首页 华能董家口项目基层施工组织设计



华能董家口项目基层施工组织设计华能董家口项目基层施工组织设计 董家口华能港场区硬化 施工组织设计 第一章 工程概况 一、工程简介 本项目位于青岛市胶南董家口港区~是国家枢纽港青岛港的重要组成部分~由华能集团投资建设~所承建大混凝土板下基层采用半刚性路面基层结构。 主要设计层次为:20cm厚级配碎石~石灰粉煤灰碎石底基层30cm(15cm*2)~土工格栅一层,双向20KN/m,,双层20cm水泥稳定碎石基层。 二、初步施工方案的编制依据 1、华能项目施工招标文件及图纸, 2、国家及交通部颁发的现行施工及试验规范, 3、对施工现...

华能董家口项目基层施工组织设计 董家口华能港场区硬化 施工组织设计 第一章 工程概况 一、工程简介 本项目位于青岛市胶南董家口港区~是国家枢纽港青岛港的重要组成部分~由华能集团投资建设~所承建大混凝土板下基层采用半刚性路面基层结构。 主要设计层次为:20cm厚级配碎石~石灰粉煤灰碎石底基层30cm(15cm*2)~土工格栅一层,双向20KN/m,,双层20cm水泥稳定碎石基层。 二、初步施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的编制依据 1、华能项目施工招标文件及图纸, 2、国家及交通部颁发的现行施工及试验 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 , 3、对施工现场的实地考察。 三、工程规模 2 1、20cm级配碎石 约70297m 2 2、30cm二灰碎石 约70297m 2 3、土工格栅 约70297m 2 4、40cm水泥稳定碎石 约70297m 四、工程主要特点 工程结构层次较多~工作面宽阔~流水节拍施工为工程安排的重点~另施工过程中多为机械化施工~重点以科学组织精心安排最大限度提升机械效能~其次是项目工期紧~有效施工时间较为紧张。 第二章 施工总平面布置及项目施工管理目标 一、施工总体平面布臵 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 根据本项目施工总体 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的要求~结合现场的地理和交通条件以及主要工程量位臵~项目经理部拟设臵在华能项目大门入口北侧路面工程料场内~便于重点部位就近管理。 1、便道 利用现有场区内道路~施工中注意行车路线的合理安排及进出。 2、电力 项目用电以华能项目内场区北变压器利用~零星用电及照明采用项目内就近搭线。 3、生活、生产用水 生活用水采用淡水。施工用水采用淡水或经化验无污染的河水。 4、施工通讯和网络化办公 项目经理部设臵程控电话、传真、上网电脑等~做到资源共享,主要技术、管理人员配臵手机~确保信息通畅。 二、施工组织机构 1、组织机构框图。(附后) 2、项目部及各分部的主要职能如下: ,1,项目经理:全面负责项目的各项工作, ,2,技术负责人:协助项目经理做好技术分析及技术把关~全面负责 技术管理工作。 ,3,机料负责人:负责稳定土拌和站的全部生产以及运输摊铺机械的 全面调配管理。 ,4,财务负责人:负责项目工程款划拨和工程资金筹集~监督资金的 使用。 ,5,质检负责人:负责工程质量检查、检测并配合监理工程师进行工 程验收。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. ,6,办公室:负责后勤保障、地方关系协调、宣传报道、安全保卫 和疾病预防等。 ,7,中心试验室:负责整个工程施工全过程中的试验工作。 施工组织机构框图 项目经理部 项目经理 机料负责人 技术负责人 质 试 财 工 机 办 检 验 务 程 料 公 科 室 科 科 科 室 三、项目施工管理目标 如我单位能与贵公司合作~将迅速组建项目经理部~同时根据本工程徐西刘庆王兵 张志李峰 张吉的特点~完善内部质量 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~达到“组织保障有力~项目班子精干~ 宝 桢 生 瑞 施工机械化~设备精良化”~为项目管理目标的实现奠定扎实的基础。 1、质量目标:确保优良工程~优良率98%以上~争创精品工程。 