首页 BA教学机器人控制的物流系统(实验4)



BA教学机器人控制的物流系统(实验4)BA教学机器人控制的物流系统(实验4) “机电装备设计”实验四 六自由度教学机器人控制的 物流系统 实验指导书 实验班级______________ 实 验 者______________ 所学专业______________ 实验日期______________ 实验教师______________ 实验成绩______________ 内蒙古工业大学机械学院 先进制造实验室 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and educat...

BA教学机器人控制的物流系统(实验4) “机电装备 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ”实验四 六自由度教学机器人控制的 物流系统 实验指导书 实验班级______________ 实 验 者______________ 所学专业______________ 实验日期______________ 实验教师______________ 实验成绩______________ 内蒙古工业大学机械学院 先进制造实验室 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 1、实验目的: 1.1了解机器人示教的作用及意义; 1.2了解物件从取物件、传送带到物件码放在立体仓库里的全过程; 1.3通过对机器人抓取控制实验,验证在不同控制参数下的运动控制效果; 2、实验内容及要求: 2.1在物流系统实验平台上进行参数设置; 2.2 对机器人进行示教; 2.3 运行物件抓取程序,观察 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 实验结果; 2.4运行传送及码垛程序,记录实验结果。 3、实验设备: 六自由度教学机器人控制的物流系统一套。 4、实验步骤: 4.1、启动 首先确保机器上已经正确安装并驱动了AC6616 ,步进电机4轴控制卡MAC3002STI4v102,高速四轴伺服电机控制卡MAC3002SSP4三块运动控制卡,安装并启动柔性制造控制软件RZC.exe,启动后将出现如图1的主界面。 图1 主界面 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand orivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere1 4.2、电源控制 按下控制柜柜门上的绿色“启动”按钮,给控制柜上电,等待10秒钟(系统初始化)。 在成功启动程序如图1后,可以用鼠标左键点击 按钮进行电源管理如图2 图2 电源管理 当用户按“机器人电源”按钮后计算机将通过使用AC6616P控制卡给6自由度机器人上电然后显示。在按一下计算机又将通过使用AC6616P控制卡给6自由度机器人断电如图,然后系统将等待2秒钟后将出现“伺服启动”按钮将可用如图 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into2 之后用户在按“伺服启动”按钮计算机将通过伺服电机控制卡使6自由度机器人伺服启动。这是按钮将变为如果用户要终止伺服可以再按下按钮,计算机将通过伺服电机控制卡使6自由度机器人伺服终止。 当用户按“码垛机电源”按钮后计算机将通过使用AC6616P控制卡给码垛机上电。然后按钮将变为如果用户要关闭此电源可以在按一下计算机又将通过使用AC6616P控制卡给码垛机断电。 当用户按“传送带启动”按钮后计算机将通过使用AC6616P控制卡给传送带上电,这时传送带将工作,如果用户想停止传送带工作可以再按一下此按钮将传送带断电。 注意:当用户想启动6自由度机器人和码垛机前应该先给相应的机器人通电后才可以启动。当用户设置完电源后可以左键点击“电源控制”窗口的右上角的按钮关闭“电源控制”窗口进行控制。 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand o3 4.3手动控制 在如图1的主界面下鼠标点击手动控制按钮,出现图3.的界面, 图3 控制界面 用户可以在此界面下手动控制六自由度,四自由度,码垛机,料库完成柔性制造的控制周期。 4.3.1、标定手抓的测量范围 标定零点重量:先保证手抓为空并且手抓上不可以有任何物件,然后可以按“采集零点”这时计算机通过控制卡AC6616P发信号给西门子PLC控制称重传感器测量出手抓所抓物品为空时的承重传感器所得的电压数,用户可以多按几次,等待读数稳定后。然后这时按按钮获得标定零点重量的电压数。 标定满度重量:首先用户先按“放下”按钮后计算机将通过步进电机控制卡控制的第3个轴运动使手抓回到初始高度然后按“张开”按钮计算机将通过步进电机控制卡发出一个低电平的I/O信号使手抓张开,然后用户在手抓处放一个2000克的重量的标定物,此标定物用于确定其重量的测量范围的上线,之后按“闭合”按钮后计算机将通过步进电机控制卡发一个高电平的I/O ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into4 信号使手抓闭合抓紧标定物,按“抬起”按钮后计算机将通过步进电机控制卡的第3个轴使手抓运动一定的高度后,使手抓悬空以面影响测量精度。这时用户按“采集满度”按钮,控制卡AC6616P将发信号给西门子PLC控制称重传感器测量出手抓所抓物品的重量的电压数用户可以待读数稳定后按“采集满度”按钮确定标定的满度重量的电压数值。 测量零件重量:通过标定重量的零点和标定的满度的这个线性关系,用户就可以计算出手抓以后所抓零件的重量。用户可以通过抬起抓取物件抬起物件后可以在“零件重量”处查看所抓零件的重量。 4.3.2、料库控制 设置:首先用户可以先在料库控制里根据需要按“设置”按钮出现如图4。 图4 按钮界面 调整料库的运动速度和方式。 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand o5 回零:计算机将通过步进电机控制卡控制的轴4发脉冲使料库运动到零 位信号的位置,料库运动将以此零点为基础。 执行: 计算机将先获取用户所填的移动的度然后,通 过步进电机控制卡使料库运动到指定度数。 注:此角度要适合6自由度 抓取料库上相应位置的零件。 停止:使计算机通过步进电机控制卡的轴4停止发出脉冲使料库停止转动。 4.3.3、机器人控制 复位:按钮使6自由度机器人每个轴都按照规定的速度回到初始位置。 