首页 中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿

中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿


中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿 、 名称: 新疆医科大学 学位授予单位 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:10760 名称: 医学 学 科 门 类 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:10 名称: 中医学 一 级 学 科 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:1005 名称: 中西医结合临床 申请学科专业 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:100602 国务院学位委员会办公室制表 2007年11月18日填 times makes balance of table views "...

中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿
中西医结合临床博士点申报 吕光耀20071119 定稿 、 名称: 新疆医科大学 学位授予单位 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:10760 名称: 医学 学 科 门 类 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:10 名称: 中医学 一 级 学 科 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:1005 名称: 中西医结合临床 申请学科专业 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 代码:100602 国务院学位委员会办公室制 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 2007年11月18日填 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 2 填 表 说 明 一、封 面:单位代码按照原国家教委和国务院学位委员会1995年12月21日发布的《高等学校和科研机构研究生管理基本信息集》,清华大学出版社出版,中博士、硕士学位授予单位代码填写。学科门类名称、一级学科名称、学科专业名称及其代码按照国务院学位委员会、原国家教委1997年颁布的《授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科、专业目录》填写。 二、《申请博士学位授予权学科、专业基本数据》的统计范围应确属申请的学科、专业点(以下简称申请点)。统计数字要准确无误、有据可查。各项经费应是申请点实际获得并计入财务帐目的经费。高级专业技术职务人员平均发表论文篇数=近五年平均发表论文篇数/近五年平均高级专业技术职务人员数,高级专业技术职务人员平均科研经费=近三年平均科研经费/近三年平均高级专业技术职务人员数。 三、第1页:?-1栏目,按照申请点的实体及其现有在编人数,以室为基本单位依次填写,兼职人员不计入。 四、第2页:?-2栏目中的“研究方向”应大体相当于本学科、专业领域内的三级学科,不宜划分过细。 五、第3,10页:分别填写4名主要学术带头人的简况。由申请点的主要学术带头人本人填写。“授课主要对象”填写“博士生”或“硕士生”或“本科生”。 六、第11,13页:分别填写3个研究方向的简况。所填方向应是申请点在较长期的科研和培养研究生工作中形成的相对稳定并富有成果的主要研究方向,以及在这些学科方向上与同行相比所具有的特色和所处的学术地位,主要研究内容和成果水平,对当前与长远的经济、社会、科技及文化发展的作用和意义。 七、第14,17页:?-2,?-5栏目,应选择作者,完成人,署名本单位的在国内外著名学术刊物上发表的论文,通过省部级以上获奖或鉴定的项目和有较重大效益的项目填写,不必全部罗列。“作者”和“项目完成人”栏只填属本学科梯队成员的作者或项目完成人。引进人员在调入本单位之前署名其他单位所获得的成果不填写。 八、第19页:限填由申请点梯队成员作负责人的项目或子项目~“科研经费”栏应填与该项目对应部分的科研经费。 九、第20页:?-1栏目中“授予学位人数”按授学位的年度统计。 十、第22页:?-6栏目中填写的项目应是研究生本人为主完成的,论文应是在国内外著名学术刊物上发表的,成果应是通过省部级以上鉴定或获奖项目。 十一、第23页: ?-1栏目,只需填写与申请培养研究生有关的实验室情况。 十二、第25,26页:?-1栏目,填写申请点所在一级学科的有关统计数据。?-2栏目,填写申请点所在一级学科的其他已有博士点或硕士点基本情况。 十三、第27页:?栏目,填写与申请点紧密相关的其他一级学科的已有博士点或硕士点。 十四、除另有说明外~所填报各项与时间相关的内容均截至2007年3月31日。 十五、本表填写内容必须属实,字迹要端正、清楚。复制(复印)时,必须保持原格式不变,纸张限用A4规格,装订要整齐。本表封面之上,不得另加其他封面。按规定需与本表合订一起的材料~订在本表之后。 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 4 申请博士学位授予权学科、专业基本数据 学位授予单位名称(代码): 新疆医科大学 ( 10760) 申请学科、专业名称(代码): 中西医结合临床 ( 100602 ) 统计起项目 基 本 数 据 止时间 教授(或相当 副教授(或相当 讲师(或相当 具有 具有 学术2007.3 专业技术职务) 专业技术职务) 专业技术职务) 博士学位 硕士学位 队伍 (在编) 9人 46人 73人 14人 63人 发表论文 在学术刊物 在学术会议 SCI、EI、ISTP 共 479 篇 发表367篇 发表 112篇 收录35篇 高级专业技术职务人员平均发表论文 7.6篇,年?人 2002.4 ,出版学术专著共 14部 出版译著共 4部 科 2007.3 获国家级奖 获省部级奖 获高校人文社科奖 获其他科研奖 共4项 共6项 共 项 共 项 学 获得发明专利 科研成果转让 科研成果被采用 直接经济效益 共 6项 共 6项 共 6项 350万元 研 三年内支配科研经费合计896.86万元,平均每年298.95万元 2004.4 ,2007.3 究 高级专业技术职务人员平均科研经费4.75万元,年?人 目前承担科研项目其中国家及国务院各国家自然科学、社会国防科研 共36项 部门项目7项 科学基金4项 项目0项 2007.3 目前承担的科研项目的经费合计 896.86 万元 教学招收硕士生合计81人 授予硕士学位合计 32 人 2002.4 与 , 获国家级优秀教学成果奖共0项 获省部级优秀教学成果奖共 0 项 人才2007.3 培养 出版教材(教学用书)共 18 部 拥有专业实验室面积 拥有万元以上仪器设备仪器设备值 2合计 7775.75 M 合计 146 台(件) 合计 5582 万元 工 2007.3 作 本学科中外文藏书合计 23.75 万册,拥有中外文期刊 722 种 条 2002.4投资仪器设备费 用于购置本学科图书经费用于改善本学科点工作条件的件 ,合计 3307.2 万元 合计 25 万元 其他投入合计 91.5 万元 2007.3 备注 注:联合申报博士点的,此基本数据表由联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在备注栏填写单位名称。 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of the denominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) if theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 6 一、申请博士学位授予权学科、专业简况 ?学术队伍 ?-1 本学科、专业点的组成及其人员配备 现 有 人 员 数 教 授,或相副教授,或相讲 师,或相具有博士 具有硕士 院,系、所, 教研室或研究室 当专业技术当专业技术当专业技术 职务者, 职务者, 职务者, 学位人员 学位人员 人数合计: 17 46 73 14 63 新疆医科大学中西医结合教研室 4 12 15 2 18 中医学院 中医内科教研室 新疆医科大学 4 14 16 3 18 中医学院 心血管病研究室 新疆医科大学 2 5 12 3 10 第四临床医院 呼吸病研究室 新疆医科大学 2 5 12 3 10 第四临床医院 骨病研究室 新疆医科大学 3 6 8 2 3 第四临床医院 皮肤病研究室 新疆医科大学 2 4 10 1 4 第四临床医院 35岁 36至 46至 56至 61岁 年 专业技术职务 人数合计 以下 45岁 55岁 60岁 以上 龄 教授,或相当专业 17 0 3 5 5 4 结 技术职务者, 1 构 副教授,或相当专业 46 2 8 24 12 0 技术职务者, 讲师,或相当专业 73 52 15 6 0 0 技术职务者, 注:联合申报博士点的,此表(?-1栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在“院(系、所)”栏目填写单位名称。 ?