首页 Rcywzy美国UL认证完全解析



Rcywzy美国UL认证完全解析Rcywzy美国UL认证完全解析 生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。 ,,泰戈尔 美国 UL 认证完全解析 UL认证 UL认证 UL是美国保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是世界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。 它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、...

Rcywzy美国UL认证完全解析 生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。 ,,泰戈尔 美国 UL 认证完全解析 UL认证 UL认证 UL是美国保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是世界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。 它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。 目录[隐藏] 简介 UL标志简介 UL标志使用要求 服务项目 流程 检验细则 认证审查 跟踪检验 简介 UL标志简介 UL标志使用要求 服务项目 流程 检验细则 认证审查 跟踪检验 , 收费标准 , 专业术语 , UL94认证-测试项目 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality [编辑本段] 简介 UL主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其最终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全得到保证作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易技术壁垒的有效手段而言,UL为促进国际贸易的发展也发挥着积极的作用。 UL始建于1894年,初始阶段UL主要靠防火保险部门提供资金维持动作,直到1916年,UL才完全自立。经过近百年的发展,UL已成为具有世界知名度的认证机构,其自身具有一整套严密的组织管理体制、标准开发和产品认证程序。UL由一个有安全专家、政府官员、消费者、教育界、公用事业、保险业及标准部门的代表组成的理事会管理,日常工作由总裁、副总裁处理。目前,UL在美国本土有五个实验室,总部设在芝加哥北部的Northbrook镇,同时在台湾和香港分别设立了相应的实验室。在美国,对消费者来说,UL 就是安全标志的象征,全球,UL是制造厂商最值得信赖的合格评估提供者之一。 [编辑本段] UL标志简介 UL标志样式 UL标志通常标识在产品和(或)产品包装上,用以表示该产品已经通过UL认证,符合安全标准要求。 组成 这些标记最重要的组成部分就是UL的图案符号,这些符号都是UL的注册商标,如图2所示。 [编辑本段] UL标志使用要求 1.注册商标的最小高度应为3/64英寸。 2.当UL标记的外圆直径小于3/8英寸时,注册商标符号如果在裸视下不清晰可读就可忽略。 3.标记可用冲压、制模、墨印、丝网印或类似方法直接且固定在不变的产品上。 4.标志的获取:制造商可以翻印或从UL授权经销商处获得。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 5.ULus标志(只有us,没有c):产品进入美国市场的安全标志;cUL(只有c,没有us):产品进入加拿大市场的安全标志;cULus标志:产品进入美国市场和加拿大市场的安全标志 [编辑本段] 服务项目 UL的产品认证、试验服务的种类主要可分为列名、认可和分级。 1. 列名(LISTED): 一般来讲,列名仅适用于完整的产品以及有资格人员在现场进行替换或安装的各种器件和装置,属于UL列名服务的各种产品包括:家用电器,医疗设备、计算机、商业设备以及在建筑物中作用的各类电器产品,如配电系统、保险丝、电线、开关和其它电气构件等。经UL列名的产品,通常可以在每个产品上标上UL的列名标志。列名标志的用法。 2. 认可(Recognized): 认可服务是UL服务中的一个项目,其鉴定的产品只能在UL列名、分级或其它认可产品上作为元器件、原材料使用。认可产品在结构上并不完整,或者在用途上有一定的限制以保证达到预期的安全性能。在大多数情况下,认可产品的跟踪服务都属于R类。属于L类的认可产品有电子线(AVLV2),加工线材(ZKLU2),线束(ZPFW2),铝线(DVVR2),和金属挠性管(DXUZ2)。认可产品要求带有认可标记。 3. 