首页 枣庄七中九年级王齐《赢在网络时代》



枣庄七中九年级王齐《赢在网络时代》枣庄七中九年级王齐《赢在网络时代》 课 堂 教 学 设 计 表 课程名称 信息技术 设计者王齐 单位(学校) 枣庄市第七中学 授课年级 九年级 教材版本 青岛版 第二单元第2课赢在网络时代 章节名称 学时 2 培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识,让学生了解和掌握信息技术基本知识和技能, 了解信息技术的发展及其应用对人类日常生活和科学技术的深刻影响。通过信息 技术课程使学生具有获取信息、传输信息、处理信息和应用信息的能力,教育学 课程纲要依据 生正确认识和理解与信息技术相关的文化、伦理和社会等问题,负责任地使用...

枣庄七中九年级王齐《赢在网络时代》 课 堂 教 学 设 计 表 课程名称 信息技术 设计者王齐 单位(学校) 枣庄市第七中学 授课年级 九年级 教材版本 青岛版 第二单元第2课赢在网络时代 章节名称 学时 2 培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识,让学生了解和掌握信息技术基本知识和技能, 了解信息技术的发展及其应用对人类日常生活和科学技术的深刻影响。通过信息 技术课程使学生具有获取信息、传输信息、处理信息和应用信息的能力,教育学 课程纲要依据 生正确认识和理解与信息技术相关的文化、伦理和社会等问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,负责任地使用信 息技术;培养学生良好的信息素养,把信息技术作为支持终身学习和合作学习的 手段,为适应信息社会的学习、工作和生活打下必要的基础。 努力创造条件,积极利用信息技术教学,注重培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 本课的主要内容与地位本课的主要教学内容为: 在这个经济全球化、世界一体化的今天,网络正在不知不觉的影响并改变着我们 的生活。截至2011年6月底,我国网民总数达到4.85亿,互联网普及率为36.2%, 我国已成为互联网大国,用户规模居世界首位。正是由于现代通讯网络技术的快教材分析 速发展,人们已不再满足于 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化的人才培养方式,而是朝着个性化人才培养模 式转变。当南方科技大学的困境让人看到中国实体教育改革的举步维艰时,网络 公开课又推开了另一扇大门。网络教育新时代,人们可以自由地选择学校和课程, 学习也变得大为不同。 当今社会网络犯罪、网络诈骗、网络病毒、网络上垃圾信息的充斥, 使网络不再是一片净土,给广大的学生带来了巨大的伤害对青少年来说, 它既是天使,也是魔鬼。一些学生缺乏分辨力草率盲目投身其中,以至造 学情分析 成严重后果。这主要是学生心智不成熟,未建立完善的世界观、人生观、 价值观,对于新鲜的食物充满好奇。再加上网络资源丰富,对学习也有帮 助,所以要引导好学生,充分利用好网络资源,加强防范,让学生健康成 长。定了良好的基础。但是,他们抽象思维 学习目标 具体描述语句 学 习 目 标 了解计算机网络的定义、分类,上网所需设备、ISP的含义、 描 知识目标 IP地址和域名的格式;了解因特网提供的服务以及访问因特述 网的三种方式 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 学会设置IP地址,能通过三种方式访问因特网;能够综合技能目标 运用因特网提供的功能为生活、学习服务。 情感态度提升对网络的认识水平以及应用意识;逐步培养良好的网络 与价值观 道德。 目 内容 解决措施 IP地址和域名的内涵;三种访问因教学重点 结合课本中的实例。 特网的方式。 教学难点 IP地址和域名的内涵; 注意观察和思考课例和老师演示 教学策略 自学法、演示法、观察法、实践法、小组合作、教师加以辅导 (教法与学法) 教学环境与媒体 多媒体网络教室,电子教学软件,课件 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 教 学 内 容 一、 创设情境 导入新课 学教 信息存储格式 生师 活活 信息的价值分析 动 动 二、任务驱动 合作探究 (一)、网络基础常识 1、计算机网络的定义与分类 定义:计算机网络是把地理上分散的、多台独立工作的计算机, 通过通信设备和线路连接起来,以实现资源共享的系统。 通通 分类:(依据覆盖的范围) 过过 局域网:在较小的区域内将若干独立的计算机通过数据通信设 课课 教学过程 备连接起来,使用户共享数据资源。一般不超过10公里。 本件 网展 络 示 和给 老学 师生 的直 讲观 解的 感感 城域网:范围就是城市区域,一般在10-60公里,最多不超过受受 100公里。 网 络 的 分 类 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 广域网:一般超过100公里,可以跨越城市、地区甚至国家, 通常由两个或多个局域网组成。Internet是目前世界上最大的 广域网。 