首页 坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案



坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案 坂街„2009?42 号 关于印发《坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案》 的通知 各社区工作站~各机关部门、街属事业单位、驻街单位: 现将《坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案》印发给你们~请认真组织实施。 二??九年八月十八日 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of cau...

坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案 坂街„2009?42 号 关于印发《坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案》 的通知 各社区工作站~各机关部门、街属 事业单位 事业单位结构化面试题事业单位专业技术岗位财务人员各岗位职责公文事业单位考试事业单位管理基础知识 、驻街单位: 现将《坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案》印发给你们~请认真组织实施。 二??九年八月十八日 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 坂田街道处置自然灾害应急预案 一、总则 1.1编制目的 为完善应急体系~全面提高处置自然灾害的能力~最大限度地减少人员伤亡和经济损失~切实保障人民群众生命财产安全~特制定本预案。 1.2工作原则 1.2.1以人为本。把保障人民群众健康安全作为应急工作的出发点和落脚点~最大限度地减少自然灾害造成的人员伤亡和其他危害,切实加强应急救援人员的安全防护~提高科学指挥水平,充分依靠各级领导、专家和广大人民群众~发挥社会力量的基础性作用~建立健全动员和组织人民群众参与应对自然灾害的有效机制。 1.2.2以防为主。把有效预防自然灾害发生作为应急工作的首要任务~通过准确预测预警~做足相应防范措施。 1.2.3依法规范。应急处置应以相关法律、法规、规章为依据~符合相关政策,应急预案的制定、修订、实施应按照有关程序依法进行。 1.2.4分级负责。按照“分级管理、分级响应~条块结合、以块为主~基层先行、逐级抬升”的处置方式~自然灾害发生后~首先获悉的相关社区工作站、单位~必须立即采取应急控制、处置措施~根据自然灾害的严重性、可控性、所需动用的资源、影响范围等因素~分级设定和启动应急预案~落实岗位责任制~明确责任人及其指挥权限。 1.2.5资源整合。按照条块结合、资源整合和降低行政成本的要求~充分利用现有资源~明确应急处置自然灾害的牵头部门及其职责权限~其他部门、单位密切配合,要充分依靠和he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 2 - 发挥军队、武警部门在处置突发事件中的重要作用。 1.2.6平战结合。要树立常备不懈的观念~随时做好应对自然灾害的思想、预案、机制和工作等准备。要建立健全应急处置专业队伍~加强专业队伍和志愿者队伍的培训~做好对公众的宣传教育工作,加强公共安全的科学研究~采用先进的预测、预警、预防和应急处置技术~提高预防和应对自然灾害的科技水平。 1.2.7公众参与。事发前经常对公众开展潜在危害辨识、分析、预防和报警等工作。事发时准确发布预警、处置自然灾害事件进展信息~确保公众知情权,必要时动员街道机关、社会团体和志愿者参与处置工作。事发后组织可动用的受灾地区及国内外援助力量开展重建等善后工作。 1.3编制依据 本预案根据《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》、《国务院有关部门和单位制定和修订突发事件应急预案框架指南》、《深圳市龙岗区突发性地质灾害应急预案》、《深圳市龙岗区防洪预案》以及《坂田街道突发公共事件总体应急预案》制定。 1.4适用范围 1.4.1水灾、旱灾、暴雨、台风、冰雹等气象灾害。 1.4.2地震、山体崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害。 1.4.3森林火灾、重大生物灾害和暴发流行病灾害。 二、分类和分级 2.1自然灾害定义 自然灾害是指发生在地球系统中的对人类的生存和生活造成危害和威胁的各种自然界的变异事件。 2.2自然灾害分类 自然灾害主要包括水旱灾害、气象灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害、海洋灾害、生物灾害和森林火灾。 ted levy chronic nephritisies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrarejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technolog-is, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antithe pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesrd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-reatment; nonand t s, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosiseatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosiand trcauses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of to - 3 - 2.3自然灾害分级 根据龙岗区突发公共事件分级处置范围 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 对照表~按照可控性、严重程度和影响范围~将自然灾害划分为一般,?,、较大,?,、重大,?,、特别重大,?,四个等级。 