分级(Classification): 分级服务仅对产品的特定危害进行评价,或对执行UL标准以外的其它标准(包括国际上认可的标准,如IEC和ISO标准等)的产品进行评价。一般来说大多数分级产品并非消费者使用的产品,而是工业或商业上使用的产品。UL标志中的分级标志表明了产品在经UL鉴定时有一定的限制条件和规定范围。例如对工业上用的溶剂这样的化学药品,只对其达到燃点温度时可能发生的火灾这一范围进行评价。某些产品的分级服务和列名服务相同,但一般只是对产品的某一方面或若干方面进行评价,如在美国,医用X射线诊断仪这类设备要全国遵守美国法律和有关辐射发射及束流精度的规定,但因为UL只把X射线作为分级产品,所以只评价它的机械性能、电气性能和其它的非辐射性能这些方面。 4. 多重列名、多重认可或多重分级服务: 当一个UL的申请人在取得上述的列名、认可或分级服务后,其产品要以另一公司的名义生产以满足销售的需要,可以申请多重列名,多重认可或多重分级服务,在这种情况下,得到列名、认可或分级的制造商被允许使用产品名录里的另一个公司的名字,strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 但该产品除公司代号,产品代号或UL公司认为可以接受的其它特征外,必须与原来列名、认可或分级产品一致。 5. "AL"列名、认可或分级服务 :若UL申请人不想用自己公司的名义取得列名、认可或分级服务,他可以申请用另一个商号(通常是零售商或批发商)的名义申请列名、认可或分级,即"AL"列名、认可或分级服务。其与多重列名、多重认可或多重分级服务的区别在于其申请人不是列名人。 6. 体系认证服务: 作为国际认可委员会的成员之一,UL广泛涉足ISO9000质量体系认证,ISO14000环境保护认证,QS9000汽车行业质量体系认证和AS9000飞机行业质量体系认证服务。在国内共有116家工厂取得UL的体系认证;其中21家为ISO9001认证,85家为ISO9002认证,1家为ISO14001认证,9家为QS9000认证。 7. UL的其它服务: 如证明服务,检验服务,实情判断服务,调研服务等。 [编辑本段] 流程 产品申请UL标志包括以下几个步骤: 1.申请人递交有关公司及产品资料 书面申请:您应以书面方式要求UL公司对贵公司的产品进行检测。 公司资料:用中英文提供以下单位详细准确的名称、地址、联络人、邮政编码、电话及传真。 (a).申请公司:提出产品检测申请并负责全部工程服务费用的公司 (b).列名公司:在UL公司出版的各种产品目录列出名称的公司 (c).生产工厂:产品的制造者和生产者。 产品资料:产品的资料应以英文提供。 (a).产品的名称:提供产品的全称。 (b).产品型号:详列所有需要进行实验的产品型号、品种或分类号等。 (c).产品预定的用途:例如:家庭、办公室、工厂、煤矿、船舶等。 (d).零件表:详列组成产品的零部件及型号(分类号)、额定值、制造厂家的名称。对于绝缘材料,请提供原材料名称,例如:GE Polycarbonate,Lexan Type 104。当零部件已获得UL认证或认可,请证明该零部件的具体型号,并注明其UL 档案 肢体残疾康复训练教师个人成长档案教师师德档案表人事档案装订标准员工三级安全教育档案 号码。 (e).电性能:对于电子电器类产品。提供电原理图(线路图)、电性能表。 (f).结构图:对于大多数产品,需提供产品的结构图或爆炸图、配料表等。 (g).产品的照片、使用说明、安全等项或安装说明等。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 2. 根据所提供的产品资料作出决定 当产品资料齐全时,UL的工程师根据资料作出下列决定:实验所依据的UL标准、测试的工程费用、测试的时间、样品数量等,以书面方式通知您,并将正式的申请表及跟踪服务 协议书 婚内约定的财产协议书家庭养老协议书pdf意向性划转协议书商业银行关联方授信摔伤一次性补偿协议书 寄给贵公司。申请表中注明了费用限额,是UL根据检测项目而估算的最大工程费用,没有贵公司的书面授权,该费用限额是不能被超过的。 3. 申请公司汇款、寄回申请表及样品 UL认证书 申请人在申请表及跟踪服务协议书上签名,并将表格寄返UL公司,同时,通过银行汇款,在邮局或以特快专递方式寄出样品,请对送验的样品进行适当的说明(如名称、型号)。申请表及样品请分开寄送。对于每一个申请项目,UL会指定唯一的项目号码(Project No.)在汇款、寄样品及申请表时注明项目号码、申请公司名称,以便于UL查收。 4. 产品检测 收到贵公司签署的申请表、汇款、实验样品后,UL将通知您该实验 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 完成的时间。产品检测一般在美国的UL实验室进行,UL也可接受经过审核的参与第三方测试数据。实验样品将根据您的要求被寄还或销毁。 