-2 本学科、专业点学术带头人及主要学术骨干 培养硕士生 出生 获博士 获硕士 专业技术 研 究 方 向 姓 名 毕业在学人年月 学位年月 学位年月 职 务 人数 数 复杂性疾病的中维西医结合研究 哈木拉提 1960-03 1993-06 1988-07 教 授 22 15 李风森 1963-12 2007-07 1997-07 教 授 3 12 张 丽 1969-05 2006-12 1998-07 副 教 授 0 0 库热西 1964-12 1998-07 副 教 授 6 4 骨科优势病种的中西医结合研究 孟庆才 1964-12 2007-07 教 授 0 4 吕发明 1958-04 副 教 授 0 11 黄异飞 1969-02 2003-12 2000-07 副 教 授 0 7 方 锐 1974-02 2007-07 2004-7 副 教 授 0 0 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 2 新疆地区皮肤病优势病种的中西 周 光 1957-05 2007-07 2004-07 教 授 0 7 医临床与基础研究 刘红霞 1960-04 副 教 授 0 9 薛 洁 1962-06 2000-07 教 授 3 1 邓淑文 1966-10 2004-07 1996-07 副 教 授 0 0 新疆特殊病证的中西医结合研究 周铭心 1948-04 1981-07 教 授 13 12 安冬青 1962-05 2007-07 教 授 10 10 王晓峰 1957-05 副 教 授 0 6 林 雪 1964-09 副 教 授 0 4 注:本表(?-2栏目)不要另加附页。 ?-2-1 主要学术带头人简况 性 别 男 专业技术职务 教授 姓 名 哈木拉提 是否兼职 否 出生年月 1960-03 定 职 时 间 1993-09 最高学位或最后学 历,包括毕业时间、1993.06于前苏联圣?彼得堡医科大学获国家医学博士学位 学校、 系科, 工作单位(至系、所) 新疆医科大学 主要研究方向 复杂性疾病的中维西医结合研究 本人2002年4月至2007年3月底科研情况 汇 在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文共110篇。出版专著,译著等,10 部。 3 获奖成果共 4 项,其中:国家级 3 项~省部级 1 项。 总 目前承担项目共 5 项,其中:国家项目 2 项~省部项目 3 项。 近三年,2004.4-2007.3年,支配科研经费共 481 万元~年均 160.3 万元。 本人获奖名称、等级或鉴定单位~ 序号 成果,获奖项目、论文、专著,名称 署名发表刊物~出版单位~时间 次序 ApoE基因多态型与维吾尔族高血压患者的关系 1 中国免疫学杂志 2003~2 1 th10 International Congress of 最 Cytotoxicity of Abnormal Savda Munziq: Toxicology, July 2004, Tempere, 有 2 Inhibition of cell growth and DNA, protein 1 Finland. Toxicology and Applied 代 synthesis in HepG2 cells. Pharmacology 2004~3 表 性 的 3 apoE基因多态性与异常黑胆质型疾病的关系 中华医学遗传学杂志~2003~6 1 成 果 Interactions between aspirin and COX-2 4 inhibition or NSAIDs in a rat thrombosis Pharmacology,2004,7 1 model.Fundamental,Clinacal . 血管紧张素转移酶Ace基因多态性与维医异常 5 第四军医大学学报~2003~11 1 黑胆质的关系 注:由本人填写,不要另加附页。 ?-2-1( 续 ) 目本人承担序号 项 目 名 称 项目来源 起讫时间 科研经费 前任 务 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 4 承维医异常黑胆质性疾病“异病同制”国家杰出青年基金2006.03-1 160万 主持人 担机理的研究 项目 2009.03 的 主爱康胶囊,异常黑胆质成熟剂总黄酮,2006.10-2 教育部 80万 主持人 要的开发研究 2009.10 科 研 3 项 目 入学年月--毕业年月 研 究 方 向 人数 获学位数 指研1994.9,1997.7 支气管哮喘的中维西临床研究 3 3 导究2001.09-2004.06 支气管哮喘的中维西研究 1 1 2002.09-2005.06 支气管哮喘的中维西研究 1 1 的生 2003.09-2006.06 哮喘及疑难杂症的中西医结合研究 3 3 硕情 2004.09-2007.06 哮喘及疑难杂症的中西医结合研究 1 0 士 况 2005.09-2008.06 复杂性疾病中维医的研究 2 0 2006.09-2009.06 复杂性疾病中维医证候特点及物质基础研究 3 0 时 间 协助指导的博士生的研究方向 人数 国别、学校 在 博 2002.09-2支气管哮喘的研究 4 中国新疆医科大学 国 005.06 士 内 2003.09-2支气管哮喘的研究 2 中国新疆医科大学 生 外 006.06 协 2004.09-2哮喘及疑难杂症的中西医结合研究 2 俄罗斯圣〃彼得堡医科大学 的 007.06 助 情 2005.09-2新疆重大疾病遗传易感性的维医药干预与预防 2 俄罗斯圣彼得堡医科大学 指 008.06 况 导 2006.09-2新疆重大疾病中维医药干预 3 中国新疆医科大学 009.06 主 时 间 课 程 名 称 学时 授课主要对象 讲 5 1993.09-20中西医结合内科学 108 的 本科生、研究生 05.07 课 博士生 2001.09-至科研思路与方法 36 今 程 ?-2-2 主要学术带头人简况 性 别 男 专业技术职务 教 授 是否姓 名 周铭心 否 兼职 出生年月 1948-04 定 职 时 间 1999-09 最高学位或最后学 历,包括毕业时间、1981年4月毕业于中国中医研究院 医学硕士 学校、 系科, 工作单位(至系、所) 新疆医科大学 主要研究方向 新疆特殊病证的流行病学与临床防治研究 本人2002年4月至2007年3月底科研情况 在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文共50 篇。出版专著,译著等, 3 部。 汇 获奖成果共 1 项,其中:国家级 0 项~省部级 1 项。 总 目前承担项目共3 项,其中:国家项目 1 项~省部项目 1 项。 近三年,2004.4-2007.3年,支配科研经费共 63 万元~年均 21 万元。 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 6 本人获奖名称、等级或鉴定单位~ 序号 成果,获奖项目、论文、专著,名称 署名发表刊物~出版单位~时间 次序 1 方剂计量学研究方法与指标体系概论 中国中医基础医学杂志 2003年7月 1 最 有 2 上海科学技术出版社 2004年2月 主校 代 徐养恬 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 表 性 的 3 主校 幼科折衷秘传真本 上海科学技术出版社 2004年3月 成 果 4 1 西北燥证研究概述 上海中医药杂志 2005年 11月 新疆各地不同民族居民西北燥证罹患情况流行 5 1 新疆医科大学学报 2006年11月 病学调查 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 注:由本人填写,不要另加附页。 ?-2-4( 续 ) 目本人承担序号 项 目 名 称 项目来源 起讫时间 科研经费 前任 务 承运用方剂计量学构建古今医家临证处2007.01-担1 国家自然科学基金 22万 主持人 方模式判别系统 2009.12 的 主2006.1-2要2 新疆特殊人群肺部燥证的中维医干预 新疆医学发展基金 10万 主持人 008.12 科 研 2006.1-23 项古今医家临证处方模式的规律研究 校级重点资助项目 3万 主持人 008.12 目 指情 入学年月,,毕业年月 研 究 方 向 人数 获学位数 7 1999.9-2002.7 方剂的计量学研究 3 3 导 方剂的计量学研究 2 2 2000.9-2003.7 硕 西北燥证的方药筛选 1 1 2000.9-2004.7 士 肿瘤放化疗前后中医症状的对比 1 0 2001.9-2004.7 研 西北燥证的流行病学研究 4 4 2002.9-2005.7 究况 西北燥证的流行病学研究 1 1 2003.9-2006.7 生 方剂的计量学研究、心脏电生理的实验研究 2 2 2003.9-2006.12 西北燥证的流行病学研究 1 0 2004.9-2007.7 时 间 协助指导的博士生的研究方向 人数 国别、学校 在 2004.9-2007.7 西北燥证的流行病学研究 1 新疆医科大学 博 国 中医药防治心血管疾病的研究 1 新疆医科大学 2004.9-2007.7 内 士 西北燥证的流行病学研究 1 新疆医科大学 2004.9-2007.7 外 西北燥证的流行病学研究 1 上海中医药大学 2005.9-2008.7 生 协 西北燥证的处方用药规律研究 1 上海中医药大学 2005.9-2008.7 情 助 古今医家的处方用药规律研究 2 新疆医科大学 2006.9-2009.7 指 古今医家的处方用药规律研究 1 新疆医科大学 2007.9-2010.7 况 导 时 间 课 程 名 称 学时 授课主要对象 2002.9-2007.3 方剂学 108 本科生 主 2002.9-2007.3 中医基础理论 36 本科生 讲 2002.9-2007.3 中医时间医学 216 研究生 的 课 程 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of the denominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) if theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 8 ?