首页 公共场所从业人员卫生知识培训考试题



公共场所从业人员卫生知识培训考试题公共场所从业人员卫生知识培训考试题 青藏铁路公司公共场所从业人员 卫生知识培训考试题(2015) 单位 姓名 成绩 一、名词解释 1、公共场所是指 2、卫生监测是指 3、消毒是指 4、除害主要是指 二、填空题 1、公共场所从业人员须持有, , 双证上岗。 2、《公共场所卫生管理条例》中规定的行政处罚有以下四种:,,,, ,~,,,, ,~,?,, ,~,,,, ,。 3、凡患有, ,以及其他有碍公共卫生的疾病的~治愈前不得从事直接为顾colors, graphics, and text that...

公共场所从业人员卫生知识培训考试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 青藏铁路公司公共场所从业人员 卫生知识培训考试题(2015) 单位 姓名 成绩 一、名词解释 1、公共场所是指 2、卫生监测是指 3、消毒是指 4、除害主要是指 二、填空题 1、公共场所从业人员须持有, , 双证上岗。 2、《公共场所卫生管理条例》中规定的行政处罚有以下四种:,,,, ,~,,,, ,~,?,, ,~,,,, ,。 3、凡患有, ,以及其他有碍公共卫生的疾病的~治愈前不得从事直接为顾colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 客服务的工作。 4、从业人员要做到“五勤”~即, ,。 5、通风的 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 有, ,。 6、公共场所装饰材料和家具中的有毒有害物质以, ,、, ,、, ,、, ,较为常见~对人体健康影响也较为严重。 7、公共场所“卫生许可证”的发放条件是:?, ,?, ,?, , 8、旅店的每层楼都要求设专用布草房~布草柜, ,~布草, ,存放~布草车要, ,~分类存放~清洁用具, ,存放。 9、室内公共场所( )。公共场所经营者应当设置醒目的禁止( )警语和标志。 10、集中空调的空气过滤网、过滤器和净化器等每, ,个月检查或更换1次,集中空调开放式冷却塔每年清洗不少于, ,次。 三、选择题,每题只能选一个答案~把字母填在空格上。每题3分~共24分,。 1、《公共场所卫生管理条例》何时由国务院发布施colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 行, A A、一九八七年四月一日 B、一九八七年五月一日 C、一九八七年十月一日 D、一九九一年三月十一日 2、《公共场所卫生管理条例》规定的卫生监督机构是 。 A、工商行政管理部门 B、卫生行政部门 C、卫生防疫机构 D、以上都不是、 3、公共场所“卫生许可证 。 A、每年复核一次 B、每两年复核一次 C、每三年复核一次 D、每四年复核一次 4、室内空气污染的来源有 。 A、生活性污染 B、人的活动 C、建筑材料 D、以上都是 5、甲型肝炎的传播途径是 。 A、日常生活接触传播 B、注射传播 C、胎盘传播 D、粪-口传播 6、旅店的被套、枕套,巾,、床单等卧具应做到 。 A、一客一换 B、十天一换 C十五天一换、D、三十天一换 7、美发美容用具的消毒可采用 。 A、75%的酒精 B、0.5%新洁尔灭 C、紫外线消毒箱 D、以上都是 8、5.公共场所一旦发生危害健康事故~事故 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 责任人应向 及时报告。 A、场所主管部门 B、卫生监督机构 C、工商管理部门 D、公安部门 9、公共场所发生危害健康事故~造成人员死亡或同时发生colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 三名以上,含三名,受害病人时~事故责任人要在事故 内~电话报告当地卫生行政部门。 A、六小时 B、十二小时 C、二十四小时 D、四十八小时 10、公共场所卫生许可证有效期满后~逾期 个月未办复核手续~原证自动失效。 A 、 1 B 、 2 C 、 3 D 、 4 四、判断题,对的在括号内打?~错的打×。每题3分~共24分,。 1(《公共场所卫生管理条例》认定的公共场所为宾馆、旅馆,理发、美容店,影视、舞厅,体育、游泳场,展览、博物馆,商场、书店,候诊、候车室等7类28种场所。, , 2(公共场所从业人员需取得“健康合格证”和“卫生知识培训合格证”后方能上岗参加工作。, , 3、 是否设立专用消毒间对公共用品进行清洗、消毒和保洁~是公共场所卫生管理的重点内容之一。, , 4、公共场所的理发用具,毛巾、剪刀、梳子等, 、美容用具,眉钳、修手工具 等, 、旅客使用的床上用品、杯具等~必须做到一客一换一消毒。, , 5、用化学消毒剂消毒时~消毒液可长时间使用而不影响消毒效果。, , 6、公共浴室必须设有禁止患有性病和各种传染性皮肤病colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 的顾客就浴的明显标志。, , 7、公共场所经营单位应建立相应的卫生 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和卫生责任制度。, , 8(公共场所要有防蚊、防尘设备~不得有苍蝇、蟑螂等病媒虫害。, , 9(违反本条例的规定造成严重危害公民健康的事故或中毒事故的单位或者个人~应对受害人赔偿损失。, , 10(公共场所从业人员要做到“四勤”~ 即勤洗手、剪指甲,勤洗澡、理发,勤洗衣服、被褥,勤换工作衣帽。, , 11(吸烟所产生的烟雾中~含有酚类、烟碱、一氧化碳等各种有害物质~损害人体健康~因此在公共场所~应设立《禁止吸烟》标志。, , 12(因流动性大~国家对火车上使用的饮水水质没有提出具体规定。, , 13(国家对公共场所规定的卫生 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和要求共五种~分别为空气和微小气候,温度、湿度、风速,,水质,采光和照明,噪声,顾客用具和卫生设施。, , 14(茶杯如何进行消毒先要去污清洁~再用消毒液浸泡~最后用流动水冲净,也可以去污清洗后~直接用消毒柜消毒。, , 15. 茶具、水杯消毒后~不得检出大肠菌群。, , colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System
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