首页 育儿知识(一)宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项



育儿知识(一)宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项育儿知识(一)宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项 宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项 1. 食用熟食要小心。因为夏季蚊蝇较多,细菌容易繁殖。食用熟食一定要加倍小心,一定要经过高温后再给宝宝吃。 2. 不给宝宝吃剩饭。在给宝宝制作食物时,尽量做到现吃现做。 3. 冰箱里拿出来的饭菜需要经过充分加热之后再食用,冰箱中取出的瓜果,要在室温下放一段时间再吃。 4. 凉拌蔬菜一定要清洗干净。因为夏季我们经常会给宝宝制作凉拌菜,没有了加热烹调这道安全关,蔬菜的清洗就显得更加重要了~ 夏天宝宝容易缺水怎么办, 烦恼解读:水是我们身体的重要...

育儿知识(一)宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项 宝宝夏天饮食的注意事项 1. 食用熟食要小心。因为夏季蚊蝇较多,细菌容易繁殖。食用熟食一定要加倍小心,一定要经过高温后再给宝宝吃。 2. 不给宝宝吃剩饭。在给宝宝制作食物时,尽量做到现吃现做。 3. 冰箱里拿出来的饭菜需要经过充分加热之后再食用,冰箱中取出的瓜果,要在室温下放一段时间再吃。 4. 凉拌蔬菜一定要清洗干净。因为夏季我们经常会给宝宝制作凉拌菜,没有了加热烹调这道安全关,蔬菜的清洗就显得更加重要了~ 夏天宝宝容易缺水怎么办, 烦恼解读:水是我们身体的重要部分,是仅次于氧气的重要营养素。年龄越小,体内的含水量就越大。刚出生的小婴儿,体内的含水量达到了 85%;孩子体内的含水量大约为 70% 左右;而成人体重中大约有 60% 是水。宝宝的体表面积比成年人要大,分泌的汗液相对于成人来说要多,而且排attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 泄次数也比较多,消耗的水分也就比大人多很多。加上宝宝代谢旺盛,如果补水不及时,体内就容易缺水。所以,一定要记住经常让宝宝喝水,以补充丢失的水分。 我们的建议: 6 个月以下的宝宝提倡纯母乳喂养,如奶量充足,生长发育良好,就不需要补充水。 宝宝每天需要补充的水分大概占自身体重的10% , 15%。不过每个宝宝都有其个体差异,而且不同情况需要的水量也不一样,比如宝宝出汗多的时候,就要适当多补充一些。 需要提醒的是,不要等到宝宝感觉口渴时再给他补充水分,因为那时宝宝体内的细胞实际上已经出现了脱水现象。 让宝宝多喝白开水。比起白开水,含糖饮料虽然口感很好,但是里面往往含有较多的糖分,进入人体后不但需要水分溶解,还要连同部分水分一起排出体外,不仅不解渴,反而会使宝宝感到更加口渴。另外,常喝含糖饮料会影响孩子一日三餐的摄入量,还可因过量食糖导致肥胖。如果睡前饮attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 用又不刷牙易造成龋齿。矿泉水中某些矿物质含量较高,纯净水滤过了几乎所有矿物质,如果长期饮用易导致某种元素超量或缺乏而影响健康。而白开水不仅能补充宝宝流失的水分,补充适量的矿物质,还能够散热。对于宝宝来说,白开水是最好的也是最安全的补水选择。 夏天宝宝食量减少怎么办, 烦恼解读:夏天宝宝胃口不佳可能与炎热的天气有关。如果宝宝除进食量有所减少外,睡眠、大小便正常,日间活动也同往常一样有精神,则不用担心,属于正常现象。 我们的建议: 饭菜尽量做得清淡、爽口,而且让宝宝看起来赏心悦目。 喂养次数不要过于频繁,每次喂养量不要过多。 适当增加宝宝的运动量,比如让他练习爬或走,或者和孩子一起散散步,来增加宝宝的食欲。对于消化能力比较弱的宝宝,可以经常给他捏脊以促进消化。 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 可以适当多吃一些含锌的食物,如海产品、坚果等。 可以给宝宝多吃一些含双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌、低聚果糖等益生菌的食品来改善宝宝的肠道状况。 