-2-3 主要学术带头人简况 性 别 男 专业技术职务 教 授 是否姓 名 孟庆才 否 兼职 出生年月 1964-12 定 职 时 间 2005-10 最高学位或最后学 历,包括毕业时间、2007年7月毕业于上海中医药大学骨科专业 医学博士 学校、 系科, 工作单位(至系、新疆医科大学第四临床医学院 所) 主要研究方向 新疆常见骨科病证的中医药临床与基础研究 本人2002年4月至2007年3月底科研情况 汇 在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文共5 篇。出版专著,译著等, 1 部。 获奖成果共 1 项,其中:国家级 项~省部级 1 项。 总 目前承担项目共 项,其中:国家项目 项~省部项目 项。 近三年,2004.4-2007.3年,支配科研经费共 万元~年均 万元。 最 有 代 表 获奖名称、等级或鉴定单位~ 本人署序号 成果,获奖项目、论文、专著,名称 性 发表刊物~出版单位~时间 名次序 的 成 果 新疆科学技术出版社 刊号:ISBN 1 应力学说与慢性软组织损伤诊疗学 主编 7-80693-836-2 2004年10月 2 骨伤熏洗液的研制 新疆医学科技奖~三等奖~2005年 3 9 维药买朱尼对膝骨性关节炎大鼠关节软骨中Fas 3 中国临床康复 2006年 09月 1 及FasL mRNA表达的调节效应 补肾通络方对大鼠膝关节炎软骨中半胱氨酸天 4 中国临床康复 2006年 11月 2 冬氨酸特异性蛋白酶3的调节 5 注:由本人填写,不要另加附页。 ?-2-2( 续 ) 目本人承担序号 项 目 名 称 项目来源 起讫时间 科研经费 前任 务 承新疆医学发展基金2004年,1 寒湿通方的临床前研究 15万 主持人 担项目,NO:2006-42, 2006年 的 主新疆医学发展基金2004年,2 膝骨性关节炎的补肾通络疗法的建立 15万 主持人 要项目,NO:2006-43, 2006年 科上海市重点学科建研 中医药防治脊柱退行性病的基础和临2004年,3 设项目,NO:05?45万 参与 项床研究 2007年 027, 目 入学年月,,毕业年月 研 究 方 向 人数 获学位数 指情 导 2001.9,2004.7 维吾尔医沙疗对骨关节病的临床影响研究 1 1 硕 骨关节病的临床研究 2 0 2006.9-2009.7 士 骨关节病的临床研究 2 0 2007.9-2010.7 研 究 生 况 时 间 协助指导的博士生的研究方向 人数 国别、学校 在 博 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 10 国 士 内 外 生 协 助 情 指 况 导 时 间 课 程 名 称 学时 授课主要对象 2003.3-2003.7 中西医结合骨科 8 研究生 2004.3-2003.7 中西医结合骨科 8 研究生 主 2005.3-2005.7 中西医结合骨科 8 研究生 讲 2006.3-2006.7 中西医结合骨科 8 研究生 的 2007.3-2007.7 中西医结合骨科 8 研究生 课 程 ?-2-4 主要学术带头人简况 性 别 男 专业技术职务 教 授 是否姓 名 周 光 否 兼职 出生年月 1961-12 定 职 时 间 2006年09月 最高学位或最后学 历,包括毕业时间、2007年7月毕业于新疆医科大学公共卫生专业 医学博士 学校、 系科, 工作单位(至系、所) 新疆医科大学中医学院 主要研究方向 新疆常见皮肤病的中医药临床与基础研究 11 本人2002年4月至2007年3月底科研情况 在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文共 13 篇。出版专著,译著等, 0 部。 汇 获奖成果共 项,其中:国家级 项~省部级 项。 目前承担项目共 2 项,其中:国家项目 项~省部项目 项。 总 近三年,2004.4-2007.3年,拥有科研经费共 47.5 万元~年均 15.83 万元。 本人获奖名称、等级或鉴定单位~ 序号 成果,获奖项目、论文、专著,名称 署名发表刊物~出版单位~时间 次序 驱风除湿法在皮肤病治疗中的应用探讨 上海中医药杂志 2005年 09期 1 1 最 中国中医基础医学杂 2005年11月 有 中医外科方剂多结构特点与用药规律研究 2 1 第八届乌鲁木齐市自然科学论文二代 等奖 表 性 的 当代外科名家时方结构规律的传承与发展特点 1 3 辽宁中医杂志 2006年02月 成 果 中西药联合应用在皮肤病治疗中的疗效评价和 4 上海中医药杂志2006年09月 1 指导原则探讨 中医皮肤科临床个性化信息采集的评价体系研究 中国中医基础医学杂2007年5月 5 1 注:由本人填写,不要另加附页。 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 12 ?-2-3( 续 ) 目本人承担序号 项 目 名 称 项目来源 起讫时间 科研经费 前任 务 承 担1 的 主2006.01 荨麻疹证型分布规律的中西维医结合2 主持 2 校级启动基金 要-2008.12 研究 科 研 2004.1-2厚皮膏的临床前研究 0.5 校级启动基金 3 主持 项007.12 目 入学年月,,毕业年月 研 究 方 向 人数 获学位数 指情 2003.09,2006.07 银屑病的中西医结合研究 1 1 导 2004.09,2007.07 银屑病的中西医结合研究 1 1 硕 2006.09,2009.07 荨麻疹的中西医结合研究 4 0 士 研 2007.09,2010.07 荨麻疹的中西医结合研究 3 0 究 生 况 时 间 协助指导的博士生的研究方向 人数 国别、学校 在 博 国 士 2001.9,内 百癣夏塔热抗真菌作用的研究 1 中国新疆医科大学 2004.7 外 生 协 助 情 指 况 导 时 间 课 程 名 称 学时 授课主要对象 主 13 讲 2003.09至中医皮肤病学 72 研究生 课 今 程 2003.09 皮肤病流行病学 72 研究生 至今 2003.09至中医外科学 360 本科生 今 2003.09至名家医案解读 108 研究生 今 ? 科学研究 ?-1 本学科、专业点的主要研究方向及其特色和意义 ?-1-1 研究方向之一 研究方向名称:复杂性疾病的中维西医结合研究 主要学术带头人及学术骨干姓名 高职人员数 中职人员数 从事本 研究方向 的人员 哈木拉提 李风森 张 丽 库热西 6 12 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponents have the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 14 本研究方向的特色、学术地位、作用和意义: 复杂性疾病包括高血压、哮喘、糖尿病和肿瘤等。复杂性疾病已成为危害人类健康的最大杀手~是现代生物学的热点之一。新疆为各民族聚集地~自然环境、生活方式独特是导致复杂性疾病与国内其他省区比较具有不同的特点~如何预防合治疗复杂性疾病~是一项具有开创性的课题。 研究方向一:支气管哮喘的中维西医诠释 利用分子生物学、临床医学、药理学、自由基医学等科学领域的现代技术~在中医学、维吾尔医学、现代医学理论指导下~对支气管哮喘从不同医学角度进行了较深入的研究。以探求支气管哮喘中维西医的诠释~寻找三种医学的交互点~为支气管哮喘研究开创新的途径。 主要研究了~一、支气管哮喘病因病机的中医认识~“痰”在支气管哮喘发病中的重要作用~哮证、喘证动物模型建立的研究~支气管哮喘中医发病、分型的地方特色、民族特性之探讨。二、支气管哮喘的维医分型~维药治疗机理~及其与氧化,抗氧化关系的研究。三、从分子生物学、自由基医学的角度探求支气管哮喘~尤其是新疆维吾尔族哮喘患者的发病机理~为临床治疗支气管哮喘提供理论依据。本研究具有鲜明的特点~针对同一疾病~从不同医学角度研究和观察其发病特点~发病机理。寻找不同医学对同一疾病认识的交互点~把中、维医学的特色融入到生命科学领域中~为中维西医结合牵线搭桥,为维医学、中医学的现代化~及其在临床中的应用奠定一定的理论基础。支气管哮喘中维西医诠释此研究成果~已被我区各地维吾尔医院所接纳~并已推广到俄罗斯圣)彼得堡医科大学~爱沙尼亚塔林医学中心~德国兹文堡医学研究所。到目前为止已培养博士后2人,其中1人为俄罗斯籍,~博士6人,其中3人为俄罗斯籍,~硕士5人。并在新疆多次举办了依托新疆民族医药学会的专题学术大会、学习班。目前已在5所地州维吾尔医院开设了支气管哮喘中维西医结合治疗点。 研究方向二:维吾尔医学“异常黑胆质性疾病”的研究 维吾尔医学是中国传统医学的重要组成部分,具有丰富的临床实践和独特的理论内涵~尤其是对高血压、糖尿病、哮喘、肿瘤等复杂性疾病具有独特的认识和有效的疗法。维吾尔医学认为机体气质、体液的失调是疾病产生的根本。其中以异常黑胆质导致的疾病最为顽固难治~而各种体液的失调将最终导致黑胆质的异常。