再现:首先按按钮选择控制6自由度机器人的再现文件如图5 图5 打开界面 选择要执行的控制6自由度机器人运动的示教点文件,然后按打开按钮,之后计算机将读文件中保存的所有取示教点。这时6自由度机器人将按照示教点记录的运动方式控制手抓抓取托盘上零件一,并将其摆放在装配位置上,然后再次抓取托盘上零件二,将其与零件一进行精确装配的整个动作。 停止:计算机通过控制卡发信号,停止6自由度机器人。 4.3.4、传送带控制 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into"two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in 6 装配完成后用户可以按传送带控制的“执行”按钮,这时计算机将通过AC6616P控制卡写一个I/O信号通过PLC控制变频器,使电机按设置的转速旋转,控制传送带将零件向前传送,这时安装在传送带两侧的光电开关将时时检测零件是否到位,然后通过PLC控制传送带停止。 4.3.5、码垛机示教 首先按码垛机复位按钮. 1)复位: 此按钮首先使码垛机的4个轴分别先移动到负限位的位置,然后4个轴分别在向正方向移动一个固定位置。此位置将作为码垛机以后运动的基点。 2)再现: 首先用户在如图里按 按钮 将出现如图6 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand orivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to c7 图6 打开界面 用户可以在此选择以前保存的示教文件,然后按“打开”按钮。这时计算机将从示教文件文件中读取所有示教点,码垛机将从第一个示教点开始运动4个轴,待4个轴运动停止后再运动手抓,然后在开始下一个示教点和手抓的运动,直到所有的示教点都运行完毕。 3)停止: 此按钮计算机放通过步进电机的4个轴将停止发脉冲信号,使码垛机停止运动。 4)保存示教点: 此按钮可以保存码垛机各轴和手抓的运动坐标和方式并添加到屏幕右侧的列 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 框中。 5)码垛机设置: 用户按码垛机的设置按钮出现图7。 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co mbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into"two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well8 图7 设置按钮 用户在此窗口可以调整码垛机各轴的运动参数。 6)清除列表点: 此按钮可以清除已保存的所有码垛机各轴和手抓的示教点。 7)保存文件: 此按钮将出现如图8。 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand orivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere9 图8 保存文件 可以在文件名处输入要保存的文件名,按保存将所有以文件的形式保存在列表框里码垛机的所有示教点。 8)加减按钮: 用户可以用鼠标左键点击一下相应轴的时计算机将控制当前轴负向移动一段距离。 点击一下相应轴的时计算机将控制当前轴正向移动一段距离。 通过这2个按钮来调节相应轴的移动位置。 9)正负限位指示灯: 相关轴运动没有到达限位时将显示。 相关轴运动已经到达限位时将显示。 10)手动示教运动全过程: (1)首先使码垛机处于复位状态所以要先按复位按钮。 (2)然后按“闭合”按钮使手抓闭合抓取物件,然后用户可以分别按X、 Y、Z、旋转各轴的按钮和按钮使码垛机移动,和手抓状态。之后用户可以按“保存示教点”之后将保存此运动。 (3)用户可以重复第2步后。依次保存相应的码垛机运动示教点。调整 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into"two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in 10 好4个轴的运动过程后将使零件正好可以放在立体库相应的仓格内。注意:如果此示教文件用于自动运动,请将示教动作的目的点定位在立体库第一排的第一格里。之后用户按X轴的按钮使手抓退出仓格。 (4)此时用户可以点击“保存文件”按钮将所有运动的示教点保存成文件。 5、机器人控制 在如图1的主界面下鼠标左键点击“机器人控制”按钮,出现图9的界面, 图9 控制界面 此界面为6自由度机器人程序,用户可以在此程序里对6自由度机器人进行控制。 关于6自由度机器人的使用方法可以在此界面选择“帮助按钮”将出现对此程序使用方法的说明。 6、自动控制 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori arty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand orivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reate11 在如图1的主界面下鼠标左键点击“自动控制”按钮,出现图10的界面, 在此界面用户可以观察上料库状态、立体仓库状态和重量、和系统信息。 图10 自动控制界面 1)复位 按此按钮可以将上料库复位,并读取上料库的当前状态。 六自由度机器人和码垛机复位的可以使他们的各个轴先回到限位,然后每 个轴分别向相反方向移动一段距离。 2)运行 (1) 按此钮可以使柔性制造控制系统开始运行。计算机首先读取码垛 机示教点的文件“four.4sj”和6自由度机器人的示教点文件“fix.RBT6” ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into12 装入系统。注意:这两个示教点文件文件必须放在应用程序的目录里。然后系统发出通知上料轮盘等待信号。 (2)当系统接到上料轮盘等待事件号后计算机将通过步进电机控制卡使 料盘旋转24度,之后读取当前料库状态判断料库上位是否为空,如果为空则位号加一然后继续旋转24度后直到找到不为空的位,(注:料库位号大于15则说明料库为空,程序将停止运行。而且程序只判断上面料盘是否为空,如果为空则认为上下全为空,所以如果上面放零件请将下面也放零件)如果此位不为空计算机将发出上料库完成定位信号,通知6自由度机器人上料定位完毕。 (3) 当6自由度机器人接收到上料库定位信号,首先6自由度机器人 将复位,然后机器人将抓取零件1并将其摆放在装配位置上,然后再次抓 取托盘上零件二,将其与零件一进行精确装配,零件装配完毕。然后通知 计算机6自由度机器人运动完成信号。 (4) 当传送带机接收到6自由度机器人运动完成信号后计算机将通过 AC6616P控制卡写一个I/O信号通过PLC控制变频器,使电机按设置的转 速旋转控制传送带将零件传送至指定位置后,安装在传送带两侧的光电开 关检测到零件位置,然后通过PLC控制传送带停止,并发出传输带到位信 号。 (5) 当码垛机接收到此信号后将按照“four.4sj”的示教动作的第一步, 第二步运行,然后判断零件的重量,再根据这个重量和立体库仓格的状态判断将零件放在那个格子里,然后系统将给码垛机指令,让他走到要放零件的位置前,之后系统又开始执行剩下的示教动作了。当码垛机将零件放好并回到原位置时将发出上料轮盘等待信号给上料库。 (6)重复步骤(2)-(5)直到上料库的所有零件为空为止。 注意事项: 在按运行按钮前要先保证码垛机,和6自由度机器人处在复位完毕的 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand o13 位置。 3)停止 按此按钮将同时停止六自由度机器人、上料库、码垛机的运动。 7、立体仓库状态 在如图1的主界面下鼠标左键点击“立体仓库状态”按钮,出现图11的界面, 图11 立体仓库界面 在此界面用户可以观察仓库的当前状态和重量。 计算机将通过AC6616P控制卡时刻读取立体仓库每格是否为空不为空的零件重量和计算每层重量的总和。 、上料库状态 8 在如图1.1的主界面下鼠标左键点击“上料库状态”按钮,出现图12的界面。 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adherethe conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into14 图12 上料状态界面 在此界面用户可以观察上料库的状态的零件状态。 1)复位 按此按钮可以使上料库回复到初始状态。 2)检测 按此按钮计算机将通过步进电机控制卡检查当前上料库的状态。 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand o15 实验报告 化学实验报告单总流体力学实验报告观察种子结构实验报告观察种子结构实验报告单观察种子的结构实验报告单 第1页 实验名称 六自由度教学机器人控制的物流系统 班级 学号 姓名 实验日期 1 、运行物件抓取程序,观察记录实验结果 ributions to build a beautiful XX "!r contn, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greateements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organizatioarrangwith the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified mrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance Co the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party meus in epublic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famoblood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Rthe tion to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into"two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from educa y outoff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive wellmbers and cadres, to adhere16 第2页 实验名称 六自由度教学机器人控制的物流系统 班级 学号 姓名 实验日期 2、运行传送及码垛程序,记录实验结果 ious tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "!tical style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the vard politee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party commitComrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glori rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhererous ith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangea and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no fa reatearty member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to cParty members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist P y out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to alloff, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carr-pening, comprehensive decisive well"Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand o17
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