如果产品检测结果符合UL标准要求,UL公司会发出检测合格报告和跟踪服务细则(FollowUp Service Proccdure)检测报告将详述测试情况、样品达到的指标、产品结构及适合该产品使用的安全标志等。在跟踪服务细则中包括了对产品的描述和对UL区域检查员的指导说明。检测报告的一份副本寄发给申请公司,跟踪服务细则的一份副本寄发给每个生产工厂。 5. 申请人获得授权使用UL标志 在中国的UL区域检查员联系生产工厂进行首次工厂检查(Initial Production Inspe ction .IPI),检查员检查您们的产品及其零部件在生产线和仓库存仓的情况,以确认产品结构和零件是否与跟踪服务细则一致,如果细则中要求,区域检查员还会进行目击实验,当检查结果符合要求时,申请人获得授权使用UL标志。 继IPI后,检查员会不定期地到工厂检查,检查产品结构和进行目击实验,检查的频率由产品类型和生产量决定,大多数类型的产品每年至少检查四次,检查员的检查是为了确保产品继续与UL要求相一致,在您计划改变产品结构或部件之前,请先通知UL,对于变化较小的改动,不需要重复任何实验,UL可以迅速修改跟踪服务细则,使检查员可以接受这种改动。当UL认为产品的改动影响到其安全性能时,需要申请公司重新递交样品进行必要的检测。 跟踪服务的费用不包括在测试费用中。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 如果产品检测结果不能达到UL标准要求,UL将通知申请人,说明存在的问题,申请人改进产品 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 后,可以重新交验产品,您应该告诉UL工程师,产品做了哪些改进,以便其决定以上是申请UL认证的步骤。 [编辑本段] 检验细则 概述 UL检验员的检验基本上属于机械性作业。依据不同的产品,检验员的检验依据有公告(Bulletin)、细则(Procedure)、FUII(如果有,包含在细则中)和UL标准(如果FUII中有求)。 如果检验员访问工厂时,工厂正在生产UL产品,或有库存的UL产品,则检验员会用以下方式之一抽取样品: 1. 从生产线上抽取各个部件加上从仓库中抽取的一个完整产品。 2. 从仓库中抽取各个部件加上生产线上的完整产品。 3. 从仓库抽取完整产品用于拆分。 抽样的具体数量决定于细则、FUII(跟踪检验指示)、SAP(标准附页)或来自于UL实验室的直接命令。检验员每次检验并不一定检验所有产品,但他们会尽量在一年或至少两年内检验所有的产品类别或型号。 一般来说,UL对工厂生产体系的要求不是太高,只要求对仪器设备每年一次计量,保存好工厂自己的检验记录,以及对不合格品有一定的控制手段即可。 检验时,现场代表(UL检验员)会把注意力主要集中在产品本身,他们将根据上述的检验依据逐条核对产品的结构,部件及装配。对于涉及到产品安全的零部件,一般细则中会指明要求为UL认证产品,并且会注明生产厂家和型号;对于外壳、护罩等注塑件,一般情况下细则会指明其原材料和尺寸要求。现场代表会核对以上各项以及细则中所规定的UL标记。 现场测试 另外,如果细则或FUII或标准中要求对产品进行现场测试,现场代表会要求工厂检验员做相应的各项测试,而现场代表则在旁作见证。如果细则中还要求送样到UL作跟踪测试,工厂应配合检验员制作相应样品,经检验员写好样品标签,提供地址并封样后,由工厂寄往相应的UL实验室。 如果工厂所生产的产品完全符合UL相应检验标准的要求,也无其它违反跟踪服务协议的地方,检验员会出具跟踪检验报告(Inspection Report);工厂代表在确认其内容准确无误后应在报告上签字;一次检验即告完成。如果检验过程中出现了与检验标准不符合的情况时,检验员会出具变更通知书(Variation Notice),并根据具体情况采取相应 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 去除UL标记 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 对于未授权产品使用UL标记,检验员会要求去除UL标记;对于产品不符合UL要求,检验员会在要求工厂去除UL标记或返工使之符合要求;如果工厂对上述处理意见不同意,则可以暂时保留UL标记,但必须停止出货,检验员会把情况通知相应的实验室,由UL作出答复决定是否可以保留UL标记;如果只出现一些小的问题,并不影响到产品的安全性,检验员会作出临时接受的决定,并报告给相应的实验室;如果是一些明显的标准错误,如打字错误或是单位错误,则并不影响工厂产品的合格性,但作为UL的文档处理,检验员也会出具变更通知书。一般情况下,除非是UL公司的责任,检验员都会要求工厂对不符合的各项向相应的实验室作出解释,UL会根据你的解释作出相应的答复。 最后的决定权 当然,检验员的判断只是临时性的,最后的决定权当然在UL各个实验室。如果工厂对检验的作法有不同意的地方,完全可以向相应的实验室反映,此时,检验员有义务提供相应的联系人和联系方法。