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丑女贝蒂第一季中英文台词看Ugly Betty学英语 第一季 1集:Pilot -Betty: I like your poncho. My dad got me one in Guadalajara. poncho:斗篷【中间有一洞来伸头的毯形披风,这里贝蒂认为那是南美特产披风】 我喜欢你的南美斗篷。我爸在Guadalajara(墨西哥西部一城市)也给我买了一件。 -Charmaine: Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. Fall. fall:秋天 米兰,D&G 秋季新品。 -Marc: Betty Suare...

看Ugly Betty学英语 第一季 1集:Pilot -Betty: I like your poncho. My dad got me one in Guadalajara. poncho:斗篷【中间有一洞来伸头的毯形披风,这里贝蒂认为那是南美特产披风】 我喜欢你的南美斗篷。我爸在Guadalajara(墨西哥西部一城市)也给我买了一件。 -Charmaine: Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. Fall. fall:秋天 米兰,D&G 秋季新品。 -Marc: Betty Suarez? Betty Suarez? -Betty: Hi. That's me. Um, I have a hard copy of my resume if you need it. Should I follow you? hard copy:硬拷贝【计算机或字处理器输出的打印件】 resume:简历 follow:跟随 嗨! 我就是。如果你需要的话,我还有一份简历打印件。我应该跟你走吗, -Marc: Actually... there's been a mistake. actually:事实上 mistake:错误 事实上„„出了点儿差错。 -Betty: A mistake? 差错, -Marc: All the entry-level positions we were hiring for... they've been filled. I'm sorry. entry-level:入门级 position:职位 hire for:聘请 fill:填充,装满 我们要招聘的最低级别职位...都已经招满了。抱歉。 -Betty: Um, sir? While you got me here, I thought I could tell you a little about myself. 先生,既然让我来了,我想我还是该介绍一下自己。 Magazines are my passion, ever since I was a kid, magazine:杂志 passion:热情 ever since:自从 kid:小孩 我从小就醉心于杂志。 and I can't imagine a more amazing place to start my career than Meade Publications. imaging:想象 amazing:令人惊奇的 career:事业 publications:出版物 我想象不到还有什么更好的地方。比Meade出版社更适合我开展事业了。 I know most of your magazines inside out. I try to devour as much as I can. inside out:彻底地 try to:试图 devour:(热切地)读 我对你们大部分杂志都了如指掌。能看的我都看过了。 -Marc: Clearly. clearly:清楚地,明白地 知道了。 -Betty: Also, I've learned so much through them. You know, stuff so beyond my world, stuff:东西 beyond:超越 like„like who the up-and-comers are on the London art scene, or„ up-and-comers:最新的新人 art scene:艺术舞台【伦敦是英国的艺术之都】 比如谁是伦敦艺术展的新星。 or what the political machinations in Darfur are all about, political:政治的 machination:诡计 all about:所有关于 或者苏丹政治阴谋的目的。 or which Bali Resort is considered the most romantic in the world. Bali:巴厘岛【位于是印度尼西亚岛屿群,是旅游胜地】 resort:度假胜地 consider:认为 romantic:浪漫的 又或者巴厘岛被认为,是世界上最浪漫的地方。 And I have tons of ideas. tons of:大量的 ideas:主意,点子 我也有不记其数的新点子。 I'm always jotting stuff down on the subway. But I'm getting ahead of myself, sir. All I really want is a chance... jot down:做笔记,(快速)写下来 stuff:东西 subway:地铁 get ahead of:超越 chance: 机会 我总是在坐地铁的时候做笔记,我就要超越我自己了,先生。我只想要一个机会...。 -Marc: Good-bye! 再见! -Betty: In any position or publication„I can type 100 words a minute! position:职位 publication:出版社 type:打字 能得到出版社的一个职位我一分钟能打100个字! -Justin: I hate telenovelas. I want to watch Fashion TV. telenovelas:拉丁美肥皂剧 fashion:时尚 我讨厌拉美电视剧,我想看时尚节目。 -Hilda: Justin, you can watch Fashion TV later,when your aunt Betty is babysitting, okay? Come have some flan. aunt:阿姨 babysitting:保姆 flan:果馅饼 Justin,你Betty阿姨去当保姆的时候,你就能看时尚节目了。过来吃点馅饼。 -Justin: I don't want flan. I'll get fat. fat:肥胖的 我不吃馅饼会长胖的。 -Hilda: Honey, you're a boy. It doesn't matter if you're fat or not. Betty, did you order dad's birthday cake? order:订购 宝贝, 你是个男孩胖不胖没关系.Betty, 你订了爸爸的生日蛋糕了吗? -Betty: Of course. Chocolate volcano, same one I got last year. chocolate:巧克力 volcano:火山 当然了, 巧克力火山跟去年的一样 -Mr. Suarez: So... how was your interview? interview:面试 那么„„你面试怎么样了, -Betty: Um... I think it was really good. I mean, they were impressed. mean:意思是 impressed:给„以深刻的印象 恩, 我觉得很不错。我是说, 我令他们印象深刻。 -Hilda: You didn't get it. 你没通过。 -Betty: Well, they said that they had hired everyone they needed. hire:雇用 needed:需要的 他们说人都招满了。 -Mr. Suarez: I don't understand... you're sharp, you're prepared. understand:明白 sharp:敏锐的 prepared:准备好的 我搞不懂„„你很机灵,准备又充分。 Someone should have begged you to work for them the day you graduated Queens College. beg:请求 graduate:毕业 你从Queens大学毕业那天,人家就应该求你去工作的。 -Hilda: Betty, have you thought about exploring other options? explore:探寻 option:选择 Betty, 你有没有想过做别的? -Betty: Hilda, I am not going to sell Herbalux. Hilda,我是不会去卖HerbaLux的。 -Hilda: Well, I wasn't saying that... necessarily. necessarily:必要地 我不是说„„有这个必要。 -Betty: Dad, 爸。 -Mr. Suarez: This career is Betty’s dream. career:工作,事业 dream:梦想 这工作是Betty的梦想。 -Hilda: Okay, but I hear somebody else has some pretty big dreams, too. somebody else:别人 pretty:美好的 好吧, 但我听说还有人也有很美的梦想。 -Betty: What are you talking about? 你说什么啊? -Hilda: Justin, tell your aunt Betty what her boyfriend was saying the other night. boyfriend:男朋友 Justin,告诉你Betty阿姨,那天晚上她男朋友是怎么说的。 -Justin: Walter was on his cell phone talking to someone, and he said, she's the one. cell phone:手机 Walter当时正给别人打电话,他说,我要的就是她。 -Mr. Suarez: He wants to marry you? marry:娶 他想娶你? -Betty: He does? 不是吧, -Justin: Well, would you do it? 你会答应吗, -Betty: Well, I mean„we haven't talked about that yet, but„ 这个„„我们还没谈过,但是„„ -Hilda: Well, I think he's a catch. Flan? flan:馅饼 我觉得他还不错。馅饼, -Betty: That's him. 是他。 -Walter: Hi, Ignacio, Hilda. Hi, Betty. 嗨, Ignacio, Hilda。嗨, Betty。 -Betty: Hey. 嘿。 -Walter: Here. It's a return. The mute doesn't work, but it sounds awesome. return:返回 mute:无声器 sound:听起来 awesome:美好的 给。这个是退货的,静音不管用,但声音很棒。 -Betty: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Walter: Uh... Betty, can we talk? Betty,能谈谈吗, -Betty: Yes. Sure. Oh, um, outside. Yeah, okay. outside:外面 好啊,当然行。去外面,是的,好啊。 -News: Celebrity-studded funeral services were held today for Fey Sommers, celebrity-studded:名人云集 funeral:葬礼 service:服务 Fey Sommers明星云集的的葬礼于今天举行, the much loved and hated editor in chief of fashion bible Mode magazine. It was the bitch slap heard 'round the world。 editor in chief:总主编 fashion:时尚 bible:圣经 magazine:杂志 slap:拍,打 magazine:杂志 她是时装圣经<时尚>杂志的总编。她有很多人喜欢, 也有很多人讨厌。 when longtime "Mode" creative director Wilhelmina Slater,was passed over for the top spot in favor of Daniel Meade, longtime:长时间的 creative director:创意总监 pass over:忽略【这里指Wilhelmina被忽视了没能接管】 top spot:榜首 in favor of:支持,赞同 但他对于<时尚>杂志的常任创作总监Wilhelmina Slate不屑一顾。 the nominally experienced son of Meade Publications owner Bradford Meade. nominally:名义上的 owner:物主,所有人 Meade出版社老板Bradford Meade 的儿子,Daniel Meade接管了这一职位。 Can the notorious man whore translate his talent at bedding women into dressing them? notorious:声名狼藉的 whore:妓女 translate:转变为 talent:天赋 bed:床【这里指把那些女的勾引上床,因为Daniel喜欢游戏于其间】 dress:打扮 这个声名狼藉的小白脸能不能把骗女人上床的本事转化成打扮女人的本事? -Mr. Meade: How do you like your new office? office:办公室 喜欢新办公室吗? -Daniel: You scared me. Um...would you just, uh, give me a few minutes? There are some„some things I need to wrap up before I leave. scare:吓 wrap up:包起来,完成某事 你吓我一跳。你能不能给我几分钟?我走之前要收拾点东西。 -Mr. Meade: Interesting decorating motif. interesting:有趣的 decorate:装扮 motif:主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 有趣装饰理念。 -Daniel: You can get up. He knows you're there. I'd like to introduce you my new assistant... Charmaine. introduce:介绍 assistant:助手 起来吧,他知道你在下面。我来介绍一下我的新助理。Charmaine. -Mr. Meade: I'm sorry to interrupt your...dictation, but this is not the way you run a magazine. interrupt:打扰 dictation:口述 run:经营 很抱歉打断了你们的„„口述 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。但你这样经营杂志是不行的。 -Betty: What? 什么, -Walter: I'm in love with someone else. be in love with:与„相爱 我爱上别人了。 -Betty: But... How? I... I mean, I thought we... Well, who is it?Gina Gambarro? 但„„怎么会,我„„我以为我们„„好吧,是谁,Gina Gambarro? -Walter: I'm sorry, I... 对不起,我„„ -Betty: No. You don't have to say anything else. have to:必须 不。你什么都不用说。 -Walter: Good luck, Betty, with everything. good luck:好运 祝你好运,Betty愿你一切都好。 -Betty: Are you feeling any better? 感觉好点儿了吗, -Justin: I'm fine. Hello? Some guy from Meat Publications. guy:家伙 meat:肉【这里Justin把Mode听成了Meat】 publications:出版社 我没事儿喂,男的,什么肉类出版社的。 -Betty: Meade? This is Betty Suarez. Are you serious? Yeah! I„yeah, of course I„ I can start tomorrow. Um, what magazine is this for? serious:严肃的 magazine:杂志 Meade?我是Betty Suarez。没开玩笑吧,行! 行,当然,我明天就可以开始。是做什么杂志, Mode? Yeah, I'll be there first thing in the morning. Okay! Thank you. Bye! Assistant to the editor in chief! assistant:助理 editor in chief:主编 时尚?好, 我明天一早就过去好的!谢谢。再见~总编助理~ -Justin: I didn't know you wanted to work for "Mode." 我不知道你想到<时尚>工作。 -Betty: Well, this wouldn't have been my first choice, but... if I do good here, I can go anywhere in the company. first choice:首选 company:公司 这本来不是我的首选,但是„„如果在这儿做得好,这公司的哪本刊物我都能做好了。 -Justin: Well, just try and dress fashionably. Do have anything? dress:穿着 fashionably:时尚地 那么,试着打扮得时尚点儿。你有准备吗, -Betty: Actually, I do. actually:事实上 事实上,我有。 -Amanda: Oh, my god. Hi. You the "before",Before and after„the photo shoot. Are you delivering something? shoot:拍照 deliver:递送 我„„的„„天~嗨,你是“化妆前”,化妆前,化妆后拍照的时候。你是来送东西的, -Betty: Oh, no! No. I„I work here. 不! 不是~我„„我来工作的。 -Amanda: For? 替谁工作, -Betty: For the new editor in chief. 新任总编。 -Amanda: So everyone's in the conference room, and Daniel's about to start his first staff meeting. I’m Amanda, by the way. conference:会议 be about to:即将 staff:职员 meeting:会议 by the way:顺便说 一下 所有人都在会议室。Daniel马上要召开他的第一次职员会议。顺便说下, 我是Amanda。 -Betty: Betty. 我是Betty。 -Amanda: Okay,F.Y.I., Betsy, assistants are usually here before their bosses. F.Y.I:=for your information仅供参考 assistant:助理 usually:通常 boss:老板 好的, 跟你说一下, Betsy,助理们通常应该比上司先到。 -Betty: Oh, well, I was filling out paperwork in H.R. fill out:填写 paperwork:文书工作【这里指需要填的表格】 H.R.:humanresource,人 力资源 我刚才在 人力资源 卫生院人力资源管理制度人力资源管理咨询——主要流程人力资源管理课程教学大纲某公司人力资源分析报告护理人力资源调配方案及措施 部填表格。 -Amanda: Yeah, just don't let it happen again. So, uh, where do you come from? 是吗,以后不能这样了。那你打哪儿来的, -Betty: Queens. 皇后区。 -Amanda: What job did you have? 以前干过什么? -Betty: Oh, actually, apart from internships and part-time jobs to pay for school, this is my first real job. apart from:除„之外 internship:实习期 part-time job:兼职 real:真正的 实际上,除了实习和做兼职挣学费这是我第一份真正的工作。 -Amanda: That's funny. funny:有趣的 很有意思。 I was told I didn't have enough experience for the position. experience:经验 position:职位 他们跟我说,对于这个职位我的经验还不够。 -Amanda: It's over there. 在那边。 -Betty: You are an attractive, intelligent, confident businesswoman. attractive:吸引力的 intelligent:聪明的 confident:有信心的 businesswoman:职业女性 你是一个有魅力,聪明,自信的职业女性。 -Daniel: So I got to confess„I'm probably not going to remember everyone's names, and I'm really, uh... Are you okay? confess:坦白 probably:可能 remember:记得 我得承认„„我可能不会记得每个人的名字我真的,呃„„你没事吧, -Betty: I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. 我没事,没事。对不起。对„„对不起 -Daniel: Anyway, uh, I wish I wasn't„Uh, I wish I wasn't coming in as a new guy under such terrible circumstances. anyway:不管怎样 wish:希望 come in:进入,开始 guy:家伙,伙计terrible:可怕的 circumstances:情况 不管怎样,我希望我不是„„我希望我不是在这么糟糕的情况下作为一个新人来这里的。 I realize I have some awful big...teeth„shoes to fill, realize:意识到 awful:艰难的,极坏的 shoes to fill:任务要完成 我知道今后„„将会有很多困难。 