不同体液质或/和量的异常变化可导致各类疾病的发生。成熟及清除疗法~是维吾尔医清除体内异常体液继而恢复机体、器官原属性气质的重要疗法之一。异常黑胆质成熟剂和异常黑胆质清除剂在肿瘤、糖尿病、高血压等疾病的治疗中取得了较好的效果。复方穆尼孜其,异常黑胆质成熟剂,是维吾尔医治疗肿瘤、高血压、糖尿病等疑难疾病的主要方法。近几年将复方穆尼孜广泛使用于各种肿瘤,发现其具有清除自由基、提高机体氧化酶活性、增强机体免疫功能、抗羟自由基引发的,,,和线粒体氧化损伤、抑制癌细胞体外生长、诱导癌细胞凋亡、调控癌细胞相关基因等多种功能。为探究异常黑胆质成熟剂和异常黑胆质清除剂对人体不同细胞因子的影响,阐明异常黑胆质成熟剂和清除剂临床有效的机理,并为药物的进一步开发打下了坚实的基础。 注:每个研究方向填写1页,不要另加附页。 ?-1-4 研究方向之二 15 研究方向名称:新疆特殊病证的中西医结合研究 主要学术带头人及学术骨干姓名 高职人员数 中职人员数 从事本 研究方向 周铭心 安冬青 王晓峰 林 雪 4 9 的人员 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 16 本研究方向的特色、学术地位、作用和意义: 研究方向一:西北燥证的流行病学与防治方药研究 西北地区以其典型的干旱半干旱环境影响着居住其中的民众身体健康~造成了多种疾病的发生~“西北燥证”即是其中之一。 “西北燥证”为发生于以新疆为代表的西北地区~以口鼻、咽喉、肌肤干燥和干咳、烦躁等各种不适症状为特征的一组中医证候~是新疆人群亚健康状态的主要表现。该组证候与现代医学的干燥综合征不同~它可以是一系列症状而不涉及现代医学既定疾病~也可以影响诸如过敏性鼻炎等肺系疾病、皮肤病、高血压、糖尿病等多种新疆特高发疾病的发病和病变过程~成为这些疾病的诱因和临床表现之一。新疆以典型的干旱气候和特殊地域环境~成为西北燥证易发多发地区。因此~本研究拟运用中医理论结合现代流行病学及环境、社会、生物等现代科学方法~对西北燥证进行深入研究~阐明西北燥证的病因、特征、预后和分布规律~提出防治对策~以便改善新疆人群亚健康状态~同时也为防治新疆特高发疾病提供重要的基础性资料。 中医西北燥证研究~是由多学科交叉~利用流行病学、数理、生物、环卫、心理等现代科学技术理论和方法探索中医学特殊证候规律的应用基础研究课题。 运用描述性观察法调查西北燥证及可疑病因的分布特点,运用分析性观察法的病例对照研究~探索其发病因素,运用实验流行病学方法进行病因干预,防治,研究。本研究的特点是采用本研究者首创的建立在聚类分析和贴近度分析基础之上的以症状积分和公式计算结合运用的西北燥证计量辨证方法~将相关、关联度、聚类、因子分析等多种数理统计方法综合运用于调查资料的分析判别~将心理学、环境医学、生物学等学科的研究一并纳入中医证候研究之中~这是符合生物、心理、社会医学模式的新尝试。本研究将在对西北燥证多学科调研~了解和掌握其证候发生规律及古今治燥经验的基础上~通过动物模型干预和试点防治试验~制定西北燥证病因防护方案~提出研制、开发中药、民族药防治西北燥证的治疗方法和保健饮食的原则~以适应西部地区各族民众卫生保健的需要。 在上述研究工作的基础上~确立合宜的防治西北燥证的治法方案~筛选有效药物~组成系列方剂~进行防治试验~研制定型方药~加以开发和推广运用。 研究方向二:秽浊痰阻型的冠心病的临床与实验研究 新疆是冠心病高发地区~其发病有地域特点。新疆的中医及维吾尔医学专家在长期的医疗实践中~发现新疆冠心病患者除胸闷胸痛之外~多见口中异味~气秽~恶心欲呕~脘闷不饥~头昏嗜睡等症状~所以称之为冠心病秽浊痰阻证~为新疆冠心病主要证型。其辨证用药与内地不同~治疗多配芳香避秽~利湿化浊之品。 七十年代火树华研究员等采用“新心一号”治疗冠心病~其大法是以避秽化痰为主~沈宝藩教授认为胸痹之因由痰浊所致~倡用痰瘀同治之法~佐以芳香避秽之药,已故著名医家张绚邦教授认识到新疆胸痹之特征为秽浊痰湿阻于脉道~闭阻气血~而称之为秽浊痰阻之证。并且发现~秽浊痰阻之证远早于血瘀之证出现~及时治疗可控制疾病的演变。首倡通补开泄之法~选用新疆地产中药、维药化痰避秽要药唇香草为主的复方制剂天香丹治疗冠心病取得了很好的疗效。 本研究方向拟对冠心病秽浊痰阻证与冠心病非秽浊痰阻证患者进行比较~对秽浊探阻证的血栓前状态、血脂、血粘度、胰岛素抵抗状态进行分析~探讨其与血栓标志物之间的关系~并用通补开泄法之复方天香丹治疗冠心病秽浊痰阻证~观察治疗前后血栓标志物及各项相关理化指标的变化~以期对新疆冠心病的征候特点、诊断标准、治疗方法等的研究有积极的作用。 注:每个研究方向填写1页,不要另加附页。 17 ?-1-2 研究方向之三 研究方向名称:骨科中医优势病种的中西医结合研究 主要学术带头人及学术骨干姓名 高职人员数 中职人员数 从事本 研究方向 孟庆才 吕发明 黄异飞 方 锐 4 8 的人员 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 18 本研究方向的特色、学术地位、作用和意义: 新疆地区由于其气候和地理特点以及当地少数民族的生活方式的原因~中医筋伤,慢性软组织损伤疾病,和痹证,各类骨关节炎、脊柱退行性病,的发病率较高~每年我院骨科疾病门诊诊治人数和住院患者可达5万人次其中中医筋伤和痹症类患者达3万人次以上~占总骨科疾病人次的60%以上~患者来源覆盖新疆当地和周边省市和国家。因此类疾病病因病理复杂~疗效不确切~方法单一~且致残率较高~每年给当地患者和政府带来巨大的经济负担和社会压力。 本学科组通过三代人的持续努力~不断 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 临床经验和技术创新~逐步形成了以中、维、西医相结合治疗筋伤和痹证的特色性诊疗手段。提出 “柔筋补脾法结合小针刀治疗筋伤”和“补肾通络法结合维医异常体液论治疗痹证”的学术观点。 筋伤属中医伤科中的常见病、多发病~本学科组根据当地患者发病特点和多年临床实践~率先在中医骨伤学科届提出了“异常应力的筋伤发病学说”~应用柔筋补脾法结合小针刀治疗筋伤~把生物力学的理论引入慢性软组织损伤的诊疗中~进一步揭示了慢性软组织损伤的病理本质。打破了以往把抗炎镇痛作为慢性软组织损伤的首选方法。在平衡失调的理论基础上提出了“以松治痛”的中医外治法治疗原则。并通过大量临床实践,临床病例超过1万例,和小针刀疗法的组织生物学研究~总结并发表了相关“应力学说与慢性软组织损伤治疗学”专著1部~同时获得新疆医学科技奖三等奖。从而进一步丰富和创新了中医筋伤学。目前本学科组在筋伤方面的主要研究方向为: 1、异常应力集中与慢性软组织损伤的相关性研究 2、芍药甘草汤加味治疗慢性软组织损的临床研究和实验研究 新疆维吾尔族人在悠久的历史进程中~与疾病不断斗争将中医学和阿拉伯医学有机地结合创造了自身的医学体系~积累了丰富的医学实践经验和形成独特的医学理论—体液论。在此理论的指导下维医对骨性关节炎和类风湿性关节等异常体液质疾病进行辨证施治~疗效确切。本学科组将中医补肾通络法和维医异常体液质理论相结合作为痹证防治指导思想~临床应用中、维、西相结合方法治疗骨性关节炎和类风湿性关节炎早、中期患者疗效显著。其中类风湿性关节炎被称为“不死的癌症”~而维药买朱尼阿扎拉克可明显减缓类风湿性关节炎的临床症状和疾病发展~深得当地和周边患者的信任和好评。目前每月约有上百名周边国家,俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、巴勒斯坦等,的患者慕名前来治疗~同时两项新疆医学发展基金项目的科研研究结果也为其治疗提供了科学依据。其方法不仅是中、维、西治疗手段的结合~更是其各自学术思想的结合,不仅是对传统中医药防治骨关节疾病的进一步继承和创新~同时也是运用中、维医整体辨证观念探讨其现代医学发病机制。其研究结果不仅对本学科的发展有较大的推动意义~同时也有较高的临床推广和科研研究价值,不仅具有重要的临床和经济意义~而且也具有一定的社会和政治意义。目前本学科组在痹症方面的主要研究方向为: 1、膝骨关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、腰椎间盘突出症的中医证候分布特点的流行病学研究以及诊疗 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。 2、膝骨关节炎、类风湿性关节炎的维医“粘液质异常”和中医证候的相关性研究以及诊疗规范。 3、维、中、西医结合防治骨关节炎基础研究平台建设。 4、中药、维药相结合防治膝骨性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎的基础和临床研究。 注:每个研究方向填写1页,不要另加附页。 19 ?-1-3 研究方向之四 研究方向名称:新疆地区皮肤病优势病种的中医药临床与基础研究 主要学术带头人及学术骨干姓名 高职人员数 中职人员数 从事本 研究方向 周 光 刘红霞 薛 洁 邓淑文 4 9 的人员 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 20 本研究方向的特色、学术地位、作用和意义: 研究方向一:新疆银屑病、荨麻疹等中医优势病种的证候规律研究 银屑病、荨麻疹是新疆地区常见病多发病和复发难治性皮肤病。由于传统证型许多不是建立在大样本调查研究基础上~而且有其时代背景~社会发展引起内外环境因素的改变~体质因素及民族区域性的差异~使得疾病证候规律也在发生变化~我们注重和积极开展临床证候规律的调查研究~客观认识和把握疾病特点~总结疾病演变规律~以提高临床辨证论治的水平。 由于新疆地区的多民族特性和环境生态学背景因素~中医证候规律及证型特征在新疆不同生态区域、不同民族人群中存在差异与聚集性,疾病发病时间规律, 发病与发疹频率, 皮疹在经络皮部的分布, 症状与证型演变等有区域性特征. 