2、上网所需要的设备 硬件:计算机、网卡、连接设备(双绞线、同轴电缆、光纤、 水晶头等),如果是电话线上网,还需要调制解调器实现模拟 信号和数字信号的转换。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 软件:操作系统(Windows、Unix、Linux等)、浏览器、文件 传输工具、E-mail收发软件等。 3、ISP(Internet Service Provider )Internet服务提供商 目前国内:中国电信、中国联通、中国移动 4、IP地址和域名 IP地址:“网络号+子网号+主机号” 网络号:主机所连接的网络 子网号:本网络内的各个子网编号 主机号:标识该网络上特定的那台主机 一般由四个小数点隔开的0-255的十进制数构成 域名:主机名机构名网络名顶级域 顶级域:一类是国家顶级域,又叫地区域,根据地址位置来表 示所在的国家或地区,由两个字母的代码组成;一类是通用顶 级域,又叫机构域,由三个字母的代码组成。 举例: wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing com edu gov mil net ort Cn gb uk fr jp de ca 三、活动与探索 由计算机实验室内网络为例讲解上网所需设备。 要引入IP地址设置,其步骤要让学生掌握。 对IP地址和域名,以不同的IP地址和网站域名举例讲解较好。 然后,分析域名。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing (二)、因特网提供的信息服务 1、电子邮件服务(E,mail) 2、WWW服务 WWW含义是全球信息网,万维网或3W,它是一个基于超文 本方式的信息查询工具。 (超文本:适于传统的线性的、有顺序的文本结构相对的文本, 其收集、存储和浏览的文本信息是离散的、非线性结构的文本。 在超文本上按下鼠标,就会通过链接跳转到其他页面。) 3、文件传输服务(FTP) 因特网上的两台计算机之间传送文件。包括“上传”和“下载” wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 4、远程登录服务(TELNET) 用户通过贴和口令登录远程主机,成为该主机的合法用户,便 可以使用远程计算机对外开放的全部资源。 5、新闻组(NEWSGROUP/USENET) 6、电子公告板(BBS) 登 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 录 网 络 感 受 异 同 (三)因特网的访问方式 1、通过IP地址访问 2、通过域名访问 3、通过网络实名访问 练一练 通过三种方式访问清华大学网站,感受其中的异同 IP地址: 英文域名:www.tsinghua.edu.cn 中文域名:清华大学园.中国 (四)赢在网络时代 1、尽早接触网络 青少年越早接触网络,对其成长越有利。 2、善于运用网络 网络工具的出现必将推动网络社会的崛起和网络发展方式的形成。要善于运用网络工具开掘知识资源,不断汲取人类创造的文明成就。 3、防止沉溺网络 青少年在上网的过程中要提高自我保护意识,慎防网络陷阱和 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 网络犯罪,切实维护网络道德。 三、活动与探索 让青少年赢在网络时代,是时代进步和青少年发展的迫切需 要。组织学生对如何上网展开讨论。 四、学生上机练习 教师巡视,查看学生上机情况 指导学生IP地址设置及电子邮箱申请 五、实践与创新 1、简述应如何进行IP地址正确设置,才能连上因特网, 2、在网络语言中,称“我”为“偶”,以“斑主”指“版主”, “3Q”就是thang you ,“菜鸟”意为电脑初学者.......谈谈你对 网络语言的理解。 六、作业 搜集报纸、刊物上的网站域名或IP地址并分析。 七、课堂小结 一、网络基础常识 三、因特网的访问方式 1、计算机网络的定义与分类 1、通过IP地址访问 2、上网所需要的设备 2、通过域名访问 3、ISP(Internet服务提供商) 3、通过网络实名访问 4、IP地址和域名 二、因特网提供的信息服务 四、赢在网络时代 板书设计 1、电子邮件服务(E,mail) 1、尽早接触网络 2、WWW服务 2、善于运用网络 3、文件传输服务(FTP) 3、防止沉溺网络 4、远程登录服务(TELNET) 5、新闻组(NEWSGROUP/USENET) 6、电子公告板(BBS) 形 成学生通过简单的自我评价表对本节课的学习进行小结,老师同时通过课堂上的提问、练性习等情况的记录对部分学生做一个评价,汇总后分析整体的掌握情况及存在问题。 评 价 教总的来说本课的知识容量比较大,涉及的内容也比较广,。然大部分学生都会上网,但对学于其中蕴含的专业知识并不熟悉。尤其是文中提到的域名及其结构,域名与ip地址的关系,不容易理解,所以学起来比较费力。如何让青少年合理的使用网络资源,遵守网络反 道德,并能提高自我保护意识也是非常重要的。 思 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing
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