在确认变更通知书所记录的内容无误后,工厂代表应在通知书上签字。 UL认证工厂检查 在中国的UL区域检查员联系生产工厂进行首次工厂检查(Initial Production Insp ection,简称IPI),检查员检查您们的产品及其零部件在生产 线和仓库存仓的情况,以确认产品结构和零件是否与跟踪服务细则一致,如果细则中要求,区域检查员会进行目击实验。当检查结果符合要求时,申请人获得授权使用UL标志。 继IPI后,检查员会不定期地到工厂检查,检查产品结构和进行目击实验。检查的频率由产品类型和生产量决定,大多数类型的产品每年至少检查四次(跟踪服务的费用不包括在测试费用中)。检查员的检查是为了确保产品继续与UL要求相一致,在您计划改变产品结构或部件之前,请预先通知UL。对于变化较小的改动,不需要重复任何实验,UL可以迅速修改跟踪服务细则,使检查员可以接受这种改动。当UL认为产品的改动影响到其安全性能时,需要申请公司重新递交样品进行必要的检测。 [编辑本段] 认证审查 UL认证产品在首批出货之前,都要经过UL授权的当地本省省级中国进出口商品检验局(CCIB)派人来工厂审查。每年还要跟踪检查。 [编辑本段] 跟踪检验 简介 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 为UL认证的一个有机组成部分,为了保证UL的列名、认可产品继续符合UL的标准和要求,UL制定了"跟踪检验"系统。"跟踪检验"就是由UL派出分布在全世界各地的现场代表到当地的工厂生产现场对UL的产品进行跟踪检验。其目的就是通过对工厂的生产过程、检验过程以及产品,对照UL的标准和跟踪检验细则进行核查,保证制造厂商的生产过程、检验过程和产品始终符合UL的要求。 跟踪检验的依据 现场代表到工厂后主要根据"跟踪检验细则"进行检验。"跟踪检验细则"是由UL工程部,在对送检的样品进行测试后编制的,这一文件包括对该产品的全面描述,还包括照片、说明书等。它还规定制造工厂在生产期间经常要做到的各种试验,其中某些试验要求对产品100%的进行,如耐压试验。某些检验则可以抽样进行,同时,还规定了现场代表在工厂现场检查时必须抽查的试验项目。现场代表根据这类试验的详细资料和规定来判断检验结果是否合格。 跟踪检验产品的分类 审查分为首次审查与季度审查,首次审查的费用相对要高一点, UL的跟踪检验分为R类和L类。L类服务主要用于和生命安全有关的产品,如灭火器、烟雾探测器,防火门和一些产量相当大的产品,如电力设备,电线和断路器。对于属于L类的产品,生产厂必须直接向UL订购标签贴在产品上。R类服务主要用于电气设备,如电扇、电视机、吹风机、烤箱和其它通常用的相应的流水线来生产的产品。 [编辑本段] 收费标准 UL的跟踪检验费用由两大部分组成,其一是年度服务费,其二是跟踪检验费用。其年度服务费为580美元,在每年的一月份,UL会将帐单寄到工厂,这对于R类和L类产品都相同;如果,跟踪检验细则中要求送样到美国进行测试,则UL还会向工厂收取测试费用。 对于跟踪检验费用,R类和L类产品有着很大的区别: R类服务 R类服务,其跟踪检验费与检验次数有直接的关系。如果检验员在访问工厂时,工厂正在生产或库存有UL产品,则每次检验费用为280美元;反之,则为93.5美元;如果因产品返工而导致增加检验次数,则该次检验也按93.5美元计算。检验费用与产品的复杂程度与检验员在工厂所需的时间无直接关系。如果属于特殊检验,则一般情况下由检验在工厂所花的时间和当时检验的费率来决定,该费率在UL决定实施特殊检验时会通知工厂。帐单一般会在检验实施后的一个月内寄到。 L类服务 对于L类服务,UL是通过标签来收取跟踪检验费用的。在工厂向UL申请购买标签时,标签的价格包含了两方面的费用:标签的成本和服务费(即UL的跟踪检验费strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 用)。因此,UL现场代表在检验工厂时,UL不再向工厂收费,除非是大量的产品复验或是UL对工厂实施了特殊检验。 不管是R类还是L类服务,UL都要求工厂在收到帐单后尽快寄出,否则,当这个时限超过3个月,UL会取清你的档案。如果你对费用还有不明白的地方,你可以和当地的检验中心联系或同UL会计部联系。 [编辑本段] 专业术语 "AL" LISTING(多重列名或认可) AGENT(代理) APPEALS PROCEDURE(申诉程序) APPENDIX(附页) APPLICANT(申请人) AUTHORIZATION PAGE(授权页) CATEGORY CONTROL NUMBER(类别控制号) COMPONENT(零部件) CONDITION OF ACCEPTABILITY(适用的条件) CONTROL NUMBER(控制号) FACTORY IDENTIFICATION(工厂标识) FACTORY INSPECTION(工厂检验) "AL" LISTING, CLASSIFICATION OR RECOGNITION(多重列名或认可) 由申请人提出申请并授权,以不同与申请人(列名人)的另一方的名义建立的列名或认可服务 AGENT(代理) 受申请人的委托,以申请人的名义从事与UL之间的活动的个人或企业 APPEALS PROCEDURE(申诉程序) 如果客户对工程测试或跟踪检验的结果有不同意见的话,可以与相关的工程师或现场代表讨论而不必担心危及以后的结论。