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个案工作理论与实务 课程回顾


个案工作理论与实务 课程回顾个案工作理论与实务 课程回顾 第一章 个案工作导论 个案工作与心理咨询、思想政治工作的区别 个案工作与心理咨询 相同:单对单的沟通、关注心理、注重情绪疏导、运用同理心等面谈技巧 个案工作与心理咨询的区别 方面 个案工作 心理咨询 价值态度 适度涉入,坚持社会公正,维护弱势群体利益出发 价值中立,技术问题 取向 资源、需要 问题、疾病 分析架构 心理、生理、社会 心理、生理 资源 个人潜能、社会资源 心理力量 目的 改善社会功能 心理功能 工作方式 多样化 咨询室 个案工作与思想政治工作 相同:个别化的...

个案工作理论与实务 课程回顾
个案工作理论与实务 课程回顾 第一章 个案工作导论 个案工作与心理咨询、思想政治工作的区别 个案工作与心理咨询 相同:单对单的沟通、关注心理、注重情绪疏导、运用同理心等面谈技巧 个案工作与心理咨询的区别 方面 个案工作 心理咨询 价值态度 适度涉入,坚持社会公正,维护弱势群体利益出发 价值中立,技术问题 取向 资源、需要 问题、疾病 分析架构 心理、生理、社会 心理、生理 资源 个人潜能、社会资源 心理力量 目的 改善社会功能 心理功能 工作方式 多样化 咨询室 个案工作与思想政治工作 相同:个别化的方式:会谈、谈心;信息沟通的手段:对话;关注人的思想意识:价值涉入 个案工作与思想政治工作的区别 方面 个案工作 思想政治工作 理念 服务,助人自助 教育和改造 出发点 案主遇到了问题和困难,单靠自己难以解决 工作对象是有错误的,需要进行教育和改造 归因 需要未满足 品德、政治态度 关系 平等 不平等 关注 心理、情绪,家庭或社会问题 意识形态,侧重纠正其态度 第四章 个案工作的基本技术 会谈的主要技巧(专注、倾听、同理心、赞赏、具体化、摘要、聚焦、澄清、自我 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 露、面质) 1.专注—积极地与当事人同在 当别人对自己付出关心和重视的时候,我们会衷心感激,当被别人忽视的时候会感到痛苦,转过去的脸代表着转过去的心。 沟通的组成:语气 38%、说话 7%、非语言 55% 面对:座位的角度跃成90度。 开放:采取一种开放的姿势。 前倾:身体适当前倾。 眼睛(目光接触):自然的目光接触。 放松:言谈和行为尽量保持放松。 2.倾听的四个层次:完全不听、假装地听、选择地听、全面聆听 全面聆听包括:案主的经验,他们所经历的发生在他们身上的事; 案主的行为,他们所做的或者未所的事情; 案主的感受,其经验与行为的感受或者情绪; 案主说到经验、行为、感受时的观点。 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to 倾听本身就具有治疗的功用,因为它协助案主说出问题。 会听不亚于说,而且更加困难,倾听和听不一样,听仅仅用耳朵,而倾听不仅仅用耳朵,还要用心。 第五章 个案工作的程序 个案工作的过程(接案、资料收集与问题评估、制定服务 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、服务与治疗过程、结案和评估) 将各个步骤和程序清晰地划分,一方面是说明个案工作的基本工作步骤,另一方面是为了能够帮助初学者清晰地了解个案工作的各个环节。 划分这些阶段并不意味着各个阶段之间是截然分开的,而是希望展现各个阶段的主要特点和突出的作用,每个阶段之间都有逻辑关联,上一个阶段的任务完成不好就会影响下一个阶段任务的完成。在实际的工作中,各个阶段并不是这样的泾渭分明,它们之间相互联系,你中有我,我中有你。 需要注意在各个阶段个案工作者必须自始至终地秉持社会工作价值观以及与案主建立良好的专业关系。 第一节 接案 通过与案主的初步接触,对案主及其问题进行初步的评估,依据机构的功能与求助者讨论是否可以提供服务,并与之建立初步关系。 一、做好会谈前的准备 1.回顾:机构过去接待当事人的记录 2.电话记录 3.工作员的准备 (1)物理环境:会谈的时间、地点,工作员的穿着打扮 (2)工作员的心理准备:你的情绪和心理是否已经做好准备, 准备的目的是为了警惕自己的价值观,不要把它强加给案主或者对案主心存偏见。 二、暖身——减低案主的焦虑情绪 1.求助并不是一件容易的事情 )他可能不需要立即接受服务,仅仅是进行询问和试探。 (1 (2)面对陌生人讲出自己的问题尤其是很隐私的问题感觉非常难为情。 (3)意识到要承认自己也是产生问题的一部分原因,感觉很痛苦和无法面对。 (4)每个人的求助能力是不一样的,有些人容易寻求帮助有些人则很难。 (5)案主是被迫来到机构的而不是主动寻求帮助的。 (6)案主过去有一些成功和不成功的求助经验影响这次的求助。 (7)案主以前没有接触过专业的服务机构,对机构的服务很陌生,不知道提供什么样的服务。 (8)案主对机构抱有不切实际的希望和要求。 减少焦虑的方法:社工可以先从自我介绍开始,然后介绍机构的服务范围等,然后再邀请案主进行自我介绍。 社工可以用一些会谈的技巧引导案主放松情绪。 如自我表露 2.对不同的案主给予不同的对待 对不需要立刻服务的案主要对其进行一个简单评估,看是否真的不需要立刻服务还是有别的原因。 对询问信息的,社工要尽可能提供一些有帮助的信息。 对有求助意愿以及本机构可以为其提供服务的,应鼓励其接受机构的服务,树立起解决问题的信心以及对机构和工作员的信心。 对不适合本机构服务的求助者应该热情地给予信息支持或者转介服务。 3.澄清求助者的期望 介绍机构的服务范围,告诉求助者机构可以做什么和不能做什么,以便为不适合本机构服务的对象及时提供适切的转介服务。 清楚地告诉求助者,问题的解决需要双方共同的努力,其中求助者自己也要努力配合,对自己的问题负责,而不仅仅是社工和机构单方的事,减低求助者的依赖心理,增强他对解决自己问题的责任心。 三、初步评估案主的需要及问题 1.求助者的求助意愿如何,主动或者被动, 2.当事人的主要问题是什么,怎么产生的,当事人期望达到什么目的和需要什么结果, Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to 3.求助者曾经为此寻求过什么帮助,自己做过什么努力, 4.服务机构所掌握的资源或社工自己的能力能否为其提供服务, 5.机构对求助者的要求和求助者对机构和社工的期望是否可以互相协调。 注意:对“问题”的界定应该以求助者的界定为主,或者是双方讨论的结果,绝不是社工一方界定的结果。 四、转介 对每个人来说,寻求帮助不是一件容易的事,与别人讨论自己所处的困境的时候,也是最容易受伤的时候。 五、接案的要点及技巧 1.介绍自己 4.专注的聆听 7.避免盲目承诺 2.说明初次会谈的目的 5.简明扼要、具体化 3.避免将案主定义为“问题人” 6.表达同理心和无条件接纳 第二节 资料收集与问题评估 尽可能详细地收集案主的资料,了解问题的成因,发现解决问题的入手点。 二、问题评估 1.评估的原则:个别化、双方参与评估过程、警惕价值观偏见、避免将问题简单归因 2.评估的角度:所采用的观点立场不同,对问题的认定不同,和产生不同的解决问题的方法。 3.确定问题:从多个问题中选择对案主来说最急于解决的问题。 从多个问题中双方共同决定找到最主要的矛盾。 从多个问题中找到到案主来说最容易解决的问题。 第三节 制定服务计划 一、制定目标 二、制定服务计划 三、签订服务 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 签订协议对社工与案主双方都是一个约束。 对社工来说,协议提供了一个案主参与服务的保证 对案主来说可以清晰明了社工提供服务的内容以及工作者的期望。 第四节 服务与治疗过程 执行计划,以实现案主的改变。 一、工作者的角色 使能者:协助案主发挥自己的潜能 联系人:链接各种资源的纽带 教育者:提供处理问题的新方法 治疗者:解决心理情绪问题 倡导者:积极倡议争取资源 第五节 结案与评估 结束与案主的关系,对整个过程进行回顾、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 和评估,巩固已有的改变和努力。 转介、结案的条件 两种情况提供转介服务:工作者判定求助者所要解决的问题不属于本机构服务的范围。 服务机构仅仅为某一区域的人提供服务,求助者不属于这个区域。 第七章 心理与社会治疗模式 生态系统理论 二、 理论基础:心理学的精神分析理论、自我心理理论、学习理论 社会学的角色理论、互动理论、沟通理论 人类学的家庭理论、系统理论 理论假设 对人性的假设 对案主问题的假设 对人际沟通的假设 对案主价值的假设 (一)人的成长受到生理、心理和社会三个方面因素的影响,而且这三个方面的因素又相互作用,共同影响当事 人的成长过程。 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to (二)个人过去的经历、所持的观念、习得的技巧、知识和态度,都会有意无意地影响他现今的一切,因此了解个人早期经历对于了解个人的现在和将来有很大的帮助。 (三)人际沟通十分重要,沟通是个人与他人互动的媒介,了解案主的沟通能力有助于理解其问题。 (四)每个人都是有价值的,有发展 潜力的,只是未被发掘出来而已。 治疗方法和技巧 (一)直接治疗技巧 1、非反映性直接治疗技巧 (1)支持。