首页 电视剧《北京青年》植入式广告投放企划案



电视剧《北京青年》植入式广告投放企划案企业文化植入举例 《婚姻保卫战》剧中角色陈梦(于娜饰)为了实现婚后外出工作的梦想,参加了一场护肤品的Show。 从场景中出现产品外观的基础层面植入,升华到通过模特着装和LED视频展现了产品的天然护肤特性的高层次植入。 人物命运与企业产品捆绑 《婚姻保卫战》剧中角色兰心(袁立饰)因为自己的皮具厂着火一蹶不振,她的丈夫许小宁(黄磊饰)提议,开设淘宝网店,把积压和库存的皮包卖出去。通过二人淘宝店的经营,两人又回归到了幸福的家庭生活之中。 从使用淘宝网的基本层面植入,升华到产品帮助角色(袁立饰)翻身的高层面植入。 成功案例...

企业文化植入举例 《婚姻保卫战》剧中角色陈梦(于娜饰)为了实现婚后外出工作的梦想,参加了一场护肤品的Show。 从场景中出现产品外观的基础层面植入,升华到通过模特着装和LED视频展现了产品的天然护肤特性的高层次植入。 人物命运与企业产品捆绑 《婚姻保卫战》剧中角色兰心(袁立饰)因为自己的皮具厂着火一蹶不振,她的丈夫许小宁(黄磊饰)提议,开设淘宝网店,把积压和库存的皮包卖出去。通过二人淘宝店的经营,两人又回归到了幸福的家庭生活之中。 从使用淘宝网的基本层面植入,升华到产品帮助角色(袁立饰)翻身的高层面植入。 成功案例1 宣传活动与厂家互动: 平安银行支票现身发布会现场 《婚姻保卫战》的宣传活动安排了精彩的活动情节,主要演员比试切菜功力,为胜者被颁发奖金,以平安银行支票的形式体现。 成功案例2 《奋斗》――服饰、手机 国家领导人出访亚非五国,将《奋斗》作为国宾礼物赠送。 在全国卫星频道多次获奖,被称作是“一部最具现实意义的作品”。 国家广电总局电视剧司与国际合作司将《奋斗》赠送日本,作为两国之间文化交流。 目前在全国电视台尚在重复播出,且取得高收视率。(无限的复播空间) 在海外地区:台湾、日本、越南、港澳、韩国地区热播,获得很高评价。 成功案例3 《我的青春谁做主》传播效果: 1、央视索福瑞统计:自4月12日登陆CCTV1黄金时段以来,《青春》收视率一路飙升,最高收视率高达9.8%,平均收视率也超过5%,相比较其他连续剧,给央视广告部带来巨大的收视份额和广告效益。 2、搜狐作为《青春》的网络独家首播网站,construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 该剧在搜狐高清影视剧频道播出的前10日,即收获近2500万的观看次数,短短十天其热播的势头已经超过了之前的《潜伏》、《我的团长我的团》,一举夺得“搜狐视频最受网友欢迎热播剧”大奖。 3、中共中央宣传部精神文明建设“五个一工程”优秀电视剧奖 在谷歌搜索“《奋斗》 POLO衫”关键字,显示截屏效果 在谷歌搜索“奥迪《我的青春谁做主》”关键字,显示截屏效果 鑫宝源影视制作 鑫宝源是一家集拍摄、制作、发行、演员经纪等业务为一体的影视公司,具备国家电视剧制作甲种许可资质,制作资金雄厚、创作力量强大以及影视业务关系广泛。 国内最具实力的电视剧制作、发行公司。制作发行作品有:《我的青春谁做主》《奋斗》《夜幕下的哈尔滨》 《大工匠》《马文的战争》《落地请开手机》《苏菲的供词》《老牛家的战争》《像雾像雨又像风》《别了,温哥华》《风吹云动星不动》《给我一支烟》《相爱都难》《少年英雄方世玉》《机灵小不懂》等 国内最具实力的演艺经纪公司。签约演员有:孙红雷、宋丹丹、陈小艺、周晓欧、张歆艺、张铎、隋俊波、谭凯、李崇宵、姚笛等一线影视红星。 鑫宝源多次荣获“全国最具实力民营电视剧制作机构”。 