but I can't tell you how excited I am to be working with such an amazingly talented and dedicated staff. excited:兴奋的 amazing:令人惊叹的 talented:有才华的 dedicated:献身的 staff:职员 但是,即将与你们这些有才华的专业的职员共事,难以表达我的兴奋之情。 Now I'd like to take the moment to talk a little about some of the ideas„ would like to:想要 ideas:想法,主意 现在我花一点时间来谈一点我的想法。 -Wilhelmina: So sorry I am late. Oh, you began without me.without:无,没有 抱歉我迟到了,我没来你们就开始了。 -Daniel: Sorry, Wilhelmina, I waited„ 对不起,Wilhelmina,我是想„„ -Wilhelmina: Shh!.. Marc. Gift. gift:礼物 嘘! Marc„„礼物。 -Daniel: Thank you. As I was saying, I really want to„ 谢谢,正如我刚才所说,我真的希望„„ -Wilhelmina: Well, aren't you going to open it? Swarovski crystal, to commemorate your first day. crystal:水晶 commemorate:纪念 你不打开吗?施华洛世奇水晶,纪念你的第一天。 -Daniel: Thank you. But it is "Daniel," not "Danny." 谢谢但我叫Daniel,不是Danny, -Wilhelmina: What I'm hellaciously upset, Marc. hellaciously:非常地,很 upset:不安的,生气的 什么?我很失望, Marc。 -Marc: Oh, my god, I am so sorry. 天哪,非常抱歉。 -Wilhelmina: Shh! Purge this from memory, please. purge:清除 memory:记忆 请别放在心上。 -Daniel: As I was saying, it's a particularly exciting time for me because„ particularly:特别的 exciting:兴奋的 正如我刚才说的,这对我来说是个特别激动的时刻,因为„„ -Wilhelmina: I think we need to discuss the Fabia Cosmetics supplement. discuss:讨论 cosmetic:化妆品 supplement:增刊 我想我们需要讨论一下Fabia 化妆品增刊的事情。 -Daniel:Fabia Cosmetics? Fabia化妆品, -Wilhelmina: The biggest ad buy of the year, and the only paid layout editorial ever works on. ad:advertisement的缩写,广告 paid:支付 layout:布局,排版 editorial:编辑的 work on:从事于 今年最大的广告生意,也是我们做过的,唯一已付费的版面专栏。 -Daniel: Well, I'm sure Fabia will love whatever we come up with, right? come up with:想出 我肯定不管我们拿出什么来 Fabia都会喜欢的,对吧, -Wilhelmina: Daniel, you„you don't understand. Given the new circumstances, Fabia needs to sign off on the spread before we go to print. understand:明白 circumstance:情况 sign off:签收 spread:传播 print:印刷 Daniel, 你-你不明白,这种新形势下。Fabia得在我们印刷之前就签约。 Obviously, we're all here to help you succeed, and we've got plenty of ideas. obviously:显然地 succeed:成功的 plenty of:很多 很显然, 我们都是来帮助你成功的。而且我们有不少好点子。 So I think we all need to get back to work to make sure that this„your very first issue with your name on the masthead„sparkles. get back to:回到 make sure:确保 issue:期刊 masthead:报头 sparkle:闪耀 所以我想我们都应该回去工作了来确保„„第一期印了你的名字的杂志„„大放光彩。 Okay, everyone, let's not dillydally. Our editor needs us. dillydally:磨蹭 好了, 大家,别磨蹭了。编辑需要我们。 -Marc: killer poncho. killer:杀手 poncho:斗篷 斗篷杀手。 -Betty: Thanks! Mr. Meade? Excuse me, um, Mr. Meade? Hi. Um, I just wanted to come and introduce myself personally. introduce myself:自我介绍 personally:亲自地 谢谢!Meade先生?不好意思, Meade先生? 嗨我只是想过来自我介绍一下, I'm Betty Suarez. It's a-a pleasure to meet you. pleasure:高兴 我是Betty Suarez,很高兴见到您。 -Daniel: Hi, Betty. Um, um...who do you work for? work for:为„效力 嗨, Betty,你替谁做事, -Betty: Well, um, I work for you. I'm your new assistant. assistant:助手 为您做事,我是您的新助理。 -Wilhelmina: Did you get the crease under the hairline? crease:折痕,起皱 hairline:发际线 发际下面的皱纹弄到没有, -Marc: Yes, Willie. 是的,Willie。 -Wilhelmina: 20 years, Marc. No one has done more, worked harder... I have bled for this magazine, helped make it into the icon it is today。 bled:bleed的过分词,流血 magazine:杂志 icon:图标 20年了,Marc,没人比我做得更多,更努力„„我为杂志呕心沥血,帮它达到了今天这样的成就。 and that nasty, nepotistic son of a bitch gives my job to his... nasty:下流的 nepotistic:偏袒起用亲戚的人 bitch:婊子 而那个下流的, 偏心的老王八蛋却把我的工作给了他的. -Marc: His son. 他儿子。 -Wilhelmina: Who's a self-absorbed, lothario punk who knows nothing about fashion! Tell me the truth„ self-absorbed:热衷于自己想法的 lothario:色狼,好色之徒 punk:废物 truth:事实 这小子是个自大的,放荡的小流氓,对时尚一无所知!跟我讲真话„„ is it because I'm getting old? 是不是因为我老了, -Marc: Absolutely not. Ugh! Though you could do with a tad bit more between the brows. So what are you going to do? absolutely:明显地 tad:微量,少量 brow:眉毛 当然不是。不过眉心这里还可以稍微弄一下。那你准备怎么办? -Wilhelmina: Just wait and see. 等着瞧吧。 -Marc: Well, he's well on his way to falling flat on his face. I mean, can you believe that assistant? uh... left over?(断句) fall flat:达不到预期效果, 完全失败 mean:意思是 believe:相信 assistant:助理 他用不了多久就会一败涂地。我是说,你看见那个助理没有? This is "Mode," not "Dog Fancy." Done. What do you want me to do with the, fancy:爱好,迷恋 这是《时尚》,不是《狗部》。完工。你想让我怎么处理...剩下的。 -Wilhelmina: All yours. Give me a moment, Marc. How are you recovering, darling? Well, I'm sure you'll feel better once recover:复原 be sure:确定 都给你了。Marc,给我几分钟。亲爱的,你康复得如何?我肯定你会好起来的。 uh, everything here starts coming to a boil. boil:沸腾 等到„„这里一切开始升温的时候。 -Amanda: Here. 这个给你。 -Betty: Oh, thank you. 谢谢你。 -Amanda: What are you doing? 你在干什么, -Betty: Um, I'm just gathering information on Fabia for Daniel. gather:搜集 information:信息 我在为Deniel搜集Fabia的信息。 -Amanda: Ugh, she is so fabulously douchey. Who's he in with? fabulously:难以置信地,惊人地 douchey:老婆娘 她的注射手术做得真好和他在一起的人是谁? -Betty: Oh, um, Phillippe Michel. He's a photographer. photographer:摄影师 Phillippe Michel,是个摄影师。 -Amanda: Oh. He's doing the supplement, isn't he? Oh, he's amazing. He's shot, like, everything. supplement:增刊 amazing:令人惊讶的 shot:拍摄 他在做增刊, 是吗?他很令人惊讶,他的作品, 他的一切。 -Betty: Yeah, I think„you know, it looks like they're really good friends. looks like:看上去像 是的,看起来他们是很好的朋友。 -Amanda: Oh, well, there had been some drama. Daniel hooked up with Phillippe's ex-girlfriend a couple of years ago. drama:戏剧 hook up:勾结 ex:前任的 girlfriend:女朋友 a couple of:几 他们间有过些过节。几年前, Deniel勾引过 Phillippe的女友, -Betty: But they're fine now. 但是现在他们和好了。 -Amanda: Yeah, we went out for, like, a week. And they don't call him "the tripod" because he's a photographer, tripod:三脚架 是啊, 我们约会了„„差不多, 近一周的时间他们可不叫他"三脚架"因为他是个有才能的摄 影师, If you catch my drift. drift:大意 如果你明白我的意思的话。 -Daniel: This is crap. crap:废物 都是些垃圾。 -Phillippe: No. No. Too down, too out. Can't go there. All this is terrible. terrible:可怕的,糟糕的 不行。不行。角度太低, 太偏。不能用。真是够糟糕的。 -Daniel: That's what I thought. Phillippe, can I trust you with something? trust with:信任 我也是这么想的。Plillppe,我可以信任你吗, -Phillippe: Of course, Daniel. You know you're like a brother to me 当然可以,Daniel,你知道,你就像是我的弟弟。 -Daniel: I don't think anyone wants me here, especially Wilhelmina. especially:特别地 我觉得,有人不想让我留在这里尤其是Wilhelmina。 -Phillippe: Well, that's no secret. secret:秘密 这不是秘密。 -Daniel: I think she's trying to take me in the wrong direction with this Fabia layout. Do you have any ideas? try to:试图 direction:方向 layout:安排, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ideas:主意 她想让我在Fabia版面上犯错误。你知道吗? -Phillippe: Like, a million, but keep things on the Q.T. Most of these people are still loyal to Wilhelmina, loyal:忠心的 比如,一百万,行事别太张扬。这里很多人还是对Wilhelmina很忠心。 and you don't want them mucking things up muck up:搞砸 你不想让他们把事情搞砸吧? -Betty: Um, sorry to interrupt, but can I get you lunch? interrupt:打扰 lunch:午餐 抱歉,打扰了,要为你们订午餐吗? -Daniel: No, no, but you go ahead. Thanks. go ahead:继续进行 不用了,你去忙吧,谢谢。 -Betty: Hi, I'm a really big fan of yours. That travel layout you did with the Tiki Torches, wow, that was... fan:迷 travel:旅游 我是你的忠实读者。你帮Tiki Torches做的旅游版面。哇, that was really gorgeous gorgeous:华丽的 真是„„太漂亮了。 -Phillippe: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Betty: Yeah, it kind of reminded me of this Hiroaki spread I'd seen a couple of years ago. remind of:想起 让我想起几年前Hiroaki的作品。 -Phillippe: Hey, listen, I don't know who you are or what you're implying, imply:暗含„的意思 听着,我不知道你是谁,还有你在暗示什么 but, um, I would never use another photographer's idea.。 但是,我从不用其他摄影师的创意。 -Betty:Oh, no, no! No, no, I wasn't„I wasn't saying... um... I„I should go. 不,不,我不是说„„我不是这个意思„„我该走了。 -Phillippe: What's the story here? I know the type of women you hire. type:;类型 hire:雇用 发生了什么事,我知道你雇用女职员的类型。 -Daniel: My father made me. 我爸爸让我雇用她。 -Phillippe: You're kidding me? kid:开玩笑 你在开玩笑, -Daniel: Look, she appears to be good, capable„ appear:看来好像 capable:有能力的 她看起来不错有能力。 -Phillippe:Fugly! Listen to me, you are the editor in chief of "Mode" magazine. This business is all image. fugly:丑毙了 editor in chief:主编 magazine:杂志 image:形象 丑毙了!听我说你是<时尚>杂志的主编,这行当做的就是表象的东西! Is that what you want representing you? Paparazzi taking your pictures, and she's standing behind? represent:代表 take picture:照相 stand behind:站在背后 你想让她这样的来代表你?狗仔队会拍你,她就站在你身后? -Daniel: Well, I can't fire her, Phillippe. fire:解雇 Phillippe,我不能炒了她。 -Phillippe: Well...what if she quits? quit:辞职 那么,如果她辞职呢, -Daniel: And how do I get her to do that? 我怎么能让她辞职, -Phillippe:You beat her down... to a pulp. beat down:使沮丧 pulp:纸浆 你数落她„„滩烂泥 -Christina: Hey, you. Betty, right? Daniel Meade's new assistant? 嘿,你好。是Betty, 对吗?Daniel Meade新来的助手, -Betty: Yeah. How did you know that? 是的,你怎么知道的。 -Christina: Oh, everybody knows everything around here. I'm Christina. I work in the closet. closet:衣帽间,橱 这儿的事人尽皆知。我是Christina,我在储藏室工作。 -Betty: The closet? What„ 储藏室,什么„„ -Christina: Mm-hmm, where all the clothes are kept. I act as an in-house seamstress, sort of track of things. in-house:内部的 seamstress:女裁缝师 sort of:有那么点 track of:跟踪 就是放服装的地方.我就像内部女裁缝,不停找衣服上的瑕疵。 Sometimes, they even let me keep some of the crappy stuff from last season, but, you know, crappy:无用的 stuff:东西 season:季节 有时候,他们会让我留着一些过季的垃圾衣服,但是, 你知道, I have to improvise because everything is a size zero! Voila improvise:即兴创作 size:大小,尺寸 voila:<法>那就是,瞧 我都得改改,因为所有的衣服都是零号的。你瞧, -Betty: Nice. 真不错。 -Christina: Anyway, well, I like it. Mostly because I'm by myself, Away from all the chic-ees. anyway:不敢怎样 mostly:主要地 chic-ees:别致【这里指代在Mode那些打扮得很别致却 不怎样的人】 不管怎么说,我喜欢主要是我自己做的。和别的“美-工”不一样。 -Betty: The chic-ees? 美-工? -Christina: Yeah, the bitches that work at "Mode." Hey, girls! Zelda, Nancy, this is Betty. bithch:婊子 是的,在“时尚”工作的婊子。嘿,姑娘们!这是Zelda, Nancy, 这是Betty。 -Nancy: Oh, hi! - Hi! It's nice to meet you. 哦,嗨。见到你很高兴 -Betty: Nice to meet you, too. 见到你很高兴。 -Marc: It's the bizarre version of "Sex and the City." bizarre:奇异的 version:版本 Sex and the City:欲望都市【一部美剧收视率也很高的 电视剧,讲述发生在纽约曼哈顿四个单身女人身上的故事】 就像《欲望都市》的奇殊版本。 -Amanda: Stop it, I'm gagging! gag:使呕吐 别再说了,我都要吐了! -Man: Funny, you look like any old schlub sitting here, feeding these stupid pigeons. funny:有趣的 schlub:<美俚>没用的人 feed:喂 pigeon:鸽子 真有意思。你跟那些坐在这里的老家伙们一样。喂这些愚蠢的鸽子。 -Mr. Meade: I doubt if any old schlub would be feeding them artisanal pain de mie they made themselves. artisanal:工匠的,技术的 pain de mie:面包 我怀疑会不会有老家伙喂他们自己亲手做的夹心面包。 -Man: There's nothing to worry about. She's gone. Weren't you sitting front row at the funeral? worry:担心 funeral:葬礼 没什么好担心的。她走了,你不是坐在葬礼的前排吗, -Mr. Meade: Closed casket. Double... triple-check The things Fey Sommers knew about me, about the company... casket:棺材 double:两倍 triple:三倍的 check:检查 还盖上了棺盖。双倍„„三倍仔细地检查Fey Sommers所知道的我所关于公司的事情 -Man: I'm on it. 我这就去。 -Daniel: Hi, Betty. There's a problem with my lunch. 你好,Betty,我的午饭有问题。 -Betty: Okay. 好的。 -Daniel: I love cole slaw. I hate cabbage. cole:菜,小菜 slaw:卷心菜沙拉 cabbage:卷心菜 喜欢油菜色拉,不喜欢卷心菜。 -Betty: But cole slaw is... 但是油菜色拉„„ -Daniel: No, no, no. No, I know. I just„I„I like the„the tart, tangy dressing. Can you do something about it... tart:酸辣的 tangy:有刺激性的 dressing:调味品 不, 不, 不, 我知道,我只是...