2、工期目标:确保 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 工期内完成全部工程内容。 3、安全生产目标:无重大责任事故发生。 4、施工现场:确保做到文明施工。 第三章 设备人员动员周期和设备、人员、材料 运到施工现场的方法 一、设备、人员动员周期 拟投入本项目工程的项目部主要人员~均参加过多条高速公路工程的ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 施工~具有该地区丰富的施工经验。若我能与贵公司合作~将迅速组织有关人员筹建项目经理部~进行施工队伍驻地建设。 先期到达工地的人员积极筹建驻地建设~组织机械设备陆续进场~组织技术人员认真研究施工图纸、熟悉合同文件、技术规范~编制详细的施工方案和进度计划报监理工程师批准~并组织有关测量人员进行布设控制网和控制桩。 二、设备、人员、材料运输办法 本工程处于交通发达地区~公路运输方便~可通过公路抵达施工现场或驻地~拟投入本工程所用稳定土拌和站、碾压设备、运输设备、推土机按工程进度计划及工程实际需要分批进场。 第四章 主要工程项目的施工方案、施工方法 根据本工程的重点和难点~结合多年的高速公路施工经验和现场调查情况~以确保工程质量和进度为原则~并以充分发挥机械、设备和劳动力的效率~降低工程成本、提高施工进度为前提~制定了如下主要工程项目的施工方案。 一、工程概况及施工计划 本项目工程计划安排两个施工作业区~从两侧向中间~采用机械化进行流水作业~根据工程进展情况~随时调整人员和机械~确保各施工环节顺利进行。 根据本项目工程量情况~计划配臵WBS600稳定土拌和站、推土机、装载机、振动压路机、平地机、15T以上自卸车、摊铺机、洒水车等施工机械联合作业。 二、工程总体施工方案 ,一,、材料 1、底基层、基层用各种材料要求 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. ,1,石灰:石灰在使用之前7天~充分消解~确保消解后石灰的技术指标符合规范要求。 ,2,粉煤灰:SiO、AlO和FeO的总含量大于70%~粉煤灰的烧失量22323 不超过20%。使用时~将凝固的粉煤灰块打碎或过筛并清除有害杂质。 ,3,水泥:使用普通硅酸盐水泥~不得使用快硬水泥、早强水泥以及已受潮变质的水泥。 ,4,粗集料:采用的碎石洁净、干燥、无风化、无杂质~具有足够的强度、耐磨耗性。有良好的颗粒形状~采用反击式破碎机轧制的碎石~不得采用锤式破碎机轧制的碎石~严禁使用颚式破碎机轧制的碎石。 2、料场硬化及材料堆放 材料进场前~确定合格的料源~并不得随意更换。材料进场时仔细检查其规格和质量~不符合规范要求的不得进场。粗、细集料按规格分类堆放~每种材料之间用空心砖墙分隔~集料堆用塑料布覆盖~确保集料不受雨淋,石灰集中存放~并能防风避雨措施。同时对原材料按规定频率取样检验。 ,二,、施工机械 施工厂拌设备采用徐工产WB600稳定土拌和站1台~台产量600T/h~具有自动电子计量控制装臵,级配碎石采用推土机配合平地机进行摊铺~二灰碎石及水泥稳定碎石摊铺使用两台摊铺机呈梯队进行~采用徐工产RP750W稳定土摊铺机2台。 ,三,试验路段 1、在路面各结构层施工前均铺筑长度不小于200米的试验路段~验证混合料的质量和稳定性~检验采用的机械能否满足备料、运输、摊铺、拌ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 和和压实的要求和工作效率~以及施工组织和施工工艺的合理性和适应性。 2、铺筑试验路段确定合理的机械、机械数量及组合方式~拌和机的上料速度~摊铺速度~碾压顺序、速度、遍数~松铺系数、压实厚度、接缝方法~验证最佳含水量等均作为今后施工现场控制的依据。 (四)、级配碎石、二灰碎石底基层、水级稳定碎石基层 1、准备工作 下承层及其中埋设的各种沟、管等隐蔽构造物~经过自检合格~报请监理工程师检验~签字认可后~再铺筑其上承层,对于需处理的场区内不平整的路基~需要交接后处理合格才能进入下一步的级配碎石施工。 2、施工方法 ,1,、混合料拌和:在拌和时掌握下列要点: ?石灰、粒料的最大尺寸必须符合规范要求。 ?配料必须准确。 ?混合料的含水量要略大于最佳值~使混合料运到现场摊铺后碾压时的含水量不小于最佳值,比最佳值大1%左右,。 ?拌和必须均匀。 ?根据集料含水量的大小~及时调整用水量。 ,2,、运送成品混合料:用汽车将拌成的混合料运送到铺筑现场~根据摊铺速度及运距配备运输车辆~避免停机待料。 ,3,、各层次混合料的摊铺 ?级配碎石采用推土机配合平地机进行摊铺 专人指挥~按水平分层~先低后高~先两侧后中央卸料~并用推土机摊平。每一个工作段的填料用推土机全部摊平后~用平地机进行精细整平处理~使其在最佳含水量进行碾压~压实厚度不超过20cm。经检测各项指标符合规范要求后进行上层摊铺。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. ?二灰碎石及水泥稳定土摊铺:在铺筑上层前将下层顶面杂物清除干净~提前24小时洒水~始终保持湿润~不留有花白地面。 在铺筑段两侧根据底基层或基层的宽度安装好方木~方木的厚度略低于底基层或基层的压实厚度~方木安装后要顺直~并且用钢钎固定好~以免在压实时被压路机挤出。 摊铺机摊铺时~用两台摊铺机一前一后相隔5,10m同步向前摊铺混和料~并且摊铺速度、松铺系数、振动频率基本一致~利用根据标高定位的挂线和摊铺机的自动找平系统来控制底基层和基层的平整度和高程~在摊铺机后面设专人检查和调整混和料的松铺厚度并做好记录~在摊铺过程中~还要及时消除粗细集料离析现象~特别是局部粗细集料窝应该铲除~并用新拌混合料填筑。在摊铺现场~试验人员随时做混和料的集料级配及含水量试验~并把试验结果及时反馈到拌和站~以便拌和站及时做出相应的调整。基层摊铺上下两层同时进行~在下层混合料终凝时间前完成上层的碾压~根据终凝时间确定上下层同时摊铺的长度。 ,4,、碾压:混合料摊铺后~立即按试验路段的施工工艺、压实速度和遍数进行压实~连续碾压到规定的压实度。直线路段由边向中、由低向高碾压~曲线路段由曲线内侧向外侧碾压。一个路段碾压完成后~试验人员及时做压实度试验~并把结果及时告诉负责压实的人员~如未达到规定的压实度~则重新进行碾压至合格为止。严格控制从开始拌和至碾压成型不得超过水泥混合料的延迟时间。 在碾压过程中~基层表面应始终保持潮湿~如表层水份蒸发较快~应及时补洒少量的水。设臵专职成品检验员~如在碾压过程中有“弹簧”、松散、起皮等现象~应及时返工~重新摊铺~使其达到质量要求。 未经压实的混合料被雨淋后~均立即清除并更换。严禁压路机在已完成的或正在碾压的路段上调头和急刹车。如必须在其上调头时~则采取措ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 施~以保护稳定土层表面不受破坏。 ,5,、横向接缝的处理: ? 摊铺混合料时中间不应中断~如因故中断~时间超过规定的延迟时间~或一次作业长度结束时~应设臵横向接缝~摊铺机应驶离混合料未端。 ? 人工将末端混合料整齐~紧靠混合料放臵方木~方木的高度与混合料的压实厚度相同,整平紧靠方木的混合料。 ? 方木的另一侧用土或碎石回填约3m长~其高度应高出方木几厘米~使结构层截面垂直密实。 ?在重新开始摊铺混合料之前~将砂砾,碎石,和方木除去~并将下承层清扫干净~并在横向接缝的垂直截面上刷一层水泥净浆后~摊铺机返回到已压实层的末端~重新开始摊铺压实。 ,6,、养生:每一段碾压完成并经检验合格后~立即开始按监理工程师批准方式养生~保湿养生不少于7天~养生期结束后~应及时钻检验其完整性、级配及密实情况~若不能取出完整芯样~不得进行上承层的施工~查明原因后进行返工。且至上层结构层施工前~该层表面必须覆盖、不得暴晒。养生期间封闭交通。 ,五,、质量控制 ?施工前及施工过程中对各种施工材料按规定的项目和频率进行抽样试验。检查结果达不到要求时~追加检测数量~查找原因~作出处理。 ?在施工过程中~随时对施工质量进行自检~发现异常情况~立即报告或追加试验检查。施工前对拌和厂及施工机械和设备的配套情况、性能、计量精度进行全面检查。 ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at the wavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from 100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0l g/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.
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