就可 以满足接入点和回传设备之间的传输 波迅的高性价比宽带无线架构可以提供区 域内统一综合业务全覆盖,在达到相同效果 的基础上可以相当于至少10台以上的传统覆盖能力比较图例 波迅 VS 传统接入点 设备的效果。 可以节省至少50%的安装和维护费用。 of government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnov- 19 - 应用 , 企业互联 , VoIP / 村村通 为商业用户提供高品质宽带接入 利用很少的基站就可以提供大规模远程客, 小区接入 户接入和VOIP业务。 通过低廉成本的无线网卡就可以提供高性价比, 校校通 / 社区覆盖 无线宽带服务 为发展中国家的学校和社区提供互联网接, 市政 入,为跨越数字鸿沟提供了必要工具。 为多种应用提供无线宽带网路,包括市政办公, 楼宇/酒店覆盖 楼无线接入,公共场所无线覆盖和交通管理等。 用最少的投资提供高品质的无线宽带互联, 视频监控 网接入。 通过高品质无线宽带网络来提供视频监控解决工业自动化控制/仓储物流RFID/POS收银 方案 用最简单实施、最优性能以及最低廉的成本 提供高可靠性的多终端多业务数据传输 saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 20 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 波迅WBS 基站设备 波迅WBS 基站 WBS 产品列表 波迅WBS基站是一个电信级的宽带无线空间, WBS-2400 全向基站 自适应波束赋形基站,可以提供超级的覆盖和2.4G全向基站,基于6根天线的智能天线阵接入能力。 列 WBS基站可以为集成商,市政和企业提供高品, WBS-2400 扇区基站 质,宽带室外Wi-Fi服务,用相对而言更少的2.4G 120度扇区基站,集成3根天线的智能设备数量提供更好的效果,从而大大节省预算。 天线阵列 WBS基站完全基于波迅独有的空间自适应波, WBS-5800 全向基站 束赋形技术并且兼容任何标准的Wi-Fi客户端5.8G全向基站,基于6根天线的智能天线阵以及经过认证的第三方远距离网桥设备。 列 借助WBS基站在覆盖范围、带宽、深度非视, WBS-5800 扇区基站 距和抗干扰性等方面的优异表现,集成商可以5.8G 120度扇区基站,集成3根天线的智能在保证效果的基础上提供更经济的宽带无线服天线阵列 务。 波迅双频解决方案 使用空间自适应波束赋形技术的基站来做高端接入和回传方案,其中2.4GHz用来接入,5.8GHz用来回传,这个双频解决方案可以提供高性能,高接入能力和超强的深度非视距功能。 depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-- 21 - 5.2 WBS-2400 无线基站 安全机制: WEP(64 bit or 128 bit) WPA、WPA2: , 加密算法:TKIP 。 , 鉴权方式:Pre-Shared Key or 802.1x with RADIUS Server (EAP-TLS, PEAP, EAP-TTLS) , VPN透传 管理方式: , 基于Web的管理与配置界面 , 支持标准SNMPv2以及Wavion MIB库 , 支持安全的HTTPS 网络以及Qos(服务质量): , 支持802.1q Vlan以及多SSID , 支持802.1p Qos(服务质量) , 支持WMM(Wi-Fi 多媒体) saspectgthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)- 22 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 网络接口: 10/100Mbps自适应端口 指示标示: , 以太网链路连接/活动LED , 系统状态LED , 射频信道LED 电源输入 POE: 55VDC,35W(仅限使用Wavion) 交流电: 110-220VAC,35W 适应环境: , 工作/存储温度:-40?-+60?/-45?-+85? , 震动和冲击等级:ESTI 300-192-4 , 环境适应等级:IP67 , 抗风速:165英里/小时 标准规范: , 射频:FCC 47 CFR part 15,Class C,EN 300328 , 安全:TUVus,UL 60950-1:2003,CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1-03,EN 60950-1,IEC 60950-1 , 电磁兼容:47 CFR Part 15,Subpart B,Class B (USA),EN301489-1,EN 300328 规格(不含安装件): 高度:5.5cm 长度:3 9cm 宽度:3 6cm 重量:4.2kg -Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor- 23 - 射频: IEEE 802.11b/g 频率范围:2.402-2.483GHz 调制方式: 802.11b:DSSS(DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK) 802.11g:OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK) 发射功率(802.11b/g): , 每个射频最大发射功率19dBm(FCC) , 发射功率会根据信道以及速率自动调整 EIRP : , 34.5dbm (6根天线) , 自动空间对准最大42 dBm 接收灵敏度: 11g Mbps 灵敏度dBm 11b Mbps 灵敏度dBm 6 -102.5 1 -105.5 9 -100.5 2 -103 12 -99.5 5.5 -100.5 18 -98 11 -96 24 -95 36 -92 48 -88 54 -86 5.3 波迅高级服务功能 5.3.1 波迅覆盖计算工具 gthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, innovation way, improve the content and other ment to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformation of government functions and work style." Strennforcelations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the law, lax law enforcement, promoting strict law eonal audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to reveal and reflect the imperfections of laws and reguGeneral of the National Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 nati-depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-elopment plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, inFive" audit dev-1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the function of the Audit Commission's "Twelveal regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requirements" ... Building better adapted to the demand. inancielection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Second, specification of "money". Revision of the fure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evaluation team party group, detachment personnel so ensam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any discipline, ensure choice and employment fair, tpersistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battalion officers "double selection ex repercussions in the province. (C)saspect- 24 - 住宅小区无线接入解决方案 波迅覆盖计算工具(WCT)可以让集成商能够模拟WBS基站的真实覆盖情况。 5.3.2 波迅Net-NMS 波迅的网络管理系统是一个综合的,运营商级的工具,可以让运营商有效的控制和监控他们的Wi-Fi网络。波迅Net-NMS可以为各个网络管理方面提供支持,可以让网络管理员能部署每天的监控和控制活动,也可以进行扩容管理。 5.3.3 波迅Service-Pro 波迅Service-Pro是一个综合的OSS/BSS服务管理解决方案,为无线宽带提供商提供服务,共分成三个部分:Radius服务器,计费管理模块和接入控制器。 Service-Pro套装提供广泛的服务,包括用户端管理,带宽管理,计费,服务计划和强制网络认证等。 depth summary of audit experience, continue to explore our audit of the development of ways and means." Auditor-Five" audit development plan emphasizes: "exploring innovation audit methods and techniques, in-the Audit Commission's "Twelve ion ofts" ... Building better adapted to the demand. 1.2 audit supervision and inevitable result of the transformation of the functecification of "money". Revision of the financial regulation and many other provisions, fully implement the "three requiremennd, spuation team party group, detachment personnel selection public confidence and satisfaction ranked first in the province. Secoline, ensure choice and employment fair, to ensure that no sick promotions, personnel selection is realized "zero" Corps evalalion officers "double selection exam", technology leaders, "fair up" requirements for cadres sought before any disciprepercussions in the province. (C) persistent catch system system. Is a specification "uses". Full implementation of the battation way, improve the content and other aspectsinnovof government functions and work style." Strengthening audit development of exploration, is to change the auditing function, x law enforcement, promoting strict law enforcement to reveal and reflect omissions, as questions, promote the transformationw, laand reflect the imperfections of laws and regulations to promote regulations; to reveal and reflect issues of ignoring the la ational Audit Office Liu Jiayi in the 2013 national audit institutions honest meeting, pointed out that: "the audit to revealGeneral of the N-- 25 -
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