支持是通过工作者的了解、接纳、同感和信任等削减案主的焦虑和不安。主要涉及三个方面:对案主的接纳、对案主的保证、向案主提供实物帮助 (2)直接影响。直接影响是指工作者通过直接表示自己的态度和意见促进案主不良行为的改变和心理困扰的消除。技巧:强调、提议、忠告、坚持、干预 强调是指工作者通过突出案主好的方面增强其改变的积极动机。 提议是指工作者根据案主的实际情况提出某些建议,由案主自己做出决定是否需要采纳。 忠告是指工作者向案主提出某些工作者认为必须采取的行为。 坚持是指工作者直接指出求助者的不良行为可能导致的严重后果,并指导求助者采取积极有效的措施。 干预是工作者直接介入求助者的实际生活,以避免求助者生活状况的恶化。 (3)探索一描述一宣泄。探索一描述一宣泄是指工作者通过求助者的描述和解释探索求助者的问题,并为求助者的情感宣泄提供机会,以便疏导求助者的情绪冲突,改变求助者的不良行为。 注意:第一,帮助求助者表达负面的感受 第二,帮助求助者减轻意志控制 第三,工作者需区分两种不同的宣泄类型 、反映性直接治疗技巧 2 (2)心理动力反映 心理动力反映是社工对于求助者早年的痛苦经验,对求助者不良行为的形成的原因,协助求助者认识、理解案主的心理反应倾向,分析自己内心的反应方式。 (3)人格发展反映 人格发展反映是指工作者帮助求助者重新认识和评价自己的早年痛苦经历,调整求助者的人格发展。 (二)间接治疗技巧 间接的治疗技巧的核心是希望通过改善求助者的外部环境来促进求助者不良行为的改变。求助者的外部环境涉及许多方面,主要有父母、朋友、亲属、邻里、同事和雇主等。 在采用间接治疗技巧时,工作者需要注意以下几个问题:第一,根据不同的情况采取不同的治疗技巧。 第二,尊重求助者的自决权。 第三,选择合适的角色。 第八章 行为主义治疗模式 理论含义 操作性条件反射:操作性条件反射又称为工具性条件作用,它强调的是行为的后果对该行为所造成的影响。此理论认为行为的改变之所以发生,是因行为后面所伴随某种特别的结果,因此强调强化的作用。 白鼠,杠杆与食物 强化的作用分为正强化和负强化。 社会学习理论:社会学习理论的创始人班杜拉提出“模仿”对人格发展的重要性,认为人类不一定要亲身经历承受刺激与制约的过程。由他人的反应表现,可以透过自我调节、自我回馈等能力来达到行为的改变。 具体方法的实际运用 放松疗法的应用:各种焦虑症、用于催眠治疗法、普通的消除疲劳和紧张、缓解压力 系统脱敏法的应用:社交恐惧症、儿童离别性焦虑、考试焦虑 满灌疗法常用来治疗焦虑症和恐怖症。 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to 厌恶疗法的应用:各种变态行为(如洁僻,露阴僻,窥阴僻,恋物僻等);酗酒、依赖行为;强迫症;精神分裂症等适应不良行为 自我控制的治疗应用:戒酒,戒毒以及一些适应性不良症、恐高症、贪食症 第九章 理情情绪治疗模式 ABC理论 人的情绪困扰并非被某些客观存在的事物本身的刺激所决定,而是决定于一个人的信念体系. ——艾利斯 A(Activating events):诱发事件 B(Beliefs):个体在遇到诱发事件后相应而生的信念,即对诱发事件的看法、解释和评价 C(Consequence):在特定情景下,个体的情绪及行为的结果 ABCD模式: ABC人格理論: 不合理信念3个特征:1)“绝对化要求”,即对人或事都有绝对的期望与要求; 2)“过分概括”,即对一件小事做出夸张、以偏概全的反应; 3)“糟糕透顶”即对一些挫折与困难做出强烈的反应,并产生严重的不良情绪体验。 凡此种种,都易使对挫折与精神困扰做出自暴自弃、自怨自艾的反应。 第十章 人本主义治疗模式 人本治疗模式的特点 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to 贡献: 重新认识了辅导的意义。转变了辅导工作的观念,使之由问题化转为正常化。倡导的是一种成长模式而非疾病模式。辅导是帮助当事人成长,而不只是解决病态的问题。 在治疗过程中减少了工作员误导了案主或在心理上伤害案主的可能性。它不需要工作员对案主提出建议,不需要解释案主的行为,分析他的潜意识,而是需要工作员全神贯注地聆听、尊重案主并了解他看问题的角度。 容易学习和掌握,适用面广;有助于处理危机情况; 对帮助青少年尤为适合。推崇研究,重视治疗的实证依据。 局限:只强调工作员的真诚,还是个案工作的技巧,该模式可操作性差。 认定每个案主都能信任自己内在的方向感,并找到自己的答案,不见得正确。 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to
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