我喜欢酸辣, 刺激性的调料。你能做点什么吗, Before it gets to room temperature? room temperature:室温 在它凉到室温之前。 (歌词): # She works hard for the money # # So hard for it, honey # # She works hard for the money # # So you better treat her right # -Betty: Hello? Hi, Daniel. 喂,你好,Daniel。 # So hard for it, honey # # She works hard for the money # # So you better treat her right # # O netta there in the corner stands # # And she wonders where she is # # And it's strange to her # # Some people seem # # to have everything # -Betty: Hi. 你好。 -Hilda: Betty, where are you? Betty,你在哪里, -Betty: I'm still working. 我还在上班。 -Hilda: You forgot, didn't you? 你忘记了,是吗, -Betty: Oh, my god, dad's birthday. Yeah, I was busy. Look, I got to go, okay? I'll get home as soon as I can. as soon as:尽快 天哪,爸爸的生日。是的,我太忙了。我必须走了,好吗,我会尽快赶回家。 -Betty: Um, yeah, the, uh... the red turkey is on the move. turkey:火鸡 on the move:在活动中 那个„„红色火鸡出动了。 -Daniel: Hold on... it's work stuff. Will you sleep over another night? stuff:事情 sleep over:在别人家里过夜 等等„„是工作的事情。下次再来过夜好吗? -Amanda: Sure. So, uh, when's this position going to open? position:位置 当然,那么,这个位置什么时候可以公开, -Daniel: Oh, hopefully, very, very soon. hopefully:有希望地 希望是,非常,非常快。 -Amanda: Oh, okay. Well, uh, good night... boss. Bye! good night:晚安 boss:老板 哦,好的晚安„„老板再见! -Daniel: Hey. 嗨。 -Betty: HI. Do you„do you need anything else? 你还需要什么吗, -Daniel: Why don't you stick around for a little bit, make sure everything's okay? stick around:留下等待 a little bit:一点儿 make sure:确保 你干嘛不多待一会儿确保一切OK? -Betty: Yeah. Okay, no„no problem. 好吧,好的,没„„没有问题。 -Daniel: Perfect timing. perfect:完美的,完全的 时间刚刚好。 -Gina: Oh, Walter! You're such a big boy. Walter! 你真是个大男孩。 -Hilda: He's sleeping. 他睡了。 -Betty: Hilda, I know... Hilda,我知道„„ -Hilda: Do you realize this is the first time since mom died that we haven't all been together on his birthday? together:一起 birthday:生日 你知不知道这是妈妈死后第一次我们没有一起给他过生日, -Betty: Yes, I realize that, and I am sorry, but I was working。 realize:意识到 是的,我知道,而且我真的很抱歉。但我在工作。 -Hilda: It's fine, Betty. I just hope it's all worth it. We saved you a piece of cake. It's in the fridge. hope:希望 worth:值得 save:保留 fridge:冰箱 没事,Betty。我只希望那是值得的。我们给你留了一块蛋糕在冰箱里。 -Daniel: Oh, this photo shoot is going to be absolutely sick. Best supplement we've ever done for Fabia by far. shoot:拍摄 absolutely:完全地 set:开始 supplement:增刊 by far:到目前为止 这次的照片一定会很棒。这将会是至今我们为FABIA 作的最好的增刊。 Oh, yeah, I'm„I'm on my way to set as we speak. Hello? 是的„„我们说话的时候,我已经动身了。喂, -Betty: It's a really exciting day, huh? I mean, with the photo shoot. Hey, Daniel, I know you're really overwhelmed right now, exciting:兴奋地 mean:意思是 overwhelmed:繁忙的 right now:现在 真是令人兴奋的一天,哈,我是说,照片。Daniel,我知道你现在真的很忙。 but I was wondering, there was something that I just... wonder:想知道 但我在想有些事情,我只是„„ Daniel, you know, I was wondering if you had a quick moment„ Daniel,你知道,我在想如果你有一点点时间„„ -Daniel: Do I look like I have a "quick moment"? look like:看上去像 我看上去像是有“一点点时间”吗, -Betty: No. So sorry. 不,真的很抱歉。 -Daniel: Damn it! They forgot one of the outfits. Go up to the closet and bring it to set。 dame:该死的 outfit:全套衣服 go up to:前往 closet:衣帽间 set:套 妈的!他们忘记了一套服装听着,去储藏室,把它拿过来。 -Betty: Please? 请, -Christina: Feel the fabric on that thing. fabric:织物 摸摸那东西的面料。 -Betty: It's kind of rough. rough:粗糙的 有点粗糙。 -Christina: That's because it's burlap. Basically, you're talking $7,000 for a designer potato sack. burlap:粗麻布 basically:从根本上说 designer:设计师 potato:土豆 sack:麻袋 因为这是粗麻布。事实上, 你说的是价值7,000美元的设计师设计的土豆麻袋。 -Betty: I can't believe people actually buy this stuff. actually:居然 stuff:东西 我真不敢相信人们真的会去买这种东西。 -Christina: I can't believe they wear it. And usually just once before they'll chuck it to make room for the next season.。 believe:相信 wear:穿着 usually:通常 once:一次 chuck:丢弃 我不敢她们会穿这东西,而且通常在她们在为下一季腾出空间前,只穿过一次。 But that's fashion, and I've got to say, I love it. Oh, you're not too much into it, are you? fashion:时尚 但这就叫潮流,而且我得说,我就是喜欢。你不是太了解,是吗, -Betty: Um, no. Not really. 不,不完全是。 -Christina: So how's it going? 那怎么样呢, -Betty: Um... 嗯„„ -Christina: Brutal, huh? brutal:残忍的 很残酷, 哈? -Betty: Well, nothing I do is good enough. He treats me like dirt. I mean, just now I was trying to show him this one idea that I had... dirt:泥土 mean:意思是 just now:刚才 try to:试图 show:展示 我做的事情没有一件令人满意,他就像对待垃圾一样对待我。我是说就在刚才我想要给他看 看我的策划„„ It would've taken him 30 seconds, but... he bit my head off. What? bit:寒冷,凛冽【这里指浇了Betty一头冷水】 大概只需要30 秒。但他浇了我一头凉水。什么, -Christina: Betty... Nancy was down in human resources, and. some people there were talking, and, uh... human resources:人力资源 Betty„„Nancy,刚被调到人事部。有些人传言,嗯„„ well, apparently, Bradford was the one that wanted to hire you. 很显然想要雇用你的人是BRADFORD。 -Betty: Bradford Meade? Wait, he knows who I am? Bradford Meade,等等,他知道我是谁, -Christina: He made Daniel hire you„because he didn't want his son to be tempted to sleep with his assistants anymore. tempt to:试图 sleep with:和„上床 assistant:助理 他让Daniel雇用你„„因为他不想让他儿子再被助理勾引到上床。 -Betty: Oh. 噢~ -Christina: I'm sorry, Betty. 我很抱歉,Betty。 -Betty: No, that„that explains a lot. explain:解释 不,这说明了很多问题。 -Christina: Betty„ Betty„„ -Betty: No, no, really, it's fine. I should be grateful that I got my break. It's not so easy for everyone. grateful:感恩的 不,真的,没事。我能得到这个职位应该很高兴。 This is just how it was supposed to happen for me. Well, I should be going, so... Thank you. be supposed to:应该 对于所有人来说都不是件容易的事这就是本该发生在我身上的事我得走了„„谢谢。 -Amanda: Oh! So, uh, I was just on my lunch break, and I thought I'd stop by. This is really amazing. lunch break:午休时间 ` 哦, 我刚好在午休,我想我可以顺便过来。这真是很不可思议。 -Daniel: Thank you, Amanda. 谢谢。 -Amanda: And if you need anything... 如果你需要什么^ -Phillippe:Traffic or hangover? Did„did anyone read the contract to her? She needs to be here for the test shots! traffic:交通 hangover:宿醉 contract: 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 test shot:试镜 堵车还是喝醉了,有没有„„人给她读过合同,她得到这里来试镜! -Daniel: Hey, what's going on? 怎么了, -Phillippe: Izabela, the Brazilian model... she's late. This is a crazy, complicated shoot, and I need her dressed and ready... right now. model:模特儿 crazy:疯狂的 complicated:复杂的 Izabela, 那个巴西模特„„她迟到了这是个疯狂的,高难度的拍照而我需要她穿好服装准备就绪„„现在。 -Daniel: Phillippe, they're test shots. Let's just use the stand-in. stand-in:替补演员 Phillippe,不过是试拍,我们就用用替补吧。 -Phillippe: No, no, she's too specific. I need someone with her„with her skin tone. Someone like... her. specific:特定的 skin tone:肤色 不,不,她很特别。我需要能有她--那种皮肤颜色的人。就像„„她。 -Daniel: Funny. 很好玩。 -Phillippe: I bet you she quits before she does it. bet:打赌 quit:辞职 我敢打赌她没做就会辞职。 -Man: Whoops, excuse me. 哎呦,不好意思。 -Daniel: Betty! Oh, I am so glad you're here. Listen, we have a crisis and we really need your help. glad:高兴的 crisis:危机 Betty~真高兴你来了听着我们遇到麻烦了,需要你的帮助。 -Betty: Okay. 好的。 -Daniel: Uh, one of our models didn't show up. We really need someone to stand in for her in wardrobe. show up:露面 stand in:顶替 wardrobe:衣服 我们的一个模特没有来,我们很需要有人顶替她穿上服装。 -Betty: Um, so... you want„you want me to do it? 那么„„你想„„你想要我去做, -Daniel: Well? 怎么, -Betty: Well„this... is what you want me to do? 这„„就是你想让我做的吗, -Daniel: Yeah! 是的! -Daniel: Well, it looks like she finally quit. finally:最终 看起来她还是辞职了。 -Phillippe:Good. Smart ass had no business working for you in the first... place. smart:聪明的 好的。你现在根本不需要什么助手。 (歌词): # Please allow me to # # introduce myself # # My name is superstar # # Short for nothing # -Betty: Where do you want me? 你想要让我去哪里, -Phillippe: Right... there is fine. I see a shadow. Can you move that light over to the right? Thank you. Movement, ladies. Movement. shadow:影子 movement:移动 就在...那里就好了,我看到阴影了,你能把灯光向右边移一点吗,谢谢动起来,女士们,动 作 Sexy. More, more. Give me more. Okay, you're devouring the camera with your eyes. Give me a little more coquette, Betty. sexy:性感 devour:盯着 camera:镜头 coquette:卖弄风情 性感,再来, 再来,再来点,好的, 用你们的眼睛盯住镜头,展示一点风情, Betty。 -Daniel: Stop it. Stop it. Betty, wait! 停下,快停下。Betty,等等! -Betty:This is what you wanted, isn't it, to humiliate me and make me quit? humiliate:侮辱 quit:辞职 这就是你想让我做的,不是吗,羞辱我,让我自动辞职, God forbid you had to work with the ugly girl your dad forced you to hire. Well, congratulations. forbid:禁止 ugly:丑的 force:强迫 hire:雇用 congratulations:恭喜 老天硬要你和一个丑姑娘一起工作。你老爸强迫你雇用我。哦, 恭喜你了。 -Justin: Chamomile? chamomile:黄春菊 春黄菊茶, -Betty: Thank you, Justin. 谢谢你,Justin。 -Justin: I'm sorry it didn't work out. It happens. Mom said she wasn't surprised. work out:解决 happen:发生 surprised:吃惊的 我很抱歉, 这次没成功。有时会这样的,妈妈说过她不会感到惊讶。 -Betty: Hilda said that? Hilda这么说了? -Justin; She said all the stuff you want to do, owning a magazine, doesn't happen for people like us, unless you're J. Lo or something. stuff:东西 own:拥有 magazine:杂志 unless:除非 她说你想做的一切,拥有一家杂志社。不会发生在我们这种人身上,除非你是洛佩兹或者其 他人. She said she wishes you'd be more realistic, but... I think she's full of crap. wish:希望 realistic:实际的 crap:废话 她说她希望你能更现实一点。但是...我觉得她都是胡说。 -Betty: Hold this. 拿着。 -Justin: What.. what are you doing? 什么„„你在干什么, -Betty: I just want to say that this is really unfair. I live two doors down! I can see you! unfair:不公平 我只想说, 这一点也不公平。我就住在两家之隔~我能看见你! -Gina: What the hell you doing? 你到底在干什么, -Betty: Um... where's Walter? Walter人呢, -Gina: It's over. Look, Walter„he's sweet and everything„but I told him from the start I wasn't looking for anything serious. look for:寻找 serious:认真的 结束了。听着,Walter„„他很体贴什么都好„„但我一开始就告诉他,我不会来真的。 And he said fine, he could still get me 30% off a flat screen. flat screen:平板电视 他说没关系,他还给了我七折的平板电视。 -Betty: You used him for his discount? discount:折扣 你利用他就是为了折扣, -Gina: Oh, he offered. offer:提供 他主动给我的。 -Gina: Bitch! You broke my plasma! plasma:等离子电视 婊子!你弄坏了我的等离子电视! -Phillippe: We're so thrilled to have you here, Fabia. Now, why don't we let the pictures speak for themselves? thrill:兴奋 speak for:替„讲话 你的到来真让我们受宠若惊,FABIA我们为什么不让照片自己说话, -Fabia; Smettila! This is freaking joke, right? Smettila:<意>瞎掺和 freaking:奇异的 joke:玩笑 真外行!这只是无聊的玩笑, 是吧? -Phillippe: Uh, no. 不是。 -Fabia; You stupid .All of you, stupid! Idiots, idiots! stupid:愚蠢的 idiot:笨蛋 你这个蠢蛋,你们所有人,都是蠢蛋~笨蛋,笨蛋! -Daniel: What„what just happened?! 怎„„怎么了,~ -Marc: Well...Fabia's probably still a little sensitive about the accident. sensitive:敏感的 accident:事故 Fabia可能对于那场事故有点过度敏感了。 -Daniel: Accident? 事故, -Marc: Oh, you didn't know. About a month ago, she backed her S.U.V. into 12 people outside Marquee. S.U.V. :Sports Utility Vehicle运动型多功能车 marquee:大帐篷 哦,你不知道啊,一个月以前,她在帐篷外倒车时撞到了12个人。 -Phillippe: I was in Saint-Tropez. I had no idea. have no idea:不知道 我当时在圣特鲁佩斯,我不知道。 -Daniel: Why„why didn't anyone say anything? 为什么„„为什么没有人说过一句, -Wilhelmina: Daniel, if I may, you didn't include me in the concept. And we all thought you knew what you were doing. include:包含 concept:观点 Daniel,如果我说了,你不会在意的。我们都以为你很清楚自己在做什么。 -Mr. Meade: Fabia's not just talking about canceling... the "Mode" supplement. She's considering... cancel:取消 supplement:增刊 consider:考虑 Fabia并不仅仅要取消《时尚》的增刊,她还在考虑„„ Pulling advertising from every single one of my magazines. advertising:广告 single:单一的 把所有我的杂志上的广告都撤下来。 Is it true you worked on this on your own, didn't consult Wilhelmina or anyone else? on one’s own:独立地 consult:商量 这真的都是你一个人干的吗?没有和ELMINA或者其他人商议? -Daniel: Look, I can explain. I had„I had a very strong feeling she was trying to sabotage me. explain:解释 strong:强烈的 feeling:感觉 try to:试图 sabotage:阴谋破坏 我可以解释,我有强烈的预感她在破坏我的工作。 -Mr. Meade: The only person who sabotaged you was yourself. 能破坏你的工作的只有你自己。 -Daniel: Sorry I let you down. let down:失望 不好意思让您失望了。 -Mr. Meade: Well, I'm sorry I keep hoping you'll be something you're clearly not. My leg is cramping. hope:希望 clearly:清楚地 cramp:抽经 我还一直期望你能做好的,但显然你没有,我腿酸死了。 -Daniel: Look, I can fix this. Present I'll just present her with a whole new idea. fix:修补 present:提出,呈现 瞧,我可以补救,我会给她另外出一个主意。 -Mr. Meade: We just closed book. It's too late. close book:闭卷【谈话到此为止】 到此为止吧,太晚了。 -Daniel: Tomorrow morning. Please. Give me another chance. chance:机会 明天一早,求你了。再给我次机会。 -Marc: Daniel called again looking for you. look for:寻找 Daniel又打过来找你了。 -Wilhelmina: What part of "unavailable" does he not understand? unavailable:没空 understand:明白 难道他不理解什么叫“没空”吗, -Marc: I'll let him know. 我会让他知道的。 -Wilhelmina: He really should've come to me earlier. really:真正地 earlier:更早 他真的应当早点来找我的. -Phillippe: It wouldn't have made any difference now, would it? difference:不同 这个现在也没什么关系了。是不是, -Wilhelmina: Not really. To teamwork. teamwork:合作 这可不一定,为了合作。 -Phillippe: To revenge. revenge:报复 为了报复。 -Betty: He has a heart condition. Yes, he„he needs his medication. But you can't just cover the pills and then randomly decide to stop. condition:情况 medication:药物治疗 pill:药丸 randomly:随意地 decide to:决 定 他心脏有问题。是的, 需要药物治疗。但你不能随便就停药的。 But it's„it's a real person's health, it's not a case number. health:健康 case:案例 这可关系到一个活人的健康,不仅仅只是案例编号而已。 -Mr. Suarez: Give me the phone. I'll let them have it. 电话给我我来跟他们讲。 -Betty: No. No, I don't want to hold again. Not again. No, just wait„ 不,不,我不能再等了不行。不,等等„„ It's fine. We'll just„we'll get them tomorrow. It's fine. 好吧,明天可以拿到没事了。 -Mr. Suarez: Thank you, mi amor. You're so much better at dealing with this bureaucratic stuff than I am. mi amor:<西>我的爱 deal with:对付,处理 bureaucratic:官僚政治的 谢谢你, 宝贝,你对付那种官僚比我在行多了。 -Betty: No, you know I don't mind. mind:介意 哦,你知道我不介意这些。 -Mr. Suarez:I know. You're always so good to me. So strong, determined, optimistic... just like your mother was. determined:坚毅的 optimistic:乐观的 我知道。你对我一直都很好。坚强,有决断力,乐观„„就和你妈妈一样。 -Walter: Why haven't you returned my calls? return:回复 call:电话 为什么不回我电话, -Betty: I've been busy. 我很忙。 -Walter: Betty, I need to talk to you. I made a terrible mistake. terrible:很糟的 mistake:错误 Betty,我得和你聊谈谈,我犯了一个大错。 -Betty: Wait, did you realize this before or after Gina dumped you? realize:认识到 dump:丢弃 等等,你是在Gina甩了你之前还是之后才明白的啊, -Walter: What? No, no, I broke up with her. Betty, it was wrong, and I want to make this up to you. I„ break up:分手 什么,不,不,我已经和她分手了Betty,那是错的,而且我想补偿你。 -Daniel: Betty. Betty。 -Walter: Are you dating someone? date:约会 你在跟谁约会吗, -Betty: Walter, please go! Walter,请你离开! -Walter: Dating this guy? 要和他去约会, -Betty: Look, you need to go. Please. You need to go. 哦,你得走了。求你了,你真得走了。 -Walter: But, Betty, I„I... 但是,Betty,我„„ -Betty: What are you doing here? 你来干什么, -Daniel: I want to talk. It's a nice place. 想找你聊聊。这地方不错。 -Betty: Yeah, we're just in between interior designers. interior:内部的 designer:设计师 是啊,我们是请一堆室内设计师设计的。 -Daniel: Really, 是吗, -Betty: NO. 不是。 -Daniel: Oh, right. It's a joke. Betty, I am so sorry. You didn't deserve what I put you through. joke:玩笑 deserve:值得 哦,明白了,这是个笑话。Betty,我很抱歉。我不该让你经受那些事情。 I„I listened to all the wrong people about a lot of things, and... I have no one to blame but myself. blame:指责 我听那些不对的人讲了很多事情。还有,我除了自己外不能去指责他人。 -Betty: Well, I appreciate that, Daniel. appreciate:欣赏,感激,赏识 听到这些我很欣慰, But you're going to leave here, and you're going to take your town car back to your soho loft, and I'm still going to be here„out of work. soho:小型办公室 loft:阁楼 out of work:失业 但是你也得马上离开。开上你的车子,回到你的工作室去。而我继续呆在这里„„失业。 and dealing with problems that you'll never understand. deal with:处理 never:永不 understand:明白 处理一些你永远不会理解的难题。 -Daniel: Try me. Betty, come on, we've all got problems. 让我试试,Betty,别这样,谁都会遇到难题的。 -Betty: Oh, and what are yours, Daniel, what restaurant you're going to eat at, which model you're going to sleep with? restaurant:餐厅 model:模特 哦,那你的是什么呢,Daniel要去哪个饭馆吃饭,要和哪个模特睡觉, Try spending the day on the phone with some crappy H.M.O., getting them to cover your dad's prescriptions. crappy:憋足的 H.M.O.:=health maintenance organization 健康维护组织 cover:覆盖 prescription:处方 一下整天都在电话旁,跟可恶的健康维护组织磨蹭,让他们接受爸爸的医疗费, Or try lining up a job„any job„ line up:排队 或者试试找工作„„随便什么工作„„ because you have to help pay the rent next month. have to:不得不 pay:付钱 rent:租金 因为你要帮忙付下个月的房租。 -Daniel: Look... I lost a brother a while back. He was the good one in our family, and I've never quite measured up. measure up:合格 瞧„„我之前已经失去了一个兄弟在我们家,他是很不错的,而我一直都不怎么上道。 But I am trying. 但我在努力。 Betty, I„I could never compare my problems to yours, but they're mine Nothing's ever easy. Betty, 我„„我永远都无法拿我的困难与你相比较,但它们是我的,世上没有容易的事情, I saw the layout you made for Fabia. layout:设计,安排 我看见你替Fabia做的企划了, -Betty: You did? 