导演赵宝刚作品之《北京青年》 联系我们: 祥子 1XXXXXXXXXX * * 《北京青年》植入式广告投放企划 揭秘《 北京青年》 出 品:北京鑫宝源影视投资有限公司 投 资:2500万人民币 类 型:当代都市 导 演:赵宝刚 集 数:35集 开机时间:2010年9月(暂定) 播出 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 :2011年下半年 不同其他电视剧的强大发行播出保证~ 作为赵宝刚导演的“青春三部曲”的终结篇,本剧尚未拍摄已construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 被多家电视台抢先关注并洽谈预购~引发新一轮各大电视台证据风波,播出主动权在此由电视台转移到制作方~ 赵宝刚导演,都市青春剧的领军人物, 他的每一部作品,均引起社会大众的广泛关注, 尤其是被称之为“70后”、“80后”的这一人群, 对赵式剧集更加趋之若鹜。 这一人群,正随着不断的成长跻身历史舞台中央, 他们将成为市场消费的主要力量。 赵宝刚又出手啦~ 令电视台、收视率疯狂追崇的热点人物 80后观众热捧的偶像级大导演 “中国偶像剧第一导演” 导演赵宝刚 时代坐标,收视狂人。 青春三部曲:《奋斗》《青春》《北京青年》(青春系列完美终结篇) 赵宝刚:将青春进行到底! 关于青春与迷茫、成长与阵痛 我们争吵、愤怒、失望、沮丧、难过、忧伤、怀念„„ 那些奔腾的青春情绪 那些疯狂而无法理喻的青春冲动 那些莫须有的折腾和厮打 是我们一生中最最伟大的财富 影视剧植入广告商业行为的出现,为广告客户和影视剧制作方带来了新的利益空间。当然,更值得关注的是它的双赢特性。 但是,任何新鲜事物的存在都是一把双刃剑,这把剑发挥作用的同时也证实了本身具备的“杀伤力”,广告植入得好皆大欢喜,植入得不好或做“雷”了,面对的将是两败俱伤的悲惨结局――观众对广告和剧本身都不买construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 账。 如何用好这把“剑”是广告与影视作品融合的关键。也许您也能体会到,当前的影视剧广告植入瓶颈期已经到来,从观众对影视剧广告植入的态度上可以明显看出传统的广告植入方式已经落后了,至少满足不了挑剔的观众。 我们要做的植入广告是在传统植入层面的基础上建立更成熟、更自然的植入方式,着重做的是企业文化与影视文化融合,影视作品的特点之一就是讲故事,通过讲故事的方式把您的企业核心价值融入到影视作品中。举个例子:一家保险公司挽救了电视剧主人公的命运,这种剧情设置是合理的、真实的,这样的故事就适合做植入。留在人们印象里的不再是一个保险产品,而是一个企业的名字,会是一个保险企业阻止了一个悲剧故事的发生。 除了从故事本身出发,我们还想突出的一个理念就是“谁在用”或者“什么人在用”。让产品与剧中人物结合,使产品成为塑造人物命运的推手,另一方面让有魅力的剧中人物使用相应的产品,这无形形成了一种代言效应~与传统意义的明星代言相比,我们创造的这种代言是“虚拟”的,是我们塑造的一个有魅力的剧中人物在代言一种与他形象匹配的产品。典型的例子就是电视剧《奋斗》陆涛与奥迪汽车的结合。观众不认为是佟大为在开奥迪,但是陆涛和奥迪形象的捆绑已经深深地烙在了年轻人的脑海里。 立足在传统方式之上,我们的植入广告将更深刻、更自然地传达企业的价值观,用更成熟的广告植入手段实现厂家与影视制作方的双赢,使优秀的企业形象扎根在人们心中。 寄语《北京青年》 ――赵宝刚 植入广告理念 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 这似乎已然是一个植入无孔不入的时代~植入广告成为了传播者追逐的主要创新手段。 作为赵宝刚导演“青春三部曲”完美终结篇的《北京青年》,一直受到广告客户和各媒体的热烈追捧。通过多年的实践与摸索,我们与合作企业一道完成了一个又一个经典的植入案例:《奋斗》让电视机前的观众记住了那些青春飞扬的面孔,还让更多人看到了时尚的polo衫和奥迪汽车;《我的青春谁做主》成就了奥迪Q7,在剧中陆毅似乎成为了Q7的代言人,让观众们伴随着奥迪品牌和剧中主人公一起感受青春的朝气与不懈努力的拼搏;《婚姻保卫战》又开辟了新型的广告植入方式,从故事本身出发,让企业产品与剧中人物紧密结合,有魅力的人物使用相关产品,类比明星代言效应。 