如果在这一层次中不能得到满意的答复,客户可以向更高一层提出申诉,直至总裁。 APPENDIX(附页) 细则的一部分,其中包括工厂和现场代表的责任以及对相关测试的要求。也可能会描述送往UL的样品所做的测试。 APPLICANT(申请人) 向UL申请对其部件,产品或系统进行测试的企业或个人。在法律上,这一方将负责测试和跟踪服务的费用,并对和测试的结果有关的所有信息拥有权利。亦见代理。 AUTHORIZATION PAGE(授权页) 存档在跟踪服务工厂检验细则最前面的一页,以授权相应的跟踪检验服务(L类或R类)和允许的认证标志 CATEGORY CONTROL NUMBER(CCN)(类别控制号) strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality UL列名、认可、分类服务中不同的产品类别的字符表示形式。如AVLV2表示电子线;QOWZ表示便携灯具。一般的,XXXX为列名产品,XXXX2为认可产品,XXXX7表示符合加拿大标准的列名产品,XXXX8表示符合加拿大标准的认可产品。 COMPONENT(零部件) 产品的某一部分,除了作为完整产品的一部分参与整个产品的测试外,还需要单独地测试其性能和/或结构。零部件可以是列名,认可或非列名部件。 CONDITION OF ACCEPTABILITY(适用的条件) 这些项目列在认可或非列名零部件的报告中,但不作为现场代表的检验依据。这些项目基于测试的结果,标明了该零部件用与完整产品时的限制和条件。例如,在某种开关的报告中,可能会在"适用的条件"中指明该产品只适用于1A以下的电流或125?以下的温度。 CONTROL NUMBER(控制号) UL认可标记的四个可能的组成部分之一,由UL指定。根据不同的产品类别和不同的跟踪服务种类,控制号可能会定期更改。 FACTORY IDENTIFICATION(工厂标识) 由在不同工厂生产同一产品的生产商采用的某一识别标记用来区分某一产品是在哪个工厂生产的。 FACTORY INSPECTION(工厂检验) [编辑本段] UL94认证-测试项目 UL94认证对塑料材料的评价不仅仅是阻燃性能,还包括塑料的热性能和电气性能分析测试。此外,还有塑料的长期暴高温下的热老化性能(空气烘箱热老化),水,紫外线,寒冷等,都作为材料的最终评价。 UL94认证对材料的性能评估包括 94可燃性UL认证 UL认证746A电气和机械性能 UL认证746B热老化程序 UL认证746C审查档案 塑料户外适应性能 组件 QMQS2 颜色 QMLJ2 在特殊环境下使用的材料是为特定最终调查材料使用的产品应用中所需的性能保持接触后存在某些关键的操作和/或环境条件。这将包括接触到不同类型的紫外线(UV)辐射。 UL 是英文保险商试验所,Underwriter Laboratories Inc.,的简写。UL 安全试验所是美国最有权 威的,也是界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安 全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等 对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度,确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。总之,它主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全 证明业务,其最终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全得到保证 作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易技术壁垒的有效手段而言,UL 为促进国际贸易的 发展也发挥着积极的作用。 UL 始建于1894年,初始阶段 UL 主在靠防火保险部门提供资金维持动作,直到1916年, UL 才完全自立。经过近百年的发展,UL 已成为具有世界知名度的认证机构,其自身具有一整 套严密的组织管理体制、标准开发和产品认证程序。UL 由一个有安全专家、政府官员、消费者、 教育界、公用事业、保险业及标准部门的代表组成的理事会管理,日常工作由总裁、副总裁处理。 