首页 人教版2017高考英语单词总结及练习必修1Unit1(附答案)



人教版2017高考英语单词总结及练习必修1Unit1(附答案)人教版2017高考英语单词总结及练习必修1Unit1(附答案) 人教版2017高考英语单词总结及练习:必修1Unit1(附答案) 重点单词 A(写作单词 1(upset(adj)心烦意乱的;不适的;不安的;(vt)使不安;使心烦;弄翻;打翻 2(ignore (vt)不理睬;忽视 3(calm(adj)平静的;镇静的;沉着的;(vt& vi)(使)平静;(使)镇定;(n)平静;镇定 (outdoors (adv)在户外;在野外 4 5(pack (v)捆扎;包装;打行李;(n)小包;包裹 6(con...

人教版2017高考英语单词 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 及练习必修1Unit1(附答案) 人教版2017高考英语单词总结及练习:必修1Unit1(附答案) 重点单词 A(写作单词 1(upset(adj)心烦意乱的;不适的;不安的;(vt)使不安;使心烦;弄翻;打翻 2(ignore (vt)不理睬;忽视 3(calm(adj)平静的;镇静的;沉着的;(vt& vi)(使)平静;(使)镇定;(n)平静;镇定 (outdoors (adv)在户外;在野外 4 5(pack (v)捆扎;包装;打行李;(n)小包;包裹 6(concern (vt)(使)担忧;涉及;关系到;(n)担心;关注;(利害)关系 concerned (adj)担心的;忧虑的 7(settle (v)定居,安家;停留;解决;安排 settlement (n)定居点;解决 8(suffer (v)遭受;忍受;经历 suffering (n)折磨;苦难 9(recover (vt& vi)痊愈;重新获得 recovery (n)康复;痊愈;复得 10(disagree (vi)不同意 disagreement (n)不同意 agree (v)(反义词)同意 B(阅读单词 11(loose (adj)松的;松开的 12(series (n)连续;系列 13(dusk (n)黄昏;傍晚 14(curtain (n)窗帘;门帘;幕布 15(teenager (n)十几岁的青少年 16(grateful (adj)感激的;表示谢意的 17(dislike (n& vt)厌恶 18(item (n)项目;条款 19(sap (vt)交换 20(tip (n)提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费;(vt)倾斜;翻倒 21(entire (adj)整个的;完全的 entirely (adv)完全地;整个地 22(exact (adj)精确的;准确的 exactly (adv)确实如此;正是;确切地 23(poer (n)能力;力量;权力 poerful (adj)强大的;有力的 训练 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 一、完形填空 (2016高考模拟选编)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项选出最佳选项。 I had my first chocolate bar at five years oldI'll never forget the delicious tasteBut the situation as anything but __1__(It as World War ?Many people in our village fled in panic Only __2__ ere alloed to board the trainJust before departure,a oman traveling alone pulled me onto the train to get the __3__(The entire trip I cried for my mother We arrived in HamburgNo that the oman had escaped,she had no more __4__ for meI lived on the streets,surviving by __5__ foodI'd slip into the mess hall,hide under a table and __6__ off ith loaves of fresh bread One afternoon as I __7__ near a tent in search of food,a huge hand lifted me up __8__ the collarIt as an American soldier“Got you ~” he shouted I as __9__,and I could see it upset him“It's __10__,kid,” he saidHe reached into his jacket and handed me a __11__(I unrapped it and took a biteI thought I'd gone to __12__( Four years later,I as taken by the soldier to an orphanage(孤儿院) in AmericaSoon after,a family ho lived in Pennsylvania __13__ meLater,I joined the army,and then attended __14__(Eventually I earned a master's degree in clinical social orkI ant to __15__ back all the people ho ere so good to me,I prayed So in 1983 I ent to ork as a clinical adviser,treating retired __16__ ho suffer from post,ar stress syndromeThe troubled soldiers ondered ho I can possibly __17__ them or help ease their painThat is __18__ I tell them my story,and about the soldier sent to save my life I never did learn his name,but I remember his __19__(And then I opened a draer in my desk that is alays full and __20__ them some chocolate 【语篇解读】 一个人的一生不会是一帆风顺的。不管你经历了惊涛骇浪~还是小小的考验~只要活下就是幸运的~离幸福也只有一步之遥。带着一颗感恩的心~去生活、去与人交往~坚持自己心的梦想与承诺~就定能为他人带去一点快乐、给自己的心灵一丝安慰。 1(Abitter B(seet C(strange D(familiar 答案 B [由下文“It as World War?”可知~巧克力棒的味道是甜美的~但是形势却不 乐观。] 2(Aomen B(children C(troops D(families 答案 D [由下文一位妇女为了上车把作者拉上可知~当时只有一个家庭才可以上火 车。下文的“traveling alone”也是暗示。] 3(Achance B(money C(prize D(reard 答案 A [结合上下文~可知这位妇女拉上作者是为了获得坐上火车逃跑的机会。] 4(Alike B(room C(use D(time 答案 C [现在~那个女人已经逃离了~她就开始讨厌作者了。have no use for“讨 厌„„”。] 5(Aselling B(begging C(making D(stealing 答案 D [由下文“I'd slip into the mess hall~hide under a table and”可知作者是靠偷食 物谋生的。] 6(Aleave B(make C(take D(turn 答案 B [作者溜进脏乱的食堂~藏在一张桌子底下~然后带着长条面包离开。make off“逃离”,动词leave表示离开时~无需再用off。] 7(Aandered B(slept C(hid D(played 答案 C [结合上下文可知作者是靠偷食物谋生~因此他的动作应是“藏”在帐篷附 近。] 8(Aby B(on C(in D(through 答案 A [表示揪某人衣领时~常用“动词,某人,by the collar”。这时有一只大手抓 住作者的衣领把作者拎了起。] 9(Aexcited B(amused C(alarmed D(scared 答案 D [作者害怕极了。