近年来我们在上述疾病的临床证候方面开展的调查研究~初步发现和总结了区域性的证候特征及演化~患者心理精神证候学表现规律~以及与西北燥证的相关性等, 全面开展上述疾病证候学规律调查~在症状标示、诊断依据、辨证结构与要素等方面建立量化体系~探明和描述新疆不同生态区域~不同民族人群的证候学规律~为研究疾病病因病机和防治方案提供客观依据。 研究方向二:新疆银屑病、荨麻疹等中医优势病种的易感性背景因素研究 上述疾病的发病有许多易感性背景因素~新疆不同区域民族的疾病分布差异说明与遗传背景~饮食风俗~中医体质类型~维吾尔医体液类型~气候环境~地质地球化学背景~不同民族人易感人群基础病证~机体内环境等诸多因素相关~借助新疆多民族疾病普和不同生态区划环境的医学研究资源与我校中西维医研究的技术平台~开展广泛的易感性背景因素调查~研究发现发病相关的易感性因素~描述与阐明在不同饮食风俗~中医体质类型~维吾尔医体液类型~气候环境~不同民族与基础病证状态下的疾病发作规律及其关联性~为深入开展现代分子生物学水平的病因学研究~中医病因病机模式构建~预防与治疗方案的研究提供理论和实践依据 研究方向三:新疆银屑病、荨麻疹等中医优势病种防治方案的评价与筛选研究 针对上述疾病复杂病因学特点~高发病率和临床复发特性~当前对疾病研究认识的局限性~其合理有效的治疗方案是当前医学界研究的热点。相比较而言中医中药的治疗有着明显的优势~特别是在个案研究中积累了许多宝贵的经验~内治外用方药资源丰富~在缩短疗程和复发周期~减少药物副作用~心理精神因素和体质内环境的综合调理~提高生活质量等方面有显著的疗效。 在上述证候规律和易感性背景因素研究工作的基础上~针对我区的发病特点~系统进行文献学研究~建立名家个案采集与评价体系~积累和筛选基础方药~研究治则治法~开展外用方药剂型改制与试验研究~中西药协调应用研究等~通过总结分析研究确立合宜的防治方案~对预防和控制疾病发展有重大的现实意义。 注:每个研究方向填写1页,不要另加附页。 21 ?-2 2002年4月至2007年3月底发表论文情况 发 表 论 文 在学术刊物 在学术会议 SCI、EI、ISTP 共 479 篇 发表 367 篇 发表 112 篇 收录 35 篇 具有代表性的论文清单,限填不超过30篇, 序号 论 文 名 称 作者,*, 发表日期 发表刊物、会议名称 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 22 1 apoE基因多肽性与异常黑胆质型疾病的关系 哈木拉提(1) 2003-06 中华医学遗传学杂志 2 异常黑胆质成熟剂与清除剂对氧化损伤的淋巴细胞p53蛋白哈木拉提(1) 2005-04 新疆医科大学学报 表达的影响 3 血管紧张素转移酶Ace基因多肽性与维医异常黑胆质的关系 哈木拉提(1) 2003-11 第四军医大学学报 4 Uighur traditional medicine syndrome of Abnormal Savda in man is associated with oxidative stress ,which can be 哈木拉提(1) 2004-07 15th International Congress improved by Munziq and Mushil of Abnormal Savda of Clinical Pharmacology and Theripeutic.2004,Australia 5 维医异常体液分型与年龄、性别关系的探讨 哈木拉提(1) 2003-02 中国民族民间医药杂志 6 “肺与大肠相表里”的科学性及其对哮喘治疗的指导意义 哈木拉提(1) 2004-02 新疆医科大学学报 7 ApoE基因多态型与维吾尔族高血压患者的关系 哈木拉提(1) 2004-12 中华内科杂志 8 维吾尔族异常黑胆质型患者基因多态性研究 哈木拉提(1) 2003-02 中华免疫学杂志 9 方剂计量学研究方法与指标体系概论 周铭心(1) 2003-07 中国中医基础医学杂志 10 理清对中医内脏名实问题的认识是继承发扬中医理论的关键 周铭心(1) 2003-12 新疆中医药 11 西北燥证研究概述 周铭心(1) 2005-11 上海中医药杂志 12 燥邪属性辨析-西北燥证病因学研究 周铭心(1) 2005-12 新疆中医药 13 新疆各地不同民族居民西北燥证罹患情况流行病学调查分析 周铭心(1) 2006-11 新疆医科大学学报 14 西北燥证外感病因六淫构成情况因子分析 周铭心(1) 2006-12 新疆医科大学学报 15 西北燥证证候类型分析 周铭心(1) 2007-01 新疆中医药 16 维药买朱尼对膝骨性关节炎大鼠关节软骨中Fas及FasL mRNA孟庆才(1) 2006-09 中国临床康复 17 表达的调节效应 中国临床康复 18 补肾通络方对大鼠膝关节炎软骨中半胱氨酸天冬氨酸特异性孟庆才(1) 2006-11 19 蛋白酶3的调节 中国老年学杂志 20 安冬青(1) 2006-11 中医药研究 21 天香丹耐缺氧及抗心肌缺血作用的实验研究 安冬青(1) 2007-01 新疆中医药 22 天香丹对冠脉结扎大鼠血浆NO、ET的影响 安冬青(1) 2007-04 新疆医科大学学报 23 新疆胸痹秽浊痰阻证探源 安冬青(1) 2007-05 新疆医科大学学报 24 天香丹对心肌缺血大鼠血栓形成及心肌细胞结构的影响 安冬青(1) 2007-05 中西医结合心脑血管病杂志 25 天香丹对冠心病患者血管新生相关因子的影响 安冬青(1) 2007-06 新疆中医药 26 论胸痹心痛(冠心病)发病“不止于心,亦不离于心” 李风森(1) 2004-02 中华实用中西医杂志 27 哮喘中医研究应侧重的几个方面 李风森(1) 2004-09 上海中医药杂志 28 “痰”辨 李风森(1) 2006-08 上海中医药杂志 29 中药穴位敷贴合西药治疗对慢阻肺患者细胞因子的影响 周 光(1) 2006-09 上海中医药杂志 30 驱风除湿法在皮肤病治疗中的应用探讨 周 光(1) 2007-05 中西药联合应用在皮肤病治疗中的疗效评价和指导原则探讨 注:限填作者署名本单位发表的论文,非署名本单位者不填写。(*)作者姓名后括号内填写署名次序。联合申报博士点 的,此表(?-2栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在标题“…情况”后加括号注明单位名称。 23 ?-3 2002年4月至2007年3月底出版学术专著,不含教材,情况 序号 著 作 名 称 作者,*, 出版日期 出 版 单 位 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 24 1 维吾尔医气质、体液论及其理化研究 哈木拉提 2003-05 新疆科技出版社 2 维医药学及传统医学的研究与应用 哈木拉提 2003-09 新疆卫生出版社 3 The difficult questions of 哈木拉提 2003-06 St petersbury classic Chinese medicine 4 Theory ang practice of classical 哈木拉提 2004-04 St petersbury Chinese medicine 5 徐养恬方案 周铭心,校, 2004,02 上海科学技术出版社 6 幼科折衷秘传真本 周铭心,校, 2004,03 上海科学技术出版社 7 应力学说与慢性软组织损伤诊疗学 孟庆才,主2004,10 新疆科学技术出版社 编, 25 注:限填署名本单位或作者在本单位工作期间出版的专著。(*)作者姓名后括号内填写署名次序。联合申报博士点的, 此表(?-3栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在标题“…情况”后加括号注明单位名称。 ?-4 2002年4月至2007年3月底科研获奖与鉴定情况 获奖级别 获奖项目合计 特等奖 一等奖 二等奖 三等奖 四等奖 其他 国家级 3 0 0 0 3 0 省部级 5 0 1 0 4 0 高校人文社科奖 获得发明专利合计 6 项 科研获奖或鉴定项目清单,限填不超过20项, 序号 成 果 名 称 项目完成人,*, 获奖名称、等级或鉴定单位,时间 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 26 1 “复方五谷虫颗粒、心脑喜康、天香胡晓灵、艾 静、新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步三等奖2003年 丹”的新药开发研究 安冬青 2 异常黑胆质的现代研究 哈木拉提 中华医学会~三等奖~2003年 3 哮喘的维吾尔分型及其氧化--抗氧哈木拉提 国家中医药基础研究奖~三等奖~2003年 化关系的研究 4 异常黑胆质成熟剂、清除剂的研究哈木拉提 自治区科技进步奖~三等奖~2003年 5 中医学期刊论文计量研究 周铭心 自治区科技进步三等奖~2003年 6 西帕依固龈液的研制 哈木拉提 国家中医药科技奖~三等奖~2004年 7 支气管哮喘中维西医诠释 哈木拉提、李风森 新疆医学科技奖,一等奖2005年 8 骨伤熏洗液的研制 吕发明、卢 勇 新疆医学科技奖~三等奖,2005年 注:限填以本单位名义取得的成果,非署名本单位者不填写。(*)项目完成人姓名后括号内填写署名次序。联合申报博 士点的,此表(?-4栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在标题“…情况”后加括号注明单位名称。 ?