首页 禁烟日活动方案、总结、活动剪影2011.6



禁烟日活动方案、总结、活动剪影2011.6禁烟日活动方案、总结、活动剪影2011.6 尉犁县第五小学“关爱健康、拒绝烟草”签名 活动实施方案 今年5月31日是世界无烟日~吸烟的危害~人尽皆知。全世界每年因吸烟死亡达250万人之多~烟是人类第一杀手。自觉养成不吸烟的个人卫生习惯~不仅有益于健康~而且也是一种高尚公共卫生道德的体现。.有资料表明~长期吸烟者的肺癌发病率比不吸烟者高10-20倍~喉癌发病率高6-10倍~冠心病发病率高2-3倍。循环系统发病率高3倍~气管炎发病率高2-8倍。有人调查了1000个家庭~发现吸烟家庭16岁以下的儿童患呼吸道疾病的比不...

禁烟日活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、总结、活动剪影2011.6 尉犁县第五 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 “关爱健康、拒绝烟草”签名 活动实施方案 今年5月31日是世界无烟日~吸烟的危害~人尽皆知。全世界每年因吸烟死亡达250万人之多~烟是人类第一杀手。自觉养成不吸烟的个人卫生习惯~不仅有益于健康~而且也是一种高尚公共卫生道德的体现。.有资料表明~长期吸烟者的肺癌发病率比不吸烟者高10-20倍~喉癌发病率高6-10倍~冠心病发病率高2-3倍。循环系统发病率高3倍~气管炎发病率高2-8倍。有人调查了1000个家庭~发现吸烟家庭16岁以下的儿童患呼吸道疾病的比不吸烟家庭为多。5岁以下儿童~在不吸烟家庭~33.5%有呼吸道症状~而吸烟家庭却有44.5%有呼吸道症状。 为促进儿童青少年自觉养成不吸烟的个人卫生习惯~决定开展活动禁烟日活动~现将活动具体情况安排如下: 一、时间及地点 活动时间5月31日~尉犁县第五小学操场。 二、参加人员: 全体师生 三、主要项目内容 1、在全校举办师生“关爱健康、拒绝烟草”签名活动。 2、制作吸烟有害健康的宣传展板~安排学生轮流参观。 四、活动的具体议程 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 1、5月27日前做好吸烟有害健康展板的制作。 2、全校师生签名活动~时间安排在5月31日上午10:00~ 仪式为校领导讲话、学生代表上台发言、教师签名、学生签名。 尉犁县第五小学 2011年5月29日 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 尉犁县第五小学“关爱健康、拒绝烟草”签名 活动 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 在世界禁烟日活动中~我校通过健康教育、主题班团会、教职工大会~校园广播等多种形式~向全体师生宣传吸烟有害健康等知识~认真学习有关卫生常识和健康促进知识~全校师生员工充分认识到吸烟的危害和禁烟的意义~严格执行学校禁烟规定。作到校内公共场所无人吸烟~师生禁烟、控烟意识增强。归纳起来我们主要做了以下几项工作。 一、领导重视、 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 健全。 在学校控烟领导小组的统一组织下~由校长、书记亲自负责相关部门制订计划~组织实施~并责成专人负责巡视、检查。 二、加大宣传力度~收效显著。 充分利用健康教育课、团队活动、主题班会、板报、广播等多种形式~对学生开展吸烟有害健康的宣传教育~提高学生的控烟知识~培养学生不吸烟行为的好习惯~增强学生自我保健意识和能力。同时~学校还利用这次机会对全校教职工进行政治学习及教研活动~开展教职工的控烟、戒烟、禁烟教育~进一步提高教职工的控烟能力。活动开展后~得到了学校广大教师的积极支持~禁烟小组对个别持反对意见的有着多年吸烟史的老教师谈心~对他们进行健康教育~并为教师专门设置活动中心~开展大量的业余活动~丰富教师业余生活~使有吸烟史的教师在一个无烟的大环境下慢慢戒除手中的香烟。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 三、公共场所禁止吸烟。 学校的教室、实验室、图书馆、电化教室、会议室、办公室等公共场所~禁止吸烟~并设醒目 标志 禁止坐卧标志下载饮用水保护区标志下载桥隧标志图下载上坡路安全标志下载地理标志专用标志下载 ~不设烟具。 四、校长带头~人人参与控烟活动。 校长及学校领导带头控烟~学校党、政、工、团等组织齐抓共管控烟工作。全体教职工和全体学生共同参与控烟活动~人人争做控烟的主人~相互监督。有力地提高了师生员工的禁烟责任感~增强了控烟能力。 总之~经努力~全校师生员工进一步明确了控烟的意义~为创造良好的无烟环境~培养学生良好的健康习惯~促进师生员工的身心健康作出了一定的成绩。我们将继续作好控烟工作~为我市“创卫”工作做贡献。 尉犁县第五小学 2011年5月31日 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 尉犁县第五小学“关爱健康、拒绝烟 草”签名活动剪影 教师对学生进行烟草危害的教育。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 买校长在横幅上签名 教职工踊跃签字。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 小学生仔细的签上自己的祝福和姓名。 小学生仔细的签上自己的祝福和姓名。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 全校师生签名的横幅。 尉犁县第五小学 2011年5月31日 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio
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