偷东西被抓心里肯定担心害怕(scared)。] 10(Afine B(okay C(serious D(common 答案 B [根据“He reached into his jackettook a bite”可知~这位士兵非常友好~不仅没 有责怪作者~反而给他东西吃。因此此处用“okay”。] 11(Aice cream B(candy C(chocolate bar D(cookie 答案 C [结合 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 尤其是第一段以及最后一段~可知这位士兵给作者吃的是一根巧克 力棒。] 12(Aheaven B(hell C(prison D(hospital 答案 A [作者不仅没有受到惩罚~反而有东西吃~所以感觉非常好~就像进入了天堂。] 13(Aadapted B(rejected C(employed D(adopted 答案 D [由语境可知~作者被送到孤儿院后~一个家庭收养了他。] 14(Achurch B(college C(patients D(clubs 答案 B [由下文“Eventually I earned a master's degree in clinical social ork”可知作者上 了大学。] 15(Atake B call C(pay D(bring 答案 C [作者祈祷说~他要报答所有帮助过自己的人。pay back“报答~回报”。] 16(Ateachers B(orkers C(officials D(soldiers 答案 D [由下文“the troubled soldiers ondered ho”可知~作者专门治疗那些退伍军人。] 17(Acure B(understand C(repay D(discover 答案 B [患病的士兵们怀疑作者怎么会理解他们~怎么能帮助他们减轻痛苦。] 18(Ahen B(here C(ho D(hat 答案 A [每当这个时候~作者都会告诉他们他的故事~讲述那位营救他的美国士兵。] 19(Ahonesty B(courage kindness D(appearance C( 答案 C [本篇讲述了美国士兵帮助作者的故事~他给作者东西吃~还把作者送到孤儿 院~因此作者一直记得他的善良。] 20(Asold B(shoed C(cooked D(offered 答案 D [然后~作者会打开办公桌上一个装满美味巧克力的抽屉~拿出巧克力请他们 品尝。offer sb sth“给某人提供某物”。] 二、阅读理解 (一) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。 Coffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the orld today In fact, according to some estimates, over 30% of all adults in the orld drink coffee at least once a day on the average Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates (刺激) the nerves of the body Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more aake―at least for a short time―because of this stimulating effect on the nervous system A cup of coffee has, on the average, about 3% caffeine in it One story of the discovery of the coffee plant relates to this effect of caffeine According to the story, coffee as discovered in East Africa The story says that coffee as first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi This as about the year 850 Kaldi as leading his animals through the mountains and the goats ere stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and don in a very strange ay Kaldi figured out that the goats ere acting this ay because of the plants they ere eating Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans (豆荚) that the goats had been eating He, too, felt the stimulating effect of the beans Kaldi anted to prove hat had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to the village, here he told his story The green bean got the name "Kaffa" and later "coffee" because the beans ere discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa Then for years, people used to eat a fe of the green Kaffa beans hen they ere in the mountains and needed extra energy to do their ork It as later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned bron, and then they could be stored If the beans ere dried and stored, they could be used at any time 1What is the purpose of drinking coffee? A To become more aake B To become more healthy C To become more happy D To become more clever 2Ho did the goats react after eating the plants? A They fell asleep B They could not find their ay home C They started jumping up and don D They anted to eat more 3Why did the green bean get the name "Kaffa"? A Because Kaldi loved his home village very much B Because Kaldi's goats loved the green bean very much C Because the beans ere discovered in a place by this name D Because the beans could be picked and dried 【参考答案】1A 2C 3C 【解析】 试题 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 :本文为我们介绍了咖啡豆。通过一个牧羊人的故事为我们讲述了咖啡豆名字的起 源及其产地和作用。 1理解题。从第一段“Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more aake”可以看出咖啡 豆的作用是使人变得清醒,故选A。 2细节理解题。从文第二段“Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and don in a very strange ay”可以看出吃了这种植物后,一些羊开始以很奇怪的方式的跳上跳下,故选C。 3细节理解题。从最后一段第一句“The green bean got the name "Kaffa" and later "coffee" because the beans ere discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa”可知,这种青豆开始叫“Kaffa” 后变为“咖啡”是因为它是在非洲一个叫Kaffa的地方被发现的,故选C。 