-5 转让或被采用的科研成果 项 目 序号 项目名称 采纳单位、时间 社会、经济效益 完成人,*, 27 1 防治口腔病的口洁液及制备方法 哈木拉提,1, 2 一枝蒿总黄酮胶囊 哈木拉提,1, 3 异常黑胆质的成熟剂和清除剂及哈木拉提,1, 其制备方法 溃结安栓剂 4 哈木拉提,1, 感冒胶囊及其制备方法 5 哈木拉提,1, 夏塔热片及其制备方法 6 哈木拉提,1, times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 28 注:(*)项目完成人姓名后括号内填写署名次序。本表(?-5栏目)不要另加附页。联合申报博士点的,此表(?-5 栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在标题“…成果”后加括号注明单位名称。 ?-6 本学科、专业点2004年4月至2007年3月底支配科研经费情况 经费来源 三年合计 年经费,万元, 金额 比例 2004年 2005年 2006年 ,万元, ,,, 合 计 896.86 100 214.5 301.36 381 国家及国务院 432 48.17 101 143 188 各部门项目费 国家自然科学 97 10.82 23 34 40 基 金 国家社会科学 0 0 0 0 0 基 金 国防科研 0 0 0 0 0 项目费 地方政府项目费 292 32.56 77 99 116 企事业单位委托0 科 研 费 事业费中的 0 0 0 0 0 科 研 费 其 他 项 目 费 75.86 8.46 13.5 25.36 37 ?-7 本学科、专业点目前承担的科研项目统计 项 国家 国家自然 国家社会 国防 地方 企事业 自选及 分类项目数 目 及国务院 科学基金 科学基金 科研 政府 单位委托其 他 29 总 各部门 项 目 项 目 项目 项目 项 目 项 目 基础研究 应用研究 技术开发 数 项 目 36 7 4 0 0 14 4 7 17 15 4 备注 注:联合申报博士点的,此表(?-6和?-7栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在备注栏注明单位名称。 目前承担的主要科研项目清单* 人力配备 负 责 人 科研经项目、课题名称 项 目 起,专业技项目来源 ,姓名、专业 费,万 ,下达编号, 讫时间 术 职技术职务, 元, 务、人数, 目 前 承 担 的 科 研 项 目 的 经 费 合 计 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 30 爱康胶囊,异常黑胆质成熟剂教育部 2006.10-2009.10 哈木拉提教授 8 80 总黄酮,的开发研究 维医异常黑胆质性疾病“异病国家杰出青年基金项2006.3-2009.3 哈木拉提教授 8 160 同制”机理的研究 目 异常黑胆质载体动物模型的高校博士学科点专项2007.1-2009.12 哈木拉提教授 6 代谢组学研究 科研基金 维医异常黑胆质性病证的代国家自然科学基金项2007.1-2009.12 哈木拉提教授 13 35 谢组学研究 目 30种常见病、多发病的维吾尔自治区重大科技专项2007.1-2010.12 哈木拉提教授 15 200 医异常体液病证诊断及用方项目 规范的建立 中医心血管重点专科基金 国家中医药管理局 2005.3-2008.3 安冬青教授 13 10 天香丹胶囊防治冠心病的新上海市科委西部合作2006.9-2008.9 安冬青教授 药开发研究 课题 13 5 运用方剂计量学构建古今医国家自然科学基金 2006.1-2009.12 周铭心教授 9 22 家临证处方模式判别系统 项目 督脉电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后国家自然科学基金 2006.1-2009.12 耿直主任医师 10 22 信号转导和神经干细胞分化项目 增殖的影响 雷公藤免疫调节治疗血栓闭自治区科技攻关和重2006.1-2009.12 张建勇副主任10 20 塞性脉管炎临床研究 点项目 医师 虚燥论治更年期女性高血压自治区科自然科学基2006.1-2009.12 林雪主任医师 9 6 血压变异性的研究 金项目 新疆维吾尔族及汉族遗传性自治区科自然科学基2006.1-2009.12 李彦华主任医师 10 6 聋患者GJB2基因及线粒体金项目 mt12SrRNA基因突变研究 王晓峰主任医师 中西医结合心衰康复治疗模自治区“十一五”重2006.1-2009.12 薛 洁 教授 10 20 式的临床研究 大专项 高脂血症的临床研究 国家“十一五”支撑2006.1-2009.12 曾斌主任医师 19 120 计划 刘继祖学术思想及临证经验国家“十一五”支撑2006.1-2009.12 李风森 教授 8 10 研究 计划 哮喘粘膜免疫,归巢免疫,与自治区高校科研计划2006.1-2009.12 安冬青 教授 8 7 皮肤、鼻肺、大肠关系的研究 重点项目 冠心病秽浊痰阻证与p-选择自治区高校科研计划2006.1-2008.12 聂继红主任药师 9 6 等因子相关性研究 项目 库热西副教授 宁心通痹胶囊的临床前研究 乌鲁木齐市科技计划 2006.1-2009.12 10 15 维医异常黑胆质性疾病“异病国家杰出青年科学基2006.1-2009.12 8 100 同制”机理的研究 金 注:*联合申报博士点的,此清单表由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在标题“…清单”后加括号注明单位名称。 31 ? 教学与人才培养 本学科、专业点获得硕士学位授权的时间: ?-1 本学科、专业点硕士研究生招生与授予学位人数 近五年 2002年 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年 人数合计 招生人数 81 6 16 12 26 21 授予学位人数 32 6 15 11 在学 在学 ?-2本学科、专业点2002年4月至2007年3月底获省部级以上优秀教学成果、教材奖情况 序号 项目名称 获奖人(*) 获奖名称、等级、时间 ?-3本学科、专业点2002年4月至2007年3月底出版教材,教学用书,情况 序号 教材,教学用书,名称 作者,*, 出版日期 出版单位 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 32 1 中医体质学 周铭心,副主编, 2004-11 中国中医药出版社 2 新世纪《中药学》 部守琴,编委, 2004-11 中国中医药出版社 3 新世纪《中西医结合内科学》 单丽娟,编委, 2004-11 中国中医药出版社 4 新世纪《方剂学》 周铭心,编委, 2005-07 中国中医药出版社 注:?-2、?-3栏目选择获奖级别和影响面大并署名本单位的教学成果、教材填写,不要另加附页。获奖人、作者(*) 括号内填写署名次序。 ?-4 本学科、专业点研究生主要课程设臵(不含全校公共课) 授课主 讲 教 师 注明已 主要课程名称 主要学时 开设或专业技术对象 姓 名 所 在 单 位 拟开设 职 务 33 中西医结合临床新进展 研究生 哈木拉提 教 授 中医学院 54 已开 中医各家学说新论 研究生 张星平 教 授 中医学院 54 已开 《伤寒论》研究 研究生 王孝先 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 《金匮要略》新论 研究生 王晓峰 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 方药纵横 研究生 马 成 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 中医科研思路与方法 研究生 李风森 教 授 附属中医医院 54 已开 中医名方选读 研究生 马 成 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 名家医案解读 研究生 周 光 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 传统文化与中医 研究生 王小江 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 温病学研究 研究生 李凤森 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 中国古代哲学与中医 研究生 王小江 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 中药药理研究进展 研究生 薛 洁 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 中医文献学 研究生 张星平 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 中西医结合导论 研究生 哈木拉提 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 五运六气研究 研究生 周铭心 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 子午流注研究 研究生 周铭心 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 中医心理学 研究生 张永平 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 中医外治法 研究生 周 光 教 授 