跟随宝刚导演一路走来,坚持不懈地摸索如何用一个行之有效的方式操作植入广告,才能牢牢抓住观众的心~ 由于植入广告是建立在电视剧制作播出基础上的广告作业行为,其传播的效果必须依托电视剧自身的播出效果,尤其要重视给观众带来良好的品牌印象和愉悦的收视情绪。于是,我们在电视剧开拍前就精心策划,以理念、故事、明星等无形植入优先,企业文化和产品事先介入剧本、注重创意执行,做到无形胜有形,影响胜收视。坚持影片第一、广告第二的原则,每个行业只植入一个品牌,做到行业独家、品牌聚焦,保证品质,做出效果。 同时,我们也清醒地认识到,植入广告周期长、环节多,想实现客户与观众都满意的双赢很难,做不好大家都不买账。但这又是我们必须实现的目标。我们具备与植入广告融合度很高的好剧本、好制作、好平台,又有一个执行植入广告的专业队construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 伍,这些都是客户植入项目投资成功的重要元素。 关注《北京青年》,关注我们立足传统植入而为企业打造的的新型广告价值体现,跟随本剧主人公一起 “青春重新活一回”~ 基础层面 更高层面 应对植入广告的瓶颈时代 道具植入 台词植入 企业文化 植入 人物命运于企业产品捆绑 1、导演赵宝刚的强大市场号召力――观众基础庞大 本剧传播优势 作为国内最具商业价值的导演和“造星大师”,其市场号召力大大超越青春偶像明星,他的电视观众不限年龄、不限地域,每部作品都刷新了一个收视率的新高,可以说哪里有赵宝刚哪里就有收视率,这为本剧的植入平台创造了先天的受众优势。 《像雾像雨又像风》 孙红雷、陆毅、周迅、李小冉 《别了,温哥华》 陈坤、赵琳 《永不瞑目》 陆毅、袁立 《夜幕下的哈尔滨》 陆毅、李小冉、周杰 2、赵式话题剧的强大煽动力与传播力――传播效果独特 《奋斗》 《我的青春谁做主》 赵宝刚导演所拍摄的电视剧幽默桥段和经典台词,都成为广大观众争相流传模仿的焦点,他所带来的强大煽动性和娱乐性将成为观众记忆的强化剂,如此独特有效的传播效果将成为本剧品牌植入的另一优势。 3、优质题材引发思考,全新风格引导全民关注 近几年,反映都市生活的电视剧重新回到主流,在各台轮番播放都获得超高的收视率,苦情剧和家庭剧赚够了观众的同情和眼泪之后,轻松时尚的都市剧成为观众热切盼望的题材。本剧是近年来少有的关于都市年轻人青春与生活话题讨论的电视作品,并将“青春重新活一回”提高到人生哲学的高度,该剧轻松幽默的风格必将带给观众耳目一新的体验,轻松引导观众主动思考,关construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 注本剧提出的“青春的迷茫、理想与阵痛”话题。 《婚姻保卫战》 这是一个关于成长与疼痛的故事。 四个堂兄弟,四颗年轻的心,四种不同的人生价值观。 北京老何家有四个堂兄弟,何东何西何南何北,这哥儿四个还都处在管多了人不听管少了不放心尚未安定的年龄。土生土长在北京的四个堂兄弟,家庭背景不同,性格志向迥异。 何东本来有着贤惠的女友,稳定的工作,前方是一帆风顺的人生。在结婚登记的时候,何东却突然反悔,闪电般分手、辞职,要去寻找自己意愿中的生活„„ 年轻有为的医生何西,却见不惯生老病死,理不清爱恨纠葛。追着女友丁香跑到精神病医院当医生,偏被一精神病患者任知了当成了自己的男友,不爱她吧,她犯病,医生以治病为己任,可有这么治病的吗, 何南凭借自己的刻苦留学加拿大,“海归”的身份本可以让他大展宏图,可他那不成器的、天天想着占房子娶老婆的父亲却成了他的软肋„„ 街头小混混何北,是大款父亲的一块心病。