考点:事物说明类阅读 (二) The old shopkeeper led me through to the back of the shop The room as filled ith boxes and dusty photographs of people holding packages in their hands Mr Hopkins said, "We have a very ide choice of items for sale Whenever I serve a ne customer, I take his picture " Mr Hopkins pointed to an ancient camera on a table I began to appreciate the lovely items on sale I spent a very pleasant hour being shon the commodities in the shop Finally, I bought an antique jeelry box, a pair of riding boots and a seing machine I as very excited that I had found such a good little shop "I ill tell all my friends about your lovely place " I told the shopkeeper "Please don't do that, sir " said Mr Hopkins "This is a special place for special people You must keep this shop a secret " Then he took my photograph and handed me the picture straight aay " That as quick ! " I exclaimed In the picture I looked proud and excited holding the presents I had bought there On Christmas Day, my friends and relatives ere delighted ith the presents I had bought for them For eeks, my brother begged me to take him to the onderful little shop I finally agreed We alked along Oxford Street, past the department store and found---nothing In its place as an empty space being used as a car park I checked the area again There as the music shop, and there as the department store In beteen should have been Hopkins and Son, but it asn't there Just then, an old policeman came "Are you looking for something, sir?" he asked "I am looking for a little shop called Hopkins and Son " "Oh yes, there as a shop here 'once called Hopkins and Son But it as knocked don over 30 years ago " I looked again at the place, then I reached into my pocket and took out the photograph that Mr Hopkins had taken of me holding my presents in the little shop " Ho strange ! " I screamed 1 What did the author think of Hopkins and Son? A Big and modem B Old and outdated C Little and dusty D Lovely and onderful 2 We can infer from Paragraph 4 that Mr Hopkins A as ashamed of his little shop B didn't like his shop to be advertised C as one of the author's special friends D handed the author his picture immediately 3 What does the underlined ord "commodities" refer to? A The goods in the shop B The author's gifts C Photographs taken by Mr Hopkins D Packages held by other customers 4 What can e learn about the shop? A It as closed by the police B It as ell - knon in that area C It as knocked don a fe eeks ago D It as beteen a music shop and a department store 参考答案1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 三、短文改错 假段定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文共有 10处语言错误,每句最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺 词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(,)划掉。修改:, 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2 只允许修改 10 处,多者 (从第 11 处起) 不计分。 Have you ever seen blue ice cream topped ith black fruits? That sounded foreign and not delicious at all! That’s the poer of colors(It can neither make your dinner more delicious or to spoil the hole table( Scientists have found that blue must make people lose appetite(If you don’t ant to eat too many at your classmate’s birthday party,put his cake on a blue plate(You’ll stop eating soon(Why is it that people don’t feel like eat hen they see blue? It’s all in their mind People relate the color of food they see the food in their memory There are almost no blue leafy vegetable and no blue meat, so people get a “foreign” or “strange” feeling about the blue food itself(So hat should go into dishes? You need to think it over after helping your mum ith dinner to make a better decision( 短文改错 1 sounded—sounds 2 neither---either 3 or后的to删除 4must---may/might/can/could 5 many—much 6 his—your 7eat---eating 8the food前添加to/ith 9vegetable—vegetables 10after---before
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