首页 工装装修合同范本



工装装修合同范本工装装修合同范本 成都市装饰装修合同条款 发 包 人: 承 包 人: 公 司地 址: 营业执照号: 电 话: 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关法律、法规的规定,结合家庭居室装饰装修工程施工的特点,双方在协商一致的基础上,就发包人的装修工程(以下简称工程)的有关事宜,达成如下协议: 第一条 工程概况 1.1 工程地点:______________________________________。 1.2 工程承包方式:双方商定采取下列第______种承包方式。 (1)承包人包工、包料; (2...

工装装修 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 范本 成都市装饰装修合同条款 发 包 人: 承 包 人: 公 司地 址: 营业执照号: 电 话: 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关法律、法规的规定,结合家庭居室装饰装修工程施工的特点,双方在协商一致的基础上,就发包人的装修工程(以下简称工程)的有关事宜,达成如下协议: 第一条 工程概况 1.1 工程地点:______________________________________。 1.2 工程承包方式:双方商定采取下列第______种承包方式。 (1)承包人包工、包料; (2)承包人包工、部分包料(承包人提供装饰装修材料表),发包人提供部分材料(发包人提供装饰装修材料表)。 (3)承包人包工、发包人包料(发包人提供装饰装修材料明细表)。 1.3 工程期限________天,开工日期________年____月____日,竣工日期______ 年____月____日。 1.4 合同价款:本合同工程造价为(大写):________________________元,小写:______________元。 二条 施工图纸 双方商定施工图纸采取下列第______种方式提供: 第 (1)发包人自行 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 并提供施工图纸,图纸一式二份,发包人、承包人各一份。(装修工程设计图纸)。 (2)发包人委托承包人设计施工图纸,图纸一式二份,发包人、承包人各一份。(装修工2程设计图纸),设计费(大写)____________m/元,由发包人支付(此费用不在工程价款内)。 第三条 发包人义务 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 3.1 开工前________天,为承包人入场施工创造条件。 3.2 提供施工期间的水源、电源。 3.3 负责协调施工队与邻里之间的关系。 3.4 不拆室内承重结构,如需拆改原建筑的非承重结构或设备管线,负责到有关部门办理相应的审批手续; 3.5 施工期间发包人仍需部分使用该居室的,甲方负责做好施工现场的保卫及消防等项工作; 3.6 参与工程质量和施工进度的监督,负责材料进场、竣工验收。 第四条 承包人义务 4.1 施工中严格执行安全施工操作 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、防火规定、施工规范及质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,按期保质完成工程; 4.2 严格执行有关施工现场管理的规定,不得扰民及污染环境; .3保证给排水管道的畅通; 4 4.4 保证施工现场的整洁,工程完工后负责清扫施工现场。 第五条 工程变更工程项目及施工方式如需变更,双方应协商一致,签定书面变更协议(或变更项目预算表)。 第六条 工期延误 6.1 对以下原因造成竣工日期延误,经发包人确认,工期相应顺延: (1)工程量变化和设计变更; (2)不可抗力; (3)发包人同意工期顺延的其他情况。 6.2 因发包人未按约定完成其应负责的工作而影响工期的,工期顺延;因发包人提供的材料、设备质量不合格而影响工程质量的,返工费用由发包人承担,工期顺延。 6.3 发包人未按期支付工程款(验收单签字后三天内),工期相应顺延。 mbly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, paddedarts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assehine pent has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning macical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each componmechanmbedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track ectric , and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of eletion. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flangeinstalled condi-actory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factorysupervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the f2 6.4 因承包人责任不能按期开工或无故中途停工而影响工期的,工期不顺延;因承包人原因造成工程质量存在问题的,在三日内由甲方或甲方代表提出具体整改 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的,返工费用由承包人承担,工期协商顺延,同一质量问题第二次整改工期不顺延。 第七条 工程验收和保修 7.1 双方约定在施工过程中分下列几个阶段对工程质量进行验收: (1)水电施工改造完工,开关插座定位验收;防水层经48小时试水不漏; (2)泥工粉砌新墙完毕,墙、地砖铺贴完工; (3)木工吊顶,木制品完工; (4)油漆工程完工; (5)全部工程完工。 承包人应提前两天通知发包人进行验收,阶段验收合格后应填写工程验收单(装饰装修工程验收单)。 .2 工程竣工后,承包人应通知发包人验收,发包人应自接到验收通知后两天内组织验 7 收,填写工程验收单(装饰装修工程验收单)。在工程款结清后,办理移交手续。 7.3 本工程自验收合格双方签字之日起保修期为12个月,12个月后收费保修。保修内容为本公司施工过的项目,因外力引起的损坏和其它单位提供的设备,工程项目收费维修。 第八条 工程款支付方式 8.1 双方约定按以下方式支付工程款: (1)合同签定后,签定合同发包人按约定直接向承包人支付工程预付款: 第一次(签订合同) 40% 第二次(施工十五日) 40% 第三次(完工结算) 20% 8.2 工程验收合格后,承包人应向发包人提出工程结算,并将有关资料送交发包人。发包人接到资料后三日内如未有异议,即视为同意,双方应填写工程验收单(装饰装修工程验收单)并签字,发包人应在签字后三天内向承包人结清每期工程进度款。 , repair should be carried out, paddedng machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing partscleanie ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the leaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storagthe c t should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Checklation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoisinstalllation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, nning gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the instainstalled condition. Its installation, only to release the ru-ry certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factoryelectric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factosupervision upon the acceptance of 3 第九条 合同争议的解决方式 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由当事人双方协商解决;也可由有关部门调解;协商或调解不成的,按下列第________种方式解决: (一)提交成都市装饰协会或_______________________________________________仲裁; (二)依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 第十条 几项具体规定 10.1工程施工而产生的垃圾,由承包人负责运出施工现场,并负责将垃圾运到指定的地点,物业公司向承包方的各项收费和押金由发包人支付(此费用不在工程价款内)。 10.2 施工期间,承包人每天的工作时间为:上午________点______分至______点______分;下午______点______分至______点______分。 第十一条 附则 .1 本合同经双方签字(盖章)后生效,合同履行完毕后终止。 11 11.2 本合同签订后工程不得转包。 11.3 本合同一式________份,双方各执________份。 11.4 合同附件为本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 附件一:装饰施工内容报价单; 附件二:工程项目变更单 附件三:工程质量验收单 附件四:工程保修单 mbly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, paddedarts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assehine pent has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning macical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each componmechanmbedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track ectric , and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of eletion. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flangeinstalled condi-actory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factorysupervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the f4 承 包 人 (签字): 发 包 方 (签字): 法定代表人(签字): 年 月 日 , repair should be carried out, paddedng machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing partscleanie ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the leaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storagthe c t should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Checklation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoisinstalllation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, nning gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the instainstalled condition. Its installation, only to release the ru-ry certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factoryelectric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factosupervision upon the acceptance of 5 编号: 成 都 市 装 饰 装 修 工 程 施 工 合 同 发包方(甲方): 承包方(乙方): 成都市工商行政管理局监制 成都市建设委员会编制 2009年 mbly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, paddedarts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assehine pent has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning macical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each componmechanmbedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track ectric , and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of eletion. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flangeinstalled condi-actory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factorysupervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the f6
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