中医学院 36 拟开 中医诊法专论 研究生 刘红霞 副教授 中医学院 36 已开 中医病理研究 研究生 林 雪 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 特种针法 研究生 刘智艳 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 特定穴的诊断与应用研究 研究生 尹改珍 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 《黄帝内经》专题讲座 研究生 韩保贤 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 《伤寒论》专题讲座 研究生 马 成 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 《金匮要略》专题讲座 研究生 韩保贤 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 温病学专题讲座 研究生 马 成 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the 西医内科学 研究生 高 丽 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in中医内科学新进展 研究生 安冬青 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 中西医结合骨科 研究生 孟庆才 教 授 中医学院 36 已开 34 ?-5 本学科、专业点2002年至2007年硕士学位论文选题来源,比例, 国家及国务院各国家科学基金 国防科研 地方政府 企事业单位 其他项目 部门项目 项 目 项 目 项 目 委托项目 占 30 % 占 31 % 占 0 % 占 30 % 占 0 % 占 9 % ?-6 本学科、专业点硕士生在校期间有代表性优秀论文发表与成果鉴定、获奖、采用简介 发表刊物,鉴定、 获奖、鉴定、采用情况 研究生姓名 论文,成果,名称 采用单位,与时间 及社会评价内容简介 35 殷建明 通补开泄法治疗冠心病理论探讨 中医研究. 2003-044 殷建明 天香丹颗粒对冠心病心绞痛患者血中国中医药信息杂志. 2003-10 清中T-SOD、GSH,PX、MDA、LD的 影响 杨建梅 ICAM-1、VCAM-1与冠心病研究进展 新疆医学. 2002~5 邱作成 糖尿病周围神经病变研究进展 中华医学全科. 2003-05 包晓玲 NF-κB和IL-5在豚鼠变应性鼻炎中国中西医结合耳鼻咽喉科杂 脾脏组织表达及意义 志 2006-06 王磊 当归四逆汤预防下肢创伤骨折术后新疆中医药 2006-12 深静脉血栓形成的临床研究 银丽 明目熏洗液治疗冷泪症的临床疗效新疆中医药 2006-12 观察 吕刚 补肾通络法治疗膝骨性关节炎的临新疆中医药 2006-08 床研究 王学武 急性缺血性中风维吾尔医异常体液新疆中医药 2007-06 分型与脑CT征象变化的研究 刘佳 急性脑梗塞辨证分型与超敏C反应新疆中医药 2007-06 蛋白相关性研究 仝淼 高血压性脑出血中医辨证分型与血新疆中医药 2007-06 清C反应蛋白的相关性研究 仝淼 出血性中风辨证分型与CRP、脑CT新疆医科大学学报 2007-06 的相关性研究 姜孝芳 高血脂症患者超敏C-反应蛋白和总现代中西医结合杂志 2006-11 抗氧化活性测定及临床意义 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to represent the kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 36 ? 工作条件 ?-1 专业实验室情况 实验室 仪器设备,台、件, 实验室 实验室面积仪器设备值实验室名称 人员配备 2归 属 ,M, ,万元, 合计 万元以上 ,人, 总 计: , 7775.75 165 241 146 5582 中西医临床技能实验室 临床药研 196.06 30 70 40 700 国家临床药理研究基地检测中心 临床专业 3469.12 12 20 13 150 中药药学实验室 中药药学 2250.57 6 30 13 213 中心化验室 大 学 300 40 50 36 218 同位素室 大 学 200 8 12 8 1100 心血管实验室下设心功能科 大 学 200 10 16 12 211 电镜室 大 学 160 6 1 1 100 SECT室 大 学 240 10 3 3 1000 动物实验室 大 学 50 3 4 2 30 CT室 大 学 240 10 3 3 1000 内镜检查治疗室 大 学 90 5 4 3 50 肾病实验室 大 学 120 10 7 3 100 内分泌实验室 大 学 200 10 20 8 210 文献检索室 大 学 60 5 1 1 500 ?-2 可用于培养研究生的主要仪器设备情况 数单 价,,或仪器设备名称 归属 型号、规格 国别、厂家 出厂日期 量 ,, 37 C臂血管机60 附属中医院 GE9800 1 300 美国 1996年 螺旋CT 附属中医院 MX8000飞利浦 2 510 美国 1984年 脑电图仪 附属中医院 MX8004飞利浦 1 60 美国民高力 2003年 心电图机ECG 附属中医院 6511 4 0.35 中国 1999年 监护仪,含台车, 附属中医院 M1205A 5 7.5 德国 2001年 动态血糖监测仪 附属中医院 MENEMED 1 1 美国 2001年 半生不遂治疗仪 附属中医院 MD802A 2 3 天津 2000年 呼吸机 附属中医院 雷鸟3型ASV 5 25 美国 1995年 胰岛素泵 附属中医院 MENEMED 1 2 中国美国 2000年 肌电诱发电位 附属中医院 VIKING 1 55 美国民高力 2002年 血液透析机 药学院,分析 MIT22B 2 20 美国 2000年 逆渗透治水机 药学院,药分 CodeMaster 2 9.55 美国 1998年 智能溶出仪 药学院,分析/ DASB2000 1 9.3 美国 2003年 离心机 药学院,分析 耶格 1 61.54 德国 2003年 超低温水箱 公共卫生学院 SONDS-4500型 1 140 美国 2001年 紫外分光光度计 药剂/物化 983# 1 20..5130 美国 1983年 PCR基因扩增仪 药学院,药剂 4010型 1 7.4442 中国 1987年 超纯水机 药学院,药剂 RF-540 1 4.9021 日本 1981年 多媒体教学系统 分子生物中心 SP-2305 1 17.9779 中国 1980年 生物显微镜 分子生物中心 GC-9A 1 4.8909 日本 1981年 高速冷冻离心机 分子生物中心 LC-4A 1 7.0012 日本 1981年 高效液相色谱.质普仪 分子生物中心 CS-930 1 1.0688 日本 1981年 紫外分光光度计 分子生物中心 UV-365 1 20 日本 1981年 高效液相色谱仪 基础医学院 UV-20 1 100 日本 1981年 多媒体教学系统 基础医学院 KS-600 1 5.4447 中国 1990年 优派液晶投影机 基础医学院 Dialog 1 10.7001 中国 2000年 录像机 分析测试中心 ZRS-8 5 4.0762 德国 2000年 录像机 分析测试中心 16G-A, 5 5.0531 美国 2000年 数显旋光仪 分析测试中心 2000转 1 6.95 中国 2000年 紫外可见分光光度计 综合实验楼 NU-6511E 1 4.455 日本 2000年 麦克奥迪生物显微镜 综合实验楼 Cintra 10e 1 40.8 中国 2000年 透射式电子显微镜 电教室 MILLI-Q 2 23 日本 2000年 注:联合申报博士点的,此表(?的各栏目)由各联合申报单位复制后分别填写,并在各标题“„情况”后加括号注明 单位名称。 ?-3 图书资料情况 院,系、 所、专业, 类 别 合计 校,院,图书馆 图书馆,资料室, times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 38 中 文 22.35 21.94 0.41 本学科藏书量,万册, 外 文 1.4 1.3 0.1 中 文 690 600 90 本学科期刊拥有量,种, 外 文 32 25 7 39 长期订购的主要专业期刊和重要图书,含电子期刊,举例:,列出书名、刊名、册数和期刊的订阅起 止时间, 1997年新疆医科大学图书馆定为新疆医学检索中心,并建立了国际信息联网,可在全国及国际交流信息。 中医内科学期刊及书籍: 1. 中国中西医结合杂志1996年至今 2. 当代名医临症精华 3. 实用中西医结合杂志1996年至今 4. 太平圣惠方,上, 5. 中医杂志 1989年至今 6. 太平圣惠方,下, 7. 中西医结合杂志 1989年至今 8. 四部医典 9. 中国中药杂志 1955年至今 10. 现代药理实验方法,上, 11. 中国中西医结合杂志 1981年至今 12. 现代药理实验方法,下, 13. 实用中西医内科学 14. 中国中医药最新研创大全 15. 心血管病进展 1992年至今 16. 高血压杂志 1994年至今 17. 国外医学 心血管分册 1994年至今 18. 国外医学 中医分册 1993年至今 19. 中西医结合肝病杂志 1991年至今 20. 中华药海 21. 中医老年病学杂志 1982年至今 22. 分子生物学 23. 上海中医药杂志 1989年至今 24. 现代药理实验方法学 25. 