你看见了, -Daniel: I thought it was very smart and beautiful. smart:聪明的 beautiful:美丽的 我觉得那做的很聪明而且漂亮。 -Betty: Well, thank you. 哦,谢谢。 -Daniel: I want to take your ideas to Fabia, giving you credit, of course. credit:荣誉 我要把你的主意拿去告诉Ffabia,当然算在你头上。 And I really want you to come back, be my assistant. I promise you things will be different. assistant:助理 promise:保证 different:不同的 我真的需要你回来,做我的助理。我向你保证一切都会不同的。 -Betty: I„Daniel, I„I mean, I„I really have to think about that. think about:考虑 我„„Daniel,我„„我是说,我真的需要好好考虑一下。 -Daniel: Well... you have tonight, otherwise, I'll probably be out of a job as well. tonight:今晚 otherwise:否则 probably:可能 as well:也 好的„„你今晚好好想想,不然的话,可能我和你一样也会失业。 -Betty: Did you hear that? 你听到了吗, -Mr. Suarez: Every word. 每个字都听到了。 -Fabia: So... where the hell is he? 那么„„他死去哪里了, -Mr. Meade: He said 10:00 a.m. a.m.:ante meridiem的缩写,上午,午前 他说了上午10点的。 -Wilhelmina: Well, Fabia... on behalf of the entire magazine, ci perdoni(forgive us). This whole thing has been unacceptable. on behalf of:代表 ci perdoni:<西>原谅我们 unacceptable:无法接受的 恩,Fabia„„我代表整个杂志请你原谅!整个事情让人无法接受。 Marc. Now that I have a moment of your time, I'd like to show you some of my ideas. would like to:想要 Marc,现在你给了我们机会。我想让你们看看我的一些创意。 -Daniel: Sorry we're late. 对不起,我们来晚了。 There was obviously no time for a new photo shoot, so, uh, obviously:明显地 shoot:拍摄 很明显没有时间重新拍摄了。 what we're going to be showing you is just a rough idea. show:展示 rough:大概的 所以,呃我们展示给你们看的只是一个大概。 -Betty: Oh! Uh, wait. No, this is„this is not the right file. Um, just one sec„ one second. This is it. file:文件 等等,这个这个文件不对。请等一下„„就一下,这个就是了。 -Daniel: Um... in order to show the softer side of Fabia Cosmetics, we're going to use the concept of mothers and daughters. in order to:为了 softer:温和的 cosmetic:化妆品 concept:观念 为了展示Fabia化妆品的温馨形象,我们将运用母亲和女儿的形象。 focusing on the small, special moments that„that are usually taken for granted, focus on:重点 special:特别的 usually:通常 granted:重视 着力于这些细小的特别的时刻--这些一直都是不被人注意的 the theme being, "it's not the big events... but the little moments" that matter. theme:主题 event:大事件 matter:关键 主题就是,并不是什么大事„„但小时刻也是关键。 -Fabia: I just had a daughter. I do none of those things... but I can understand. understand:理解 我也有一个女儿,这些事情我从来没做过„„但是我能理解。 What makes you think this is going to appeal to my customers? appeal to:对„有吸引力 customer:客户 你觉得这个能够吸引到我们的客户吗? -Betty: Um. Well, if„if I may, I do have the statistics here. may:可以 statistic:数字统计 如果„„如果我可以„„我做过统计。 Um, though one might assume that your demographic is very young, might:可能 assume:假定 demographic:人口统计学的 呃,人们都认为您的产品受众都很年轻, in fact, there's been tremendous brand loyalty since you've launched, in fact:实际上 tremendous:巨大的 brand:品牌 loyalty:忠诚 launch:推出 实际上, 自您的产品投放市场以来顾客的忠诚度非常之高。 which means that the people who were teenagers when they began using your cosmetics, teenager:青年 cosmetic:化妆品 也就是说他们开始用您的产品之时都还很年轻。 well, now, like you, they are... beginning to settle down and have children„um, 58% to be exact. settle down:安定下来 be exact:确切地说 现在,跟您一样,他们„„开始过稳定的生活,并且抚养小孩„„准确来讲,有58%的人。 -Fabia: And you could do this in time? 你们可以及时做好吗, -Daniel: Of course. Uh, did you want to approve the, uh, uh, models and images beforehand? approve:批准,赞成 model:模特儿 image:形象 beforehand:事先,预先 当然,您想预先决定模特还有照片样式吗? -Fabia: Nah. Just make sure it's not too sappy. make sure:确保 sappy:愚蠢的 不,只要别太傻就好了。 Do a picture where they're pulling their hair or biting each other. So that's nice. Now I go. pull:牵扯 bite:咬【这里指一种亲热的亲吻】 each other:相互 去拍吧,最好拍一些梳头或亲吻的画面。非常不错,我走了。 -Mr. Meade: Good work. 干的不错。 -Daniel: Oh, the idea was actually„ actually:实际上 这个创意,实际上是„„ -Betty: His best one, don’t you think? 是他的最好的一个,你认为呢, -Wilhelmina: Indeed. Welcome back, boss. Marc. indeed:的确 说真的,欢迎回来,老板。MARC。 -Wilhelmina: I'm very unhappy. It's a setback. But it's just a matter of time. unhappy:不高兴 setback:挫折 我非常不爽,是个小挫折。但是只是时间的关系。 Once he's out of the picture, the company will be ours for the taking. once:一旦 out of the picture:不相干的【这里表示跟公司脱了干系】 只要他被赶出去了,公司将会是我们的。 -Woman: Considering the way everything's played out, it seems to me that you should keep an eye on that damn ugly assistant. consider:考虑 keep an eye on:密切注意 play out:上演 dame:该死的 ugly:丑的 assistant:助理 看到这些事情发生的过程,我得说说你应当多留点心思在那个丑女助理身上。 What's her name? 她叫什么名字, -Wilhelmina: Betty. Betty。 -Gina: Betty. Betty。 -Amanda: Betty. Betty。 -Walter: Betty. Betty。 -Daniel: Betty! Betty. Betty! Betty. -Betty: Oh, Christina, thank you again, so much. Christina, 再次谢谢你。 -Christina: No, no, no. Go. Go. 不,不,不用。去吧,去吧。 -Daniel: You should've let me tell him it was your idea. idea:主意 你应当让我告诉他那是你的创意。 -Betty: Don't worry. I will the next time. worry:担心 next time:下次 别担心了下次吧。 -Daniel: Thanks. ' 谢谢。 -Betty: You’re welcome. 不客气。 So I've confirmed your lunch for tomorrow and your 3:15 with the graphics department is set. confirm:确认 graphics:图形 department:部门feature editor:特写作家 我确认了你明天的午餐还有下午3:15和图片部门的人也定了。 He feature editor would like„ feature editor:特写编辑 特色编辑想要„„ -Daniel: Betty„tomorrow morning. It's okay. Good night. Betty,明天早上再说,可以了。晚安。 (歌词): # Well, her face is a map of the world # # Is a map of the world # # You can see she's a beautiful girl # # She's a beautiful girl # # Suddenly I see # # Suddenly I see # # this is what I want to be # # suddenly I see # # Suddenly I see # # Why the hell it # # means so much to me # # suddenly I see # # This is what I want to be... #
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