2.4预警发布 按照自然灾害的严重性和紧急程度~预警按一般,?,、较大,?,、重大,?,、特别重大,?,四个等级发布~分别用蓝色、黄色、橙色和红色表示。 三、组织机构和职责 3.1组织指挥机构及职责 街道成立自然灾害应急指挥部~作为处置自然灾害事件的具体指挥机构~受街道处置突发公共事件总体指挥小组领导~主要职责是制定完善自然灾害专项预案~指挥各方面力量处置自然灾害事件~以及开展专业应急演习和应急宣传教育工作。总指挥由街道党工委书记、办事处主任担任~副总指挥由街道办事处分管副主任担任~成员由街道有关领导、森林防火指挥部、“三防”指挥部及各社区工作站、相关职能部门主要负责人组成。 3.2应急工作组及职责 为提高处置效率~迅速开展工作~根据自然灾害处置过程要求~成立现场指挥部~下设指挥部办公室及综合协调组、工程抢险组、医疗救护组、后勤保障组、治安维护组、卫生防疫组、调查评估组、善后处理组和新闻宣传组等9个应急工作组~职责分工见附件1。 四、预测和预警 4.1信息监测与报告 4.1.1各应急机构、各社区工作站认真执行区委、区政府《关于加强政务值班和信息报送的通知》和《龙岗区突发公共he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 4 - 事件分级处置规定》~对自然灾害事件做到早发现、早报告、早处置。 4.1.2各应急机构、各社区工作站~通过落实24小时值班 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、配备专,兼,职监测人员、公布报警电话、完善监测网络等途径~及时接收和收集辖区内有关报警及可能造成自然灾害的信息。当接到事件报告后立即根据有关规定将基本情况向街道值班室报告。 4.2预警 4.2.1公众、机关、企事业单位和社会团体一旦掌握其所在地自然灾害征兆或情况~迅速通过110、119、120、122等特服电话报告。 4.2.2事件主管单位、各社区工作站对报警事件的风险系数、发展情况及时分析~科学预测~并根据事态发展咨询专家意见~提出处置建议。 4.2.3各专业应急机构、事件主管单位通过网络群发、电视播放等形式~必要时采取人工手段~按照自然灾害严重性和紧急程度~分一般,?,、较重,?,、重大,?,、特别重大,?,四级发布预警信息~颜色依次为蓝色、黄色、橙色和红色。 五、应急响应 5.1分级响应 5.1.1一般级别的自然灾害由各专业应急机构或事件主管单位、事件所在地社区工作站组织辖区各方力量处置。 5.1.2较大、重特大级别的自然灾害根据《深圳市龙岗区人民政府突发公共事件总体应急预案》~由街道启动专项应急预案做好前期处置~并报区应急指挥中心~建议启动上级专项预案。 5.2基本响应程序 ted levy chronic nephritisies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrarejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technolog-is, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antithe pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesrd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-reatment; nonand t s, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosiseatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosiand trcauses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of to - 5 - 5.2.1自然灾害所在社区工作站或事件主管单位及公安派出所作为处警第一响应责任单位~事发后及时向街道值班室报告事发时间、地点、事件性质等要素~15分钟内派有关人员赶赴现场~动员辖区公安应急队伍及其他相应机构采取措施~先期开展警戒、疏散群众、控制现场、救护、抢险等基础处置工作,同时收集掌握现场动态信息~30分钟内向相关专业应急机构或事件主管单位、街道应急指挥中心,值班室,报告详情。由街道应急指挥中心综合、分析事件动态信息上报。 5.2.2街道值班领导是处置当值时间内发生自然灾害的应急指挥员~有权调配处理紧急情况所需资源并对自然灾害事件采取相应的措施~果断处置~同时向街道指挥部领导报告、发挥相关应急机构作用。指挥部领导、成员在接警30分钟内赶赴现场掌握情况~进行指挥~各行动小组要各司其职、相互配合、完成任务。 5.2.3应急响应措施,见附件2、3、4,。 5.3扩大响应 因自然灾害事态的发展形势严峻或影响进一步扩大~目前采取的应急救援能力不足~需由多家专业应急机构、事件主管部门同时参与处置工作的~先期负责处置工作应急机构或事件主管部门应及时向街道处置突发公共事件总体指挥小组报告~但现场组织者仍以先期负责处置工作应急机构或事件主管部门为主。街道处置突发公共事件总体指挥小组根据事态发展负责协调和指挥其他相关单位参与应急工作。若本级应急能力仍然不足时~请求区应急指挥中心给予协调和补充~直至事态得到完全控制。 5.4应急结束 处置工作完毕后~现场指挥部应及时判断~适时宣布应急工作结束~其发布权限按突发公共事件分级处置权限执行。 he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 6 - 六、后期处置 6.1善后处置 应急工作宣告结束后~街道主管单位和各职能部门应及时会同或指导开展重建家园、恢复生产和生活秩序、收集污染物、清理现场、卫生防疫以及物资和劳务征用补偿等工作。 6.2社会救助与保险 6.2.1善后处理组要根据自然灾害的性质和要求~及时做好安置场所设置以及救济物资的接收、使用和发放等社会救济工作~同时调查统计并及时向社会公布自然灾害综合损失情况。 6.2.2各保险机构应开设相应的险种~确保合理保险费率~并根据合同理赔。 