目前, UL 在 美国本土有 五个实验室 [ Northbrook(NBK), Melville(MEL),Santa Clara(SCO), Research Triangle Park(RTP), Camas(CAM) ],总部设在芝加哥北部的 Northbrook 镇。在海外 也设有分分支机构或合资公司,亚洲的中国(上海、 广州、苏州、台湾、 香港),日本、韩国、 印度,欧洲,加拿大,拉丁美洲等。同时在台湾,香港和苏州分别设立了相应的实验室。 UL Mark UL LISTED Mark cUL LISTED Mark cULus LISTED Mark UL COMPONENT Mark UL 认证专业术语 *“AL“ LISTING(多重列名或认可) * AGENT(代理) * APPEALS PROCEDURE(申诉程序) * APPENDIX(附页) strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality * APPLICANT(申请人) * AUTHORIZATION PAGE(授权页) * CATEGORY CONTROL NUMBER(类别控制号) * COMPONENT(零部件) * CONDITION OF ACCEPTABILITY(适用的条件) * CONTROL NUMBER(控制号) * FACTORY IDENTIFICATION(工厂标识) * FACTORY INSPECTION(工厂检验) “AL“ LISTING, CLASSIFICATION OR RECOGNITION(多重列名或认可)由申请人提出申请并 授权,以不同与申请人,列名人,的另一方的名义建立的列名或认可服务 AGENT(代理) 受申请人的委托,以申请人的名义从事与 UL 之间的活动的个人或企业 APPEALS PROCEDURE(申诉程序) 如果客户对工程测试或跟踪检验的结果有不同意见的话,可以与相关的工程师或现场代表讨论而 不必担心危及以后的结论。如果在这一层次中不能得到满意的答复,客户可以向更高一层提出申 诉,直至总裁。 APPENDIX(附页) 细则的一部分,其中包括工厂和现场代表的责任以及对相关测试的要求。也可能描述送往 UL 的样品所做的测试。 会 APPLICANT(申请人) 向 UL 申请对其部件,产品或系统进行测试的企业或个人。在法律上,这一方将负责测试和跟踪 服务的费用,并对和测试的结果有关的所有信息拥有权利。亦见代理。 AUTHORIZATION PAGE(授权页) 存档在跟踪服务工厂检验细则最前面的一页,以授权相应的跟踪检验服务,L 类或 R 类,和允许 的认证标志。 CATEGORY CONTROL NUMBER,CCN,(类别控制号) UL 列名、认可、分类服务中不同的产品类别的字符表示形式。如 AVLV2表示电子线,QOWZ 表示便携灯具。一般的,XXXX 为列名产品,XXXX2为认可产品,XXXX7表示符合加拿大标准 的列名产品,XXXX8表示符合加拿大标准的认可产品。 COMPONENT(零部件) 产品的某一部分,除了作为完整产品的一部分参与整个产品的测试外,还需要单独地测试其性能 和/或结构。零部件可以是列名,认可或非列名部件。 CONDITION OF ACCEPTABILITY(适用的条件) 这些项目列在认可或非列名零部件的报告中,但不作为现场代表的检验依据。这些项目基于测试 的结果,标明了该零部件用与完整产品时的限制和条件。例如,在某种开关的报告中,可能会在 "适用的条件中指明该产品只适用于1A 以下的电流或125C 以下的温度。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality CONTROL NUMBER(控制号) UL 认可标记的四个可能的组成部分之一,由 UL 指定。根据不同的产品类别和不同的跟踪服务 种类,控制号可能会定期更改。 FACTORY IDENTIFICATION(工厂标识) 由在不同工厂生产同一产品的生产商采用的某一识别标记用来区分某一产品是在哪个工厂生产 的。bPJ 安规与电磁兼容网 FACTORY INSPECTION(工厂检验) UL 服务项目 UL 的产品认证、试验服务的种类主要可分为列名、认可和分级。 1, 列名,LISTED,,一般来讲,列名仅适用于完整的产品以及有资格人员在现场进行 替换或安装的各种器件和装置,属于 UL 列名服务的各种产品包括,家用电器,医疗设备、 计算机、商业设备以及在建筑物中作用的各类电器产品,如配电系统、保险丝、电线、开关 和其它电气构件等。经 UL 列名的产品,通常可以在每个产品上标上 UL 的列名标志。列名 标志的用法。 2, 认可,Recognized,,认可服务是 UL 服务中的一个项目,其鉴定的产品只能在 UL 列名、分级或其它认可产品上作为元器件、原材料使用。认可产品在结构上并不完整,或者 在用途上有一定的限制以保证达到预期的安全性能。在大多数情况下,认可产品的跟踪服务 都属于 R 类。