首页 30个稀奇古怪的吉尼斯纪录



30个稀奇古怪的吉尼斯纪录30个稀奇古怪的吉尼斯纪录 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times....

30个稀奇古怪的吉尼斯纪录 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 人体吸附最多勺的吉尼斯世界纪录保持者是Etibar Elchiyev。2011年12月,他在第比利斯创造了 这一纪录,当时他的身体总共吸附了50把金属勺。 3/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 英国北部,Pete Glazebrook正在深情地看着其破纪录的洋葱,该洋葱重17磅,自2011年9月以来, 其一直是吉尼斯世界纪录中最重洋葱世界纪录的保持者。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年4月,中国养蜂人佘平身上落了331000只蜜蜂(约73磅),打破了之前52磅的世界纪录。 5/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 大多数的吉尼斯世界纪录都是极为标准的,如:世界上最矮的人等。不过还有一些非常古怪的世 界纪录,Mikel Ruffinelli是一位加大码模特,也是兼职保姆。她的体重达到190公斤,其臀部周长 超过2.4米,创世界最大臀部的吉尼斯纪录。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年5月,罗马尼亚人在布加勒斯特附近的克林辛尼创造了世界上最大的国旗,该国旗长1146 英尺,宽744英尺。 7/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order Chris Walton是世界上拥有最长指甲的吉尼斯世界纪录保持者。这张照片是2011年时,其在纽约 拍摄的,当时她的指甲已经留了8年了,其左手的指甲长3.1米,右手的指甲长2.95米。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2011年5月20日,爱沙尼亚的大力士们正在拖动??波罗的海女王号??前进。这是一艘重达21746 吨的客轮。组织者宣称,运动员们创造了一项人力拖动重物的世界纪录。 9/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年11月15日,28位女士钻进了一辆从伦敦塔桥上吊下来的微型车,打破了之前27人的吉尼斯 世界纪录。这一天也是一年一度的??吉尼斯世界纪录日??,全世界共有42万人参与了尝试打破 吉尼斯世界纪录的活动。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2006年11月21日,芝加哥,工人们在吉尼斯世界纪录认证官员面前,将一个橡皮带绑成的球推到 秤上称重。球重2084公斤,打破了之前1415公斤的世界纪录。 11/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年10月2日,来自厄瓜多尔Quichua部落Gabriel Guallo在脸上放了一只狼蛛。他计划在2013 年2月份的一次特殊庆典上,在身上放上250只狼蛛,为时60秒钟,从而创造新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 原纪录是240只狼蛛放30秒。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年1月12日,在美国华盛顿州的西雅图,Brad Bambusch正在参与一场规模盛大的雪仗。官 方记录中共有5834名参与者,创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 13/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年9月28日,在美国罗得岛举办的托普斯菲尔德博览会上,主办方宣布罗恩?华莱士获得了 最高荣誉奖。他种植的一个南瓜重量达到2009磅(约911公斤),打破了世界纪录。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 在2013吉尼斯世界纪录的书中并没有提供该图的确切日期。图中正在厨房水龙头处喝水的大丹犬 “宙斯”生活在密歇根州的奥齐戈。据记载,这是世界上最高的狗,年龄为3岁,从脚到肩高约1.12 米,若是以后腿站立的话,可以达到2.23米。 15/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年2月,泰国曼谷,国立法政大学,4483人在体育馆中同时晃呼啦圈,整个过程持续了7分钟。 这一活动创造了最多人同时晃呼啦圈的吉尼斯世界纪录。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年3月20日,在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特议会宫前面,人们正在尝试打破最长婚纱的吉尼斯世界 纪录。这条婚纱长2780米,用了4700米的面料,花了100天用了1857针。原先的纪录为2488米。 17/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年9月3日,在美国马萨诸塞州阿阿默斯特的马萨诸塞大学,为了庆祝学生返校,厨师们架起 了一个重1吨,直径近4.3米的平底锅,煮了一锅丰盛的海鲜大餐。锅里烹制的海鲜重达3吨左右, 刷新了去年1.82吨的纪录。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年7月28日,台北,1213人同时敷面膜十分钟,该活动创造了这一项目新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 19/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年9月,日本时装设计师Kazuhiro Watanabe成为了最高莫西干头型的吉尼斯世界纪录保持 者,其莫西干头型高3.8英尺。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 在2013年3月29日的悉尼皇家复活节展上,Kayla Freebairn正在与她的狗“查理”玩耍。查理是 一只金毛犬,据吉尼斯世界纪录,其拥有世界上最响亮的犬吠声,达到113.1分贝。 21/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年1月28日,在泡泡包装的诞生地,美国新泽西州的霍桑,366名高中生聚集在一起,同时挤 压8000平方英尺(约743平方米)的泡泡包装纸,以纪念第13届“泡泡包装感谢日”。整个过程在 两分钟内完成,创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2009年,来自斯洛伐克的Milan Roskopf将3个电锯成功抛掷了62次,打破了之前其自己保持的世 界纪录,之前他的纪录是35次。 23/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年10月1日,在美国达拉斯举办的德克萨斯州博览会上,吉尼斯世界纪录的官员在观看厨师 Drew Deckman添加奶酪,后者正在制作世界上最大的炸辣椒饼。整块饼重量超过600公斤,是为 了庆祝Fritos油炸玉米片诞生80周年而特制的。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2010年6月,身穿充气相扑服饰的跑步者们在伦敦巴特西公园创造了世界上最多人穿相扑服饰跑步 的吉尼斯世界纪录。 25/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2012年10月,中国山东,青岛市,900只帐篷在海滩上组成了一幅巨大的中国龙图画,这一拼图 是吉尼斯世界纪录中最大的帐篷拼图。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2005年9月14日,在墨尔本的澳大利亚当代艺术中心,美国人Brian Spotts在地板上竖起了439个 鸡蛋。Spotts生活在美国科罗拉多州,前往墨尔本旅行,试图在那里打破原先竖蛋420个的吉尼斯 世界纪录。 27/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2007年6月9日,一对情侣正在匈牙利布达佩斯国会前面的广场接吻,他们正在尝试创造同时接吻 人数最多的世界纪录。组织者称,共有6400对情侣参加了这个持续数秒的活动,并成功达成目标。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 新加坡的圣淘沙水族馆是世界上最大的水族馆,其不仅有着80000只动物,800个物种和4290万公 升的水存量,其也是世界上最大的亚克力面板纪录的保持者。 29/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2011年1月,来自中国的金松浩创造赤身在积雪中呆最长时间的吉尼斯世界纪录,时间为46分7秒。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2010年8月8日,英国南部,102名寻找刺激的人创造了最多人赤身乘过山车的吉尼斯世界纪录。 31/32 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 2013年2月,52名厨师在哥斯达黎做了一顿世界上最大的广东炒饭,该炒饭总重约3000磅,可以 满足7000人同时用餐。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order
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