6.3调查和总结 6.3.1调查评估组应对事发原因、处置经过、损失、责任单位、援助需求等作出调查评估~并形成调查评估报告上报街道处置突发公共事件总体指挥小组。 6.3.2对在抢险救灾工作中做出特殊贡献的单位和个人~上报街道党工委、办事处给予奖励和表彰。对处置突发事件中瞒报、漏报、迟报以及失职、渎职的单位和个人~追究行政责任,构成犯罪的~由司法机关依法追究法律责任。 七、保障措施 本预案保障措施包括组织保障、资源保障、值守保障、通讯保障和社会动员保障~均按照《坂田街道突发公共事件总体应急预案》执行。 八、宣传、培训和演习 8.1公众宣传教育 有组织、有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 地广泛开展面向公众的宣传教育活动~通过公布报警电话~向公众提供技能培训和知识讲座~在电视、 ted levy chronic nephritisies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrarejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technolog-is, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antithe pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesrd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-reatment; nonand t s, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosiseatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosiand trcauses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of to - 7 - 网络开辟应急宣传公益栏目~在中、 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 校普及自然灾害应急课程等方式~让公众掌握避险、互救、自救、减灾、逃生等基本知识和技能。 8.2培训 定期或不定期举办应急管理和救援人员培训班,各社区工作站应组织辖区单位开展应急常识培训。 8.3演习 制订各类自然灾害应急演习方案、计划~组织各专业队伍和相关单位进行合成演练和协同演习,各专业应急机构、事件主管单位、各社区工作站要制订专项或辖区演习方案并组织演练。演练应从实战角度出发~深入发动群众参与~达到普及应急知识和提高应急技能的目的。 九、附则 9.1本预案由街道应急指挥中心负责解释。 9.2本预案自发布之日起实施。 附件:1. 坂田街道自然灾害应急组成员单位及职责 2. 坂田街道防汛应急措施 3. 坂田街道防风应急措施 4. 坂田街道森林防火应急措施 5. 坂田街道处置自然灾害组织机构图 6. 坂田街道处置自然灾害应急响应程序图 主题词:民政 救灾 应急预案? 通知 坂田街道办事处办公室 2009年8月18日印发 校对:王任环 ,共印80份, he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 8 - 附件1 坂田街道自然灾害应急组成员单位及职责 组别 成员单位 职责与分工 1、接到警情后迅速通告有关部门。2、根指挥部办公街道办事处当天值班领导和经济据指挥部的指令~组织协调有关力量参加 室 发展办负责人。 救援~立即启动预案。3、及时向上级党政 机关报告事件动态。 1、负责上传下达有关指挥部的指令~协调由街道应急指挥中心负责人负责~抢险队伍的救援工作。2、报送现场有关各综合协调组 经济发展办负责人、事件发生地单个队伍的信息。3、协助领导现场考察险情、位参与。 通报事件动态。 由分管建设的副主任负责~城市建接警后~组织抢险力量迅速赶赴现场~做设与管理办牵头~公安消防队、供工程抢险组 好现场的抢险救援工作。各抢险队由指挥电所、自来水公司、供水,电,、部统一指挥~各尽其责。 电信部门及相应救援队伍参与。 由分管卫生的副主任负责~坂田卫迅速组织专业救护机构、人员开展现场救医疗救护组 生监督所牵头~必要时动员其他驻护、院前急救、专科医救、救护床位落实 坂田医疗救助单位共同参与。 等工作。 提供后勤保障~包括送水、送饭、采购物后勤保障组 由机关后勤服务中心组织实施。 品等~确保救援工作的顺利完成。 由分管政法的副书记负责~维稳及维护好交通、抢险现场秩序~设置禁入、治安维护组 综治办主任牵头~各派出所、应急禁行区域~驱散围观群众及无关人员~确 分队、各居委治安队共同参与。 保抢险秩序有条不紊。 由分管卫生的副主任负责~卫生监负责流行病学调查和现场卫生防疫处置工卫生防疫组 督所所长牵头组织实施。 作。 由纪工委书记负责牵头~相应专业调查事件原因、各部门在事发过程中的履调查评估组 应急机构、事件主管单位、司法所行职责情况~评估事件造成的损失和援助 及事件发生地居委相关单位参与。 需求范围等。 由分管民政的副主任负责~社会事负责接待、发放救济款物和灾民的转移安善后处理组 务办主任牵头~办公室、司法所、置工作~慰问受灾群众和抢险人员~对受 信访办、农林水服务中心参与。 灾群众做好善后处理工作。 1、负责将重大安全事件的有关信息及时通 告。2、及时宣传报道党政军民处置重大安由街道新闻发言人负责并牵头组新闻宣传组 全事件的进程和事迹。3、及时录制事件的织相关单位参与。 资料~视情况组织新闻发布会回答境内外 记者的提问。 ted levy chronic nephritisies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrarejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technolog-is, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antithe pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesrd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-reatment; nonand t s, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosiseatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosiand trcauses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of to - 9 - 附件2 坂田街道防汛应急措施 一、农林水中心要抓好汛前“危急病险”水库的除险加固和水毁工程的修复工作~确保安全度汛。 