属于 L 类的认可产品有电源(QQGQ),电子线,AVLV2,,加工线材,ZKLU2,, 线束,ZPFW2,,铝线,DVVR2,,和金属挠性管,DXUZ2,。认可产品要求带有认可标记。 3, 分级,Classification,,分级服务仅对产品的特定危害进行评价,或对执行 UL 标 准以外的其它标准,包括国际上认可的标准,如 IEC 和 ISO 标准等,的产品进行评价。一 般来说大多数分级产品并非消费者使用的产品,而是工业或商业上使用的产品。UL 标志中 的分级标志表明了产品在经 UL 鉴定时有一定的限制条件和规定范围。例如对工业上用的溶 剂这样的化学药品,只对其达到燃点温度时可能发生的火灾这一范围进行评价。某些产品的 分级服务和列名服务相同,但一般只是对产品的某一方面或若干方面进行评价,如在美国, 医用 X 射线诊断仪这类设备要全国遵守美国法律和有关辐射发射及束流精度的规定,但因 为 UL 只把 X 射线作为分级产品,所以只评价它的机械性能、电气性能和其它的非辐射性 能这些方面。 4, 多重列名、多重认可或多重分级服务,当一个 UL 的申请人在取得上述的列名、 认可或分级服务后,其产品要以另一公司的名义生产以满足销售的需要,可以申请多重列名, 多重认可或多重分级服务,在这种情况下,得到列名、认可或分级的制造商被允许使用产品 名录里的另一个公司的名字,但该产品除公司代号,产品代号或 UL 公司认为可以接受的其 它特征外,必须与原来列名、认可或分级产产品一致。 5,列名、认可或分级服务,若 UL 申请人不想用自己公司的名义取得列名、认可或分 级服务,他可以申请用另一个商号,通常是零售商或批发商,的名义申请列名、认可或分级, 即叫"AL"列名、认可或分级服务。其与多重列名、多重认可或多重分级服务的区别在于其 申请人不是列名人。 UL 认证流程 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 产品申请 UL 标志包括五个步骤, 1.申请人递交有关公司及产品资料 书面申请,您应以书面方式要求 UL 公司对贵公司的产品进行检测。 公司资料,用中英文提供以下单位详细准确的名称、地址、联络人、邮政编码、电话及传真。 (a).申请公司,提出产品检测申请并负责全部工程服务费用的公司 (b).列名公司,在 UL 公司出版的各种产品目录列出名称的公司 (c).生产工厂,产品的制造者和生产者。 产品资料,产品的资料应以英文提供。首先确定您的产品是否属于 UL 检测的范围,可 向 UL 设在广州和上海的办事处咨询。 (a).产品的名称,提供产品的全称。 (b).产品型号,详列所有需要进行实验的产品型号、品种或分类号等。 (c).产品预定的用途,例如,家庭、办公室、工厂、煤矿、船舶等。 、制造厂家的名称。对于绝 (d).零件表,详列组成产品的零部件及型号(分类号)、额定值 缘材料,请提供原材料名称,例如,GE Polycarbonate,Lexan Type 104。当零部件已获得 UL 认证或认或,请证明该零部件的具体型号,并注明其 UL 档案号码。 (e).电性能,对于电子电器类产品。提供电原理图,线路图,、电性能表。 (f).结构图,对于大多数产品,需提供产品的结构图或爆炸图、配料表等。 (g).产品的照片、使用说明、安全等项或安装说明等。 2.申请人根据所提供的产品资料作出决定 当产品资料齐全时,UL 的工程师根据资料作出下列决定,实验所依据的 UL 标准、 测试的工程费用、测试的时间、样品数量等,以书面方式通知您,并将正式的申请表及跟踪 服务协议书寄给贵公司。申请表中注明了费用限额,是 UL 根据检测项目而估算的最大工程 费用,没有贵公司的书面授权,该费用限额是不能被超过的。 3.申请公司汇款、寄回申请表及样品 申请人在申请表及跟踪服务协议书上签名,并将表格寄返 UL 公司,同时,通过银行 汇款,在邮局或以特快专递方式寄出样品,请对送验的样品进行适当的说明,如名称、型号,。 申请表及样品请分开寄送。对于每一个申请项目,UL 会指定唯一的项目号码,Project No., 在汇款、寄样品及申请表时注明项目号码、申请公司名称,以便于 UL 查收。 4.产品检测 收到贵公司签署的申请表、汇款、实验样品后,UL 将通知您该实验计划完成的时间。 产品检测一般在美国的 UL 实验室进行,UL 也可接受经过审核的参与第三方测试数据。实 验样品将根据您的要求被寄还或销毁。如果产品检测结果符合 UL 标准要求,UL 公司会发 出检测合格报告和跟踪服务细则,FollowUp Service Proccdure)检测报告将详述测试情况、样 品达到的指标、产品结构及适合该产品使用的安全标志等。在跟踪服务细则中包括了对产品 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 的描述和对 UL 区域检查员的指导说明。检测报告的一份副本寄发给申请公司,跟踪服务细 则的一份副本寄发给每个生产工厂。 