首页 2015年执业兽医资格证考试大纲-传染病学大纲



2015年执业兽医资格证考试大纲-传染病学大纲2015年执业兽医资格证考试大纲-传染病学大纲 单元 细目 要点 一、总论 1.动物传染病与感染 (1)传染病的特征 (2)感染的类型 2.动物传染病流行过程的 (1)传染源、水平传播、垂直传播的概念 基本环节 (2)传染病流行过程的要素 (3)传染病流行和发展的影响因素 3.动物流行病学调查 (1)发病率、死亡率、病死率的概念 (2)动物流行病学调查的步骤和内容 4.动物传染病诊断方法 (1)临诊综合诊断 (2)实验室诊断 5.动物传染病的免疫防控 (1)基本概念 措施 (2)免疫接种的方...

2015年执业兽医资格证考试大纲-传染病学大纲 单元 细目 要点 一、总论 1.动物传染病与感染 (1)传染病的特征 (2)感染的类型 2.动物传染病流行过程的 (1)传染源、水平传播、垂直传播的概念 基本环节 (2)传染病流行过程的要素 (3)传染病流行和发展的影响因素 3.动物流行病学调查 (1)发病率、死亡率、病死率的概念 (2)动物流行病学调查的步骤和 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 4.动物传染病诊断 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 (1)临诊综合诊断 (2)实验室诊断 5.动物传染病的免疫防控 (1)基本概念 措施 (2)免疫接种的方法与 注意事项 软件开发合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项电梯维保合同注意事项软件销售合同注意事项员工离职注意事项 6.动物传染病的综合防控 (1)防疫工作的基本原则和内容 措施 (2)疫情 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 医学全在线www.med126.com (3)检疫、隔离、封锁的概念 (4)消毒、杀虫、灭鼠方法 (5)药物防治 二、人畜共患传染病 1.牛海绵状脑病 扼要概述:病原名称和分类、流行病学特 点、主要发病症状及解剖病变、诊断方法 和主 要防制措施 2.高致病性禽流感 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.狂犬病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.猪乙型脑炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 5.炭疽 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 单元 细目 要点 6.布氏杆菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the (4)防控 7.沙门菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控医学全在线www.med126.com 8.结核病(牛结核病和禽 (1)流行病学 结核病) (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 9.猪?型链球菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 10.马鼻疽 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 11.大肠埃希菌(大肠杆 (1)流行病学 菌)病 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 12.李氏杆菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 三、多种动物共患传染病 1.口蹄疫 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.伪狂犬病 (1)流行病学医学全在线www.med126.com (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.魏氏梭菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 单元 细目 要点 4.副结核病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 四、猪的传染病 1.猪瘟 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.非洲猪瘟 扼要概述:病原名称和分类、流行病学 特点、主要发病症状及解剖病变、诊断方 法和 主要防制措施医学全在线www.med126.com. 3.猪水泡病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.猪繁殖与呼吸综合征 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 5.猪细小病毒病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 6.猪传染性胃肠炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 7.猪肺疫 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 8.猪传染性胸膜肺炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 9.猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 10.猪支原体肺炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 单元 细目 要点 (3)诊断 (4)防控 11.猪圆环病毒病 (1)流行病学 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 12.副猪嗜血杆菌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 13.猪痢疾医学全在线(1)流行病学 www.med126.com (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 五、牛、羊的传染病 1.牛传染性胸膜肺炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.蓝舌病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.牛传染性鼻气管炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.牛出血性败血病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 5.牛流行热 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 6.牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 7.小反刍兽疫 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 单元 细目 要点 (4)防控 8.绵羊痘和山羊痘 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the (3)诊断 (4)防控 9.山羊关节炎脑炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断医学全在线www.med126.com (4)防控 六、马的传染病 马传染性贫血 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 七、禽的传染病 1.新城疫 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.鸡传染性喉气管炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.鸡传染性支气管炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.传染性法氏囊病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 5.马立克病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 6.产蛋下降综合征 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 7.禽白血病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 单元 细目 要点 8.鸡病毒性关节炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 9.禽霍乱 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 10.鸡败血支原体感染 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 11.鸭瘟医学全在线(1)流行病学 www.med126.com (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 12.鸭病毒性肝炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 13.鸭浆膜炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 14.小鹅瘟 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 八、犬、猫的传染病 1.犬瘟热 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.犬细小病毒病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.犬传染性肝炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.猫泛白细胞减少症 (1)流行病学 单元 细目 要点 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 九、兔和貂的传染病 1.兔病毒性出血病 (1)流行病学 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断医学全在线www.med126.com (4)防控 2.兔黏液瘤病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.水貂阿留申病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.水貂病毒性肠炎 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 十、蚕、蜂的传染病 1.蚕型多角体病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 2.白僵病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 3.美洲幼虫腐臭病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 4.欧洲幼虫腐臭病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 5.白垩病 (1)流行病学 (2)发病症状及病理变化 (3)诊断 (4)防控 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the
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