面对父亲的恨铁不成钢,何北有自己的想法,他也希望做出自己的一番事业„„ 这四个北京青年,为了各自的理想努力着,他们将经历怎样的爱情考验和生活洗礼, 故事梗概 四个堂兄弟 老大何东:经济学硕士 老二何西:医院医生 老三何南:刚从加拿大回国,工业设计硕士 老四何北:经营“奋斗”酒吧 主演介绍 老大何东―― 二十七岁,经济学硕士,按部就班的努力,令人称道的工作和爱情,他的人生没有任何波澜。即将跨入婚姻的那扇门,他却忽然逃离了,顺溜了27年的乖孩子突然心血来潮要回归人性,他设想,自己应该将青春重新好好construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 过一回。假如青春可以重来,我们是否就能,用永远单纯的心来对待生活, 或 电视作品: 《大汉口》 《青春期撞上更年期》 《古今大战秦俑情》 《锄奸》 《走西口》 《51号兵站》 《租个女友回家过年》 《爱无悔》 拟定:杜淳 拟定:任重 电视作品: 《汉武大帝》 《婚姻保卫战》 《阿喜》 《谍变》 《情非情》 《八千湘女上天山》 老二何西―― 二十六岁,本应该是手术室里那个见惯生老病死的冷静的外科医生,却独独天生仁慈情感脆弱。追着女友丁香跑到精神病医院当医生,偏被一精神病患者任知了当成了自己的男友,医生以治病为己任,可有这么治病的吗, 拟定: 贺刚 主演介绍 电影作品: 《九连山》《心灵风暴》《追影》 电视作品: 《天地传奇》《梅艳芳菲》《金婚》《雷霆出击》《明天》《第五空间》《妈妈为我嫁》《新流星蝴蝶剑》 主演介绍 或 电视作品: 《北京假日》 《大唐歌飞》 《皆大欢喜》 《满天星》 《风尘三侠之红拂女》 《灿烂人生》 《雕刻时光》 《女人不哭》 拟定:是安 老三何南―― 二十五岁,海归硕士,认为人生的价值在于对有益事业的不懈追求。他所要坚持的,就是百折不饶朝着自己认为的有益事业前进,偏偏这样的他有一个如孩童般玩劣的父亲„„回国想开创一片天地,可时差还没倒完呢,鳏夫老爸就急不可待地告诉他,就等他赞助买房结婚呢。啊,怎么现在国内变成儿子给老子买婚房了, 拟定:贾乃亮 电视作品: 《康朝秘史》 《上海往事》 《传国玉玺》 《大码头》 《太祖秘史》 《天地真情》 《哎呦妈妈》 《西区故事》 老四何北―― 二十三岁,学业未成,是construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 大款父亲的一块心病。自卑者自傲,这是何北自我武装的利器。这利器最终使他失去了最爱的女孩。面对自己坚持的信念一次次在现实面前倒戈,何北渐渐懂得了“责任”二字的深刻涵义。为了完成爱的“责任”,何北关闭辛苦经营的酒吧甘愿放弃拥有的一切去追寻自己心爱的女孩~ 主演介绍 拟定:任重 或 拟定:张默 电视作品: 《康熙微服私访记》 《少年大钦差》 《冬天不冷》 《我这一辈子》 《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》 《少年宝亲王》 《少年嘉庆》 《龙非龙凤非凤》 电视作品: 《汉武大帝》 《婚姻保卫战》 《阿喜》 《谍变》 《情非情》 《八千湘女上天山》 六个女孩 权筝: 一本正经的学者,执着。(轴) 丁香: 冷艳,天下惟我独尊。(傲) 唐娇: 混不吝,哥们儿义气。(野) 叶坦: 高贵,睿智。(超然) 任知了: 单纯,乐观。(阳光) 冷丹: 媚,骨子里特正统侠义。(自信) 权筝:一本正经的学者,执着。(轴) 主演介绍 拟定:姚晨 电视作品: 《潜伏》《防火墙5788》《百年荣宝斋》 《房前屋后》《武林外传》《和空姐一起的日子》 电影: 《非常完美》《摇摆的婚约》《命运呼叫转移》 《大电影之数百亿》《追爱总动员》《我的长征》 《大电影2.0之两个傻瓜的荒唐事》《家有喜事2009》 《天堂凹》《爱出色》(又名《我的天空》) 她的心气是:“我偏让你爱上我~” 丁香:冷艳,天下惟我独尊。