首页 椭圆与直线之定点



椭圆与直线之定点椭圆与直线之定点 2222xyxy1、椭圆与椭圆的关系是( ) ,,1,,11599,m15,m A有相等的长短轴 B有相等的焦距 C焦点相同 D准线相同 22bxbxxy002、点P()在椭圆上,则的值为( ) ,,1xy,0,022abb,yb,y00 22222A、 B、 C、 D、 abbac 22xy3、椭圆 (a>b>0)的半焦距为C,若直线y=2x与椭圆的一个交点的横坐标恰好为C,则此椭圆的,,122ab 离心率为( ) 2,222,13A B C–1 D –1 222 224、椭圆上一点P到直...

椭圆与直线之定点 2222xyxy1、椭圆与椭圆的关系是( ) ,,1,,11599,m15,m A有相等的长短轴 B有相等的焦距 C焦点相同 D准线相同 22bxbxxy002、点P()在椭圆上,则的值为( ) ,,1xy,0,022abb,yb,y00 22222A、 B、 C、 D、 abbac 22xy3、椭圆 (a>b>0)的半焦距为C,若直线y=2x与椭圆的一个交点的横坐标恰好为C,则此椭圆的,,122ab 离心率为( ) 2,222,13A B C–1 D –1 222 224、椭圆上一点P到直线的最大距离是 ,此时P点坐标 ,最xy,,,21004936xy,, 小距离是 ,此时P点坐标 。 425和5、已知P点在以坐标轴为对称轴的椭圆上,点P到两焦点的距离分别为,过P作长轴的垂线533恰好过椭圆的一个焦点,则椭圆的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 方程为 22xy,,16、方程 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示焦点在y轴上的椭圆,则的取值范围是______. m2mm,1 7、已知椭圆中心在原点,它在x轴上的一个焦点与短轴两端点的连线互相垂直,且此焦点和椭圆上的点最近距 10,5离为,则椭圆方程 8、已知椭圆的焦点为(-3,0),(3,0)且与直线x,y,9=0有公共点,则其中长轴最短的椭圆方程FF21 为 。 22xy,,1P9、设F是椭圆的右焦点,且椭圆上至少有21个不同点(i=1,2,3 )使|| , || ……,FPFPi1276 组成公差为d的等差数列,则d的取值范围 22xy10、椭圆:+=1:内接矩形的边平行于对称轴,则矩形最大面积=____________,最大周长_________ 22ab CC3x(2007)20、已知椭圆的中心在坐标原点,焦点在轴上,椭圆上的点到焦点距离的最大值为,最小值 1为( C(?)求椭圆的标准方程; CAB,ABABlykxm:,,(?)若直线与椭圆相交于,两点(不是左右顶点),且以为直径的圆过椭 when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged C的右顶点,求证:直线l过定点,并求出该定点的坐标( 圆 22xy【标准答案】(I)由题意设椭圆的标准方程为 ,,,,1(0)ab22ab 2, acac,,,,3,1acb,,,2,1,3 22xy ?,,1.43 ykxm,,,,22 (II)设,由得 AxyBxy(,),(,),1122xy,,1,43, 222, (34)84(3)0,,,,,kxmkxm 222222,. 340,,,km,,,,,,6416(34)(3)0mkkm 284(3)mkm, xxxx,,,,,,.1212223434,,kk 223(4)mk,22 yykxmkxmkxxmkxxm,,,,,,,,,,()()().12121212234,k以AB为直径的圆过椭圆的右顶点, kk,,,1D(2,0),?ADBDyy12,, yyxxxx,,,,,2()40?,,,1121212xx,,2212 2223(4)4(3)16mkmmk,,,,,,40, 222343434,,,kkk 2271640mmkk,,,,解得 2k22340,,,kmmkm,,,,2,,且满足. 127 mk,,2当时,,直线过定点与已知矛盾; lykx:(2),,(2,0), 2k22(,0).lykx:(),,m,,当时,,直线过定点 777 2l(,0).综上可知,直线过定点,定点坐标为 7 22xyE:1,,38((2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试安徽数学(理) 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 (纯WORD版))设椭圆的焦22aa1, when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged 点在轴上 x (?)若椭圆的焦距为1,求椭圆的方程; EE (?)设分别是椭圆的左、右焦点,为椭圆上的第一象限内的点,直线交轴与点,并且PEyFF,FPQ122 ,证明:当变化时,点在某定直线上. pFPFQ,a11 2258x8x222222【答案】解: (?). ?a,1,a,2c,1,a,1,a,c,a,,椭圆方程为:,,1853(?) . 设F(,c,0),F(c,0),P(x,y),Q(0,m),则FP,(x,c,y),QF,(c,,m)1222 2由. 1,a,0,a,(0,1),x,(0,1),y,(0,1) (,),mcxyc,,(,,),,(,).