二、街道行政执法队进行专项执法检查~严肃处理侵占河道、违章设障、破坏水利工程设施等违法行为~依法加强河道管理~抓好河道清障工作。 三、街道应急指挥中心,值班室,和“三防”指挥部加强值班制度~保持24小时通讯畅通。各单位、各社区工作站所属水库、河道指定专人负责看管~加强大坝监测和巡查排险工作~准确掌握各水库运作情况~发现异情及时报告。 四、汛情严重或出现暴雨时~由指挥部总指挥组织全面防汛抢险救灾工作~分析雨情、水情、风情~监督水库水位、库容变化~严格按照汛限水位运行~科学调度~必要时提前预泄库水~为可能出现的强降雨腾出库容。超过限汛水位、可能溢洪的水库要提前通知下游做好安全防范工作~随时做好调集人力、物力和财力的准备。 5、视各水库大坝安全情况~发出预警信号~由公安、社区治安队等应急队伍及时安排将受灾群众和财产转移到安全地带,避险场所,~把损失减少到最低程度。 he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 10 - 附件3 坂田街道防风应急措施 一、根据气象部门发布的台风预报~动员各有关单位、社区工作站密切注意台风动向~供电、供水、电信、城管、建设、公安、宣传等部门做好防台风的各项准备工作。 二、在台风来临之前~街道应急指挥中心,值班室,、“三防”指挥部和各社区工作站加强值班~确保通讯畅通,城管部门对辖区的险树、户外广告等市政设施进行加固或清除,建设部门对辖区的边坡、危楼、挡土墙、建筑工地等进行安全检查~及时排除安全隐患、疏散转移群众,教育部门对各中、小学校的校舍进行检查,公安、社区治安队等应急队伍做好社会治安、道路交通、抢险救灾等准备工作,各医院做好紧急抢救准备,有线电视站做好防风的相关宣传工作。 三、台风袭击时~由三防指挥部组织相关单位做好防风、防暴雨的抢险救护工作~对重点仓库、危房和低洼地带采取妥善的安全措施~及时转移受灾群众~全力修复受损电力、通讯、供水、公路、桥梁等设施。 四、台风过后~由社会事务办牵头相关部门和单位实施灾后重建~援助受灾群众。 ted levy chronic nephritisies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrarejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technolog-is, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antithe pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesrd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-reatment; nonand t s, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosiseatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosiand trcauses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of to - 11 - 附件4 坂田街道森林防火应急措施 一、接到森林火灾警情后~立即报告森林防火指挥部领导~并组织坂田武警消防中队、森林治安巡防队、各社区治安队等灭火力量全力参加灭火行动。 二、由森林防火办公室准备各类灭火器具。由森林防火指挥部根据扑火需要调集各类灭火器具,包括二号扑火工具、灭火弹、风力灭火机等,~送前线指挥部调拨使用。 三、森林防火指挥部要与街道电信部门紧密配合~运用先进的通讯手段~保证火场内外特别是火场与前线指挥部、指挥部办公室之间通讯畅通无阻。 四、火情进一步扩大~现有力量难以控制时~指挥部领导及时赶赴火灾现场坐镇指挥~并由区森林防火指挥部调动邻近街道消防队和森林治安巡防队~或商请驻地部队、武警协助扑救。 五、街道相关单位应根据森林防火指挥部的意见~积极组织力量~提供各种救援~做好粮食和其他食品的调拨和储备。并请卫生部门组成扑火救灾医疗队~赶赴现场救护~保证救护药物、器械供应渠道畅通。 六、组织调查组人员~赶赴现场调查事故原因~形成调查报告~并及时向指挥部汇报事故处理情况和调查结论。 he cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritisrejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-idney transplant antiles; kglomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principf using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of rd; kidney function check odialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; nontreatmmune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and i of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinicalto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease - 12 -
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