(傲) 拟定:张歆艺 主演介绍 电视作品: 《拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》《风雨上海滩》《燃烧的玫瑰》 《苏菲的供词》《柳叶刀》《风construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 吹云动星不动》 《给我一支烟》《无处安放的青春〉《龙虎人生》 《五月的鲜花》《爱情是一颗幸福的子弹》《小家大事》 电影: 《夜上海》 导演:张一白 《游龙戏凤》 导演:刘伟强 在她眼睛里,看谁都是精神病,谁让她是精神病医生呢。 任知了:单纯,乐观。(阳光) 拟定:姚笛 主演介绍 代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作品 电视作品:《红楼梦》《孽债2》《嫦娥》 电影作品:《南京南京》《三笑之才子佳人》 虽然是精神病患者,但是她爱小草,爱阳光,爱你我他,让我们祝愿她早日恢复健康~ 唐娇:混不吝,哥们儿义气。(野) 拟定:王子文 主演介绍 电视作品: 《寒秋》《谁是我爸爸》《生死桥》《嫦娥奔月》 《加油网球王子》 电影作品: 《隋朝来客》《姨妈的后现代生活》 《唐山大地震》《无人驾驶》 她跟何北说:哼~你不爱我可以,但你也不许爱上别人~ 冷丹:媚,骨子里特正统侠义。(自信) 拟定:隋俊波 主演介绍 代表作品: 《天涯赤子心》《永不瞑目》新版 《家有公婆》《夜幕下的哈尔滨》 《谍战古山塘》《美丽背后》《给我一支烟》 对自己喜欢可人家又没爱上她的何南说:我就帮你了,谁管你爱不爱我, 叶坦:高贵,睿智。(超然) 拟定:曾泳醍 主演介绍 电视作品:《婚姻保卫战》 话剧作品:契可夫《三姐妹》 巴金《家》 百老汇音乐剧《名扬四海》 平面广告:与孙红雷搭档拍摄“行行行珠宝”平面广告 加拿大华裔,她什么都没做呢就被大家喜欢上了,不懂。 《北京青年》 著名导演赵宝刚“青春三部曲”之 大结局 敬请期待~ 1、剧情植入 为产品设定专门的情节,让产品的性格,功能在电视剧中有全方位多construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 层次的展现。 这样的表现方式包含的信息和传达的效果绝不亚于一条高质量的TVC。 2、对白植入 通过剧中人物的对话将产品名称、产品优点传递给目标受众。 潜移默化的使目标受众接受产品信息,提升品牌认知度和好感度。 3、道具植入 让产品作为道具反复出现在电视剧画面中,争取最大程度的产品/品牌曝光。 《北京青年》提供的品牌植入方式 拍摄场所、人物定位: 我们为植入品牌准备了哪些资源, 1、现代化办公室 2、时尚家居环境 3、中高档、时尚餐饮场所 4、商业街区、购物中心、北京大都市户外 5、都市白领、职场新贵、时尚青年 赞助 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 : 根据不同产品和表现形式制定计划 合作代价 品牌植入 权益回报 电视剧公关活动 电视剧唯一指定赞助商 (行业独家) A (主题、产品、角色、场景、剧情)植入 B 筛选客户品牌文化历史和内涵及工作中有价值的时间,植入剧情,让故事和品牌紧密相连 C 企业、产品或产品路牌广告植入电视剧场景 A 授权使用电视剧相关海报及剧照等资料作为元素使用(完整不被分割的使用) B 网络、报纸、杂志配合发布电视剧相关资讯和新闻 C 片尾鸣谢字幕出现荣誉赞助商名称LOGO D 珍藏DVD五套 A 现场突显赞助商品牌 B 海报、喷绘、宣传画册等所有印刷品预留荣誉赞助商品牌; C 场地布置出现荣誉赞助商品牌元素 * * construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and
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