//,,FPxcyFQcm由FPQFFPFQ得: ,112211(,),,0cxcmy, 22xy,1,,22,a1a,,,2222222(xc)(xc)yxyc.xyc,,,,,,,联立,,解得 , 222,a1ac,,,, ,, 222x2y22 ,,,1,x,(y,1).?x,(0,1),y,(0,1)?x,1,y2222x,y,11,x,y 所以动点P过定直线. x,y,1,0 46((2013年高考陕西卷(理))已知动圆过定点A(4,0), 且在y轴上截得的弦MN的长为8. (?) 求动圆圆心的轨迹C的方程; l(?) 已知点B(-1,0), 设不垂直于x轴的直线与轨迹C交于不同的两点P, Q, 若x轴是,PBQ的角平 l分线, 证明直线过定点. 【答案】解:(?) A(4,0),设圆心 MN2222(x,y),MN线段的中点为E,由几何图像知ME,,CA,CM,ME,ECC2 22222,(x,4),y,4,x,y,8x 22(?) 点B(-1,0), . 设P(x,y),Q(x,y),由题知y,y,0,yy,0,y,8x,y,8x112212121122 y,yy,y1212,,,,,8(y,y),yy(y,y),0,8,yy,0直线PQ方1212211222x,1x,1y,8y,81212 y,y1221y,y,(x,x),y,y,(8x,y)程为: 1111x,xy,y2121 when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged 2 ,y(y,y),y(y,y),8x,y,y(y,y),8,8x,y,0,x,121121121 所以,直线PQ过定点(1,0) 3已知椭圆C的中心在坐标原点,焦点在x轴上,离心率,且点P(-2,0)在椭圆C上( e,2(?)求椭圆C的方程; (?)已知A、B为椭圆C上的动点,当PA?PB时,求证:直线AB恒过一个定点(并求出该定点的坐标( 2x62,,,ya11如图,已知椭圆C:的上顶点为A,离心率为,若不过点A的动直线l与椭圆C相,,2a3 ,,,,,,,, 交于P、Q两点,且( APAQ ,0 (?)求椭圆C的方程; l(?)求证:直线过定点,并求出该定点N的坐标( when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged ,,6F,2,0已知椭圆C过点M1,,是椭圆的左焦点,P、Q是椭圆C上的两个动点,且|PF|、|MF|、|QF|,,,,,,2,, 成等差数列( (1)求椭圆C的标准方程; (2)求证:线段PQ的垂直平分线经过一个定点A( when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged 22xy3,,1如图已知椭圆(a,b,0)的离心率为,且过点A(0,1)( 22ab2 (1)求椭圆的方程; (2)过点A作两条互相垂直的直线分别交椭圆于M,N两点(求证:直线MN恒过定点( when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged ,,23已知左焦点为F(-1,0)的椭圆过点(过点P(1,1)分别作斜率为k,k的椭圆的动弦AB,E1,12,,,,3,, CD,设M,N分别为线段AB,CD的中点( (1)求椭圆的标准方程; (2)若P为线段AB的中点,求k; 1 (3)若k+k=1,求证直线MN恒过定点,并求出定点坐标( 12 22xy31,,,,1已知椭圆及点,过点M作直线l交椭圆于P,Q两点( M,,,,,12422,, (1)若M是弦PQ的中点,求直线PQ的方程; (2)求证:以线段PQ为直径的圆恒过椭圆上一定点A,并求出定点A的坐标( when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged 2x2,,y1如图,椭圆E:的右焦点为F,过焦点F作两条互相垂直的弦AB、CD,设弦AB、CD的中点分2 别为M、N( (?)求证:直线MN恒过定点T,并求出T的坐标; (?)求以AB、CD为直径的两圆公共弦中点的轨迹方程,并判断定点T与轨迹的位置关系 when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged 22xy1,,已知点,是椭圆M:(a,b,0)的两个焦点,且椭圆M经过点(1)F,3,0F3,0,,13,,,,,12,,22ab2,,求椭圆M的方程; ,,,,,,,,3(2)过点P(0,2)的直线l和椭圆M交于A、B两点,且,求直线l的方程; PBPA,5 (3)过点P(0,2)的直线和椭圆M交于A、B两点,点A关于y轴的对称点C,求证:直线CB必过y轴上的定点,并求出此定点坐标( when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged when the Terminal level when installed on the line number (Word) should be arranged from top to bottom. 6.4.4 cable core must be completely loose and straight, but not damage the insulation and core. Core bundle of the same plate vertically or horizontally arranged
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