5、申请人获得授权使用 UL 标志 在中国的 UL 区域检查员联系生产工厂进行首次工厂检 (InitialProductionInspection .IPI),检查员检查您们的产品及其零部件在生产线和仓库存仓的情况,以确认产品结构和 零件是否与跟踪服务细则一致,如果细则中要求,区域检查员还会进行目击实验,当检查结 果符合要求时,申请人获得授权使用 UL 标志。继 IPI 后,检查员会不定期地到工厂检查, 检查产品结构和进行目击实验,检查的频率由产品类型和生产量决定,大多数类型的产品每 年至少检查四次,检查员的检查是为了确保产品继续与 UL 要求相一致,在您计划改变产品 结构或部件之前,请先通知 UL,对于变化较小的改动,不需要重复任何实验,UL 可以迅 速修改跟踪服务细则,使检查员可以接受这种改动。当 UL 认为产品的改动影响到其安全性 能时,需要申请公司重新递交样品进行必要的检测。跟踪服务的费用不包括在测试费用中, UL 会就跟踪检查服务另寄给您一张发票。 如果产品检测结果不能达到 UL 标准要求,UL 将通知申请人,说明存在的问题,申请人改 进产品设计后,可以重新交验产品,您应该告诉 UL 工程师,产品做了哪些改进,以便其决 定以上是申请 UL 认证的步骤。 UL 认证检验细则 UL 检验员的检验基本上属于机械性作业。依据不同的产品,检验员的检验依据有公告 (Bulletin)、细则(Procedure)、FUII,如果有,包含在细则中,和 UL 标准,如果 FUII 中有要 求,。 如果检验员访问工厂时,工厂正在生产 UL 产品,或有库存的 UL 产品,则检验员会用以下 方式之一抽取样品, 1. 从生产线上抽取各个部件加上从仓库中抽取的一个完整产品。 2. 从仓库中抽取各个部件加上生产线上的完整产品。 3. 从仓库抽取完整产品用于拆分。 抽样的具体数量决定于细则、FUII,跟踪检验指示,、SAP,标准附页,或来自于 UL 实验室的 直接命令。检验员每次检验并不一定检验所有产品,但他们会尽量在一年或至少两年内检验所有 的产品类别或型号。 一般来说,UL 对工厂生产体系的要求不是太高,只要求对仪器设备每年一次计量,保存好工厂 自己的检验记录,以及对不合格品有一定的控制手段即可。 检验时,现场代表,UL 检验员,会把注意力主要集中在产品本身,他们将根据上述的检验依据 逐条核对产品的结构,部件及装配。对于涉及到产品安全的零部件,一般细则中会指明要求为 UL 认证产品,并且会注明生产厂家和型号,对于外壳、护罩等注塑件,一般情况下细则会指明其原 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 材料和尺寸要求。现场代表会核对以上各项以及细则中所规定的 UL 标记。 另外,如果细则或 FUII 或标准中要求对产品进行现场测试,现场代表会要求工厂检验员做相应 的 各项测试,而现场代表则在旁作见证。如果细则中还要求送样到 UL 作跟踪测试,工厂应配合 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 检验员制作相应样品,经检验员写好样品标签,提供地址并封样后,由工厂寄往相应的 UL 实验 室。 如果工厂所生产的产品完全符合 UL 相应检验标准的要求,也无其它违反跟踪服务协议的地方, 检验员会出具跟踪检验报告(Inspection Report),工厂代表在确认其内容准确无误后应在报告上 签字,一次检验即告完成。如果检验过程中出现了与检验标准不符合的情况时,检验员会出具变 更通知书(Variation Notice),并根据具体情况采取相应措施。 对于未授权产品使用 UL 标记,检验员会要求去除 UL 标记,对于产品不符合 UL 要求,检验员 会在要求工厂去除 UL 标记或返工使之符合要求,如果工厂对上述处理意见不同意,则可以暂时 保留 UL 标记,但必须停止出货,检验员会把情况通知相应的实验室,由 UL 作出答复决定是否 可以保留 UL 标记,如果只出现一些小的问题,并不影响到产品的安全性,检验员会作出临时接 受的决定,并报告给相应的实验室,如果是一些明显的标准错误,如打字错误或是单位错误,则 并不影响工厂产品的合格性,但作为 UL 的文档处理,检验员也会出具变更通知书。一般情况下, 除非是 UL 公 司的责任,检验员都会要求工厂对不符合的各项向相应的实验室作出解释,UL 会 根据你的解释作出相应的答复。 当然,检验员的判断只是临时性的,最后的决定权当然在 UL 各个实验室。如果工厂对检验的作 法有不同意的地方,完全可以向相应的实验室反映,此时,检验员有义务提供相应的联系人和联 系方法。在确认变更通知书所记录的内容无误后,工厂代表应在通知书上签字。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality
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