圣济总录,上, 26. 临床医师三基训练手册 27. 圣济总录,下, 28. 中医脉诊学 29. 景岳全书 30. 医师处方指南 31. 外台秘要 32. 中医疾病的现代研究与治疗 33. 中华本草,上, 34. 实用中医疾病诊治 35. 中华本草,下, 36. 面瘫眩晕 37. 中国历代医案选 38. 中医方剂的药理与应用 39. 古妙妨方验案精选 40. 医用药理学 41. 中华人民共和国药典 42. 诊断学大词典 43. 中药药理学 44. 中华心血管病杂志 1973年至今 45. 实用内科学 46. 中医经典索引 47. 实验动物学 48. 中华名医特技集成 49. 中药大辞典 50. 国际疾病分类ICD-10应用指导手册 51. 中华内科杂志1992年至 52. 中国实用内科杂志 1981年至今 53. 中国糖尿病学杂志 1994年至今 54. 沈宝藩临床经验辑要 55. 肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志 1992年至今 56. 分子细胞生物学 57. 血管生物学 58. 现代糖尿病 59. 现代冠心病 60. 实用高血压 61. 实用糖尿病学 62. 内科学新理论与新技术 63. 中国医学期刊投稿指南 64. 实用医学文献检索 65. 临床诊断学教程 66. 英语医学文献阅读指南 67. 中药药理实验学 68. 中华医学杂志 1996年至今 69. 心律失常学 70. 起搏与电生理 71. 实用内科学上下册 72. SHOCK times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal units of measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and unit symbols in 40 二、本一级学科及相关学科简况 ?申请博士学位授予权学科、专业所在一级学科本单位的基本情况 现共有博士点 0 个~硕士点 5 个。 ?-1 一 共有教授,或相当专业技术职务者,51 人~副教授,或相当专业技术职务者, 9人。 级 出版专著 29 部~发表论文 465 篇。 学 科 2002.4 获国家级奖 3 项~省部级奖 5 项。 情 至2007.3 况 已授博士学位 10 人~硕士学位 127 人 汇 总 目前在学博士研究生 14 人~硕士研究生 220 人。 ?-2 该一级学科已有学位授权的各学科、专业点情况 ?-2-1 学位授权学科、专业点之一 学位授权学科、专业名称 获博士学位授权时间 获硕士学位授权时间 中西医临床 2000-02 专业技术 指导在学指导在学姓 名 出生年月 主要研究方向 职 务 博士生数 硕士生数 学 哈木拉提 1960-03 教 授 复杂性疾病的中维西结合研究 9 15 术 带 周铭心 1948-04 教 授 “西北燥证”流行病与防治方药的研究 5 12 头 人 安冬青 1962-05 教 授 秽浊痰阻型的冠心病的临床研究 0 10 及 主 教 授 哮喘的中维西结合研究 0 12 李风森 1963-12 要 学 术 孟庆才 1955-01 教 授 中维西医结合防治骨关节疾病 0 4 骨 干 周 光 1956-12 教 授 荨麻疹的中西医结合基础与临床研究 0 7 41 薛 洁 1962-10 教 授 糖脂益片的临床前研究 0 1 高 丽 1957-08 教 授 变应性鼻炎的研究 0 4 刘红霞 1947-10 副 教 授 银屑病的中西医结合临床研究 0 9 应力学说在慢性软组织损伤诊疗中的应用吕发明 1948-05 副 教 授 0 11 研究 ?-2-2 学位授权学科、专业点之二 学位授权学科、专业名称 获博士学位授权时间 获硕士学位授权时间 中医内科学 2000-02 专业技术 指导在学指导在学姓 名 出生年月 主要研究方向 职 务 博士生数 硕士生数 刘远新 1956-03 副 教 授 中风的中西医结合临床研究 0 5 学 术 中医高脂血症的临床研究 0 4 王魁亮 1946,06 副 教 授 带 头 肿瘤及急危重症的中维西结合研究 0 3 吕书勤 1967-07 副 教 授 人 单丽娟 1957-08 副 教 授 中医药血液病防治研究 0 6 及 主 曾斌芳 1965-07 副 教 授 中医药防治消化病的临床研究 0 11 要 学 张杜平 1954-03 副 教 授 中医药防治心血管病的临床研究 0 5 术 骨 李和平 1955-07 副 教 授 中医药防治肝肾病的临床研究 0 5 干 胡晓玲 1960-10 副 教 授 中医内分泌疾病的临床研究 0 8 徐菲莉 1964-06 副 教 授 PCR技术在糖尿病中医诊治研究中的应用 0 2 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 42 ?-2-3 学位授权学科、专业点之三 学位授权学科、专业名称 获博士学位授权时间 获硕士学位授权时间 中医外科学 2000-02 专业技术 指导在学指导在学姓 名 出生年月 主要研究方向 博士生数 硕士生数 职 务 学 卢 勇 1948,04 副 教 授 中维西结合防治骨关节病的临床研究 0 7 术 带 黄异飞 1957-08 副 教 授 应力学说在慢性软组织损伤诊疗中的应用研究 0 7 头 人 方 锐 1974-02 副 教 授 中维西医结合防治骨关节疾病 0 1 及 聂继红 1962-10 副 教 授 普连乳膏的临床前研究 0 2 主 要 学 术 骨 干 ? 与申请博士学位授予权学科、专业紧密相关的本单位其它学位授权学科、专业基本情况 教授,或相目前在学 学位 学 位 授 权 当专业技授权 主要研究方向 博士 硕士 学科、专业名称 术职务者,级别 生数 生数 人 数 内科学博士点 博士 心血管疾病的基础与临床应用研究 21 5 23 2 1 6 4 2 5 43 9 2 13 times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 44 院(系、所)学位评定分委员会审核意见: 负责人: ,签章,日期: 学位授予单位学位评定委员会审核意见: 主席: ,签章,日期: 45 主管部门审核意见: ,盖章,日期: times makes balance of table views "sense volume" into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electrooptical balance -weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri ... ... Directly, such as electrooptical balance -to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore ... ... And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygensensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the -total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponentshave the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal unitsof measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as "Chinese symbol"). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used whenneces sary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n • m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is "per", and there are several units in the denominator, "per" only shows up in front of thedenominator. For example: j/(kg • K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K • m (3) i f theunit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn , and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to representthe kinematic viscosity, and named "two meters per second"; When used to represent coverage rate, or "meters per second". (5)the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use "per". 2. legal unitsof measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni t symbols in 46
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