适当给宝宝进食白开水和西瓜等消暑解渴的饮食,少食油腻食物,同时采取一些防暑降温措施,如洗温水澡、室内经常通风等。 夏天吃冷饮过多有哪些不良影响, 烦恼解读:过多食用冰冷饮食会刺激宝宝咽部、胃黏膜和肠道血管,造成血管收缩、胃肠道消化液分泌减少、胃肠道痉挛以及咽部抵抗力下降,因而引起腹痛、腹泻、咳嗽等症状。吃冰冷饮食也会对刚刚萌出的乳牙产生不利影响,骤冷的刺激会引起牙髓组织的血管收缩、痉挛,并易诱发过敏性牙病和龋齿。吃冰冷饮食还会损伤舌黏膜上的味蕾,从而影响食欲。此外,刚切开的西瓜新鲜卫生,放入冰箱后容易被病菌污染。因此尽量不要给宝宝吃冰镇西瓜或喝冰水。 我们的建议: attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 带宝宝逛超市,尽量避开“诱人地带”。 父母首先要以身作则,如果宝宝看到别的小朋友在吃冷饮,尽量用宝宝感兴趣的东西转移他的注意力。 用新鲜的瓜果或新鲜的瓜果制成的果汁代替冷饮。在制作果汁时,可以让宝宝也参与进来,以提高宝宝的兴趣。 大一点的宝宝,可以每天喝一点清凉的冰糖绿豆汤来消暑降温。 夏天,该如何注意宝宝的饮食卫生, 烦恼解读:夏季是肠胃病的高发阶段,而肠胃炎常见的原因有食物中毒或食入各种病毒、细菌、寄生虫所污染的食物和水。所以,在夏季确保宝宝的饮食卫生就显得尤为重要。 我们的建议: 给宝宝喂食前,一定要洗手、清洁好各类容器:如奶瓶、碗、勺等在夏天一定要煮沸消毒。 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 冲调奶粉建议用温开水,如用过滤水、桶装饮用水等要煮沸后凉成温水再使用,避免饮用水的二次污染。 宝宝吃剩的奶最好丢弃,不要放在冰箱里储存或加热后再吃,以免细菌在奶里繁殖,造成腹泻。 夏季尽量不要给宝宝断母乳,以免由于天气炎热食欲下降而造成营养缺乏。 宝宝胃肠道功能不完善,胃酸少,杀菌能力差,最好不要给小宝宝进食冷饮。 夏天,可以给孩子多吃一些西瓜吗, 西瓜是夏季的最佳水果。西瓜富含维生素,有清热、解暑、利尿的功效。中医有个说法:西瓜是天然的白虎汤(白虎汤是中医里有名的方子,在《伤寒论》里有记载,主要功能是清热、退烧),说明西瓜是天然的清火食物,有清热、解暑的功能。 西瓜虽好,但毕竟它是寒性食物,易伤脾胃,所以一次不能给孩子吃太多,否则会损伤脾胃而引发消化不良或腹attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 泻。而且,一般人都爱把西瓜放进冰箱冷藏后再吃,认为这样吃起来口感更好,更解渴。但如果西瓜切开后长时间冷藏,瓜瓤表面会吸收冷气。吃的时候,口腔突然受到冷刺激,会处于麻痹状态,不但吃不出西瓜的甜味,而且还会伤脾胃。孩子的消化机能比成人弱,吃冰冻过的西瓜,不仅起不到清热解暑的作用,还可能引起厌食、腹痛、呕吐、腹泻等症状。 夏天给宝宝添加辅食需要注意哪3个方面, Q:夏季给宝宝添加辅食需要注意什么, ,:每次添加新食物时,应将观察宝宝异常反应的时间延长到 5 , 7 天,如出现呕吐、腹泻、皮疹等过敏反应,及时停止添加该种类食物。 另外要适当延长添加新种类食物的间隔,天气非常炎热时,可暂时不要添加新种类的食物。 自己制作辅食时,应现做现喂,不要将在冰箱保存的食物直接喂给宝宝,应加热后再食用。 用瓶装辅食时注意查看保质期及开瓶后存放方法和时attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 间,一旦超过规定的存放时间,不要喂给宝宝。 Q:未开封的瓶装辅食需要放在冰箱里面保存吗, ,:一般情况下,未开封的瓶装辅食不需要放在冰箱里面保存,但要注意放在阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直晒。如果说明书上注明在室温较高时应冷藏则需放入冰箱保存。 Q:从冰箱里拿出来的瓶装食物如何加热比较好, ,:可参照瓶上的使用说明进行加热。不同的品牌加热方法可能会有所不同,如亨氏食品可带瓶加热,嘉宝食品需将食物取出再加热。无论哪种加热方法,都要注意将食物加热到不烫即可,过热会破坏食物中的一些营养物质。 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability
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